8th grade RISE: RISE students should have brought home a

8th Grade Glimpse…November 24-25 & Dec 1-5
Reminder…Thanksgiving Break…NO SCHOOL…November 26, 27, 28
6 /7 /8 Health and Physical Education:
The students will be discussing healthy friendships. They will be able to describe four ways to build self-esteem and list five
qualities of good character. They will also discuss three ways to make new friends. The students will then discuss dating and
benefits of hanging out in groups. They will discuss refusal skills in this lesson. In Physical Education class the students will be
able to in Coach Dudley’s demonstrate the skills for playing team handball and Coach Sears class will be learning the rules of
football and skills required to play. searss@huskers.k12.mo.us
7th/8th Grade Vocal: Students are working on music for the Christmas Concert. This concert will be on Tuesday, December
16 at 7:00 p.m. Students are focusing on reading three part music, rhythm, and pitches. Please contact me if you have
questions. cooksa@huskers.k12.mo.us
8th Grade-Exploring Agriculture-Mr. Brock: This week we will continue Unit 4: Agricultural Mechanics. Students will develop
basic shop skills ranging from reading a measuring tape to safely operating various tools. The project associated with this unit
is a blue bird house. The lab fee for this activity is $5. Please send this to me as soon as possible. We will begin project
construction on Wednesday, December 3. Please make sure your child wears closed toe shoes. Young ladies must bring hair
ties with them to tie back long hair. Students will be required to pass safety tests and pay their lab fee prior to building the
project. My plan times are Gold 3 and Blue 1. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by email,
8th Grade Glimpse Mr. Stickel U.S. History: Students have just completed work on chapter 4 and will be testing on Monday
and Tuesday next week. There will be study sessions for students both days to help prepare for the test. They all have a study
guide that will be an outstanding tool for them to use to prepare for the chapter four test. If you ever have any questions I
can be reached by email at stickelj@huskers.k12.mo.us. I can also be reached by calling the middle school office during my
conference period. My conference period on Gold Days is from 10:10-11:20 or 1:45-2:50 on Blue Days.
8th Grade RISE -Our Medieval Feast will be Tuesday during class. We will be sampling some Medieval fare and participating in
some Middle Ages Jeopardy. After Thanksgiving break, we will be working on our independent study presentations. Students
will be given the scoring guide for their presentation so they can plan accordingly. We will continue our investigation of
castles and also be talking some about nursery rhymes and discussing the real meaning behind those written during the
Middle Ages. Mrs. Bell , bellc@huskers.k12.mo.us Conference Time: BLUE 5
SCIENCE: 24th G students will have a test over the rock cycle and minerals. 25th Blue day students will complete a lab. They
need to have their lab sheet completed to do the lab. The week of Dec 1 students will complete a lab, and begin looking at
the Laws of Motion. If you have questions or concerns please contact me. rhoade@huskers.k12.mo.us
8TH Grade CA/Reading – Mrs. Lettau - With having just one Gold day next week, we will be testing on Acuity – session 1. The
following week, we will work on Acuity session 2. Then we will read the short article on “Smart Money”, complete a reading
log, and answer the questions at the end. We will also do some pre-reading activities for the next story, “Drive-in Movies”. If
you have questions, you may call me at 660-584-7161 and leave a message or you may e-mail me at
www.lettauc@huskers.k12.mo.us. If you need to talk to me immediately, I am available on Gold days from 11:30-1:30 and on
Blue days from 1:30-3:00.
FACS We continue to work on the Foods and Nutrition Unit. We are learning about menu planning and grocery
Food Science We are looking at how salt and sugar changes the boiling point of water.
Mrs. Goodman goodmanm@huskers.k12.mo.us
------------Cut here-----------------------------------Cut here------------------------------------------------------Cut here---------Signatures indicate glimpse has been read…both signatures must be present for extra credit
Student Name:________________________________________________________
November 21, 2014
Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Glimpses need to be signed and returned to Mrs. Rhoad’s room no later than Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2014 for extra credit
Pre-Algebra: The test over exponents and roots will be 11/24 (G5) and 12/4 (B1 and B3). We will take the Acuity Predictive B
test on December 1 and December 2. The next unit will be ratios, proportions, and similarity. Students will be able to work
with rates and ratios and solve proportions.
