News item 24 recycling Increasing consumption generates more

News item 24 recycling
Increasing consumption generates more garbage and in turn causes disposal problems. In most
countries, waste is buried or incinerated ? in dustbins could still be useful. Recycling with its
enormous benefits is the answer. Bearing in mind that disposals of ? resource are ? .Recyclable
materials like metals, paper, rags ? dump plastic and wood ? should be put to good use. The
biggest savings should be energy consumption. But it is also important to conserve ? resources and
be environment friendly by producing less waste. By investing in materials which you consider
rubbish ? could built around recycling in this throw-away culture of ours. Waste Watch, a group
which promotes the idea of recycling, has published data on energy saving when new goods are
made from waste. To produce a can from recycling materials, it seems to require only 1/20 of the
energy needed to make a can from raw materials. Used drink cans thrown by the million into litter
receptacles are a valuable resource. They can provide tin steel and aluminium for reclamation
resource plants. The recycled aluminium can reenter the economy and ? to products. Waste Watch
started to campaign by targeting households, a ? advise from local recycing skims. It presses for
making access to collection points ? available, not only rubbish disposals or tips. For many people,
carrying recyclables to tips or bottle banks is a problem and many do not bother. School should
play that part. Children don’t need to be encouraged participating collection skims. They love it.
Each residences supporting the idea can help them by separating colored glass from clear glass
and putting aside newspaper steel and aluminium cans. Consumers shooting courage manufacturer
to switch to recylcable or less pachaging. For example ,where possiple, they should sell refill
packs. By buying recyclables, the public all show their awareness of environment issues.
陈铖 2007090309