2nd GP

Physical Education – Grade 2
Second Grading Period – Week 1
Big Idea
Unit Rationale
In Physical Education, students know the benefits from being involved in daily physical
activity and factors that affect physical performance.
Students need to know information to maintain and improve health, and reduce healthrelated risk behaviors.
TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
2. 1 E Demonstrate balance in symmetrical and non-symmetrical shapes from different basis of support.
” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should
be displayed for students.
I Can
Including, but not limited to:
balance from different basis of
2.3A Describe and select physical activities that provide opportunities for enjoyment and challenge.
2.5A Use equipment and space safely and properly.
2.3B Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis that causes increased heart rate,
breathing rate, and perspiration.
Evidence of Learning
1. Students will successfully demonstrate balance 80% of the time.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
Page 1 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Essential Questions
Essential Pre-requisite Skills
What would change if one could not balance?
What is the difference between symmetrical and non-symmetrical?
What predictions can you make about balancing?
Which body parts serve as good basis of support?
Would it better if you use a wider base of support or a narrow base
of support?
Need to know prior physical activities information ( K-1)
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will…
Assessment for Learning
So students can….
Have students
 brainstorm reasons why it is important to know how to balance.
Bienestar Coordinated School Health
 demonstrate an understanding of symmetrical and non-symmetrical
 participating in “Playing the Field” and “Twins” activities.
 demonstrate using different basis of support. (2.1E)
Vocabulary: (Pertinent to the learning – specific)
 demonstrate understanding of concepts and
skills through classroom discussion, and
completion of activities
 describe different basis of support.
 explain the importance of muscle tension
when holding the balance. (2.1E)
Children Moving
Chapter 9
Health and Physical Education
Go Kids Challenge
Vocabulary: (Spanish)
no- simétrico
Bienestar Health Program
Physical Education Activities
Grades K-5
Interdisciplinary Teaching through
Physical Education
Chapter 4
Evidence of Learning
What do you do for students who need additional
 Have students pair up with a partner
 Provide frequent feedback
Would it better if you use a wider base of support or a
narrow base of support?
What do you do for students who master the learning
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
Will all students who learn and practice healthy lifestyle
habits be prepared for college life physical challenges,
good study habits, nutritional and healthy choices?
Page 2 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Physical Education – Grade 2
Second Grading Period – Week 2
Big Idea
Unit Rationale
In Physical Education, students will demonstrate competency in fundamental
movements patterns and proficiency in a few specialized movement forms.
Students need to identify and practice fundamental movement patterns to maintain and
improve health, and reduce health-related risk behaviors.
TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should
be displayed for students.
2.1 K Walks in time to a 4/4 underlying beat.
I Can
Including, but not limited to:
Walk in time to music (2.1K)
2.3A Describe and select physical activities that provide opportunities for enjoyment and challenge.
2.5A Use equipment and space safely and properly.
2.3B Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis that causes increased heart rate,
breathing rate, and perspiration.
Evidence of Learning
Students will successfully perform fundamental movement patterns 80% of the time.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
Page 3 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Essential Questions
Essential Pre-requisite Skills
How would you interpret walking in time to a 4/4 beat?
Need to know basic fundamental movement patterns
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will…
Assessment for Learning
So students can….
Have students
 after listening to a variety of music selections echo the beat.
 walk to music with a steady beat.
 add manipulative such as streamers, scarves, lummi sticks and
playground balls to the rhythmic experience.
 participate in “One Step at a Time” and “Create-a-Rhythm” activities.
Include simple folk dance.
 participate in “Slap Clap Snap Tap” activity ( 2.1K)
Vocabulary: (Pertinent to the learning – specific)
 walk
 rhythm
 sequence
 beat
 slap
 clap
 snap
 tap
 demonstrate understanding of concepts
through classroom discussion, and
completion of activities (2.1K)
 Identify simple rhythmic beat in order to
create a rhythmic movement. (2.1K)
 Imitate movement in response to selected
 participate in simple folk and creative
dances, and ribbon routines. (2.1K)
Vocabulary: (Spanish)
 caminar
 ritmo
 secuencia
 ritmo
 cachete
 aplaudir
 chasquid
 grifo
Bienestar Coordinated School Health
Children Moving
Chapter 20
pecentral .org
Health and Physical Education Website
Bienestar Health Program
Physical Education Activities
Grades K-5
Go Kids Challenge
Evidence of Learning
What do you do for students who need additional
Have students pair up with a partner
Provide frequent feedback
How would you interpret walking in time to a 4/4 beat?
