TISSUE LAB—FLASH CARDS Instructions Go to our class Weebly (www.phsbio2201.weebly.com). The link for “Jay Doc” website will be on the Lecture Notes page. You will be given 3 templates on which to draw 6 “Jay Doc” slides, for a total of 18 flash cards. BASIC INSTRUCTIONS: FRONT OF CARD: Draw each tissue as it appears on the website (tissues are numbered on the website) Match the correct tissue to the number on the website Refer to the “List of Tissues” on the back of this paper. BACK OF CARD: Refer to the information below for required content Write information that will help you identify this tissue Write any other info that will help you remember the tissue. For example, if it reminds you of a piece of steak, you may write that. TISSUE LAB—FLASH CARDS Instructions INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH TISSUE: Epithelial Tissue: Draw the tissue. Write location of tissue (on back) from the Epithelial Page to the right of slide. Connective Tissue: Draw the tissue. Write the location of tissue on the back. Use the slide captions on website or your book/notes to find locations. Dense Fibrous, Areolar & Adipose tissue: Draw/label picture from THE BOOK. Do not draw them from the website. Locations go on back. Cartilage (3 different types) Draw slides Locations go on back of each. This can be found in your notes and/or book. Bone: Write entire caption for bone slide. Blood: Draw/Label diagram from book. NOTHING goes on back. Reticular Tissue Draw picture from book. Location goes on back Muscle Tissue: Draw tissue. Locations go on back. Nervous Tissue: Draw/Label diagram from book. Location goes on back.