Harvey Hall 406 Notes

Notetaking Template
Room Harvey 406
In his speech, the Chancellor discussed UW-Stout’s longterm vision as a distinguished polytechnic institution.
What is the next big initiative UW-Stout should
implement to help us continue down this path of a
distinguished polytechnic?
 Don’t abandon liberal arts program.
 Make sure our students have a well-rounded
education and are good citizens. (i.e. community
service, appreciation of the arts, etc.)
 Maintain or increase admission standards. Abandon
enrollment quota for higher quality students.
 Watch job market. Match degree programs to market.
Streamline program development and entitlement
approval process.
 Gain strong industry relationships and support (private
as well as public).
 Recruit international students.
 “Laptop campus” is no longer unique. Make it stand
out and be special.
 Change special programs to increase enrollment (i.e.
larger or more athletic programs).
 Have a remediation term for students with borderline
ACT scores rather than exclude to increase quality of
students. This would give an identification of an
institution of education opportunity.
The Chancellor identified the need for a pay plan as his
highest priority with the new block grants. After the pay
plan, what should be our next highest priority with the
new block grants?
 Support initiatives that will help stretch the money
farther. Look long term. For example sustainable
efforts and reward areas that cut their funding.
 Look for current inefficiencies.
 If programs are “past their prime” and program
reviews reflect low numbers, re-evaluate and offer
new programs. Resources need to match program
 Allow qualified faculty/staff to teach department
deficiencies through overloads. Emergency adjunct
hires can result in unqualified staff.
 Strong support of professional development.
 Increase student research funding.
 Efficiency of HVAC system.
Diversity: Where are the greatest opportunities on
campus to educate faculty, staff and students on how to
be more inclusive?
 Attract more diverse students and faculty. Then by
default we will provide a more diverse atmosphere.
 We need more scholarship money for diverse students.
 Diverse faculty/staff feel isolated in Menomonie.
 Academic staff have visa problems.
 Involve the city of Menomonie. Local businesses need
to provide goods and services from diverse cultures.
 Churches in other areas provide services to acquaint
different cultures to their community.
Experiential Learning: How can we re-think our current
model for learning communities to allow for more
substantial, rather than incremental, growth?
 Faculty need support to launch communities.
(financial, staff)
 Communities should be defined by students, not
 Better advertising/explanation of what it will do for the
 Learning communities could be built into programs.
Enrollment management: What are some effective ways
to get freshmen interested in this meaningful work
experience program?
 Encourage co-op and field experience programs.
 Centralize work experience programs.
 Student employment opportunities need to be on
Career Link.
 Link work experiences to community projects as a
credit earning experience.
 Faculty knowledge and one-on-one contact with the
student for encouragement.
Sustainability: Would you support implementation of
policies such as these on campus? Why or why not?
 Energy conservation—Yes (break old habits)
o Put timers on lights
o Centralize refrigerators and coffee pots.
o Efficiency of HAVC systems.
o Four day work week
 Waste reduction
o Provide water fountains that can refill Nalgene
type bottles.
o Definitions of what can and cannot be recycled in
o Promote the cost difference to encourage
Sustainability: What challenges might the campus face in
implementing policies such as these, and how might
those challenges be addressed?