DSS Handbook SOCOPSE Authors: Version: Date: Deliverable: Ruud Baartmans, Willy van Tongeren, Jaap van der Vlies (TNO), Susanne Ullrich (SOTON), Tuomas Mattila (SYKE), Anna Palm Cousins, Mohammed Belhaj, John Munthe (IVL), Jozef Pacyna, Kyrre Sundseth (NILU) DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 D4.1 Public comments: Please contact Ruud Baartmans: ruud.baartmans@tno.nl DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Preface The Water Framework Directive The purpose of the Water Framework Directive (WFD; 2000/60/EC) is to establish a framework for the protection of inland surface waters, transitional waters, coastal waters and groundwater. The WFD aims at enhanced protection and improvement of the aquatic environment, inter alia, through specific measures for the progressive reduction and cessation or phasing-out of discharges, emissions and losses of the priority hazardous substances. Therefore the WFD contains a number of directives and guidelines for the future use, release and water quality concerning the priority substances. The WFD defines environmental quality standards as concentrations of pollutants in water, sediment or biota that should not be exceeded in order to protect human health and the environment. The WFD has identified 33 priority substances for which environmental quality standards and emission control measures have to be established (COM(2006)398 final). From this list, a group of 11 substances were identified as priority hazardous. This group of 11 will be subject to cessation or phasing out of discharges. The WFD requires the identification of pressures to which water bodies are subjected; in particular related to priority substances. Further, the member states are required to assess the likelihood that surface water bodies will fail to meet the environmental quality standards. About the SOCOPSE project With the new regulations, new strategies for control of releases of PSs are needed. For decision making and implementation of the WFD, the industrial sector (including agriculture, transport, recreation, water treatment organisations etc.), the local water authorities and the EU policy makers need guidelines for introduction of cost-effective measures. The project Source Control of Priority Substances, SOCOPSE, is a research project focussed on development of tools for the implementation of the WFD with regards to PSs. Within the project a Decision Support System (DSS) is developed for management of PSs in order to assess the effectiveness and (possibly secondary) impacts of various measures or combinations of measures and to make the right selection of measures. These measures include water treatment technologies, management options, and substitution as well as strategies for follow-up and monitoring and frameworks for communication and dissemination of progress. 2/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Table of Contents Preface................................................................................................................................. 2 Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ 3 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 About the SOCOPSE decision support system .................................................... 6 1.2 Related DSS’s ...................................................................................................... 7 2 Structure of the DSS: Step by Step Plan ....................................................................... 9 2.1 General structure .................................................................................................. 9 2.2 Step 0: System definition ................................................................................... 11 2.2.1 Framework of the step ............................................................................... 11 2.2.2 Instructions how to do it ............................................................................ 11 2.2.3 Sources of information ............................................................................... 12 2.2.4 Result of the step ........................................................................................ 12 2.3 Step 1: Problem Definition ................................................................................ 13 2.3.1 Framework of the step ............................................................................... 13 2.3.2 Instructions how to do it ............................................................................ 13 2.3.3 Sources of information ............................................................................... 17 2.3.4 Result of the step ........................................................................................ 17 2.4 Step 2: Inventory of sources .............................................................................. 17 2.4.1 Framework of the step ............................................................................... 17 2.4.2 Instructions how to do it ............................................................................ 18 2.4.3 Sources of information ............................................................................... 19 2.4.4 Result of the step ........................................................................................ 19 2.5 Step 3: Definition of the baseline scenario ........................................................ 20 2.5.1 Framework of the step ............................................................................... 20 2.5.2 Instructions how to do it ............................................................................ 21 2.5.3 Sources of information ............................................................................... 23 2.5.4 Result of the step ........................................................................................ 24 2.6 Step 4: Identification of possible measures ....................................................... 24 2.6.1 Framework of the step ............................................................................... 24 2.6.2 Instructions how to do it ............................................................................ 25 2.6.3 Sources of information ............................................................................... 28 2.6.4 Result of the step ........................................................................................ 28 2.7 Step 5: Assessment of the effects of the measures ............................................ 29 2.7.1 Framework of the step ............................................................................... 29 2.7.2 Instructions how to do it ............................................................................ 29 2.7.3 Sources of information ............................................................................... 30 2.7.4 Result of the step ........................................................................................ 30 2.8 Step 6: Selection of the best solutions ............................................................... 30 2.8.1 Framework of the step ............................................................................... 31 2.8.2 Instructions how to do it ............................................................................ 31 2.8.3 Sources of information ............................................................................... 33 2.8.4 Result of the step ........................................................................................ 33 3 Stakeholder Involvement ............................................................................................ 33 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 33 3.2 Stakeholders ....................................................................................................... 34 3.3 Why stakeholders should be involved ............................................................... 34 3/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 3.4 Stakeholder analysis........................................................................................... 35 3.4.1 Step 1: Convening ...................................................................................... 35 3.4.2 Step 2: Identify the Stakes ......................................................................... 36 3.4.3 Step 3: Make an inventory of relations between stakeholders ................... 36 3.5 How to involve stakeholders? ............................................................................ 36 3.5.1 Introductory remark: .................................................................................. 36 3.5.2 Step 1: Indentify the stake holders to be involved ..................................... 36 3.5.3 Step 2: Identify the stakes .......................................................................... 37 3.5.4 Step 3: Engage Stakeholders ...................................................................... 37 3.6 Tools, processes and instruments ....................................................................... 38 3.6.1 Case-study: dredging an artificial lake in Rotterdam, the Netherlands ..... 38 3.7 Risks and pitfalls ................................................................................................ 40 3.8 Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 42 4 Additional Tools/Relevant methodologies ................................................................. 43 4.1 Environmental fate modelling for water managers ............................................ 43 4.1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 43 4.1.2 What is an environmental fate model?....................................................... 43 4.1.3 How do I use an environmental fate model? ............................................. 44 4.1.4 What about time series and scenarios and stuff? ....................................... 49 4.1.5 Environmental properties collection sheet (necessary parameters) ........... 52 4.2 Cost calculation methods ................................................................................... 53 4.2.1 Costs ........................................................................................................... 54 4.2.2 Benefits ...................................................................................................... 55 4.3 Economic evaluation methods ........................................................................... 61 4.3.1 Cost effectiveness analysis ........................................................................ 61 4.3.2 Multi-criteria analysis ................................................................................ 64 4.3.3 Societal cost benefit analysis ..................................................................... 65 5 References ................................................................................................................... 76 5.1 Literature ............................................................................................................ 76 5.2 Other sources ..................................................................................................... 80 6 Annexes....................................................................................................................... 83 6.1 Role of priority substances in the Water Framework Directive ........................ 83 6.1.1 General ....................................................................................................... 83 6.1.2 Definition Priority Substances (PS) and the European quality standards (EQS) 85 6.1.3 Measures in WFD ...................................................................................... 87 6.1.4 Other Legislation linked to the WFD and PS ............................................ 88 6.2 Glossary ............................................................................................................. 89 6.2.1 Abbreviations ............................................................................................. 89 6.2.2 Definitions from Article 2 of the Water Framework Directive ................. 89 6.3 EU-List of priority substances in the field of water policy ................................ 93 6.4 Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for priority substances and certain other pollutants ............................................................................................................ 95 6.5 List of substances subject to a review for identification as possible "priority hazardous substances" or as possible "priority substances" (Amendment 65) 100 6.6 Phased-out PSs ................................................................................................. 101 6.7 Environmental fate models .............................................................................. 103 6.7.1 Principles of environmental fate modelling ............................................. 104 6.7.2 Available fate models and their use ......................................................... 110 4/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 6.7.3 Modelling metal transport and fate .......................................................... 113 6.7.4 Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of models ........................................ 121 6.7.5 Selecting suitable models ......................................................................... 125 6.8 Example of an quantitative overview of the main sources of tributyltin (TBT) .......................................................................................................................... 126 6.9 Mass Flow Analysis schemes for PSs in Europe ............................................. 128 6.10 Fact sheets ........................................................................................................ 132 6.10.1 Mercury (Hg) ........................................................................................... 132 6.10.2 Cadmium (Cd) ......................................................................................... 151 6.10.3 Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) ...................................................................... 167 6.10.4 Tributyltin ................................................................................................ 194 6.10.5 DEHP ....................................................................................................... 209 6.10.6 Atrazine .................................................................................................... 222 6.10.7 Isoproturon ............................................................................................... 230 6.10.8 Isoproturon SC-6: Information campaign ................................................ 237 6.10.9 Nonylphenol ............................................................................................. 255 6.10.10 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) ........................................ 265 6.10.11 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) ........................................... 282 5/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 1 Introduction 1.1 About the SOCOPSE decision support system Support decision process The SOCOPSE decision support system (DSS) is primarily intended to support water authorities to make plans and make decisions for the control of PSs at both European and national or river basin level (Article 11. sub 3k of the WFD). The plans are a part of the river basin management plans (RBMPs) which the water authorities have to produce in final version in 2009. Also in the future (2015), when the plans have to be updated, the DSS will be helpful. The DSS focuses on the chemical status of river basins. The DSS is also suitable for other stakeholders to assess the effectiveness of various management options. Also applicable on other substances than PSs Of course PSs are only one of the aspects of a RBMP. Although the DSS is developed for the control of PSs it is applicable to any chemical substance where a limit value in the form of a concentration has been set. What is it? The developed system fits in the framework suggested by the EC to implement the WFD and to compile the RBMPs. It provides a format by which information, needed to prepare and to make the decisions, can be gathered, stored, updated and evaluated. Therefore the DSS serves as a structure to collect the inputs and as a structure to produce output in the form of information needed for decisions. The DSS is not a software tool. What is in it? The DSS handbook includes descriptions of useful tools that allow the evaluation and selection of alternative (clusters of) measures which are needed to lower the release of PSs and/or the concentrations of PSs and to eliminate these from the surface waters. Just as the DSS itself, these tools are proven and based on sound science. Eventually (sets of) measures should be tuned to (all) other measures which are foreseen in the river basin management plan and to the human activities in the area. For that, a social-economic analysis (SEA) is a helpful tool. About this handbook This handbook is a paper version of the DSS. The handbook aims to support drafters of river basin management plans and policy makers, at local, national and/or EU level and at (transboundary) river basin level. With this handbook they can select measures to prevent or reduce PSs in river basins. Therefore policy information and available reference data on substances and measures are brought together in this document in a structured way. 6/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Web-based version of the DSS In addition to the paper version a web-based version of the DSS handbook will be available at the project website www.socopse.eu. This web-based version contains among others actual data (e.g. on environmental quality standards) with can be downloaded and used as input for the preparation of RBMPs. Reader’s guide for this document This chapter gives a general introduction. Chapter 2 describes the general structure of the DSS and subsequently each step of the DSS is described in more detail. Chapter 3 provides information on stakeholder involvement and Chapter 4 provides information on additional tools and relevant methodologies such as environmental fate models, evaluation methods and cost calculation methods. This handbook contains a large annex with further information on the theroretical background of environmental fate models, the role of priority substances in the WFD, environmental quality standards, phased out priority substances, mass flow analysis scheme for PSs in Europe, PS Fact sheets, etc. 1.2 Related DSS’s In the framework of the SOCOPSE DSS other existing instruments should be mentioned: WFD-Explorer The WFD-Explorer (www.krwverkenner.nl) is a planning kit for the WFD for assessment of the effectiveness of measures to improve the ecological quality of a water bodies in a river system. The tool was developed by Deltares/Delft Hydraulics, The Netherlands. The WFD-Explorer supports water managers in making decisions on various strategies to improve the ecological quality (of phytoplankton, macrophytes, macro fauna and fishes). With the WFD-Explorer one can select a measure and show in real-time its impact on the realization of ecological objectives and its costs. WFD-Explorer was applied to a number of other pilot-areas in The Netherlands. Compared to the SOCOPSE DSS the WFD-Explorer is more focused on the ecological status of a water body in stead of on the chemical status. The available measures are aimed at improving ecological quality at local scale. Basic Principles for selecting the most cost-effective combinations of measures for inclusion in the program of measures as described in Article 11 of the Water Framework Directive – Handbook Issued by the Federal Environment Agency of Germany. In this project, a methodology for selecting the most cost-effective sets of measures as part of the river basin management plans to be set up for each river basin by 2009 according to article 11 of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) has been developed. Based on a description of the relevant national and European guidelines for the implementation of the WFD and a case study analysis of the prevailing pressures on German water bodies, an exemplary catalogue of applicable measures and instruments was compiled. The included measures and instruments are described 7/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 in greater detail in data sheets contained in the annex. The study differentiates between concrete technical measures and administrative, economic and informational instruments, which facilitate and support the implementation of the measures. Starting point for the methodology developed in this project is the analysis of pressures and impacts according to the WFD until December 2004. Based on an inventory of the prevailing pressures and sources, potentially relevant sets of measures and supporting instruments are selected. In the ensuing multi-step evaluation process taking into consideration the ecological effectiveness of these sets, the probability of reaching the WFD-objectives until 2015, the time frame necessary for their implementation and a prioritization with respect to the direct and indirect costs involved, the most cost-effective combination is identified. While the derived method constitutes a preliminary recommendation to decisionmakers in water management, a further development and specification as well as an adjustment of the proposed method to local conditions and experiences is mandated. In addition to the practice-oriented handbook, a more extensive study, featuring additional background material, has been prepared. River Basin Manager's Toolbox River Basin Manager's Toolbox (www.rbm-toolbox.net) provides information and tools needed in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and will assist the River Basin managers in various steps of the WFD implementation process. Then River Basin manager's Toolbox has been developed by three different research projects: o Benchmark Models for the Water Framework Directive: BMW; o Relationship between ecological and chemical status of surface waters: REBECCA, and; o Tools and systems to extend and harmonise spatial planning on water courses in the Baltic Sea Region – WATERSKETCH. Compared to the SOCOPSE DSS the River Basin Manager’s toolbox is indeed a toolbox with various tools with a main focus on assessment and modelling of substances and hydrology. The tools are not connected to a systematic approach such as in the SOCOPSE DSS of REACH and the tools don’t include measures and an assessment of the effects of measures. Some of the tools (e.g. the Public Hearing Database from Watersketch) lack a translation to English. Nevertheless some of the tools can be helpful. Rule-based Decision Support System for the Morphological Rehabilitation of Watercourses In their article Sewilam et al(2007) describe a rule-based decision support system that has been developed to assist decision makers in preparing the EU program of measures. The DSS aims at rehabilitation of morphological structures of small and medium-sized watercourses in Germany. Due to the lack of quantitative data and knowledge on hydromorphology modelling the DSS manipulates the decision making process in a qualitative way, based on the knowledge of experts. Compared to the SOCOPSE DSS this DSS is focused on the hydromorphology of watercourses (in stead of an entire river basin). 8/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 2 Structure of the DSS: Step by Step Plan 2.1 General structure Seven steps to solutions The basic structure of SOCOPSE DSS contains seven sequential steps (see Figure 1). start Step 0: System definition Step 1: Problem definition Step 2: Inventory of sources Step 3: Definition of a baseline scenario Step 4: Inventory of possible measures Step 5: Assessment of the effects of the measures Step 6: Selection of the best solutions end Figure 1: Overview of the decision support system 9/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Why do we suggest this general structure of the DSS? The structure of the DSS is based on long standing international experiences with the application of Economic Evaluation Methods in policy and decision making, notably in the field of environment- and water management issues. The methodology that is used as a general structure is referred to as Societal Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA, see 4.3.3). The proposed methodology is presently applied in the EC program REACH 1. Step 0: System definition In the System definition step the boundaries of the studied system are set and the geographical, physical, chemical, biological and societal characteristics of the system are described. The system definition is the background for all further assessments and thus as detailed information as possible is desired. Step 1: Problem definition In Step 1 the problem around PS and WFD are envisaged. The WFD requires a ‘good status’ for all waters by 2015. PS concentrations may not exceed the environmental quality standards and they may not increase in time. The need is to comply with this requirement and therefore non-compliance can be defined as problem. The result of this step is a table or map with the areas of exceedance: locations where a good chemical status is not met. Step 2: Inventory of sources In Step 2 an inventory of sources with effect on PS concentrations at river basin scale is derived from the areas of exceedance table (result of Step 1), from a database with an EU wide inventory of possible sources and from area specific information (e.g. from permits, emission registration data etc.). Step 2 results in a list (table or map) with actual areas of exceedance and their possible sources. Step 3: Definition of a baseline scenario In Step 3 a baseline scenario is defined. The step outlines an answer to the following questions: ‘To what extent additional measures are necessary to improve the water quality?’ and ‘Is there reason to assume that the present situation with respect to the water quality will change of will be different in the future? If so why? Will the problem definition change?’. In some cases the main sources of pollution have been eliminated already and the system is recovering towards good chemical status. In these cases it is important to identify the possible threats to recovery, but there's no need to take any action except monitoring. Step 3 results in a list (table or map) with future areas of exceedance and their possible sources. Step 4: Inventory of possible measures Step 4 is concerned with creating an inventory of possible management options for the PSs. These management options include e.g. process-oriented options, end-of-pipe techniques, product substitution (phase out) and other options e.g. at Community level. 1 Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of Chemical Substances: see http://ec.europa.eu/environment/chemicals/reach/reach_intro.htm 10/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 First a scan on the need for measures to solve the actual and future areas of exceedance and sources is performed. For each situation where ‘no action’ is not an option the possible and for the area relevant measures are listed from the measure database. Since measures could be applicable for more than one PS a check is performed on whether measures can be combined. The result of Step 4 is a list of possible measures per substance. Step 5: Assessment of the effects of the measures In Step 5 an assessment of the effects of the possible management options/measures takes place. Once the possible alternative measures have been defined (the result of Step 4), it is necessary to determine which categories of effects need to be taken into account in order to decide on the most appropriate selection method (Step 6). The assessment of the effects is at least a calculation/estimation of the Costs of Compliance and of the performance of the measure: primarily the reduction in PS concentration, but also the effect on other substances can be regarded. Step 6: Selection of the best solutions In Step 6 the selection of the best solution (sets of measures) takes place. In dialogue with the main stakeholder groups (pointed out in Step 0; System definition) the most applicable selection method is chosen based on the expected effects of the measure (sets). With this method the measures and their effects are weighed (and ranked). For those cases where only costs and concentration reduction are important Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) has to be performed. If besides costs and concentration reduction also other effects are relevant a Societal Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) or a Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA) has to be performed. From the result of these analyses the best solutions are selected in dialogue with/or advice from the main stakeholder groups. For the steps 2-6 there is a feedback loop to the preceding one in case completion of the step requires new or other input from the previous step. The steps are described in more detail in the next paragraphs. 2.2 Step 0: System definition 2.2.1 Framework of the step The aim with this step is to set the physical boundaries of the studied system as well as to characterise it with respect to geographical, physical, chemical, biological and societal conditions, and to identify the key stakeholders, who are or should be involved in the decision-making process. It should be mentioned that situations between countries and/or scale levels can be different. The system definition is the background for all further assessments and thus as detailed information as possible is desired. 2.2.2 Instructions how to do it The WFD requires each member state to characterize each body of surface water with respect to category (river, lake, transfer zone or coastal water), type (system A or B – see WFD) and geographical location. The information that has to be gathered and the way 11/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 how it should be presented is specified in Annex II to the WFD. If the system is known to be polluted by certain PS’s or other chemical substances, this should be given here, as well as possible known pollution sources. In the ideal case, this information has already been compiled and structured by the user, and will then work as system definition in the DSS. If not, the information should be sought from national/regional/local data sources depending on the nature of the system. The system definition is best presented with a GIS-map (required by the WFD) and complemented with information on population, main activities and a list of stakeholders. The list of stakeholders is required by the WFD in the form of authorities (Annex I), including information on names, addresses, responsibilities and legal status, memberships of associated authorities, geographical coverage (adapted for GIS implementation) of the drainage basin, and international, institutional connections. This list should be filled up with additional stakeholders, such as NGO’s or local industry representatives. The information should be compiled in a format according to the user’s choice, i.e. in table format or in text format. 2.2.3 Sources of information The information required for system definition is specified in the Annex I, II and III to the WFD. This information is best collected at local water management boards, where the area specific knowledge is compiled. Information sources on pollution status could be national, regional databases on monitoring data, if such exist. 2.2.4 Result of the step The result of this step is primarily a detailed map of the water system to be studied, with additional information on water flows, known pollution status, population density, industrial and agricultural activities, and aquatic parameters such as sediment quality, particle and organic carbon contents, temperature profile. A separate list of stakeholders should also be part of the result. Figure 2 shows a simplified example of a system definition of the river Vantaa in the Helsinki area. This example does not include the more detailed information on stakeholders, pollution status and aquatic parameters. 