Susan Napier -

Sally Cook
Mandy had always known she was adopted, but as she grew older the difference became
marked, & she truly felt a fish out of water. So, after very careful thought & preparation, she
traced her real mother. Before she could make contact, Grant Livinstone found her in the grounds
of her mother’s Norfolk home, & made it clear he was highly suspicious of her presence! That he
had valid reasons became clear, but by that time Mandy was so enmeshed in secrets, she
wondered if she’d ever manage to straighten things out with Grant.
Sally Heywood
Bride of Ravenscroft
Riva had turned her back on her jet setting lifestyle to find her roots in the Yorkshire fishing village
of Scarswick. She’d also planned to stand on her own 2 feet – only to be swept off them by
rugged water sports expert Richard Palmer. However, when Riva’s research uncovered Richard’s
ancestress, who had waited a lifetime for her husband to return from the sea, it felt as if history
had an echo. Sometimes Richard could be as darkly unfathomable as the waves that pounded
Scarswick harbor – and the option he offered Riva seemed just as bleak.
Sally Heywood
Love Island
Of all the pig headed, arrogant men there were in the world, why did Judi have to be marooned
with this one? There were no other survivors from the wreck of the cruise liner on which she’d
been the DJ; it was just her & Dan cast away on this tiny desert island. Well, maybe she’d have to
rely on him for survival but that was all – surely it was only suddenly going back to nature which
made her feel that intense physical attraction.
Sally Heywood
Master of Destiny
Shelley remembered that summer in Corfu, 9 years ago. How could she forget being 16 & in love
with a young Greek god like Christos Kiriakis? But overnight, everything had changed & love had
turned to hate. She’d now returned. And she’d soon learned the price of Christos’ revenge.
Sally Heywood
Tides of Passion
Jed Mitchener had come to Jane’s remote hideaway & offered her everything she wanted – a well
equipped studio & her own exhibition. An avid art collector, Jed often sponsored talented young
artists like herself, & Jane couldn’t refuse. But she found Jed’s interest in her terrifying. It seemed
the flame of attraction burning between them would turn their purely business arrangement to
ashes. And then she’d be only one in a long line of protégées who’d fallen for such an attractive
Sally St John
Study in Love
It was just Jem’s luck to have been born at the wrong time in the wrong place. Now a talented
sculptress, she didn’t have the funds to complete her art school studies – until Darcy Lister came
along. Handsome & mercurial, Darcy was a famous artist & guest lecturer at Jem’s college, & he
suggested that a brief marriage of convenience might suit them both. Jame accepted his proposal
reluctantly, not knowing if her new husband was really the guardian angel he seemed to be or the
devil in disguise.
Sally Wentworth
A Typical Male!
Brett King wanted to possess Tasha. He craved her body and the passion he knew they could
share, and he planned a seduction campaign designed to drive her out of her mind – with desire!
Tasha wanted Brett, but she wasn’t interested in sex without commitment. She knew there could
be so much more between them, and there was only one way to test Brett’s feelings. How would
he respond if he thought Tasha was pregnant with his baby?
Sally Wenworth
A Very Public Affair
Suddenly, Clare was the latest tabloid gossip; the girl who’d had an affair with Jack Straker,
notorious tycoon. Their night of passion, six years ago, should never ahd happened. Clare had
been vulnerable, and Jack had been married. When Clare found herself pregnant, she knew it
must remain a secret. Only now the papers knew, and so did Jack! Now the most eligible
bachelor in London, he wanted his son. Saying no to him wasn’t going to be easy!
Sally Wenworth
It should have been the most glamorous wedding of the year. Instead, Milo’s beautiful fiancée
was in another country, celebrating her engagement to another man – and she had no memory of
ever agreeing to marry Milo Caine! It had taken him a year to track her down. Now he had to
convince Paige that he was the one who should be sipping champagne and cutting the cake with
her! What had made Paige run away from only one week before their wedding? Even though he
wasn’t sure he could ever forgive her, Milo had to find out.
Sally Wenworth
Cage of Ice
When her sister was threatened by kidnappers, Domino naturally agreed to help in any way she
could. And, if that meant posing as the Contessa di Lucera and leading the life of recluse in a
remote Austrian chalet, there was nothing else for it. But the deception was to bring Domino
unexpected heartbreak when she fell for Ace Edwards, the man who was guarding her. How
could she convince him she wasn’t what seemed – without betraying the sister she loved?
Sally Wenworth
Chris Brodey could have any woman he looked at – and he was looking at Tiffany Dean, an a
strictly casual basis. As far as he was concerned, she was just another gold digger. Tiffany had
no money, no job, and no chance of getting either. Her plan to gatecrash the Brodeys’ party for a
magazine story was her last chance. The deal: Chris could offer Tiffany his wealth and prestige –
and in return she would be anything he wanted. But Tiffany discovered it was one thing to be a
kept woman, and quite another to be a kept woman in love.
Sally Wenworth
Calum Brodey, head of the familoy, was capable of doing anything he set his mind to – and he’d
do it with imagination, ambition and efficiency. Now he’d set his sights on Elaine. Elaine
Beresford had suffered one disastrous marriage. Her experience had taught her to prize her
independence highly – so she certainly wasn’t going to drop everything just for Calum’s
convenience! But Calum had brought her alive, made her feel like a desirable woman for the first
time in her life. She knew the dream couldn’t last.
Sally Wentworth
The Devil’s Kiss
Warren Hunter was the man who had caused Miranda’s young sister so much pain & anguish.
And Miranda was determined that he should pay for what he had done. She had the perfect
scheme for getting revenge & didn’t hesitate to put it into action. But Warren didn’t react in the
way in which Miranda had expected. And it came as a bit of a shock to discover that he was
completely innocent. Obviously apologies were in order. But what could Miranda offer that would
compensate for the damage she had done?
Sally Wenworth
The Devil’s Shadow
Charlotte thought that love at first sight was something that only happened in fairy tales. Until the
day she met Craig Bishop. Not that he was interested in her, with her glamorous sister Verity to
hold his attention. But 6 years later Charlotte was no longer a teenage tomboy with a grubby face
& had grown into a beautiful & sophisticated woman. The sort of woman whom Craig could love.
But could there be a happy ending when Verity was back on the scene, determined to reclaim
what she considered was hers by right?
Sally Wentworth
Dishonorable Intentions
Rex could have any woman he wanted except Harriet Sutton. Before she’d even met him, Harriet
disliked Rex Kynaston. She expected the American actor to be a vain playboy who could ruin the
project they were to work on together. When Rex arrived in England, Harriet gave him the cold
shoulder, but to her chagrin he seemed determined to win her over. And, she had to admit, he
turned out to be likable & talented. Although he scoffed at romance, Rex made it clear more –
caring, trust, commitment – love.
Sally Wenworth
Duel in the Sun
You’re going to love it or hate it; there are no half measures where Egypt is concerned. And that
went for her new boss, arrogant Lucas Kane, too! Catriona wanted her job on an archaeological
dig so desperately that she lied in order to get it. Now, faced with a man who was prepared to
hear no excuses for her past behavior or her present relationship with Omar, an attractive
Egyptian businessman, Catriona began to wonder if she’d made a mistake after all.
Sally Wentworth
Echoes of the Past
‘Confidence tricksters like yourself ought to realize that the people they defrauded will be on the
look out for them. And awaiting revenge’. Purdey wasn’t proud of the way she had treated Jared
Faulkner in the past even though at the time she had seen no real alternative. And she always
intended to make amends some day. But that day had dawned sooner than she expected. And
the price Jared was exacting from her was higher than she expected to pay.
Sally Wenworth
Fire Island
As the director of a busy art and design agency, she worked hard and got satisfaction from her
career. Matters changed, though, when she met Ivo Maine and found herself working alongside
him on the island of Lanzarote. Ivo was the sort of disturbingly attractive man to make any woman
think twice. He told Casey he wanted her. But was just for a brief encounter? Perhaps it was time
for Casey to put the past behind her and start over again.
Sally Wentworth
The Guilty Wife
Lucie had married barrister Seton Wallace after a whirlwind romance – there had been no time for
doubts or questions. Just as well, for how could Luce have told her new husband that she’d been
to prison – albeit for a crime she didn’t commit? After 5 years of marriage, Lucie has the perfect
husband, a cherished son & a new baby on the way. She’s also being blackmailed by the man
who framed her! She longs to confide in Seton, but he thinks Lucie was the perfect bride, what
will he do if he discovers she’s really a guilty wife?
Sally Wenworth
Illusions of Love
It was unfortunate for Stella that whenever she met Lennox Brodey he managed to misinterpret
her actions and present them in a bad light. Was it just because he was bitter about the woman
who had hurt him in the past, or was there some deeper reason? At times it seemed as if the
island of Madeira wasn’t big enough to hold both of them! And yet Stella found herself intrigued
and attracted to Lennox. Would she ever reach an understanding with him?
Sally Wenworth
The only reason Alexa had married Scott Kelsey was to save face after his brother Mark had jilted
her to marry her best friend – and it was a chance to get as far away from it all as possible,
because Scott was going off straight away to Brazil and of course Alexa would go with him. Their
arrangement was an unemotional one – Scott had admitted to Alexa that he was in love with
someone; and when they got ot Brazil she realised who that ‘someone’ was – Patti Jordan. And,
too late, she also realised that she had managed to fall in love with a man who would always be
thinking of another woman.
Sally Wentworth
The Judas Kiss
Lyn had loved Beric Dane very deeply – and it had been a terrible blow when he callously
wrecked her life for her. And if it took her forever she was determined to be revenged on him.
Now, over 3 years later, she had worked out a complicated plan to get into his life again, without
his recognizing her, & was ready to put into effect. The plan worked even better than she had
hoped – but then it rebounded on Lyn in a way she had not intended
Sally Wentworth
King of Culla
After the terrible accident in which her sister had been killed, Marnie knew that her family & her
fiancé blamed her for everything – and she simply couldn’t face it. Wallowing in bitterness & self
pity, she took refuge on a tiny Scottish island. She just wanted to be left alone; to cut herself off
from contact with anyone. But somehow she couldn’t avoid the forceful Ewan McNeill. Wouldn’t
the man ever get the message?
Sally Wenworth
Lord of Misrule
Paula was more like a sister than a friend to Verity, and now, recently widowed and pregnant, she
needed help. Which was why Verity found herself abandoning everything to accompany Paula to
the depths of the countryside to view her inheritance and meet the relatives who looked after it for
her. No one could have been more charming to the woman who was displacing him than
Sebastian Kent. But had he hidden motives which Paula failed to see? Verity had strong
suspicions that things were not quite as simple as they seemed. And what made life even more
difficult for her flowing attraction towards the man she felt unable to trust.
Sally Wenworth
Mission to Seduce
Allie had teased him, insulted him, but still she seemed to be stuck with Drake Marsden as her
official chaperon! He’d been appointed to look after her during a crucial assignment in Rusia, and
he refused to leave her side – day or night. Drake was taking this bodyguard business far too
seriously. Just because Allie was pretty and petite, that didn’t mean she needed his protection.
She would carry out her work – successfully and single handedly – and she would not be
seduced by Drake. At least, that was the idea. Until her twenty hour bodyguard decided the safest
place for her was in his bed!
Sally Wenworth
Mistaken Wedding
Wary of man since her tumultuous love affair with Luis, Carina did not relish the idea of returning
to Portugal in need of her estranged husband’s help to find her younger sister. They had parted in
anger and with no word from Luis in nearly five years, Carina no longer blamed their separation
on parental disapproval and interference. What they had called love must surely have been
youthful infatuation. Or, at most, a purely pleasurable sexual relationship. So, cool and aloof was
the way to approach Luis again for heaven forbid that those longings return!
Sally Wentworth
One Night of Love
Oliver Balfour had to be the most attractive man Dyan Logan had ever met. But after her unhappy
love affair with Crispin Forster who had lied his way into her affections, & into her bed, she had no
intention of falling in love again. Besides business & pleasure didn’t mix – even in a tropical
Sally Wentworth
Passionate Revenge
7 years ago Heath Masterson had pretended to love Zara & then had abandoned her without a
word. Now he was back in Zara’s life & she was determined that he should pay for the
unhappiness he had caused her. But there was one thing that Zara didn’t take into account as
she advanced her elaborate scheme for scheme for revenge; the fact that in spite of all that he
had made her suffer she still loved Heath.
Sally Wenworth
Practice to Deceive
Glamorous TV presenter Donna Mackenzie was tough under pressure. Kenzie Heydon was kind,
caring and vulnerable. Alaric Rogan wanted revenge on Donna for the suffering she had inflicted
upon his family. But it was Kenzie he hurt by his actions. And then he realized that the solution to
his problems wasn’t as simple as he had imagined.
Sally Wenworth
Race against Love
Toni Wyndham had got off on the wrong foot with Adam Yorke from the moment she first met
him; she disliked him intensely, and only the fact that she was relying on his firm to sponsor her
career as a rally driver made her bother with him at all. And it didn’t help that Adam wasn’t just
putting up the money; he insisted on interfering with her job as well, forcing her into a battle of
wits and wills with him. What was he trying to prove? Her friend Carinna, Toni thought angrily,
was more than welcome to him! But did Toni really mean all that?
Sally Wentworth
Rightful Possession
To get her young brother out of serious trouble Genista needed a lot of money – and the one
person who could help her was the enormously wealthy tycoon Marc Kiriakos. He agreed to help
– but of course e wanted something in exchange, & what he wanted was Genista for his wife. He
explained that it was a matter of convenience: he needed someone who would act as his hostess
& also protect him from all the other women who were pursuing him. Genista had taken it for
granted that he meant the marriage to be in name only, but it seemed she had been over
Sally Wenworth
Runaway Fiancee
It should have been the most glamorous wedding of the year. Instead, Milo’s beautiful fiancée
was in another country, celebrating her engagement to another man – and she had no memory of
ever agreeing to marry Milo Caine! It had taken him a year to track her down. Now he had to
convince Paige that he was the one who should be sipping champagne and cutting the cake with
her! What had made Paige run away from only one week before their wedding? Even though he
wasn’t sure he could ever forgive her, Milo had to find out.
Sally Wentworth
Sicilian Spring
Rich, successful & extremely confident of his effect on the opposite sex, Rafe Cavalleri was
accustomed to getting what he wanted. And he wanted Bryony. But for once his famous Italian
charm seemed to be getting him nowhere. Because Bryony had come to Sicily to get over a
disastrous love affair & had no intention of getting emotionally involved, however attractive the
man. But Rafe wasn’t used to taking no for an answer.
Sally Wenworth
Strange Encounter
Kelly had spent most of her life in Canada. But now it was time to rediscover her roots back in
England. Cousin Charles welcomed her with open arms. But the forbidding Byron Thorne made it
quite clear that, as far as he was concerned, Kelly wasn’t welcome at Ashdon Hall. Not that his
opinion counted for anything. Or did it?
Sally Wentworth
Summer Fire
Sir James Arbory was everything that Pandora most dislike & disapproved of – haughty, well
born, rich & owning far more than his fair share of the world’s goods. At the same time, though,
Pandora needed a job & a roof over her head – which was how she found herself working as his
maid, in the stately home she felt so strongly he had no right to. But Sir James also had more
than his fair share of charm – which was how Pandora also found herself falling in love with him.
And why on earth should he give her a second glance when he already had Cynthia Marsden –
his own sort, something Pandora had ensured he would never considere her!
Sally Wentworth
Stormy Voyage
As far as Thor Cameron was concerned women weren’t welcome on any ship which he
commanded. And past experience had taught him that this was the right decision to take. But
Zara, fleeing from a potentially dangerous situation, had no intention of arguing the rights &
wrongs with him. All she wanted was sanctuary &, when Thor refused her, she had no option but
to stow away. But what would happen when Thor discovered that she was still aboard?
Sally Wentworth
To Have and To Hold
I don’t like being coerced. And Rhys Stirling was certainly showing all the signs of a man dragging
his heels on the way to the altar. It had taken Alix long enough to get him to propose to her and
now they were engaged he seemed strangely reluctant to take the final step which would make
them man & wife. What could be wrong? Didn’t he love her after all?
Sally Wentworth
Twin Torment
Ginny & Venetia were twins. They looked alike, they thought alike & all their lives they had shared
everything. Each was the other’s best friend. Until now, when they both fell in love with the same
man & life became a battleground as one twin fought the other & sisterly love dissolved into
bitterness. Which of the 2 would succeed in capturing him? It was a contest in which there could
only be 1 winner. Who would it be?
Sally Wentworth
There was only 1 passion in Reid Lomax’s life & he didn’t seem inclined to give it up just because
he was going to marry Casey. Power boat racing offered speed & excitement, but also the risk of
a serious accident & Casey wasn’t sure she could live with that possibility. So she presented Reid
with an ultimatum that he couldn’t ignore – if he love her. Or could he?
Sally Wentworth
Viking Invader
Since her childhood, Carly had owed everything to Andrew; he & his mother had saved her from
a lonely, loveless life & he had been good to her ever since. Now she was engaged to him – and
he would give her love, security & comfort; her safe little world would be hers for ever. Kyle
Anderson, in contrast, was a drifter, who wouldn’t ever stay in one place for long & who certainly
wouldn’t stay interested in any woman for long either! So where was the problem?
Sally Wentworth
The Wayward Wife
Clare Russell was happily married. She adored her husband, Boyd & was always ready to
support him in his climb to the top. Until the day it all turned sour & she realized she didn’t want to
be a company wife, smiling & chatting to order. She needed her own life, her own career & her
own identity. And she was prepared to fight for what she wanted. But what did Boyd want?
Sally Wenworth
Wish on the Moon
Skye Holman was only too pleased to abandon the grey skies of England for the warmth and
color of the Bahamas. And the occasion which prompted her visit was a happy one too: her
cousin Jodi’s wedding. Life couldn’t be better – until Skye discovered that Jodi’s fiancée, Thane
Tyson, was the only man in the world for her. How could she stand by and see him marry another
girl? But how could she betray Jodi?
