Appendix B: Planning Meeting Scope Template The planning meeting scope template provides guidance for conducting an event analysis planning meeting. The meeting participants (for example, NERC, the Regional Entities and the registered entities involved in the Event) will confirm the event category. If EA process timelines and expectations for that particular event category need to be changed, then there should be clear understanding of any divergence from the EA process by all participants. This is particularly important for large events that involve multiple entities, multiple regions, or both. The Planning Meeting Scope Template can be applied to all Events. Description Summary of Event or Incident Planning Meeting Scope Template Discussion Comments Describe what happened Retrieve information from preliminary/initial reports, OE 417, EOP 004, RCIS, email, telephone calls, etc. List names and titles of participants Attendees Event Analysis Project 1. Does the incident or event fit Steps to Address NERC’s Event Categories? 2. Discuss Data Hold Retention Notice requirements and confidentiality needs. 3. What type of analytical work needs to be done? 4. If needed, confirm EA team members (gather accurate contact information)? 5. What is the schedule for completing work (e.g. studies, draft reports, final reports, etc.)? 6. Other?