12/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Finland Vantaa River Catchment area 1 686 km2 Population of 1 milj. inhabitants Agriculture (24 % cultivated) Industry (dairy, food, metal, paint, detergent) Drinking water source (emergency) to Helsinki Metropolitan area Irr igation source Recreation object Cultural scenery and objects Figure 2: Simplified system definition of Vantaa River in the Helsinki area 2.3 Step 1: Problem Definition 2.3.1 Framework of the step In Step 1 the Problem definition is set. The WFD requires a ‘good status’ for all waters by 2015 and phase out of PSs by 2020. PS concentrations may not exceed the EQSs and they may not increase in time. The need is to comply with this requirement and therefore noncompliance is can be defined as problem. The result of this step is a table or map with areas where PSs cause problems. 2.3.2 Instructions how to do it Basically the work to be done in Step 1 follows Figure 3. 13/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Input from Step 0 #1 look at EAQC-Wise outcome define data needed monitoring data available? #2 yes #3 no other information available? no #4 yes harmonized protocols available? harmonize #10 protocols RB wide yes / not relevant guidelines for data quality (input EAQC-WISE ) #7 data quality OK? #9 get advise from EU CMA (* set up #5 monitoring plan #8 look at EAQC-WISE outcome #6 measure actual concentrations no yes EQS or other target values no #11 "sufficient data?” guidelines for monitoring and analysis report lack #12 of data to national level no yes concentrations #13 exceeding EQS or #14 continue monitoring according to WFD no increasing? yes table/map of actual areas of exceedance Input for Step 2 Figure 3: #15 *EU Chemical Monitoring Advise Group (or future bodies) on how to handle data quality Step 1: Problem definition scheme 14/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 The sub-steps/parts in Figure 3 are numbered and described below: 1. Define data needed [#1] Based on the system definition (i.e. the input from Step 0) the needed data are defined. Common questions for the data definition are: which PSs and other substances throughout the river basin should be assessed? how and when are they supposed to be measured (time trends, protocols)? how are the results of these measurements calculated? how about the data reliability? Since measuring an entire river basin is a very time consuming and expensive activity measurement priorities have to be set. These can be based on the presence of economic activities, flow patterns, river characteristics, etc. The outcome of EAQCWise project2 could provide useful additional information. 2. Monitoring data available [#2] This decision checks the availability of monitoring data as defined in sub-step #1. Decisions on data quality and data quantity are subsequently made in sub-steps #7 and #11. If monitoring data is not available the water manager can decide to use other information in sub-step #3 as an alternative data source. 3. Other information available [#3] This decision checks (only) if other information is available. This ‘other information’ can be qualified as data which is not defined in sub-step #1 but which can be of possible use and are allowed as an alternative. When no ‘other information’ is present the process of gaining new data starts following sub-steps #4-6. 4. Harmonized protocols available [#4] Gaining new monitoring data starts with a decision on the availability of harmonized protocols for sampling and measuring. This is relevant for transboundary river basins. 5. Set up monitoring plan [#5] When either monitoring data (sub-step #2) and other information (sub-step #3) are not available a monitoring plan should be set up. For large, remote areas the water manager can decide to measure reference areas. The monitoring plan should capture data quality requirements. See WFD-CIS Guidance Document no. 7 Monitoring for further information (http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/wfd/library?l=/framework_directive/guidance_d ocuments/). 6. Measure actual concentrations [#6] In this activity the actions as described in the monitoring plan are carried out. The results are measurements of actual concentrations. 7. Data quality OK? [#7] This decision checks whether the provided monitoring data are adequate; it should 2 EAQC-Wise: FP6 project on European Analytical Quality Control in support of the Water Framework Directive via the Water Information System for Europe. See: www.eaqc-wise.net 15/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 corresponds with the data quality as defined in the sub-step #1. Data with poor quality cannot be trusted and should not be used. In that case new data is needed. 8. Look at EAQC-Wise outcome [#8] The outcome of the EAQC-Wise project on data quality could be helpful in cases where problems with data quality appear. More information can be found at www.eaqc-wise.net 9. Get advise from EU CMA [#9] In addition to sub-step #8 the water manager can gain advice on data quality issues from the EU Chemical Monitoring Advise group or its successors. More information can be found at 10. Harmonize protocols RB wide [#10] River basin wide harmonized protocols (measuring and sampling methods) can be a condition for setting up a monitoring plan. The harmonizing process can be a rather time consuming activity. 11. Sufficient data [#11] This decision checks if monitoring data quantity are as sufficient as defined in substep #1. //Should we propose how to handle for the short time if we cannot wait until sufficient data are available? For instance by a best (expert) guess?? 12. Report lack of data to national level [#12] Inform (and consult) the national level in case of lack of data. Subsequently the measure the measurements of actual concentrations should be continued until the sufficient data level is reached (sub-step #6). 13. Concentrations exceeding EQS or increasing? [#13] The measurements of actual concentrations are mapped and compared to the EQS of the PS for the specific type of water (see Annexes, 6.4). In general, data are sufficient if they point out that there is or will be a persistent problem with the PSs. The precautionary principle should be considered, there may be situations where it cannot fully be stated that concentrations are increasing e.g. they may be increasing in one matrix (fish), but decreasing in another (water) or vice versa. At this moment standards are available for inland waters and other surface waters only. For hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorobutadien and mercury EQS for biota still needs to be specified. EQSs for PS in sediments are not available (see footnote 3, page 10). 14. Continue monitoring according to WFD [#14] Continue monitoring according to the monitoring plan to acquire more data. 15. Table/map of actual areas of exceedance [#15] The sub-steps above lead to a table or map of the areas of exceedance at river basin level: at those locations the PS concentration is exceeding EQS and/or is increasing in time over the past years. Depending on the size of the pollution situation the results can be presented in one or 16/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 more tables or maps for each PS alone or grouped. If an area of exceedance is related to another WFD problem (e.g. hydromorphological) then add this to the table as a remark. 2.3.3 Sources of information For monitoring data: national/regional data bases (ICPDR for the Danube; Naturvårdsverket.se and regional County Administrative Boards for Sweden); scientific literature. Models for prediction of trends – see 4.1 EQS: Eur-Lex 2.3.4 Result of the step The result of Step 1 is a tables or map for each PS indicating the areas where EQS’s are exceeded and/or where concentrations increase in time. An example table is given below. Table 1: Substances Example of (partly filled-in) table of exceeding EQSs or changing concentrations per location 1 2 3 … Locations 1 No problem Increasing concentrations Decreasing concentrations X% higher than EQS 2 3 … 2.4 Step 2: Inventory of sources 2.4.1 Framework of the step In Step 2 an inventory of sources with effect on PS concentrations at river basin scale is derived from the problem location table (result of Step 1), the EU wide inventory of possible sources and location specific information (e.g. from permits, emission registration data etc.). Step 2 results in a list (table or map) with actual areas of exceedance and their possible sources. The EU wide inventory was obtained from information on major sources of emissions of PSs to the atmosphere, water and soil, which affect PS concentrations in various aquatic ecosystems. This information was needed in order to assess the importance of: Emissions of PSs from individual sectors of economy and waste disposal to the total emissions, in order to propose mitigation measures; Emissions of PSs directly to the aquatic ecosystems compared to indirect releases of PSs to these ecosystems through emissions to the atmosphere and then 17/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 atmospheric deposition and/ or emissions to the terrestrial ecosystems and then leaching/ re-suspension processes to aquatic ecosystems, and; Aquatic ecosystems as a source of contamination of the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems. 2.4.2 Instructions how to do it The key questions for the MFA to solve is the assessment of the PSs which are related to the major pathways of PSs from their production and / or generation until release to the natural compartments, in addition to what the direct and indirect (through atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems) contributions of PS releases to the aquatic ecosystems are in Europe. This shall relieve the main emission sources affecting the concentrations of PSs in aquatic ecosystems in Europe and the main emission amounts of PSs from these sources. For instance, it has been found that atmospheric deposition is a major pathway for some of the studied HMs and PAHs, while application of pesticides makes land as their important pathway to the aquatic environment. Step 2 follows Figure 4 where the table or map of actual areas of exceedance is the starting point. Input from Step 1 table/map of actual problem areas emission database with EU inventories general guidelines to MFA what are the possible sources? which are relevant in the area of interest? MFA location specific information compile emission factors and site-specific activities calculate emissions table with sector/source specific emissions Input for Step 3 Figure 4: Step 2: Inventory of sources scheme 18/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 The sub-steps are: 1. What are possible sources? The areas of exceedance at river basin scale (from Step 1) are matched with possible sources for the emission database with EU inventories. This database contains for each PS a quantitative overview of the main sources (see for an example: Annexes, 6.8), along with a scheme of Mass Flow Analysis at European level (see Annexes, 6.9). Please note that focussing at only the main sources can be tricky since small but relevant emissions at local scale can be overlooked easily. 2. Which are relevant in the area of interest? Together with area specific information such as the presence of certain industrial activity in the area from permits, emission registration data etc. Here potential role of contaminated sites and sediments as emission buffers should not be neglected. 3. Compile emission factors and site-specific activities Emission factors are compiled for the relevant sources in the areas of interest. 4. Calculate emissions From the emission factors emissions are calculated. 5. Table with sector/source specific emissions Relevant sources, i.e. sources that cause problems in the river basin, are collected in a table/map of locations and their main possible sources. 2.4.3 Sources of information In order to find or calculate the needed information, this may require: Establishment of emission inventories, such as emission factors/rates for individual PSs and different source categories; Establish an inventory of goods and the PS concentration in these various goods; An understanding of the partitioning of materials through processes as well as statistical information on various uses of PSs in different economic sectors; The content of PSs in raw materials in the case of PSs being by-products of industrial and agriculture goods production; See also 5.2. 2.4.4 Result of the step The result of Step 2 is a with sector/source specific emissions. An example table is given below. Table 2: Substance Mercury Mercury Tributyltin Example of (partly filled-in) table of exceeding EQSs or changing concentrations per location Locations 1 1 +2 1, 2, 3, 4 Source Power plant Diffuse air Historical, ships Remark 19/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Cadmium 1, 3 … // PM: example results from the cases to be added later 2.5 Step 3: Definition of the baseline scenario 2.5.1 Framework of the step This step outlines an answer to the following questions: To what extent additional measures are necessary to improve the water quality taking into account the measures already taken (autonomous development)? Is there reason to assume that the present situation with respect to the water quality will change or will be different in the future? If so why? Will the problem definition change? In some cases the main sources of pollution have been eliminated already or will be eliminated in the near future and the system is recovering towards good chemical status. In these cases it is important to identify the possible threats to recovery, but there's no need to take any action except monitoring. A key issue in answering the previous question is the definition of autonomous development, which can be considered as development which is beyond our control. This can include diverse things, such as: Changes in industry (new plants under construction, others closing down); Economic development (increase in consumption or production output); Human population increase or decrease in the catchment area; Development in agriculture, technology, legislation, etc.; Environmental change (i.e. rainfall, flooding, temperature, eutrophication); Policies. Baseline scenarios will have to be developed anyway in the WFD. It is important to identify that also environmental change can affect the behaviour and levels of priority substances. For example, eutrophication can have a significant effect through processes of sediment deposition, burial, advection of particles and changes in the food web (see Koelmans et al. 2001 for a review). Another example would be the effect of climate change on the annual rain pattern and subsequently on the sedimentation-resuspension cycle of hydrophobic chemicals. In order to interpret the importance of these human induced and environmental “drivers of change”, some kind of simulation of their potential effects is necessary. Usually this means making emission scenarios on future loading, defining the current state of the water body and simulating future concentration levels based on the scenarios. Environmental fate models (EFMs) can easily be applied to the simulation stage and their use is reviewed in chapter 6.7 of the Annexes. The environmental fate models are computer programs for simulating the concentrations, persistence, levels and transport of chemicals in a model environment. They can be adjusted to local conditions to predict the 20/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 effects that changes in emissions will have on concentrations and to identify the importance of various environmental processes in transporting the PSs. Because of environmental variation, the behaviour of a given PS will depend on the local conditions (sediment organic carbon, sedimentation,), which should be taken into account in planning management options. The environmental fate models were developed for taking into account the simultaneous and complex processes which together determine the residence times and concentration/emission response of organic substances. Because environmental fate models were developed for organic substances, their application to metallic pollutants is a more complex issue. Chapter 4.1 gives an overview on Environmental fate modelling for water managers. Examples of application and further references are presented in chapter 6.7 of the Annexes. It should be clear that there is considerable uncertainty included in the process of identifying future drivers, creating emission scenarios and simulating the load-effect relationship. In order to make good decisions in spite of uncertainty, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis should be performed while depicting the autonomous development scenarios. There are several techniques for performing an uncertainty analysis, many of them can be found in chapter 6.7.1 of the Annexes. 2.5.2 Instructions how to do it The process of defining a baseline scenario has been described as a flowchart in Figure 5. 21/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Input from Step 2 Checklist of possible drivers of change Is there reason to assume that the future water quality will be different from the current status? no yes Decide upon the time frame: WHEN is the change happening? What key-drivers are affecting water quality? Local data: emission factors Make environmental trends Make emission trends Environmental Fate Models CALCULATE concentration trends Concentrations exceeding EQS or increasing ? no no problem yes table/map of future areas of exceedance and possible sources Input for Step 4 Figure 5: Step 3: Definition of the baseline scenario scheme The sub-steps are: 1. Is there reason to presume that the future water quality will be different from the current status? This question needs to be answered first. The answer to this question can be found by comparing the current knowledge on the water system and emission sources to a checklist of possible drivers of change (industry, economy, population increase, environmental change). In the later stages this DSS will include checklists for the major PHSs analysed in the case studies, but in the current state the user has to make 22/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 her own checklists based on the results of the material flow assessment and common sense (i.e. increase in the amount of fluorescent light bulbs will increase mercury emissions from waste treatment of these products). If the current status is presumed to be stable (answer = no), then the further stages of this step can be omitted and the result delivered to Step 4 will be the same areas of exceedance that are present now. However, if change is presumed (answer = yes), the next stages need to be performed: decide the time frame, identify the drivers of change, make trends of emission level and environmental change, calculate concentration trends and identify future areas of exceedance. 2. Decide upon the time frame: WHEN is the change happening? Concerning the time frame, the WFD sets out years 2015, 2021 and 2027 as periods for the review of the achievement of objects as laid down in Article 4. These years can be a good starting point for the analysis. 3. What are key-drivers that influence water quality? The next task is to identify what are the key drivers of change for the levels of the studied PSs. In this stage the results from the MFA-analysis and from environmental fate modelling come to use. MFA can be used to identify possible emission sources and EFMs can be used to identify, which environmental processes are the most relevant for each priority substance. The results of grouping of PSs according to their sensitivity to environmental processes are presented in 6.7.1 of the Annexes. 4. Make environmental trends, make emission trends, calculate concentration trends, compare them to EQSs After the decisions about the time-frame and the identification of key processes have been made, the rest of this stage is straightforward. First emission scenarios are made based on the predicted changes of key drivers. Then scenarios of environmental change are assembled from literature and from international scenarios. This data is used in environmental fate models to predict the concentration levels and trends that can be expected in the chosen time frame, and finally these trends are compared to the EQSs. 5. Tabel/map of future areas of exceedance and possible sources The final outcome of this step is a description of the potential areas of exceedance that can be expected in the near future. 2.5.3 Sources of information Chapter 4.1 provides additional information on Environmental fate modelling for water managers. Chapter 6.7 of the Annexes provides additional information on Environmental fate models Other sources of information are: Economic development scenarios (regional economic input-output tables) Environmental permits for opening factors Existing decisions (phase out, etc.) 23/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Environmental monitoring (universities, institutes) IPPC, HELCOM … Previous round Roof reports Article-5 reports 2.5.4 Result of the step Table 3 can be used as a format for presenting the future areas of exceedance and substances. Table 3: Substance Example of (empty) table of possible future areas of exceedance per substance TBT DEHP Atrazine … Possible areas of exceedance 2015 1 2 3 x x x Possible areas of exceedance 2021 1 2 3 Substance Substance … TBT DEHP x x Atrazine … Possible areas of exceedance 2027 1 2 3 1 2 x 3 … … … 2.6 Step 4: Identification of possible measures 2.6.1 Framework of the step Step 4 concerns the identification of all relevant and possible management options for the priority substances for actual (Step 2) and future (Step 3) areas of exceedance. In the future, this step could be expanded to cover also management options for contaminated sediments3. In this step no further selection of measures is made; this will take place in Step 5. 3 Management options for contaminated sediments At present, due to the lack of reliable information on concentrations of priority substances in sediments and biota at a Community level, EQS for the priority substances have only been set for surface waters (see Annexes, 5.4). It is therefore up to Member States to set EQS for sediments or biota where necessary and appropriate, to complement the surface water EQS set up on Community level. However, to assess longterm impacts and trends, Member States should ensure that existing levels of contamination in biota and sediments do not increase. 24/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 In general the management options can be divided in4: Measures for polluters: o Process-oriented options Available source control options in processes (both production of substance and use in other processes), including product recovery, process modification (e.g. use cleaner fuels or cleaner raw materials, better maintanance), new processes, closed-circuit operation, use of other components. o End-of-pipe techniques Techniques which can be used to remove the selected priority substances from process water and wastewater of industrial sites and wastewater of municipal wastewater treatment plants. Policy instruments for government: o Substitution of product (phase out) Available other products (alternatives) which can be used (in products, in applications, consumers, agriculture, etc.). o Options for other (diffuse) sources (Community level options) Management options focussed on measures which could be taken at the community level, for example sewage sludge treatment, waste disposal, sediment or soil removal and treatment, etc. The step will produce an overview of relevant fact sheets and summary tables of possible measures per source-substance combination (see Annexes, 6.10 Fact sheets). More detailed information on the listed control options can be found in section 5 of the Substance Reports. Information on measures at regulatory level is given in section 3.3 of these reports. 2.6.2 Instructions how to do it Basically the steps to be taken in Step 4 follow Figure 6. 4 See also: Reference Document on Economics and Cross-Media Effects (EC 2006), chapter 2 25/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Input from Step 3 measures database future areas of exceedance and possible sources measure relevant for source? no skip measure yes table of possible (single) measures per source-substance combination does measure apply to more than 1 source or substance? no yes consider to apply measure for more than 1 source or substance table of possible measures per substance-source combination Input for Step 5 Figure 6: Step 4: Inventory of possible measures scheme The sub-steps are: 1. Based on the actual areas of exceedance and sources (result of Step 2) and the future areas of exceedance and sources (result of Step 3) the necessity of taking measures is checked: are measures really necessary? 2. For those locations where measures are necessary, the sources are matched with the measures database (see also Annexes, 6.10). This database contains a collection of fact sheets on possible measures per substance with as much as possible detailed information on: 26/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Technical feasibility For end-of-pipe techniques, information is provided on the type of pollution and typical concentration range encountered the conditions (matrix, pH, cocontaminants – if available), limits and restrictions. For measures other than end-of-pipe techniques, impacts on the total process, impacts in the total factory and complexity are considered. Performance / Environmental impact This criterion takes into account the achievable reduction in contaminant concentration/load (removal efficiency for the priority pollutant), the ability of the technique to remove other (priority) substances, cross-media effects, energy consumption (per kg removed substance), and wastes generation (sludge, concentrates).5 Costs Fixed investment costs as well as variable operational costs (labour, energy consumption, chemicals, environmental rates, etc.) per unit are considered, where possible6. However, it should be noted that due to a general scarcity of cost data and large variations depending on plant size and location, the given information is usually site-specific and serves as an example. State of the art This criterion distinguishes between BAT technologies, other existing technologies and emerging technologies. // PM: this database should include information on the scale level of applicability Due to a general shortage of detailed quantitative information, different measures may not be readily comparable. For this reason, a qualitative score is assigned for each criterion, ranging from – – to ++. In the first instance, summary fact sheets are produced for each measure/source combination. An example of such a fact sheet is given in 6.10 of the Annexes. This sub-step results in a list or table of possible (single) measures which are relevant for the problem causing sources. 3. The next sub-step involves a check on whether single measures can control more than one substance, or whether the measure is applicable for more than one source or substance-source combination (synergy check). A first quick selection can be made based on common understanding. For this purpose there is a simple quick scan selection tool available at the SOCOPSE website. 5 See also: Reference Document on Economics and Cross-Media Effects (EC 2006) Please note that calculation of the Cost of Compliance takes place in Step 5, Assessment of the effects of the measures. Cost information in the fact sheets in Step 4 is indicative. 6 27/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 2.6.3 Sources of information The main sources of information for this step are the 10 Substance Reports7 produced in WP 3 of the SOCOPSE project. These Substance Reports are summarized in the factsheets in Annexes, 6.10. The factsheets can be used for the first selection of measures. For additional information one can use the complete Substance reports. The Substance Reports for atrazine, cadmium (Cd), di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), isoproturon, mercury (Hg), nonylphenol, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), and tributyltin (TBT) are available at www.socopse.eu. The information in the Substance Reports was to a large extent compiled from reference documents and other guidance on Best Available Techniques (BAT), as well as from additional sources such as technical reports and published scientific literature. BAT Reference documents (BREFs) are available from the European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau (EIPPCB). These reference documents are subject to periodic revision. The current documents are available on the EIPPCB website (http://eippcb.jrc.es). Additional sources of information on a wider range of substances could be e.g. the central database developed by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in Helsinki under the REACH Regulation (http://echa.europa.eu/home_en.html). 2.6.4 Result of the step The ultimate output from Step 4 is a table of possible measures per substance and source, as illustrated below. Table 4: Example of a table of possible measures per substance and source Substance Source Possible measures 1 2 1 2 3 … … 3 Legend: Available measure Emerging measure Depending on the extent of synergies between different substances and/or sources, some of these tables may then be combined in a subsequent step. // for this step, examples from SOCOPSE case study experiences to be added after completion 7 In the future substance reports and factsheets for all PS should be available. 28/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 2.7 Step 5: Assessment of the effects of the measures 2.7.1 Framework of the step In Step 5 an assessment of the effects of the possible management options/measures takes place. Once the possible alternative measures have been defined (the result of Step 4), it is necessary to determine which categories of effects need to be taken into account in order to decide on the most appropriate selection method (Step 6). The assessment of the effects is at least a calculation/estimation of the Costs of Reduction and of the performance of the measure: the reduction in PS concentration. 2.7.2 Instructions how to do it Step 5 basically follows the figure below. Input from Step 4 information on use of fate models table of possible measures per source-substance combination calculate/estimate concentration reduction calculate/estimate Cost of Reduction Are there other effects besides Cost of Reduction and concentration reduction to be considered? no yes depict these other effects table of effects of measures, costs, reduction, other effects Input for Step 6 Figure 7: Step 5: Assessment of the effects of measures The sub-steps within the assessment of the effects of measures are: 29/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 1. Calculate/estimate concentration reduction From the measures per source-substance combination (the result of Step 4) the concentration reduction is calculated/estimated: what reduction in concentration will be reached when applying a measure? One can make use of environmental fate models. 2. Calculate/estimate concentration reduction Subsequently, the Cost of Reduction are calculated/estimated expressed in total (fixed and variable) costs as well as these costs per stakeholder group – the ‘costs for whom’. See paragraph 4.2, Cost calculation methods. 3. Are there other effects besides Cost of Reduction and concentration reduction to be considered? If there are (in)direct economic or societal effects or effects not yet considered those effects should be depicted. Possible other effects are: Toxicity of substitute towards the environment; Increase of CO2 release due to higher energy consumption; More costs due to higher use or use of other of raw materials; Additional concentration reduction of other problem substances (e.g. phosphates, nitrates, copper); Production of more final waste; Effect on regional employment due to industry or agriculture restrictions; Increase of recreational values. 4. Table of effects of measures The result of Step 5 is a table or list of the effect of measures, costs, concentration reduction and (if applicable) other effects. 2.7.3 Sources of information Reference Document on Economics and Cross-Media Effects (EC 2006) 2.7.4 Result of the step An example of a table of effects of measures, costs, reduction and other effects is provided in 4.2.1, Table 6. // PM: an example (from case studies?) 2.8 Step 6: Selection of the best solutions It is important to realize that water managers cannot demand management options from the polluters. They have no force to require the means to reach a certain targets; they can only demand the targets themselves: the EQSs to be reached. Therefore the selection of best management options is an advice to apply by the polluters. 