Sally Wentworth
Shadow Play
Scriptwritter Nell Marsden had suffered enough traumas in the past, so who could blame her for
being wary of men? Then she met fellow writer Ben Rigby & longed for something more. But for
Nell the shadows of the past loomed ever larger. How was Ben to make her put it all behind her?
And did she care enough to let him try?
Samantha Hunter
A former hacker, Sarah Jessup’s now a member of the crack HotWires team investigating
computer crime. Taking her first holiday in years means leaving the laptop – and handcuffs – at
home. Or so she thinks. After one too many run ins with sexy Logan Sullivan, Sarah is ready to
indulge in a fling. Then she accidentally discovers he’s a renegade cop on leave, & is
investigating an internet sex scandal. Is Logan using their relationship for cover? And what if
Sarah pulls out her own police badge?
Sandra Brown
Texas Lucky
Lucky Tyler attracted trouble – and women – like a lighting rod. But the night he stepped into
rescue a mysterious redhead in a seedy bar, he got more than he bargained for! The lady excited
him, challenged him, drove him wild with desire – then vanished without a trace. Lucky was
desperate to find her, to brand her with his heat – and when the police were called to investigate
a suspicious fire at Tyler Drilling, his family business, he need her for an alibi! Torn between
anguish and ecstasy, Devon Haines tried to refuse Lucky’s pleas for help, but the reckless blue-
eyed devil wouldn’t take no as an answer from her not when his toubh could make her burn,
could make her his.
Sandra Brown
Eloquent Silence
Lauri is a dedicated young teacher for the deaf. Her past conceals a wound still unhealed, her
present is a façade, and she uses her career to hide her loneliness. Drake, daytime TV’s most
popular star, has two heartaches – the daughter he believes will never have a normal life and the
dead wife he can’t forget. Jennifer is the beautiful hearing impaired child who may become a
pawn between the man and the woman she needs most. Now, in the heart of a New Mexico arts
community, the three may become a family but only if each one dares to find a voice and lets his
or her fears and needs speak for themselves.
Sandra Brown
Menjelang Tengah Malam = Fat Tuesday
Burke Basile seorg polisi yg sdh kehilangan segalanya. Kini, ia merasa bertanggung jawa atas
kematian partnernya. Dgn perkaawinan & karir yg kandas, ia memusatkan perhatian kepd
nemesisnya. Pinkie Duvall – pengacara perlente yg menolong para pembunuh lolo dari jerat
hokum. Pembalasan dendam Burke berupa tindakan penculikan Remy, istri sekaligus harta
paling berharga Pinkie. Tapi Burke tdk memperhitungkan rasa tertariknya pada wanita itu – yg
dikeluarkan dari pemukiman kumuh New Orleans dgn bayaran hrs mengawini pria yg hanya
memperlakukannya sg mesin pemuas nafsu. Dan Burke juga tdk bias memperhitungkan hasil
duel mematikannya dgn Pinkie yg akan meledak di tengah kegilaan Mardi Grass, ketika jarum
jam berdetak menujut tengah malam.
Sandra Brown
Tidings of Great Joy
Ria Lavender hadn’t planned on spending a passionate Christmas night in front of a roaring of
pine tree, wood smoke & male flesh produced a kind of spontaneous combustion inside her, &
morning found the lovely architect lying on her silver fox coat beside the mayor elect, a man she
hardly knew. Ten weeks later she was pregnant with Taylor’s child & insisted they had to marry. A
marriage in name only, she promised him, to protect the innocent baby, with an annulment right
after the birth. Taylor agreed to a wedding, but shocked Ria with his demand that they live
together as husband & wife – in every way. She couldn’t deny she wanted him, the lady killer with
the devil’s grin, but there was danger in succumbing to the heat he roused – in falling for a man
she couldn’t keep. Taylor knew the child she carried bound her to him, but could his rough &
tender loving be the miracle gift she longed for?
Sandra Chastain
Love, and a Blue Eyed Cowboy
He was bruised, broke and brash enough to think he could win the top prize in the motorcycle
scavenger hunt, but Hunter Kincaid hadn’t counted on a smart mouthed half pint with kissable lips
to sign on as his partner! Fortunate Dagosta didn’t know how she’d survive a week in close
quarters with Hunter, but she needed the money to put a new roof on her halfway house for
troubled kids.
Sandra Chastain
The Judge and the Gypsy
When Judge Rasch Webber’s ruling shattered her father’s dream, Savannah Ramey vowed a
gypsy’s revenge! She wanted to make Rasch suffer as she’d been hurt – by first enchanting him
beyond reason, awakening longings he’d denied, and then stealing what he most loved.
Entangling him in a web of desire, she first appeared to him by moonlight, then vanished into the
night, leaving behind only an elusive fragrance and an unforgettable memory. When Rasch finally
met his beguiling mystery woman he sensed she was stalking him, but he had to risk the trap she
was setting for his heart. Savannah scented danger even as she was ensnared by the spell she’d
cast – how could she have known she’d be drawn to the handsome man she’d sworn to punish?
He was forbidden fruit, a man in whose world she could never belong. Could Rasch teach his
cherished gypsy queen that the magic she’d woven was everlasting love?
Sandra Field
A Mistaken in Identity
Caroline couldn’t believe her eyes when she first saw Gabrielle Cartier – the girl was her absolute
double! She was also, it turned out, in serious trouble – which was why she begged Caroline to
pretend to be her for just long enough for her to escape from a man called Sean Reilly. But as a
result Caroline found herself the prisoner of Sean, who thought she was Gabrielle & hated the
sight of her. But Caroline certainly didn’t hate him! Yet how, in the circumstances, could anything
come of it?
Sandra Field
After Hours
Quentin Ramsey was fed up with casual relationships & empty promises. And then he saw
Marcia Barnes across a crowded room & realized she was the woman he’d been waiting for all
his life. Marcia was more Ms worksholic than Miss Right but her biological clock was ticking. It
was the only reasonable explanation she could think of for her involvement with Quentin. The
only thing they had in common was sex – great sex, admittedly, but sex all the same. Marcia had
always lived to work but now she was living for 5 o’clock. How could Quentin persuade Marcia to
take him on for a lifetime & not just after business hours?
Sandra Field
A Change of Heart
Tess Brannen was not the mother of the twins she cared for. They were her dead sister’s
children, & she was forced to work as a nightclub singer in order to support them, not because
she enjoyed it. But try telling Richard Atherton that! No, he believed she was as promiscuous &
experienced as his mother had been. Tess found him arrogant, supercilious & authoritarian. Why
then did she want him to believe her? It couldn’t be because she was falling in love with him –
could it?
Sandra Field
An Ideal Match
With 2 broken engagement behind her, Jenny had begun to wonder if she was cut out for
marriage at all. But then she met Graham Tyson, an attractive widower with 3 children, & in no
time at all she wanted to marry him.. But it was another thing to convince Graham. He was clearly
drawn to her – but he was cautious about committing himself to any kind of relationship. And did
he really believe she only wanted him for the sake of his children? Was it going to prove 3 rd time
unlucky for Jenny?
Sandra Field
Expecting His Baby
Lise had every reason to hate Judd Harwood – she’d heard all about the ruthless airline tycoon
from his ex wife. So, even though she found him irresistibly attractive, she wasn’t intending to
spend a night of blazing passion in his bed. Judd needed a nanny for his daughter, Emmy.
Against her better judgement, Lise took job – it was the only way she could save enough money
to change her career. Then she discovered she was expecting Judd’s baby. She was torn; if she
left, she would let Emmy down. If she stayed, her pregnancy would become obvious – and Judd
would insist that she become his wife.
Sandra Field
Girl Trouble
Cade MacInnes had fallen in love with Lori when she was 16, & he was old enough to know
better. But he hadn’t known better, & they had parted bitterly. 10 years later, Lori had a bad
marriage behind her & 2 adorable daughters, Liddy & Rachel. Except they didn’t seem all that
adorable to Cade. Liddy had taken an instant dislike to Cade. Which was fine with him – he only
wanted 1 blonde in his life, not 3. But getting Lori into his bed now mean accepting 2 little girls
into his heart.
Sandra Field
Goodbye Forever
Roslin & Tyson were both running away. Roslin was trying to escape from a life which had
suddenly turned sour; Tyson had a past which made him scared to trust in the future. A chance
meeting brought them together & their paths seemed fated to cross. They both deserved a little
happiness. Would they find it together?
Sandra Field
Happy Ending
But Nicola had no intention of doing anything of the kind. To date her love life had been quite
disastrous enough! In any case she wanted her summer in Newfoundland to be a time of hard
work and achievement. So, however attractive her neighbor Trent Livingstone might be, Nicola
just wasn’t interested and was happy to make her feelings clear to him. Not that Trent seemed to
care for her. In fact from their first meeting he seemed to go out of his way to be unpleasant.
Nicola found herself wondering what exactly he was trying to hide.
Sandra Field
Honeymoon for Three
Cory wanted a baby – no strings attached! Her ex-husband had done more than enough to
convince her that men were surplus to requirements. Apart from 1 basic detail. She needed a
lover. Someone who would make a baby then convenient exit. Slade Redden fulfilled all her
criteria. He had reasons of his own for avoiding relationships. But their lovemaking had left him
wanting more! He didn’t want a one-off deal – he wanted Cory for always. It took only one night to
make a baby. Slade had 9 months to make a wife!
Sandra Field
On The Tycoon’s Terms
Luke McRae’s dark, good looks made him a magnet for women, but no one had managed to
break the control he held over his heart – until he met beautiful and vulnerable Katrin Sigurdson.
The powerful and aloof businessman vowed to make Katrin his mistress – but he made sure their
arrangement was strictly limited to the bedroom! However, sharing a bed with Katrin threatened
Luke’s rigid terms, and forced him to consider that he needed more in his life than work. But
allowing Katrin in meant letting the hurt and secrets of his part out.
Sandra Field
One Night Stand
Reed din’t love her. He wanted to make love to her, but with no promise of commitment. And he
was painfully honest about his feelings. Jodie wasn’t the sort of woman who had casual affairs.
She wanted a warm, caring relationship with a man she could learn to love. So why did she feel
so tempted to go along with Reed’s demands? It must mean that he was someone who mattered
in her life. But could she face the pain of loving a man who had no intention of loving her back?
Sandra Field
Ring of Gold
When a well meaning friend forced her to take a break from the pressures of her job, Paige had
her own plans. Top of the list was her intention to get her life into some kind of order. Instead she
found herself in the wilds of British Columbia sharing a cabin with an uncooperative stranger.
Travis Renshaw made it perfectly plain that her presence was totally unwelcome. A sensible
person would have retreated at that point. But Paige wasn’t going to back down.
Sandra Field
The Storms of Spring
After her desperately unhappy & humiliating marriage to Barry, the last thing Vicki wanted was
another involvement – let alone a marriage – with any other man. But then little Stephen Travis
came dramatically into her life, & willy nilly Vicki found herself more involved than she wished with
both the child & his father, Garth. And it was still against her better judgement that she found
herself agreeing to marry Garth, mainly for the sake of the boy. But any faint hope that this
marriage might succeed was dashed when she realized, bitterly, that Garth was no more
trustworthy than Barry had been.
Sandra Field
The Sun at Midnight
Kathrin had found peace & immeasurable beauty in the brief Artic summer. The last person she
expected – or wanted – to see was Jud Leighton who, with his brother, had betrayed her so
cruelly seven years ago. And she certainly didn’t want to accompany Jud out on the unforgiving
tundra. Especially since he seemed to believe that she had wronged him.
Sandra Field
Travelling Light
Kris Kleiven had finally broken loose from the family responsibilities which had dominated her life
so far. She was going to see the world & she was going to have fun. What she wasn’t going to do
was to get emotionally involved & tie herself down to marriage & domestic drudgery. But her
meeting in Oslo with attractive Lars Bronstad made her resolution waver a little. Did she want a
holiday affair without strings? And what exactly was Lars looking for?
Sandra Field
One of Jenessa’s unwritten rules was that she was never rude to her clients – but that was before
Finn Marston walked into her life & casually turned it upside down! As untouched as the
Canadian countryside around them, no other man had got under Jenessa’s skin so severely as
Finn. And the prospect of spending 2 weeks alone with him was getting riskier by the second.
Sandra Field
Up Close and Personal!
The only thing that stood between Riley Hanrahan & another bullet was Morgan Cassidy. It was
just luck that Morgan had stumbled across his wounded body. She couldn’t just leave him there in
the desert, even if after 3 days in his company Morgan was beginning to have sympathy with his
would be assassin! Riley was overbearing, stubborn, utterly infuriating & a walking temptation! If
Morgan had been asked to describe the perfect man he’d have looked like Riley! Although both of
them had reasons for fearing intimacy, Morgan had never felt so alive. And it wasn’t fear or their
situation that was making her feel that way. It was Riley Hanrahan!
Sandra Field
Simon Greywood was an artist who couldn[t paint; a man with a God given talent which seemed
to have deserted him. And Shea Mallory was the passionate woman who could help him find
himself again. But Shea was dedicated to her career & her experience of men had taught her to
avoid commitment. Was there any future for their relationship? Simon desperately hoped so. But
what were Shea’s feelings?
Sandra Field
A World of Difference
There was a world of difference between Moira Tennant – successful model – Patrick Casey,
famous playwright. They even lived hundreds of miles apart; Moira in the city of New York &
Patrick deep in the countryside of New Brunswick. So any long term relationship between them
was out of the question. But Patrick made Moira feel alive for the first time in months, so she took
a holiday to be with him – and to find out if the feeling between them was strong enough to
overcome their differences.
Sandra K. Rhoades
Foolish Deceiver
She’d spent so much of her life working on high powered scientific projects that she didn’t have
much time for play. And perhaps it was hardly surprising that her first love affair ended in disaster.
With her confidence badly shaken, spending the summer with her friend Claire seemed like a
good idea. Until Linc Summerville came on the scene. Arrogant, but undeniably attractive, he
disliked Allie on sight. And the feeling was mutual. So why should Allie care that he believed she
really was a dumb blonde?
Sandra K Rhoades
Shadows in the Limelight
Catherine felt that she’d built a pleasant if quiet life for herself tending her florist’s shop, so the
unexpected intrusion of Kent Latimer into her life caused real problems. Kent was simply intent on
making use of her past clean cut image as a popular star when she sang with her brother as Cat
& Casey Devlin, to help promote his political aspirations. If a title light lovemaking would gain him
that help, he had no qualms about pursuing Catherine! But Catherine avoided publicity like the
plague for very good reasons, and she suspected Kent’s motives, which made it all the harder
when she fell in love with him. Could she walk back into the limelight without disturbing the
Sandra Marton
The Bedroom Business
Jake McBride is a self made millionaire, brilliant at business, talented in bed - & cynical about
women. Emily Taylor is his personal assistant terrific in the office & an innocent when it comes to
the opposite sex! But when Jake teaches Emily how to transform herself from shy secretary into
sexy siren, he loses his grip on his legendary cool. If she’s going to lose her virginity, it has to be
to him!
Sandra Marton
By Dreams Betrayed
Kristin had been an innocent in Oklahoma, falling for her boss’s flattery – and had been badly
hurt. In New York she held everyone at arm’s length – everyone, that is, except for one person.
And that was when she realized with a shock that history seemed to be repeating itself – with her
new boss, Seth Richards! So when Kristin was given the chance to accompany him to Rome on
an assignment, she refused. Then she discovered that her job & her apartment depended on her
acceptance. But would she be able to resist the warm sensuality of Rome in autumn and Seth?
Sandra Marton
Cherish the Flame
Unable to extricate herself kindly, Paige found she was being maneuvered into marriage with
Alan Fowler, of whom she was fond but not in love. It was a bolt from the blue that she should
see across the crowded room of the engagement party a man who had a stunning impact on her
senses – Quinn, Alan’s elder brother. Quinn, who had discovered Paige’s father was embezzling
from Fowler’s & thought she was involved. Sure that Paige had deliberately ensnared Alan, Quinn
took revenge
Sandra Marton
Emerald Fire
Ok, so Slade McClintoch had rescued her from a few tight situation, but that didn’t make her
his property & now Brionny resolved to take the upper hand! The trouble was that, having
fallen victim to Slade’s powers of seduction once before she was afraid of making the same
mistake again. And, of course, she couldn’t be sure of Slade’s intentions. Did he simply want
her for herself? Or was he trying to discover her precious secret?
Sandra Marton
A Flood of Sweet Fire
Blair wasn’t at all sure she was doing the right thing, but her young socialite boss Meryl Desmond
was very persuasive. Needing a chance to be with her fiancé without the attentions of the press,
Meryl wanted Blair to fly into Italy as Meryl Desmond, while Meryl herself arrived incognito. Which
all worked fine, until Blair stood outside Rome aiport waiting for the chauffeur driven limousine to
find her, when suddenly she became the object of a kidnap attempt. Rescued by the Desmond
chauffeur, she sped away from the airport, only to discover she’d gone straight from the frying
pan into the fire! Was Hunter really the Desmond chauffeur, or was Blair in the middle of an even
worse kidnapping?
Sandra Marton
An Indecent Proposal
Cade Landon tells his story: “When I heard that my father wanted me to sort out Gordon Oil, I
thought that Angelica Gordon would be a pushover. Shows how wrong a man can be! Angelica’s
different to any other woman I’ve met, & I just can’t get enough of her. That doesn’t mean I’m in
love with her… of course it doesn’t. I’m an independent guy, & I don’t need any woman as a
permanent fixture in my life. So why, when it comes to saving her beloved oil company, do I find
myself making all sorts of proposals just to keep this particular ‘Angel’ happy?
Sandra Marton
The Italian Prince’s Pregnant Bride
Prince Nicolo Barbieri’s careful negotiations to take over Manhattan’s SCB bank were about to
deliver. But he wasn’t expecting what would come with his latest acquisition: Aimee Black,
granddaughter of the bank’s current owner – who, it seemed, was pregnant with Nicolo’s baby!
