Refereed Publications

Refereed Journal Articles
Faculty Annual Reports 2005
Aguirre-Munoz, Zenaida (C&I)
Boscardin, C. K., & Aguirre-Muoz, Z. (2005). Relationship between opportunity to
learn and student performance on English and Algebra assessments. Educational
Assessment Journal, 10(4), 307-332.
Akrofi, Amma (C&I)
Swafford, J., & Akrofi, A. (2005). Reading from efferent and aesthetic stances makes
books come alive. Talking Points (Special Issue on the Influence of Louise
Rosenblatt on Whole Language Theory and Practice), 17(1), 23-27.
Akrofi, A., Swafford, J., & Janisch, C. (2005). English in Ghana revisited: Exploring
perceptions on the Universe of English, Hegemony of English, and Ecology of
Language paradigms. Legon Journal of the Humanities, 15, 49-79.
Anderson, Connie (C&I)
Myers, S., & Anderson, C.W. (2005). Developing a mentoring model framework for a
local induction initiative. National Forum of Teacher Education Journal. 16(1),
Benavides, Alfredo (C&I)
Benavides, A. H. (2005). Bilingual education in our schools: a time for reflection, The
Bilingual Research Journal, 29, (3).
Bradley, Loretta (EP&L)
Bradley, L., Sexton, T., & Smith, H. (2005). The ACA PRN: A new research tool.
Journal of Counseling and Development, 83 488-492.
Hendricks, B., & Bradley, L. (2005). Interpersonal theory and music techniques: A
case study for a family with a depressed adolescent. The Family Journal, 13,
Shaughnessy, M. F., & Bradley, L. J. (2005). A reflective conversation: Issues in
counseling the gifted and talented. Gifted Education International, 19, 236-245.
Bradley, L. & Hendricks, B. (2005). Ethical issues: Cases, codes, and decisions.
Retrieved December 21, 2005 from
Cooper, Sandi (C&I)
Runnels, M.K., Cooper, S.B., Thomas, J.A., Lan, W.Y.,& Busby, C. (2005). How to
teach online: What the research says. Distance Learning, 2(1): 21-27.
Tallent-Runnels, M. K., Lan, W. Y., Fryer, W., Thomas, J. A., Cooper,
S., & Wang, K. (2005) The relationship between problems with technology and
student evaluations of online teaching, Submitted to The Internet and Higher
Education, (8) 167-174.
Crooks, Steve (EP&L)
Crooks, S. M., Verdi, M. P., & White, D. R. (2005) Effects of contiguity and feature
animation in computer-based geography instruction. Journal of Educational
Technology Systems, 33(3), 261-183.
Baron, J., & Crooks, S. M. (2005). Academic integrity in web-based distance
education. TechTrends, 49(2), 40-45 .
Srinivasan, S., & Crooks, S. M. (2005). Multimedia in a science learning environment.
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 14(2), 151-167.
Davidson, Roseanna (EP&L)
Laman, E., Davidson, R. C., & Shaughnessy, M. F. (2005). Psychological evaluation
of children who are deafblind. New Mexico Review, 13(3),6-11.
Duemer, Lee (EP&L)
Banks, P.; Cochran, A.; McCrary, J.; Duemer, L. and Salazar, D. 2005. The Story
Behind The Catalyst: Channing Club vs. The Board of Regents of TTU. College
Student Journal, Vol. 39, 3, 455-460.
Gong, Richard ()
Griffin-Shirley, Nora (EP&L)
Griffin-Shirley, N. & Nes, S. L. (2005). Self-esteem and empathy in sighted and
visually impaired adolescents. Journal of Visual Impairments and Blindness,
(99) 5, 276-285.
Halsey, Pam (C&I)
Halsey, P. (2005). Parent involvement in junior high schools: A failure to
communicate. American Secondary Education, 34, 57-69.
Halsey, P. (2005). Assessing mathematics tradebooks: Which ones measure up?
Reading Improvement, 42, 158-163.
Hamman, Douglas (C&I)
Hamman, D. & Hendricks, B. (2005). The role of the generations in identity
formation: Erikson speaks to teachers of adolescents. The Clearing House:
Educational Research, Controversy and Practice, 79 (2), 72-75.
Hartmeister, Fred (EP&L)
Hartmeister, F., & Fix-Turkowski, V. (2005). Getting even with schoolyard bullies:
Legislative responses to campus provocateurs. Education Law Reporter 195, 134.
