Consolidated financial statement of capital group of Apator Consolidated financial statement of financial situation DESCRIPTION NOTE Day 31.12.2013 Fixed assets - 31.12.2012 * 262 427 249 359 Intangible assets 7.2 6 955 4 400 Goodwill of subsidiaries 7.3 63 706 66 248 Property, plant and equipment 7.4 146 233 139 183 Investment properties 7.5 1 721 1 735 Investments in joint control entities consolidated by equity method 7.6 5 279 6 571 Other long-term financial assets 7.7 284 525 - 8 284 517 8 994 8 175 8 994 8 175 5 719 1 590 5 719 1 590 - in related entities - in other entities Long-term borrowings granted 7.10 - to related entities Long-term receivables 7.9 - from other entities Long-term prepayments 7.12 9 61 Deferred tax assets 7.20 23 527 20 871 261 058 255 089 Current assets - Inventories 7.8 95 359 94 053 Trade receivables 7.9 116 106 102 711 5 739 2 982 110 367 99 729 - from related entities - from other entities Receivables due to income tax from entities 7.9 1 314 63 Receivables due to other taxes (excluding income tax) and other similar charges 7.9 5 465 5 535 Other short-term receivables 7.9 18 161 6 026 18 161 6 026 4 522 1 003 4 522 1 003 - from other entities Other short-term financial assets 7.7 - in other entities Cash and cash equivalents 7.11 18 239 43 719 Short-term prepayments 7.12 1 636 1 979 Fixed assets classified as held for sale 7.13 256 - 523 485 504 448 TOTAL ASSETS - * conversion pursuant to the note 7.36 DESCRIPTION NOTE Day 31.12.2013 Equity - Equity for shareholders of parent entity 31.12.2012 * 326 213 299 592 324 631 298 432 Share capital 7.14 3 311 3 311 Other capitals 7.15 222 837 186 971 Reserve of remeasurement of defined benefit plans 355 400 Capital from evaluation of hedging transactions and exchange differences from consolidation 623 961 Undistributed financial result 97 505 106 789 - undistributed result from previous years 38 216 23 699 - result of current period 68 141 94 893 - write offs from net profit in the financial year (8 852) (11 803) 1 582 1 160 197 272 204 856 28 982 45 364 8 665 12 887 8 665 12 887 11 904 25 425 11 904 25 425 Non-controlling interest 7.16 Liabilities - Long-term liabilities and provisions Long-term loans and borrowings 7.17 - from other entities Long-term liabilities 7.19 - towards other entities Deferred income tax liabilities 7.20 1 462 - Long-term provisions for employee benefit liabilities 7.18 6 951 7 012 Other short-term provisions 7.18 - 40 168 290 159 492 48 629 42 833 48 629 42 833 52 474 66 263 15 1 52 459 66 262 Short-term provisions and liabilities Short-term loans and borrowings 7.17 - from other entities Trabe liabilities 7.19 - towards related entities - towards other entities Current tax liabilities 7.19 6 134 7 606 Liabilities due to other taxes (excluding income tax) and other similar charges 7.19 9 606 9 246 Other short-term liabilities 7.19 33 521 18 902 - 1 33 521 18 901 - towards related entities - towards other entities Short-term provisions for employee benefit liabilities 7.18 11 678 10 348 Other short term provisions 7.18 6 248 4 294 523 485 504 448 TOTAL LIABILITIES * conversion pursuant to the note 7.36 - Consolidated financial statement of profit and loss account and other comprehensive income Period DESCRIPTION NOTE Sales revenues since 01.01.2013 till 01.01.2012 since 31.12.2013 till 31.12.2012* 683 990 668 824 627 486 600 001 51 410 39 550 576 088 560 451 56 504 68 823 3 086 1 346 53 418 67 477 (482 007) (483 950) (434 585) (425 653) (31 725) (27 466) (402 860) (398 187) (47 422) (58 297) (2 717) (1 298) (44 705) (56 999) Gross profit on sale 201 983 184 874 Selling costs (35 725) (31 247) Overheads (77 523) (75 980) 88 735 77 647 (3 244) 18 145 3 528 30 524 (7 049) (12 379) 1 288 2 206 86 502 97 998 (3 299) (6 334) 5 278 3 505 (8 577) (9 839) 83 203 91 664 Sales revenues of products and