Nicolo, a man of old world honour, felt duty bound to marry Aimee & give his child his name. But
Aimee, a princess of the new world, had other ideas about surrendering herself to this arrogant
foreigner, who surely didn’t love her.
Sandra Marton
Shannon took her brand new soap opera role seriously & was really upset that things just weren’t
clicking. Which may be why she deliberately insulted musician Cade Morgan when he interrupted
a difficult rehearsal. What did he know about acting? Next thing she knew she was being pulled
into Cade’s arms & her director was saying. ‘That’s it – that’s the chemistry we’re looking for’. And
Shannon was still reeling when Cade was signed as her new lead. For her the chemistry had
been real!
Sandra Marton
Marriage on the Edge
Gage Baron has made it on his own. He’s the owner of a luxurious holiday resort, & his marriage
seems successful too. Which is why he’s stunned when Natalie leaves him. At first, Gage is too
proud & hurt to go after her. Until he receives an invitation to his father’s estate in Texas. But the
possibility that Gage might inherit Espada is less important to him than the opportunity to win
back his wife. His father will expect to see Natalie present & sharing Gage’s bed!
Sandra Marton
Fly like an Eagle
Sara had once dreamed of lots of things – of doing something more exciting, of leaving town, of
meeting a man who’d see behind her quiet exterior a woman eager for life. Now, though, she was
resigned to being the spinster secretary to the chief of police in a small New York State village.
The Peter Saxon exploded into her world! He might be a reformed jewel thief, now the security
agent guarding Simon Winstead’s Jewels, but the chief didn’t trust him. So Sara found herself
ordered to watch Peter – and suddenly life went Crazy!
Sandra Marton
From this Day Forward
Caitlin’s marriage wasn’t a story book affair, but all the same she was shattered when her
husband died. She threw herself heart and soul into building up Justin’s business, determined to
further the projects she had always held dear; then disaster struck. In Paris, the city that had once
been the focus of all her dreams, she met Luke again. And Luke, who had once loved her and
been betrayed was now her enemy.
Sandra Marton
Guardian Groom
What a legacy for my father to leave me: Crista Adams – my ward! But the woman is no more a
child than I am. In fact, with her lifestyle, I doubt Crista ever was a child. Why is it, then, that I,
who’ve never let a woman get under my skin, am so jealous of every other man in Crista’s life!
That’s why I’ve decided to really act as her guardian.
Sandra Marton
Hollywood Wedding
Why did I have to be the one left with my father’s mistress? Still, I know her type, & she should
have been easy to dismiss. After all, Eve Palmer didn’t actually climb the corporate ladder; she
got to the top on her back in a tangle of silken sheets. But when I met her, was I in for a shock!
Innocent, vibrant & talented, Eve was nothing like I’d imagined. Now I’m in so deep I realize I’m in
danger of repeating my old man’s mistake & falling in love. Marriage is the last thing I want, &
even the prospect of a Hollywood wedding won’t change my mind.
Sandra Marton
Hostage of the Hawk
‘I never take what is not offered!’ But in spite of his claim, wasn’t Khalil a man who would stop at
nothing to get what he wanted? Kidnapped and held prisoner by Khalil, Joanna determined to
escape. But she hadn’t counted on this ‘Hawk of the North’ fulfilling all her secret desires! Now
Joanna had to discover if Khalil was simply using her as a political pawn. Or did the hawk want
something more from her?
Sandra Marton
Master of El Corazon
Before Arden met Conor Martinez she’d always thought of herself as an independent woman, but
somehow, when Conor was around, she was always in trouble! Conor’s reaction, though, was
quite unexpected. Within days, his initial antagonism had turned to passion, & within weeks he’d
asked Arden to marry him At first she was overjoyed, because she was deeply in love with him
but then Arden started to question Conor’s motives. After all, she owned his heart now & hadn’t
she heard that he’d do anything to regain control of his property?
Sandra Marton
No Need for Love
Hannah & Grand agreed on one thing: marriage was invariably a mistake which people shouldn’t
make more than once. What was more, Hannah was perfectly happy with her job & peaceful state
of spinsterhood. Well, maybe not perfectly happy, she had always wanted a child, after all.
However, she must put those sort of thoughts behind her. At least, that was where she intended
to put until Grant suggested they get married, have a baby & divorce again! His previous
marriage had obviously had a very bad effect indeed! So why was she considering his
Sandra Marton
A Proper Wife
‘The marriage is on!’ Marriage. Was he crazy! ‘The ceremony’s Friday at 4.00’. He was crazy! I
don’t want to ruin this for you, Devon snapped, but you’ve left out one minor detail, Ryan. Me! Me,
dammit! Marriage takes 2, & I am one of the principal parties in this lunatic scheme, or had you
overlooked that?’ How could I possibly overlook it? It’s not every day a man has his bride handpicked for him’. Stop calling me that, Devon said fiercely. ‘I’m not your bride!. ‘Not yet you aren’t.
But you will be come Friday afternoon.’
Sandra Marton
Raffaele: Taming His Tempestuous Virgin
Raffaele Orsini doesn’t want a wife. But when he meets his arranged bride Raffaele feels honour
bound to marry her. Though she’s not quite what he was expecting. Her plain, dowdy clothes
can’t hide her lusciously feminine figure, nor her wildcat temperament! She tries everything to
avoid her fate, but in the blink of an eye Chiara is swept away from her quaint Sicilian town to
New York! She wants to hate Rafe, but seduction is in his blood. With his dark, brooding looks &
tempting masculinity, she’ll be purring like a kitten!
Sandra Marton
Roman Spring
Caroline was a model – hated it. Hated the insincere parties, hated the devouring eyes. Until one
pari of eyes stopped her dead. The belonged to Nicolo Sabatini, who proceeded to take over her
life as though she were his property. And Caroline felt he was just like the others: all he wanted
was to get her into bed. And yet, he treated his grandmother with great respect and affection, and
said he wants Caroline to be her companion. Was he a wolf or a wonderful person? And what
was she to do when she found herself falling in love with him?
Sandra Marton
Roarke’s Kingdom
Victoria had never stopped thinking about the baby she had had to put up for adoption four years
before, and now she was determined to find the parents and make sure her daughter was happy.
What she hadn’t counted on was a diversion in the shape of Roarke Campbell, who first knocked
her down and then insisted on taking her to his private island to recover. As well as owning the
island, he seemed to think he owned everyone on it – and that included Victoria. Try as she might
to leave, he insisted on keeping her there – until the day he decided she wasn’t worth the effort.
Sandra Marton
The Sexiest Man Alive
When Romano Inc staged a takeover of Chic magazine, Susannah Madison, the editor in chief,
was determined to stop Matt Romano in his tracks. However, he was already aware of
Susannah’s opinion of him: arrogant & brainless were just a couple of the descriptions she’d
recklessly used. Brainless? Matt Romano was a boardroom barracuda! Susannah came up with a
brilliant plan to boost Chic’s circulation: find the Sexiest Man Alive & feature him as the
Valentine’s Day centerfold. Matt agreed, but insisted on supervising Susannah’s search – and on
seducing her. Suddenly Susannah realized she need look no further for the world’s sexiest man.
Sandra Marton
The Sicilian’s Christmas Bride
Sicilian tycoon Dante Russo has become rich & successful the hard way. So there is no mercy in
his heart when he hears that Taylor Sommers’ business is struggling. She’s the woman who
ended their affair years ago, & her present plight is perfect for Dante to blackmail her back into
his bed. Taylor is now the mother of a little girl, news which only serves to harden Dante’s heart
further & intensify his need to possess. But although ruthless, Dante isn’t immune to the magic of
Christmas & the miracles it brings.
Sandra Marton
Spring Bride
It’s Kyra’s turn: My father’s legally allowed me to assert my independence after years of being the
pampered London ‘princess’. But I’ve discovered independence has its own problems. Antonio
Rodrigo Cordoba del Rey will help me but at a price! He wants to own me, body, heart and soul.
Pride prevents me from calling on my family for help – but if I succumb to Antonio’s terms I know
I’ll never be free again!
Sandra Marton
That Long ago Summer
Betrayed by Andy, her childhood sweetheart nine years before, Whitney Turner had turned her
back on men and was now running a successful catering business – her life was busy and
peaceful. But that peace was shattered when her impecunious father summoned her back to the
family seat, her presence having been demanded by Andy – now wealthy Alexander Baron. If she
didn’t comply, her father would lose everything. Did she have a choice? Yes, she certainly did.
Sandra Marton
The Bedroom Business
Jake McBride is self-made millionaire, brilliant at business, talented in bed – and cynical about
women. Emily Taylor is his PA, a whiz in the office and an innocent when it comes to the opposite
sex. But when Jake teaches Emily how to transform herself from shy secretary into sexy siren, he
can’t keep a grip on his legendary cool. And he can’t let her lose her virginity to anybody but him!
Sandra Marton
The Bride Said Never
Damian Skouras didn’t like marriage, and Laurel Bennett didn’t make it to the church on time. But,
still, they collided as guests at the Wedding of the Year. Damian wasn’t looking for commitment
and Laurel didn’t date macho Greek men. But between them they made fireworks! One night of
wild passion later and Damian was demanding that for the sake of their unborn child, they have a
wedding of their own. So it was Laurel’s turn to be a blushing bride. But, though she might be
about to be married to Damian Skouras, in her heart she could never be his wife!
Sandra Marton
The Italian Prince’s Pregnant Bride
Prince Nicolo Baribieri’s careful negotiations to take over Manhattan’s SCB bank were about to
deliver. But he wasn’t expecting what would come with his latest acquisition: Aimee Black,
granddaughter of the bank’s current owner – who, it seemed, was pregnant with Nicolo’s baby!
Nicolo, a man of old world honor, felt duty bound to marry Aimee and give his child his name. But
Aimee, a princess of the new world, had other ideas about surrendering herself to his arrogant
foreigner, who surely didn’t love her.
Sandra Marton
Mistress of the Sheikh
Sheikh Nicholas al Rashid: hailed in his homeland as the Lion of the Desert, portrayed by the
press as an elegant savage. Amanda Benning: beautiful step daughter of Jonas Baron & interior
designer, commissioned to refurbish Nick al Rashid’s already luxurious Manhattan apartment.
Just why does Nick become intent on making Amanda his mistress – does he really want her for
herself, or to have his revenge?
Sandra Marton
The Pregnant Mistress
Greek tycoon Demetrious Karas can’t concentrate. He’s tried professional distance – and failed!
Now he’s in danger of blowing this whole business deal if he doesn’t make his translator,
Samantha Brewster, his mistress. Satisfaction at last! As Demetrious suspected, they are made
for each other in the bedroom! Yet Samantha seems willing to stay only until the end of her three
month contract. Until a new commitment surprises them both – one that will begin in nine month’s
Sandra Marton
The Second Mrs Adam
David Adams wasn’t about to let his wife back into his life. He’d been about to divorce Joanna
when she’d had the accident. Just because she’d undergone a complete personality change
since, and turned back into the lovely girl he’d married, that didn’t mean he’d fallen right back in
love with her too? What he felt now for Joanna was lust. But, sooner or later, her memory would
return. And when it did, this pretence of a real marriage would be over.
Sandra Marton
The Spanish Prince’s Virgin Bride
Luca’s fiery royal blood is roused! First he’s found that his grandfather is trying to force him into a
contracted marriage with the beautiful but penniless Alyssa McDonough. And now it seems the
scheming Alyssa is trying to pretend she has never been with any man. He’ll force Alyssa to
leave Texas & go to Spain with him, where he can get their marriage contract declared null &
void & put paid to Lyssa’s innocent act. Because he’d swear on the lives of his ancestors that
she’s pure uninhibited mistress material, & never a virgin bride!
Sandra Marton
A Woman Accused
How could Olivia Harris turn down the offer of financing her new business venture – and, what
was more, why should she? The problem was Edward Archer. What sort of nasty person would
believe that the personal loan she had accepted from his stepfather had not been offered on a
strictly business basis? Edward Archer would – and did. If only he would stay away & leave her
alone. But he kept turning up like a bad penny – and Olivia was just a little afraid she was
beginning to like him.
Sara Craven
Alien Vegeance
She knew her brother Mike was forgetful, thought Gemma, but to go off & leave her alone in a
strange villa, in Crete, after suggesting she join him for a holiday was a bit much! And then the
owner of the villa arrived & Gemma discovered that Mike had disappeared – and the Cretan, as
she thought of him, wanted revenge for what Mike, apparently, had done. Only Gemma wasn’t
going to give in without a fight, even if the Cretan did hold all the cards – for the moment!
Sara Craven
A High Price to Pay
It was a tremendous shock to Alison Mortimer when her father died and she discovered that he
had been virtually bankrupt and had mortgaged everything he possessed to the formidable Nick
Bristow. And when Nick told her he needed a wife and that she had better marry him, for the sake
of her mother and sister Alison had to agree. Nick had assured her that the marriage would be
only on a business basis – but it was not long before she realized she would give anything to
make it a real one. Realised, too, that she had a rival – the last woman in the world she would
ever have suspected!
Sara Craven
Comparative Strangers
One day Amanda was happily engaged to Nigel, a flamboyant British car rally driver, the next she
was the reluctant fiancée of his stern, laconic older brother, Malory Templeton. As if she hadn’t
been through enough. Hadn’t finding Nigel in the arms of another woman been more than she
deserved? The hard glitter in Malory’s eyes told her otherwise. Malory was a virtual stranger to
her, but Amanda had no choice. Her own foolish pride had caused the crazy switch in fiancés, &
Malory, it seemed, was going to hold her to it.
Sara Craven
Counterfeit Bride
Because the last thing her young friend Teresita wanted was to be forced into a marriage of
convenience with the guardian she had not seen for years, Nicola Tarrant agreed to pose as
Teresita when the guardian, the formidable Don Luis Alvarado de Montalba, came to claim her.
But the plot went sadly awry when Don Luis called her bluff – and to her horror Nicola found
herself whisked off to a hacienda somewhere in the heart of Mexico, and forced to marry him.
And there was no way she could escape.
Sara Craven
Dark Ransom
Riago da Santana was a rubber planter, not a chartered accountant, & this was the Amazon
jungle, not the Home Counties. But surely, thought, Charlie, she might expect a little more in the
way of normal behavior? She just wasn’t used to being propositioned by a man she barely knew.
Neither did she expect to be forced to marry him. Was it a dream or a nightmare? And did she
want to escape from it?
Sara Craven
Dawn Song
If only Jerome Montcourt realised the true extent of her deception! He didn’t know anything about
her – even the name which she gave him wasn’t her own. Yet Meg was to find that the attractive
Frenchman had his own secrets – not the least of which was how he really felt about her!
Sara Craven
Lydia had grown up too close to Marius Benedict to remain immune to her step cousin’s fatal
charm. But Marius had merely seduced & abandoned her, leaving town under a cloud of habitual
scandal. 5 long years &, no doubt, a dozen meaningless affairs later, Marius had walked back
into her life, looking for all the world as if he owned it! The trouble was, he did. As far as Marius
was concerned, it was Lydie who was the deceiver. He had been away a long time – just long
enough to have planned his revenge on Lydie Benedict down to the first quiver of her lips.
Sara Craven
Desperate Measures
Philippa Roscoe needed a large sum of money urgently. Wealthy businessman Alain de Courcy
was prepared to supply it. What he demanded in exchange was marriage – and not just in name
only. Philippa had no option but to agree, and it wasn’t long before she fell under Alain’s
charismatic spell. But she knew that she must never let herself love him
Sara Craven
Devil & the Deep Sea
Samma supposed that any other woman would surely slap the face of a man who would pose
such a question. But Samma couldn’t afford that luxury with Roche Delacroix. With her stepfather
ready to sell her favors to clear his gambling debts, Roche represented Samma’s only avenue of
escape from an unthinkable future on Cristoforo island. Only a few hours earlier, the lips that
opened the suggestive negotiations had made Samma so thoroughly aware of being female.
Samma couldn’t help feeling that life was doubly unfair.
Sara Craven
Dragon’s Lair
The marriage of Davina and Gethyn Lloyd had been brief and disastrous, and he had callously
left her a few weeks later. Even when she had told him, later, that she had lost his baby his
reaction was total indifference. Now circumstances had thrown them together again, in Gethyn’s
home in Wales – and Davina knew that her feelings for him, far from fading, were stronger than
ever. But Gethyn announced that he was thinking of marrying again – and, even apart from that,
how could Davina ever sort out the tangle of misunderstanding that still lay between them?
Sara Craven
Flame of Diablo
For the sake of her grandfather’s health it was imperative that Rachel should go off to Colombia
to look for her brother, who had taken himself there in a fit of pique to search for a treasure of
emeralds. Not exactly an easy mission for a girl on her own, & Rachel soon realized that she was
going to achieve nothing without help – and that her only chance of success lay with the
formidable, but undeniably attractive, Vitas de Mendorza. He agreed to help her – but at a price.
Would she find the price too high? Or would she pay it – far too willingly?
Sara Craven
Fugitive Wife
Perhaps Briony should never have married Logan Adair. Just out of school, a rich man’s daughter
– the world was her oyster, and she had chosen to fall in love with a journalist, a foreign
correspondent who roamed the world and would never take kindly to settling down. Her father
was violently opposed to the marriage; Logan himself was doubtful. But Briony, confident in her
love, had no doubts at all. Yet the marriage had after all been nothing but a farce from the
beginning. Shouldn’t she cut her losses, admit defeat – and hand Logan back to Karen
Sara Craven
High Tide at Midnight
When the only relatives she had in the world made it plain that she wasn’t welcome in their
house, Morwenna realized that the only thing was to go away. So she took herself off to Cornwall,
to her mother’s old friend Dominic Trevennon – who she hoped might offer her a home – even
though he had never met her. But she arrived to find Dominic an invalid and the head of the
house another Dominic Trevennon – whe was arrogant and awkward and seemed to regard
himself as the uncrowned king of Cornwall. Morwenna had gone to ask a favour, she found
herself remaining to bestow one – but at the expense of all her peace of mind.
