
Project Number: W-1170
Project Title: Chemistry and Bioavailability of Waste Constituents in Soils
Period Covered: 1-05 to 12-05
PUBLICATIONS (W-1170 member is listed as representing the state/organization but may not
be an author on each publication):
Basta, The Ohio State University:
Dayton, E.A, N.T. Basta. 2005. Using Drinking Water Treatment Residuals as a Best
Management Practice to Reduce Phosphorus Risk Index Scores. J. Environ. Qual. 2005 34:
Dayton, E.A., and N.T. Basta. 2005. A method for determining phosphorus sorption
capacity and amorphous aluminum of Al-based drinking water treatment residuals. J.
Environ. Qual. 34: 1112-1118.
Mullen, R.W., W.R. Raun, N.T. Basta, J.L. Schroder, and K.W. Freeman. 2005. Effect of
long-term application of biosolids on molybdenum content and quality of winter wheat
forage. J. Plant Nutr. 28:405-420.
O'Connor, G.A., H. A. Elliott, N. T. Basta, R. K. Bastian, G. M. Pierzynski, R. C. Sims and J.
E. Smith, Jr. 2005. Sustainable land application: An overview. J. Environ. Qual. 34: 1-6.
Basta, N.T., J.A. Ryan, and R. L. Chaney. 2005. Trace element chemistry in residual-treated
soil: Key concepts and metal bioavailability. J. Environ. Qual. 34: 49-63.
Zhang, H., J.L. Schroder, J.K. Fuhrman, N.T. Basta, D. Storm, and M.E. Payton. 2005. Path
and multiple regression analyses of phosphorus sorption capacity as affected by soil
properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69:96-106.
Basta, N.T. and R. Checkai. 2005. Terrestrial land application of byproducts: Ecological
paradigms. Philosophies and approaches for developing environmental guidelines and
regulation for land-applied waste symposium. Soil Science Society Annual Meeting, Salt
Lake City, UT, Nov. 6-10, 2005.
Basta, N.T. 2005. Gastrointestinal bioaccessibility of metals in contaminated and biosolids
amended soils. Revisiting Metal Behavior in Biosolids Amended Soils: Applying Knowledge
Gained to an Understanding of Behavior of Metals in Soils System Symposium. Soil Science
Society Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, Nov. 6-10, 2005.
Beak, D.G., N.T. Basta, K.Scheckel, and S. Traina. 2005. Bioaccessibility of Arsenic bound
to Ferrihydrite, American Chemical Society National meeting, Washington, DC, August 28,
Basta, N.T. 2005. Using In Vitro Gastrointestinal Bioaccessibility Methods to Quantify
Trace Element Bioavailability and Risk from Soil Ingestion: A Perspective on Research
Needs and Activities in the USA. Canadian Workshop on Bioavailability and Creation of the
Canadian Bioavailability Working Group, Toronto, Canada, August 30-31, 2005.
Basta, N.T. and E.A. Dayton. 2005. Using Drinking Water Treatment Residuals to Reduce
Phosphorus Risk Index Scores of Land Treated with Animal Manure or Biosolids, Innovative
Uses of Biosolids and Animal and Industrial Residuals, Water Environment Federation and
USEPA Region V, Chicago, IL, June 30-July 1, 2005.
Basta, N.T. and G.M. Pierzynski. 2005. Quantifying Reduction In Bioavailability And
Human And Ecological Risk In Treated Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils Using In Vitro
Methods And Bioassays, 8th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace
Elements, Adelaide, Australia, April 3-7, 2005.
Beak, D. G. and N.T. Basta. 2005. The bioaccessibility of arsenic bound to ferrihydrite. 8th
International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Adelaide, Australia,
April 3-7, 2005.
Dayton, E.A., and N.T. Basta. 2005. In Vitro Extraction Methods and Ecotoxicity Endpoints
of Lactuca Sativa in Arsenic Contaminated Soils. 8th International Conference on the
Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Adelaide, Australia, April 3-7, 2005.
Beak, Douglas G. 2005. Ph.D. Dissertation. Lead and arsenic and lead speciation and
bioaccessibility following sorption on oxide mineral surfaces. The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH.
