Feedback for: :

Facilities Operations and Development
Shop Rules
Utilities - High Voltage Shop
All UTHVS personnel are to comply with the following work rules.
1. All employees will be in uniform or appropriate PPE and ready to work at the start of their scheduled
work period. Temporarily parking a personal vehicle, clocking in, and then leaving the work site to
move the vehicle to a designated parking area is not acceptable because it constitutes being absent
from the assigned work area and can lead to corrective action.
2. In accordance with the University Operating Manual, personnel calling in sick must call in before the
start of the shift. Employees in bargaining unit titles must follow the call-in provisions of their union
contract. The number to call is 292-6273, 292-6272, or 313-0217. Leave requests must be submitted
by the end of the first shift worked after returning to work. All leave requests must be submitted
through the WorkForce timekeeping system.
3. All employees are required to clock-in or clock-out in their assigned work shop. Arrangements for
clocking in and clocking out at an alternate location must be prearranged with the supervisor. All
employees are required to carry the FOD ID badge in their wallet or on their person at university work
sites when on duty. Because of safety considerations, UTHVS personnel are not required to wear
FOD ID Badges where they can be easily seen but shall be prepared to display their FOD ID on
request. Employees must utilize their FOD ID badges to swipe in and out for daily scheduled shifts or
overtime. Employees are required to swipe in no earlier than 6 minutes before the start of their
scheduled shift. Employees are required to swipe out no later than 6 minutes past the end of their
scheduled shift. Swipes made after the shift time will be counted as tardies.
4. Leave requests must be submitted through the WorkForce timekeeping system. Vacations and comp
time are to be scheduled and approved at least 4weeks In advance. Late vacation or camp time
requests may be approved if coverage is available. No sick or vacation leave may be used to make
up for late arrival to work. Vacation requests for CWA employees will be granted based on the current
union contract provisions. Vacation requests for non-CWA employees will be granted per the
university's Paid Leave Policy.
5. Employees must conduct themselves during their work shift within the established guidelines set forth
in the FOD Professional Image Policy. Professional and respectful behavior are expected at all times.
Cat calling, pranks, and other nonprofessional physical and verbal behavior are unacceptable.
Horseplay, such as pushing, shoving, or otherwise creating unsafe conditions or risk of injury for
coworkers or the public, is strictly prohibited.
6. Safety equipment (PPE) will be worn including hard hat, safety glasses, gloves, and safety shoes at
appropriate times. Lock Out Tag Out and standard safety practices will apply at all times when
working on or around energized or potentially energized equipment. Employees should report unsafe
conditions to their direct supervisor. Please reference standing OSU & CWA Agreement, Article 29.4,
regarding wearing personal protective equipment.
Employees will maintain a clean and orderly work area. All tools and equipment will be returned to
proper locations when not in use. All tools and/or equipment that need sharpened, repaired, or
replaced are to be turned in to the supervisor. Work sites should be clear and orderly at the end of the
work period. Return tools and used materials to designed storage areas.
8. The university is tobacco free, and all staff members are expected to comply (
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Facilities Operations and Development
Shop Rules
Utilities - High Voltage Shop
Take steps to stop and contain oil or chemical spills at once. Report all spills to your supervisor.
10. Employees must have valid drivers’ licenses and complete the Driver Registration Form to drive
department vehicles. University vehicles are to be used solely for university business. Vehicle
operators must use extreme caution while operating vehicles on campus because of the high
pedestrian traffic. As registered drivers, you should follow all campus traffic rules, but in the course of
your work assignment, if you receive a parking citation that you believe is unjustified, you may bring it
to the attention of the Senior Director of Utilities for review. If the review determines the parking
citation to be unjustified or unavoidable because of the situation of your assignment, the Senior
Director of Utilities will support an appeal and, if necessary, use of division funds to cover
assessment. All incidents must be reported immediately to your immediate supervisor and the
appropriate paperwork initiated.
11. Unlawful possession, use, production, distribution, or sale of alcohol or other drugs by any employee
is prohibited on university property.
12. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment may be defined as the deliberate
imposition of any unwelcome sexual attention or behavior.
13. Workplace violence will not be tolerated.
14. Shift employees are to remain attentive to their work and operations through their entire shift. Do not
become distracted by nonwork-related activities such as excessive nonwork-related phone calls or
reading of nonwork-related materials. Limit the use of the Internet to assigned tasks or for brief
periods on approved websites, such as weather, OSHA, FOD, OSUHR, or Utilities. Do not watch TV
or videos, sleep, or do maintenance on personal vehicles. Do not use personal devices, such as but
not limited to laptop computers, personal devices, computer phones, or other wireless devices for
gaming applications, sporting events, social networking, or any other nonwork-related activity.
15. Personal cell phones are not to be used during work hours unless tor business or emergencies.
Hands free devices such as wired earpieces and microphones, including Bluetooth devices, are not
permitted to be worn during work shifts. Texting or dialing on a portable communications device while
operating equipment or a university vehicle is unacceptable.
16. Radios are for university business only. Airway discipline must be maintained in accordance with FAA
regulations. Do not use vulgar or inappropriate language or make jokes over the radio.
17. Scrap, surplus materials, and retired equipment are the property of the university and are to be
disposed of per the current scrap and surplus materials policy. Destruction or removal of university
property from the campus is prohibited.
18. Employee will be entitled to 2 rest breaks and a lunch break. Rest periods shall comply with the CWA
Labor Agreement. Two 15-minute breaks are scheduled from 9:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. and from 2 p.m.
to 2:15 p.m. Starting break times may be flexed with supervisor approval, if it is impractical to adhere
to the assigned time because of work duties such as equipment startup/testing, construction and/or
contractor support, scheduled meetings, or responding to a utility outage. When it is impractical to
return to the shop because of travel time from a remote work assignment, breaks can be taken
outside the shop if this is coordinated with the supervisor.
19. Employees are required to adhere to university and FOD policies, available for review at
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Facilities Operations and Development
Shop Rules
Utilities - High Voltage Shop
I have received and have read the Utilities Shop Rules, High Voltage Shop, and agree to abide by them.
I understand that failure to do so could result in corrective action up to and including termination.
Supervisor’s Signature
Employee Signature
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