Sara Craven
His Forbidden Bride
When Zoe Lambert inherits a Greek Island villa she sets off for a fresh start in life. Her new home
is just perfect and so is the sexy gardener who comes with it. In fact, the chemistry between them
is instant, and overwhelming. Then Zoe discovers that Andreas isn’t just a humble gardener, but
actually the wealthy son of a shipping tycoon and it changes everything. Andreas is now strictly
off limits – unless he can release the chains of his past and claim Zoe as his forbidden bride.
Sara Craven
Irresistible Temptation
Declan Malone is desperate to save his cousin’s marriage. He’s convinced that if he can just get
rid of Jeremy’s latest conquest, it may just stand a chance. But it seems that Olivia Butler is more
naïve romantic, then cold hearted mistress. She can’t be threatened. She can’t be bought but just
maybe she can be seduced! Declan is intending to use his legendary charm to wine, dine and
woo Olivia away from Jeremy. Few women have been able to resist Declan Malone: he has
looks, money, fame – a fabulous Notting Hill home. It’s only a matter of time before Olivia
succumbs to temptation.
Sara Craven
The Marriage Deal
Ashley Landon was convinced she had been right to call off her engagement to Jago Marrick.
The man was a habitual heartbreaker whose motive for marriage hadn’t exactly been a desire to
love & honor his would be bride. Now Ashley’s family firm was in trouble & the only person who
could help her was Jago. He proposed a merger – if Ashley married him, her position would be
secure. It was business pure & simple. Unfortunately Ashley’s feelings for Jago were anything
Sara Craven
The Marriage Proposition
When Paige looked at Nick Destry she could hardly believe she was married to him! A wealthy
banker, Nick was confindently sexy – but ruthless. He’d wanted a seat on the board, & he’d
married Paige to get one. But does he love her? Determined not to reveal her vulnerability, Paige
acted as if their wedding was just a business proposition. But it was hard sharing Nick’s home, &
his bed, with the same cool detachment he displayed. She decided he couldn’t have everything
his own way – if he tryly wanted her, he would have to prove it!
Sara Craven
Marriage under Suspicion
‘Your husband loves another woman’. The note was signed ‘ a Friend’, but no friend would ever
do that to another woman. Could it be true? Was Kate Lassiter’s marriage falling apart? She still
loved her husband, Ryan, still thrilled at his touch, but how long was it since they’d last made
love? On the surface they had it all: successful careers, a lovely home & a perfect marriage. But if
Ryan had committed the ultimate betrayal then revenge was no answer. Kate wanted her
husband back & she was prepared to fight to keep him. Because white her marriage was under
suspicion there was no way she could tell Ryan she was expecting his baby!
Sara Craven
Mistress on Loan
As a teenager, Adrien was infatuated with Chay Haddon and she was devastated when her family
banished him, claiming he’d betrayed their trust. Chay disappeared vowing revenge. Adrien is
shocked when, years later, the tables are turned and she finds herself at Chay’s mercy. Now rich
and devastatingly handsome, he’s the only one who can save her from scandal. But he has a
price: he’ll help her; but only if she becomes his mistress!
Sara Craven
Moon of Aphrodite
Helens Greek mother had run away from an unwanted, arranged marriage & cut herself off from
her tyrannical father for ever. Now that father, Helen’s grandfather, was insisting that she go to
Greece to visit him, & had sent the overbearing Damon Leandros to talk her into it. Unwillingly
Helen had been persuaded to go – and once there, she realized that the 2 of them had set a trap
for her. That they intended to ensure that a chosen bride f the Leandros family did not escape a
second time.
Sara Craven
Moth to the Flame
To help her selfish, flighty sister Jan to marry’s Mario Vallone, against the wishes of his stern
older brother Santino, Juliet pretended to be Jan. And all she got for her pains was to be whisked
off to a lonely part of Calabria by Santino, a man who had the lowest possible opinion of her –
and when she found out more about her sister’s behavior she couldn’t blame him! – and
proceeded to treat her accordingly. She soon realised that she had got to convince him that she
wasn’t who he thought she was – but how? More to the point, how could she go on fighting his
overwhelming attraction?
Sara Craven
Night of the condor
Leigh Frazier, impatient at the separation imposed by her father, went to join her fiancé. Getting
to Peru was no problem. However, she discovered that getting to the archaeological dig in the
high Andes, where he was stationed, was almost impossible. Her womanly wiles failed to
persuade Rourke Martinez, a returning archaeologist, to help her, & she misguidedly set out on
her own. When Rourke rescued her, he did help her – but not to find her fiancé, rather to forget
him in a new & dangerous embrace. For under the magical spell of the Andes, real love changed
Leigh’s life.
Sara Craven
When Natalie Drummond’s father was told by the doctor to take it easy, she expected him to give
her a full partnership in his Wintersgarth training stables. After all, she’d been running them
successfully while he was in the hospital. But when he came home her hopes were completely
dashed – he had sold the partnership to Eliot Lang, the handsome, notorious playboy of the horse
racing world. Despite the immediate & unwanted attraction Natalie felt for Eliot Lang, her
resentment at her father’s betrayal continued to grow. Especially when Elliot seemed to think that
she was part of the deal!
Sara Craven
Past all Forgetting
What had happened between Janna Prentiss and Rian Tempest seven years ago was past all
forgetting – by Janna at any rate. True, she had been young and headstrong, and wildly in love
with Rian – but she had done her best to ruin his life and had only herself to blame when he had
gone away. Since then she had schooled herself to live without him, although she could never
feel the same again about any man – even her fiancé Colin. But now Rian was back, cynical and
unforgiving, and Janna knew she felt as deeply about him as ever. But he already had a child,
and soon his wife would be coming to join them.
Sara Craven
A Place of Stroms
For years Andrea had been used to getting her cousing Clare out of scrapes – but this one really
took some beating! Clare, it appeared, had made a rash promise to marry a Frenchman whom
she had never even met, & he was insisting on keeping her to the promise. So Andrea found
herself agreeing to go to France in Clare’s place, to sort the situation out. She had certainly never
foreseen what would ensue; that in a short time she would find herself married to the forbidding
Blaise Levallier, & in the centre of a mystery from which there seemed to be no escape. She had
not foreseen, either, that she would fall in love with Blaise – a man about whom she still knew
Sara Craven
Promise of the Unicorn
Her talisman, the glass unicorn, would bring Sophie her heart’s desire when she knew it, a
promise made when she was young by her stepcousin Angelo. There was nothing she wanted
more than to be married to Mark & to help him set up his career. But Angelo seemed to be
working against them. His ability to influence & manipulate people threatened Sophie’s happiness
& frightened her almost as much as his powerful sensuality attracted her. The unicorn was the
protection of virgin – but now it was back in Angelo’s hands & the promise of giving the heart’s
desire worked both ways.
Sara Craven
Ruthless Awakening
The grandeur of Penvarnon House in Cornwall is where Rhianna Carlow spent her lonely
childhood as the housekeeper’s unwanted niece. Now she’s a guest returning for a wedding at
Penvarnon – and billionaire Diaz Pervarnon is back, too, seemingly as arrogant & ruthless as
ever! Diaz has 1 aim – to keep gold digger Rhianna away from the house. He’s also the
descendant of a Spanish pirate! So he kidnaps Rhianna & she finds herself captive on his
luxurious yacht where her inexperience is no match for his merciless desire!
Sara Craven
Solitaire, her kindly Uncle Jim’s house in the Vendee region of France, represented a welcoming
haven after years of unhappiness – but Marty arrived there to find her uncle gone & in his place a
hard, unwelcoming stranger – Luc Dumarais. There would be no haven at Solitaire now, she
realized. For although Luc grudgingly offered her a job to tide her over her immediate difficulties,
it was obvious that he didn’t trust her an inch & couldn’t be rid of her soon enough. And the
sooner she got away the better, Marty knew, for Luc Dumarais was right out of her league, & to
let him become important to her would mean nothing but disaster.
Sara Craven
Sup with the Devil
Although it had actually been Blair Devereux’s uncle, not Blair himself, who had been
instrumental in destroying her father’s health & robbing them of their home, Courtney hated Blair
just as much as if he had been. Her father would never be anything but a helpless invalid – but at
least, now, it looked as if they might get their home back again. At any rate, if Courtney was
prepared to pay Blair’s price. And if she could stand the constant, spiteful presence of Blair’s
secretary, Kate Lydyard!
Sara Craven
The Seduction Game
After a disastrous relationship, career girl Tara Lyndon had almost give up on men. But then she
met Adam Barnard. The devastatingly sexy hunk could have stepped straight out of her fantasies.
Unfortunately, it also seemed as if this perfect man had a perfect fiancée waiting in the wings.
Tara knew it was wrong to want him – only she couldn’t help herself. Wanting another woman’s
man was bad enough, but did Tara also have the courage to seduce him?
Sara Craven
Ultimate Temptation
Giulio Falcone was every woman’s fantasy: tall, dark & deadly sexy. He had come to Lucy’s aid
when she needed him most. It was, perhaps, only natural that the Italian Count should want
something in return. He needed a willing woman – any woman – and Lucy was in his debt & his
house. Only his interest in her was as much practical as sexual – he needed a nanny to look after
his sister’s children. Lucy found herself in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the ultimate
temptation – Giulio!
Sara Craven
Unguarded Moment
Being secretary to her aunt Bianca Layton, the famous & temperamental film actress, wasn’t all
glamour by any means – but Alix realized that things were going to be difficult when they all went
off to Italy to discuss Bianca’s new film, & it soon became clear that things were not going to go
her way! And it became even more complicated when Alix found herself falling in love with Liam
Brant, who had told her, ‘You’re not my type.’ How could she be, Alix thought ruefully, when it
was painfully obvious that Liam had set his sights on Bianca!
Sara Craven
When the Devil Drives
Joanna had always known & dreaded that final day of reckoning between her & Callum
Blackstone. Now the time had come to stop running & he was forcing her to face up to facts; that
if she refused to submit to his impossible demands it meant ruin for those closed to her – her
invalid father & her brother Simon. Fate had dealt Cal all the best cards. But was the price he
wanted her to pay too high? And was revenge his only motive?
Sara Craven
Wild Melody
On the strength of a brief holiday romance with Jeremy Lord, Catriona Muir left her quiet Scottish
home & set off for London, firmly convinced that he would want to marry her. But of course y the
time she arrived Jeremy had forgotten all about her. Instead she found herself involved with his
uncle Jason – who was even more out of her league than Jeremy had been. Attractive, rich, a
sophisticated man of the world, Jason presented a far greater danger than his nephew – how
could she possibly cope with his devastating attraction? Hadn’t she better hurry back to Scotland
before her life was ruined altogether?
Sara Craven
Witching Hour
It was bad enough for Morgana & her mother to have to face the fact that their home was entailed
& they would have to give it up – but things became even worse with the arrival of Lyall
Pentreath, the distant cousing who had inherited it, with his forceful ideas for developing their
pleasant little hotel, doing everything his way – or else! But an even greater threat from Lyall was
to Morgana’s emotions. Early on, she realized that Lyall would be happy to have an affair with her
- & with Elaine Donleven at the same time! - & she could not deny her attraction to him. Could
she survive the double threat?
Sara Seale
Charity Child
Charity thought herself fortunate when she was whisked away from a dreary job to be companion
to ‘Astrea’, who had once been a famous singer and who now lived in a dream world of highly
colored memories and astrological forecasts, guiding her life by what she took to be the advice of
the stars. Surely one could never have a dull moment in such a household? But there was a
snag, in the person of Astrea’s nephew, Marc Gentle – inappropriately named, it seemed, for he
could be uncommonly harsh on occasion. Charity was shown the whiplash side of his nature from
the beginning, for he suspected her of being out for all she could get from his rich and impulsive
aunt, and he made no bones about saying so. This is the story of how Charity gradually
overcame his mistrust.
Sara Seale
An engagement of convenience could matter little to either party in the circumstances, but it
would seen that timid Anna Crewe was the last person to be involved with the headstong
Peverils: Gran, who had always ruled the family; Ruth, antagonistic for reasons of her own; Rick,
still in love with his beautiful cousin who, like all the Peverils, took what she wanted & didn’t count
the cost. A summer at Trevallion brought many changes to all of them, but for Anna it was a
summer that changed her whole life.
Sara Seale
Adam Chantry no longer particularly desired a wife, but he needed a mistress for his home and a
companion for his child. Miranda was young and alone in the world, and she wanted a home a
protection, so she naively agreed to his proposal of marriage – a marriage which must remain a
business arrangement. But Wintersbride, Adam’s lonely house on the moors, held a life of its
own, she was to discover – and how could any man or woman keep to such dispassionate
bargain without breaking the rules?
Sara Wood
A Convenient Wife
Millionaire Blake Bellamie’s just discovered he’s the product of an extra marital affair. And that
means he’s not the legitimate heir to Cranford, the grand estate which means everything to him.
Nicole Vaseux is the rightful owner and the attraction between her and Blake is instant and all
consuming. So begins a passionate affair that culminates in a whirlwind marriage proposal but it’s
only after she’s accepted that Nicole discovers the truth about Blake’s paternity. Has she just
agreed to become a convenient wife?
Sara Wood
Amber’s Wedding
The bride was resplendent, the groom was handsome, the location was grand & the cream of
society was there. It was a glorious affair – with just a few small hitches. The groom was
behaving both jealously & possessively, yet strangely Jake & Amber were friends but not lovers,
Amber, however, was pregnant – with another man’s child. All in all, it wasn’t your average
wedding & the best was yet to come: Jake was about to reveal to Amber a secret about her past
her family. It was revelation that would change her life & uncover Jake’s true motives for marrying
her. It was all happening at Amber’s wedding.
Sara Wood
A Forbidden Seduction
The Colleoni family was bad news for Debbiel. Her marriage to their son had turned out to be no
marriage at all. Now she was alone, & fighting for her child’s inheritance with his commanding &
charismatic half brother – Luciano. Obviously she couldn’t trust him, but a passionate attraction
was flowing between them. She was vulnerable, she was under the disapproving glare of the
Colleoni family; this seduction was foolish, taboo & wildly irresistible.
Sara Wood
A Husband’s Vendetta
Luc Maccari had eloped with his boss’s daughter. And although their marriage had blistered with
passion, Ellen had abandoned him when he needed her most. Now Ellen wanted him back!
Suspecting his financial success was luring her, Luc decided to teach her a lesson. He’d give her
a taste of what she’d walked out on – beginning in the bedroom. Then, he uncovered her heart
rending reason for leaving. And suddenly him plan was in danger of becoming a powerful
Sara Wood
Master of Cashel
Cashelkerry had a new owner & Caitlin was horrified to learn that her beloved home now
belonged to the enigmatic & ruthless Jake Ferriter, with whom she had clashed earlier. Jake
wasted no time in stamping his authority over the estate, & Caitlin knew she ought to feel grateful
for his offer to employ her as his hostess. This seemed a generous gesture, designed to end the
long standing feud btw their families. But privately Jake made no bones about wanting Caitlin to
become his mistress – with no emotional ties.
Sara Wood
No Gentle Loving
When Helen arrived in Crete in an attempt to find out more about the mother she had never
known, she was met with hostility and suspicion from the autocratic Dimitri Kastelli! What grudge
could a rich man like him possibly have against a long dead peasant woman? And why, when he
discovered Helen’s true identity, did he fight his attraction to her as if his very life depended upon
it? What was this dreadful secret which was now keeping them apart? Helen could only think of
one possible reason – but it was one she dared not even contemplate
Sara Wood
Passion’s Daughter
With her background, Corey just had to be free; she didn’t want the fetters of marriage. But then
she met Jude Radcliffe and everything changed. From thinking him an arrogant tycoon, in no time
she had fallen deeply, passionately in love with him, and all her ideals of freedom flew out of the
window. But she and Jude both knew that she would never fit into his sophisticated world. In any
case, wouldn’t Jude’s own feelings change once Corey had revealed her secret?
Sara Wood
Pure Temptation
Yet something within her responded deeply to glamorous, sophisticated Matt Cavell from the first
time she saw him. Dancing wildly with a mysterious young companion in the soft Mallorcan night,
he held Eve spellbound. They were worlds apart, until his daughter’s need of Eve’s specialized
help brought them together. Unsure of herself, unsure of him, Eve almost rejected this one
opportunity to get to know Matt, to fully get to know herself, to share his life which would have
been a great pity!
Sara Wood
Scarlet Lady
Ginny had loved her modeling career, just as she had always loved Leo. But a lost libel case
bringing the Brandon name into disrepute meant the last straw for her marriage. Leo wanted a
divorce – and that was final. 2 years later an ad asking Ginny to contact a man who could be her
real father drew her to St Lucia. It was a timely moment for a woman seeking love. Not least of all
because Leo had followed her. His pretended reason to prevent Ginny dishonouring his precious
family name again through any association with the infamous St Honore. His real reason: to love,
protect & remarry the woman he had once let go.
Sara Wood
Second Best Bride
Claire Jardine’s wedding day was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, but her whirlwind
courtship had her reeling: who was the real Trader Benedict? Her perfect partner or a ruthless
blackmailer? And why had he chosen Claire to be his bride? His glamorous companion Phoenix
seemed a far more suitable candidate. As she stood at the altar with Trader, the time had come
to answer the most important question of her life: did she dare take this man?
Sara Wood
Shades of Sin
Natasha should have known better! When she and Ruan Gardini had parted years before, it was
as bitter enemies, and she’d never dreamed that he’d be back to claim his pound of flesh!
Natasha had no intention of allowing Ruan to threaten her new life in Cornwall, but she hadn’t
bargained either for the power that he, with his darkly smouldering charisma, still possessed! How
long could she keep on resisting him when he seemed intent on having his revenge – and making
her pay in full the price of their shared past?
Sara Wood
The Italian Count’s Command
Miranda still loves her estranged husband, Count Dante Severini, but Dante clearly hates her.
Much as it pains him to do so, Dante has had no choice but to believe the evidence against his
wife. He had wanted nothing more to do with Miranda, but their son has been missing his mother.