30/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 2.8.1 Framework of the step In Step 6 tools and guidelines will be given to come to the selection of the best solution (sets of measures). In dialogue with the main stakeholder groups (pointed out in Step 0; System definition) the most applicable selection method is chosen based on the effects of the measure (sets). This stakeholder involvement is very important as they have to agree on the starting points the applied methods, weighing factors etc. (see also chapter 3). For those cases where only costs and concentration reduction are considered to be relevant Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) has to be performed. If besides costs and reduction of concentration also other effects are relevant a quick scan Societal Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) or Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA) has to be performed. With this method the measures and their effects are weighed. From the result of these analyses the best solutions are selected in dialogue with/with advice from the main stakeholder groups. 2.8.2 Instructions how to do it Basically Step 6 is carried out as depicted in Figure 8. Input from Step 5 table of effects of measures Stakeholder involvement Select the criteria to evaluate the measures, either: In case of: Cost of Reduction AND Concentration Reduction In case of: Cost of Reduction AND Concentration Reduction AND other criteria/effects Perform quick scan SCBA or MCA Perform CEA Selection/ranking of best options end 31/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Figure 8: Step 6: Selection of the best measure options Once the alternative options are determined a decision has to be made which ones to choose. Selection methods are applicable but will of course only be useful if a selection has to be made between alternatives. So there must be more than one “solution” and the measures must in principle be feasible in a technical, social, economic and juridical way. The following situations may occur (Figure 8): 1. the option with the highest risk reduction (% reduction of concentration) per Euro spent will be chosen: CEA is applicable (see 4.3.1 for a brief description) 2. it has been determined that there are other relevant effects besides the costs of compliance and the reduction of the pollutant that have to be taken into account when selecting the most attractive options: SCBA or MCA may be relevant selection tools (see 4.3.3 and 4.3.2 for a brief description) In whatever situation as a minimum requirement the reduction of concentrations and /or the Costs of reduction have to be calculated / estimated. The definition of costs and benefits may be different for economists, engineers, policy makers and other stakeholders. In the further development and application of the DSS we will try to develop a common vocabulary. Use will be made of earlier experiences, or experiences else where (e.g. REACH etc). The minimum that is needed are the costs of compliance: a private enterprise (e.g. a manufacturer) will have to comply with standards, norms, regulations etc. In order to comply, the enterprise will have to take measures and to make costs: A. Fixed costs (e.g. investment costs: how much, how long will these last, etc.); B. Variable costs: costs that are dependent on the throughput (e.g. cost of substitution of one agent by another in the production process). There may be several sources of information. For a number of substances (Cd) this has already been investigated. For other substances there may be handbooks or cost figures (REACH) available. Note that the Cost of compliance may also include the administrative costs. These may be perceived as quite high in some instances (e.g. REACH). The costs of compliance are needed when judging the cost effectiveness of alternative measures to comply. If these costs are very low there should be not problem in implementing the solutions no real choice will have to be made. If however there are different paths leading to Rome and all of them may be expensive, it makes sense to choose the most cost efficient way. However: there may also be effects other than the reduction in the release in priority substances, e.g. closure of the factory, change of one toxic agent by another, effects on 32/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 the costs of central / collective water cleaning agencies. In these cases we will have to look for ways of trying to quantify these effects as they will have to be taken into account in either an SCBA or an MCA (see paragraphs 4.3 and 4.2). 2.8.3 Sources of information Paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3 provide information on Cost calculation methods and Economic evaluation methods. // some other sources of information should be added here. 2.8.4 Result of the step Based on the results of the analysis with the applicable selection method the best solutions (measure option or sets of measures options) are selected in dialogue with/with advice from the main stakeholder groups. Section 4.2.2 provides a worked out example of a result of Step 6. // PM: an example (from case studies?) 3 Stakeholder Involvement This paragraph is largely based on Slob (2008). More information on stakeholder involvement can be found in WFD-CIS Guidance Document no.8 Public participation in relation to the Water Framework Directive8. 3.1 Introduction Stakeholder involvement is of increasing importance for environmental policy-making such as water quality management, not only because European Union regulations demand societal participation, but also because of the increasing complexity of environmental policy issues in general. This complexity is caused by the many groups that have a role in environmental problems, the competing interests of stakeholders and the involvement of several policy levels (regional, national and international). There are many stakeholders as well as policy levels that are involved within river basins and the interests of all these groups are quite diverse. This chapter will focus on the basic questions concerning stakeholder involvement in the decision-making processes and, consequently, on the recommendations that can be derived from this. The structure of this chapter is as follows. First, attention will be given to the question of who the stakeholders are (paragraph 3.2) and why stakeholders should be involved (paragraph 3.3). Stakeholder analysis is a method to make an inventory of all stakeholders that have a role (a stake) in the issues and solutions. This is a necessary step to know which stakeholders one should involve in sediment management and will be discussed in paragraph 3.4. Stakeholders should not be considered as one, homogenous, group. 8 http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/wfd/library?l=/framework_directive/guidance_documents 33/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Stakeholders are diverse and heterogeneous and this is reflected in their perspectives. This inevitably leads to discussion on how to involve stakeholders (paragraph 3.5) and the tools and mechanisms to do this (paragraph 3.6). The last paragraph (3.7) deals with the risks and pitfalls that are attached to stakeholder involvement, for which the policymakers should be warned. 3.2 Stakeholders A distinction is to be made between three types of stakeholders: Organizations and people that have a direct impact on water quality management or are directly affected by the relevant policies. This group includes: water authorities; industries using water and/or dumping their wastewater; farmers; water cleaning companies; regulators on the local, regional, national and international level dealing with water issues and subjects of environment, agriculture and safety, or with conventions such as international river committees; harbour authorities; shipping companies; dredging companies; organizations maintaining natural defences; water managers; owners of nature areas; and citizens that are directly affected by the measures planned or taken. Organizations and people that have an impact on the relevant decision making. This group covers: citizens; landowners; homeowners; insurance companies; NGOs such as Greenpeace and the WWF; scientists; and drinking-water companies. Those who have an indirect impact on or are indirectly affected by implementation of the WFD This group consists of all the other users of the waterways and fisheries, and includes citizens. The above mentioned WFD-CIS Guidance Document no.8 provides examples of public participation in water management projects. 3.3 Why stakeholders should be involved There are several arguments for stakeholder involvement with respect to the WFD. Apart from the basic fact that stakeholders have an impact on the quality and quantity of the water, the main arguments can be grouped into three themes: obstructive power; enrichment; and fairness (Gerrits, 2004). In modern society, parties other than governments have obstructive power. That is, they have the ability to obstruct or even block a decision or the implementation of a certain policy. The early involvement of stakeholders reduces the risk of the policy not being carried out. Stakeholder involvement, therefore, can be regarded as counteracting obstructive power (Renn, 1995; Healy, 1997). Such a choice will slow down the policy process in the early phases, but will speed it up in a later phase. 34/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 The abovementioned reason for stakeholder involvement is sometimes regarded as a negative one, born out of strategic considerations. However, there is a positive motive as well. This considers enrichment. Policy makers do not possess all the resources, i.e. knowledge, required for the design, planning and implementation of sophisticated policies such as environmental policies. Relevant knowledge is in most cases distributed among several stakeholders. This counts the more for sustainable management of River Basins, a subject where knowledge is still fragmented and debated. From that point of view it is wise to invite stakeholders from the relevant fields in order to obtain and apply knowledge and information generated by them (Fisher, 2000). The last argument for stakeholder involvement is fairness. It is fair to involve actors affected by policy, and give them a say in the decision-making process. This raises awareness and creates support for the issue and its solutions. As a final remark on the motives for stakeholder involvement, we want to point out that stakeholders, especially the organized ones, often will look for ways to get involved themselves, as they are aware of their stake in the process. 3.4 Stakeholder analysis Stakeholder analysis consists of 3 steps: 1. Convening 2. Identification of Stakes 3. Inventory of relations between stakeholders 3.4.1 Step 1: Convening The first step in the process of involving stakeholders is often referred to as convening, i.e. getting people to the table. This consists of four (sub) steps: assessing a situation (convening assessment); identifying and inviting the stakeholders; locating the necessary resources; and organizing and planning of the process (Susskind, 1999). We will focus here on the identification and analysis of the stakeholders. Stakeholder and network analysis starts with assembling a list of all relevant stakeholders. This can be done with a small group of people belonging to the convening organization, who know the issues and have an overview of possible stakeholders. This group should be diverse, as this prevents a one-sided selection of stakeholders. The first step in the process is to identify the different perspectives on the issue with a wide variety of people. At this stage of the process, the goal is not to identify people or organizations who should be involved. At this point, the way the different stakeholders look at the issues and solutions is categorized. The second step is to see which sub-perspectives can be identified. The third step is to identify different key persons or organizations within the identified sub-perspectives. The result of the last step will be a list of stakeholders. //PM: add example stakeholder analysis from one of the SOCOPSE cases. 35/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 3.4.2 Step 2: Identify the Stakes The list of stakeholders is the steppingstone for the next phase of the stakeholder analysis: to identify the interests and goals of these stakeholders in the process. For each stakeholder the following questions should be addressed (Pröpper, 1999): What will the stakeholders contribute to the process? What kind of knowledge do they possess? What are the relevant interests and goals of the stakeholders? How do the stakeholders interpret the issue at hand? How well-informed are the stakeholders about the issue? What are the (possible) motives for these stakeholders to participate, or not to participate? The majority of these questions can be answered based on experience or policy documents. However, it will always be necessary to do a number of interviews with stakeholders to get more background information. The benefit of this is that the interviews will create a means for people to voice their concerns about the issue, which they might be reluctant to do when confronted with other stakeholders (Susskind, 1999). 3.4.3 Step 3: Make an inventory of relations between stakeholders The final phase in the stakeholder analysis is to make an inventory of the relations between the different stakeholders. This is necessary to understand certain attitudes or actions of stakeholders. Relations can be identified by desk research, but also by asking the stakeholders themselves. It is usually very helpful to visualize relations between stakeholders and to identify them as positive or negative for the process. By making this transparent, it is possible to deal with negative relations and to use positive relations to improve the quality of the process. 3.5 How to involve stakeholders? 3.5.1 Introductory remark: The process of stakeholder involvement should require an independent chairperson or process manager. Such a person should not be attached to the involved parties and should be as independent as possible. The arrangement for their payment, for instance, should reflect that. They should be paid by a mixture of stakeholders in order to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interests. 3.5.2 Step 1: Indentify the stake holders to be involved The first step for the process manager in the organization of stakeholder involvement is to find out which stakeholders should be involved. For the stakeholder selection the following questions should be answered: Will the stakeholders be affected by the policy? Are they the target group of the policy? Do they have the power to obstruct or the means to enrich? The questions that should be posed differ with the aim of the process (Edelenbos, 2000). A crucial requirement here is variety. Although, at first glance, it seems to make more sense to focus on representativeness, variety should be the guiding 36/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 thread. This triggers the enrichment of the process and serves as a safety valve against overlooking stakeholders. A good way of assembling a stakeholder’s panel is to ask other stakeholders who they regard as vital for the process. Through this so-called snowball method, other stakeholders who might have been overlooked initially can be invited to the process. 3.5.3 Step 2: Identify the stakes Next, it is important to collect information about the goals, ambitions and problem definitions (from the various perspectives) of the stakeholders. The process manager should ensure that all these interests are heard and acknowledged in the course of the process. If not, stakeholders might pull out, which could damage the process (see also paragraph 3.6). In order to guarantee that all interests are present in the process, the manager should be sure to know them. One must be aware of the difficulties of acquiring the desired information, whereas stakeholders can show strategic behaviour. The stakeholders might want to shield their real interests, as they prefer to hide their agenda. Their real interests can sometimes be obtained better through asking other parties. 3.5.4 Step 3: Engage Stakeholders The mobilization of the stakeholders is an important issue. Too often, decision-makers feel that the majority of the potential stakeholders lack interest, whereas some with strong but specific interests dominate the agenda. So it is the duty of the manager to let stakeholders realize what is in it for them. Why should they join the process? A sound and deliberate consideration of interests might persuade less-interested parties to join and will be a signal to dominant forces not to overact. Furthermore, awareness and urgency should be created. This can be done by pointing out the drivers behind the Water Frame Work Directive. These include the regulations issued by the European Commission such as the ‘polluter pays principle’ in the Environmental Liability Directive. Finally, the fairly technical nature of Water quality problems such as contamination needs translation. Laymen and the public cannot be expected to fully understand the technical backgrounds of the problem and, therefore, communication must be clear and free of jargon. The processes of involvement can be arranged at different levels (Gerrits, 2004): Information: providing information to the stakeholders. Consultation: consulting what stakeholders think must be done. Advising: letting stakeholders advise on the policy and taking their recommendations into account. Co-producing: stakeholders are regarded as equal policy-makers but decisionmaking remains in the political domain. Co-deciding: decision-making power is handed over to stakeholders. Every situation is unique and, therefore, the level should be chosen that fits the specific situation. It is most important that, once a level is chosen, this is communicated to stakeholders and that the level is not abandoned in the course of the process. Doing so will create uncertainty and distrust. It should also be understood that not every stakeholder has to be involved at the same level. Some just want to stay informed, whereas others want to be heavily involved. A common feature of processes that bear 37/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 some kind of uncertainty is that they are often made resistant against unforeseen events. This should not lead to a process of stakeholder involvement where stakeholders cannot enter the process in later stages. A certain amount of openness is required, and openness has two dimensions. The first is openness with respect to new stakeholders. Once the process is on its way, new stakeholders should still be able to participate. At the same time, this should not mean that the process restarts over and over again. The second dimension of openness concerns the results. In rational processes, often a timeframe is set. Processes of stakeholder involvement have their own dynamics, which makes it fairly difficult to predict what results will be delivered at a certain moment. When the process is fixed in time, the results that will be delivered should be indicated and not defined in terms that are too exact. To create more certainty, the process requires ‘rules of the game’ that contain rules for entering the process in later stages, how decisions are made, how information is brought into the process, etc. These ‘rules of the game’ should be discussed and should be approved by the stakeholders involved. 3.6 Tools, processes and instruments As described in the previous paragraph, the scientific literature usually distinguishes between five levels of stakeholder involvement, ranging from informing the stakeholders to making the stakeholders co-deciders. With these different levels of stakeholder involvement come different approaches in actually involving them. It would be impossible within the context of this paragraph to describe all these different methodologies of stakeholder involvement. In Table1 an overview is presented of possible tools, processes and instruments that can be used in the different levels of stakeholder involvement. Some methods are left out from Table 5 because they are not specific for the degree of influence of the stakeholders. These methods can be used in any process with some form of stakeholder participation: surveys, interviews, panel-research, idea- and complain-feedback forms, observations and hearings. For an overview, see the Consensus Building Handbook (Susskind, 1999). 3.6.1 Case-study: dredging an artificial lake in Rotterdam, the Netherlands // PM: later on this example can be replaced by a SOCOPSE case Because of the need for sediment remediation and the improvement of water quality, a large lake near the city centre of Rotterdam had to be dredged. This meant that 175,000 m3 of sediment had to be taken out and 100,000 m3 of clean sand was needed to replace it. The total costs were 18 million Euros. The area surrounding the lake is densely populated and, therefore, there was a requirement that the work should not become too much of a nuisance for the local citizens. Therefore, the project organization looked upon a number of challenges if they wanted to succeed. The areas that had to be used by the dredging company, such as islands and the shores of the lake, are owned by a diversity of residents, associations and companies. A possible threat to the success of the project could be the non-cooperation or even the obstructive power of these stakeholders. The communication with the stakeholders was, therefore, taken very seriously. In the preparation phase of the project, clear communication with the stakeholders was organized. This consisted of the distribution of newsletters and the organization of 38/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 information meetings, where the project approach was presented and the stakeholders could give input to improve and adjust the presented plans based on site-specific knowledge. The fact that they were taken seriously by the project organization also gave a firm support to the project, according to the representatives of a stakeholder group. In addition, because the project organization was clear and honest in their communication, it contributed to the support of the stakeholders. When the project actually started, the communication continued and a special ‘question and complain’ phone line was created, together with so-called ‘walk in’ mornings at the dredging site itself. According to stakeholders, they saw the clear and serious communication as the main reason why they were so supportive of the project. The project is generally seen as a success, which is partly due to good communication, the involvement of the stakeholders and the minimization of nuisance caused by the project to the stakeholders (Hermans, 2005). Table 5: Stakeholder involvement and tools (source: adapted from Edelenbos, 2000; Gerrits, 2004; Pröpper, 1999) Degrees of influence according to the scale 1. Stakeholders are informed – they remain passive Role of the stakeholder Role of the expert Role of the policy-maker Stakeholders receive information but do not deliver input to the process Delivers information to the stakeholders on demand of the policymakers Policy-makers determine policy; information is issued to the stakeholders Delivers information to the participants on demand of all parties; experts provide another flow of information to the process, next to the flow of the stakeholders Delivers information to all parties on demand of all parties and investigate suggestions Policy-makers determine the policy and opens the process to input by stakeholders, but is not obliged to adopt their recommendations 2. Stakeholders Stakeholders are consulted are consulted, act as interlocutors 3. Stakeholders Stakeholders give advice become advisors to the process Policy process is open to input (other ideas, suggestions, etc.) by stakeholders; they take the input into Possible tools, processes and instruments to be used Folders, brochures, leaflets, newsletters, advertisements, commercials, reports, exhibitions Creative group sessions, study groups, focus groups Creative group sessions, advisory boards consisting of stakeholders, Internet 39/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Degrees of influence according to the scale Role of the stakeholder 4. Stakeholders Co-decision become comakers producers within the set of preconditions Policy-partners on the basis of equivalence 5. Stakeholders not only produce solutions but also decide about them Taking initiatives, making decisions Role of the expert Role of the policy-maker from participants on demand of the policy-makers Experts treat policy-makers and stakeholders as equal clients; advice and knowledge provision to both actors Experts treat stakeholders as equal knowledge providers; they need approval of the stakeholders Experts support stakeholders with knowledge; experts treat stakeholders as their clients, need no approval of the policy-makers account, but have the right to deviate from it in their decisions Policy-makers take the input of stakeholders into account, and honour it if it fits into the set of preconditions Policy-makers interact with stakeholders on the basis of equivalence Joint role of policy-makers and actors: offer support (money, time of civil servants, etc.) and leaves the production of solutions and decisions to the participants Possible tools, processes and instruments to be used Discussion Creative group sessions, project group where stakeholders also take part in producing solutions, Internet discussions Organizing workshops, create a common ground for discussion, for example by joint fact finding Joint groups that decide about implementation of solutions 3.7 Risks and pitfalls For stakeholder involvement, several risks and pitfalls are attached to these kinds of processes. Asymmetry in stakeholder involvement exists when some parties have an advantage over other parties. With asymmetry, there is a risk that the party who does not share a certain advantage may be overruled. At the same time, all parties usually have some kind of advantage, but not in the same area. Therefore, the challenge is to design the process in such a way that the different advantages are mixed and a mutual advantage will rise. This is something different than the rash conclusion that all parties should be equal in the process, as the process would not benefit from it. Some research on negotiation even points out that asymmetry is vital for the progress of the process. Perfect symmetry 40/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 could result in a deadlock. The existing asymmetries are an important factor for the design of the process, as they could be an important driving force, and therefore should be known when designing the process. Asymmetries in stakeholder involvement not only include existing advantages, but also lack of representation of stakeholders, the knowledge gap (as not all stakeholders have the same level of knowledge), different interests and the lack of communication Gerrits, 2004). Lack of representation means that stakeholders are not representing the target group. In some cases this leads to ‘extreme views’ that are not representative of the opinion of the target group. The full range of perspectives and interests are not taken into account. The knowledge gap or information asymmetry follows from the observation that not all stakeholders are equal and poses different information and knowledge. The knowledge gap is of particular concern with the issue of sediment. Water quality issues are highly specific, and often require sophisticated knowledge to understand them. Even among experts there may be considerable debate. At the same time, experts may lack knowledge as well. This is not a disqualification; it just follows from the fact that not all participants are equal. Too often, the knowledge gap is regarded as the lack of knowledge with laymen. This indeed is often the case and calls for a flow of information to the other participants and the development of a common ground of knowledge. But at the same time, laymen have other knowledge (i.e. ‘lay-knowledge’, information about the local situation, etc.) at their disposal. This is as valuable as scientific knowledge and should not be ignored. A final remark on the knowledge gap is that knowledge can be used as a weapon to get one’s point of view accepted. Connected to this is the pitfall of lack of communication. The language used by experts is very different and often incomprehensible to laymen. This can create confusion and distrust as other participants might feel that the party concerned holds back information. Another type of pitfall that comes under the heading of ‘asymmetry’ is the different interests and needs of participants. Stakeholders all have different agendas and a pitfall is ignoring some of them or assuming that everyone is aiming at the same goal. This not only applies to individuals but also to countries. Western Europe might be concerned about the environmental impact of pollution, whereas developing countries are usually more concerned about financial considerations. Clashing expectations often exist as participants have different expectations and consequently expect different outcomes. ‘For example, a governing body of a river can invite people living near a dredged material dumpsite to come up with new ideas about how to address the dumping of contaminated sediments. They are consulted and asked to give a recommendation. However, should this not be properly communicated, then the invitees might believe that they are expected to take part in the decision-making. The result will be that their expectations rise too high, and thus cannot be met, resulting in distrust, downright pessimism and obstruction of the process’ (Gerrits, 2000). Stakeholder out-of-sight situations often exist in the formal decision-making process. Unfortunately, a sharp separation is made between the stakeholder process and the actual decision-making. The process of stakeholder involvement is then regarded as a way to 41/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 pacify the opposition, where the actual decision mainly serves the interests of the formal decision-maker. Decision-makers should commit themselves to the process, whatever the outcomes. Cross-boundary cooperation presents a whole range of pitfalls and challenges. The management at the river basin scale will often be cross-boundary and, therefore, attention must be paid to the characteristics of international cooperation in stakeholder processes, especially where the cultural differences deserve attention. Cultural differences are closely connected to parties and determine their way of thinking and behaving (Hall, 1976). The interpretation of different cultures is not easy and requires time (Sperber, 1996). Apart from that, different countries have different institutions. Although countries may be adjacent to each other, they still can differ a lot which can create confusion and fragmentation of the decision-making process (De Jong, 1999). Legislation is also part of the institutional dimension. In both national and international legislation, laws and regulations concerning river basin management are fragmented (Palmer, 2000). For the process of stakeholder involvement, this means that the participants should be given time to frame the process into their own legislation. Otherwise, the proposals rising from the process will be lost in the misfit of legislation. 3.8 Conclusions This chapter provided an introduction to the subject of stakeholder involvement with respect to River Basin management. The relevant themes have been grouped around the basic questions, namely who, what, why and how? Furthermore, the pitfalls of stakeholder involvement were mentioned as the process of stakeholder involvement is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. The need for stakeholder involvement is a clear one. Dealing with management at the river basin scale is a complex policy issue with a wide variety of different policy levels and stakeholders involved, with different interests and perspectives. Future management– whether at specific sites or at the river basin scale – will have to incorporate the views, interests and perspectives of the various stakeholders. This is not an easy task, because of the lack of a ‘common language’ and mutual understanding is not simple. The stakeholder process, therefore, deserves a lot of attention and it should be done in a serious way, whereas people that are not taken seriously will be disappointed and pull out of the process. The general unawareness of the general public and the complexity of the issues are important hurdles to overcome. This subject deserves much attention in the policy process and stakeholder involvement. Experts should focus on making their expert knowledge available to the general public and take time to explain the issue. For further information on the role of stakeholders in sediment management at the river basin scale, including specific examples, see Joziasse (2007) and Ellen (2007). 