CLARK COUNTY AREA TECHNOLOGY CENTER HEALTH SCIENCES 2010-2011 COURSE: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY KCTCS TITLE : AHS 120 Medical Terminology TEXT : Vaughn, D. (2008) Medical Terminology 350 2nd Edition (Provided in the classroom or can purchase for $20.00) 1 Period, 1 semester = .5 credit LENGTH: INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Heather Abner (859) 744-1250 E-mail: COURSE DESCRIPTION Medical Terminology is an intense study of the language used by all health care professionals. The language includes medical terms and their origins. Emphasis is given to the correct interpretation of medical terms and their applications in the medical profession. Major themes are: root words, prefixes, word origins, word dissection, spelling, pronunciation, abbreviations, symbols, medical dictionary, and medical reports. COURSE OUTLINE Structure of the Human Body Skeletal System Muscular System Cardiovascular System Lymphatic and Immune System Respiratory System Digestive System Urinary System Nervous System Special Senses: Eye and Ears Integumentary System Endocrine System Reproductive System Diagnostic and Imaging Procedures ATTENDANCE/TARDY POLICY Attendance will be recorded at the beginning of each class period. If the student is tardy detention will be assigned, after 3 tardy’s are accumulated the student will receive PASS. GRC attendance policy will be followed as listed in the student handbook. (1) HOSA Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) is the official student organization for all Health Sciences courses. All students are encouraged to join HOSA. The benefits of membership in HOSA are: promote physical, mental, and social well-being; develop effective leadership qualities and skills; develop the ability to communicate more effectively with people; develop character; develop responsible citizenship traits; understand the importance of pleasing oneself as well as being of service to others; build self-confidence and pride in one’s work; make realistic career choices and seek successful employment in the health care field; encourage individual and team achievement; encourage involvement in local, state, and national health care and education projects; and give opportunity for recognition. (DUES $15.00). GRADING CRITERIA Grading will be done on the point system from the following activities: 1. Daily writing and worksheets 2. Tests 3. Mid-Term Test 4. Final Exam 5. 50 points will be given every week for good behavior. If the student receives a verbal warning 10 points will be deducted. If the student receives a written warning (detention) 10 more points will be deducted. If the student is sent to the office they will receive a zero for that week. Encourage your student to have good behavior, because this is an easy 50 points. Class work and tests may be made up only if the absence is excused. Arrangements to take a makeup exam and to make-up work are the responsibility of the student. The makeup exam may not be in the original exam format. Exams must be made up no later than one (1) week after the student returns to class. Five (5) points will be deducted from the exam score for every day after the designated time in which the exam is to be taken. Grading scale is the same as GRC: A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 59 and below All students will receive mid term and nine-weeks progress reports on the GRC Progress Report Card. SPELLING IS IMPORTANT AND IS ALWAYS COUNTED!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although there may be more than one acceptable way to pronounce a medical term, there is only one acceptable spelling. Accuracy is imperative. REQUIRED CLASSROOM SUPPLIES The following supplies will be brought to class each day: 1. 3 ring binder 2. Pencil or Pen 3. Loose leaf notebook paper ***If there is any problems or questions about obtaining supplies please contact your teacher at 7441250 between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM ***Let your teacher know if you are on free and/or reduced lunch. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS I realize the following expectations are required of me in order to grow and become prepared for tougher classes and build towards the college/career level. I realize if I choose not to carry out these expectations: I could possibly fail or be removed from this class. 1. Cell Phones: When I enter the room I will power my cell phone off and put it into my backpack. If I am caught with it out in class, the instructor will take it for the class period, and will return it at the end of the period. 2. This classroom is for learning: As I enter the classroom, I will sit down and begin to review material that will help me understand the next lecture and perform better on the next quiz or test. I will not for any reason (unless called by GRC to sign out) leave or ask to leave my class at the Clark Co. Area Tech. Center. 3. Follow Safety Guidelines: I will not horseplay in the classroom or lab, I will not bring food or drinks into the classroom or lab. 4. Have all Materials: I will bring pencil/pen, paper, color pencils and all required material for my class every day. 5. Respect: I will show respect to my instructor, peers, and myself at all times. I will not use any vulgar, foul, or obscene language at any time. Absolutely no talking while the teacher is talking. 6. Protect the classroom: I will take care of equipment that belongs to this classroom. I realize this classroom and lab are open for me to study and learn. It is my responsibility to see that it stays open. 7. Open Mind: I will not let fear of a new way to do something or information keep me from trying. 8. No Bell: My instructor will dismiss the class, not the bell. I will not put my materials away until my instructor tells me to do so and I will not line up at the door. 9. Bathroom: I will have only 10 bathroom passes for the semester By signing below I verify that I have read the syllabus/student expectations for Medical Terminology and understand all that is included. Please sign below and return to Mrs. Abner Student’s signature________________________________ Date______________ Parent/Guardian signature__________________________ Date______________