Computer Networks 1. Create a header with Your Name, Networks and Class Period. 2. Save as class period_lastname_firstname_networks in your Other Folder. 3. Follow the instructions below and answer the questions. When done submit to teacher through DROPitTOme Link. Computer Network Terms Open Networks PowerPoint from PowerPoints folder on teacher website and define the following terms. Term Definition Network Server Client Workstation Modem Node Routers Gateway IP Address Domain Name System (DNS) Types of Networks Type Definition Example Local Area Network (LAN) Wide Area Network (WAN) Virtual Private Network (VPN) 1 Network Topology Comparison Review the Intro to Computer Networks found at Click launch and complete the entire tutorial. Identify the following network topologies below each picture and then compare the four types. Identify network topology below each picture: (Bus, Mesh, Ring or Star) Information Transfer Setup Expansion Troubleshooting Bus Mesh Ring Star LAN vs. WAN Go to Compare and contrast a local area network (LAN) with a wide area network (WAN). Local Area Network (LAN) Wide Area Network (WAN) Speed 2 Hardware Connection Geographical Spread Bandwidth Submit to teacher through DROPitTOme Link. 3