Lee Jacobs, Michigan State University
Fortuna, A., P.E. Rieke, L.W. Jacobs, B. Leinauer, and D.E. Karcher. 2005. Kentucky
bluegrass response to use of aquatic plants as a soil amendment. HortScience 40(1):237-241.
Jacobs, L.W. 2005. Alum WTR amendments on soils with high soil phosphorus test levels:
A field experiment. Agronomy Abstracts, CD-ROM, Am. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc.
Amer./Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., Madison, WI.
Rodriquez-Minguela, C.M., L.W. Jacobs, and J.M. Tiedje. 2005. Development of a
quantitative PCR method for the detection of tet (36) and inferring function of putative
ribosomal protection protein genotypes recovered from agricultural soil. Am. Soc.
Microbiology 105th General Meeting, June 5-9, 2005, Atlanta, GA.
Dan Sullivan, Oregon State University:
Scheuerell, S.J., D.M.Sullivan, and W.F. Mahaffee. 2005. Suppression of Seedling DampingOff Caused by Pythium ultimum, P. irregulare, and Rhizoctonia solani in Container Media
Amended with a Diverse Range of Pacific Northwest Compost Sources. Phytopathology,
95(3): 306-315.
Bary, A.I., C.G. Cogger, D.M. Sullivan, and E.A. Myhre. 2005. Characterization of fresh
yard trimmings for agricultural use. Bioresource Technol. 96:1499-1504.
Kleinman, P. D. Sullivan, A. Wolf, R. Brandt, Z. Dou, H. Elliott, J. Kovar, A. Leytem, R.
Maguire, P. Moore, A. Sharpley, A. Shober, T. Sims, J. Toth, G. Toor, H. Zhang, T. Zhang.
2005. Selection of a water extractable phosphorus test for manures and biosolids as an
indicator of runoff loss potential. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting. Salt
Lake City, UT.
Greg Evanylo, University of Virginia
Evanylo, G.K., A.O. Abaye, A.O., C. Dundas, C.E. Zipper, R. Lemus, and J. Rockett. 2005.
Herbaceous vegetation productivity, persistence, and metals uptake on a biosolids-amended
mine soil. J. Environ. Qual.34(5):1811-1819.
Sukkariyah, B.F., G.K. Evanylo, L.W. Zelazny, and R.L. Chaney. 2005. Recovery and
distribution of biosolids-derived trace metals in a clay loam soil. J. Environ. Qual. 34:18431850.
Sukkariyah, B.F., G.K. Evanylo, L.W. Zelazny, and R.L. Chaney. 2005. Bioavailability of
Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn to barley, lettuce, and radish grown in a biosolids-amended soil. J.
Environ. Qual.34:2255-2262.
Zhang, Xunzhong, Erik Ervin, Greg Evanylo, Caroline Sherony, and Chris Peot. 2005.
Biosolids impact on tall fescue drought resistance. Journal of Residuals Science and
Technology. 2(3):173-180.
Evanylo, G.K., B. Sukkariyah, M.A. Eborall, and L. W. Zelazny. 2005. Bioavailability of
heavy metals in biosolids-amended soil. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Soil
and Plant Analyses. Jan. 31-Feb 4. Cancun, Mexico.
Bowden, C.L., G.K. Evanylo, and B. Sukkariyah. 2005. Effects of compost on soil humic
substances and crop physiological variables. In Mid Atlantic Composting and Compost Use
Conference. Beltsville, MD. Sep. 21-23.
Spargo, J.T., and G.K. Evanylo. 2005. The effects of repeated compost applications on P
runoff in the Piedmont. ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meetings. Salt Lake City, UT. Nov. 6-10.
Bowden, C.L., G.K. Evanylo, and J.T. Spargo. 2005. Long term compost applications on
quality attributes of a Piedmont soil. ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meetings. Salt Lake City,
UT. Nov. 6-10.
Bergschneider, C.R., 2005. Determining an Appropriate Organic Matter Loading Rate for a
Created Coastal Plain Forested Wetland. M.S. Thesis, Va. Poly. Inst. & State U., Blacksburg,
101 p.
