Biochemistry & Biogeochemical Cycles

Study Guide – BIOLOGY
Important Vocabulary & Concepts
 Autrotroph vs. heterotroph (definition and examples)
 How is energy released from ATP?
 What are the three parts of an ATP molecule?
o What does the structure of ATP look like?
o What does the structure of ADP look like?
o What is the difference between the two?
 What did Ingenhousz discover?
 What is the chemical equation for photosynthesis?
o What are the reactants? What are the products?
o Where does photosynthesis take place in plant cells?
o What do plants do with the sugar they make?
 What is chlorophyll and what is it used for?
o What are accessory pigments? (definition and examples)
 What color of light do plants absorb the most? Absorbed the least?
 What happens during the light-dependent reaction?
o What are the products?
o Thylakoid membrane
 What happens during the Calvin cycle (light-independent reaction)?
o What are the products?
o Stroma
 What is the difference between the light-dependent reaction and Calvin cycle?
 Describe three factors that control the rate of photosynthesis controlled
 Be able to explain what is happening in this diagram (what is the pathway
electrons are taking during photosynthesis?):
 What process do plants have to do in order to turn glucose (food) into usable
energy (ATP)?
Test Information
 35 multiple choice questions
 5 true/false
Study Tips
Study early, NOT at the last minute!
Come to tutorial to ask questions
Study your notes, classwork, homework, labs, & refer to the textbook
Form study groups
Good luck & study hard! 
** Remember that tests/quizzes are 65% of your grade **