What do you do for students who master the learning
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
Will all students who learn and practice healthy lifestyle
habits be prepared for college life physical challenges,
good study habits, nutritional and healthy choices?
Page 4 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Physical Education – Grade 2
Second Grading Period – Week 3
Big Idea
Unit Rationale
In Physical Education, students will demonstrate competency in fundamental
movements patterns and proficiency in a few specialized movement forms.
Students need to identify and practice rhythmical sequences.
TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
2.1 L Performs rhythmical sequences such as simple folk, creative, and ribbon routines.
” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should
be displayed for students.
I Can
Including, but not limited to:
perform rhythmical sequences.(2.1L)
2.3A Describe and select physical activities that provide opportunities for enjoyment and challenge.
2.5A Use equipment and space safely and properly.
2.3B Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis that causes increased heart rate,
breathing rate, and perspiration.
Evidence of Learning
1. Students will successfully perform rhythmical sequences 80% of the time.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
Page 5 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Essential Questions
Essential Pre-requisite Skills
What actions would you take to perform rhythmical sequences?
Need to know basic rhythmical information (K-1)
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will…
Assessment for Learning
So students can….
Have students
 after listening to a variety of music selections, echo the beat.
 walk to music with a steady beat.
 add manipulative such as streamers, scarves, lummi sticks and playground
balls to the rhythmic experience.
 participate in “One Step at a Time” and “Create-a-Rhythm” activities. Include
simple folk dance.
 participate in “Slap Clap Snap Tap” activity.
Vocabulary: (Pertinent to the learning – specific)
 demonstrate understanding of concepts
through classroom discussion, and
completion of activities
 participate in simple folk and creative
dances, and ribbon routines.(2.1L)
Vocabulary: (Spanish)
Bienestar Coordinated School Health
Children Moving
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Thinking On Your Feet
Page 58
Health and Physical Education Website
Go Kids Challenge
Bienestar Health Program
Physical Education Activities
Grades K-5
Evidence of Learning
What do you do for students who need additional
Have students pair up with a partner
Provide frequent feedback
What actions would you take to perform rhythmical
What do you do for students who master the learning
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
Will all students who learn and practice healthy lifestyle
habits be prepared for college life physical challenges,
good study habits, nutritional and healthy choices?
Page 6 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Physical Education – Grade 2
Second Grading Period – Week 4
Big Idea
Unit Rationale
In Physical Education, students will demonstrate competency in fundamental
movements patterns and proficiency in a few specialized movement forms.
Students need to identify and practice combining shapes levels and pathways into
simple sequences.
TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
2. 1.C Combine shapes, levels, and pathways into simple sequences.
” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should
be displayed for students.
I Can
Including, but not limited to:
create sequences(2.1C)
2.3A Describe and select physical activities that provide opportunities for enjoyment and challenge.
2.5A Use equipment and space safely and properly.
2.3B Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis that causes increased heart rate,
breathing rate, and perspiration.
Evidence of Learning
1. Students will successfully combine shapes, levels, and pathways into simple sequences 80% of the time.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
Page 7 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Essential Questions
Essential Pre-requisite Skills
How would you compare shapes, levels and pathways?
What is the significance of sequencing and patterns?
What predictions can you make about combining shapes, levels and
Need to know basic sequencing information (K-1)
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will…
Assessment for Learning
So students can….
Have students
 predict how they can combine shapes, levels and
pathways into
simple sequences.
 perform locomotor sequences while combining different shapes, levels,
and pathways.
 pick a movement sentence index card, three locomotor movements
separated by commas, provided by teacher and perform the sequence.
 design a sequence to practice until it looks the same each time.