42/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 4 Additional Tools/Relevant methodologies 4.1 Environmental fate modelling for water managers 4.1.1 Introduction The chemical behaviour of priority substances in the environment is complex. After release the chemicals can be transported through evaporation, diffusion, sorption to solids and advection with water and air currents. The bad news is that the transport processes are different for each of the 33 priority substances, but the good news are that you can use environmental fate models to cope with most of this complexity without really understanding it. The models have been developed since the 1960s and currently they are in wide use in remediation planning, licensing of new chemicals and identification of emission sources. They are a good starting point for getting a grip of the processes that affect the chemical concentrations in your waterbody. A word of warning before we start: there are a few pitfalls in using these models. If the main problem is metals (cadmium, nickel or mercury) or PAH substances bound to soot (black carbon particles) you are going to need some technical assistance. The transport processes of these substances can be very local (depending on the water quality) so we recommend that you consult the local university or a consultant specialized in these substances. However for the remaining 29 priority substances, environmental fate modelling is deceptively simple. 4.1.2 What is an environmental fate model? From an environmental chemists' point of view, environmental fate model is a scientific instrument for studying the relative importance of environmental processes. But from your point of view as a water manager, environmental fate models are best thought of as black boxes. You put information in and get an estimate (or a guess) about the PS concentrations in your water-body and about the timescales of change (Figure 9). For many cases this is enough, but if you want to get the most out of modelling find an environmental chemist specialized in modelling. If you want to understand how an environmental fate model works, consult the DSS handbook and look at the references. This simple manual will skip all the science and will just show how to use the models and what to look for in the results. 43/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 A guess about the emissions Environmental properties Chemical properties Figure 9: Environmental Fate Model Concentrations and timescales Environmental fate model as a black box. If you want details about the insides of that box, look at the DSS. Otherwise, read on. 4.1.3 How do I use an environmental fate model? Here is an example on using environmental fate models. We apply the QWASI (quantitative water air sediment interaction) model developed by Mackay et al. (1986). The model has been widely applied in the scientific literature, but it is simple to use nevertheless. Installing and setting up the model 1. Download the model from Trent University website9. You have to register to get the model, but the registering is free and I have not noticed any adverse effects from doing it. 2. Install the model to the directory you prefer. Write the directory down, you will need it in the next step. 3. Download the chemical properties database (Chemicals.mdb) from the SOCOPSE website at www.socopse.eu and copy the file to the subfolder databases in the directory where you installed QWASI. This database contains physical chemical information about all the priority substances. (Note: this dataset will be updated during the SOCOPSE project). 4. Change the separator from comma (“,”) to dot (“.”) from your “Control panel Regional settings”. QWASI is an American model, so it does not understand commas. Now you are ready to start modelling. Start the QWASI model and let's look at an example. 9 Direct link: http://www.trentu.ca/academic/aminss/envmodel/models/QWASI310.html 44/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Modelling PS transportation with QWASI Figure 10 shows a screenshot of the QWASI model. Model usage is straightforward: you go through the boxes in the left by clicking at them one at a time, fill in the data, click “compute” and look at the results. That's it. Chemicals Environment Guess about emissions Concentrations & timescales Figure 10: The main view of the QWASI model software. You get the items of interest (presented in Figure 9) from the places marked with the little arrows. Start with simulation ID, where you can just leave the fields empty. You inserted the chemical properties in the database already when you set up the model (Step 3 of the DSS) so in the Chemical properties menu you just need to select the chemical you want to model from the drop down menu10. In this example we will look at nonylphenol. The next stage is to define your water body to the model. Click “Environmental properties”. What you should see is a window (Figure 11) with three tabs: “Lake Properties”, “Flows” and “Transfer coefficients”. There are quite many parameters that you need to define, but don't panic. Some of these parameters are only important for some chemicals. Consult the sensitivity segment diagram in the DSS if you are uncertain about where it is okay to take some shortcuts in parameterization. You will find a form for gathering all the necessary parameters at the end of this paragraph. Either print it, fill it and get back to modelling afterwards or select one of the default environments. 10 If you are modelling metals, it might be a good idea to change the partitioning coefficients based on local measurements. The coefficients are very site specific and depend on pH, sulphides etc. The easiest way to get a good estimate is to measure both dissolved and total water concentrations (with and without a filter). 45/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Figure 11: The input-windows for defining the water body. In the “transfer coefficients” tab it is only necessary to change one value (Rain rate), the default values are usually good for the other parameters. 46/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 With the chemical and environmental parameters set in there is just the last stage left: emission estimation. But how do you get a realistic estimate? Now here is the clever part: you do not need one, the QWASI model is linear in relation to emissions. An emission of 1000 kg will result in concentrations 1000 times larger than the ones from 1 kg emissions. For this reason, it is OK to use an imaginary emission to calculate the concentration/emission slope. The menu of emission input is shown in a screenshot below (Figure 12). Defining the emissions as 100 kg/year allows you to read the results directly as percentages of emissions. If you have information about the atmospheric concentrations or the inflow water concentrations they can either: (a) be included in this step separately or (b) you can think that deposition and inflow are included in the emission estimate. Figure 12: Menu for defining the emissions to the water body. The emissions are divided into three categories: direct discharges, inflow and deposition from air. After you have entered the chemical, environment and emissions, click “Calculate” and the modelling is done. Interpreting results The most convenient way of looking at the results is through a mass flow diagram (click the “Diagram” button). A result for nonylphenol is shown for a bay area in the case study of Vantaa, Finland (Figure 13). There is a lot of information in the mass flow diagram, but you only need to focus on a few things: Q: What is the concentration/emission relationship? A: 138 ng/l/100 kg/year = 1.38 (ng/l)/(kg/year) Q: What kind of emissions result in exceeding the EQS? A: For nonylphenol the EQS is 300 ng/l, so based on the concentration/emission relationship, you would need 218 kg/year of emissions. Q: What is the overall residence time? A: 404 hours. Not that much. Q: What are the main transport processes? A: Here outflow 74 kg and evaporation 21 kg play the main role, so the problem is transported downstream. Q: Where is the most of the chemical found? A: Sediments store 75% of total mass. 47/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Figure 13: Mass flow diagram of nonylphenol transport in the bay of Vanhankaupunginlahti outside Helsinki. (Note that the emission amount is illustrative.) Based on the overall residence times the system responds quite quickly (404 h = 17 days) to changes in emissions. However the overall residence time is only part of the whole picture. In order to figure out the timescales you have to look at the “Results”. Click the “Mass balances” tab behind the “Results” button (Figure 14). Figure 14: In the mass balance diagram one of the most revealing figures is the residence time of the chemical in the compartment where most of the substance is found. In this case it is the sediments, where the residence time is 0.775 years. 48/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 The residence time can be applied to calculate the time series of recovery of that compartment when emissions cease with the following equation: M = M0*exp(-t/t_res) Where t is the time (years) for calculating the mass M based on the initial mass M0 and t_res is the residence time. You can put this to work in your favourite spreadsheet in less than 5 minutes. In our example in order to get the amount to drop to 10 % in sediments: M/M0 = 10% = exp(-t/0.775y) -t/0.775 y = ln(0.1) = -2.3 t = 2.3 * 0.775 y = 1.78 years One would have to wait for 1.78 years for the concentrations to drop to 10% after all emissions have ceased. Based on this simple example we know that it is unlikely that nonylphenol would cause problems in the bay area. First of all, the emissions would have to be quite large (200 kg/year to a 6 km2 bay). Secondly the outflow is so strong that most of the chemical is rapidly transported to the sea. Finally the system will probably respond very quickly to reductions in the emissions (concentration reduction to 10% in less than 2 years). 4.1.4 What about time series and scenarios and stuff? If by now, you have the feeling that this is all too simple and not really realistic, please continue reading. Otherwise, put the model results to use. The time dependant models are useful in situations where you have an estimate about the emission trends in the near future (20-30 years) and the emissions are changing very rapidly (e.g. after the banning of TBT). In the previous paragraph we applied the QWASI model to water management. The model is easy to use, but it has two limitations: (a) it does not consider what happens after the chemical has been emitted and (b) it cannot be used for simulating responses to changing emission scenarios. In this paragraph we will look at a slightly more complex model, the CozmoPOP 2.0 model11, which does not have these limitations. The only change in chemical input data is the need for a degradation rate in soil and temperature dependencies of the physical chemical properties. The first one is simple, but the second is not. For most cases you can estimate that the physico-chemical properties remain constant, in others you might want to consult a chemist. The environmental properties required by the CozmoPOP model are lot more detailed than in the QWASI model (water balance, organic carbon concentrations in soil, forest growth). You should allocate 1-3 weeks for gathering this data or try to check if the local meteorological/hydrological institute or local university has gathered this data already. 11 Downloadable at www.scar.utoronto.ca/~wania/downloads2.html 49/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Below (Figure 15 and Figure 16) are shown the relation between emission scenarios and concentrations for alpha-HCH and the instantaneous mass balance in the Baltic catchment area. These time series are a good way of understanding the time scales. It is also worthwhile to note that the chemical concentrations vary within the year as much as 3050% because of meteorological conditions. This stresses the importance of monitoring the water phase more often than once a year (in sediments the fluctuation is much smaller). As you can see from the figures, for alpha-HCH the time required for the concentrations to reach a level of 10% of the peak is 15-20 years. And the main processes in governing the environmental fate are emissions, evaporation from forests, deposition to fresh water, evaporation from water surface and advection to the sea. Sediment burial is meaningless for alpha-HCH (but important for many of the more hydrophobic substances). 50/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Figure 15: An example of CozmoPOP output for alpha-HCH in the Baltic proper catchment area. As you can see, the concentrations fluctuate within years because of weather conditions. 51/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Figure 16: An instantaneous mass balance of alpha-HCH in the Baltic catchment area. The instantaneous mass balances are useful when the sediments and soils have stored substantial amounts of pollutants and the emissions have ended. Then the system is not in equilibrium. 4.1.5 Environmental properties collection sheet (necessary parameters) Lake properties Property Value Water surface area (m2) Water volume (m3) Sediment active layer depth (m) Concentration of solids - in water column (mg/L) - in inflow water (mg/L) - of aerosols in air (µg/m3) - in sediment (m3/m3) Density of solids (kg/m3) - in water - in sediment - in aerosols Organic carbon fraction of solids - in water column - in sediment - in inflow water - in resuspended sediment Flows Property River water inflow (m3/h) Water outflow rate (m3/h) Sediment (g/m2/day) - Solids deposition - Solids burial - Solids resuspension Transfer coefficients Property Aerosol dry deposition velocity (m/h) Scavenging ratio (air/rain) 0.05 2400 2400 1500 Value How uncertain? Model sensitivity ** ** for chemicals with affinity to solids * * ** * * * How uncertain? Model sensitivity ** ** *** *** *** Value 7.2 200000 How uncertain? * Model sensitivity * ** * 52/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Rain rate (m/year) Mass transfer coefficients (MTC) m/h - volatilization (air) - volatilization (water) - sediment-water diffusion * 1 0.01 0.0004 * * ** Stars (*) in the ‘How uncertain’ column indicate a qualitative estimate of the amount of uncertainty/variability in the given default values. In the ‘Model sensitivity’ column the stars indicate how much the model results will be affected by inaccuracies in the estimated values. 4.2 Cost calculation methods This paragraph contains information on cost calculation methods12. The application of (economic) Evaluation methods is an essential part of any Decision Support System. Weighing the costs and benefits makes the decision making process about the advantages and disadvantages of possible measures more explicit and transparent. What are exactly these costs and benefits and how can they be measured? An extensive body of literature and guidelines has been developed in the last decades order to carry out an evaluation and to conduct (Societal) Cost-Benefit Analysis, also in the field of environmental issues, water- and sediment policy (references). As this paragraph is meant to help water management we will not go into much of the details of this literature and rather adopt a more simple and straightforward approach. It will however be useful to bear in mind that: 1. no simple answers may be given to complicated questions; in this case it may be worthwhile to be assisted by experienced economists with considerable knowledge in this field and/or 2. to look for experiences and literature elsewhere and to check to which extent these can be applicable (NB: cases). One also has to bear in mind that economic analysis has to be performed anyhow as consequence of the legislation concerning the water framework directive. For example: when evaluating the different options for source control of priority substances one has to take into account all the information that will /has been gathered when compiling the river basin management plan, including the (socio-) economic analysis that may have been (or has to be) conducted13. In most instances this will imply that the evaluation of different options to control-, and ultimately phase out priority substances must not be carried out in “splendid isolation” but are part of the “larger system”: the river basin management plans and the water framework directive. 12 Another source of information is the Reference Document on Economics and Cross-Media effects (EC 2006). 13 In this article we will take priority substances as an example. But the observations also apply to other fields such as sediments (Riskbase, SedNet) and REACH. 53/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 4.2.1 Costs The measures that may be taken in order to control the release of priority substances into the water may consist of technical measures, such as using filters and other end of pipe solutions and/or more integrated management options, such as rearranging the production process (e.g. by substitution of the priority substance). More complex options may include dredging and to stop the production and/or use of the substances. Regardless of the complexity of the measure two basic cost categories always have to be taken into account for deriving the total costs of the option: 1. Fixed costs: usually capital investment costs (how much, how long will these last) 2. Variable costs: costs that depend on the throughput (e.g. costs of substitution of one agent by another in the production process, extra man power, electricity, other resources) In order to make the fixed- and variable costs comparable and to put these under one denominator either (a) the fixed costs have to be put in annual terms or (b) the net present value of variable costs has to be calculated. For option (a) the depreciation time of the capital investment is needed. For option (b) – which is used more often – a discount rate has to be applied to calculate the present value of future expenditures. In North- Western Europe (e.g. the Netherlands) a discount rate of 4 % is in vigor.14 Example: using a discount rate of 4 % on a sum of 100 Euros means that the value after one year (in year 2) has fallen to 96 Euros. The same 100 Euros will be worth 70 Euros in year 10. Summing up annual expenditures of 100 Euros during 10 years, by using a discount rate of 4%, a total present value of 840 Euros results.15 Suppose that there are 3 options for a factory with a throughput of 100 Units and a discount rate of 4 % 1. Capital costs : 1000 Euros, (linear) depreciation time: 10 years, rest value: none Variable costs: 10 cent per Unit 2. Capital costs: 200 Euros, depreciation time 10 years , rest value: none Variable costs: 80 cent per unit 3. Capital costs: 500 Euros , depreciation time 10 years, rest value none Variable costs : 40 cent per unit Annual costs option: 1. 100 + 10 2. 20 + 80 3. 50 + 4 = 110 Euros = 100 Euros = 90 Euros Present Value option: 1. 1000 + 84 2. 200 + 674 3. 500 + 337 = 1084 Euros = 875 Euros = 837 Euros 14 But other discount rates may be applied elsewhere. A lower discount rate means a higher present value vice versa (e.g. using a discount rate of 2% will result in a present value of 910 Euros, a discount rate of 10 % will result in 670 Euros) 15 54/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 According to both calculation methods option 3 has the lowest costs16. Of course it should be borne in mind that possibly more than one source of priority substances is at stake, so total costs will equal the sum of all sources in the river basin. A second remark regards the possibility that the measures taken will have a larger effect within the firm or the measure taking actor group than reducing the release of priority substances. This may be the case if, for example, the measures not only have an effect on priority substances but also on other substances, product quality, energy efficiency etc. In such cases an analysis will have to be made of such effects that have to be taken into account. Depending on the amplitude and the nature of these effects they have to be put in monetary terms and added / subtracted to the costs of measures. If for example option 2 also induces the use of energy by 20 Euros / year, the total annual costs of option 2 would be 80 Euros and the present value 704 Euros. Option 2 would gain over options 1 and 3. So when talking about costs we’d look at all NET costs for and within the firms /actors that implements the measures. 4.2.2 Benefits Of course the first benefit is the reduction of the release of priority substances. If the decision making process is limited to this benefit it suffices to choose the waste reduction options on the basis of the lowest costs to obtain the desired reduction (in the case of priority substances: a complete phase out by the year 2020). It gets more complicated if the benefits are to be measured in terms of reduction of concentrations. In this case an analysis has to be carried out in the preceding steps of the DSS to investigate the relation between the reduction of the release of priority substances and the concentrations. Nevertheless a Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) is the evaluation method to be used in order to select the (packages of) measures with the highest reduction at the lowest costs.17 If other effects besides the costs of compliance and/or the reduction of priority substances are relevant, they should be taken into account as well in the decision making process. The first step then to be taken is making an inventory of these effects in a so called effect matrix in which for each of the alternatives (packages of measures) these effects are depicted. In Table 6 five different options to reduce the priority substances are mentioned18. Selecting on basis of the lowest costs criterion option nr 1 would be the most favorite one. Obviously, this option is most attractive for the actors that have to pay for the costs. Selecting on basis of the lowest risk (highest reduction of PS) option nr 5 would be chosen. This option is often the most popular for policy makers that do not have to pay for the costs but who see the highest reduction as their policy yield. However if one were to select on the basis of direct cost effectiveness option 2 would be chosen. According to the direct Cost Benefit ratio, option nr 2 has the lowest ratio (1.14) and therefore ranks nr one. Option 5 has the highest ratio (1.50) and ranks fifth and last. 16 Note however that if the discount rate rises the option with the higher variable costs will be more favourable vice versa. Usually a sensitivity analysis is carried out to see if the ranking of the options changes if other discount rates are used. 17 Obviously only the (packages of) measures that meet the minimum standards are to be taken into account. 18 In reality the options will most probably be combinations of different measures. 55/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 However: most of the options, all except option nr 1, have other effects than the costs of compliance and the reduction % of PS. If these other effects are to be taken into consideration the ranking of the options may change19. We see in Table 6 that option nr 2 has a negative side effect: use of the substitute causes pollution, not by PS but, for example, by CO2. An analysis has to be made in order to quantify the amount of extra CO2 that will be emitted. Next a “price tag” may be put on this amount to put this negative effect in monetary terms thus make it comparable with the initial costs of substitution. In the example this can be done in two different ways: 1. In order to avoid the extra emissions of CO2 measures have to be taken (e.g. by capturing CO2 in the factories or by using another technology): the (shadow) costs there of are (for instance) 75 which should be added to the 800, bringing the total to 875.20 2. It may prove to be cheaper to buy trade able CO2 emission rights for, say 50. In this case a market exists and total costs are 850. Assuming that the factories at hand are rational actors and that the market for CO2 permits reflects the scarcity of CO2 free air, the factory will chose to buy the emission rights. However the Cost Benefit ratio of option nr 2 has risen to 1.21, which makes it less attractive than option nr one which has a ratio of 1.19. Table 6: Costs and benefits of 5 different (hypothetical) options Option 1. Filters to capture priority substances 2. Substitution of priority substances 3. Dredging of polluted sediments 4. Ceasing production of goods and services for which the PS are needed Capitalized Costs of compliance 775 800 900 1200 (being the net present value of the added value21 of the Direct effects Reduction of PS by 65 % Reduction of PS by 70 % Reduction of PS by 75 % Reduction of PS by 90 % Cost Benefit ratio 1.19 Other effects 1.14 Pollution caused by substitute 1.20 Improved Recreation possibilities for tourists 1.33 Improved Recreation possibilities for tourists None +Rise in house value +Increased Harvests +Possible indirect multiplier effects in rest of the economy 19 In reality many more effects may be generated than in these hypothetical examples For the sake of simplicity we add the 75 extra costs to the initial costs of 800. In a Societal Cost Benefit Analysis the 75 extra costs should be regarded as a negative benefit. 21 Added value equals the sum of the remuneration of the production factors (labour, capital) and roughly equals the turnover minus taxes, depreciation, gross wages incl. social insurance premiums, costs of inputs and other supplies. 20 56/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Option Capitalized Costs of compliance abandoned products ) Direct effects Cost Benefit ratio Other effects 5. Closing down factories 1500 (Net present value of all production taking into account accelerated Depreciation ) Reduction of PS by 100 % 1.50 Improved Recreation possibilities Rise in house value Increased Harvests Possible indirect multiplier effects in rest of the economy +Better Health +Savings on collective water treatment Option nr 3 has a ratio of 1.20, but the reduction of PS is such that a number of extra recreation activities will be possible such as boating, swimming etc. This will lead to an increase of tourism in the region. An analysis will have to be made in order to estimate the increase in tourism (as with the CO2 in option 2 mentioned above). The effects on tourism have to be put in the effect matrix. If one wants to put a “price tag” (the “translation “of the numbers of tourists into monetary terms ) a number of economic effects have to be discerned: a. Extra tourists will spend money in the market: the direct effects of the (extra) expenditures e.g. in hotels, restaurants will lead to a rise in the added value which will be generated in these sectors. The added value (and not the turn over!!22) is to be considered as a direct economic welfare effect. b. Indirect economic welfare effects will be generated in the economic sectors that deliver goods and services to the tourism industry (e.g. bakeries, beer producers etc.) In their turn these sectors are also supplied by again other sectors (e.g. agriculture). Economists call these indirect economic effects “multiplier effects”23 c. Besides the (a) direct- and (b) indirect economic effects that are generated through the market system another type of welfare effects exists that has no real market price. Tourist enjoyment of the (“new” or regained) recreation possibilities in the river basin has a higher value than their 22 23 Touristic expenditure creates turnover. In order to provide services to the tourists - and to generate the turnover- costs are inflicted that have to be subtracted. (see footnote 16) Usually the multiplier effects vary between 1.0 and 3.0, depending on the structure of the economy and the sector where the initial impulse (touristic spending) was given to. A multiplier effect of 2 means that besides the original effect of 1, for example on added value, or employment (NOT both!), an extra indirect effect in the rest of the economy is generated. These multiplier effects can be calculated on the basis of the International system of National Accounts, notably the so called Input – Output matrix of intermediary deliveries. 57/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 expenditures. This extra value over the price they pay for is called consumer surplus. If one decides to take these effects into account and to put a monetary value on the consumer surplus24 a difficulty arises as no “real” market exists and nobody cashes this value. Hence economists have developed a number of methods to calculate the consumer surplus in monetary terms. Two of the most well known methods are: 1. The “travel cost method”: an analysis is made of the travel costs that the tourists make in order to travel and stay in the recreation area. On the basis of this analysis a so called “demand curve” is constructed that depicts the relation between the demand (the number of tourists) and the travel costs. Obviously, demand decreases with rising travel costs vice versa. Tourists paying the highest travel costs have no consumer surplus. But the tourists who pay less than these highest costs do enjoy consumer surplus, which can be quantified in monetary terms on basis of the demand curve. The curve can only be constructed on basis of an ex post analysis of touristic statistical data that depict the revealed preferences. This makes the method less suitable for an ex ante valuation for “new” touristic areas (unless empirical data for other “comparable” areas can be used). For this reason so called “stated preferences” methods are developed, such as: 2. The “contingent valuation method”. Basically this methods entails asking people what they would be willing to pay for a good or service that has no real market price (such as a walk on a beach or angling). This method, which is also called the “willingness to pay method”, is widely used in environmental economics and the water frame work directive. It should however be noted that the values obtained through this method may be somewhat questionable as there may be a large difference between statements and actual behavior of people. Furthermore it must be stressed that the “willingness to pay” only reflects a modest part in the total value of improvements of the water quality. A good ecological status of the Rhine may for example be reflected in the return of the Salmon. But it would be a very large under estimation of the total benefits of the good ecological status by asking anglers how much they would be willing to pay for catching one and to put this as a proxy of the good ecological status. Let’s suppose that the direct effects of recreation, mentioned under (a) have a value of 50 and that the multiplier for indirect effects is 2, so that the multiplier effects also are 50. The consumer surplus is, for example, 30. Total beneficial effects of tourism / recreation equal 130. In a societal evaluation these effects have to be taken into account, although the benefits are enjoyed by other actors than the parties that have to bear the costs. In a Societal Cost Benefit Analysis the total initial costs of option 3 are 900. Benefits equal a 75 % reduction of PS plus 130 recreational value. For the sake of simplicity we will subtract the 130 of the initial costs of dredging so we can make an easier comparison of the different options. The 770 (net) costs will then generate a 75% of PS and the Cost Benefit ratio, which was originally 1.20 is lowered to 1.03 24 Often only the extra number of tourists is mentioned. 