services - to related entities - to other entities Sales revenues of goods and materials - to related entities - to other entities Cost of goods sold Cost of products and services sold - to related entities - to other entities Cost of goods and materials sold - to related entities - to other entities Profit on sale Other operating revenues (costs), including: 7.22 Revenues Costs Share in profit in entities consolidated by equity method Profit from operating activity Financial costs, including: 7.23 Revenues Costs Profit before tax Current income tax 7.20 (16 088) (16 566) Deferred income tax 7.20 1 684 20 222 68 799 95 320 (388) 6 338 Net profit Other comprehensive income Other comprehensive net income Period DESCRIPTION NOTE since 01.01.2013 till 01.01.2012 since 31.12.2013 till 31.12.2012* Items that can be reclassified to financial result in the future: Trade differences of foreign entities (1 218) (655) 875 6 593 (45) 400 Comprehensive income in total 68 411 101 658 Net profit, including: 68 799 95 320 Shareholders of the company 68 141 94 893 Non controlling shareholders 658 427 68 411 101 658 Shareholders of the company 67 758 101 245 Non-controlling shareholders 653 413 - basic 2,31 3,22 - diluted 2,31 3,22 29 507 028 29 507 028 Result on hedge accounting with tax effect Items that will not be reclassified to financial result in the future: Reserve of remeasurement of defined benefit plans with tax effect Comprehensive income in total, including: Net profit per ordinary share: Weighted average number of shares * conversion pursuant to the note 7.36 DESCRIPTION Profit on operating activity Amortization and depreciation EBIDTA Period since 01.01.2013 till 01.01.2012 since 31.12.2013 till 31.12.2012 86 502 97 998 20 734 18 293 107 236 116 291 Consolidated financial statement of changes in equity DESCRIPTION Share capital Balance as at 01.01.2012 Adjustments to opening balance Balance after changes made Other capitals Reserve of remeasurements of defined benefit plans Capital from valuation of hedging transactions and exchange rate from consolidation Undistributed financial result Total NONCONTROLLING INTEREST TOTAL EQUITY - (4 991) 66 968 230 594 5 873 236 467 3 511 165 106 - - - 4 331 4 331 (4 732) (401) 3 511 165 106 (4 991) 71 299 234 925 1 141 236 066 Changes in equity in the period since 01.01.2012 till 31.12.2012 Comprehensive income: Net profit for the period since 01.01.2012 till 31.12.2012 - - - - 94 893 94 893 427 95 320 Distribution of the result for supplementary capital - 25 726 - - (25 726) - - - Reimbursement of loss from supplementary capital - (5 685) - 5 685 - - - - - - 6 593 - 6 593 - 6 593 Reserve of remeasurement of defined benefit plans with tax effect - - 400 - - 400 - 400 Net exchange differences translated from financial statement to currency of presentation - - - (641) - (641) (14) (655) Other comprehensive income in total - - 400 5 952 - 6 352 (14) 6 338 - 20 041 400 5 952 74 852 101 245 413 101 658 - - - - (24 755) (24 755) (173) (24 928) Other comprehensive income: Items that can be reclassified to financial result in the future: Result on hedge accounting with tax effect Items that will not be reclassified to financial result in the future: Comprehensive income recognized in the period since 01.01.2012 till 31.12.2012 Transactions with shareholders recognized directly in equity Dividends Interim dividends paid Redemption of own shares Purchase of additional shares of subsidiary Balance as at 31.12.2012 DESCRIPTION Share capital - - - - (11 803) (11 803) - (11 803) (200) 1 824 - - (1 624) - - - - - - (1 180) (1 180) (221) (1 401) 3 311 186 971 961 106 789 298 432 1 160 299 592 Other capitals Reserve of remeasurements of defined benefit plans 400 Capital from valuation cof hedging transactions and exchange differences Undistributed financial result Total NON-CONTROLLING