Vocabulary: (Pertinent to the learning – specific)
 demonstrate understanding of concepts
through classroom discussion, and
completion of activities (2.1C)
 describe and combine shapes, levels and
pathways into simple sequences.(2.1C)
Vocabulary: (Spanish)
Bienestar Coordinated School Health
Children Moving
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Health and Physical Education Website
Bienestar Health Program
Physical Education Activities
Grades K-5
Go Kids Challenge
Evidence of Learning
What do you do for students who need additional
Have students pair up with a partner
Provide frequent feedback
What do you do for students who master the learning
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
What is the significance of sequencing and patterns?
Physical Education Grade 2
College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
Will all students who learn and practice healthy lifestyle
habits be prepared for college life physical challenges,
good study habits, nutritional and healthy choices?
Page 8 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Physical Education – Grade 2
Second Grading Period – Week 5
Big Idea
Unit Rationale
In Physical Education, students will demonstrate competency in fundamental
movements patterns and proficiency in a few specialized movement forms.
Students need to apply movement concepts and principles to the learning and
development of motor skills.
TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
2.1 I Demonstrate control weight transfers such as feet to hands with controlled landing and feet to back.
” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should
be displayed for students.
I Can
Including, but not limited to:
demonstrate an individual stunt that uses
smooth transitions, log roll (2.1I)
2.3A Describe and select physical activities that provide opportunities for enjoyment and challenge.
2.5A Use equipment and space safely and properly.
2.3B Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis that causes increased heart rate,
breathing rate, and perspiration.
Evidence of Learning
1. Students will successfully demonstrate a control weight transfer 80% of the time.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
Page 9 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Essential Questions
Essential Pre-requisite Skills
 What are ways that one could balance other that using your feet?
 Need to know basic gymnastic activities information ( K-1)
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will…
Assessment for Learning
So students can….
Have students
understand that earlier in their gymnastics study; they
practiced balancing on different bases of support.
understand that today their focus will be traveling across
mats by rolling, transferring weight from feet to rounded
participate in Rounds, The Rocking Horse, Rolling
Sideways and the Ball, page 431 or any traditional
gymnastic Activities performed as individual stunts that
demonstrates smooth transitions.
become skilled at “log roll” at this time.
participate in transferring weight by rolling, from feet to
hands, “Bunny Hop” and beginning cartwheels.(2.1I)
Vocabulary: (Pertinent to the learning – specific)
demonstrate understanding of concepts
through classroom discussion, and
completion of activities (2.1I)
demonstrate control weight transfers.
Bienestar Coordinated School Health
Children Moving
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Developmental Gymnastics
Garland O’Quinn
Vocabulary: (Spanish)
Health and Physical Education Website
Bienestar Health Program
Physical Education Activities
Grades K-5
Evidence of Learning
What do you do for students who need additional
Have students pair up with a partner
Provide frequent feedback
What are ways that one could balance other that using
your feet?
What do you do for students who master the learning
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
Will all students who learn and practice healthy
lifestyle habits be prepared for college life physical
challenges, good study habits, nutritional and healthy
Page 10 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Physical Education – Grade 2
Second Grading Period – Week 6
Big Idea
Unit Rationale
In Physical Education, students will demonstrate competency in fundamental
movements patterns and proficiency in a few specialized movement forms.
Students need to identify and practice proper foot patterns in order to succeed in all
Physical Education activities.
TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
2.1 B Demonstrates skills of chasing, fleeting, and dodging to avoid or catch others.
” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should
be displayed for students.
I Can
Including, but not limited to:
demonstrate chasing, fleeting and dodging
skills (2.1B)
2.3A Describe and select physical activities that provide opportunities for enjoyment and challenge.
2.5A Use equipment and space safely and properly.
2.3B Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis that causes increased heart rate,
breathing rate, and perspiration.
Will all students who learn and practice healthy lifestyle
habits be prepared for college life physical challenges,
good study habits, nutritional and healthy choices?