So he issues her with a dramatic command. In exchange for a life of unparalleled luxury she must
pretend that they are happily married that she is loving, willing wife.
Sara Wood
The Seduction Trap
Her mother was his father’s mistress! And that’s where all the trouble began. Tessa Davis had
come to France to visit the mother she hadn’t seen in twenty years. Instead she found three
tumbledown cottages and Guy de Turaine. Guy wanted to return her mother’s cottages to his
family estate and, much to his chagrin, he found he wanted Tessa too. He was going to fight for
the first, and fight again the second. He refused to repeat his father’s mistakes. Meanwhile, Tessa
wasn’t going to be seduced out of her property by the charms of her mother’s adversary, no
matter how damned attractive he was. Neither wanted to be trapped by seduction but, as anger
turned to passion, they fell right in. There was only one escape…
Sara Wood
Sicilian Vengeance
As far back as Jolanda could remember, silvery toungued Vito Velardi had done everything in his
power to make her father’s life hell – and she’d been hurt unbearably in the process. So when
Vito turned up out of the blue, she knew better than to take his words if it meant getting hurt again
when he revealed his true motives – because she had to find out what he was up to. Jolanda
couldn’t deny the passionate bond between them, but this time, she assured herself confidently,
Vito wouldn’t be able to string her along.
Sara Wood
Southern Passion
There was 1 reason for Ros returning to New Orleans after 8 years to face Chance Decatur, the
man she’d loved – and that was Melanie. But Ros couldnever reveal to Chance why the
whereabouts of his daughter meant so much. It didn’t help that southern gentleman Chance
dismissed Ros as no lady, just a gold digging old flame out to snare him after his divorce. Was all
that they had between them now a dark attraction as stemay as a Louisiana summer? Ros was
prepared to risk her heart again – if that meant protecting Melanie.
Sara Wood
Tangled Destinies
‘Perhaps I’m not your brother after all’. Those words bewildered Tanya. How could Istvan be
anything else? Growing together in a Devoshire vicarage, she’d idolized him – until her discovery
that he’d ruthlessly seduced her best friend, with tragic consequences. Now, 4 years on, they
were in Hungary for an emotional family wedding, & Istvan expected Tanya to listen to his side of
the story – and accept that the only man she’d ever loved suddenly wasn’t out of bounds.
Sara Wood
Threads of Destiny
He’d appeared without warning, out of the mysterious beauty of a moonlit Hungarian night.
Suzanne was spellbound, unable to resist the potent charisma of this elusive, devastatingly
attractive stranger. But Laszlo Huszar had more in mind thatn idle flirtation – his goal was
revenge, using Suzanne as a pawn in his passionate vendetta. Suddenly Suzanne found herself
locked in a circle of blackmail & hatred, the cruel legacy of her family’s dark past. Could she
break the invisible threads that bound her destiny to Laszlo’s?
Sara Wood
The Unexpected Mistress
They are complete opposites. Cassian is gorgeous, wealthy – he exudes charisma and
confidence. But Laura is penniless and painfully shy, having been neglected as a child. Knowing
that she has nowhere else to go, Casian lets her stay with him. And then, unexpectedly, Cassian
finds he’s attracted to her, that underneath her fragile beauty is a passionate woman. Laura has
never expected she’d be anyone’s mistress – let alone Cassian’s! He’s the man of her dreams –
yet she finds she can’t be satisfied as his mistress: she wants to be his wife.
Sara Wood
The Vengeful Groom
Legend has it that those married in Eternity’s chapel are destined for a lifetime of happiness. It’s
been ten years since Tina and Giovanni parted company, each accusing the other of betrayal.
But the years have made Gio stronger and harder. Amid hushed whispers and stares, he’s dared
to come back to Eternity, to regain the respect of his family. His plan calls for a bride, and Tina is
about to learn just how ruthless and disturbingly sensual Gio’s brand of vengeance can be.
Eternity’s magic is about to be put to the test!
Sara Wood
Unchained Destinies
Mariann loved a challenge, but it seemed that no amount of quick thinking and fast talking could
outwit ruthless publisher Vigado Gabor. His laser sharp instincts made him a formidable opponent
– and he knew that Mariann’s reasons for being in Budapest weren’t quite what they seemed.
Mariann couldn’t allow herself to become intoxicated by Vigado’s raw sexuality and brooding
charisma. But Vigado played to win, and demanded nothing less than total surrender – how could
Mariann resist?
Sarah Holland
An Obsessive Love
When Natasha stormed into Dominic Thorne’s office and kissed him, she was trying to prove that
she wasn’t an ice queen. But kissing Dominic was a big mistake! It started an obsessive desire
between them, which could only be resolved; so Dominic decided, by Natasha’s presence in his
bed! Natasha wanted more, much more, from their relationship: she wanted Dominic to belong to
her – body, soul and heart.
Sarah Holland
Bluebeard’s Bride
Elizabeth supposed it was a whirlwind romance she was having with Mark Blacthrone – although
she wondered if romance was the right word! For, although she had no doubts about her love for
him, he had never actually said he loved her. Nevertheless, when he asked her to marry him, she
accepted gladly. And then Elizabeth realised that there was a dark secret in Mark’s life –
something his family and friends seemed to know about, but which he was careful to keep from
his wife. Would it help her or harm her if she discovered what that secret was?
Sarah Holland
Caroline was worried. She couldn’t get Mark Rider off her mind but she was engaged to Stephen.
What was wrong with her? Stephen was so nice, & happy to wait until they were married before
going to bed. Whereas bed was all that Mark wanted. He was perfectly honest about it – love &
marriage were out, bed was in. Well, he could count Caroline out of his plans – passionate she
may be, but it just so happened she was old fashioned, too.
Sarah Holland
Dangerous Desire
Isabelle adored Monaco – but hated Jean Luc. After what she had been through in her previous
marriage she didn’t want to think about getting close to another man. The difficulty was, Jean Luc
was incredibly handsome and seemed to want to help – but maybe he just wanted to help her into
bed. What was she to do when her mind told her to steer clear of him and her heart said he would
be wonderful to love?
Sarah Holland
Desert Destiny
The meeting of Bethsheba and the sheik could be likened to the coming together of thunder and
lighting or the clashing of cymbals - but ordinary, it was not. Suddenly, Beth’s actions were no
longer undertaken at her bidding and her steps transported her into territory she had never
experienced before. She felt that she was drowning in a sea of sand and passion; and that she
was being dragged relentlessly to her destiny. Escape from the sheik was the only answer and
that was what she wanted – or was it?
Sarah Holland
Last of the Great French Lovers
‘You’re too beautiful to touch, too cold to marry & you spend your life looking after a career
instead of love, marriage & children. Alicia was devastated at this pronouncement. After all, she
had found that loving let to heartbreak, whereas a career was safe. David was also safe – and
Alicia liked that. But Jean-Marc Brissac’s vocabulary didn’t include the word. He made her feel
out of control, & she didn’t like that one little bit.
Sarah Holland
The Devil’s Mistress
The Devil’s Mistress was going to be an important film, and Natasha was thrilled to be playing the
lead – until she discovered that her leading man was going to be none other than Alex Brent, with
whom she had had such a passionate and disastrous relationship three years ago. That
relationship had been wrecked by Alex’s jealous young brother Roger – but as Alex had chosen
to believe Roger’s version of it all rather than Natasha’s, she had given up the fight. A fight, she
soon realised, that was now going to take up where it had left off
Sarah Holland
The Dominant Male
I’m Gabriel Stone. I might be named after an angel, but I’m definitely a sinner! But if I’m a sinner,
Rhiannon Windmorr is a witch! She’s certainly cast a spell on me. Rhiannon’s the first woman to
say no to me in a long time, & that’s got me thinking. She’s strong, beautiful, & sexy & I want her
in my bed! So maybe what I have to do is convince her that falling in love with me doesn’t mean
the end of her independent, free spirited lifestyle. Instead, I’ll share my world with her – a whole
new world. A world of love.
Sarah Holland
Tomorrow began Yesterday
How could any wife forgive a husband who had actually been unfaithful to her on their wedding
day? Certainly Laura couldn’t – which was why her marriage to Jake Ashton had ended, bitterly,
before it had ever begun. And now, a year later, all the heartbreak & disillusionment was being
resurrected for Laura, for Jake had turned up again, & because their work was throwing then
together there was no way she could avoid him. So in the circumstances, it did seem heartless,
even for someone as heartless as Jake, to produce the woman who had caused all the trouble!
Sarah Holland
Too Hot to Handle
It was Kate’s friend Linda who, on the spur of the moment, had asked the famous singing star
Luke Hastings for his autograph. Kate herself was not particularly interested in the man –
nevertheless it was she who got dragged, willy nilly, into Luke’s life – with far reaching effects on
her own! For, after his initial suspicion that it was Kate who had been responsible for setting the
newshounds on to him, he had found her a job working for his sister, and from then on, somehow
he kept on reappearing in her life. Why?
Sarah Mayberry
Hot for Him
Working in Hollywood is always about getting for the top. Or on top, as feisty producer Claudia
Dostis prefers. But when she contends with her sexy adversary, Leandro Mandalor, the stakes
change. This is one heated competition Claudia didn’t anticipate. Her charming opponent is
definitely up to Claudia’s challenge. Especially when a work incident requires both their attention.
He convinces her they must come together – in the office & in the bedroom. Suddenly getting on
top has a whole new meaning.
Sarah Morgan
A Bride for Glenmore
GP Ethan Walker arrives on the remote Scottish island of Glenmore to spend one summer as a
temp at the island’s surgery. It’s there he meets the beautiful Kyla MacNeil, practice nurse & heart
of the island’s community. Ethan can’t reveal his real reason for being on the island, & although
his head tells him he should stay well away from Kayla, he is unable to resist their attraction. As
the long summer days begin to fade, Ethan begins to wonder whether he can walk away.
Sarah Morgan
The Greek’s Blackmailed Wife
Zander Violakis is a ruthless tycoon who’s used to getting all he desires. Now, in order to secure
the Greek island resort he’s always wanted, he needs an image change – fast! The only person
who can help him is the woman who betrayed him 5 years ago: his wife, Lauranne O’Neill. But
Lauranne refuses to work with Zander again. He ruined her life once & he has the power to do it
again. The sexual chemistry between them might be sizzling, but Lauranne knows that to play
with Zander is to play with fire. As for Zanser, her refusal to help leaves him with only one option.
Sarah Morgan
In the Sheikh’s Marriage Bed
Crown Prince Zakour Al Farisi is ruler of all he surveys, & the moment Emily Kingston steps into
his Golden Palace, she too must do exactly as he commands! Zakour believes Emily has been
sent to seduce him & decides to turn the tables. His terms? Emily will repay her brother’s debt in
full – as his wife. But what will he do when he discovers that his beautiful bride to be is a virgin?
Sarah Morgan
Public Wife, Private Mistress
There is only one woman who can help arrogant Rico Crisanti’s injured sister; his estranged wife,
Anastasia. In public Rico demands that Stasia acts as the perfect wife: loyal, doting – and above
all – faithful. However, Rico hasn’t bargained on becoming obsessed with Stasia. As soon as
Rico’s sister recovers Stasia fears that she will be cast aside once more. Will her role as Rico’s
wife be over for good?
Sara Morgan
The Sicilian’s Virgin Bride
Women didn’t walk away from Sicilian billionaire Rocco Castellani. All he had wanted was a
lovely, biddable wife – instead Francesca had gone before the first dance at their wedding! But
now Rocco has tracked down his runaway young bride, & she’s back by his side – where a good
Sicilian wife should be! Rocco was cheated out of his wedding night – and nothing’s going to stop
him claining his virgin bride.
Sarah Morgan
Single Father, Wife Needed
Practice nurse Evanns Duncan & single father Dr. Logan MacNeil have always worked side by
side at the Glenmore community surgery. She has been in love with Logan for as long as she can
remember, while he only seems to see her as his colleague & friend. As Evanna finally decides to
move on with her life, leaving the island for good something happens to make Logan see her in a
completely different light. Will it be too late for Logan to make Evanna more than just a friend?
Saranne Dawson
Like a flash, wonderboy reporter Sam Winters stormed back into Kate Steven’s life – and under
the counjugal roof. But Kate was on to the biggest story of her career, tracking a cunning lobbyist
& a corrupt politician – one of whom wanted her dead. Sam claimed he was dead set on
protecting her, but Kate knew he would do anything for a story, including steal it from her. Could
his open arms & deep blue eyes be telling the truth this time? As the pieces of her story fit
together, Kate didn’t know whether her biggest power play of all would be with sexy Sam or the
Washington honchos. Only of them could be trusted.
Shannon Hollis
Sex & Sensibility
Sure, Tessa Nichols has visions & uses tarot cards to make decisions but so far they haven’t
steered her wrong. Though when she has a vision of a young woman tied to a bed Tessa’s not
sure what to think until she finds out the girls is missing. Sensible former cop Griffin Knox relies
on cold, hard facts – working with Tessa is the furthest thing from normal. And when she
describes every spicy, red hot vision to him, separating fantasy from reality becomes harder &
harder. But who said sex & sensibility couldn’t get along?
Sharon Kendrick
Cruel Angel
2 years ago, Stefano di Camilla had told Cressida to choose between their marriage & her job.
But as it had appeared he no longer loved her, it had been no choice at all really. Not once, since
he’d watched her leave, had Stefano been in touch. Now, he’d walked into her theatre dressing
room as if he owned the place. How dare he expect her to greet him with open arms? Besides
which, if she did, she might never let go.
Sharon Kendrick
The Final Seduction
When Shelley went to work in Italy, Drew was convinced that she wasn’t pursuing work, but her
rich boss – and his money! 3 years later Drew still hasn’t changed his mind. Though attraction still
sizzles between them Shelley keeps her love for Drew in check. When she finally loses her grip
he is merely convinced that it’s because she’s discovered hiw own new found wealth. Drew
decides that if he can’t have Shelley’s love then he can leave her with a night she’ll never forget –
but that final seduction changes their lives forever!
Sharon Kendrick
Getting Even
Geraint Howell Williams was sure Lola Hennessy had used her physical charms to gain her
inheritance – one of St Fiacre’s exclusive homes – from Peter Featherstone, a man she barely
knew. Geraint had good reason for wanting to find out more about Lola, and decided that
seducing her would be poetic justice! But justice was blind – and so was love!
Sharon Kendrick
The Italian Billionaire’s Secretary Mistress
Riccardo Castellari has never seen Angie as anything other than his mousy secretary – until she
flaunts a silky red dress that hangs on her every curve. Now he doesn’t just look once, but twice!
Angie is helpless to refuse 1 night of exquisite pleasure with Riccardo. But back at work her
cheeks are burning. Mortified, she tries to resign. But Riccardo has other ideas – in order to
leave, Angie must see out her notice as his very personal mistress.
Sharon Kendrick
Kiss and Tell
Triss Alexander faced the hardest task of her life, Cormack Casey had turned her life upside
down, hurt her deeply, and the only thing that had kept her going was the need to hurt him in
return. They hadn’t seen each other since the New Year’s Eve when Simon had been conceived,
and her son was now five months old – it was time! She would see Cormack, tell him he was a
father, that would never see his child, and leave
Sharon Kendrick
Mistress Material
I want you to become my mistress!
You must be completely mad!’
Pasquale’s dark eye glittered as he acknowledged Suki’s remark. ‘Perhaps just a little, but that is
the effect ou seem to have on me.’
‘Either tat or you’ve got a very warped sense of humour.’
No. I just never joke about business,’ he said coolly
But of course. That is what being a mistress is all about.
Sharon Kendrick
Mistress of La Rioja
Agreeing to live in Spain as her adorable nephew’s nanny & mistress to his father, Don Luis de la
Camara, was a desperate measure. Sophie knew Luis felt the desire for her that she felt for him,
but would he wan her to stay forever?
Sharon Kendrick
No Escaping Love
Shauna had told the insufferably arrogant Max Ryder that she had no intention of making the
same mistake! And she’d managed to keep her distance while working in the impersonal glamour
of Max’s London office. But suddenly everything had changed. Max had decided to live and work
from his Oxfordshire mansion a while, to be with his thirteen year old daughter – another surprise!
Shauna, of course, was expected to accompany him. And already this different Max was playing
havoc with her defences.
Sharon Kendrick
One Bridegroom Required
Holly Lovelace had it all worked out. She had the perfect wedding dress – all she needed was the
groom. And then Holly met Luke Goodwin, who was rich, handsome, and seriously sexy. Luke
Goodwin wanted to settle down to a calm, platonic marriage. He’d had enough adventures with
beautiful, sensual women like Holly to last a lifetime. Only Holly wasn’t quite the experienced
woman he took her for. He was the first man she’d ever lusted after, but now – if she wanted the
perfect wedding – this twenty-six-year old virgin had to seduce the groom
Sharon Kendrick
One Wedding Required!
Amber O’Neill wasn’t tall enough to be a model, but the next best thing was working as PA to
hunky Finn Fitzgerald, who ran his own Allure modeling agency. That Amber fell in love with Finn
wasn’t a surprise – the fact that he fell in love with her was! They were engaged & blissfully
happy, so there didn’t seem any rush to marry, but after Amber gave an ill advised interview to an
unscrupulous journalist, it seemed there wasn’t going to be a wedding at all.
Sharon Kendrick
Potent as Poison
When Riccardo Masterton reappeared in Elizabeth’s life he didn’t seem to realize that she was
the same girl with whom he’d once shared a passion filled weekend. Or did he? Beth had her own
good reasons for not reminding Rick of her true identity but he seemed determined to break down
the barriers she kept erecting between them! So what would happen when the passion between
them could no longer be denied?
Sharon Kendrick
Savage Seduction
Jade knew that Constantine was a man of primitive passions. Even so, she could hardly believe it
when after a whirlwind courtship, he insisted that she marry him! Things like that simply didn’t
happen to girls like her, did they? And Constantine soon made it clear that, far from loving Jade,
he actually despised her for her apparent betrayal. But, locked into this marriage of convenience,
Jade was determined to enjoy her husband’s special brand of savage seduction!
