Section 5: Vendor Masters SECTION 5: VENDOR MASTERS 5.0 Overview SAP Vendor Master The vendor master contains relevant information required for conducting business transactions in SAP, i.e.: address, contact numbers, payment terms, and EFT (electronic funds Transfer) banking information. A vendor master record is required to create and then pay purchase orders. The vendor master is divided into 2 segments: - Procurement side - Finance side If the purchasing address and the remit to, or payment address is the same, then the Vendor will have one (1) SAP number. If the remit to address is a different address than the address that the purchase orders are directed to then there will be different SAP number for each address. A vendor master is associated with another vendor master using the partner function. The procurement side of the Vendor Master is created under Purchasing Org. 3SO so all hospitals can use it. The accounting side is created per company code, i.e.: BGH, KGH, PCC, PSFDH, etc. and must be extended to the hospitals company code in order for any payments to be made to that vendor. 5.1 Components of a Vendor Master – Procurement Side The Vendor Master record is made up of many screens of information set up as follows: Vendor Address Screen: Vendor Name Address information Contact numbers, i.e.: phone, fax, email Search Term – identifies whether it is the purchasing or payment address for the vendor and also may identify those that are specific to Pharmacy, or other specialty areas, i.e.: Pastoral Care - Chaplains Vendor Purchasing Screen: Order Currency Payment Terms (*only use choices on list that begin with “G’, i.e., due immediately is G001) FOB information Minimum order information Salesperson contact name and number Rev 003 Page 1 Section 5: Vendor Masters Display Vendor: Partner Functions: Vendor address that payment needs to be sent to. If it is the same Vendor number than the Vendor must have the same purchase and remit to addresses. If it references a different Vendor number than that Vendor would reflect the address where all payments would be sent to. 5.2 Components of a Vendor Master – Accounting Side The Accounting side of the Vendor Master is company code specific which means that if the Vendor is not extended to a certain hospital then they will not be able to complete the payment transaction for orders against this vendor. If a Vendor is in SAP but is not currently set up for use by your hospital’s company code then the Vendor Master Request Form would be completed to request the Vendor be “extended” to that company code. The Screens contain the following information: Vendor Address Screen: Vendor Name Address information Contact numbers, i.e.: phone, fax, email Vendor Payment Transaction Screen: Contains the vendor’s specific banking information for payments to be sent to using EFT (electronic Funds transfer). If the information on this screen is completed then the Payment Method on the Payment Transaction Accounting screen will reference “P” for EFT rather than “C” for a hard copy cheque. Accounting Information Accounting Screen: Contains the Reconciliation Account, i.e.: Finance will confirm this account and it specifies where the money to pay the invoice will come from, i.e.: the Canadian Funds account, the US Funds account or special funds for payments to GRE (Government Recorded Entity) Vendors. Payment Transactions Accounting Screen: Contains Payment term specific to that Company Code (*only use choices on list that begin with “G’, i.e., due immediately is G001) “Check double invoice” check box to allow system to look for and identify if duplicate invoices are entered by the accounting clerks Payment Method, i.e.: “C” for Check, “P” for EFT Vendor Correspondence Accounting: Identifies the Hospital’s accounting clerk responsible for that Vendor Rev 003 Page 2 Section 5: Vendor Masters The Hospital’s specific Account number with that Vendor The Accounts receivable contact person and contact numbers for that Vendor 5.3 Searching SAP for Vendor Masters (MK03) When searching for a Vendor in SAP you can search on various attributes such as Vendor Name, City, Postal Code, etc. In all cases you will begin by going to the Vendor Master Display screen as shown below: Using the menu tree in SAP go to Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Master Data→Vendor→Purchasing →Display(Current); Or, enter Transaction Code MK03 in the command field; Rev 003 Page 3 Section 5: Vendor Masters On the Display Vendor: Initial Screen, ensure that the check boxes beside Address, Purchasing data and Partner functions are checked. The Control screen is not maintained and therefore does not need to be checked as it does not contain any information. Next, use the drop down selection beside the Vendor field to bring up different search option tabs. The search screen should open at the Vendors (General) tab and it is here that you can search by Vendor Name. Enter a portion of the name followed by *. This will return all Vendor names that contain what you searched on. If the search brings back too many items in the list than add more detail until you get a smaller more specific list of vendors. I.e.: if you searched for Medical* you would get a much larger list of Vendor names than if you searched Medical Mart*. Once you have found the Vendor you are searching for then double click on it from the list and it will enter that Vendor number in the Vendor field. From there you will hit enter to move through the different vendor screens. Rev 003 Page 4 Section 5: Vendor Masters Shown below, enter search for Medical Mart* and select the green check mark or hit enter. SAP will return all vendor names that meet the criteria outlined in your name search. Rev 003 Page 5 Section 5: Vendor Masters Double click on the Vendor Name and it will enter that Vendors number in the Vendor field on the Display Vendor: Initial screen. Hit enter to move to the Address screen, then to the Purchasing data screen and then the Partner functions screen. Again, the Control screen is not maintained and therefore does not contain any information. When