Evidence of Learning
Students will successfully identify and use skills of chasing, fleeting and dodging 80% of the time.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
Page 11 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Essential Questions
Essential Pre-requisite Skills
What is the difference between the skills of chasing, fleeing and
What relationship exists between the skills of chasing, fleeing, and
dodging to avoid others or catch others?
Need to know basic dodging and chasing skills. (previous lessons)
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will…
Assessment for Learning
So students can….
Have students
categorize games/activities that incorporate chasing, fleeing and dodging
to avoid or catch others.
 discuss what happens if students collided with other students.
 discuss why learning to dodge effectively is important.
incorporate “Partner Tag,” game that will test all the skills of chasing,
fleeing, and dodging by deciding who will be the first fleeing partner
and who will be the first chaser partner. On signal, the chaser begins
to count to five; this gives the fleeing partner time to “get away” before
the chase begins. If the partner is tagged, stop, begin a new count of
five and begin the chase again. Students will switch from being the
person fleeing to person chasing only when teacher gives the signal
 discuss ways to dodge opponents are by twisting, turning and changing
directions quickly.
participate in games that include the skill of chasing, fleeing and dodging
to avoid or catch others such as, “George and his Quick Dodging Fish”,
“Magic Tag” and “Spiders and Flies” (2.1B)
Vocabulary: (Pertinent to the learning – specific)
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Bienestar Coordinated School Health
 demonstrate understanding of concepts
through classroom discussion, and completion
of activities (2.1B)
 analyze the appropriate skills of chasing,
fleeing and dodging to avoid others.(2.1B)
Children Moving
Chapter 16
Chapter 21
Chapter 19
Health and Physical Education Website
Vocabulary: (Spanish)
alcanzar y tocar
Physical Education Grade 2
Bienestar Health Program
Physical Education Activities
Grades K-5
Page 12 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Evidence of Learning
What do you do for students who need additional
Have students pair up with a partner
Provide frequent feedback
What relationship exists between the skills of chasing,
fleeing, and dodging to avoid others or catch others?
College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
Will all students who learn and practice healthy lifestyle
habits be prepared for college life physical challenges,
good study habits, nutritional and healthy choices?
What do you do for students who master the learning
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
Page 13 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Physical Education – Grade 2
Second Grading Period – Week 7
Big Idea
Unit Rationale
In Physical Education, students will demonstrate competency in fundamental
movements patterns and proficiency in a few specialized movement forms.
Students need to identify and demonstrate mirroring a partner.
TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should
be displayed for students.
2.1 J Demonstrate the ability to mirror a partner.
I Can
Including, but not limited to:
mirror a partner(2.1J)
2.3A Describe and select physical activities that provide opportunities for enjoyment and challenge.
2.5A Use equipment and space safely and properly.
2.3B Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis that causes increased heart rate,
breathing rate, and perspiration.
Evidence of Learning
Students will successfully demonstrate mirroring a partner 80% of the time.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
Page 14 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Essential Questions
Essential Pre-requisite Skills
What can you point out about mirroring?
What is the difference between mirroring and matching?
What predictions can you make about mirroring a partner?
Need to know basic mirroring skills.
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will…
Assessment for Learning
So students can….
Have students
 preview what mirroring looks like by having two students demonstrate mirroring
to class.
 face one another and form the reverse reproduction of the partner’s
movements, as if looking in a mirror. (partners match each other, shapes
should look exactly alike).
 demonstrate understanding of concepts
through classroom discussion, and
completion of activities
 describe how to mirror a partner.
 explain the importance of participating in
activities with partners.(2.1J)
Bienestar Coordinated School Health
Children Moving
Chapter 18
Bienestar Health Program
Physical Education Activities
Grades K-5
 using partners have one be the leader and one be the follower. The leader
makes a statue and the follower will do the opposite of what they see.
 participate in “Same and different” and “Shadow Matching” activity.(2.1J)
Vocabulary: (Pertinent to the learning – specific)
Vocabulary: (Spanish)
Evidence of Learning
What do you do for students who need additional
Have students pair up with a partner
Provide frequent feedback
What can you point out about mirroring?