Sharon Kendrick
Sicilian Husband, Unexpected Baby
When Emma’s billionaire Sicilian husband found out she was likely to be infertile, he declared
their marriage was over! But then, back in England, Emma discovered the impossible had
happned – she was pregnant. But life as a single mother is tough, &, unable to pay her bills
Emma has only one option: Vincenzo. Once he learns he is a father, though, Vincenzo is intent
on claiming his son & returning to Sicily with him. So now, if Emma is to stay with her beloved
child, she must also return to the marriage bed!
Sharon Kendrick
Surrender to the Sheikh
After one slow, erotic dance at a wedding with a real live sheikh, the last thing Rose expected
was to go into work on Monday & find that she was going on an assignment – to Prince Khalim’s
kingdom of Maraban. Rose was whisked away to Khalim’s desert palace on board his private jet
– he treated her more like a princess than an employee. Yet she knew she could never be his
princess. An appropriate bride would be chosen and he would have to live his life of duty. But
now their need for each other was so demanding – all she could do was surrender to the sheikh.
But would she ever be more than his mistress?
Sharon Kendrick
Taking It All
5 years alter after his wife’s death, consultant Jamie Brennan still devoted his energies to just 2
things – his job & his daughter, Harriet. Another female in his life was bound to complicate
matters! So when vibrant Sarah Jackson joined Southbury Hospital as the new midwife, his
instant attraction to her took him by surprise. Emerald eyed Sarah was proving hard to resist,
though placating a jealous daughter was proving harder still. Could Jamie convince Harriet that it
was time to look to the future? And how would he cope when he learnt of Sarah’s connection with
his past?
Sharon Kendrick
The Desert King’s Virgin Bride
As Sheik of Kharastan, Malik has many responsibilities, & he doesn’t have time for distractions –
especially female ones! But when Sorrell, an Englishman in his care, announces she is leaving to
explore the pleasures of the West, Malik knows he must take action. If she wants to learn the
ways of seduction, he will be the one to teach her.
Sharon Kendrick
The Final Seduction
When Shelley went to work in Italy, Drew was convinced that she wasn’t pursuing work, but her
rich boss – and his money! Three years later Drew still hasn’t changed his mind. Though attration
still sizzles between them Shelley keeps her love for Drew in check. When she finally loses her
grip he is merely convinced that it’s because she’s discovered his own new found wealth. Drew
decides that if he can’t have Shelley’s love then he can leave her with a night she’ll never forget –
but that final seduction changes their lives for ever!
Sharon Kendrick
The Future King’s Bride
Crown Prince Gianferro Cacciatore is heir to the throne of Mardivino. His father, the King, is
dying. The pressure is on Gianferro to find a wife. Miss Millie de Vere is young and innocent. She
comes from an aristocratic English family with royal connections. Millie always thought her sister
would marry Gianferro. But it’s Millie he wants
Sharon Kendrick
Untamed Lover
As young & reckless teenagers they had married in haste & separated just as quickly. Scarlett
had moved on, put Liam behind her, & was now engaged to someone else. Liam, too, had
acquired a new sophistication, but underneath still burned an untamed spirit as determined as
ever to have what he wanted. He’d returned because wanted Scarlett. And if she wouldn’t go with
him, then – well, he’d just have to take her!
Sharon Kendrick
Wait and See
Dr Maisy Jackson was late – very late – on her first day at the infertility clinic, & consultant
Matthew Gallagher, on an exchange from Australia, was less than pleased! But that stiky start
didn’t stop either of them appreciating the other’s abilities, until they both began appreciating far
more than that! Matthew had never met a woman as openly warm & transparently honest as
Maisy, & he couldn’t help responding to her –but there were issues he had to resolve before he
could offer Maisy a future with him.
Sheila Douglas
Westhampton Royal
Doctor Jean Muir’s job as house surgeon on the trauma unit at Westhampton Royal Hospital was
quite difficult and demanding enough, even without the threatened advent of the new consultant,
Alex Mackenzie, who was reputed to be a tartar. And when in due course he arrived Jean soon
realised that rumour had not lied about him! He was indeed as difficult as she had heard, and he
seemed to be particularly cantakeous when she was concerned – making it clear that he disliked
and despised her, misunderstanding her innocent friendship with her various men friends, and
generally making life unbearable. So how on earth had she found herself in love with him?
Sherryl Woods
A Daring Vow
Zelda Lane, her very name made the local gossips raise their eyebrows. She’d scandalized an
entire town & filled upright Tayloy Matthews with enough young loves to burst all bounds of
propriety. But that was long ago. Now a pillar of the community, Taylor privately rued the day he’d
let Zelda go. But not as much as he dreaded her return! Because Zelda was back – as beautiful &
bold as ever. She was carrying a torch – as well as a grudge. And from the lips of his polished
shoes to the top of his starched collar, Taylor knew he’d never quite gotten her of his system.
Sherryl Woods
A Vow to Love
The 1st time Penny Hayden & Sam Roberts met as teenagers, she stormed off in an outraged
huff. The 2nd time, 9 years later, she hauled off & kicked him in the shin! It was then that Penny’s
grandfather knew they were a match made in heaven. Oh, sure, Penny said that Sam was an
insensitive jerk. And Sam insisted that he didn’t need anyone in his perfectly solitary life. But her
grandfather could read between the denials. An even if it was the last thing he accomplished, he
vowed they would fall in love!
Sherryl Woods
Wrangling the Redhead
Rugged Wade Owens treated Lauren Winters like a pretty little interloper who had trespassed on
his turf. Wade’s attitude sparked Lauren’s temper, but she’d never backed down from a
challenge. Weary from her high profile career, famous Lauren had returned home to reunite with
her old friends and to start over – incognito – as a horse trainer. Wade was a refreshing change
from the glitterati – he treated for the rich and powerful clear would their tempestuous love endure
the storm when Lauren revealed her true identity?
Shirley Jump
Back to Mr & Mrs
Cade & Melanie were the High School Prom King & Queen – the golden couple! 20 years on, the
reunion is looming, & Melanie Mathews must let the world know that the dream is no longer true.
Somewhere along their journey Cade lost sight of what really mattere. He let work take first place
in his life & lost the one person who lit up his world. Now he’s determined to show Melanie that he
can be the man she’s always wanted, the husband she always needed & win back her heart.
Shirley Jump
Her Frog Prince
This time I’m making a match for my old school chum – with the man she deserves! If there’s ever
a socialite who needed her come uppance, it’s personal consultant Parris Hammond. Lucky for
me, scruffy but sexy marine biologist Bradford Smith is just the man to give it to her. And now that
he’s bought a makeover her, the barbs & sparks are flying! Parris knows this frog is more man
than she’s ever met but can he truly be her prince?
Sophie Weston
Avoiding Mr Right
Christina knows there’s no knight in shining armor waiting to rescue her. The only way for a girl to
be free is to pay her own way. So when a handsome stranger offers to help her out Christina
can’t help being suspicious. Those suspicions grow after Christina starts working for a royal
princess & the mysterious Luc Henri reappears. Christina’s not fooled by his charm or his avid
attentiveness. It can’t be her he’s wanting – she doesn’t believe in love at first sight, & she doesn’t
believe in Mr Right. More likely he’s a journalist after a royal scoop. But, whatever Luc Henri’s
after, Christina’s determined to put him off the scent – if only she can put him out of her mind.
Sophie Weston
Dance with Me
Alexis Brooke, struggling musician, had nothing in common with international film stars.
Especially not those with Michael Slane’s reputation. Why, then, did she find herself sharing what
should have been a solitary trip to Spain with the arrogant hell raiser? Alexis had wanted to get
away, & sort out the traumas of the past & Patrick. And what of her future – would she ever play
or compose again? But Michael needed a sanctuary, & now he was too close for Alexis’s comfort;
he was the most damnedly attractive man – but was that enough to heal her shattered trust?
Sophie Weston
The Duke’s Proposal
Supermodel Jemima Dare needs to get away from it all. Travelling incognito, she flees to a
Caribbean paradise in search of peace. But there’s no peace to be found with Niall Blackthorne
around! He’s aristocratic in the luxury resort, irresistible on the beach & a danger to Jemima’s
heart wherever he is. Jemima & Niall are both hiding who they are. But when you fall in love this
hard, this last, hiding seems even harder than telling the truth.
Sophie Weston
Gypsy in the Night
‘Do your best for me, or I’ll see you never work on a major picture again,’ he said threateningly.
Jo felt trapped. Somehow he’d sensed her reluctance. She hadn’t wanted to stunt for a
temperamental film star on the Spanish set of Dangerous Midnight, but her grandfather’s future
depended on it. Now director Seb Corbell was bullying her into a superb performance; insisting
that Jo give him her total response – both on & off the set. Yet there were reasons, secret
reasons, why she could never comply with his demands.
Sophie Weston
Ice at Heart
Gaby hadn’t wanted to come to Sweden and give Dr Sven Hedberg music therapy, so the
realization that she would be alone with the broodingly handsome brain surgeon was doubly hard
to take! However, her father’s reputation was at stake, so she must at least try to help Sven – but
who would help her?
Sophie Weston
The Millionaire’s Daughter
Annis Carew knew the reason men usually pursued her – her father’s money! Broodingly
gorgeous, powerful Kosta Vitale was the first man ever to tempt Annis to respond but was he just
a playboy toying with her emotions? Kosta liked to be in control; whether it was business or
personal, he called the shots. His first fiery meeting with Annis unsettled him – not because she
was an heiress, but because she made him consider the unthinkable: marriage!
Sophie Weston
No Man’s Possession
Sara Thorn didn’t go to parties these days. Not since the accident that had lamed her. In fact, she
avoided contact with other people as much as possible. So how had she found herself with a man
she had never met before, making passionate love to him? She didn’t even know his name, she
realized afterwards, sick with shame. Fortunately it had stopped before she had lost all sense of
decency, so she must put it in the past & forget about it. Now she had to save enough money so
that she could have the operation which might cure her lameness. And this job in Venice sounded
exactly what she needed – working for an irascible old professor at a grossly inflated salary.
Sophie Weston
Shadow Princess
Katya’s involvement with Matthew Saracen was a mistake from every possible angle. At first he
wouldn’t believe that she wasn’t a sophisticate like her cousin Vonnie; then he seemed
determined to keep her in the shadows, away from the glittering life he led as a concert pianist. It
suited Katya, who didnt want her family to know that she was living in Paris, a princess wasn’t
supposed to earn her own living, let alone become involved in the sort of scandal that Matt’s
attentins could create!
Sophie Weston
Triumph of the Dawn
Right from the start, Paula knew that the imposing Eduardo Mascherini had the power to upset
her equilibrium. Which was why she was determined to keep him at a distance and maintain her
cool, detached and altogether professional image! But fate seemed destined to go against her –
not only did the devilish Count make it clear that he actually did the devilish Count make it clear
that he actually enjoyed turning her life upside down, Paula soon discovered that her heart
seemed set to follow its own treacherous path.
Stacy Absalom
Dark Night Dawning
How could Abigail Paston refuse her old friend’s request to attend a party with him, especially
after all he had done for her since the accident which had finished her career as a concert
pianist? But she definitely would have refused if she’d known just what the party was in aid of and
who would be there. For she might have been in love with Keir Minto ounce, but now she wanted
nothing more to do with him. And it was not just because he had caused her so much heartache
when he broke off their engagement, but because he frightened her.
Stacy Absalom
Ishbel’s Party
After having suffered a serious injury in Beriut Bethan returned to England for a period of
convelescence. She was then persuaded to return to a nursing position near her old home. She
was horrified to find that the lady she was looking after was the Aunt of Fraser her old love who
was also the witness for her greatest humiliation.
Stella Bagwell
Because of the Ring
She prided herself on her logic & quick wits – so why, when wearing her grandmother’s ring, did
Claudia Westfield have visions of an incredibility sexy, utterly captivating man? Claudia tracked
down Hayden Bedford. Her dream come true. Or was he? Her visions showed a man with an
incredible yearning in his eyes, yet Claudia seemed only to irritate Hayden. But as they searched
for the truth Hayden’s glances turned to passion & soon came the realization that Hayden closely
resembled his grandfather.
Stella Bagwell
Found: One Runaway Bride
Farmer Cord Rawlins was used to finding strange things in his fields, but a woman in a wedding
dress – with amnesia, no less? Now that didn’t happen every day! But soon the sexy woman –
who thought her name was Abby – had settled into his home, with his children. She knew nothing
about kids, farms, cooking or even cleaning, but she definitely knew how to kiss! Cord was afraid
Abby would leave once she regained her memory. Unless he could convince ‘his bride’ she
belonged right there with him & his family. And that’s what he set out to do.
Stephanie Howard
An Impossible Passion
‘I employ you & I’m the boss. I tell you what to do & you do it – and I can fire you whenever I
wish’. Put like that, Fayiz Davidian’s proposition was an offer Giselle certainly ought to refuse.
The wealthy Lebanese banker was the most appallingly arrogant man she had ever met, & his
views about women were cynical, to say the least. Only Giselle badly needed a well paid job, &
besides, since Fayiz obviously expected her to refuse, it was tempting to turn the tables on him.
Stephanie Howard
Dangerous Pretence
Rachel was in Florence for a much needed holiday, but Claudio del’Angelo had other ideas! He
had decided to use Rachel to bring her stepfather to heel. Because she was desperate to save
her stepfather. Rachel agreed to Claudio’s plan but she was soon regretting her decision. For,
while she was pretending to be in love with this irresistibly attractive man, Rachel found herself
hoping that pretence would become reality!
Stephanie Howard
Amber and the Sheikh
Amber Buchanan didn’t believe in love at first sight or happy ever afters. She certainly didn’t
believe that desert sheikhs still made a habit of kidnapping beautiful women & riding off into the
sunset! And then she met Sheikh Zoltan bin Hamad Al-Khalifa. No woman could resist him. He
exuded danger & excitement. He was beautiful, exotic a million miles from the sort of man Amber
was used to dealing with. Did the prince of the desert want Amber as a wife or just part of his
Stehphanie Howard
Highland Turmoil
Sarah was caught snooping on Brett McCabe’s property. The powerful Canadian developer had
purchased historic Strathbiggin Castle & had plans for the area that would change the face of her
beloved Highland home forever. He wasn’t going to let her off scot free. He demanded that
Sarah, as a reporter for the local paper, give him good press, & despite her loathing for him, she
had little choice. But it wasn’t long before her loathing began to turn to something quite different & equally intense.
Stephanie Howard
Kiss of the Falcon
Terri arrived on the tiny Italian island of Santa Pietrina on a mission of mercy: she had promised
her sister, Vicki, that she would find little Laura, Vicki’s daughter, who had been snatched by her
father after a family quarrel. She hadn’t exactly expected a warm welcome from Vicki’s cousin by
marriage, the arrogant, cynical head of the family, Angelo de Montefalcone, but why was his
opposition so implacable? What grounds could he have for his low opinion of Vicki?
Nevertheless, Terri was determined to prove a worthy adversary!
Stephanie Howard
Lord of the Manor
Charlotte knew of Jett’s reputation; he was arrogant, hard & ruthless. She wasn’t at all surprised
to find that he intended to evict her friends, including their young son. Well, she didn’t inted to
stand by & do nothing; she would support her friends to the end. And she did, until she
discovered she was beginning to fall in love with Jett. But how could she even like someone who
was obviously heartless & didn’t seem to realize she existed?
Stephanie Howard
Master of Glen Crannach
The man Camilla now knew to be the Honourable Ross McKeow, the man she had taken for a
shepherd, seemed to appreciate the joke more than she did. From the moment they met, sparks
flew between them, Camilia thought he was the most contemptible, ill-mannered man she’d ever
met. Still she had come to Castle Crannach to photograph the Celtic jewels there and was
determined to remain professional despite his provocation. Only she certainly hadn’t expected to
find among the Scottish Highlands something far more precious than jewels.
Stephanie Howard
The Pharaoh’s Kiss
Were all men materialistic & selfish? Harriet was beginning to think so. First her fiancé had stolen
her money, & now Dexter Ross was proving to be just as materialistic. Well, she wouldn’t let him
get away with it. What she didn’t understand was why the sweet natured young Egyptian woman
thought Dexter was wonderful. Until she began to see another side of him – and one she liked
very much.
Stephanie Howard
The Best for Last
Cassandra knew that Damon Grey thought she was heartless. After all, hadn’t she left him to
pursue her career? But Damon didn’t know her real reasons had been very different, and she was
determined that he wouldn’t discover them now! If Damon thought the Carribean sunshine was
going to make her melt, he could think again.
Stephanie James
Corporate Affair
Under Kalinda Brady’s cool silk surface was a smouldering heart waiting to be set afire. But the
beautiful tycoon hadn’t expected the sparks to fly with Rand Alastair, the stranger whose
caresses left her yearning for more. Kalinda had come to Colorado for revenge, pure & simple.
She’d arranged the setup, & her ex fiance’s had taken the bait. But her obsession with the past
faltered as she dealt with Rand. Kalinda was shaken by Rand’s powerful embrace, torn between
her passion for revenge & a hunger for this lover who stole into her world & conquered her heart.
If she wasn’t careful, Rand would have everything he wanted – including her.
Stephanie James
Joel Cassidy, ruler of a megasuccessful business empire, was the ultimate player. So he
recognized a lady with a game plan. And Shelley Banning was doing her masterful best to get to
him – and his fortune. She needed a loan, which meant she needed him. Joel wasn’t one to
easily part with what was his. He challenged Shelley word for word, kiss for kiss, until her supple
body ached with longing. And though his touch bewitched her senses, she wouldn’t be played like
a pawn. But how could she keep their relationship purely business when she so desperately
wanted to surrender herself to his passionate demands?
Stephanie James
Lover in Pursuit
The light in his amber eyes lit embers that hadn’t died. But Reyna Mackenzie vowed she’d never
again succumb to Trevor Langdon’s promise of love. The powerful businessman had betrayed
her love & destroyed her career. And now he’d come to Hawaii to reclaim her. But 6 months in
the tropics had changed Reyna from a cool businesswoman to a tawny tigress who had come to
her senses at last. She was willing to claim the passion – but refused to admit her love. So she
told Trevor she wanted a blazing affair – and then the fire they started flared out of control.
