SYLLABI & STUDENT INFORMATION PLAN (SIP) Medical Science- Medical Terminology COURSE DESCRIPTION: Medical Terminology is designed to introduce students to the structure of medical terms, including prefixes, suffixes, word roots, combining forms, and singular and plural forms, plus medical abbreviations and acronyms. The course allows students to achieve comprehension of medical vocabulary appropriate to medical procedures, human anatomy and physiology, and pathophysiology. The material for this class will be covered by way of lecture, discussion, demonstration, audio/visual presentations, role-playing, Internet research, small group interaction as well as other methods of instruction. Students who have achieved a “B” (80%) or higher in Principles of Medical Science and this course may receive articulated community college credit. (ask Mrs. Bagwell for more details.) CONTACT INFORMATION: Instructor: Marguerite Bagwell, RDH, BS, MEd Class Room: A102 Email: Office: 281-245-2564 Website: TUTORIAL HOURS: Mondays: 3:00-4:15 PM Wednesdays: 3:00 – 3:45 PM Other times available upon request COURSE MATERIALS: Note Cards Spiral Book for Class Notes (1) Box of Tissues Pencils/Pens Box of Band Aids Alcohol HandRub Map Pencils Scissors* Glue Stick* Markers* * Not required for class. Teacher has a limited amount of these items, but student may want to provide his/her own supplies to assure availability of products. LEARNING RESOURCES Ehrlich, Ann and Schroeder, Carol L.; Introduction to Medical Terminology; Thomson Delmar Learning, Clifton Park, NY, 2004. COURSE REQUIREMENTS / EXPECTATIONS: GRADING CRITERIA: Class Assignments/Homework Class Participation Quizzes Current Events Tests/Projects*** 20% 10% 25% 10% 35% ***Students who make below 70 may retest with required attendance to a tutorial session prior to retesting and a report form on reasons for the failure. The highest possible grade on a retest is 70. Retesting will only be available for one week after the tests are returned. UNIT PROJECTS: Occasionally a unique project will replace a unit test. The project may be to create something related to learning, writing a patient record using correct terminology, or perhaps interpreting a case scenario. CURRENT EVENTS: Medicine and technology are rapidly changing. In order to keep up with new trends in the medical profession, you will occasionally be required to read a health care related article, listen to or watch a health care news story. You will summarize what you have learned with a culminating project. The current events may be about an ethical issue, a new procedure, information about new drugs and their application, or any other information that interests you in health care. After preparation of your project, you will be required to present your news report to the class. Mrs. Bagwell will allow you to choose from a variety of ways to complete your project. She also welcomes other methods to complete these reports and is open to requests for alternative assignments that demonstrate adequate learning. Due Dates: Sept 18, Oct 9, Nov 6, Nov 19 HOMEWORK: Completion of homework on time is expected from each student. Homework will receive a deduction of fifteen points for each day it is late. PROFESSIONAL EXPECTATIONS: CLASSROOM EXPECTAIONS: Preserve a positive learning environment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be on time to class and ready to work Refrain from leaving class for any reason Speak professionally and appropriately Use class time wisely. Avoid sleeping, grooming, texting, etc. No food or drinks (bottled water ok) Follow directions when given. Respect yourself, the teacher, and others 1. Respect each individual by being a kind person 2. Respect other’s property Follow all school rules 1. Dress code 2. Academic dishonesty (cheating)/ Plagiarism 3. Tardy and absence policies ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Students in this class are expected to read and abide by the statements on academic dishonesty, plagiarism, stealing, and cheating found in the student handbook. If a student is found to be in violation of any of these statements, he/she will be subject to receiving a failing grade for the assignment and will be sent to his/her assistant principal for appropriate punishment. REMEDIATION: Students are evaluated each three weeks to assess their progress in the class. The assessment includes the current grade, strengths, weaknesses, absences and tardies, and instructor, parent, and student comments. If a student is failing or having trouble in the class, a remediation plan may be implemented. The instructor, student, and parent will agree and sign off on the plan. The plan could include but is not limited to: additional reading, take home work, referral to counselors, or mandatory tutorials. A date to re-evaluate the student progress will be set up and the follow up will be documented. ABSENCES: If you miss a class, please check the colored folders (M-F) mounted on the wall as soon as you return to school, so that you can get any materials that were handed out during your absence. You are responsible for copying any notes that were taken in class during your absence from a classmate. In the event you are absent for an exam, you are responsible for rescheduling a makeup exam the day you return to school before or after class. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device): Understanding that in order to compete in an increasingly technological society, students should be permitted to use the newest electronic devices that allow them to increase learning, the teacher of this course strongly support the initiative to allow students to bring electronic devices into the classroom. All electronic devices except gaming devices will be allowed for educational use only. Students however are not obliged to use them in class. Grades are not based on whether or not technology was used. If students use devices, they should abide by the classroom expectations about proper use of these learning tools. See these expectations on my website. HOSA (Health Occupations Student Association) HOSA is a professional national, state, and local organization for secondary and post-secondary students and is well known in the health care community. HOSA offers many thousands of dollars in scholarships and offers the student excellent leadership opportunities. Involvement in HOSA is STRONGLY encouraged. Dues are $30/ year. The fees include national, state, and local dues.