initiating a search in SAP: Start the search with narrow search parameters then broaden your search parameters Do not use limited, Ltd, company, Co, etc. in your search for vendors. Rev 003 Page 6 Section 5: Vendor Masters 5.4 How to know if a Vendor has a “partner” in SAP The following screen shot shows what SAP returned as choices when a search was completed for Morgan Scott*. The first Morgan Scott on the list shows a search term of “PAYEE11434”. This means that this vendor #44926 is the Payee Vendor for Vendor #11434. Or stated another way, the purchases are directed to vendor #11434 but the payments will be directed to vendor #44926. All purchase orders should be created on Vendor #11434 Another way to find out if a Vendor has a different Payee address is on to check the Display Vendor: Partner Functions screen. To follow the example above, for Morgan Scott: If you display the Vendor Master for Vendor #11434 it would reference Vendor #44926 as the vendor who will “present the invoice”, or in other words, the “remit to” Vendor. Rev 003 Page 7 Section 5: Vendor Masters 5.5 Creating and Changing a Vendor Master Vendor Masters are considered Master Data and all Master Data in SAP is managed by 3SO by the Procurement Analyst. Hospital site buyers will not have access to create (extend) or make changes to Vendor Masters. The transaction Code for Vendor Creation is MK01 (purchasing side) and XK01 (accounting side). The transaction Code for Vendor Change is MK02 (purchasing side) and XK02 (accounting side). 5.6 Requesting Vendors be Created, Changed, or Extended If after performing an exhaustive search of SAP a particular vendor is not found, then a Vendor Master Request Form will need to be completed and forwarded to the Procurement Analyst at 3SO to have the vendor created. Prior to initiating the form execute a search on the internet or telephone book, verifying that this vendor is valid. Any changes to an existing Vendor Master will need to be directed to the Procurement Analyst using the form clearly indicating the change that needs to be made. Forms can be found on the 3SO intranet at login (top right corner)/email address: forms@3so / password: 3soforms / 3SO tab / 3SO forms. Fully completed forms should be sent to the 3SO Procurement Analyst by email to The following information must be supplied: Select one of the following (with the drop down x): CREATE, CHANGE, DELETE, or EXTEND EXTEND (Vendor exists for another buying team) 1. If an extension is requested please indicate in the boxes EXTEND VENDOR# - the existing SAP vendor number EXTEND PARTNER VENDOR# - The payee vendor number, if different 2. Respond to “Is the vendor EDI CAPABLE: yes or no 3. Under Administrative: Complete DATE REQUESTED: Today’s date REQUESTOR’S NAME: individual completing the form Rev 003 Page 8 Section 5: Vendor Masters REQUESTOR’S HOSPITAL COMPANY CODE: from drop down SEARCH COMPLETED?: Must always be a yes. This indicates that you have completed an extensive SAP search and verified the vendor exists. PHONE #: Your contact number PURCHASING ORG: 3SO (applies to all hospitals except KGH) CREATE (Vendor does not exist for any hospital site or 3SO) 1. Respond to “Is the vendor EDI CAPABLE: yes or no 2. Under Administrative: Complete DATE REQUESTED: Today’s date REQUESTOR’S NAME: individual completing the form REQUESTOR’S HOSPITAL COMPANY CODE: from drop down SEARCH COMPLETED?: Must always be a yes. This indicates that you have completed an extensive SAP search and verified the vendor exists. PHONE #: Your contact number PURCHASING ORG: 3SO (applies to all hospitals except KGH) 3. Under Vendor Information: Complete (All fields which are not mandatory are show in Italics) VENDOR NAME: Legal title as shown on internet, invoice, quote, etc PURCHASING: ADDRESS L1 PO’s are sent to this address ADDRESS LINE 2 IF REQUIRED PO’s are sent to this address cont’d CITY PO’s are sent to this address cont’d PROVINCE/STATE PO’s are sent to this address cont’d COUNTRY: PO’s are sent to this address cont’d POSTAL CODE/ZIP: PO’s are sent to this address cont’d PO BOX PO’s are sent to this address cont’d TOLL FREE TELEPHONE# TELEPHONE SALES REP MOBILE TELEPHONE # PO BOX POSTAL CODE PO’s are sent to this address cont’d ORDER OFFICE FAX # ORDER OFFICE EMAIL ADDRESS: CURRENCY (CAD/USD): Remittance currency PAYMENT TERMS: as defined by vendor PAYMENT METHOD(S): as defined by vendor INCO TERM FOB (FREIGHT CHARGES) as defined by vendor MINIMUM ORDER VALUE if applicable SALES REPRESENTATIVE: SALES REPRESENTATIVE TOLL FREE TELEPHONE # / FAX# HOSPITAL’S CUSTOMER NUMBER WITH VENDOR/PREVIOUS CUSTOMER# as defined by vendor VENDOR ACCOUNTING CLERK NAME if known Rev 003 Page 9 Section 5: Vendor Masters VENDOR ACCOUNTING CLERK PHONE # if known HOSPITAL SYSTEM VENDOR NUMBER: if known Complete PARTNER Address (only if different from above) Complete this section if the Payee address differs from the address the PO’s are sent to. (All fields which are not mandatory are show in Italics) VENDOR NAME: Legal title as shown on internet, invoice, quote, etc REMITTANCE: ADDRESS L1 Invoice payment is sent to this address ADDRESS LINE 2 IF REQUIRED vendor’s address cont’d CITY vendor’s remit to address cont’d PROVINCE/STATE vendor’s remit to address cont’d COUNTRY: vendor’s remit to address cont’d POSTAL CODE/ZIP vendor’s remit to address cont’d PO BOX PO BOX POSTAL CODE/ZIP TOLL FREE TELEPHONE# TELEPHONE FAX #: MOBILE PHONE # EMAIL ADDRESS: CHANGE (To revise information for a vendor that already exists in SAP ) 1. Indicate a change is required. 2. Under Administrative: Complete DATE REQUESTED: Today’s date REQUESTOR’S NAME: individual completing the form REQUESTOR’S HOSPITAL COMPANY CODE: from drop down SEARCH COMPLETED?: Must always be a yes. This indicates that you have completed an extensive SAP search and verified the vendor exists. PHONE #: Your contact number PURCHASING ORG: 3SO (applies to all hospitals except KGH) 3.Complete the appropriate field where the change is required. Forward the fully completed Vendor Master form to the 3SO Procurement Analyst by email at Rev 003 Page 10