Stephanie James
Stormy Challenge
He’d lied about his name – what else would he deceive her about? Leya Brandon had believed
herself safe from Court Tremayne, but she had underestimated his determination to win her for
his own. He set out to challenge her heart & storm the barriers in her mind. And before he
finished, he would leave her hungering for his lean strength, shivering at his gaze & aching for the
fulfillment only he could give. But even as he demanded – and won – her passion, could he
persuade her to hand over her heart?
Stephanie Wyatt
This Man’s Magic
Knowing how much she was disliked by her stepmother, Sorrel had never made any demands
upon her father – until now. Her career as a jewellery designer could only progress if her name
became known, & for that she needed the umbrella of a good company. But asking her father for
an introduction to Lucas Amory started a chain of events which turned her life upside down. For
Luc didn’t believe she was Felix Valentine’s daughter, & worse, accused her of pirating his
company’s newest designs.
Sue Peters
Capture a Nightingale
In her unemployed state any job would have seemed inviting to Ros Morland. But the chance to
work for a famous artist on the magical island of Majorca was like a dream come true. Of course
there had to be a drawback, if an attractive man such as Keel Hennessy qualified for such a
description. Wealthy, good looking & successful, he was the answer to a maiden’s prayer. But the
side he showed to Ros was overbearing, arrogant & distinctly unappealing. Not that it mattered.
She had vowed never to fall in love again.
Sue Peters
Clouded Waters
The feud between the Montague & the Capulets was like a childish squabble compared with the
long standing quarrel between the Dane & the Baird families; although it had begun generations
ago, it was still carried on enthusiastically in the present day. But Marion Dane for one had no
sympathy with it at all. For she & Adam Baird were in love. They had already parted once,
because of the impossible family situation – but now Marion had come home to live again, & her
love for Adam was as strong as ever. Yet how could they marry without alienating themselves
from their families for good? Was there any happy solution to the problem?
Sue Peters
Dangerous Rapture
It had been very kind & generous of Roma’s godfather to leave her a valuable racehorse – but
Roma soon began to wonder if he had really known what he was doing! For one firm stipulation
was that the horse should be trained by Earl Paget – and Roma was far from happy with that
arrangement! For, quite apart from his maddening, authoritative ways, Earl was, she was sure,
not being honest about the situation. She was convinced he was favoring his own horse at the
expense of her own – yet she couldn’t prove anything. All she seemed to be doing, despite
everything, was falling deeper & deeper in love with him!
Susan Alexander
Temporary Husband
Blake Templeton had long been a friend of Kate’s father, & of hers. Thad didn’t mean, though,
that she wanted to marry him. If she wanted to marry anyone, it was Henri du Bois, wo was so
charming & attentive to her. But because of her father’s will she found herself married,
temporarily to Blake – a man who was cold & unfeeling towards her, & who thought he could rule
Susan Alexander
Wedding in the Family
Ever since her sister Monica had stolen her fiancé Philip, Davina had virtually been cut off from
her family. Now Monica and Philip were getting married, and Davina didn’t know how she could
face going to the wedding. So when her boss, Jake Humphries, suggested that she take him
along for moral support, pretending that he was her fiancé – an arrangement, he said, that would
suit him as well – Davina was ready to grasp at any straw. But it didn’t solve any problems – for
all that happened was that she fell in love with Jake instead. And Jake, of course, was only using
her as she had used him!
Susan Barrie
Accidental Bride
The tall, dark, angry Austrian who helped Samantha Rivers after a skiing accident – and gave her
a blistering telling off in the process! – was, Samantha thought and hoped, just a ship that passed
in the night. She never expected or wanted to see him again. But she did meet him again much
later, and in very different circumstances. For when her aristocratic school friend Elisabeth von
Ultz invited Samantha to stay with her in the family castle in the Austrian Alps. Elisabeth’s
brother, the imperious Baron Stephan von Ultz, turned out to be none other than Samanta’s angry
acquaintance of the skiing incident. And Samantha liked him no better than she had before.
Susan Barrie
Dear Tiberius
Lucy Nolan was very fond of her charge, 12 year old Miranda, who had been injured in a car
crash. But she wasn’t so sure about her feelings towards the girl’s father. He seemed ruthless &
autocractic – which was why frivolous Kathleen had nicknamed him after a Roman emperor – and
Lucy could not forgive his apparent indifference to his daughter. All his attention was given to the
coldly beautiful Lynette Harling, to whom he was practically engaged, & Lucy had to face the fact
that she, as well as the love starved Miranda, would be deeply hurt if the marriage ever went
Susan Barrie
Hotel Stardust
Eve knew she was going to find her legacy of a big house in Cornwall expensive to run, but she
didn’t want to sell it – least of all to that ardent would be buyer, Roger Merlin, who was too
autocratic by half. It was Roger Merlin himself, however, who gave her her great idea. He wanted
to run the place as a hotel in conjunction with the one he already owned. Very well, thought Evie,
she’d trun Treloan into a hotel herself, & run it as a rival to Stark Point – and Roger Merlin should
rue the day when he had treated her to his customary arrogace!
Susan Barrie
No Just Cause
When Marry Pentallon insisted on introducing her brother James to her friend Carole Sterne,
Carole was reluctant rather than eager. After all, James was a rich handsome man of the world
with all Paris at his feet – why should he wish to meet a quiet little schoolteacher? The reason, it
soon appeared, was that he wanted a temporary fiancée to keep at arm’s length the glamorous
but predatory widow Chantal St. Clair – and Carole, he decided, would suit his purpose
admirably. Weakly, Carole found herself agreeing – but had she considered where it might lead
Susan Barrie
The Wings of the Morning
My dear Kathie, My godson, the Marques de Barrateira, & his stepmother have arrived
unexpectedly, several days before I was looking forward to having them. I would like you, dear
child, to come & join us for the weekend, & I hope this won’t upset any of your own personal
arrangements! My car will pick you up at 2.30 this afternoon. Kathie’s 2 sisters could not
understand this invitation from Lady Fizosborne. Why would she invite quiet, plain young Kathie
instead of her much more attractive sisters? And indeed Kathie was puzzled too. But she
reasoned that no doubt Lady Fizosborne need someone to help with the household arrangements
rather than someone to help entertain her guests & so she set off for the weekend intending to be
as useful as possible.
Susan Fox
An Arranged Marriage
Blue Summer was a self made man who had everything money could buy – except a wife &
children. He craved the respectability his tough upbringing had denied him. Allison Lancaster was
his passport to socially acceptable world of power & privilege. A banker’s daughter, she’d be the
perfect wife! Allison declared she would only marry for love, but her family had other ideas. They
wanted Blue’s money as much as he coveted their social standing. The wedding was arranged, &
it was only when Blue kissed his bride that Allison realized he made her head spin with a dizzy
attraction but was it love?
Susan Fox
The Black Sheep
Clay Cantrell’s taunt didn’t surprise Willa. She knew she wasn’t welcome in her home town, & that
her presence stirred up painful memories for Clay. He still held her responsible for the accident
that caused his sister’s death 5 years before – could she blame him for being hostile? The trouble
was, meeting Clay again rekindle the old passion between them. And this time they were drawn
to each other not as leve struck teenagers, but as man & woman.
Susan Fox
Marriage on Demand
In just 4 days, Rena will marry Ford Harlow. Just imagining the ceremony fills her with intense
excitement - & trepidation! It won’t be an ordinary wedding. Their union is a marriage deal. Ford
wants her property, Rena will do anything to keep it. But if Rena is expecting a marriage of
convenience – sharing their lives but never a bed – she has a shock in store. Ford has long been
intrigued by his shy bride, and he fully intends to be a husband in every sense of the word!
Susan Fox
The Bad Penny
Ethan Kincaid is a loner: tough, rugged, a successful rancher who makes his own rules. He’s also
a widower – and the loving fathter of a 5 year old girl. Maggie Deaton is a woman with a past.
Framed by her stepbrother & convicted of a crime she didn’t commit, she’s hoping to start a new
life – working for Ethan. Ethan faces a dilemma. Maggie is a bad penny & no good for him – but
he just can’t stay away from her!
Susan Fox
Vows of the Heart
An accident on her wedding day had left Veronica Spencer physically scarred. Emotionally
shattered. So she returned to the one place she had ever felt secure – Chapman Ranch, in the
heart of Wyoming – only to find that everything had changed. Cole Chapman was in charge now!
To Cole, Veronica was still the undisciplined child of the woman who’d left his father. Veronica
vowed to prove Cole wrong, never dreaming that an adolescent crush would suddenly turn to
Susan Mallery
Holly and Mistletoe
Holly Garrett was in trouble. The handsome stranger who’d saved her from a storm was now
asking her for help. And he was inviting her to live with him. Sure, she could prepare evening
meals & gave him sponge baths, but nothing had prepared her for those sexy glances he threw
her way. Jordan Haynes couldn’t let Holly be alone for Christmas. Not when visions of her were
dancing in his head night after night. No, he could play the needy patient as well as anyone &
convince her to keep him company through the holidays – if not longer
Susan Meier
Her Pregnancy Surprise
Watching her tiny daughter sleeping cradled in her arms, so fragile & so helpless, Grace realizes
she would don anything for her. Even if it means meeting the man who broke her heart – the man
who doesn’t even know he has a child. Danny Carson is Grace’s former boss, & he’s as gorgeous
& brooding as ever. Little does he realize a business trip that turned into a whirlwind affair had
consequences. Now playboy Danny is about to discover he’s a father.
Susan Napier
A Passionate Proposition
Scott Tyler might want a red hot affair with Anya Adams – but that doesn’t mean he likes her. On
the contrary, he’s managed to get her suspended from her brand new job! Realising he’s gone
too far, Scott offers Anya temporary employment at his home. But having her around every day is
playing havoc with his self control. Soon, all he can think about is making Anya a proposition –
that she share his bed, night after night, to their mutual satisfaction.
Susan Napier
Deal of a Lifetime
Emma’s background dictated that she ought to be an earth mother, and since children found her
magical this only reinforced the image. But in actuality Emma Rainer was a tough corporate
lawyer, and currently a major contender for promotion. She was inordinately pleased to be
invited, along with the others, to Sir Clive Conway’s holiday island – until she found out all the
family were going to be there, children and babies! And Fraser Conway, Sir Clive’s half-brother,
made it clear he wanted Emma in both her guises! That he had an adorable small son only made
it harder
Susan Napier
Fortune’s Mistress
To the outside world, Maggie and Finn’s marriage seemed very modern, thoroughly open. Maggie
the free-wheeling socialite, dispensing her favours indiscriminately, and Finn running the family
companies and indulging his playboy tendencies. But then Finn fell genuinely in love with Laurie
Fortune, young daughter of financier and jeweler Nicholas Fortune – and the house of cards
Maggie’s scheming had wrought fell about her ears. Because Nick thought Laurie wanted to be
friends with Maggie and he was set on wresting her away from this scarlet woman and Maggie
was horrified to realize that her headlong response to Nick was returned in full measure!
Susan Napier
The Hawk & The Lamb
Jack Hawkwood was infuriatingly close to reality, except that, beneath her boring spinster
exterior, Elizabeth was a woman of mystery with a delicate family mission to accomplish! She’d
been repressing her instinctively sensual nature, too – so for how long could she deceive Jack as
to her real reason for staying at his luxury hotel on his family’s sub tropical Pacific island, when
there was an almost primitive attraction simmering between them?
Susan Napier
The Love Conspiracy
Kat cheerfully accepted her friend Todd’s invitation to stay at the family home for the weekend,
during which his Uncle Daniel was to announce his engagement. Only slowly did it dawn on Kat
that she was the pawn in another game altogether, one complicated by the incandescent flame
which erupted between herself & Daniel Bishop – whoose cool, cultured facade covered the soul
of a ruthless buccaneer.
Susan Napier
No Reprieve
It didn’t really matter to the quiet librarian that her aunt Jane had become Madame Zoe, medium
and spiritualist. Nor that she often enlisted Seven’s aid. But that was before Jake Jackson’s
mother wanted Madame Zoe to trace her missing grandchild. Jake, editor and owner of a
crusading newspaper, wanted no part in their plan. Seven knew that any future she dreamed of
with Jake was in jeopardy. Trying to extricate Aunt Jane while maintaining her own anonymity
was going to be next to impossible. Especially when this forceful abrasive man turned up at every
Susan Napier
Secret Admirer
“What will you give me if I let you off the hook this time:?” Scott Gregory was ready to pounce;
he’d realized Grace was a mere novice at business, & emotionally vulnerable – a young widow
struggling to save her late husband’s company. But Grace was ready to fight; she would study
business &, though Scott was the most red bloodedly attractive man she’d ever met, his
reputation as a womanizer went before him. After all, Grace had everything to lose, & she felt that
Scott would offer her nothing of value in return would he?
Susan Napier
Sweet as My Revenge
Jessica Wright had stolen something from Matthew Grieve that he had needed for his divorce.
Even so, the divorce had gone through, in a blaze of publicity. And now he had found her, and
was exacting his revenge. But an intelligent, hard working and successful businesswoman did not
just tamely submit to a man – especially if that man was ruthless, hard and uncaring of others.
Only, was Matthew the man his ex wife had painted, or was that a façade – just as her own self
confident manner hid another, more vulnerable, woman? And if she surrendered to that hidden,
more susceptible man, wouldn’t that leave her defenceless?
Susan Napier
The Cruellest Lie
Coward. Lies. Those words haunted Claudia: for 2 years, she’d carried a heavy burden of guilt –
the result of a revengeful impulse, born out of the tragic loss of her baby son. She knew she’d
wronged Morgan Stone – cruelly tarnished his honor. So it came as no surprise that now he was
determined to get exact payment from her. Claudia found Morgan as tough & unyielding as ever –
a lethal combination of blatant sexuality & controlled aggression – but the past & her attraction to
him meant she couldn’t resist his startling plan for both of them.
Susan Napier
The Lonely Season
Caught in an intolerable situation, Gina’s unwitting disgrace was witnessed by Leo Sterne. And
without a voice, lost in an accident, being unable to defend herself to this forceful, virile man was
torment! The operation which later restored her a voice of sorts came too late for Gina to change
his opinion of her, and so it was a profound sock to discover, recuperating on Paradise Island,
that it belonged to Leo. Forced into contact in the aftermath of a cyclone, she found her senses
ravished by Leo’s uninhibited sensuality, and her heart torn by Nic, Leo’s small, difficult son –
only to find Paradise was not proof against the serpent.
Susan Napier
The Revenge Affair
Joshua Wade was convinced that Regan was plotting to disrupt his wedding. Why else would she
have agreed to organize the big day – when she clearly had a grudge against him? Regan had to
admit there was unfinished business between them: a reckless one nigh stand just tow months
ago. Regan wasn’t out for revenge, though she did have a hidden reason for getting close to
Joshua’s family. Only she could never reveal her secret plans – not even when Joshua confessed
his engagement was a sham and he wanted his ring on Regan’s finger!
Susan Napier
The Sister Swap
Anne: it was a daring deception, but she always put her family first. Her sister desperately needed
some time alone and Anne would at last have the chance to study at college. But there was
something – someone – she hadn’t bargained for. Hunter Lewis, visiting professor and Anne’s
very attractive neighbor. He was soon immensely suspicious of her. However, Hunter’s arrogant
assumptions about Anne made it easier for her not to let him into her apartment – or into her
heart. Fir it would be disastrous if Hunter discovered that Anne had been left – quite literally –
holding the baby!
Susan Stephens
The French Count’s Mistress
When Kate Foster decides to open a business at her family’s cottage deep in the French
countryside, she imagines a return to the idyll of her childhood. Instead she discovers that all the
neighbouring properties have been sold to none other than Count Guy de Villeneuve, on whom
she once had a crush. Guy is determined to prevent Kate from setting up business on his land,
until he realizes the girl he used to tease and flirt with has matured into a proud and feisty
woman. The intense sexual chemistry that burns between them is impossible to resist and he will
have Kate as his mistress - whatever it takes.
Susan Stephens
Housekeeper at His Beck and Call
Liutenant Cade Grant wears his scars well on the outside. He’s rugged, strong & gorgeous, but
his heart is as hard as they come. Sweet, innocent & in need of employment fast, Liv will do
almost anything. If that means donning her housekeeper’s pinny for the brooding Lieutenant then
so be it. As sparks fly between them, Cade’s more interested in having his beautiful new
housekeeper between his sheets rather than washing them. But the plucky virgin’s nervous. The
job description has just been changed – the situation vacant is now in his bed – and Cade will
teach her everything she needs to know.
Susan Stephens
The Italian Prince’s Proposal
Crown Prince Alessandro Bussoni Ferara needs to make a purely practical marriage – and he’s
found the perfect bride! Emily Weston agrees to the Prince’ proposal to help her sister. But once
Alessandro’s wedding ring is on her finger there are surprises in store – first, the discovery that
Alessandro has had to marry so his elderly father can abdicate in his favor. And then the
revelation that Alessandro must provide the principality of Ferara with an heir. Heartbroken, Emily
decides she must leave Alessandro –without telling him she’s expecting his baby.
Susanna Firth
Master of Shadows
The drama critic Max Anderson had wrecked Vanessa’s promising acting career at a blow with
one vicious notice, & she would never forgive him for it. Nevertheless, beggars can’t be choosers,
& Vanessa had to find a job of some sort – and when the only job offering happened to be that of
secretary to Max Anderson himself, she had little choice but to accept. Apart from her abiding
dislike of Max, she had no intention anyway of getting involved with him; it was well known that he
changed his women as often as most men change their shirts, & Vanessa of all people was not
going to add herself to their number. But at least it all led to her meeting the delightful Daniel
Susanna Firth
The Overlord
It had come as a shock to Verity when her father confessed that the estancia of which he was
manager had run into trouble, & that the owners were sending out a trouble shooter to sort things
out; in fact she was far more worried about the situation than her father. And the arrival of the
redoubtable Ramon Vance did nothing to soothe her fears. The typical new broom, he set about
his task with devastating thoroughness. Yet, infuriatingly, in a short time everyone was eating out
of his hand! But Verity had no intention of adding herself to their number – he could just leave her
alone. Isabel Delgado was more than welcome to him!