58/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Option 4 also features improved recreational possibilities for tourists, as in option nr 3. Moreover: the strong reduction of PS by 90% leads to better harvests, for instance of wood and to a rise in value of the houses built on the riverbanks. The economic effects on agriculture, in this case wood production, can be easily measured, provided that it is known how much extra wood can be harvested. The added value of the extra production can be calculated through the market system, using the market prices for wood, subtracted by the marginal costs of the extra wood production. The rise in house prices creates an extra value for the house owners. This value can be calculated by using estimates (house brokers / owners can be a valuable source of information), and/or by the “hedonic price method”. With the latter method (which was applied in the analysis of the third London airport and other regional economic studies), the actual changes in house value is analyzed by using statistics on the subject. The estimation method bears resemblance with the “stated preferences methods” mentioned earlier when discussing the economic effects of recreation/tourism. The Hedonic price method falls into the category of “Revealed preferences”. In option 4 the production of PS related goods is abandoned. If there are no viable alternatives for these goods, the indirect (multiplier) effects can be very substantial and this option will possibly not even be taken into consideration in the short to medium term. The amplitude of these negative effects depends very much on the function of the good (e.g. intermediary or final good), the availability of alternatives (also the possibilities for importing) and the time horizon needed for the possible transition and technological innovation. Suppose that the effects of option 4 are: 1. recreation/ tourism: + 130 (as in option 3) 2. wood production: + 100 3. house value: + 150 4. multiplier effects: - 600 Total extra benefits equal 380, but in this example the extra benefits are overshadowed by negative multiplier effects of 600. The initial costs were 1200. After correction, total costs now equal 1420, leading to a Costs /Benefit ratio of 1.58 One can see in this case the importance of the indirect economic multiplier effects and therefore also the necessity of technological innovation (compare: car industry, cease of ozone layer destructing substances, use of cadmium in coloring of plastics, solvents in paints, use of chlorine etc). The (hypothetical) figures also show that a thorough analysis is needed of the possible indirect multiplier effects. In this case they amount to – 600. This figure has been randomly chosen. However, it is also possible that the effects are very small. This was the case when ozone depleting substances were no longer used in for instance spray cans and cooling units, or when mercury was no longer used in thermometers and batteries. Technological innovation has lead to viable alternatives in these cases25. A recent study carried out by TNO26 shows that the “phase out” of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as car fuel can even lead to positive effects as the technology has been developed to produce cleaner, “next generation”, diesel fuel. On the other hand, phasing out Chlorine from all products 25 Technological innovation may also have drawbacks that have to be taken into account; for instance: low energy lamps containing mercury and cooling units using Ammonia, or option 2 : increase of CO2 26 Societal Cost Benefit Analysis / Chain studies LPG, Chlorine and Ammonia (TNO cs, 2005) 59/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 will lead to devastating effects for the economy and the society as a whole, because it is used in so many different ways (production of plastics, salt etc). Despite the toxicity of Chlorine it is unthinkable not to use it any longer in a broad spectrum27. Option nr 5 assumes that all use of PS will be abandoned: a complete shut down of all factories using - or producing PS with no possibility of substitution or importation. This option is more drastic than option 4, but bears similarities in the fields of recreation /tourism, wood production, rise in house values and multiplier effects. Possibly these effects will be larger in option 5 than in option 4, but in this example we will assume that the effects in these fields will be the same. For illustrating purposes we assume that option 5 will generate 2 other different effects that were not present in the other options: 1. Better Health: assume that (x) less people get sick and (y) less people a year die. Health effects are particular difficult to put monetary values on. Usually in a Societal Cost Benefit Analysis the effects are only partially put in financial terms, if at all. Provided it is possible to estimate the reduction of the number of people getting sick or the number of deaths, it may be possible to estimate the reduction in the costs of medical treatment, burial costs, loss of labor hours etc. Let’s assume that these effects are valued at 200. However, this value does not include human suffering, pain etc. Again, there are methods that also quantify these effects, mostly using the “willingness to pay” concept, but there is a substantial debate on the outcomes, also from an ethical point of view. In this example we will not try to quantify these effects, but not forget that these should be noted. 2. Avoided costs of collective water purification: as the reduction of PS in this example is supposed to be 100 % it may be possible that it is no longer necessary to purify the water for these substances in collective treatment plants. This will possibly lead to a cost reduction of, say 50. Additional effects of option 5 are: recreation/ tourism: + 130 (as in option 3 and 4) wood production: + 100 (as in option 4) house value: + 150 (as in option 4) multiplier effects: - 600 (as in option 4) health effects: + 200 avoided costs (+ x reduction in sickness and y reduction in deaths) Avoided costs of collective water sanitation: + 50 Original costs: 1500, which are lowered to 1470, bringing the Cost Benefit ratio to 1.47 (excluding x reduction in sickness and y reduction in deaths) 27 Of course alternatives for specific uses can and have been developed. 60/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Table 7: Original and new Ranking of the options Option Cost -Benefit Ratio (Table 6) Rank Adjusted Cost Benefit Ratio 1.19 Adjusted Rank 1. Filters to capture priority substances 2. Substitution of priority substances 3. Dredging of PS polluted sediments 4. Ceasing production of goods and services for which the PS are needed 1.19 2 2 1.14 1 1.21 3 1.20 3 1.03 1 1.33 4 1.58 5 5. Closing down factories 1.50 5 1.47 4 In Table 7 we show the ranking of the five different options on basis of the original direct Cost Benefit Ratio (Table 6) and on basis of the “new” Cost Benefit ratio that takes the other societal effects into account. The hypothetical examples show that taking into account societal effects such as recreation, harvests, house values etc leads to changes in the preferential ranking order of the options. Option nr 3 ranks first instead of third. Option nr 2 now ranks third instead of first. Option nr 5 was least cost effective but now ranks higher than option nr 4. Table 7 illustrates that looking at the problem from a wider policy perspective than merely the direct costs and percentages of reduction of PS may lead to the selection of other types of solutions / measures. This may require more effort as the “system” analysis is broader too. The extra costs of such broader analyses will however most certainly be amply outweighed by the benefits of the right choices. This is the reason why in a number of countries, including the Netherlands, a Societal Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) is obliged to be carried out when larger projects are planned. The mandatory socioeconomic analysis of the functions of river(basins) and “REACH” are other examples. 4.3 Economic evaluation methods 4.3.1 Cost effectiveness analysis Cost effectiveness analysis (CEA) is a technique for comparing the relative value of various strategies. In its most common form, a new strategy is compared with current practice (the “low-cost alternative”) in the calculation of the cost-effectiveness ratio (CE ratio): 61/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 CEratio Costnew _ strategy Costcurrent _ practice Effectnew _ strategy Effectcurrent practice The result might be considered as the "price" of the additional outcome purchased by switching from current practice to the new strategy. If the price is low enough, the new strategy is considered cost-effective. Thus, this approach assesses the most efficient way to meet targets for human health improvement, ecological protection etc. In the development of European air pollution strategies cost-effectiveness has been the main concept used. The tool used for the calculation of the most cost-effective solutions has been the RAINS model (Regional Air Pollution INformation and Simulation). In this model the costs have been attributed to various control measures on a country basis. The effectiveness is considered not in relation to emissions but rather in relation to environmental impact. In the RAINS model cost effectiveness to evaluate costs of emission reduction follows the concept of marginal costs (MC). MC relates to the extra costs for an additional measure to the marginal abatement of that measure (compared to the abatement of the less effective option. RAINS uses the concept of marginal costs for ranking the available abatement options according of their cost effectiveness (into so called “national cost curves”). 28 The general functional form for the calculation of the MC used in the RAINS model takes the following form: MCm Where cm m cm 1 m 1 m m 1 cm is unit costs for option m and ηm is removal efficiency of option m. Based on the RAINS model figures in Table 8 are used to calculate the marginal cost of different technologies to be used to abate emissions of sulphur in Sweden according to the NOC (Non Control Strategy) scenario. Table 8: Activity-specific abatement costs and removed emissions / category for the hypothetical NOC scenario sulphur emissions in Sweden. For details about the acronyms see IIASA and the RAINS model (Source: www.iiasa.ac.at) Activity Sector Technology NOF* NOF PR_SINT PR_OT_NF ME SO2PR1 SO2PR1 28 Unit cost (€ / ton) 420 423.5 Removed emissions (kton) 0.58 8.4 http://www.iiasa.ac.at/~rains/index-old.html?sb=30 62/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Activity Sector Technology NOF NOF NOF HC1 HC1 PR_SUAC PR_REF PR_LIME IN_BO IN_OC SO2PR1 SO2PR1 SO2PR1 LSCO LSCO Unit cost (€ / ton) 424 466.67 473.68 513.52 513.52 Removed emissions (kton) 4.49 3.18 0.18 0.26 2.55 To estimate cost effective measures that can be implemented to reach optimal emission reductions the RAINS model uses optimization procedure. The optimization approach of the RAINS model reflects the overall environmental policy objectives by specifying constraints on the maximum deposition at each grid cell. A cost effective cooperative solution is then obtained by finding a pattern of emissions that minimize total emission control costs, measured in a common currency (Euro) for the countries involved that meet the specified constraints on deposition. Thereby, spatial environmental standards (targets) are formulated as constraints of the optimization problem: The theoretical formulation of the optimization procedure is as follows (Forsund (2000)). Min c (e 0 e , e 0 ) i i i i Subject to : eimin (e 0 ) e e 0 , i 1,...N i i i N * a e b d , j 1,...R ij i j j i 1 Where Ci ei0 ei aij bj dj* cost function of country i initial emission of country i optimal emission atmospheric transportation coefficient from country i (i=1,..., N) to receptor j (j=1,...R) i.e., the EMEP grids. background deposition. relates to environmental objectives specified as emission targets For the EU countries the functional form of the objective function is: Total cos t MC iEU pP MC: X: i I: p P: rRi , p i ,r , p xi ,r , p marginal cost emission reduction the set of emitter countries the set of relevant pollutants: SO2, NOx, NH3, PM2.5, VOC 63/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 r Rip: reduction measures/elements of the approximate cost curve in country i for pollutant p The optimization procedure in RAINS consists of the following steps: set target values for the environmental impacts minimize costs for achieving these targets read off the optimal emission levels, costs and control strategies for all pollutants and countries. Since the objective function and all constraints are linear functions in the decision variables, the problem can be solved using linear programming (LP) methods. A linear programming problem may be defined as the problem of maximizing or minimizing a linear function subject to linear constraints. The constraints may be equalities or inequalities.29 Here is a simple example. Find numbers x1 and x2 that maximize the sum x1 + x2 subject to the constraints: x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0, and x1 + 2x2 ≤ 4 4x1 + 2x2 ≤ 12 −x1 + x2 ≤ 1 In this problem there are two unknowns, and five constraints. All the constraints are inequalities and they are all linear in the sense that each involves an inequality in some linear function of the variables. The first two constraints, x1 ≥ 0 and x2 ≥ 0, are special. These are called non-negativity constraints and are often found in linear programming problems. The other constraints are then called the main constraints. The function to be maximized (or minimized) is called the objective function. Here, the objective function is x1 + x2. 4.3.2 Multi-criteria analysis Another possibility is the application of multi criteria analysis (MCA). Basically the MCA is based on a matrix in which the different alternative (clusters of) measures are the columns and the different criteria that are used to evaluate the alternative measures are in the rows. One may vary the weights of the different criteria, (via desk research but also interactively in workshops with stakeholders), and see what happens with the preferential sequence of the alternatives. MCA is a method that does not require a full quantification of all effects but it makes transparent which alternatives are to be preferred when using certain criteria. Of course there has to be agreement between the decision makers on the criteria and the weights that will be used. In all cases it is imperative to gain insight in the system that has to be influenced, not only from a technical point of view but also from a societal (socio-economic point of view) 29 http://www.math.ucla.edu/~tom/LP.pdf 64/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Measures with respect to priority substances will often be part of the WFD and bear relations with other substances, stakeholders etc. That is why it is very important to look at the system as a whole and to treat the problem of priority substances as part of a wider problem field, including its stake holders and decision makers. Selection methods will of course only be useful if a selection has to be made between alternatives. So there must be more than one “solution” and the measures must in principle be feasible in a technical, social, economic and juridical way. In whatever situation as a minimum requirement the reduction of concentrations and the costs of compliance have to be calculated / estimated. The definition of costs and benefits may be different for economists, engineers, policy makers and other stakeholders. In the further development and application of the DSS we will try to develop a common vocabulary. Use will be made of earlier experiences, or experiences else where (e.g. REACH etc). 4.3.3 Societal cost benefit analysis The broad purpose of SCBA is to help decision making to make the decision that is beneficial to society. More specifically, the objective is to facilitate the more efficient allocation of society’s resources. Societal Cost Benefit Analysis is not a new gimmick. It is a tool with a long international history , specifically with respect to project appraisal in developing countries, the evaluation of infrastructural works in the US and Europe, and more recently with respect to more qualitative issues and themes such as environmental issues, sediment- and water quality issues30. The method contributes, at least potentially, to transparent and better decision making processes. This implies however a good understanding of the relevant system, the definition of the problems and the specification of the alternative solutions to these problems. As policy and decision making with respect to the Water Frame work Directive (WFD) including priority substances is within the public realm, SCBA provides the appropriate structure for the Decision Support System (DSS). Steps to be taken in an SCBA: In general the SCBA includes several steps. In order to ease application of the SCBA each step is discussed and examples (models, methods and data) are included based on a Swedish SCBA related to acidification as well as the pollutants impacts on health, biodiversity, base cation and corrosion. 30 See: Guide to practical project appraisal, social cost benefit analysis in developing countries, United Nations, 1978; Guidelines for project appraisal , A. Kuyvenhoven, L.B.M. Mennes, Directorate General for International Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands, 1985; Kosten Baten Analyse Afsluiting Grevelingen bekken, J. van der Vlies, EUR, 1977 ; Evaluating The Eastern Electric Grid in Sudan, J. van der Vlies, H. Hof, NEI/KEMA, 1986; Guidelines for the evaluation of Economic effects, OEI, Ministry of Finance, Netherlands, 2001; Cost- Benefit Analysis and the Environment, Recent Developments, D. Pearce, G. Atkinson, S. Mourato; OECD, 2006 65/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Step 1: Analyze the system and define the problem A starting point in the SCBA is a system and a problem definition to base the analysis upon. In the case of Swedish example the analysis relates to the socioeconomic and environmental effects of the emissions of acidifying pollutants such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides following the implementation of the CAFE (Clean Air For Europe) programme’s Climate Protocol Current Legislation Baseline scenario (CP_CLE_Aug04(Nov04)), developed by IIASA using RAINS. Boundaries: To start with the derived effects of NOx via ozone formation are not included in the analysis. The studied effects are health and the environmental impacts related to the emissions of SO2, NOx, NH3 as well as secondary sulphate and nitrate particles. Since air pollution is transboundary the cost side is about all Source Contributors to emissions i.e. European countries and the benefits are estimated for the Swedish population during the period 2000-2020. Step 2: Make an analysis of the evolution of the problem if no actions are taken (the so called 0 – alternative or baseline scenario) In this step identification of the project’s impacts is a prerequisite for the analysis. A distinction is to be made between a base line scenario and a scenario including other measures to be taken. Table 9 presents a series of scenarios i.e. Current Legislation (CL), A (low), B (medium) and C (high) as well as the Maximum Feasible Reduction scenario for the period 2020 compared to 2000 for ecosystems area with nitrogen deposition above the critical loads for eutrophication. As shown, compliance with current legislation using different measures would lead in the case of Sweden to 16% of ecosystem areas with nitrogen deposition above the critical load for eutrophication. Table 9: Percent of ecosystems area with nitrogen deposition above the critical loads for eutrophication. Results calculated for 1997 meteorology, using grid-average deposition. Critical loads data base of 2004. The shading highlights countries where the area subject to exceedance is 50% or more than total ecosystem area (black) or between 25% and 49% of total ecosystem area (grey). 2000 Ecosystems area (km2) 1) Sweden EU25 1 ) ) 2 184369 1285046 26% 57% Current legislati on 16% 46% Case “A” 2020 Case “B” Case “C” MTFR 8% 33% 7% 29% 5% 27% 1% 15% 2) Ecosystems area for which critical loads data have been supplied Maximum technically feasible emission reductions assumed for all European countries (including non-EU countries). Source: Holland et al (2005) Furthermore, Table 10 depicts kton pollutants emission and deposition in Sweden where contribution from other countries constitutes the lion share of the depositions. Hence an 66/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 important part of the measures to be taken to reduce deposition in Sweden are to be taken elsewhere in Europe. Table 10: Pollutants emission and deposition in Sweden year 2000 (kton) Swedish emissions Deposition Domestic contribution to deposition S 28 157 11 N(ox) 64 159 12 N(red) 47 101 20 Source: Swedish EPA, www.naturvardsverket.se Step 3: Specify the alternative actions that may be taken to solve the problem (one may use selection criteria such as: the alternatives should not be in conflict with (inter) national laws, should be formulated together with stakeholders, should be realized within 5 years etc) Table 11 summarizes the legislation considered in the CLE scenario assuming that countries fulfil their Kyoto obligations and carry on implementing greenhouse gas reduction policies through to 2020. Table 11: Legislation considered in the Current Legislation (CLE) scenario (source: IIASA/EMEP, 2004). for SO2 emissions Large combustion plant directive Directive on the sulphur content in liquid fuels Directives on quality of petrol and diesel fuels IPPC legislation on process sources for NOX emissions Large combustion plant directive Auto/Oil EURO standards Emission standards for motorcycles and mopeds Legislation on nonroad mobile machinery National legislation Implementation and national practices failure of EURO-II (if stricter) and Euro-III for heavy duty vehicles IPPC legislation for industrial processes National legislation and national practices (if stricter) for VOC emissions Stage I directive Directive 91/441 (carbon canisters) Auto/Oil EURO standards for NH3 emissions No EU-wide legislation National legislation Current practice Fuel directive (RVP of fuels) Solvents directive Product directive (paints) National legislation, e.g., Stage II 67/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Source: Holland et al (2005) Step 4: Analyze and specify the possible effects of these actions in terms of changes (compared to the 0- alternative). The effects include possible substitution effects (e g the problem at hand may be relocated!) The starting point in this step is to identify which impacts are economically relevant. In the case of ecosystem and the biodiversity question, the discussion is about the ecosystem/biodiversity services and if these services are economically relevant. In the Swedish SCBA ecosystem services taking the form of fish availability is identified to have economic relevance. When it comes to the effects of the actions the analysis are taken in the following way: Although the relation sulphur deposition and water pH is dependent on a number of variable ecosystem specific factors, regression analysis are used in this case to give an idea of the impact of air pollution on acidification in the case of the north and the south of Sweden, respectively. The data is for the period 1984-2003 where the water pH level is measured during the four seasons of the year. The dependent variable is pH levels while the independent is sulphur deposition in logarithmic form. Table 12: Regression estimates Variable Intercept North 9.23 (8.79)* -1.38 (2.86) 49 S deposition Number of observations *= t-statistics South 5.76 (27.93) -0.50 (5.38) 78 As shown in Table 12 all estimated coefficients are highly significant but vary depending on the region in question. There is however a negative correlation between S deposition and pH in both cases. In the case of northern Sweden, a decrease in S deposition would induce a rather large increase in pH, while a corresponding decrease in S deposition would have a smaller impact in the south of Sweden. On the other hand, except the correlation between air pollution and pH values, a further correlation is identified between pH values in water and fish stock such as: Table 13: Fish stock % pH Relation between fish stock and pH values in Sweden 20 4.64 25 4.80 50 5.61 80 6.58 90 7.15 95 7.64 As shown in the table, when the pH value is 4.64 only 20 percent of the fish stock would not be affected by acidification. When the pH value is equal to 7.64, almost all fish population would be unaffected. 68/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Step 5: Indicate the level of uncertainty when predicting these effects (needed for sensitivity analysis) Although the effects of acidification on freshwater ecosystems are better understood than impacts on terrestrial ecosystems the uncertainty issue cannot be underestimated. The uncertainties may be based on several factors such as the models used and the available data etc. In the case of the results based on regression analysis although the coefficients are highly significant, uncertainty may be the result of using linear models instead of non linear ones. Therefore a sensitivity analysis is required to highlight the ranges of variations in the results in the case for example when other models are used for the estimation. Step 6: Quantify the effects of the actions and valuate them (NOT weighing) Table 7 shows the effects of the actions related to different scenarios (Holland et al, 2005) where reductions of acidifying emissions are showing benefits in the case of Swedish ecosystem related to catchments area with acid deposition bellow the critical loads. Improvements are not uniform, however, and recovery will take some time, first for water chemistry to stabilize and improve, and then for biological recovery (WGE, 2004). As shown, comparison of the CLE scenario to the other ones and especially the MTFR scenario highlights the importance of stringent measures to achieve maximum acidification reduction. Table 14: Percent of catchments area with acid deposition above the critical loads for acidification. Results calculated for 1997 meteorology, using grid-average deposition. Critical loads data base of 2004. Ecosystems area (km2) 1) Sweden 1 ) ) 2 204069 2000 14.9% Current legislation 10.5% Case “A” 9.0% 2020 Case “B” 8.4% Case “C” 8.1% MTFR 2) 5.2% Ecosystems area for which critical loads data have been supplied Maximum technically feasible emission reductions assumed for all European countries (including non-EU countries) Step 7: Welfare valuation should be made of all effects irrespective of their nature and irrespective of the place where they occur. Always in physical entities, (less sediments, more water for irrigation, more nature etc) and wherever possible (also) in monetary values. A whole range of different methods exists. In order for physical measures of impacts to be commonly measurable, they must be valued in monetary units. The monetary valuation of different effects is not a straightforward procedure since many of the effects have no market value. In general we often talk about the total value of something. As shown in Figure 17, this total value is often composed of both use and non-use values. The use value is the value derived from actual use of a good or service. The non-use values, also referred to as “passive use” 69/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 values, are values that are not associated with actual use, or even the option to use a good or service. The use value includes direct, non-direct and option values. The direct use value is the value attributed to direct utilisation of ecosystem services. Non-direct-use values or "functional" values relate to the ecological functions performed for example by forests, such as the protection of soils and the regulation of watersheds. Option value is the value that people place on having the option to enjoy something in the future, although they may not currently use it. On the other hand, the non-use values include both bequest and existence value. Bequest value is the value that people place on knowing that future generations will have the option to enjoy something. Existence value is the value that people place on simply knowing that something exists, even if they will never see it or use it. In order to assess these values, environmental economics uses several methods. These methods may be based on stated preferences involving studies including questionnaires asking respondents for their willingness to pay such as in the case of contingent valuation method (CVM) and choice experiment method. Other methods are based on revealed preferences that are often based on consumers´ or producers' behaviour or actions such as: The hedonic price method is used to estimate the value of environmental effects on properties such as the effect of noise or air pollution on house prices; the production function method is used to estimate the value of the environmental effects on production such as the effect of ground-level ozone on the production of wheat or timber. Total economic value Use value Non use value Direct value Indirect Option value Bequest value Existence value Benefits consumed directly Functional benefits enjoyed indirectly Future direct and indirect value Value of living use and nonuse value to offspring Value from knowledge of continued existence e.g., -food -health e.g., -water regulation - wind protection e.g., -biodiversity - habitats e.g., - loss of environ. values e.g., - endangered species -Revealed preference methods -Stated preference methods Figure 17: -Stated preference methods The total economic value 70/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 In the case of health effects other methods than stated or revealed preference ones can be used to estimate the impact of externalities. These methods may be HALY, DALY or QALY. The HALY is a Health Adjusted Life Year i.e. a generic term that includes the two most popular measures, the QALY or Quality Adjusted Life Year and the DALY or Disability Adjusted Life Year. The QALY is simpler. A value of quality of life is assigned from 0 (dead) to 1 (perfect health). The DALY is different in that the reference states are 0 for perfect health and 1 for dead, and it is estimated for particular diseases, instead of as a health state (for more details related to these methods see ENGRI (2004)). Further, other valuations of health effects are based on the value of statistical life or (VSL) or the value of lost years (VOLY) where the relation between the two is as follows: The willingness to pay for Δs (the change in the risk to die) leads to the value of statistical life such as: VSL WTPi / sN i where N is the population at risk. Within the ExternE (Externalities of Energy - a research project of the European Commission) for instance, VSL is supposed to be equal to the discounted value of VOLY (discounting is defined in the next section). Hence T VSL VOLY aPi / (1 r )i a i a where aPi is the conditional probability to live until year i for a person at age a. T is the maximum expected life length and r is the discount rate. When it comes to discounting that is very crucial in SCBA there is in principle no theory to guide for the choice of the discounting rate to be used.31 In the Swedish SCBA related to acidification a 4% rate has been used such as in many SCBA at the EU level. In both the cost case and the benefit case it is sometimes difficult to find values. One way to solve the problem is to calculate them. However, this solution may be very costly. If there are not enough resources, published values may be adapted to the problem being studied. The method is called benefit transfer and it is well known and used in many studies. In the case of acidification and biodiversity the benefit transfer method has been used. In the Nordic countries and especially Sweden many studies have been conducted in order to 31 The real rate of interest is the appropriate discount rate for benefit cost analysis. Market interest rates should be used for discounting because they reflect the rate at which those in the economy are willing to trade present for future consumption. Market rates reflect social preferences. Nominal market interest rates are equal to the sum of the real rate of interest (i.e., the rate of return on capital) and inflationary expectations. Most variations in nominal rates are due to changes in inflationary expectations since the rate of return on capital (e.g., factories, equipment) is fairly stable over time. The real rate of interest is equal to the market interest rate minus inflationary expectations. http://www.env-econ.net/2005/08/discount_rates_.html 71/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 estimate the