Theme based on one of the following: Learning Languages x
Social Sciences Science x
The children will be encouraged to continue developing their Communication skills through Makaton signing and PECs to continue to develop their social skills, turn taking skills, their play skills as they interact with each other. The children will be taught new games, encouraged to play in the home corner, play ‘shops’ using recycled packages. They will be encouraged to sort materials in games, sort lunch packages as rubbish duty monitors, to play tidy up games and practise tidying up the class room, taking care of their environment, leaving their space clean and tidy for others and working together. Look at books together about “Our Class”, “Things we are Learning”,
“Taking turns”, “Cleaning up”, “Materials” and “Recycling”.
LITERACY – Communication –Sing songs with actions and recite rhymes/ poems, referring to visuals and using a variety of props such as puppets and toys. Students take turns to choose a song they want to sing with the class, choosing appropriate visual on the whiteboard. Makaton signing and PECs are used daily to enable the children to develop their communication skills especially to make their requests known. Jake, Raeed and Anas are working on Phase 1 of PECs, Harvey on Phase 2 and Thulasi, Rosemarie, Taime &
Ashlee are on Phase 3 of PECs. Michael will work on Stage 3 of Makaton, Thulasi, Ashlee, Rosemarie, Harvey & Taime will work on
Stage 2 signs in Makaton and Anas & Raeed on Stage 1& 2 signs. Anas will be encouraged to verbalise single words, specifically nouns and verbs and Raeed and Summer will be encouraged to make verbal requests using nouns. Harvey will be encouraged to attempt to verbalise initial letter sounds ‘m’, ‘b’ and‘d’. All chn will be encouraged to learn vocabulary around “Recycling” and looking after our environment. Reading – Read Big and small class and individual books and poems and e-books on the interactive whiteboard about Our
Class, Things we like, The Alphabet and Phonics, Spring time, Plants, Animals, Materials, Cooking, Working together, Being kind to each other,
sharing, taking turns, Cleaning up, Recycling, Counting and Number stories, Shapes, Measurement and Time. Make individual reading books for the chn with photos, text, Boardmaker symbols and Clicker 5 and also borrow from school to read at school and at home with an adult.
Chn are reading pink level texts and practising reading high frequency words. Make class books clarifying Learning Intentions & Success
Criteria of all KC curriculum areas including the topic “Recycling” and “Wearable Arts” for students and staff (AfL focus). Visit the
Library with the Mainstream. Practise writing their names, match their name to their photo, name lotto, glue and glitter etc, stencils, writing, paint, sorting letters, play dough, write name on Whiteboard. Find objects/ pictures beginning with particular letter. Complete alphabet puzzles and games, letter lotto and word lotto use of flash cards. Make class books about “Things we like to do”, “Things we are
Learning”, “Taking turns”, “Cleaning up”, “Materials” and “Recycling”. Writing – Setu is working in the mainstream and the Unit. He is writing sentences, using alphabet & word card to identify initial and other letter sounds in his writing. Thulasi & Michael will copy
scribed captions in their writing, while Rosemarie and Ashlee will continue to practise tracing captions for pictures, photos, cards and letters. Harvey, Taime, Jake, Anas and Raeed will be encouraged to increase their mark making and formation of vertical, horizontal lines and circles & letters of their names. Part of the ‘Handwriting without Tears’ programme will be used with Pre-Emergent
Handwriting practise. Phonics activities- use phonics cards, alphabet card. Precision Teaching.
Recycling – Students will be encouraged to name and sort materials, sort lunch packages as rubbish duty monitors, to play tidy up games and practise tidying up the class room, taking care of their environment name materials, encouraged to play in the home corner, play
‘shops’ using recycled packages, visit Op-Shop – expressing their choices; learn vocabulary around “Recycling” and looking after our environment, use Boardmaker symbols to become familiar with vocabulary around recycling/conservation.
NUMERACY –Number Knowledge - Matching and Sorting materials; Make sets of objects associated with Recycling theme; Cause and
Effect activities; Sing number counting and shape songs. Practise rote counting, numbers 1-5, 1-10 &1-20. Indicate one or two, using fingers or sounds. Demonstrate awareness of contrasting quantities, ‘one’ & ‘lots’. Use 1-to-1 correspondence in a range of contexts.
Recognise numbers 1 to 10. Respond to questions, eg ‘How many?’ Recognise differences in quantity, eg, bigger group or smaller. Use
Counting Mats and number cards to count out a set of objects and find the appropriate number card to show the total. Raeed, Jake, Anas,
Taime & Harvey are learning how to match numbers 1 to 5. From there they will practise ordering numbers 1 to 3. They are also learning how to identify 1 & 2 and to show the correct number of objects. Rosemarie & Ashlee are practising rote counting, identifying and ordering numbers to 5, then to 10. They are also practising counting out sets of objects to 5 and finding the correct number card to show the total. They will then work on counting sets to 10. Thulasi & Michael, are practising rote counting to 20. They are learning to identify numbers and count out sets of objects to 10 and then to 15. They will then counting out 2 sets and joining them to find totals up to 10.