Spargo, J.T. 2005. Availability and surface runoff of phosphorus from compost amended
mid-Atlantic soils. M.S. Thesis, Va. Poly. Inst. & State U., Blacksburg, 181 p.
Lee Wolf, University of Arkansas
Wolf, D.C., and G.H. Wagner. 2005. Carbon transformations and soil organic matter
formation. p. 285-332. In D.M. Sylvia, J.J. Fuhrmann, P.G. Hartel, and D.A. Zuberer (ed.)
Principles and applications of soil microbiology. 2nd ed. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle
River, NJ.
Savin, M.C., P.J. Tomlinson, K.J. Davis, S.E. Ziegler, G.J. Thoma, and D.C. Wolf. 2005.
Using nematode diversity and maturity indices to assess ecosystem recovery during
phytoremediation of a crude oil-contaminated soil. Soil Ecol. Soc. 10th Biennial Int. Conf.,
Argone National Lab. 22-25 May 2005. Argonne, IL.
Thoma, G., T.B. Lam, P.-T. Hsu, K. Karim, D. Wolf, and S. Ziegler. 2005. In-situ
measurement of rhizosphere degradation kinetics. p. 53. In 12th Annual International
Petroleum Environmental Conference. 8-11 November 2005. Houston, TX. Integrated
Petroleum Environmental Consortium, Tulsa, OK.
Thoma, G., T.B. Lam, S. Ziegler, and D. Wolf. 2005. Novel approaches to measurement of
rhizosphere effects in phytoremediation of oil contaminated soils. Third Int.
Phytotechnologies Conf. 20-22 April 2005. Atlanta, GA. Available online at
George O’Connor, University of Florida
Elliott, H.A., R.C. Brandt, and G.A. O’Connor. 2005. Runoff phosphorus losses from
surface-applied biosolids. J. Environ. Qual. 34:1632-1639.
O’Connor, G.A., S.R. Brinton, and M.L. Silveira. 2005. Evaluation and selection of soil
amendments for field testing to reduce P losses. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Florida Proc. 64:22-34.
Makris, K.C., W.G. Harris, G.A. O’Connor, and H. El-Shall. 2005. Long-term phosphorus
effects on evolving physicochemical properties of iron and aluminum hydroxides. J. Colloid
Interface Sci. 287: 552-560.
Makris, K.C., W.G. Harris, G.A. O’Connor, T.A. Obreza, and H.A. Elliott. 2005.
Physicochemical properties related to long-term phosphorus retention by drinking water
treatment residuals. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39:4280-4289.
Makris, K.C., G.A. O’Connor, W.G. Harris, and T.A. Obreza. 2005. Relative efficacy of a
drinking water treatment residual and alum in reducing phosphorus release from poultry
litter. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt. Anal. 36:2657-2676.
O’Connor, G.A., H.A. Elliott, N.T. Basta, R.K. Bastian, G.M. Pierzynski, R.C. Sims, and J.E.
Smith, Jr. 2005. Sustainable land application: an overview. J. Environ. Qual. 34:1-17.
Elliott, H.A., J.M. Potter, Kang, Ji-Hang, R.C. Brandt, and G.A. O’Connor. 2005. Neutral
ammonium citrate extraction of biosolids phosphorus. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt. Anal. 36:
O’Connor, G.A. The part 503 risk assessment as applied to molybdenum. Silveira, M.L. and
G.A. O’Connor. Phosphorus release from a manure-impacted Spodosol: effects of a water
treatment residual.
Agyin-Birikorang, S. and G.A. O’Connor. Lability of drinking water treatment residual
(WTR)-immobilized P: aging and pH effects.
Rew, T.J., D.A. Greatz, G.A. O’Connor, and V.D. Nair. Al-WTR for reducing P loss from
manure-impacted, high water table soils.
Cox, A., T. Granato, G. O’Connor, and H. Elliott. Long-term biosolids application
on potential for runoff losses.
Ken Barbarick and James Ippolito, Colorado State University
Bauder, T.A., K.A. Barbarick, J.A. Ippolito, J.F. Shanahan, and P. Ayers. 2005. Drilling-fluid
application effects on wheat yields, and soil and grain properties. J. Environ. Qual. 34:16871696.
