EST 3543C - Programmable Logic Applications and Device Integration Standard Course Outline (Updated: Spring 2010) EST 3543C: Programmable Logic Applications and Device Integration –3(2,2). This course presents logic fundamentals, programming technologies, integrated circuits, and number systems to operate and test systems using programmable logic protocol. Use of program control instructions and Data Manipulation with I/O instructions and addresses in laboratory exercises. Goals/Objectives To be able to understand and use Logic Controls and Programmable Technologies. To be able to design, install, and program PLCs. To have the ability to plan and of the course: conduct efficient experiments with Input/Output and Device Integration. CO1 Course Outcomes: Students will have the capability to plan an automation process. CO2 Students will be able to setup the input and output devices to undertake the control of an automation process. CO3 Students will be able to generate the Ladder Logic diagrams to program the steps of an automation process. CO4 Students will be able to integrate programmable logic technologies with the input/output devices necessary to control an automation process. CO5 Students will have the capability to generate intermediate to advanced PLC programs that include timing, counting, sequencing, and math control. Catalog Description: Relationship to ET Program Outcomes: Textbook: References: EST3543C contributes the following to the ENT program outcomes: PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 CO1 X X CO2 X X X X X CO3 X X X X CO4 X X X X X CO5 X X X X - PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS Third Edition, (ISBN 0-07829852-0) by Frank D. Petruzella, McGraw Hill Publishing Company. - - PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC PLDs AND FPGAs by R.C. Seals and G.F. Whapshott Published by McGraw Hill Publishing Company (ISBN 0-070572607). Manufacturers Documentation: Allen Bradley and others. Control Logix by Allen Bradley and Rockwell Corporation. Topics Covered: Computer Usage: Laboratory Exercises: Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC): Principles and Applications. PLC Hardware Concepts: I/O Modules and Specifications. CPU, Memory Design, and Recording/Retrieving Data. Number Systems and Codes: Comprehensive Review of Number Systems. Logic Fundamentals: Comprehensive Review of Logic, Hard Wired versus Programmed Logic. Word-Level Logic Instructions. PLC Programming: Processor Memory Organization. Relay Instructions and Ladder Diagrams. PLC Languages. PLC Wiring and Ladder Type Programs: Control Relays, Motor Starters, and Switches. Transducers and Sensors. Connecting Relay Ladder Diagrams into PLC Ladder Programs. Programming Timers and Counters: Instructions and Incremental Encoder-Counter Applications. Timer Instructions. Counter Instructions. Combining Functions. Program Control Instructions and Data Manipulation: I/O Instructions, Addresses, Safety, and Fault Routines. Selectable Timed Interrupts. Transfer Compare and Set-Point Control. Data Compare and Data Manipulation. Math, Sequence and Shift Register Instructions: Device Integration with Lab Applications. Industrial Processes and Data Acquisition Systems. Computer Integrated Devices and Data communications. Use of internet to perform inquiries for added information. Use of computer development software for programmable logic devices, testing of components, feedback analysis, and report preparation. Lab assignments are scheduled by topic. Logic and Boolean algebra applications, hardware setup, software configuration, logic programming, and timers, counters, and math programming, are some of the topics to be applied in Lab sessions. Required Equipment: Computer. Access to the Internet. PLC equipment and PLC programming software (available in the lab). Course Grading: Course Grading Policies are left to the discretion of the individual instructor. Library Usage: Students are encouraged to consult library and internet references to aid in researching course material. Course Assessment: Useful methods for assessing the success of this course in achieving the intended outcomes listed above: CO1: Programming Projects and Traditional Exams. CO2: Programming Projects and Traditional Exams. CO3: Programming Projects and Traditional Exams. CO4: Programming Projects and Traditional Exams. CO5: Programming Projects and Traditional Exams. All objections to grades should be made IN WRITING WITHIN ONE WEEK of the work in question. Objections made after this period has elapsed will NOT be considered, no exceptions. Course Policies: Additional Course Information, Policies and Expectations: Exams Excusal from Course Assignments and Exams Makeup Assignments and Examinations Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Per university policy and plain classroom etiquette, mobile phones, pagers, etc. MUST be silenced during all classroom lectures and exams. Those not heeding this rule will be asked to leave the classroom immediately so as to not disrupt the learning environment. Reading assignments are to be completed prior to class discussion. The example problems and study questions in the text should be studied and understood as part of the reading assignment. All exams are specified in the preliminary course schedule. Any change to the schedule will be notified at least two weeks in advance. Make-up exams will be given only under justifiable circumstances. All assignments are due on or BEFORE the scheduled due date and time. Absolutely NO late assignments will be accepted. All assignments must be submitted via online course management tools, unless specified otherwise Students are encouraged to collaborate outside of class to discuss and debate course concepts. However, all assignments MUST be completed and written up individually. Each student is required to turn in his or her own solutions. If the assignment has been designated a team assignment by the instructor, one copy of the assignment solutions containing the names of all team members is required. Attendance is mandatory not only by university regulations but also by new immigration policies. All exams will be on line. Students will be given a time window during which the exam can be taken. Any questions about the exams should be directed to the instructor. • Excusal from submitting an assignment on-time: - If an emergency arises and a student cannot submit the homework on or before the due date, the student MUST give notification to the instructor NO LESS THAN 24 HOURS BEFORE the due date and NO MORE THAN 48 HOURS AFTER the due date. • Excusal from an exam: - Excusal of a student from an exam due to an emergency such as student illness, family illness or death, etc. requires valid and provable documentation before the student is eligible for the makeup exam. The documentation must be given to the instructor NO LESS THAN 24 HOURS BEFORE the due date and NO MORE THAN 48 HOURS AFTER the due date. - Notification must be given to the instructor NO LESS THAN 24 HOURS BEFORE the scheduled exam for all other excuses such as conference/workshops, business trips, etc. • There will be no makeup assignments given. • Makeup exams will be given towards the end of the semester, at a date announced by the instructor. The makeup exams may be different and more challenging than those administered on the original date. Course Coordinator: Eduardo Divo, Associate Professor,