Me llamo: Can my classmates and/or Spanish teacher understand me? Am I using Spanish correctly? Did I include all of the required information? Do I make my classmates and/or Spanish teacher interested in what I am saying? Am I prepared to present? presentational speaking rubric ¡Fenomenal! My classmates and/or Spanish teacher understand me all of the time. ¡Muy bien! My classmates and/or Spanish teacher understand me most of the time. Bien My classmates and/or Spanish teacher understand me some of the time. I am always correct with what we have learned in class. I am mostly correct I am sometimes with what we have correct with what we learned in class. have learned in class. I am going to use the materials from class more carefully to improve my writing. I have included all of the required information and have added information I thought would be important. I always use gestures, visuals, eye contact and my voice to capture and maintain attention. I have included all of the required information. I have included most of the required information. I use gestures, visuals, eye contact and my voice to capture and maintain attention most of the time. I sometimes use gestures, visuals, eye contact and my voice to capture and maintain attention. ¿Qué pasó? My classmates & Spanish teacher do not understand me. I am going to keep working on communicating. I am having difficulty expressing what I have learned in class. I am going to use the materials from class to improve my speaking. I have included some of the required information but I am missing important information. I do not use gestures, visuals, eye contact or my voice to capture and maintain attention. I always speak comfortably, not too fast and not too slow. I speak comfortably most of the time, not too fast, not too slow, not too loud and not too soft. I speak comfortably. some of the time. Sometimes I speak too fast ,too slow, too loud or too soft. I do not speak comfortably. I rush, or have too many pauses. I speak loudly or very softly.