benefits derived from conservation and/or recovery of aquatic biodiversity which can be achieved through reduction of acidification in the ecosystems. Table 15 is a review of some studies conducted in order to estimate the Swedish willingness to pay related to biodiversity. Common to these studies is the use of CVM to estimate the total value or the marginal values of benefits. In Toivonen et al. (2000) where the CVM was conducted in all Nordic countries, the WTP to preserve fish stock in Sweden is estimated to 408 SEK (1999 prices). In both Laitila et al. (2002) and Paulrud et al. (2003) CVM studies emphasized the marginal WTP to increase fish stock in Swedish lakes. For doubling the number of fish in Swedish lakes the estimate values by Paulrud et al (2003) range between SEK 24 and SEK 160. Table 15: Valuation studies Reference Toivonen et al (2000) Laitila et al (2002) Paulrud et al (2003) Value 408 SEK to preserve fish stock 46.61 for an extra fish caught (24-160) SEK for doubling the # of fish Method CVM CVM CVM For the estimation of benefits derived to bring down acidification and to double the number of fish in Swedish lakes SEK 92 has been used (in the SCBA-acidification) being the average value based on Paulrud et al (2003). On the other hand there are extreme cases where it is not possible to even make a benefit transfer depending on the fact that no valuation studies have been conducted. The reasons for the low number of studies may be several such as the general public low awareness of the effects of some pollutants on health and especially on the environment. Depending on the scarcity of these studies, alternative methods may be used to estimate proxies for the damage cost. There are especially two methods that may be used: The first method is called the standard price method (Vermoote and De Nocker (2003) and the second one is called the Ecotax method (Johansson (1999) and Finnveden et al (2006). The standard price approach estimates the revealed preferences of policy makers. It calculates the benefits of emission reduction – as perceived by policy makers - based on the abatement costs to reach a well-defined emission reduction target (Vermoote and De Nocker (2003). These costs are a proxy for the benefits that policy makers attribute to these reductions, as we assume that policy makers act as rational decision makers who carefully balance (their perception of) abatement costs of emission reductions with (their perception of) the benefits of these emissions. However, as the standard price approach is based on the current preferences of policy makers it cannot be used for cost-benefit analysis or policy advices. The ecotax method also called the valuation weighting method is a monetarisation method based on a tax system. This method has its origin in Life Cycle Analysis where in order to create a valuation method different existing environmental taxes and fees are connected to the appropriate impact category. The method relies on two basic assumptions. The first is that the members of parliament represent the will of the people, 72/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 and the second is that the environmental tax system represents the priorities of the parliament. Furthermore, there are other effects related to the implementation of measures (and compliance with policy instruments) that are relevant to a SCBA. These effects may take the form of product price increase as well as the effect on employment. The product price increase due to the implementation of some measures are to be found in all sectors i.e. energy, transport, industry and agriculture. Compliance of these sectors with the policy instruments e.g. taxes is not cost free and some of these costs may be passed on to consumers. Unfortunately, depending both on lack of data and on limited resources to analyze this issue, these cost are often not captured in SCBA analysis. When it comes to employment for instance, changes may be based on policies, projects or programmes and should be included into a SCBA. Since the effect measures would have some impacts on cost and thereby on prices, it is probable that it will imply some effect on employment. In order to analyze these hypotheses a general equilibrium model should be used. A general equilibrium model (also called CGE (Computed General Equilibrium) model) gives an understanding of the whole economy, a whole market system where the prices and production of all goods, including the prices of money and interest are related. Step 8: Some effects may occur during a length of time. Discounting rules should be applied to calculate the NPV (net present value; it may be useful to use more than one discounting rate) Once all relevant cost and benefit flows that can be expressed in monetary amounts have been defined, it is necessary to convert them all into present value (PV) terms. This necessity arises out of the time value of money, or time preference. The question arises how the time effect can be taken into account, and how future cost and benefit flows made comparable regardless of when they occur. The answer is that all cost and benefit flows are discounted using a discount rate. For example, discounting (of natural assets) is a process of determining the present value (net worth) of assets by applying a discount rate to the expected net benefits from future uses of those assets (OECD (2007)). Hence the PV of a cost or benefit (x) received in time t using the discount rate r is calculated as follows: PV ( xt ) xt (1 r ) t Table 16 and Table 17 show the PV of costs and benefits related to the Swedish scenario for the abatement of SO2, NOx and NH3. In Table 16 the present value of the costs (including abatement costs in EU25) is estimated at 172.8 million (€2000 i.e. the value of money of this sum in 2000) and the costs of abating NOx related to stationary sources is the highest. Table 16: Present value (PV) of Costs for the Source Contributors (million € 2000). SO2 abatement NOx- abatement, stationary sources NH3 abatement Total PV 49.9 118.4 4.4 172.8 73/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 In the same way as for abatement costs, benefits should be discounted to the present value. In Table 17 this is performed for the effects considered in the SCBA-acidification and the Table shows that the benefits for the abatement scenario are dominated by health effects. Table 17: Present value (PV) of benefits for the Swedish SC scenario (million €2000). Biodiversity – fish occurrence concerning 14% of the Swedish population Biodiversity – fish occurrence concerning 55% of the Swedish population Reduced base cation depletion Health benefits Corrosion PV 19.02 74.71 14.86 121.01 32.01 Note: In the case of biodiversity the benefits are a result of aggregation over both 14 and 55 percent of the Swedish population. The 14% fraction represents the part of the population that is active when it comes to fishing according to the Swedish National Board of Fisheries. In the case of 55 percent, this is the potential fishing population of the whole country. Step 9: Select and decide (with the relevant stakeholders) what the most appropriate actions are to be taken. Compile a SCBA balance sheet with costs on one side and benefits on the other. The main purpose of the CBA is to assist the selection of policies that are efficient in terms of their use of resources. The criterion applied is the Net Present Value (NPV) test. This simply asks whether the sum of discounted gains exceeds the sum of discounted costs. If so the project can be said to be efficient given the data used in the SCBA. In other words, the NPV of a project is: NPV Bt (1 r )t Ct (1 r )t where B is benefit, C is cost and r is the discount rate assumed to be 4% and t is the time span until 2020. The difference between the PV of benefits and the one for costs i.e. the NPV is estimated at approximately 70 million €. However, this NPV test is about the relative efficiency of the project, given the data input to the calculations. If the input data changes (see next paragraph), the results of the NPV changes as well. Furthermore, except the NPV test a sensitivity analysis is also recommended. The main reason for conducting a sensitivity analysis is to check whether or not the results change and what is the magnitude of that change when the values of some key parameters have changed. These key parameters may be the discount rate and the chosen scenario as shown in Table 18. Of course the value of other key parameters may also change. These parameters may be physical quantities and qualities of input as well as outputs and the time span. 74/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Table 18: Net present value (NPV) test when varying the discount rate Discount Rate % NPV of SC scenario (million €) 0% 262 2% 139.3 4% 69.8 6% 29.2 8% 4.9 10 % -10.1 As shown in Table 18, varying the discount rate leads to different magnitudes of NPV. These NPV range from around 262 million € where the discount rate is assumed to be zero (percent) and around minus 10 million € when the discount rate is 10%. Step 10: Decide on extra research questions that have to be answered, a monitoring system and a possible re evaluation later on. The reader may have noticed the strong resemblance with the basic structure of the DSS. Once it comes to the selection of alternative (clusters of) measures that may be taken to improve the water quality by lowering concentrations of priority substances step 2.6 explicitly deals with the specific methodology to be used In contrast with REACH the guidelines of the EC do not imply (yet?) that a Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) has to be carried out in the implementation of the WFD. It may very well be possible that the problem – and solution framing is very straightforward and no SCBA may be needed. For example if there are no other effects of the measures than the costs of compliance and the reduction in concentrations. In this case more simple selection methods can be applied and the work that has to be done in steps 5 and 6 may then be relatively simple. In other words: only from step 5 on it will be decided whether or not to conduct a SCBA. However, steps 1 through 4 always have to be taken, regardless of the of the selection methods that may follow from the analysis in step5. The work that has to be done in step 1 through 4 is not carried out in vain and is consistent with the guidelines of the WFD. As the priority substances have to be dealt with in relation with the WFD, they will be part of the River Basin Management Plans that have to be compiled. This implies that the PSs should not be dealt with in isolation but in relation with the RBMPs and that a lot of information that is needed to make decisions about the PSs will have to be gathered any way. 75/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 5 References 5.1 Literature Bodek, I.B., Lyman, W.J., Reehl, W.F., Rosenblatt, D.H. (1988): Environmental inorganic chemistry: properties, processes, and estimation methods. SETAC Spec.Publ.Ser. New York, NY: Pergamon press. According to EPA 2007. Breivik, K., Wania, F. 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Chemosphere 41 1377-1388. 5.2 Other sources WFD-CIS Guidance Documents http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/wfd/library?l=/framework_directive/guidance_docu ments/ Substance source screening sheets http://forum.europa.eu.int/Public/irc/env/wfd/library?l=/framework_directive/ipriority_substances/supporting_background/substance_screening&vm=detailed&sb=Title Substance measures sheets 80/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 http://forum.europa.eu.int/Public/irc/env/wfd/library?l=/framework_directive/ipriority_substances/supporting_background/substance_measures&vm=detailed&sb=Title Substance EQS data sheets http://forum.europa.eu.int/Public/irc/env/wfd/library?l=/framework_directive/ipriority_substances/supporting_background/substance_sheets&vm=detailed&sb=Title Danube Basin Analysis (WFD Roof Report 2004) The Danube River Basin District. River basin characteristics, impact of human activities and economic analysis required under Article 5, Annex II and Annex III, and inventory of protected areas required under Article 6, Annex IV of the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). http://www.icpdr.org Meuse Roof Report (2005) Characteristics, Review of the Environmental Impact of Human Activity, Economic Analysis of Water Use. Roof report on the international coordination pursuant to Article 3 (4) of the analysis required by Article 5 of Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (Water Framework Directive). Liège, 23 March 2005 http://www.cipm-icbm.be Additional sources of information for the inventory of sources may be: Information on emissions to the air, releases to the aquatic systems, and discharges to land as available from national authorities, international organizations and programs, and national and international emission data collection sources, such as EPER for emission data: www.eper.cec.eu.int, or; SOCOPSE WP2 estimates on the basis on data on emission factors, release rates, and discharge rates for PSs emitted to the atmosphere, water and land available from the WP2 database and statistical information from national and international (e.g. EUROSTAT) statistical yearbooks; EU wide inventory database is available on the SOCOPSE website: www.socopse.eu; Overviews of the main sources per PS which can be found in Annexes, 6.8; Mass Flow Analysis schemes per PS at European level can be found in Annexes, 6.9; IPPC BREFs; Emission database for the UN ECE LRTAP Convention (www.emep.int); Data from industrial research organizations, NGOs, and trade associations; Reports from various EU projects, including ESPREME, MERCYMS, EUROCAT, and ELOISE’; Reports available from member states, e.g. Royal Haskoning report; Reports / investigations carried out by Environmental Protection Agencies in the different Member States; Eurostat; Reports from projects carried out for DG Environment; 81/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Reports from projects carried out in the United States on the subject of Constructing Comprehensive Natural and Anthropogenic Cycles for Metal Resources, e.g. the Yale University STAF project data. 82/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 6 Annexes 6.1 Role of priority substances in the Water Framework Directive 6.1.1 General The Water Framework Directive (WFD), officially titled as ‘Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 October 2000, establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy’, aims to protects and enhances the status of aquatic ecosystems and, with regard to their water needs, terrestrial ecosystems and wetlands directly depending on the aquatic ecosystems. The WFD involves all waters, but on certain points specific attention is given to ground waters. In different articles all relevant issues are described: objectives, the river basin approach, analyses and monitoring of the status of the system, combined approach of point sources and diffuse sources, program of measures, economic aspects, river basin management plans, reporting, strategies against water pollution, regulations and execution. Also the relation with earlier legislation is mentioned. The WFD of course involves all water quality aspects but in a number of articles specific attention is given to the priority substances. Mostly this is only limited and within the broader framework of the subject discussed, but in a few parts, like article 16 the focus is more at the PS. These specific issues most are dealing with the definition of the priority (hazardous) substances and the measures to be taken. These aspects are further elaborated in a proposal of the Commission (COM(2006) 397 and discussed and amended in the Parliament. Besides different background documents, under several about the methodology for EQS and pollution control measures are available. A number of relevant aspects, where PS are mentioned within the broader framework, are discussed below, the more PS specific parts will be discussed in the next paragraphs. In Article 1 in relation to protection and improvement of the aquatic environment specific measure are demanded for the progressive reduction of discharges, emissions and losses of priority substances and the cessation or phasing-out of discharges, emissions and losses of the priority hazardous substances. In Article 2, definitions, in general the polluting substances are mentioned, referring to annex VIII of the WFD, an indicative list of relevant pollutants. For the priority substances, the Commission should make a proposal, corresponding to the earlier mentioned Article 16 and annex X. The environmental objectives are described in Article 4, requiring programmes of measures to prevent deterioration of the status; achieving good surface water status, both chemical and ecological; 83/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 reduce pollution from priority substances and ceasing and phasing out emissions of priority hazardous substances. The coordination has to be carried out at a river basin level (Article 3), just like the analyses of the system (5), including the identification of pressures and the assessment of impact and the way of monitoring of the system (8), both status and trends. The combined approach for point and diffuse sources (Article 10) is also of relevance for PS, applying the best available techniques and practice and if necessary more stringent emission controls will be set. The general basic and supplementary measures mentioned in article 11 can also be taken for PS. In the river basin management plans (Article 13) that have to be made specific attention is asked for measure programs for the PS, referring to Article 16, that will be discussed later. Finally in Article 22 a number of Directive are mentioned that will be repealed, 7 or 13 years after the date of entry into force of the Directive The text of the Directive 2000/60/EC and all other related legislation can be found at www.eur-lex.europa.eu. Important to mention are also the different background documents, dealing with different subjects in relation to PS: 1. The methodology to establish EQS and substance specific datasheets. 2. A concept paper on pollution controls, including source screening sheets and tables of existing Community measures for each substance32. 3. A report of the Expert Group on Analysis and Monitoring. 4. A report on the Identification of Priority Hazardous Substances. 5. A study report on potential economic impacts of the pollution control measures. 6. A study report on environmental quality standards - their compliance rate and the benefits from achieving them. Planning of WFD According to the WFD planning (Figure 18) draft river basins management plans must be completed in 2008 and the final river basin management plan should be ready in 2009. The actual application of this DSS is foreseen for the time period after 2009: the first steps of river basin planning are already finished. 32 Of specific importance for source screening (WP 2) and measures (WP4) 84/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Achieve Objectives Update RBMP Implement Programme of Measures Characterisation 2004 2015 Plan of Action 2012 2006 Public Participation Monitoring Programma Significant Water Issues Environmental Objectives Programme of Measures 2008 2009 Draft RBMP Final RBMP Figure 18: River basin planning process (adapted form CSI WFD (2003), Best practices in river basin management planning, guidance in the planning process, www.sepa.org.uk/wfd) 6.1.2 Definition Priority Substances (PS) and the European quality standards (EQS) Article 16 In Article 16 of Directive 2000/60/EC most attention is paid to PS, both in relation to the definition of the PS and the Quality standards and also giving a direction to measures. In this article is stated that the Commission shall submit a proposal setting out a list of priority substances selected amongst those which present a significant risk to or via the aquatic environment. Substances shall be prioritized for action on the basis of risk to or via the aquatic environment, identified by: 1. Risk assessment carried out under Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93(22), Directive 91/414/EEG and 98/8/EG, or 2. Targeted risk-based assessment (following the methodology of Regulation (EEC) No 793/93) focusing solely on aquatic ecotoxicity and on human toxicity via the aquatic environment. Also the priority hazardous substances have to be identified. If necessary, in order to meet the timetable, prioritizing substances will be carried out by simplified risk-based assessment procedures, using existing information about intrinsic hazards, evidence from monitoring or other proven factors. The Commission shall review the adopted list every 4 years. The Commission shall also submit proposals for quality standards applicable to the concentrations of the priority substances in surface water, sediments or biota. If there is no agreement at Community level within 6 years about these quality standards, the member states shall establish standards for these substances for all affected surface waters. 85/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 In preparing its proposals, the Commission shall also review all the Directives listed in Annex IX of the WFD, inter alia for Mercury, Cadmium and HCH-discharges. Follow-up A first list of 33 priority substances is established in November 2001 (decision 2455/2001/EC), of which 11 as possible hazardous and 14 subject to review. This list is based at the COMMPS-procedure (Combined Monitoring-based and Modelling based Priority Setting) replaces the earlier list published in 1982. In the next period the Commission consulted a lot of experts and stakeholders, resulting in a proposal on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy and amending Directive 200/60/EC also further classification of the 14 substances in review, mentioned in decision 2455/2001/EC. The list of standards and definition of the (hazardous) substances is given in 6.3. This proposal (2006)0397 is approved by the European Parliament with a number of amendments in May 2007. Most important points of the proposal and the amendments in relation to the defining of the priority substances and submission of quality standards are given below. Of the by the Commission proposed list of priority substances, 11 substances were additionally identified as hazardous. The 8 substances of the list in part B of other polluting substances were also identified as hazardous priority substances. The part B as such is removed. Finally a list of 28 substances are added to the priority substances list (see annex 2), most of them are subject to a review for identification as a possible hazardous substance. Natural background concentrations for metals shall be added to the EQS value. At the determination of the natural background concentrations for metals the soil and natural washing out in river basins will be taken into account. No later than 31 January 2008 Dioxins and PCB’s will be added to the list of PS, including EQS for these substances Consequently, the provisions concerning current environmental quality objectives, laid down in Council Directive 82/176/EEC of 22 March 1982 on limit values and quality objectives for mercury discharges by the chlor-alkali electrolysis industry, Council Directive 83/513/EEC of 26 September 1983 on limit values and quality objectives for cadmium discharges,, Council Directive 84/156/EEC of 8 March 1984 on limit values and quality objectives for mercury discharges by sectors other than the chlor-alkali electrolysis industry33, Council Directive 84/491/EEC of 9 October 1984 on limit values and quality objectives for discharges of hexachlorocyclohexane 1 and Directive 86/280/EEC, will become superfluous and should be deleted. In the absence of extensive and reliable information on concentrations of priority substances in biota and sediments at a Community level and in view of the fact that information on surface water seems to provide a sufficient basis to ensure comprehensive protection and effective pollution control, establishment of EQS values should be, at this stage, limited to surface water only. However, as regards hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorobutadien and mercury, it is not possible to ensure protection against indirect effects and secondary poisoning by mere EQS for surface water on Community level. Therefore in those cases, EQS for biota should be set up. In order to allow Member States flexibility depending on their monitoring strategy they should be able either to monitor 33 All these Directives are amended by Directive 91/692/EEC. 86/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 those EQS and check compliance with them in biota, or convert them into EQS for surface water. Furthermore, it is for Member States to set up EQS for sediment or biota where it is necessary and appropriate to complement the EQS set up on Community level. Moreover, as sediment and biota remain important matrices for monitoring of certain substances by Member States in order to assess long term impacts of anthropogenic activity and trends the Member States should ensure that existing levels of contamination in biota and sediments will not increase. On the basis of the information collected in accordance with Articles 5 and 8 of Directive 2000/60/EC or other available data, and under Regulation (EC) No 166/2006, Member States shall establish an inventory, including maps where applicable , of emissions, discharges and losses and of their sources, of all the original sources of priority substances (both point and diffuse sources of pollution) and pollutants listed in Annexes, 6.3 or in Parts A and B of 6.4 for each river basin or its part within their territory, including their concentrations in sediment and biota. Priority substances and pollutants released from sediments as the result of shipping, dredging or natural phenomena shall not be regarded as losses. The commission shall, no later than 12 months after the submission of the inventories of the Member states make a proposal concerning quality standards applicable to the concentrations of the priority substances in sediments and biota. The directive allows Member states to make use of mixing zones for regions in the vicinity of discharges from point sources The reference period for the measurement of pollutant values is one year between 2007 and 2009; for PS covered by Directive 91/414/EEC the average of 2007, 2008 and 2009 can be applied. 6.1.3 Measures in WFD In article 1 of the WFD, concerning the purpose, specific attention is paid to priority substances, mentioning ‘specific measures for the progressive reduction of discharges, emissions and losses of priority substances and the cessation or phasing-out of discharges, emissions and losses of the priority hazardous substances’. In article 16 this is further elaborated: The Commission shall submit proposals of control for: the progressive reduction of discharges, emissions and losses of the substances concerned, and, in particular the cessation or phasing-out of discharges, emissions and losses of the hazardous substances, including an appropriate timetable for doing so. The timetable shall not exceed 20 years after the adoption of these proposals by the European Parliament and the Council in accordance with the provisions of this Article In doing so it shall identify the appropriate cost-effective and proportionate level and combination of product and process controls for both point and diffuse sources and take account of Community-wide uniform emission limit values for process controls. Where appropriate, action at Community level for process controls may be established on a sector-by-sector basis. If there is no agreement on Community level within 6 years Member states will do proposals their selves. 87/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 For substances subsequently included in the list of priority substances, in the absence of agreement at Community level, Member States shall take such action five years after the date of inclusion in the list. In the proposal of the Commission and the amendments of the Parliament this is further elaborated. Basis is the source approach in the economically and environmentally most effective way, using the precaution principle. The best available production and waste water treatment techniques should be applied. 1. To achieve the objectives of Article 1, Member States shall establish integrated plans for emission control and phase-out measures for priority and priority hazardous substances in the framework of the programme of measures provided for in Article 11 of Directive 2000/60/EC. The plans shall contain at least: a) the results of the investigations according to Article 4 of this Directive; b) objectives for substances including for volumes and mass balances c) sectoral strategies concerning the main pollution sources (particularly for industry, agriculture, forestry, households, health systems, transport); Specific for lead the fishing sector is asked to look for less hazardous alternatives. d) measures for reduction of diffuse pollution due to losses of substances of products e) measures for substitution of priority hazardous substances; f) instruments, including economic measures, in accordance with Article 9 of Directive 2000/60/EC g) emission standards additional to existing Community legislation; h) measures for information, advice and training. 2. The plans should be drafted according to transparent criteria and revised in the framework of the revision of the programmes of measures. The Member States shall report to the Commission and the public every three years on the progress of the implementation and on how the measures have contributed to achieve the objectives of this Directive 6.1.4 Other Legislation linked to the WFD and PS In relation to Repeals and transitional provisions, Article 22, a number of the directives are related to PS, like 80/68/EEG, that will be repealed in 2013. The list of priority substances adopted under Article 16 of Directive 2000/60/EC shall replace the list of substances mentioned in Directive 76/464/EEG and prioritized in the Commission communication to the Council of 22 June 1982; In the 6th Environmental Action Plan measures for priority substances are identified as key actions. In this plan also other Community Legislation is mentioned, like REACH, the Pesticides Directive, the IPPC Directive and the Thematic Strategies, namely those on marine policy and sustainable use of pesticides. In Directive 2006/11/EC additional to the list of substances in Directive 200/60/EC two lists of substances are given. List 1 are substances selected on the basis of their toxicity, persistence and bioaccumulation. List 2, contains substances which have a deleterious effect on the aquatic environment, which can however be confined to a given location. The priority (hazardous) substances are member of the families and groups of substances of List 1. 88/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 The Directive applies to surface water, territorial waters and internal coast waters. In Directive 2006,118/EC additional directives are given for the protection of ground water, focussing at criteria for assessing ground water chemical status and identification of significant and sustained upward trends. 6.2 Glossary 6.2.1 Abbreviations AA BAT BREF CEA CBA CoC CVM DSS EFM EQS GIS IPPC MAC MC MCA NGO NPV PAH PHS PS RAINS RBMP REACH SCBA SEA WFD WWTP Annual Average concentration (µg/l) Best Available Technology Technique BAT Reference Document Cost Effectiveness Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis Cost of Compliance: costs to meet the standards Contingent Valuation Method Decision Support System Environmental fate model Environmental Quality Standard Geographic Information System Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Maximum Allowable Concentration (µg/l) Marginal costs Multi Criteria Analysis Non-governmental Governmental Organisation Net Present Value Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon(s) Priority Hazardous Substance Priority Substance Regional Air Pollution INformation and Simulation River Basin Management Plan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of Chemical Substances) Societal Cost Benefit Analysis Socio – Economic Analysis` Water Framework Directive Waste Water Treatment Plant 6.2.2 Definitions from Article 2 of the Water Framework Directive Aquifer: subsurface layer or layers of rock or other geological strata of sufficient porosity and permeability to allow either a significant flow of groundwater or the abstraction of significant quantities of groundwater. Artificial water body: body of surface water created by human activity. 