Modelo de Unidad Didáctica CLIL

CEIP “Andalucía” Fuengirola
NIVEL: 1st Primary
Desde: 3rd of March
Hasta: 10th of March
ÁREAS LINGÜÍSTICAS (L1 y L2) y ANL (Áreas no lingüísticas): Language, English, Social Studies
and Arts.
EQUIPO DOCENTE: Beli, Mari Paz, Courtney
Objetivos generales:
Objetivos didácticos: ¿qué quiero
enseñar?/Teaching Objetives
To learn plants’ & birds vocabulary.
To recognise the written word of parts
of the plant and a tree.
3. To participate in group activities
being responsible and democratic.
4. To know necessities of a plant.
5. To describe a plant.
6. To recognise the food that comes
from a plant.
7. To sing the plants song and the parts
plant song.
8. To make a mural with different plants
with its name.
Contenidos cognitivos:
Criterios de evaluación: ¿qué será capaz de hacer el alumnado al terminar la
unidad?/Learning Outcomes
To make proper use of the lexis related to the plants.
To show respect towards their peers’ contribution when working in groups.
To be able to look after a plant.
To demonstrate the knowledge of the relations between food and plants through an
ICT activity.
To be accurate with pronunciation, stress, intonation.
To be able to do a mural with a classification of plants & trees.
Recall the flashcard vocabulary, listen, copy, number the pictures, classify, match, describe, and sing.
Contenidos lingüísticos/comunicación:
Lenguaje de lo que se aprende:
Plants vocabulary: roots, trunk, branches, canopy of leaves, stem, tree, flower, fruit, apple tree, peach tree, limon tree, orange tree,
cherry tree, olive tree, sun, water, air, soil.
Grammar & Structures: It’s is a …, plants need…., plants have…
Adjectives: tall, small, thin, thick, strong
Lenguaje para aprender:
Guess the missing card, Write on the worksheet, Recall, sing plant song with mimic.
Contenidos culturales, valores y actitudes. Propios de la unidad
To show interest on living things.
Finding pleasure in the cooperative work doing a mural.
To respect and appreciate the plants.
Appreciation of the different plants that lives in other countries (exotic plants or carnivorous)
To develop an interest in creative and artistic paintings.
Actividades y tareas. Secuencia didáctica de las
1. Tuesday 3rd of March 45 minutes
-The teacher will show the flashcards introducing the
vocabulary of the plants. SS will repeat in a chorus.
Revision of fruits to say the fruits tree. Class activity.
- SS will play the missing flashcard game. Teacher
puts some flashcards on the board and eliminates one
while SS close their eyes. SS have to guess the
missing card. Then SS eliminates the next one, etc.
Class activity.
- Teacher draws the parts of the plant on the board
with the image. SS have to copy them on the
worksheet and colour it. Individual activity
- SS number the pictures correctly. Individual activity
- SS have to complete a crossword. Individual activity
5. Monday 9th of March 1hour (Arts)
Make a mural of different plants and their names.
Group activity.
a) Children bring from home different magazines about
trees and flowers.
b) Select the images and cut them out.
c) Write to each image a word card with their name.
d) Paste the images with the word card on the mural.
e) Draw on the mural the different parts of the tree and
the plant as in the worksheet. The teacher passes
along the class and helps SS to classify, write the
names, and ask vocabulary learnt in the previous
f) Presentation of the mural explaining the basic
images using the structures learned It’s is a …, plants
need…., plants have…
6. Tuesday 10th March 45 minutes ICT
a) Teacher pre-teach vocabulary of the plant song.
b) SS listen to the song
c) SS sing the lyrics of the song with mimic.
d) Teacher give some divided sentences of the lyrics of
the song and SS have to order them. (Group activity)
e) Click the food which come from a plant (ICT)
Prepared Flashcards
Prepared worksheet.
Science Primary SM 1, page 76 & 71
Magazines with images of plants, trees.
Adaptation of Content
Links to Background
Links to Past Learning
Strategies incorporated
Integration of Processes
Guided practice
Independent practice
Comprehensible input
Linked to objectives
Promotes engagement
Grouping Options
___ Whole class
___ Small groups
___ Partners
___ Independent
___ Individual
___ Group
___ Written
___ Oral
Taxonomías de Bloom
Count, Define, Describe, Draw, Find, Identify, Label, List, Match, Name, Quote,
Recall, Recite, Sequence, Tell, Write
Conclude, Demonstrate, Discuss, Explain, Generalize, Identify, Illustrate,
Interpret, Paraphrase, Predict, Report, Restate, Review, Summarize, Tell
Apply, Change, Choose, Compute, Dramatize, Interview, Prepare, Produce,
Role-play, Select, Show, Transfer, Use
Analyze, Characterize, Classify, Compare, Contrast, Debate, Deduce, Diagram,
Differentiate, Discriminate, Distinguish, Examine, Outline, Relate, Research,
Compose, Construct, Create, Design, Develop, Integrate, Invent, Make,
Organize, Perform, Plan, Produce, Propose, Rewrite
Appraise, Argue, Assess, Choose, Conclude, Critic, Decide, Evaluate, Judge,
Justify, Predict, Prioritize, Prove, Rank, Rate, Select,