They will also be encouraged to respond to maths vocabulary such as more, less, add one and take one, add, plus, join, take away, equals and
how many are left? Shape, Space and Measure -Matching and sorting activities, Cause & Effect, Object permanence, Position – in, on,
under, beside, above, below, in front of & behind. From a collection of Recycled materials, pick out 2D &3D shapes from a collection. Compare size and length of objects or clothing, which is big, bigger, little, small, smaller, long, longer, short, shorter, tight, loose etc. Show awareness of time, days of the week and times of day. Make individual clocks with mobile hands, showing o’clock times. Money – visit the Op Shop, make a class shop in the Home Corner, practise ‘shopping’, exchange products for money, sort coins. Complete Maths Art & ICT activities. Use of PECs to ask for puzzle pieces etc. Model all activities with staff and through use of interactive whiteboard, photos, video
& Boardmaker.
SCIENCE – Recycling Materials – Describe Materials; What are they? Where do they come from? What are they made of? Sort Materials.
What do we do with them? How are they used? What can we do with them? What could we make with used containers and other items?
Collect shoeboxes, bottles, yoghurt pots, cardboard boxes & tubes, tissue boxes, buttons, fabric, beads, decorations etc. Recycle materials to make clothing for Wearable Arts Fashion Show (see Art). Recycle class rubbish – sort recycled materials according to whether they are made of paper& card/ plastics, cans/glass/ food scraps. Chn take turns at being recycling helper with T.A. and Geoff the caretaker. Take food scraps to the compost. Spring plants – Teach chn vocabulary of planting; Sequence the Life cycle of a plant; plant seeds and small plants; sprout seeds in sprouter & make ‘Mr Grass head’ sprouter; plant some small plants in the school garden; make fake flowers and garden decorations for the playground. Cooking – Cook dishes using new Spring vegies, small plants, seeds, popcorn, salad, coleslaw, soup, make bread, left overs (Bubble n Squeak), choice of fillings for sandwiches and filled rolls. Also make dishes in preparation for
Christmas – salt dough shapes, truffles, Christmas shaped biscuits, Christmas cake and puddings.
THE ARTS - Visual Arts – Paint self-portraits; Printing – hand prints, foot prints, Seasons – Spring Time make leaf prints, Garden decorations, make flower collages, decorate plant pots, mosaics & mobiles from recycled materials e.g. old china, cds; invite a mainstream class to paint flowers on the playground wall (with Principal’s consent); using cardboard box construction & papier mache,
make animals/cars by gluing small boxes & containers; make musical instruments e.g. shakers & tissue box guitars with rubber bands; make cards, decorating with paper & fabric collage; make collage picture frames and pictures using recycled materials; Recycling
Materials Wearable Arts – design clothing & accessories e.g. hats, tabbards, skirts & shorts; accessories such as wands, halos & wings;
Christmas decorations from recyclable materials
Fabric patchwork display Music & Movement – Listen to songs related to Spring time, planting, books & poems read in class &
Christmas. Play instruments to accompany music and sounds, including own instruments the chn made; Play music games to encourage chn to become familiar with everyday sounds & sounds of different instruments; Multi-Sensory learning experiences through music, also using fabrics and props; Dance and Jump Jam. See Genevieve’s Music Drama unit plan.
Maori - The children will hear Maori vocabulary for greetings, numbers, colours, action songs, and words for food (kai), weather
(huarere), hot (wera) and cold (anu), wet (maku) and dry (tauera) and Spring time.
Managing Self – Chn will be given duties to do with TA support, such as sorting the rubbish to recycle, take rubbish to main bins with caretaker, take food scraps to compost, take wet cloths to washing machine & fold dry linen and tidy areas of the classroom.
The children will continue to be encouraged to be more independent with routines such as toileting, hand washing, and teeth cleaning will be taught routinely this term. They will also be supported and encouraged in activities to develop fine and gross motor development. Practise Play skills such washing, drying and dressing dolls, putting them to bed, keeping them warm etc.
Practise dressing dolls, using back chaining, when and where necessary, with particular children. Children will practise fastening buttons and zips, tying laces with back chaining and appropriate support. Thulasi will take part in PAL Play programme with the mainstream chn with OT support. P.E. – Chn will be taught a variety of team Games with support from mainstream buddies every week, using visuals & props, Dance, Jump Jam, Relays, Practise ball skills, rolling, throwing & catching balls of various sizes and swiss balls; Riding, hoops bean bags etc; Sherborne exercises will be taught each week. Wearable Arts – wear using props and costumes; encourage development of fine motor skills through art – weaving & making collage. Explore different types of movement to music. Trampoline; square skateboards & tricycle; The children will also practise floating and swimming skills at weekly Swimming sessions. Class walks to maintain fitness & health.
The children will all be encouraged to participate and contribute in all Key Competency areas. They will be strongly encouraged to participate particularly in Whole class Circle Time sessions.
Class Outings - Taking class walks, picking up rubbish along the way to recycle on return; Visit Cornwall Park; Visit Ambury Farm see sheep; Visit the Zoo – conservation focus; Shopping trip to Op shop & supermarket to shop for cooking ingredients; Visit a recycling plant; Use public transport – take a train trip. Chn will be taught & encouraged to recycle classroom rubbish & materials - paper
/glass/plastic recycling & composting; to turn off the lights when they leave the room; plant plants for the garden;
As mentioned, the children will be encouraged and supported in using a variety of multi-sensory media and class resources including the interactive whiteboard.
The children will access the curriculum through multi-sensory media and class resources including the use of photos, videos, Clicker 5,
Boardmaker and appropriate and relevant internet websites, using the interactive whiteboard.
Children’s progress and achievements will be recorded using IEP monitoring sheets, P Levels, portfolios, observations, photos and videos.