8th Grade United States History

8th Grade United States History
Trimester 3 Terms List
Chapter 8—The Northeast
Economic Growth
Industrial Revolution
Reasons why it began in New England
New technology
Eli Whitney and Cotton Gin
Samuel Slater
Interchangeable Parts
Growth of Cities
A System of Transportation
Henry Clay and American System
National Road
Problems with river travel
Robert Fulton and Steamboats
Erie Canal
The North’s People
Factory conditions
Union organization
Know-Nothing Party
Reforms and Reformers
Henry David Thoreau
Second Great Awakening
Temperance Movement
Horace Mann and Education
Dorothea Dix
Women’s Movement
Seneca Falls Convention
Declaration of Sentiments
Susan B. Anthony
Chapter 9—The South
Southern Cotton Kingdom
Upper South
Deep South
Barriers to Industry
Life in the South
Four categories of Southerners
The Peculiar Institution
Slave Codes
Nat Turner’s rebellion
Harriet Tubman
Chapter 10—Age of Jackson
Jacksonian Democracy
Election of 1824
Election of 1828
Corrupt Bargain
Democracy Increases
The “common man’s” president
Spoils system
Tariff of 1828
Webster-Hayne Debate
Nullification Crisis
Removal of Native Americans
Indian Removal Act
Worcester vs. Georgia
John Ross and Major Ridge
Trail of Tears
Native American resistance
Jackson and the Bank
Nicholas Biddle
McCulloch vs. Maryland
Election of 1832
National Bank
Whig Party
Chapter 11—Manifest Destiny
Westward to the Pacific
Oregon Country
Adams-Onis Treaty
Mountain Men
Jedidiah Smith
John Jacob Astor
Oregon Trail
Donner Party
Manifest Destiny
54/40 or Fight
James K. Polk
Independence for Texas
Davy Crockett
General Santa Anna
Mexican decree
San Jacinto
Sam Houston
Lone Star Republic
Texas annexation
War with Mexico
Mexican independence
John C. Fremont
Texas-Mexico Border (Rio Grande vs. Nueces)
Mexican-American War
Polk’s war plan
Views on the war
Bear Flag Republic
Mexico City
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
New Settlers in CA and UT
James Marshall
Land Law of 1851
Life in the boomtowns
Levi Strauss
Chapter 12—Road to Civil War
Abolitionist movement
American colonization society
Fugitive Slave Act
Underground Railroad
Key abolitionists
Slavery and the West
Henry Clay
Missouri Compromise
VA and KY Resolutions
Wilmot Proviso
Free-Soil Party
Compromise of 1850
A Nation Dividing
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Popular Sovereignty
Bleeding Kansas
John Brown-Pottawatomie Massacre
Sumner vs. Brooks
South Carolina secedes
Jefferson Davis
Lincoln’s Inaugural Address
Fort Sumter
Chapter 13—The Civil War
The Two Sides
Border States
Union Strengths/Weaknesses
Confederate Strengths/Weaknesses
Union war goals/plan
Confederate war goals/plan
Early Years of the War
First Battle of Bull Run
Stonewall Jackson
George McClellan
Monitor vs. Merrimack
New Technology
Ulysses S. Grant
A Call to Freedom
Emancipation Proclamation
Civil War Amendments
54th Massachusetts Regiment
Life During the Civil War
Photography shows reality of war
Women spies
Clara Barton and Dorothea Dix
Suspending habeas corpus
Draft riots
The Way to Victory
Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville
Battle of Gettysburg
Gettysburg Address
Sherman’s March to the Sea
Election of 1864
Surrender at Appomattox
Terms of surrender
Challenges to Slavery
Republican Party
Election of 1856
Dred Scott Decision
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Raid on Harper’s Ferry
Chapter 14—Reconstruction
Reconstruction Plans
Lincoln’s Assassination
Andrew Johnson
Lincoln’s Plan
Radicals’ Plan
Freedmen’s Bureau
Secession and War
Election of 1860
Radicals in Control
Black Codes
Reconstruction Act of 1867
Johnson’s Impeachment
Election of 1868
South During Reconstruction/Change in the South
Scalawags and Carpetbaggers
Jim Crow Laws
1) George Washington
2) John Adams
3) Thomas Jefferson
4) James Madison
5) James Monroe
6) John Quincy Adams
7) Andrew Jackson
8) Martin van Buren
9) William Henry Harrison
10) John Tyler
11) James K. Polk
12) Zachary Taylor
13) Millard Fillmore
14) Franklin Pierce
15) James Buchanan
16) Abraham Lincoln
17) Andrew Johnson
18) Ulysses S. Grant
Physical geography
Political geography