YEAR ______ Home Learning Summer 2 2015

YEAR ___5___ Home Learning Summer 2 2015
Challenge Focus: ____Greek Myths__________________
This half term, we will still have weekly home learning challenges, but you can choose which task you wish to complete.
There will be 4 tasks to choose from each week. Each task is worth points depending on how challenging it is.
Your MUST earn at least 15 points during this challenge. You may earn more points if you wish.
You have until Wednesday 15th July to complete the challenges and earn a minimum of 15 points!
We will keep a record in school of the points that you earn each week.
2 points
3 points
4 points
5 points
Read a Greek myth and
Read two Greek myths and
Read two Greek myths and
write a book review.
compare them (What did
compare them (What did
Challenge! Read a range of
you like/dislike? What was
you like/dislike? What was
similar or different?).
similar or different?).
Week 1
Monday 1st June
Due: Mon 8th June
What can you find out
about the history of Greek
Greek myths and write a
book review. Then, write
your own Greek myth
(with illustrations) based
on one of the myths you
myths? Why were they
Week 2
Monday 8th June
Art and design
Design your own mythical
Design your own mythical
Design your own mythical
creature with detailed
creature with detailed
features using labels.
Due: Mon 15th
Challenge! Create a collage
of your mythical creature
or have a go at making a
model of your creature.
Week 3
Monday 15th June
Due: Mon 22nd
Write a description of
Write a description of your Imagine you are on an
your mythical creature,
mythical creature, using
adventure with your
using adjectives for detail.
adjectives and figurative
mythical creature; write a
language for detail
description of your
adventure, using your five
personification, similes
senses and figurative
and metaphors).
Challenge! Write an
adventure story for your
mythical creature. Make
your opening engaging and
leave the reader
questioning what your
story is about. Make your
story end leaving the
reader wanting to read on
or find out more.
Use a range of
Week 4
Monday 22nd June
Due: Mon 29th
Design &
Make a collection of
Make a collection of
Design and make a model
drawings of your own
drawings of your own
of your ‘Pandora’s box’
‘Pandora’s box’
‘Pandora’s box’ and write
What materials would you
Challenge! Design and
make a model of your
‘Pandora’s box’ using
what you would put in
use? How would you
different materials to and
your box and why.
decorate your model?
Solve the number
Solve the number
numbers 1-10 and write
sentences by converting
sentences in points 3 and
Challenge! Solve the
number sentences for
them to Ancient Greek
solve the word problems
by converting them to
Week 5
Monday 29th June
Maths- Ancient Learn the Ancient Greek
Greek Maths
Due: Mon 6th July
Ancient Greek numbers
and writing the answers in
Ancient Greek.
Week 6
Geography &
Monday 6th July
Due: Mon 13th July
number and word
sentences by converting
them to Ancient Greek,
then make up some of your
own word sentences using
Ancient Greek numbers.
Choose one city from
Choose one city from
Choose one city from
Ancient Greece and find
Ancient Greece and write a
out ten facts about it.
non-chronological report
Ancient Greece and write a from Ancient Greece and
non-chronological report
about the city. Think
about the city. Think
about: landmarks, life in
about: landmarks, life in
the city, general
the city, general
information, how people
information, how people
lived. Find out about the
city now- is it still classed
as a city? Do people still go
Challenge! Choose one city
write a non-chronological
report about the city.
Think about: landmarks,
life in the city, general
information, how people
lived. Find out about the
city now- is it still classed
as a city? Do people still go
Create a map or model of
the city- can you include
where any of the famous
landmarks may be?