Gardening Project Math Lesson Plan

Edison Room Mural Project
Nanette Shea, Laura DeDonato
March 2012
In this lesson, students will evaluate the significance of the Edison room
and incorporate the history of Thomas Edison into the design for a mural to
be put in the room. Upon the decision of a design, students will measure the
size of the spaces in the room, create a grid and scale their design onto the
grid on the wall.
- Evaluate the size of the room and use mathematical equations to determine
an appropriate scale by which to enlarge the Edison design.
- Determine the amount of paint to be used on the mural panels.
- Use scaled drawing to paint design on 3 large panels, to scale.
- Assess the project and decide which materials are the best to use.
Grades 9-10 Learning Standards:
2.12 Apply knowledge of color theory to a project focusing on the use of complementary colors.
Be able to use values of colors in wet and dry media to create the illusion of 3D form on a
2D surface
2.14 Review systems of visualizing information and depicting space and volume, for example,
scale and vanishing point, linear, atmospheric, and isometric perspective; and create works
using these systems
2.15 Create artwork that demonstrates understanding of the elements and principles of design in
establishing a point of view, a sense of space, or a mood
N-Q HS Math
Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multistep problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the
origin in graphs and data displays.
MA.3.a. Describe the effects of approximate error in measurement and rounding on measurements and on
computed values from measurements. Identify significant figures in recorded measures and computed
values based on the context given and the precision of the tools used to measure.
- Paper
- Yardstick
- Pencils
- Glue
- Paint
- Window Shades
- Plywood
- Paintbrushes
Beginning Activity:
- Discuss Thomas Edison and his history and how it relates to the Brockton
community. Also, discuss design elements to be incorporated into the final
design for the mural.
- Compile design ideas to create a final design for the three paneled mural.
- Determine the size of the mural using the design with a grid overlay that is
to be enlarged onto a wall.
- Hypothesize the amount of paint that may be needed to complete the
- Select the brushes and other materials needed to complete the project.
- Paint the mural panels to create one big mural installation to be hung in the
Edison room.
Closure Activity:
- Hang the mural panels (with help from custodial staff) on the Edison room
- Discuss the outcome and compare and contrast the outcome from the
beginning discussions.
- Students will be assessed on their participation and attendance
- Students will be assessed on their knowledge of scale and proportion.
- Students will be assessed on their knowledge of complementary colors and
warm and cool colors.
- Students will be assessed on their spatial reasoning.