Protist lab – prepared slides

Protist lab – prepared slides
a. Draw a picture of the Euglena on total magnification of 100x and answer the questions. Use your book
pages 73-76 to help you answer the questions.
1. True or False: Plant-like protists are similar to plants in that they are autotrophs.
How do the euglena move? _______________________________________
3. Why would it be important for euglena to find light?
II. Euglena – MICROVIEWER (Life in a Pond – set 110 slide 2)
a. Look at slide 2 in the microviewer.
b. Read the description of the Euglena in the booklet.
c. Draw a picture of the Euglena in the circle below. Answer the questions.
1. What are the small green bits of matter in the Euglena’s body called?
2. What does the green material help the euglena manufacture (make)?
3. TRUE or FALSE The euglena is like a plant because it is an autotroph, but it is
also like an animal because it is a heterotroph.
III. Volvox – Microscope
a. Draw a picture of the Volvox on total magnification of 100x and answer the questions. Use your book
pages 73-76 to help you answer the questions.
1. Define: Autotroph ____________________________________________________________________
2. How do plant-like protists fit into the food chain? (Who eats who?)
3. What is produced as a byproduct from Photosynthesis (food making process)?
IV. Volvox – Microviewer (Pond Life set #12, slide 5)
a. Look at slide 5 in the Pond Life microviewer slide set.
b. Read the description of the Volvox in the booklet (slide 5)
c. Draw a picture of the volvox below and answer the questions.
The volvox is a hollow ball made up of hundreds of cells.
When the original volvox fills up with daughter cells it will burst
open releasing the new volvox cells.
V. Amoeba - Microscope
Draw a picture of Amoeba on total magnification 100x and answer the questions. Use your book pages 63-65 to help
you answer the questions.
1. How do amoebas move? What does this term mean in Greek?
2. What does this foot-like extension do for the amoeba?
3. How do water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide get into the amoeba?
VI. Amoeba – Microviewer (Pond Life set #12, slide 3)
a. Look at slide 3 in the microviewer
b. Read the description of the Amoeba in the booklet (slide 3)
c. Draw a picture of the Amoeba and answer the questions
1. How does the amoeba eat?
Paramecium - Microscope
Draw a picture of the paramecium on total magnification of 100x and answer the questions. Use your book pages 66 67 to help you answer the questions.
1. True or False: Protists have a nucleus.
2. What do the paramecium use to eat and move? _______________________
Paramecium – Microviewer (How a one-celled animal divides, set #104, slides 1, 2, 3)
a. Look at slides 1, 2, 3 in the microviewer
b. Read the description of the Paramecium in slides 1, 2, 3
c. Answer the questions below
1. Look at slide 1 in the microviewer. Do all of the paramecium have exactly the same shape? __________ Do they
all seem to be about the same shape? _________
2. Look at slide 2 in the microviewer. What are the storage containers called that hold food and water for the
paramecium? (you may need your notes for this organelle name) _________________________
3. Look at slide 3 in the microviewer. How does this organism move? _____________________
4. Read section 4 in the booklet. How does this animal reproduce?
If you have not completed the plant-like protists please move to the next lab station to complete
this section.
Lab finished?
You are now ready to look at live protists under the microscope.