MATH125-001 — Discrete Mathematics I George Mason University — Spring 2015 CLASS MEETING Instructor: Justin Schroeder Room: Exploratory Hall L111 Time: TR 9:00 AM-10:15 AM Office: Exploratory Hall 4415 Hours: MT 2:00-4:00 PM Email: COURSE INFORMATION Textbook: Goodaire and Parmenter, Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory, Third Edition, 2006. Website: Homework: Homework assignments for each section will be posted on the course website. These assignments will not be graded, but you are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to complete them. The exams will consist of similar questions, so doing the homework assignments is the best way to prepare for them. Quizzes: There will be four take-home quizzes that you are required to do in groups of 2-4 students. These quizzes will be due during the last class meeting before each exam and will consist mostly of proof questions. Each quiz is worth 25 points, for a total of 100 points. Exams: There will be four exams given during normal class meetings (2/12, 3/24, 4/14, 5/5). Each exam is worth 50 points, for a total of 200 points. Makeup exams will only be given in cases when I receive documented proof of an extreme hardship IN ADVANCE. If I am not notified in advance, no makeup exam will be given. Final Exam: There will be a cumulative final exam on THURSDAY, MAY 7, from 7:30 AM-10:15 AM. This exam is worth 100 points. Grading Scale: Your final grade will be determined based on your percentage of points earned out of 400 possible points. The following percentages will guarantee that you get at least the grade listed. Percent Grade Percent Grade 98 A+ 78 C+ 92 A 70 C 90 A68 C88 B+ 60 D 82 B 0 F 80 B- 2 GENERAL STATEMENTS • The final drop deadline is FEBRUARY 20. You will have seen your grade on the first exam by that date. If you are unsure whether or not to remain in the class, please come talk to me. • It is YOUR responsibility to regularly check the course website and your GMU email account for homework assignments and any other updates. • If you have a disability and you need academic accommodations, please see me and contact the Office of Disability Services. All arrangements must be made through that office. • If you need additional help with the material or problems, you have several available resources. (1) Classmates (2) My office hours (3) GMU Math Tutoring Center • You are bound by the GMU Honor Code. • NO ELECTRONICS are allowed on any of the exams. However, you will be allowed to use any notes and homework solutions that you have written. • Math is a difficult subject to master, so please go out of your way to make sure you understand the material. Ask questions during class. Form study groups to do homework. Come to my office hours. YOUR grade will depend on YOUR effort.