

Writing Tips


• I. Intro

• 4-6 sentences with thesis statement at then end

• Thesis is one sentence which directly answers the question and informs the reader what your essay will be about.

• Do NOT say “This essay will be about…” or anything similar to that


• 2-3 Body Paragraphs

• 8-12 sentences convincing the reader that the categories you chose are the most important causes of the civil war.

• Incorporate a majority of the Documents to prove your point.

• Consider Bias and Point of View when using documents and if appropriate comment on apparent or possible bias.

• When appropriate give the opposing view point so as not to ignore other arguments but then focus on why your argument/position is more valid.

• Follow this model: easy as 1,2,3

• 1. Introduce the document using the source

• 2. Use a quote or describe document with detail

• 3. Comment about it – this is YOUR voice, YOUR analysis!


• The political divide had become so intense that after the election of Abraham Lincoln the possibility of the dissolution of the nation loomed. In Abraham

Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address to the nation on

March 4, 1861 he expressed, “ that no government … ever had a provision in its … law for its own termination.” (Doc F). Lincoln was speaking directly to the Southern states who threatened succession after his election, saying that secession is not legal under the constitution nor would the founding fathers have ever supported such a ludicrous idea.


• Conclusion

• 4-6 sentences summarizing main points and restating thesis at the end. No new information should be presented here.


• Do NOT use abbreviations

• Do NOT use contractions (can’t, won’t, etc…)

• Do NOT use slang language

• Do NOT use anything other than 3 rd person

• Do NOT use a flowery opening sentence or question.

• Do NOT introduce a document passage by saying “In Document

F…”Instead use the author, title or person. See example below

• The political divide had become so intense that after the election of

Abraham Lincoln the possibility of the dissolution of the nation loomed.

In Abraham Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address to the nation on March 4

1861 he expressed, “ that no government … ever had a provision in its … law for its own termination.” (Doc F).

• Then comment on the document. This is your chance to make your argument!!!

• Lincoln was speaking directly to the Southern states who threatened succession after his election, commenting on the idea that secession is not legal under the constitution nor would the founding fathers have ever supported such a ludicrous idea.
