The Outsiders - SD43 Teacher Sites

The Outsiders
You are responsible for reading The Outsiders in its entirety. After you have
finished reading the novel, you will meet in reading groups (which will be assigned)
to discuss what you found interesting in the book, among other things. There is a
prescribed reading schedule and a choice of assignments available for you. You will
be provided with adequate reading time and support throughout the unit, as well as
a list of vocabulary words and meanings to help you more fluidly read the novel. It is
your responsibility to ensure that you keep up with the reading and assignment
schedule and that you are prepared for the “book club” discussions at the end.
Along with the discussions, minor assignments and double journal entries, there will
be one major assignment (an in-class two block write with a selection of questions
to choose from). You will be allowed to bring one page of notes and your novel to
class to help you to most fully answer the question.
Reading Group Discussions
Your teacher will review group discussion expectations in class. When you meet in
your discussion groups in the class you will be asked to actively participate in the
group. Your participation in the discussions will be a significant part of your
evaluation for this unit.
Novel Expectations:
A. Double-sided journal entries
Proper format for a double-sided journal entry will be reviewed in class. On the
left side of the page you will record relevant observations from the novel, factual
information, paraphrasing of events, quotes from the novel that you think are
notable etc. On the right side of the page you will provide your written response
to the events in the novel, to the information you chose to highlight on the left
side of the page, how you are feeling about the book etc. You will be given more
information to clarify the types of information you will include on each side of
the entry.
You must complete a double-sided journal entry at the end of every 4 chapters
(that will mean after chapter 4, chapter 8, and a final one for the end of the
novel). These entries need to be a full page each.
B. Post it Notes
a. These notes allow you to record real-time, free-form responses to the
story – questions, observations, connections, and opinions, without
disrupting the flow of the story.
b. You are responsible for four post-it-notes per chapter (minimum)
C. Minor Assignment (choose one)
a. Cast Selection (most information found in the first four chapters)
b. Nothing Gold Can Stay Poem response
c. Timeline for the entire novel
d. Compare/Contrast Assignment (specific characters or Greaser vs.
Socials) (most information can be found in the first four
D. Major in-class Assignment (choose one) Students will have two blocks to
complete this assignment and may prepare one page of notes or outline
for options A, B, or C. You may also bring a copy of the novel.
a. Describe what happens to two characters of your choosing
following the conclusion of the book?
b. Explain 3 - 5 important lesson(s) you learned about life from
reading the book?
c. Choose three characters you believe are most responsible for
Johnny’s death and explain why that is so?
d. Outsiders Written Final Exam
E. Group Project (groups of 2 – 6) Everyone does this one.
a. Choose a significant scene from the novel that can be acted out by
the number of people in your group.
b. Write a script for your scene
c. Practice your script
d. Include props, costumes, and backdrops as you see fit
e. Be prepared to dramatize your scene for the rest of the class
General Timeline for The Outsiders
Begin novel by November 26th or earlier
Read chapter 1 – 4 by Nov. 29th (first double journal entry due & post it check)
Read chapters 5 – 8 by December 6th (second double journal entry due, post it check
& minor assignment due)
Read chapters 9 – 12 by December 13th (last double journal entry, post it check)
Three “book club” discussions (Dec. 13th, 14th and 20th)
Major In-class Assignment December 19th
Outsider’s Day Dec. 21st