Eghball, B., and K.A. Barbarick. 2005. Manure, Compost, and Biosolids. In Encyclopedia of
Soil Science. R. Lal (ed.). Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. (Revised from 2002)
Ippolito, J.A., E.F. Redente, and K.A. Barbarick. 2005. Amendments affect pH and salt
content of red mud. Soil Sci. 170:832-841.
Sullivan, T.S., M.E. Stromberger, M.W. Paschke, and J.A. Ippolito. 2005. Long-term impacts
of infrequent biosolids application on chemical and microbial properties of a semi-arid
rangeland soil. Biol. Fert. Soils. Available at:
Barbarick, K.A., J.A. Ippolito, and G.A. Peterson. 2005. Biosolids application to no-till
dryland crop rotations: 2002 results. Technical Report TR05-06.
Ippolito, J.A., K.A. Barbarick, and T. Gourd. 2005. Application of anaerobically digested
biosolids to dryland winter wheat. Technical Report TR05-10.
Ippolito, J.A. Contributor to: Beaty, D.W., Snook, K., Allen, C.C., Eppler, D., Farrell, W.M.,
Heldmann, J., Metzger, P., Peach, L., Wagner, S.A., and Zeitlin, C. 2005. An Analysis of the
Precursor Measurements of Mars Needed to Reduce the Risk of the First Human Missions to
Mars. Unpublished white paper, 77 p, posted June, 2005 by the Mars Exploration Program
Analysis Group (MEPAG) at
Barbarick, K.A., and J.A. Ippolito. 2005. Biosolids effect soil Barium in a dryland wheat
fallow agroecosystem. American Society of Agronomy National Meetings. Salt Lake City,
Bayley, R.M., J.A. Ippolito, and K.A. Barbarick. 2005. The effect of long-term water
treatment residuals-biosolids co-applications on native rangeland soil phosphorus-Year 2.
American Society of Agronomy National Meetings. Salt Lake City, UT.
Bayley, R.M., J.A. Ippolito, M.E. Stromberger, and K.A. Barbarick. 2005. Soil organic
phosphorus characterized by indigenous enzyme assays. American Society of Agronomy
National Meetings. Salt Lake City, UT.
Freeman, C.L., J.A. Ippolito, K.A. Barbarick, and K.R. Brooks. 2005. Mobility and Fate of
Metals in Long-Term Biosolids Field Experiments. USDA and USEPA International
Workshop on Biosolids Use in Agriculture. Sydney, Australia, March 7-10.
Freeman, C.L., J.A. Ippolito, S.W. Blecker, and E.F. Kelly. 2005. Phosphorus Fractionation
Chemistry Across the Great Plains. American Society of Agronomy National Meetings. Salt
Lake City, UT.
Ippolito, J. 2005. Concerns, impacts, and land application effects of drinking water treatment
residuals. Rumbles – Rocky Mountain Section of the American Water Works Association.
March 2005. pp 18-19.
Ippolito, J.A., and K.A. Barbarick. 2005. Long-term impacts of biosolids rangeland surface
application on trace metal mobility and fate. American Society of Agronomy National
Meetings. Salt Lake City, UT.
Ippolito, J.A., and K.A. Barbarick. 2005. A quarter century of biosolids research – Colorado
State University. RMSAWWA/RMWEA Annual Conference. Sept. 11-14, 2005.
Albuquerque, NM.
Ippolito, J.A., R.M. Bayley, and K.A. Barbarick. 2005. The effect of long-term water
treatment residuals/biosolids co-application on rangeland soil phosphorus – Year 2.
RMSAWWA/RMWEA Annual Conference. Sept. 11-14, 2005. Albuquerque, NM.
Ippolito, J.A., K.A. Barbarick, and M.E. Stromberger. 2005. Effects of Long-Term Biosolids
Applications on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics. USDA and USEPA International
Workshop on Biosolids Use in Agriculture. Sydney, Australia, March 7-10.