Susanne James
The Playboy of Pengarroth Hall
Devastatingly desirable hot shot lawyer Sebastian Conway has a string of glamorous socialites
available to escort him to every social occasion – so why would this playboy billionaire ever want
to settle down? But Sebastian is also the Conway heir, & the time has come for him to do his duty
& return to his family’s seat in Cornwall, the grand Pengarroth Hall estate. At an exclusive
weekend gathering, Sebastian discovers pretty, virginal Fleur Richardson, who gets flustered at
his every word. Sebastian finds himself beguiled. Maybe Fleur’s not so much potential mistress
material as the future mistress of Pengarroth Hall – if only Sebastian can overcome his allergy to
Susanne McCarthy
A Married Woman?
Shelley Clarke had married once for love, & the second time for security. Her first marriage had
left her with her beloved daughter, Emma, her second with no home, no money & Saul Rainer’s
wrath to contend with! Her seemingly safe, dependable husband, Colin, had disappeared along
with all of Shelley’s savings & half a million pounds of Saul Rainer’s money! Had her marriage to
Colin been based on lies? Saul Rainer seemed to think so but he had an agenda of his own – he
certainly tempting but, even if Colin was a criminal, he was still her husband – wasn’t he?
Susanne McCarthy
A Candle for the Devil
Adam Taylor’s time in prison hadn’t dulled his arrogance. Who else could reappear after 6 years
& lay claims to everything he’d left behind – includiiing Olivia? Wellll, sheee was promised to
someone else now, & she’d put Adam’s betrayal behind her, hadn’t she? Some family scandals
were best left buried. But Adam seemed determined to rake over old wounds & even older
attractions. Olivia’s mind was suddenly filled with doubts – that, maybe, Adam wasn’t guilty, &
that her love for him was just the same?
Susanne McCarthy
Caught in a Dream
Cassy’s grandfather indulged in two expensive pastimes – playing Lord of the Manor & betting
the ponies. Both pleasures overreached his means to support them, & now the crunch had come
– eviction from his Somerset estate. And although Cassy hadn’t the heart to allow this, she
certainly hadn’t the funds to prevent it. Only one person had the power & the wealth to do that –
her no love lost neighbor & landlord, Sir James Clayton. However, the maxim ‘There’s no harm in
asking’ backfired. Sir James would help, but what he wanted in return was her!
Susanne McCarthy
Dangerous Entanglement
Typical! When Joanna refused to jump into bed with Alex Marshall, he assumed she was frigid!
But the arrogant entrepreneur sensed that it wasn’t just the intense Egyptian heat that was
responsible for melting the cast-iron defence that Joanna had erected since the end of her
marriage! However, there wasn’t any future in a no strings affair – no matter how much she ached
for Alex
Susanne McCarthy
Don’t ask for Tomorrow
Kate’s mission to prove her late husband’s discovery of the wreck, the Belle Etoile, depended on
hiring Sean McGregor. He had worked with her husband & was now the enigmatic skipper of the
Barracuda. Kate knew that in the silent world beneath the waves, she could trust Sean with her
life. Yet he was a man of mystery, torn by a secret Kate was sure involved her late husband. In
spite of herself, the fierce ardor of his embraces swept her irrevocably into a whirlpool of passion.
But loving Sean meant the betrayal of love’s memory.
Susanne McCarthy
A Long Way from Heaven
Joe Daley had wanted Lauren for a long time, and she had kept him waiting. Now he was going
to make her pay, if he could. She saw it in his eyes, a glittering anger behind the hot embers of
desire. He knew that she eluded him still and he was determined to have her on his own terms.
But Lauren was playing a game of her own, a dangerous game, and the stakes were high. Could
she hope to outplay Joe? Or would the passion that flared between them prove her downfall?
Susanne McCarthy
Her Personal Bodyguard
He had saved her life but Lynne Slater had never expected to see perofessional bodyguard &
mercenary Rhys Gillan-Fox again. She certainly hadn’t expected to end up living with him! Yet
circumstances had thrown them together & desire had taken care of the rest. But in the year
since their parting, Rhys had been to hell & back professionally & personally. Now he was an ex
bodyguard, an ex mercenary & an ex husband. It had left scars deeper than his bullet wound.
And it seemed that Lynne could have her own personal bodyguard as long as she accepted that it
was just her body he was interested in.
Susanne McCarthy
Master of Deceit
Andrea had wanted to confront E.J. Preston, but she had never intended that her protest group
kidnap him! Forced into close contact with the international industrial tycoon, she soon realized
that he played games with the deadlines of a rattlesnake – and that she must set him free. But
E.J. blamed her for his imprisonment & would surely seek his revenge. What better way to make
Andrea pay than to black mail her into accompanying him on a business trip to beautiful,
mysterious Japan – the perfect backdrop against which to explore their mutual, magnetic
Susanne McCarthy
Practised Deceive
‘I don’t belive in dicing with danger..’ But when top model Alysha Jones signed an exclusive
contract with Lozier Cosmetics her life became positively hazardous. Ross Elliot – the man whose
casual seduction she’d nearly fallen for years before – was handling the new campaign! Alysha
was determined to fight her old attraction for him. Ross was a womanizer – pure & simple - a
practiced deceiver, & any relationship he was offering could only be one of short term satisfaction
& high risk to Alysha’s heart!
Satan’s Contract
There was nothing Pippa could do to stop her parents bartering with Shaun Morgan – using Pippa
as the price. Shaun held all the aces: he’d inherited the family fortune & Pippa’s attraction to
shaun had turned to something deeper, but she knew he despised her & for him it could only be a
marriage of convenience – though one of the utmost convenience, since Pippa was Shaun’s
surest means of getting his revenge.
Susanne McCarthy
Trial by Love
Caroline was floored by fellow barrister Matt Farrar-Reid when he demanded to know more about
the girl behind her forbidding wig & gown. She had watched the travesty that was her parents’
marriage & vowed she’d never get involved with anyone. But, away from the courtroom & warmed
by the Mediterranean sun, Caroline began to see Matt in a very different light. Could she keep the
cold professionalism of their working relationship – or would she abandon her defence & let Matt
into her life?
Suzanna Lynne
Red Feather Love
If young Gillian McBride, flying out to a new life in Swaziland where she was to take up her
inheritance of her father’s farm, had any qualms about the future she had managed to calm them
by telling herself that she could rely implicitly on the farm manager, Graham Barry. Graham did
indeed turn out to be a tower of strength; he was efficient & helpful, & Gillian found herself relying
on him more & more. But it was something of a shock when Graham confessed that he had fallen
in love with her – particularly as Gillian herself had lost no time in falling in love too, with the lofty
Dir von Breda, who, however, from the first had made his attitude clear: “Precocious kids are not
my favorite brand of humanity!”
Suzanne Carey
Baby Swap
When Seth Danner first met Margo Rourke he knew she was destined to be his. But he didn’t
know his new housekeeper had a secret that could destroy his family or that he’d have to shield
his child from that secret. And Seth was the type of man who’d summon all his power & strength
to protect his own. Margo hadn’t planned on lying to Seth, but her impulsive nature had seen a
chance to be near his daughter & she’d grabbed it. She’d do anything to discover the truth about
her lost child, but she hadn’t planned on falling in love. Not with the little girl who might be her
own & certainly not with the girl’s father. The one thing Margo hadn’t anticipated was a cosmic
Suzanne Carey
Father by Marriage
Jake McKenzie’s assignment was simple – find a client’s lost granddaughter & bring her back.
But the little girl’s adoptive mother was not at all what he expected. Beautiful & trusting, Holly
Yarborough hired him as a hand on her ranch, welcomed him to her home - & soon she & her
daughter unknowingly stole his heart. Jake’s mission became a tangle of lies & desperate
dreams. For even as he took Holly in his arms & longed to ask her to be his wife Jake knew that
his newfound family could be destroyed by the truth.
Suzannah Davis
The Rancher and the Redhead
What was rancher Sam Preston to do when he found himself saddled with an infant? Holler for
his best pal, of course. A single gal like Roni Daniels might not have first hand experience raising
kids, but at least she was a woman. Roni knew what Sam needed: a wife! And she was willing to
fill the position. Sure, he’d think that their marriage would be strictly business. But if she had her
way, business would soon be mixed with pleasure.
Suzanne Brockmann
No Ordinary Man
Vital statistic of Rob Carpenter: early 30, travelling consultant, no family, likes Chinese takeout &
action movies. That was all Jess Baxter knew about her newest tenant, Rob Carpenter. That &
the fact that he liked her daughter – and was the sexiest guy she’d ever met. But as Jess found
out, no one got to know the elusive Mr. Carpenter. He was a master at dodging questions &
igniting her desires. With just one of his searing kisses, Jess was hotter than the Florida sun. But
then the murders started – all women who looked like her. And the profile of the killer matched
Rob Was Rob an innocent victim – or had his burning kisses only been a smoke screen? One
thing was certain Rob Carpenter was no ordinary man.
Suzanne Carey
Baby Swap
When Seth Danner first met Margo Rourke he knew she was destined to be his. But he didn’t
know his new housekeeper had a secret that could destroy his family or that he’d have to shield
his child from that secret. And Seth was the type of man who’d summon all his power & strength
to protect his own. Margo hadn’t planned on lying to Seth, but her impulsive nature had seen a
chance to be near his daughter & she’d grabbed it. She’d do anything to discover the truth about
her lost child, but she hadn’t planned on falling in love. Not with the little girl who might be her
own & certainly not with the girl’s father. The one thing Margo hadn’t anticipated was a cosmic
Suzanne Simss
The Pirate Princess
Nick Hazard knew that Melina Morgan was just trouble waiting to happen. She claimed she was a
librarian, but with her baby blue eyes & knockout figure, she looked like no librarian he’d ever
seen. And now she wanted him to get mixed up in some harebrained search for buried treasure.
No way! But Melina hadn’t shed her stodgy image for nothing. After all, she was now the Pirate
Princess: bold, sexy & able to get all men – especially hunks like Nick – to do her bidding. But
Melina was in way over her head.
Sylvia Andrew
Legacy of Love - Eleanor
Briefly in London for a family wedding, Miss Eleanor Southeran was intrigued to meet Mr. Jonas
Guthrie. He was more forthright than the polished gentlemen she had been meeting, which she
enjoyed. But then she discovered he was being ostracized by the ladies of the ton, and finding
out why, she was confused. This interesting man surely couldn’t he guilty of such accusations!
Still, once she was home in Somerset, she wasn’t likely to meet him again.
Sylvia Sark
Sophie and the Prince
Forced by the premature death of her father to take a post as governess, Sophie Johnson travels
to St Petersburg, a city of splendor & squalor in pre revolutionary Russia. There, she is to teach
English to the 2 daughters of the dynamic Prince Peter Rasimov. The sweet & gentle Sophie falls
deeply in love with the Prince, but with so many odds against her, can she find true happiness?
The difference in their backgrounds is but a small thing compared with the treachery of the
scheming French governess & her friend Elena. The final blow, leading to an uncharacteristic
reaction from Sophie, is her discovery that the Prince has a mistress.
Teresa Southwick
Crazy for Lovin’ You
When she was a love struck teenager Taylor Stevens bared her soul to Mitch Rafferty. But
instead of sweeping her into his arms, the tortured rebel with the bad boy blue eyes told eyes
told her she kissed like a girl! Mortified, Taylor shoved Mitch into the pool cowboy boots & all!
Now the tables were turned & Mitch couldn’t believe his eyes. From scrawny kid to stunning
woman, Taylor had sure grown up & Mitch was itchin’ to kiss her again. But the contrary
cowgirl swore she’d been crazy for ever lovin’ him.
Teresa Southwick
The Sheikh’s Reluctant Bride
Jessica Sterling has just discovered a life changing secret. In the desert kingdom of Bha’Khar
is the famil she never knew she had! Little does she realize that includes the man she’s been
betrothed to since birth. Sheikh Kardahl Hourani is rich, gorgeous, & arrogant. He’s happy to
marry, but this brooding prince doesn’t have love on his agenda. Can Jessica see the man
behind the playboy persona & find her way into his guarded heart?
Terry McLaughlin
A Perfect Stranger
Charismatic Nick Martelli is all smoldering good looks & animal magnetism. Unfotunately, he’s not
the man Sydney Gordon is nearly engaged to – the man who’s waiting for her to come back from
Europe & accept his marriage proposal. And Nick’s certainly not what you’d think of as ideal
husband material. Sydney needs somebody steady to help her rein in her impulsive nature.
Doesn’t she?
Tessa Radley
Black Widow Bride
Her attempt at seduction the night before his marriage had nearly been his undoing. Wealthy
businessman Damon Asteriades had pushed aside all thoughts of brash Rebecca Grainger for
years, until circumstances forced him to bring her back to his family’s estate. There was no
reason for him to become further involved with the woman society had dubbed the black widow
bride or indulge in the intense passion that still burned hot between them. But could a 3 year old
secret she was protecting change that?
Trish Jensen
Behind the Scenes
TV Producer AJ Landry likes things done his way. So sparks immediately begin to fly when
novice presenter Tanya Pierce arrives on the set of his new makeover show with her own ideas!
Not only does Tanya’s program soon become the biggest thing on television, the attraction
between her & AJ is well & truly switched on! But his rule is that he doesn’t date Hollywood
celebrities – he’s been there, done that. But, try as he might, AJ can’t turn off his desires for
Tanya. He’ll just have to arrange for some late night viewing.
Tirsh Morey
The Italian Boss’s Mistress of Revenge
All that stands in the way of Dante Carrazzo & revenge is Mackenzi Keogh, the sexy manager of
the hotel he plans to ruin. Mackenzi will do almost anything to save the business, & Dante
ruthlessly uses this, he will reconsider destroting the hotel if she becomes his mistress! From
manager to mistress in a day Mackenzie knows she shouldn’t trust Dante, except the pleasure he
gives is too heady to resist. But will their bedroom bargain come to an end when Dante learns
that his mistress of revenge is pregnant with his child?
Trish Morey
Mancini Marriage Bargain
He had wed her to save her from an enforced marriage. Now, 12 years on, Paulo Mancini’s back
– to tell his wife, beautiful Helene Graigner, they can divorce at last. Paolo is still the passionate,
gorgeous Italian Helene married, but he’s now a different person – highly successful & utterly
ruthless. Then, when they are reunited for 1 last night, Paolo realizes he’s lost too much to lose
any more, & he has no intention of leeting his wife go!
Trish Wylie
One Night with the Rebel Billionaire
When Roane Elliott meets a naked stranger on the beach, her second thought is to challenge his
trespassing. Her first thought makes her virginal heart beat quite erratically! Then she discovers
the stranger is Adam Bryant. The smouldering, dark hearted son of the Bryant dynasty. After a
decade away he’s back to claim what’s rightfully his. However willful the prize. Roane is
determined to resist him, but the temptation is overwhelming. His bedroom door is open & she’s
taking steps to her surrender.
Trish Wyle
Rescued: Mother to be
Feeling her baby’s first kick was supposed to be a joyous moment for Colleen McKenna. When
life deal her the hardest blow, Colleen knew that she would have to summon up all her courage to
cope with her pregnancy alone. Now gorgeous millionaire Eamonn Murphy’s kindness is testing
her fierce independence. Can Colleen allow her guarded heart to believe that this wealthy tycoon
would swap his jet setting lifestyle for fatherhood & be the perfect daddy for her baby?
Trisha Alexander
The Girl Next Door
The man was impossible! Infuriating! Maddeningly blind! Sure, freewheeling bachelor Simon
Christopher was Jenny Randall’s best friend, but when would he stop ogling busty blondes & start
seeing her as more than just plain Jenny, the wholesome girl next door? Clearly, drastic
measures were required. So Jenny transformed herself. From predictable to provocative. From
straitlaced to sensual. From sweetly domestic to downright dangerous! And Simon began to
sweat. Began to see red. Darn it! He wanted his Jenny back! But would he ever admit he wanted
all of her?
Trisha Alexander
Mother of the Groom
Wedding bells were ringing, though not for Diana Sorenser. This time around, it was the
divorcee’s son who was tying the knot – but it was the bride to be’s father, Lee Gabriel, who had
Diana feeling like a newlywed. Lee figured he wasn’t losing a daughter he was gaining a son –
and his irresistibly attractive mother! Diana awoke feelings in him he’d long forgotten … feelings
that made him give serious thought to taking a bride of his own. Happily ever after seemed like a
possibility for Diana and Lee until their children decided that perhaps marriage wasn’t for them,
after all. Could Lee convince Diana that even though the wedding was off, they could Lee
convince Diana that even though the wedding was off, they could still say, I do.
Trisha David
Falling for Jack
For 3 months Jack Morgan had tried to win the love & trust of the small daughter he hadn’t seen
since she was a baby. The only crack in Maddy’s resistance was her love for Jack’s champion
collie, Jessica. But when a small schnauzer called Harry fell for Jessica & hurtled into the
showring on Jessica’s big day Maddy became distraught. Harry’s owner, Bryony, had been so
bussy falling for Jack that she hadn’t kept an eye on Harry. She had to make amends, somehow.
Fortunately, Jack & Maddy were prime candidates for Bryony’s boundless affection - & how could
Jack resist the only woman who could make Maddy smile?
Trisha Morey
The Italian Boss’s Secret Child
On the night of his company’s masked ball, Damien DeLuca is swept away by a veiled beauty. He
entices her into the boardroom – and their evening culminates in an explosive encounter! But just
who is Damien’s mystery lover? Philly Summers can’t believe she’s just shared a night of passion
with her gorgeous Italian boss! She recognized him instantly – from her dreams. But Philly’s
determined to keep her real identity a secret until something unexpected happens!