NEXus Student Enrollment Procedures To enroll in course exchange: 1) Student a. Discuss course selection(s) with academic advisor. b. Submit the completed Student Enrollment Tracking Form to the Home Campus Staff Coordinator. c. Complete Consortium Agreement form and route as indicated on form. d. Prior to registration deadlines, contact the Teaching Campus Staff Coordinator to initiate the application/registration and enrollment process. (Deadlines and registration procedures vary by university offering the course).* 2) Home Campus Staff Coordinator a. Directs student to contact Teaching Campus Staff Coordinator to initiate the application/registration and enrollment process. b. File Student Enrollment Tracking Form for tracking and data collection purposes. c. Communicate with the Campus Staff Coordinator of the teaching institution(s) offering the course(s) in which student is enrolling. d. Verifies the student is routing the Consortium Agreement if applicable. e. Submit the NEXus Student Enrollment Tracking Form to NEXus Administration. 3) Teaching Campus Staff Coordinator a. Communicate with the Campus Staff Coordinator of the home institution with which student is registered. b. Notify the course instructor of an incoming student. c. Assists student in completion of application/registration and enrollment according to the established process. 4) NEXus Administration a. Record Student Enrollment Tracking Form data for tracking and invoicing purposes. * Denotes that this procedure will change when operating under a transcript model X:\SON\AcademicPrograms\EXT\WIN\NEXusProject\Documents\Forms\FINAL-NEXusEnrollmentForm 5-14-13 NEXus Student Enrollment Tracking Form Student Information Student name: (Your campus student ID number) Student ID: Date of Birth: Mailing Address: Contact Phone: Email address: Home School and program: Advisor: Advisor email address: Submitted to (home campus staff coordinator): Course Enrollment Request Term and Year Course Number and Title Credits (sem/qtr) Teaching University Signature Release To register a student in a class, the teaching university enters student-specific information into a database. The information entered into the database will include the student’s home institution, name, e-mail address, and course registration. This allows the teaching university to generate class lists. Software and data are stored and maintained on a secure central database server. A limited number of university staff or faculty members will be granted access to the database on a need-to-know basis. I understand ________________________________ (teaching university name) will be disclosing my personal, identifiable information in the manner outlined above. I understand the purpose of sharing this information within the NEXus Project. In addition, by signing this form I am agreeing to comply with the teaching institutions policies and procedures in relation, but not limited to registration, enrollment, payment, add/drop notifications and academic policy concerning the course for the course/s in which I am enrolling. For students enrolling at University of Texas at Tyler: I also understand that by signing this form, I give the University of Texas at Tyler authorization for a copy of my final transcript to be sent to my home institution. Student Signature: _________________________________ Date: ______________ Print Full Name: ___________________________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date HOME Campus Staff Coordinator received: HOME Campus Faculty Coordinator notified: TEACHING Campus Staff Coordinator notified: NEXus Administration received: X:\SON\AcademicPrograms\EXT\WIN\NEXusProject\Documents\Forms\FINAL-NEXusEnrollmentForm 5-14-13