Ippolito, J.A., E.F. Redente, K.A. Barbarick. 2005. Amendment Effects on pH and Salt
Content of Bauxite Residue. American Society of Agronomy National Meetings. Salt Lake
City, UT.
Norvell, K., J.A. Ippolito, S.W. Blecker, D.H. Wall, J. Barrett, and R. Virginia. 2005.
Biogeochemical implications of phosphorus fractionation in soils of Taylor Valley,
Antarctica. Oral Presentation. American Society of Agronomy National Meetings. Salt Lake
City, UT.
Chip Elliot and Rick Stehouwer, Penn State University:
Bakner, B. L. 2005. Land-based biosolids recycling in Pennsylvania: Prevalence and nutrient
distribution. MS Thesis, Pennsylvania State Univ. Univ. Park, PA. 81pp.
Brandt, R.C. and H.A. Elliott. 2005. Sensitivity analysis of the Pennsylvania phosphorus
index for agricultural recycling of municipal biosolids. J. Soil Water Cons. 60:209-219.
Elliott, H.A. J.Womer, J-H. Kang, R.C. Brandt, and G.A. O’Connor. 2005. Neutral
ammonium citrate extraction of biosolids phosphorus. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 36: 24472459.
Elliott, H.A., R.C. Brandt, and G.A. O’Connor. 2005. Runoff phosphorus losses from
surface-applied biosolids. J. Environ. Qual. 34:1632-1639.
Hindman, J., R.C. Stehouwer, K.E. MacNeal. 2005. Ryegrass growth and leachate chemistry
in manufactured topsoil containing spent foundry sand and compost. . In SSSA Annual
Meeting Abstracts, November 6-10, 2005, Salt Lake City, UT. CD-ROM.
Markis, K.C., W.G. Harris, G.A. O’Connor, T.A. Obreza and H.A. Elliott. 2005.
Physicochemical properties related to long-term phosphorus retention by drinking-water
treatment residuals. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39(11):4280-4289.
O’Connor, G.A., H.A. Elliott, N.T. Basta, R.K. Bastian, G.M. Pierzynski, R.C. Sims, and J.E.
Smith, Jr. 2005. Sustainable land application: An overview. J. Environ. Qual. 34:1-6.
Stehouwer, R.C., M. Reinhofer, P. Trinkaus, H. Proske, A. Kellerer-Pirklbauer, and H. Pirkl.
2005. Influence of geological background trace metal loading on metals content of composts
and biosolids. In SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts, November 6-10, 2005, Salt Lake City,
Rufus Chaney, USDA/ARS, Maryland:
Basta. N.T., J.A. Ryan and R.L. Chaney. 2005. Trace element chemistry in residual-treated
soil: key concepts and metal bioavailability. J. Environ. Qual. 34:49-63.
Chaney, R.L., J.S. Angle, M.S. McIntosh, R.D. Reeves, Y.-M. Li, E.P. Brewer, K.-Y. Chen,
R.J. Roseberg, H. Perner, E.C. Synkowski, C.L. Broadhurst, S. Wang and A.J.M. Baker.
2005. Using hyperaccumulator plants to phytoextract soil Ni and Cd. Z. Naturforsch.
Chaney, R.L. and E.C. Codling. 2005. Bio-Based Plant Nutrient Products: Heavy Metals
Considerations. In Proc. Workshop Bio-Based Plant Nutrient Products. pp. 22-36 In:
Biobased Plant Nutrient Products: Quality Assurance, Marketing and Regulations. R.
Reynelles (ed.) Seattle, WA, Oct. 31, 2004.) USDA-CREES, Washington, DC.
Chaney, R.L., L.J. Sikora, A.P. Davis, H. Kim, E.E. Codling, J.M. Novak and R. Tyler. 2005.
Making composts with lower water soluble phosphate and higher nutrient density. pp. 1-15.
In Proc. U.S. Composting Council Annual Meeting (San Antonio, TX; Jan. 26, 2005). U.S.
Composting Council, New York.
Farfel, M.R., A.O. Orlova, Chaney, S.J. Lees, C. Rohde and P.J. Ashley. 2005. Biosolids
application for reducing urban soil lead hazards. Sci. Total Environ. 340:81-95.