89/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Available groundwater resource: long-term annual average rate of overall recharge of the body of groundwater less the long-term annual rate of flow required to achieve the ecological quality objectives for associated surface waters specified under Article 4, to avoid any significant diminution in the ecological status of such waters and to avoid any significant damage to associated terrestrial ecosystems. Body of groundwater: a distinct volume of groundwater within an aquifer or aquifers. Body of surface water: discrete and significant element of surface water such as a lake, a reservoir, a stream, river or canal, part of a stream, river or canal, a transitional water or a stretch of coastal water. Coastal water: surface water on the landward side of a line, every point of which is at a distance of one nautical mile on the seaward side from the nearest point of the baseline from which the breadth of territorial waters is measured, extending where appropriate up to the outer limit of transitional waters. Combined approach: control of discharges and emissions into surface waters according to the approach set out in Article 10. Direct discharge to groundwater: discharge of pollutants into groundwater without percolation throughout the soil or subsoil. Ecological status: expression of the quality of the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems associated with surface waters, classified in accordance with Annex V. Emission controls: controls requiring a specific emission limitation, for instance an emission limit value, or otherwise specifying limits or conditions on the effects, nature or other characteristics of an emission or operating conditions which affect emissions. Use of the term emission control in this Directive in respect of the provisions of any other Directive shall not be held as reinterpreting those provisions in any respect. Emission limit values: mass, expressed in terms of certain specific parameters, concentration and/or level of an emission, which may not be exceeded during any one or more periods of time. Emission limit values may also be laid down for certain groups, families or categories of substances, in particular for those identified under Article 16. The emission limit values for substances shall normally apply at the point where the emissions leave the installation, dilution being disregarded when determining them. With regard to indirect releases into water, the effect of a waste-water treatment plant may be taken into account when determining the emission limit values of the installations involved, provided that an equivalent level is guaranteed for protection of the environment as a whole and provided that this does not lead to higher levels of pollution in the environment. Environmental objectives: the objectives set out in Article 4. Environmental quality standard: concentration of a particular pollutant or group of pollutants in water, sediment or biota which should not be exceeded in order to protect human health and the environment. 90/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Good ecological potential: the status of a heavily modified or an artificial body of water, so classified in accordance with the relevant provisions of Annex V. Good ecological status: the status of a body of surface water, so classified in accordance with Annex V. Good groundwater chemical status: the chemical status of a body of groundwater, which meets all the conditions set out in table 2.3.2 of Annex V. Good groundwater status: the status achieved by a groundwater body when both its quantitative status and its chemical status are at least good. Good quantitative status: the status defined in table 2.1.2 of Annex V. Good surface water chemical status: the chemical status required to meet the environmental objectives for surface waters established in Article 4(1)(a), that is the chemical status achieved by a body of surface water in which concentrations of pollutants do not exceed the environmental quality standards established in Annex IX and under Article 16(7), and under other relevant Community legislation setting environmental quality standards at Community level. Groundwater: all water which is below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil. Groundwater status: general expression of the status of a body of groundwater, determined by the poorer of its quantitative status and its chemical status. Hazardous substances: substances or groups of substances that are toxic, persistent and liable to bio-accumulate, and other substances or groups of substances which give rise to an equivalent level of concern. Heavily modified water body: body of surface water which as a result of physical alterations by human activity is substantially changed in character, as designated by the Member State in accordance wth the provisions of Annex II. Inland water: all standing or flowing water on the surface of the land, and all groundwater on the landward side of the baseline from which the breadth of territorial waters is measured. Lake: body of standing inland surface water. Pollutant: any substance liable to cause pollution, in particular those listed in Annex VIII. Pollution: the direct or indirect introduction, as a result of human activity, of substances or heat into the air, water or land which may be harmful to human health or the quality of aquatic ecosystems or terrestrial ecosystems directly depending on aquatic ecosystems, 91/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 which result in damage to material property, or which impair or interfere with amenities and other legitimate uses of the environment. Priority substances: substances identified in accordance with Article 16(2) and listed in Annex X. Among these substances there are priority hazardous substances which means substances identified in accordance with Article 16(3) and (6) for which measures have to be taken in accordance with Article 16(1) and (8). Quantitative status: expression of the degree to which a body of groundwater is affected by direct and indirect abstractions. River basin district: area of land and sea, made up of one or more neighbouring river basins together with their associated groundwaters and coastal waters, which is identified under Article 3(1) as the main unit for management of river basins. 16. Competent Authority means an authority or authorities identified under Article 3(2) or 3(3). River basin: area of land from which all surface run-off flows through a sequence of streams, rivers and, possibly, lakes into the sea at a single river mouth, estuary or delta. River: body of inland water flowing for the most part on the surface of the land but which may flow underground for part of its course. Sub-basin: area of land from which all surface run-off flows through a series of streams, rivers and, possibly, lakes to a particular point in a water course (normally a lake or a river confluence). Surface water: inland waters, except groundwater; transitional waters and coastal waters, except in respect of chemical status for which it shall also include territorial waters. Surface water status: general expression of the status of a body of surface water, determined by the poorer of its ecological status and its chemical status. Good surface water status means the status achieved by a surface water body when both its ecological status and its chemical status are at least good. Transitional waters: bodies of surface water in the vicinity of river mouths which are partly saline in character as a result of their proximity to coastal waters but which are substantially influenced by freshwater flows. Water intended for human consumption: the same meaning as under Directive 80/778/EEC, as amended by Directive 98/83/EC. Water services: all services which provide, for households, public institutions or any economic activity: (a) abstraction, impoundment, storage, treatment and distribution of surface water or groundwater, (b) waste-water collection and treatment facilities which subsequently discharge into surface water. 92/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 Water use: water services together with any other activity identified under Article 5 and Annex II having a significant impact on the status of water. This concept applies for the purposes of Article 1 and of the economic analysis carried out according to Article 5 and Annex III, point (b). 6.3 EU-List of priority substances in the field of water policy The Commission proposal (COM(2006)397 final) setting environmental quality standards for surface waters of 41 dangerous chemical substances includes the 33 priority substances and 8 other pollutants. Priority Substances 33 substances or group of substances are on the list of priority substances including selected existing chemicals, plant protection products, biocides, metals and other groups like Polycyclic aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) that are mainly incineration by-products and Polybrominated Diphenylethers (PBDE) that are used as flame retardants. The complete list is given below34. A list of substances subject to a review for identification as possible "priority hazardous substances" or as possible "priority substances" is given in 6.5. Table 19: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 34 EU-List of priority substances (*) CAS number EU number Name of priority substance 15972-60-8 120-12-7 1912-24-9 71-43-2 n.a. 7440-43-9 85535-84-8 470-90-6 2921-88-2 107-06-2 75-09-2 117-81-7 330-54-1 115-29-7 959-98-8 206-44-0 240-110-8 204-371-1 217-617-8 200-753-7 n.a. 231-152-8 287-476-5 207-432-0 220-864-4 203-458-1 200-838-9 204-211-0 206-354-4 204-079-4 n.a. 205-912-4 Alachlor Anthracene Atrazine Benzene Brominated diphenylethers (**) Cadmium and its compounds C10-13-chloroalkanes (**) Chlorfenvinphos Chlorpyrifos 1,2-Dichloroethane Dichloromethane Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Diuron Endosulfan (alpha-endosulfan) Fluoranthene (****) Identified as priority hazardous substance X X(***) X X X Source: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/water/water-framework/priority_substances.htm 93/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 CAS number EU number Name of priority substance 118-74-1 87-68-3 608-73-1 58-89-9 34123-59-6 7439-92-1 7439-97-6 91-20-3 7440-02-0 25154-52-3 104-40-5 1806-26-4 140-66-9 608-93-5 87-86-5 n.a. 50-32-8 205-99-2 191-24-2 207-08-9 193-39-5 122-34-9 688-73-3 36643-28-4 12002-48-1 120-82-1 67-66-3 1582-09-8 204-273-9 201-765-5 210-158-9 200-401-2 251-835-4 231-100-4 231-106-7 202-049-5 231-111-4 246-672-0 203-199-4 217-302-5 n.a. 210-172-5 201-778-6 n.a. 200-028-5 205-911-9 205-883-8 205-916-6 205-893-2 204-535-2 211-704-4 n.a. 234-413-4 204-428-0 200-663-8 216-428-8 Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-isomer, Lindane) Isoproturon Lead and its compounds Mercury and its compounds Naphthalene Nickel and its compounds Nonylphenols (4-(para)-nonylphenol) Octylphenols (para-tert-octylphenol) Pentachlorobenzene Pentachlorophenol Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Benzo(a)pyrene), (Benzo(b)fluoranthene), (Benzo(g,h,i)perylene), (Benzo(k)fluoranthene), (Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene) Simazine Tributyltin compounds (Tributyltin-cation) Trichlorobenzenes (1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene) Trichloromethane (Chloroform) Trifluralin Identified as priority hazardous substance X X X X X X X X * Where groups of substances have been selected, typical individual representatives are listed as indicative parameters (in brackets and without number). ** These groups of substances normally include a considerable number of individual compounds. At present, appropriate indicative parameters cannot be given. *** Only Pentabromobiphenylether (CAS number 32534-81-9) **** Fluoranthene is on the list as an indicator of other, more dangerous polycyclic aromatic Hydrocarbons 94/296 6.4 Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for priority substances and certain other pollutants PART A: Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for Priority Substances in surface water AA: annual average; MAC: maximum allowable concentration. Unit: [µg/l]. N° Name of substance CAS number 1 2 3 4 5 Alachlor Anthracene Atrazine Benzene Pentabromodiphenylether37 15972-60-8 120-12-7 1912-24-9 71-43-2 32534-81-9 6 Cadmium and its compounds 7440-43-9 (depending on water hardness classes38) 7 C10-13 Chloroalkanes 85535-84-8 AA-EQS35 Inland surface waters 0.3 0.1 0.6 10 0.0005 ≤ 0.08 (Class 1) 0.08 (Class 2) 0.09 (Class 3) 0.15 (Class 4) 0.25 (Class 5) 0.4 AA-EQS35 Other surface waters 0.3 0.1 0.6 8 0.0002 MAC- EQS 36 Inland surface waters 0.2 ≤ 0.45 (Class 1) 0.45 (Class 2) 0.6 (Class 3) 0.9 (Class 4) 1.5 (Class 5) 1.4 0.4 0.7 0.4 2.0 50 n. a.. MAC-EQS36 Other surface waters 0.7 0.4 2.0 50 n. a. 1.4 n.a.: not applicable 35 36 37 38 This parameter is the Environmental Quality Standard expressed as an annual average value (EQS-AA). This parameter is the Environmental Quality Standard expressed as a maximum allowable concentration (EQS-MAC). Where the MAC-EQS are marked as "not applicable", the AA-EQS values are also protective against short-term pollution peaks since they are significantly lower than the values derived on the basis of acute toxicity. For the group of priority substances covered by brominated diphenylethers (No. 5) listed in Decision 2455/2001/EC, an EQS is established only for pentabromodiphenylether. For Cadmium and its compounds (No. 6) the EQS values vary dependent upon the hardness of the water as specified in five class categories (Class 1: <40 mg CaCO3/l, Class 2: 40 to <50 mg CaCO3/l, Class 3: 50 to <100 mg CaCO3/l, Class 4: 100 to <200 mg CaCO3/l and Class 5: ≥200 mg CaCO3/l). DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 N° 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 39 Name of substance Chlorfenvinphos Chlorpyrifos 1,2-Dichloroethane Dichloromethane Di(2-ethylhexyl )phthalate (DEHP) Diuron Endosulfan Fluoranthene Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Hexachlorocyclohexane Isoproturon Lead and its compounds Mercury and its compounds Naphthalene Nickel and its compounds Nonylphenol Octylphenol Pentachlorobenzene Pentachlorophenol Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)39 Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 470-90-6 2921-88-2 107-06-2 75-09-2 117-81-7 0.1 0.03 10 20 1.3 AA-EQS35 Other surface waters 0.1 0.03 10 20 1.3 330-54-1 115-29-7 206-44-0 118-74-1 87-68-3 608-73-1 34123-59-6 7439-92-1 7439-97-6 91-20-3 7440-02-0 25154-52-3 1806-26-4 608-93-5 87-86-5 n. a. 0.2 0.005 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.02 0.3 7.2 0.05 2.4 20 0.3 0.1 0.007 0.4 n. a. 50-32-8 205-99-2 207-08-9 191-24-2 193-39-5 CAS number AA-EQS35 Inland surface waters MAC- EQS 36 Inland surface waters MAC-EQS36 Other surface waters 0.3 0.1 n. a. n. a. n. a. 0.3 0.1 n. a. n. a. n. a. 0.2 0.0005 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.002 0.3 7.2 0.05 1.2 20 0.3 0.01 0.0007 0.4 n. a. 1.8 0.01 1 0.05 0.6 0.04 1.0 n. a. 0.07 n. a. n. a. 2.0 n. a. n. a. 1 n. a. 1.8 0.004 1 0.05 0.6 0.02 1.0 n. a. 0.07 n. a. n. a. 2.0 n. a. 0.05 Σ=0.03 0.05 Σ=0.03 0.1 n. a. 0.1 n. a. Σ=0.002 Σ=0.002 n. a. n. a. 1 n. a. For the group of priority substances of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) (No. 28), each individual EQS shall be complied with, i.e., the EQS for Benzo(a)pyrene and the EQS for the sum of Benzo(b)fluoranthene and Benzo(k)fluoranthene and the EQS for the sum of Benzo(g,h,i)perylene and Indeno(1,2,3cd)pyrene must be met. 96/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 N° 29 30 31 32 33 Name of substance Simazine Tributyltin compounds Trichlorobenzenes (all isomers) Trichloromethane Trifluralin 122-34-9 688-73-3 12002-48-1 1 0.0002 0.4 AA-EQS35 Other surface waters 1 0.0002 0.4 67-66-3 1582-09-8 2.5 0.03 2.5 0.03 CAS number AA-EQS35 Inland surface waters MAC- EQS 36 Inland surface waters MAC-EQS36 Other surface waters 4 0.0015 n. a. 4 0.0015 n. a. n. a. n. a. n. a. n. a. 97/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 PART B: Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for other Pollutants AA: annual average; MAC: maximum allowable concentration. Unit: [µg/l]. (1) N° (2) Name of substance (1) DDT total40 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) para-para-DDT Aldrin Dieldrin Endrin Isodrin Carbontetrachloride Tetrachloroethylene Trichloroethylene (3) CAS number not applicable 50-29-3 309-00-2 60-57-1 72-20-8 465-73-6 56-23-5 127-18-4 79-01-6 (4) AA-EQS35 Inland surface waters (5) AA-EQS35 (7) MAC-EQS36 Other surface waters 0.025 (6) MACEQS36 Inland surface waters not applicable 0.025 0.01 Σ=0.010 0.01 Σ=0.005 not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable 12 10 10 12 10 10 not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable Other surface waters not applicable PART C: Compliance with Environmental Quality Standards 1. Column 4 and 5: For any given surface water body, compliance with EQS-AA requires that for each representative monitoring point within the water body, the arithmetic mean of the concentrations measured at different times during the year is below the standard. 2. Column 6 and 7: For any given surface water body compliance with EQS-MAC means that the measured concentration at any representative monitoring point within the water body must not exceed the standard. 40 DDT total comprises the sum of the isomers 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2 bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethane (CAS number 50-29-3); 1,1,1-trichloro-2 (o-chlorophenyl)-2-(pchlorophenyl) ethane (CAS number 789-02-6); 1,1-dichloro-2,2 bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethylene (CAS number 72-55-9); and 1,1-dichloro-2,2 bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethane (CAS number 72-54-8). 98/296 DRAFT 0.8 – applicable for use in the cases 16 May 2008 3. With the exception of cadmium, lead, mercury and nickel (hereinafter “metals”) the Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) set up in this Annex are expressed as total concentrations in the whole water sample. In the case of metals the EQS refers to the dissolved concentration, i.e. the dissolved phase of a water sample obtained by filtration through a 0.45 µm filter or any equivalent pre-treatment. If natural background concentrations for metals are higher than the EQS value or if hardness, pH or other water quality parameters affect the bioavailability of metals, Member States may take this into account when assessing the monitoring results against the EQS. If they choose to do so, the use of calculation methods set up pursuant to Article 2(5) is compulsory. 99/296 6.5 List of substances subject to a review for identification as possible "priority hazardous substances" or as possible "priority substances" (Amendment 65) No CAS number EU number Name of priority substance (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) 131-49-7 1066-51-9 25057-89-0 80-05-7 92-88-6 298-46-4 23593-75-1 84-74-2 15307-86-5 115-32-2 67-43-6 60-00-4 637-92-3 57-12-5 1071-83-6 1222-05-5 60166-93-0 7085-19-0 36861-47-9 205-024-7 -246-585-8 (20) (21) (22) (23) 81-14-1 81-15-2 1634-04-4 81-04-9 201-328-9 201-329-4 16-653-1 201-317-9 (24) (25) 5466-77-3 1763-23-1 226-775-7 217-179-8 Amidotrizoate AMPA Bentazon Bisphenol A 4 4'-Biphenol Carbamazepine Clotrimazole dibutylphthalat (DBP) Diclofenac Dicofol DTPA EDTA ETBE Free Cyanide Glyphosate HHCB Iopamidol Mecoprop (MCPP) 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor Musk ketone Musk xylene MTBE Naphthalene-1,5disulfonate Octyl-Methoxycinnamate Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) 2795-39-3 220-527-1 202-200-5 06-062-7 245-764-8 201-557-4 204-082-0 200-652-8 200-449-4 211-309-7 213-997-4 214-946-9 262-093-6 230-386-8 253-242-6 29081-56-9 249-415-0 Perfluorooctane sulphonic acid (PFOS) 29457-72-5 249-644-6 Potassium salt 70225-39-5 - Ammonium salt 335-67-1 206-397-9 Lithium salt 3825-26-1 223-320-4 Diethanolamine (DEA) salt Priority Hazardous substances (******) X(*****) X(*****) X(*****) X(*****) (******) X(*****) X(*****) (******) X(*****) X(*****) X(*****) X(*****) (******) X(*****) X(*****) (******) X(*****) X(*****) X(*****) X(*****) X(*****) X(*****) X(*****) DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases No CAS number EU number Name of priority substance Priority Hazardous substances Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) (26) 124495-18-7 -- (27) 79-94-7 201-236-9 (28) 21145-77-7 244-240-6 Ammonium perfluorooctanoate (APFO) Quinoxyfen (5,7-dichloro- X(*****) 4-(pfluorophenoxy)quinoline) Tetrabromobisphenol A X(*****) (TBBP-A) Tonalid (AHTN) X(*****) (*****) This priority substance is subject to a review for identification as a possible "priority hazardous substance". The Commission will make a proposal to the Parliament and the Council for its final classification by 12 months after the entry into force of this Directive, without prejudice to the timetable laid down in Article 16 of Directive 2000/60/EC for the Commission's proposals for controls. (******) This substance is subject to identification as a possible "priority substance". The Commission will make a proposal to the Parliament and the Council for its final classification by 12 months after the entry into force of this, without prejudice to the timetable laid down in Article 16 of Directive 2000/60/EC for the Commission's proposals for controls. 6.6 Phased-out PSs Table 20: Substances for which pesticide/agricultural use has been banned (From: EC (2005)) Pesticide (2) Anthracene Instrument with which the use has been banned Use of anthracene oil in agriculture banned by 2004 under regulation 2076/2002 of Directive 91/414 – some exceptions until 2007. (8) Chlorfenvinphos Use banned by 2004 under regulation 2076/2002 of Directive 91/414. Some exceptions for DK, D, Ire, Fr, NL and ES until 2007. (11) Dichloromethane Use already banned under Directive 79/117/EEC prohibiting the placing on the market and use of plant protection products containing certain active substances. (16) Hexachlorobenzene Use already banned under Directive 79/117/EEC prohibiting the placing on the market and use of plant protection products containing certain active substances. (18) HexachlorocycloUse banned by June 2002 under Commission Decision hexane (including lindane) 2000/801/EC under Directive 91/414. (21) Mercury Use already banned under Directive 79/117/EEC prohibiting the placing on the market and use of plant protection 101/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Pesticide (24) Nonylphenols (26) Pentachlorobenzene (30) Tributyltin Instrument with which the use has been banned products containing certain active substances including mercury oxide, mercurous chloride, other inorganic mercury compounds, alky mercury and alkoxylalkyl and aryl mercury compounds. Use as ingredient of plant protection products banned by 2004 by regulation 2076/2002 under Directive 91/414. Directive 76/769 > Directive 2003/53/EC (annex I, issue 46): nonyl and nonylphenol ethoxylates may not be placed on the market or used as a substance or constituent of preparations in concentrations equal or higher than 0.1% by mass for the purpose of co-formulation in pesticides and biocides and emulsifier in agricultural teat dips. Pentachlorobenzene could be present as an impurity in quintozene (as it is used as an intermediate in the production of quintozene) and as an impurity in hexachlorobenzene. However, both the use of quintozene as a pesticide (Directive 2000/816/EC under Directive 91/414, not allowed on the market since June 2002) and the use of hexachlorobenzene (Directive 79/117/EEC) have been banned Use banned by 2004 by regulation 2076/2002 under Directive 91/414 102/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases 6.7 Environmental fate models Environmental fate models are by no means compulsory for managing priority substances. Efficient source control can be done without them, i.e. by reducing emissions gradually and monitoring the environment to track changes. However we propose the use of environmental fate models for two reasons: 1. because the quantitative models can improve our understanding of the managed system, and 2. because the models can be used to predict long term impacts of planned actions. Since the residence times of some of the priority substances are very long (e.g. 50 years for mercury in water column, Macleod et al. 2005), monitoring alone can be too slow to detect if the taken measures are enough to reach the good ecological status. The use of environmental fate models in decision making is not a new concept. It is routinely used in the framework of environmental risk assessment. Emissions are translated into concentrations in environmental media and organism tissue, and finally to risks using (modelled) toxicity estimates. Since our focus in strictly in emission reduction, the above mentioned framework can be simplified by ignoring the models associated with exposure and ecotoxicological effects (Figure 19). Environmental fate models Loadings to media Distribution in media Bioaccumulation models Exposure to chemical mg/kg/d Distribution in tissues Risk Distribution in diet Figure 19: The generic modelling framework of risk assessment applied to SOCOPSE (redrawn from US EPA 2007). The dotted stages have been taken into account in the definition of the environmental quality standards (EQS). In our suggested approach, environmental fate models are used to find the site-specific relation between emissions and concentrations. Bioaccumulation models are applied only when the EQS is defined as a biotic concentration. In our proposed methodology, environmental fate models are used to determine the autonomous development of the water body if no management actions are taken (Step 3) and to simulate the environmental effect of the selected measures in the long term (Step 5). The obvious goal of the management operations is to reduce the environmental concentrations below the given EQS in a reasonable time. The role of the environmental fate models is to give guidance on whether the measures are enough to have the desired action. The output of environmental fate models can be expressed as time series of predicted concentrations (Figure 20). The costs and benefits of different management options (including autonomous development) can then be weighed for decision making. 103/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Percentage of initial concentration 100 Autonomous 50 EQS Managed 0 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 Year Figure 20: Model output for decision making: simulated time trends with managed option and with autonomous development. This example depicts contaminated site recovery and the time required to reach the EQS is set as the benefit of management. Dotted lines depict simulation uncertainties. There are regional differences in the fate of chemicals due to differences in the environmental properties (volatilization, temperature, sedimentation, etc.). The differences between regions are usually smaller than those between chemicals but nevertheless no generalizations about the chemical fate in local environments can be made (Webster et al., 2004). This means that management options should not be copied from other geographical locations, but that making intelligent management decisions requires a thorough understanding of the chemical fate in the given system. In many cases, this understanding can be expressed quantitatively as a model and several models are readily available for application. In the following chapters we give a broad description of the principles of environmental fate modelling, outline some of the special issues encountered when applying these models (metal chemistry and uncertainty) and finally give our recommendation on applying these models to specific water bodies and chemical groups. 6.7.1 Principles of environmental fate modelling The principles behind fate modelling are fairly straightforward, and have been excellently described by Mackay (2001). This section will present a brief summary of some of the most basic principles and assumptions made, in order to clarify how these models apply as instruments in the management of priority substances. For further details, the reader is referred to the “blue book” (Mackay, 2001). 104/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Description of the environment The first basic assumption made when constructing an environmental fate model is that the world is a box, i.e. that the target ecosystem can be described as a set of individual boxes, or compartments, each representing a separate environmental matrix, e.g. water, air, biota etc. Each box is assumed to be well-mixed and unchanging with time, and they are parameterised according to the user’s knowledge with parameters such as total volumes, particle and organic carbon content and water content. For example, a lake would be regarded according to Figure 21. Figure 21: An example of a simple conceptual box model of a lake. If desired, more compartments can be added, e.g. if you wish to explore the uptake of a certain chemical through the food-chain, several biotic components may be added such as different fish species, plankton and maybe seabirds. If you are about to dredge, you may want to include several sediment layers in order to find the desired dredging depth etc. If you want to address the above-lying air compartment you can add a box representing that compartment and so on. However, each added compartment increases the model complexity, and the complexity in the mathematical expressions needed to calculate concentrations. It also increases the number of parameters needed, which in many cases are uncertain and thus will introduce additional uncertainty in the model. Therefore, increased complexity may not always lead to more reliable results, but may well introduce more uncertainty and interpretation difficulty. As William of Occam expressed it, as cited in Mackay (2001): Essentia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem – “What can be done with fewer is done in vain with more” or in our case: “Don’t make models more complex than necessary”. Mass balance equations Fundamental in all environmental fate models, is Lavoisier’s law of conservation of mass, which forms the basis for the mass balance equations used in the models. Despite the existence of nuclear decay processes, they are so rare, and are generally not relevant for 105/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases the chemicals treated in environmental modelling and the law is treated as axiomatic. Once the environment has been defined and parameterised, it is possible to write down mass balance equations describing the movement processes of a chemical. Treating your model as a steady-state, equilibrated, closed system, and neglecting transformation processes such as degradation gives the following basic equation: Total amount of chemical = sum of amounts in each compartment (mol) Thus, if you release 10 mol of chemical A into the lake with given volumes VW, VS, VB and VP (as in Figure 22): 10 = CW×VW + CS×VS + CB×VB + CP×VP mol where C stands for the molar concentration in the different phases (mol/m3). This equation is solved easily if you know the volumes and the relationship between CW, CS, CB and CP at chemical equilibrium i.e. the partition coefficients KWB = CW/CB, KWS = CW/CS, KWP = CW/CP. Solving it will give you the resulting concentrations in each phase. The above described equation is the most simple mass balance equation and it will give you a rough idea of the partitioning tendency of the chemical. In the case of managing priority pollutants you probably desire a more complex model, as you are likely to have continuous emissions as well as in- and outflows to the lake. You may also wish to include factors such as degradation and sediment burial. All this is possible by opening the system, perhaps adding some boxes and transport parameters, assuming that the environmental conditions are constant and that flow rates are continuous but constant. The mass balance assumptions are that the total chemical input equals the total chemical output and includes aspects such as non-equilibrium, degradation, sediment burial and volatilisation to the atmosphere. Naturally, each added transport process requires a new set of transport parameters that have to be determined. 