What do you do for students who master the learning
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
Will all students who learn and practice healthy lifestyle
habits be prepared for college life physical challenges,
good study habits, nutritional and healthy choices?
Page 15 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Physical Education – Grade 2
Second Grading Period – Week 8
Big Idea
Unit Rationale
The students understand basic components such as strategies and rules of structured
physical activities.
Students need to use and understand goals in order to participate in physical activities.
TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
2 .6A Identifies goals to be accomplished during simple games such as not getting tagged.
” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be
displayed for students.
I Can
Including, but not limited to:
explain goals for simple games(2.6A)
2.3A Describe and select physical activities that provide opportunities for enjoyment and challenge.
2.5A Use equipment and space safely and properly.
2.3B Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis that causes increased heart rate,
breathing rate, and perspiration.
Evidence of Learning
Students will successfully understand goals for simple games 80% of the time.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
Page 16 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Essential Questions
Essential Pre-requisite Skills
Why do you think that goals are important in games?
Need to know basic components of social skills
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will…
Assessment for Learning
So students can….
Have students
Bienestar Coordinated School Health
name the goals of games they have played before.
participate in “Frogs and Flies,” fleeing a chaser.
participate in “Catch-Up Chase,” overtaking a fleeing
participate in “Three Finger Tag.” (2.6A)
demonstrate understanding of concepts
through classroom discussion, and
completion of activities (2.6A)
understand basic components of
structured activities.(2.6A)
describe and explain goals in simple
games. (2.6A)
Children Moving
Chapter 21
Page 346
Health and Physical Education Website
Vocabulary: (Pertinent to the learning – specific)
Vocabulary: (Spanish)
Bienestar Health Program
Physical Education Activities
Grades K-5
Evidence of Learning
What do you do for students who need additional
Have students pair up with a partner
Provide frequent feedback
Why do you think that goals are important in games?
What do you do for students who master the learning
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
Will all students who learn and practice healthy lifestyle
habits be prepared for college life physical challenges,
good study habits, nutritional and healthy choices?
Page 17 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Physical Education – Grade 2
Second Grading Period – Week 9
Big Idea
Unit Rationale
In Physical Education, students will understand basic components such as strategies
and rules of structured physical activities.
Students need to have the ability to use strategies in Physical Education class.
TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
2.6 B Identifies strategies in simple games and activities such as dodging to avoid being tagged.
” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should
be displayed for students.
I Can
Including, but not limited to:
use simple strategies(2.6B)
2.3A Describe and select physical activities that provide opportunities for enjoyment and challenge.
2.5A Use equipment and space safely and properly.
2.3B Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis that causes increased heart rate,
breathing rate, and perspiration.
Evidence of Learning
Students will successfully understand the importance of using strategies 80% of the time.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
Page 18 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Essential Questions
Essential Pre-requisite Skills
How else could define strategies in simple games?
Need to know basic components of social skills
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will…
Assessment for Learning
So students can….
Have students
discuss what they know about strategies.
participate in “Frogs and Flies,” fleeing a chaser.
participate in “Catch-Up Chase,” overtaking a fleeing pers
participate in “Three Finger Tag.”(2.6B)
Vocabulary: (Pertinent to the learning – specific)
demonstrate understanding of concepts
through classroom discussion, and
completion of activities (2.6B)
distinguish different strategies in simple
Vocabulary: (Spanish)
Bienestar Coordinated School Health
Children Moving
Chapter 21
Page 346
Health and Physical Education Website
Bienestar Health Program
Physical Education Activities
Grades K-5
Evidence of Learning
What do you do for students who need additional
Have students pair up with a partner
Provide frequent feedback
How else could define strategies in simple games?
What do you do for students who master the learning
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Physical Education Grade 2
College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
Will all students who learn and practice healthy lifestyle
habits be prepared for college life physical challenges,
good study habits, nutritional and healthy choices?
Page 19 of 19
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.