Jester, G.B., R.B. Brobst, A. Carpenter, R.L. Chaney, A.B. Rubin, R.A. Schoof and D.S.
Taylor. 2005. Risk characterization, assessment, and management of organic pollutants in
beneficially used residual products. J. Environ. Qual. 34:80-90.
McNear, D.H., Jr.,E. Peltier, J. Everhart, R.L. Chaney, M. Newville, M. Rivers, S. Sutton and
D.L. Sparks. 2005. The novel application of fluorescence and absorption edge computed
microtomography to image metal distribution in Alyssum murale. Environ. Sci. Technol.
Reeves, P.G., R.L. Chaney, R.W. Simmons and M.G. Cherian. 2005. Metallothionein
induction is not involved in cadmium accumulation in the duodenum of mice and rats fed
diets containing high-cadmium-rice or sunflower kernels and a marginal supply of zinc, iron,
and calcium. J. Nutr. 135:99-108.
Sukkariyah, B.F., G. Evanylo, L. Zelazny and R.L. Chaney. 2005. Recovery and distribution
of biosolids-derived trace metals in a Davidson clay loam soil. J. Environ. Qual. 34:18431850.
Synkowski, E.C.C., H. Perner, M.S. McIntosh, R.L. Chaney, J.S. Angle, A.J.M. Baker and
R.D. Reeves . 2005. Breeding considerations for improving cadmium hyperaccumulation in
two French Thlaspi caerulescens J. and C. Presl. populations. pp. 295-303. In R.S. Boyd,
A.J.M. Baker, and J. Proctor (eds). Ultramafic Rocks: Their Soils, Vegetation and Fauna.
Proc. Fourth International Serpentine Ecology Symposium, Havana, Cuba.
Whiting, S.N., R.D. Reeves, D.G. Richards, M.S. Johnson, J.A. Cooke, F. Malaisse, A.
Paton, J.A.C. Smith. J.S. Angle, R.L. Chaney, R. Ginochio, T. Jaffre, B. Johns, T. McIntyre,
O.W. Purvis, D.E. Salt, H. Schat, F.J. Zhao and A.J.M. Baker. 2005. Use of plants to manage
sites contaminated with metals. pp. 287-315. In M.R. Broadley and P.J. White (eds.) Plant
Nutritional Genomics. Blackwell Publ., London.
Zhang, L., J.S. Angle, T.A. Delorme and R.L. Chaney. 2005. Degradation of Alyssum murale
biomass in soil. Int. J. Phytoremed. 7: 169-176.
Angle, J.S., R.L. Chaney, M.S. McIntosh, A.J.M. Baker, R.D. Reeves, S. Wang, R.W.
Simmons and J.R. Angle. 2005. Thlaspi caerulescens for extraction of Cd from soil: Progress
towards commercialization. pp 58-59. In International Phytotechnologies Conference
(Atlanta, GA, Apr. 20, 2005).
Chaney, R.L. J.S. Angle, A.S. Wang, M.S. McIntosh and R.D. Reeves. 2005. Cost-effective
Phytoextraction of Cd from Rice Soils using Thlaspi caerulescens. pp. 33-34. In Abstract
Book of the International Symposium of Phytoremediation and Ecosystem Health,
Hangzhou, China (Sept. 10-13, 2005).
Chaney, R.L., J.S. Angle, A.S. Wang, M.S. McIntosh, L. Broadhurst and R.D. Reeves. 2005.
Phytoextraction of soil Cd, Ni and Zn using hyperaccumulator plant to alleviate risks of
metal contaminated soils requiring remediation. Proc. International Workshop on Current
Developments in Remediation of Contaminated Lands (Puławy, Poland, Oct. 27-29, 2005).
Abstract 39.
Chaney, R.L. and P.G. Reeves. 2005. Risk Assessment for Soil Cd Should Consider Soil and
Crop Variation and Cd Bioavailability. Conference Program for PROLAND OECD
Conference “Fate and Impact of Persistent Pollutants in Agroecosystems.”, Puławy, Poland,
Mar. 8-Mar. 13, 2005.