Hendricks, Bret (EP&L)
Bradley, L.J. & Hendricks, C.B. (2005). Ethical situations encountered
by counselors: Some solutions. American Association of State
Counseling Boards.
Hendricks, C.B & Bradley, L.J. (2005) Interpersonal theory and music
therapy techniques. Family Journal, 13. 400-405.
Peregoy, J.J., Rooney, S.C., Campbell, B.W. & Hendricks, C.B. (2005)
Society, Identity and Meaning: Alcohol and Other Drug Preventions
for mental health professionals working with gay, lesbian and
bisexual clients. American Counseling Association Vista, Fall 2005,
Hamman, D. & Hendricks, B. (2005). The role of the generations in identity
formation: Erikson speaks to teachers of adolescents. The Clearing House, no.
Janisch, Carole (C&I)
Akrofi, A. K., Swafford, J. , and Janisch, C. (2005). English in Ghana revisited:
Exploring perceptions on the universe of English, hegemony of English, and
ecology of language paradigms." Legon Journal of the Humanities, XV, 49-79.
Klinker, JoAnn (EP&L)
Mendez-Morse, S., & Klinker, J. F. (2005). Case study of above average elementary
school. UCEA Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership 8, 49-57. Online at
Lan, William (EP&L)
Lan, W., & Williams, A. (2005). Demandingness and responsiveness of advisors as
determinants of doctoral students' experience. National Academic Advising
Association Journal, 25(1), 31-41.
Lan, W. (2005). Self-monitoring and its relationship with educational level and task
importance. Educational Psychology 25(1), 109-127.
Tallent-Runnels, M. K., Cooper, S., Lan, W. Y., Thomas, J., Busby, C. (2005). How to
teach online: What the research says. Distance Education, 2(1), 21-27.
Tallent-Runnels, M. K., Lan, W., Fryer, W., Thomas, J. A., Cooper, S., & Wang, K.
(2005). The relationship between problems with technology and graduate
students' evaluations of online teaching. The Internet and Higher Education,
8(2), 167-174.
Lesley, Mellinee (C&I)
Lesley, M. (December 2004/January 2005). Looking for critical literacy with content
area literacy students. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 48(4), 320-334.
Lock, Robin (EP&L)
Lock, R.H. (2005). Introduction to the twenty ways special issue. Intervention in
School and Clinic, Vol. 41(1), pp. 3-4.
Lock, R. H.(2005). The twenty ways issue. (Editor). Vol. 41(1), pp. 1-64.
Marbley, Aretha (EP&L)
Marbley, A. F., & Ferguson, R. (2005). Responding to prisoners reentry, recidivism,
and incarceration of inmates of color: A call to the communities. Journal of
Black Studies, 35, 633-649.
Evans, K., Kincade, E., Marbley, A. F., & Seems, S. (2005) Feminism and feminist
therapy: Lessons from the past and hopes for the future. Journal of Counseling
and Development: Special Issue: Women and Gender Issues, 83, 269-277.
Kees, N. L., Carlson, L., Parmley, R., Dahlen, P., Evans, K., Marbley, A. F., Rozdzial,
M., & Seems, S., Snyder, B. (2005) Women and Counseling: A Vision for the
Future. Journal of Counseling and Development: Special Issue: Women and
Gender Issues, 83, 381-383 .
Maushak, Nancy (EP&L)
JEMH: Veronikas, S. & Maushak, N. M. (2004) Effectiveness of Audio on Screen
Captures in Software Application Instruction,
Mendez-Morse, Sylvia (EP&L)
Méndez-Morse, S. & Klinker, J. (2005) ?Case Study of Above Average Elementary
School. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 89(3), 49-57.
Munoz, Juan (C&I)
Munoz, J. (2005). The social construction of alternative education: re-examining the
margins of public education for at-risk chicano/a student. The High School
Journal,88 (2):3-22.
Murray, John (EP&L)
Murray, J. P. (2005) Why faculty development?: Enhancing faculty knowledge in the
community college. (Invited)
Murray, J. P. (2005). Meeting the needs of new faculty at rural community colleges.
Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 29(3), 215-232.
Myers, Susan (C&I)
Myers, S. & Anderson, C. (2005). Developing a mentoring model framework
for a local induction initiative.National forum of education research,16(2).
Olivarez Jr., Arturo (EP&L)
Stevens, T., & Olivárez, Jr., A. (2005) Development of the Mathematics Interest
Inventory. Measurement & Evaluation in Counseling & Development, 38, 141152.