Algebra I: We will continue working with functions next week and after break. There will be a quiz over writing and graphing
functions on 11/24. When we return after break, students will be able to create and interpret scatter plots and find the nth
term in a sequence.
Have you signed up for remind? If not, text @msnikke (G3), @b18t (B1), @b38t (B3), or @g58 (G5) to (314) 858-5664 to get
reminders of upcoming due dates and test and quiz dates.
Please check out my website at https://sites.google.com/site/huskersnikkel/. There is a lot of helpful information and
resources there including a class calendar and notes from class. My digital library contains many resources that students can
use at home to practice the skills we are learning in class.
Ms. Nikkel
(Conference time Gold 11:30-1:30, Blue 1:30-3:00)
November 21st Counselor’s Corner: The student response to the Food Drive the past couple weeks has been wonderful! The
grade level that collected the most items was announced at the end of the day on the 21st, and they will receive an extra fun
day on December 1st during seminar. These food items were delivered to the Higginsville Food Pantry and will be a great help
to people in our community. Thank you to everyone who participated! There is a Student Council Executive Board meeting
Monday, December 1st, at 7:30am in Mrs. Ryals office and a Student Council Meeting, December 2nd, at 7:30 am in the
counselor’s conference room. Members should bring their money for Adopt-a-Family, at or before this meeting. The Monday
after Thanksgiving Break, Student Council is leading a Warmth Drive, with each grade brining in a different item. 6th grade will
be collecting winter hats, 7th grade will be collecting mittens/gloves, and 8th grade will be collecting scarfs. Items will be
collected in the counseling office and displayed on Christmas Trees in select classrooms.
December 1-5 Counselor’s Corner: December’s Character Education Trait is Compassion, understanding and caring for the
feelings of others. Student Council members and Peer Helpers are participating in Adopt-a-Family this year and are helping
provide gifts for families in our community. Student Council will be wrapping presents Monday, December 8th during
seminar. Peers helpers next meeting is December 11th at 3-4pm in the counselor’s conference room.
Graphics I: Students will begin presenting their multimedia lessons using MS Power Point to teach the class about a subject of
their choice. This will take several classes to complete.
Graphics II: Students will continue their layout displays for their business vision boards.
Art 8: Students in this class will continue with their illustrations and shading of texture and values on their people portraits.
Once these are finished they will write artist statements about them.
“Have a great Thanksgiving Vacation!”
Rhonda Boedeker, Conference: Gold 5, 1:34 to 3:00 and Blue 4, 11:34 to 1:30. Email: boedekerr@huskers.k12.mo.us
Band: Please encourage your child to practice over the break. It is amazing how rusty they will get when not playing for only
five days! Our Christmas Concert will be held on Tuesday, December 16th at 7 pm in the High School East Gym. Students will
need to arrive in the band room at 6:15 pm wearing black dress shoes, black socks, black pants, and their long-sleeved, blue
band shirts. The band will be taking pre-orders for poinsettias this year. They are $10 each and may be picked up the night of
the concert. Order forms are due to Ms. Langemach by 3:00 pm on Friday, December 5th. All proceeds will go towards the
band trip to Texas.
8th Grade Communication Arts: - Mrs. Sellman and Mrs. Lettau: Nov. 24/25 S.W.B.AT: Use the writing process to create an
additional paragraph to an already established essay through a writing prompt. Spelling: Test Monday for Gold classes over
Unit #5. December 1 - 5: Reading: Tears of Autumn by Yoshiko Uchida. SWBAT - Identify plot, character development and
themes of a short story. Spelling: Gold classes will receive Unit #7 – Words with No Sound Clues on Monday, packet due on
Wednesday, with the test on Friday. A.R.: Remaining 2nd quarter reading logs are due: December 5, 19. Students will need to
have met their A.R. goal by Friday, December 19. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mrs. Sellman G3/B3:
10:10 – 11:20a.m. or Mrs. Lettau G4: 11:40 – 1:20p.m. B5: 1:40 – 2:50pm. @584-7161 or by e-mail
sellmanj@huskers.k12.mo.us lettauc@huskers.k12.mo.us