Chaney, R.L., L.J. Sikora, A.P. Davis and H. Kim. 2005. Making composts with lower watersoluble P and higher nutrient density. pp. 33-34 In US Composting Council Annual Meeting
Kim, H, R.L. Chaney, A.P. Davis. 2005. In Proc. Mid-Atlantic Composting Association
Wang, A.S., J.S. Angle, R.L. Chaney and T.A. Delorme. 2005. pH Effects on distribution and
Thlaspi caerulescens uptake of Zn and Cd. pp. 138. In International Phytotechnologies
Conference (Atlanta, GA, Apr. 20, 2005).
McNear, D., R.L. Chaney and D.L. Sparks. 2005. The plant-soil interface: Soil nickel
speciation and the mechanisms of nickel hyperaccumulation. Agron. Abstr. 2005:171-2.
Miller, J.W., C.E. Green, Y.-M. Li and R.L. Chaney. 2005. Cadmium uptake in confection
sunflower - Problem and solution. Agron. Abstr. 2005:233-3.
Tappero, R.V., E. Peltier, R.L. Chaney and D.L. Sparks 2005. In situ Speciation of Cobalt in
Ni/Co hyperaccumulator Alyssum murale using bulk and micro-focused X-ray absorption
spectroscopy. Agron. Abstr. 2005:206-1.
Chaney, R.L. 2005. Soil metal bioavailability to plants. Proc. Partners in Environmental
Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop, SERDP, (Nov. 28-30, 2005), Washington,
DC. Abstract No. D-15. Abstract at:; Slides at:
Paul Schwab, Purdue University
Euliss, K., Schwab, A. P., and M. K. Banks. 2005. Silica content of plants as an indirect
measure of transpiration rate. Ecol. Engg. 25: 343-348
Schwab, A. P., He, Y., and M. K. Banks. 2005. Influence of organic acids on retention of
lead in soil. Chemosphere. 61: 856-866.
Parrish, Z.D., M.K. Banks, and A.P. Schwab. 2005. Effect of Root Death and Decay on
Dissipation of Polycyclic Hydrocarbons in the Rhizosphere of Melilotus officinalis and
Festuca arundinacea. J. Environ. Qual. 34:207-216.
Parrish, Z., Banks, M. K., and A. P. Schwab. 2005. Assessment of contaminant lability
during phytoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon impacted soil. Environmental
Pollution 137 (2): 187-197.
Euliss, K., Schwab, P., and M. K. Banks. 2005. Establishing plants under water for the
purpose of dewatering contaminated dredged sediments. Paper C6-06, Proceedings of the
Third International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Battelle Press,
Columbus, OH, 2005.
Arroyo, LJ; Li, F; Teppen, BJ; Johnston, CT; Boyd, SA. 2005. Oxidation of 1-naphtmol
coupled to reduction of structural Fe3+ in smectite. Clays and Clay Minerals 53 (6): 587-596.
De Oliveira, MF; Johnston, CT; Premachandra, GS; Teppen, BJ; Li, H; Laird, DA; Zhu, DQ;
Boyd, SA. 2005. Spectroscopic study of carbaryl sorption on smectite from aqueous
suspension. Environmental Science & Technology 39 (23): 9123-9129.
Maguire, RO; Dou, Z; Sims, JT; Brake, J; Joern, BC. 2005. Dietary strategies for reduced
phosphorus excretion and improved water quality. Journal of Environmental Quality 34 (6):
Sassman, SA; Lee, LS. 2005. Sorption of three tetracyclines by several soils: Assessing the
role of pH and cation exchange. Environmental Science & Technology 39 (19): 7452-7459.
Liu, JX; Lee, LS. 2005. Solubility and sorption by soils of 8 : 2 fluorotelomer alcohol in
water and cosolvent systems. Environmental Science & Technology 39 (19): 7535-7540.
Johnston, CT; Ras, RHA; Schoonheydt, RA; Teppen, BJ; Boyd, SA. 2005. Probing the
nanoscale architecture of clay mineral surfaces. Abstracts of Papers of the American
Chemical Society 229: U881-U881, Part 1.
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