INTEREST TOTAL EQUITY from consolidations Balance as at 01.01.2013 3 311 186 971 400 961 106 789 298 432 1 160 299 592 Net profit for the period since 01.01.2013 till 31.12.2013 - - - - 68 141 68 141 658 68 799 Distribution of the result for supplementary capital - 35 866 - - (35 866) - - - 875 - 875 - 875 Changes in equity in the period since 01.01.2013 till 31.12.2013 Comprehensive income: Other comprehensive income: Items that can be reclassified to financial result in the future: Result on hedge accounting with tax effect Items that will not be reclassified to financial result in the future: Reserve of remeasurement of defined benefit plans with tax effect - - (45) - - (45) - (45) Net exchange rates translated financial statement to currency of presentation - - - (1 213) - (1 213) (5) (1 218) Other comprehensive income in total - - (45) (338) - (383) (5) (388) - 35 866 (45) (338) 32 275 67 758 653 68 411 Dividends - - - - (44 510) (44 510) (231) (44 741) Settlement of interim dividend from previous year - - - - 11 803 11 803 - 11 803 Comprehensive income recognized in the period since 01.01.2013 till 31.12.2013 Transactions with shareholders recognized directly in equity Interim dividend paid Balance as at 31.12.2013 - - - - (8 852) (8 852) - (8 852) 3 311 222 837 355 623 97 505 324 631 1 582 326 213 Consolidated financial statement of cash flow DESCRIPTION NOTE Period since 01.01.2013 till 01.01.2012 since 31.12.2013 till 31.12.2012 Cash flow from operating activity Profit before tax 83 203 91 664 Adjustments: 19 189 (1 507) 1 563 1 379 19 184 16 914 Write offs due to depreciation of property, plant and equipment (134) 2 238 Profit on sales of property ,plant and equipment and intangible assets (740) (23 492) (Profit) loss on sales of financial assets available for sales 1 349 - Profit from evaluation of investment properties at fair value (160) 102 (1 048) (2 010) 2 359 4 083 (1 288) (2 206) (378) (97) (1 518) 1 582 102 392 90 157 Amortization of intangible assets Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Profit from change in fair value of derivatives Cost of interest Share in profit of joint control entities Interest received Other adjustments 7.24 Cash from operating activity before changes in current capital Change in inventories 7.24 (1 641) (2 466) Change in receivables 7.24 (45 647) 20 434 Change in liabilities 7.24 1 348 4 957 Change in provisions 7.24 5 071 (2 843) Change in accruals and prepayments 7.24 296 (753) Other adjustments 7.24 (1 707) (228) 60 112 109 258 (18 714) (11 345) 41 398 97 913 Cash generated by operating activity Income tax paid Net cash from operating activity Cash flow from investing activity Outflows for the purchase of intangibles 7.24 (4 022) (1 574) Outflows for the purchase of tangible fixed assets 7.24 (18 878) (26 583) Inflows from the sales of tangible fixed assets 7.24 1 830 28 160 240 750 - (1 402) (278) - Inflows from the sales financial assets held for trading Investments in subsidiaries Inflows from the sales of subsidiaries DESCRIPTION Borrowings granted NOTE Period since 01.01.2013 till 01.01.2012 since 31.12.2013 till 31.12.2012 (982) (8 175) 297 68 1 776 - Other inflows (outflows) (1 948) (3 350) Net cash from investing activity (21 965) (12 106) 41 880 71 906 (40 326) (95 408) (2 183) (3 779) (41 701) (36 644) (2 329) (2 039) (254) (214) Net cash from financing activity (44 913) (66 178) Increase (decrease) net cash and cash equivalents (25 480) 19 629 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 43 719 24 090 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 18 239 43 719 Interest received Dividends received Cash from financing activity Inflows due to loans and borrowings taken Repayment of loans and borrowings Interest paid Dividends paid Repayment of liabilities due to financial lease Other inflows (outflows)