Stevens, T., & Olivárez, Jr., A. (2005). Statistical significance and evidenced-based
policies: A realistic view. Essays in Education.
Price, Robert (EP&L)
Price, Robert V. A Model for Designing Web Based Units of Instruction, Distance
Learning, Jan-Feb, 2005
Rodriguez, Roy (EP&L)
Rodriguez,R., Latino success in math developmental programs in six New
Mexico community colleges, Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, vol. 6, #4,
Dent, N., Rodriguez, R. Women,philanthopy and higher education. Journal of
Philanthopy, vol. XXVI, #2, 2005.
Simpson, Douglas (C&I)
Dottin, E., Jones, A., Simpson, D., and Watras, J. (2005).
Representing the Social Foundations of Education in
NCATE: A Chronicle of Twenty-Five Years of Effort.
Educational Studies. 38, 3, 241-254.
Siwatu, Kamau (EP&L)
Stevens, Tara (EP&L)
Stevens, T., & Olivárez, Jr., A. (2005) Development of the Mathematics Interest
Inventory. Measurement & Evaluation in Counseling & Development, 38, 141152.
Stevens, T., & Olivárez, Jr., A. (2005). Statistical significance and evidenced-based
policies: A realistic view. Essays in Education.
Tallent-Runnels, Mary (EP&L)
Tallent-Runnels, M. K., Lan, W. Y., Fryer, W., Thomas, J. A., Cooper, S., & Wang,
K. (2005). The relationship between problems with technology and graduate
students' evaluations of online teaching. The Internet and Higher Education, 8,
Tirri, K., Tallent-Runnels, M. K., & Nokelainen, P. (2005). A cross-cultural study of
preadolescents' moral, spiritual, and religious questions. British Journal of
Religious Education, 27, 207-214.
Tallent-Runnels, M. K., Cooper, S., Lan, W. Y., Thomas, J., & Busby, C. (2005). How
to teach online: What the research says. Distance Education, 2(1), 21-27.
Thomas, Julie (C&I)
Tallent-Runnels, M. K., Lan, W. Y., Fryer, W., Thomas, J. A., Cooper, S., & Wang,
K. (2005) The relationship between problems with technology and student
evaluations of online teaching, Submitted to The Internet and Higher Education,
(8) 167-174.
Ahern, T., Thomas, J. A., Tallent-Runnels, M.. K., Lan, W. Y., Cooper, S., Cyrus, J.,
& Lu, X. (In press). The effect of social grounding on collaboration in a
computer-mediated small group discussion. The Internet and Higher Education.
Tallent-Runnels, M. K., Cooper, S., Lan, W. Y., Thomas, J., Busby, C. (2005). How to
teach online: What the research says. Distance Education, 2(1), 21-27.
Todd, Reese (C&I)
Todd, R. (2005). Seeking a truce in the social studies wars. [Review of book Social
studies wars: What should we teach the children. Evans, R.W. 2004]. Education
Todd, R. (2005, Fall/Winter). Wonders beyond the classroom walls. The Texan
(21)2:p 53
Wagoner, Richard (EP&L)
Wagoner, R. L., Metcalfe, A., & Olaore, I. (2005). Fiscal reality and academic quality:
Part-time faculty and the challenge to organizational culture at community
colleges. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 29, 25-44.
White, David (EP&L)
Crooks, S. M., Verdi, M. P., & White, D. R. (2005) Effects of contiguity and feature
animation in computer-based geography instruction. Journal of Educational
Technology Systems, 33(3), 259-281.
Wilhelm, Jennifer (C&I)
Wilhelm, J. and Confrey, J. (2005). Designing project-enhanced environments:
Students investigate waves and sound. The Science Teacher, 72(9): 42-45.
Castro-Filho, J., Wilhelm, J., and Confrey, J. (May, 2005). Understanding rate of
change using motion detectors: One teacher's voice, perspective, and growth.
International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning.
Williams, Amanda (EP&L)
Lan, W., & Williams, A. S. (2005). Doctoral students' perceptions of advising style
and development and the relationship between them. National Academic
Advising Association Journal.
Zhang, Ke (EP&L)
Zhang, K., & Hung, J. (2006). E-learning in Taiwan: Policies, practices, and problems.
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education,
2(1), 37-52.
Zhang, K., & Hung, J. (2005). Taiwan Gao Deng Jiao Yu e-learning de Xian Zhuang
Yu Si Kao (in English: Status of and critical reflections upon e-learning in
Taiwan's higher education). New Waves: Educational Research & Development,
10(3), 24-30.