106/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 Figure 22: applicable for use in the cases Example of model where atmosphere has been added to the lake model and transport and degradation processes have been included. All chemicals strive to obtain equilibrium, thus the partition coefficients tell you what the concentration ratio between two phases will be when equilibrium is reached. Equilibrium does not mean that the concentration in two phases are the same, only that their relationship agrees with the partition coefficient, and thus no net transfer of chemical occurs between the phases. The next step of complexity is to assume a non-steady state system, which is required if you need to predict system response time, i.e. if ceasing the emissions or other input sources, how long will it take for the concentrations to decrease and reach background levels? In this case you need a time-resolved or dynamic model and the mass balance equations are expressed as differential equations: d(contents)/dt = total input rate – total output rate Again, a time-resolved model requires additional input data such as time-resolved emission rates, but also allows the user to include other time-dependent or seasonal parameters such as temperature, precipitation, leaf coverage on vegetation etc. Concentration versus fugacity An additional note to make is the selection of parameters when writing the mathematical expressions. Above, concentration (C, mol/m3), has been used to describe the chemical content in an environmental phase. This is perceptually convenient as contaminant contents are generally reported in concentrations. In environmental fate models, concentrations or partition coefficients may be used in the equilibrium partitioning 107/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases calculations. However, many modellers of organic contaminants today prefer to use another parameter, termed fugacity. The application of fugacity in chemical equilibrium calculations is old, but adopting it in large-scale to environmental modelling was initially done by Mackay (1979), who developed a large number of evaluative and site-specific models often referred to as “fugacity models” or “Mackay models”. The principles are the same, only that another parameter is used in the mathematical expressions. Fugacity was established as an equilibrium criterion in 1901 by the scientist G N Lewis. It is logarithmically related to chemical potential and has units of Pascal. In short, the fugacity of a chemical in a particular medium is the partial pressure that the chemical exerts when it tries to leave that medium, its ‘escaping tendency’. Fugacity is also related to concentration through the equation C = Z f, where C = concentration (mol/m3), Z = the fugacity capacity of the medium for the chemical of interest (mol/Pam3) and f is the fugacity of the chemical in that medium (Pa). The Z-value can be calculated for each medium and is dependent on the medium itself and on the chemical of interest. The fugacity ultimately drives the transport of a chemical in a phase as well as between phases, and at equilibrium between two phases, the fugacity is the same in both. It is optional to use concentration/partition coefficients or fugacity in mass balance equations, but as models and mathematical expressions become more complex, it is often algebraically more convenient to use fugacity. An additional advantage is that the fugacity ratio between two phases instantly reveals the direction of the chemical transport and the proximity to equilibrium. Physical-chemical properties and partitioning In the above, we have touched the subject of environmental partitioning, and it has been stated that different chemicals have different partitioning tendencies. More specifically, hydrophobic (water-repellent) substances tend to partition to media containing organic material such as soils, sediment, organic tissues (animals, humans and plants), whereas water-soluble substances tend to prefer the water phase. Some substances are very volatile and are mainly found in air and easily transported, whereas others are more “sticky” to their nature and remain close to the source. In environmental modelling, octanol is commonly used as “fat-surrogate” and thus partitioning to organic media is described as partitioning to octanol. Three partition coefficients are therefore used as key coefficients: the partition coefficient between air and water, KAW, the partition coefficient between octanol and air, KOA and the partition coefficient between octanol and water, KOW. A high KOW-value implies high tendency to partition to organic carbon containing media and lower tendency to partition to water. Similarly, a high KAW-value indicates that the substance volatilises from water to air and a high KOA-value implies preference of the aerosol rather than the air phase. The partitioning coefficients are normally obtained through measurements, i.e. by measuring the concentration of a substance in two phases when equilibrium is reached. If two partition coefficients are known, it is possible to determine the third, e.g. KAW = KOA/KOW etc. 108/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases One way of illustrating the partitioning properties of chemicals, is by plotting them against each other, resulting in a so-called chemical space diagram, which indicates which environmental media that are most likely to host the chemicals of interest. This is done in Figure X for the organic priority substances in the water framework directive. Distinguishing the phases from each other is done by running fate model simulations, and thus the phase borders vary slightly depending on the model used. Chemicals that place themselves within the phase borders can be regarded as “multi-compartmental”, i.e. then can be expected to be found in similar levels in many environmental phases, whereas others are more likely to mainly reside in one. However, it should be noted that even substances mainly residing in e.g. sediment may be volatile enough to allow for existence of small amounts in air, thus enabling long-range transport, which is especially relevant for very persistent substances. Also the partitioning properties of chemicals change with temperature, so the actual partitioning is always dependent on the local ambient temperature. Figure 23: The organic priority chemicals presented in a chemical space diagram. The logKAW (air-water partitioning) describes volatility/solubility and logKOW (octanol-water partitioning) describes hydrophobicity. The three contour lines indicate areas where over 90% of the chemical mass is found in one environmental compartment (water, air, sediment). The contour lines depend on the fate model and environment. Here they were calculated with the evaluative environment of the EQC model and assuming equilibrium partitioning (Level I). The colours describe the inverse of the EQS-norm (1/EQS): red-hazardous, green-less hazardous, blue intermediate hazard. The graph shown in Figure 23 can be used to classify substances by their main environmental compartment. In this case, the classification would be as follows: 1. Atmosphere: Naphthalene, Dichloromethane, benzene, trichloromethane, tricholorbenzenes, hexachlorobutadiene 2. Water: alachlor, diuron, simazine, atrazine, isoproturon, pentachlorophenol 109/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases 3. Sediment: Benzo(a)pyrene, PentaBDE, OctaBDE, DecaBDE 4. Multi-media: DEHP, HCB, Pentachlorobenzene, C10-C13-chloroalkanes, Chlorpyrifos, Octylphenol, Fluoranthene, Endosulfan, Chlorfenvinphos, TBT, Lindane, Nonylphenol, Anthracene, Trifluralin It should be noted that the classic fugacity methodology applies best to nonpolar organic chemicals. The methodology may be customized to take into account the specifics of metal and inorganic chemistry, the details of this procedure are given in a later chapter. Polar compounds can be included by taking into account the pH dependency of their chemical properties. Of the polar priority substances (nonylphenol, atrazine, simazine and pentachlorophenol) only pentachlorophenol has both ionized and non-ionized forms present in environmentally relevant pH-ranges. For the other polar compounds the chemical properties of the dominant form can be used. 6.7.2 Available fate models and their use In the section above, we have briefly described the principles of fate modelling and introduced the fugacity concept and its use in fate modelling. This section aims to describe and review existing current models and their applicability to the priority chemicals and small European water bodies. Numerous models have been developed in the scope of assessing the environmental fate of organic chemicals. An overview of existing modelling programmes and projects was done by a UNEP expert group in 2002 (UNEP, 2002). This UNEP programme was focussed on long-range transport of chemicals and not primarily their aquatic fate or transport into the aquatic environment. Nevertheless an extensive list of available models was produced within this project. From this list, we have selected a number of models particularly dealing with the aquatic environment, and added some additional models that have been developed and published more recently (Table 21) 110/296 Table 21: A number of models particularly dealing with the aquatic environment Model name Description Media included Level I,I,III models Initial fate assessment, e.g. for comparative reasons, modifiable Fate assessment of polar, ionizing compounds EU risk assessment tool Air/water/soil/ sediment/fish EQC model EQC multispecies model SimpleBox CoZMo-POP POPCYCLI NG-Baltic QWASI GREAT-ER Steady state/ dynamic Steady state Reference Examples of application Mackay et al., 1992; Mackay et al., 1996a,b,c Extensively used for screening-level chemical assessment Air/water/soil/ sediment/fish Steady state Cahill et al., Applied to PCP, Chlorpyrifos, perfluorooctane sulfonate Air/water/soil/ sediment/ vegetation Air/water/soil/ sediment/ vegetation Air/water/soil/ sediment/ vegetation Steady state Van de Meent 1993; EC 1996 Used for risk assessment on regional scales Dynamic Wania et al., 2000b Applied to a coastal bay to estimate emissions Dynamic Wania et al., 2000a Applied to PCBs, PBDEs, pesticides in the Baltic area. Future scenarios Steady state Mackay et al. (1983) Dynamic e.g. Feijtel et al. 1997 www.great-er.org Warren et al. 2007 Generic coastal zone model, modifiable 85 compartment model, used for fate assessment in the Baltic Sea drainage basin Generic model Air/Water/sediment applicable to river or lake system GIS based riverine Air/water/soil/sedim catchment model ent/vegetation QWASI-river A network model Air/water/sediment Dynamic Applied in several European river systems for several organic chemicals DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Model name Description Media included Steady state/ dynamic Reference for complex rivers 112/296 Examples of application As mentioned previously, there is no point in adding complexity unless it is necessary. You should apply a model which is complex enough to answer the questions asked from it, but not a bit more complex. This being said, there are some situations where it would appear that the abovementioned models are not complex enough, i.e. some additional processes needs to be included when modelling certain chemicals in certain environments. For example: Sorption to black carbon is important for very hydrophobic substances (benzo(a)pyrene, fluoranthene, DEHP, PBDE) especially PAH substances (Bucheli & Gustafsson, 2000; Ghosh et al., 2003). Modelling approaches including soot-carbon have recently been performed by Prevedouros et al. (2007) and Houck et al. (2007) Chemicals which are sorbed to particles are effectively scavenged by snow (Lei and Wania, 2004) If leaching from soil is an issue (e.g. for hydrophobic substances, pesticides and metals), vertical transport processes should be included (Cousins... McLachlan et al. 2002) If environmental temperatures deviate much from 20 C (e.g. in mountains, Northern Europe), the partitioning coefficients can be corrected for temperature using phase change enthalpies. This feature is included in the models POPCYCLING_Baltic and CozMo-POP Metals and some organic compounds are sorbed to dissolved organic carbon, which can be a significant reservoir in humic waterbodies (especially in North Europe). 6.7.3 Modelling metal transport and fate The environmental fate modelling methodology as presented in Mackay (2001) cannot be directly applied to the metallic and organometallic priority substances (nickel, lead, cadmium mercury and tributyltin). Currently there is no metal fate modelling software available (since the Unit World Model is still under development), which means that new models have to be programmed for cases where metal transport is an issue. Due to this limitation, in order to aid in implementing these principles, this chapter is more technical than the other chapters. From a modelling point of view, there are two major challenges in applying the fugacity approach to metals: (1) metals are not volatile and (2) metals are sorbed to other solids than organic carbon. In this chapter we give a review of the methods applied to model metal chemistry in environmental fate models. For involatile substances like metal ions, the atmospheric concentration is zero, which means that the partitioning coefficients (Kaw, Koa) in reference to air would be infinite. Mackay and Diamond (1989) worked around this computational problem by choosing another reference state: pure water. The calculation units are changed from fugacities to water-equivalent concentrations or aquivalences. This popular aquivalence approach has been successfully applied to mercury, arsenic, nickel, zinc and copper in Canadian lakes by Miriam Diamond and co-workers (Diamond et al. 1992). Details on the aquivalence formulation can be found in Mackay (2001). The aquivalence approach is incorporated in many of the model softwares that can be downloaded for free from the CEMC website (www.trentu.ca/academic/aminss/envmodel/welcome.html). Since the algorithms in those models are visible, they provide a good starting point for customization to specific modelling scenarios treating metal transport and fate. DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases While the problem of non-volatile metal ions can be solved by simply changing the reference state, the sorption affinity of metals to non-organic surfaces is a more complex issue. As mentioned above, the sorption of organic compounds to solids can be predicted by the octanol-water partitioning coefficient (logKow). In contrast, metal sorption is controlled by the complex chemistry of complexation, precipitation, colloid formation and biofixation processes and properties such as salinity, pH, competing ions, redoxpotential, surface site densities and nature of sorbent phases (US EPA, 2007). As an example Figure 24 shows the speciation behaviour of cadmium in a range of pH values using Finnish water chemistry values (VAHTI surface water monitoring). Since the environmental conditions affecting the sorption processes show considerable temporal and spatial variability, averaged partitioning coefficients (Kp) can only give approximate values. The differences in partitioning coefficients may be over an order of magnitude even in a single water body (Woodfine et al. 2000). Accurate modelling of the partitioning properties of metals requires a quantitative understanding of the metal sorption processes, i.e. the use of speciation models. Fraction of free Cd-ion 80 % DOC 2 mg/L 70 % 60 % DOC 5.6 mg/L 50 % 40 % 30 % DOC 14 mg/L 20 % 10 % 0% 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 pH Figure 24: The speciation of cadmium in Finnish surface waters in a range of pH values, calculated with the biotic ligand models (Di Toro et al. 2001). Applying speciation models to calculate local partitioning coefficients "Speciation refers to the occurrence of a metal in a variety of chemical forms. These forms may include free metal ions, metal complexes dissolved in solution and sorbed on solid surfaces, and metal species that have been coprecipitated in major metal solids or that occur in their own solids. The speciation of a metal affects not only its toxicity but also its volatilization, photolysis, sorption, atmospheric deposition, acid/base equilibria, polymerization, complexation, electron-transfer reactions, solubility and precipitation equilibria, microbial transformations, and diffusivity." (Bodek et al., 1988) 114/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Modelling the speciation of metals is a key issue in ecotoxicology, since metal species have differing toxicities (US EPA 2007). A common assumption is that only the ionic form is bioavailable (MERAG 2007a). The recent developments of ecotoxicological speciation models (biotic ligand models, Di Toro et al. 2001) are outside the scope of this work, since our focus is on mass balance modelling. However, the WFD has the option of adjusting the EQSs based on the bioavailable fraction of metals. The speciation models described in the following chapters can be applied to that task, but here we outline their use in predicting the partitioning behaviour and concentration ratios of metal compounds in water and in sediment. The use of speciation models is by no means compulsory for modelling the transport of metals. Measured values or model fits to data can be used to deduce the ratios and partitioning coefficients. This approach has been successfully used by Macleod et al. (2005). Compared to measured species concentrations, models have the advantage of predicting metal behaviour in rapidly changing environmental conditions, which are hard to capture by measurements (e.g. pulses of humic substances in the autumn, development of anoxia). Figure 25 depicts the annual variation of zinc compounds in Ross Lake (modelled using the aquivalence approach by Bhavsar et al. 2004b). Achieving similar results with experimental species ratios would require extensive monitoring to make sure that the long term dynamics are correctly captured. Jan Figure 25: Dec The annual variation in the concentrations of zinc compounds in Ross Lake in the year 1999 (Bhavsar et al. 2004b). The modelled rise of concentrations in the water column during summer and autumn is caused by increased sediment resuspension and oxidation of sediments resulting in larger diffusion of Zn2+ ions. Metal speciation models are thermodynamic databases used to calculate the species concentrations in a given mixture when it has reached equilibrium. Input comprises of the main chemical ions (substrates) and output is usually the concentration (activity) of possible species in sorbed and dissolved phases. When applying such models, care should be taken to make sure that all relevant substrates are included in the input (MERAG 2007 Factsheet 02). The hard acid-soft base concept (EPA 2007) may help in choosing the relevant ions for each metal. Cations and anions are divided into soft and hard ligands, which couple which each other (hard acid-hard base, soft acid-soft base). (The hardness or softness refers to the deformability of the electron cloud.) Table X shows the hard-soft division for most of the acids and bases present in water. The information in the table can 115/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases be used to assess which components to take into account in the quantitative speciation modelling step. For example methyl mercury is a soft acid, coupling with sulfides and organic molecules which can also be verified with quantitative calculations (Loux 2005). Table 22: The hard acid-soft base conceptual model may help in getting a qualitative picture of the relevant complexation processes. Hard acids (cations) form strong ionic bonds with hard bases (ligands) while soft acids form strong covalent bonds with soft bases (US EPA 2007). Hard acids Borderline acids (between hard and soft) Soft acids Hard bases Borderline bases (between hard and soft) Soft bases Al3+, Ba2+, Be2+, Co3+, Cr3+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Sr2+, U4+, UO22+, VO2+ Co2+, Cu2+, Fe2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Zn2+ Ag+, Cd2+, Cu+, Hg2+, Hg+, Ch3Hg+, Tl3+, Tl+ F-, H2O, oxyanions: OH-, SO42-, CO32-, HCO3-, C2O42-, CrO42-, MoO42-, HnPO4n-3, HnAsO4n-3, SeO42-, H2VO4-, NH3, RNH2, N2H4, ROH, RO-, R2O, Ch3COO-, etc. Cl-, Br-, NO2-, SO32-, HnAsO3n-3, C6H5NH2, C5H5N, N3-, N2 I-, HS-, S2-, CN-, SCN-, Se2-, S2O32-, -SH, -SCH3, -NH2, R-, C2H4, C6H6, RNC, CO, R3P, (RO)3P, R3As, R2S, RSH, RS- “R” refers to an organic molecule. Bhavsar et al. (2004a) applied the MINEQL+ (Schecher and McAvoy, 1998) model to yield the solid-water and colloidal-water partitioning coefficients for each metal species. However several model codes exist for calculating speciation and some of them are free of charge, for example MINTEQ2 (US EPA 2006) and PHREEQ2 (USGS 2007). Examples of commercial software are the Windermere Humic Acid Model (WHAM) and the previously mentioned MINEQL+. Of these speciation models MINTEQ2 is of special interest, since it has been applied to nickel and copper (Woodfine et al. 2000) as well as to methylmercury and tributyltin (Loux 2005) In principle the speciation models can be used to predict speciation in sediment pore waters, however the local redox-conditions and microbial activity may not be properly described in the models and rules-of-thumb may have to be used to fine-tune the results (no diffusion if sulfides are present, etc.) (Woodfine et al. 2000; Bhavsar et al. 2004a). Modelling metal concentration as the sum of interconverting metal species The environmental quality standards (EQS) for metals are defined as dissolved concentrations of the metal and its compounds (e.g. ∑Hg or ∑Pb). Focusing on dissolved concentrations, the particle bound fraction can be ignored, but in mass balances that fraction must be accurately assessed. The problem is complicated by several interconverting metal species with different partitioning properties. In order to calculate the dissolved concentration of e.g. "mercury and compounds", the dissolved concentration 116/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases must be calculated separately for elemental, ionic and methyl mercury and the results added to get to the total dissolved concentration. However one of the challenges of interconverting metal compounds is that their fate has to be solved simultaneously for each species. Organic degradation chains can be solved step-wise by looping the degradation products of one compound as the emissions of another. In contrast reversible interconversion of metal species requires that the model equations are solved for all of the chemical species simultaneously - otherwise key chemical cycles may be missed. Focusing on total metal concentrations and ignoring speciation would be a work-around solution, but the partitioning coefficients would be difficult to calculate for the total metal. A detailed mechanistic model can be used to model the interactions between interconverting species in a transparent way. Transport and interspecies conversion rateequations are solved for a time-dependent solution of chemical species concentrations. Di Toro (2001) has applied this approach to Ni, Mn and Cd in freshwater and marine sediments. However the problem with sophisticated transport models is that they are data intensive: the interconversion rates should be known for all species. Since some of the conversion processes are microbiological (e.g. methylation of mercury) the rates depend on the local conditions in sediment and water column. The use of detailed mechanistic models will thus require plenty of field data for calibration of submodules. However the process of calibration and data acquisition may prove too costly, when empirical models can be used to get similar results (Malve, 2007). In data-rich situations, mechanistic models provide a thorough analysis fluxes in the system. In most situations the interconversion rates are unknown, but the concentration ratios between species are known and simpler modelling approaches may be more suitable. Toose and Mackay (2004) developed a method for applying multimedia models to interconverting multispecies substances. It comprised of a few steps: 1. Obtaining the physicochemical properties and calculating the D and Z values for each species in the specified environment 2. Obtaining species concentration ratios (measured or modelled) and using these to weight the D-values into a D-value of the total metal transport 3. Total metal D-values are used to solve the fugacity of one of the species (key species) and other fugacities are calculated using the concentration ratios 4. Original species-specific D-values are used to calculate the mass balance for each of the species. The approach has been applied to model the recovery of San Francisco Bay from historical pollution of mercury (Macleod et al. 2005). Model results were in the same order of magnitude with measured ones from soil, air, water and sediment, suggesting that the mass balances were not completely out of order. 117/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Example on implementation: applying fugacity models to mercury species In order to clarify the principles outlined above, this example applies the methodology of Toose and Mackay (2004) to an evaluative lake environment polluted by mercury. Species concentration ratios were defined from a Finnish case study (Hg:MeHg:Hg-ion; water 1:6:93 ; sediments 1:70:1000), environmental parameters were set to represent the Baltic Sea (parameters from Meyer et al. 2005). Physicochemical properties of mercury were adopted from Mackay et al. (1995). The methodology of Toose and Mackay (2004) was applied to the system using the QWASI model of the CEMC (available from the CEMC website). The background concentrations were chosen to be 2 ng/m3 in the atmosphere (Macleod et al. 2005) and inflow water concentrations were arbitrarily chosen to be equal to the EQS (50 ng/l), representing that the model-region is cut-off from a larger water body with similar loading intensity. The task is to determine the emission intensity (kg Hg/km2/a) which will result to water dissolved Hg concentrations exceeding the EQS. Step 1: Calculating the D- and Z-values Using the physicochemical properties of elemental mercury, ionic mercury and methylmercury the following D-values were calculated. Table 23: mercury 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Calculated D-values of elemental mercury, ionic mercury and methyl- Transport process Sediment burial Sediment transformation Sediment resuspension Water-sediment diffusion Sediment-water diffusion Sediment deposition Water transformation Volatilization Absorption Water outflow Particle outflow Rain dissolution Wet particle deposition Dry particle deposition Water inflow Water particle inflow Hg2+ Hg 3.0 0.0 10.5 200.0 200.0 15.0 0.0 500.0 500.0 24.0 9.4 0.7 4.5 3.5 24.0 9.4 MeHg 15.0 0.0 70.0 200.0 200.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.0 62.4 0.7 45.1 34.7 24.0 62.4 0.8 0.0 3.5 200.0 200.0 5.0 0.0 0.8 0.8 24.0 3.1 0.7 13.5 10.4 24.0 3.1 Step 2: Calculation of fugacity ratios and total D-values In addition the Z-values were calculated and combined with experimental concentration ratios to yield fugacity ratios. 118/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Table 24: mercury Calculated Z-values of elemental mercury, ionic mercury and methyl- Concentration ratio Bulk Z-values Fugacity ratio Species Hg Hg2+ MeHg Hg Air 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 Water 1.0 84.0 15.0 1.1 Sediment 1.0 500.0 70.0 7 800.0 Hg2+ MeHg Hg Hg2+ MeHg 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 1.0 1.0 51.3 16.3 39 000.0 1 950.0 1.0 100.0 280.0 Combining the Di/DHg and fugacity ratios, weighting factors Ri are obtained: Table 25: mercury Sediment burial Sediment transformation Sediment resuspension Water-sediment diffusion Sediment-water diffusion Sediment deposition Water transformation Volatilization Absorption Water outflow Particle outflow Rain dissolution Wet particle deposition Dry particle deposition Water inflow Water particle inflow Weighting factors Ri of elemental mercury, ionic mercury and methyl- Hg(0) R1 1.0 1.0 Hg2+ MeHg Hg R2 R3 RT 500.1 70.0 571.0 500.0 70.0 571.0 Dtotal 1.71E+03 3.09E-02 1.0 666.7 93.3 761.0 7.99E+03 1.0 32.4 18.5 51.9 1.04E+04 1.0 100.0 279.9 380.9 7.62E+04 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 216.2 86.6 0.0 0.0 32.4 216.2 32.4 324.4 6.2 27.8 0.0 0.0 18.5 6.2 18.5 55.4 223.4 115.4 1.0 1.0 51.9 223.4 51.9 380.8 3.35E+03 5.54E-05 5.14E+02 5.00E+02 1.25E+03 2.09E+03 3.37E+01 1.72E+03 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.50E+00 1.0 1.0 32.4 216.2 18.5 6.2 51.9 223.4 1.25E+03 2.09E+03 Step 3: Aquivalence of key species and other species 119/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases The weighted total D-values allow the calculation of total fluxes based on the aquivalence of the key species – in our case elemental mercury. The steady state aquivalence can be solved with linear algebra in a similar fashion than for organic single species substances. Using the D-values, a dissolved concentration of 50 ng/L (corresponding to 137 ng/L whole water concentration), would require emissions of 25 g Hg/km2/a. The solved aquivalences concentrations and amounts are shown below. Table 26: Solved aquivalences concentrations and amounts of Hg, Hg 2+ and MeHg Aquivalence * 10-9 Total concentration (ng/l) Amount (g) Hg Hg2+ MeHg Hg Hg2+ MeHg Hg Hg2+ MeHg Water 4.9 160 91 1.4 115 20 0.07 6 1 Sediment 0.8 80 220 1500 756 000 106 000 2.3 1 100 160 Step 4: Mass balance for all species Using the D-values from step 1 and the aquivalences from step 3, contaminant fluxes can be calculated for all metal species. The mass balances are shown in the following table for each species and in the flowchart for methyl mercury. It is noteworthy that there is a cycle of mercury in the sediment water interface: ionic mercury is deposited to sediments where it is transformed into methyl mercury which is resuspended back to the water column. This cycle would be ignored if the species were treated separately. Figure 26: Mass balance for all species 120/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 Table 27: applicable for use in the cases Mass balance for each species for Hg, Hg2+ and MeHg Mass balance for each species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-14 15-16 Sediment burial Sediment transformation Sediment resuspension Water-sediment diffusion Sediment-water diffusion Sediment deposition Water transformation Volatilization Absorption Water outflow Particle outflow Deposition Water inflow Direct emission g/a Hg0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 0.3 0.1 0.0 4.3 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 10.5 0.3 Sediment Input Output Hg0 Water Input Output Hg0 Hg2+ MeHg sumHg 2.1 0.3 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.7 1.4 11.0 56.0 31.9 89.6 27.6 77.3 105.1 28.0 0.8 28.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 4.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.7 3.8 10.8 17.5 0.5 18.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.8 1.6 10.5 21.0 3.8 25.0 Hg2+ 2 0 -2 MeHg sumHg 84 33 119 39 79 119 -45 46 0 Hg2+ 11 6 -5 MeHg sumHg 67 84 152 108 37 152 41 -47 0 Finally the mass balance allows the calculation of compartment specific residence times or recovery times by using net transfer rates and chemical amounts. In our case the recovery times are 16 days for water and 11 years for sediment. If the effect of sediment deposition-resuspension is not taken into account, the residence time for water will increase tenfold i.e. to half a year. 6.7.4 Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of models Why perform an uncertainty analysis – isn’t model result interpretation hard enough already? The purpose of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis is to: increase communication between the decision maker and the model builder make result interpretation easier and more transparent improve understanding about the modelled environmental system It is easy to criticize the use of models in decision making: “You can get any kind of result you want.” “There are so many unknown factors, how can you say anything about 121/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases the situation.” Much of this criticism is warranted. Models have been used in decision making in a deterministic manner, resulting in decisions being made based on suspicious assumptions. For example, Refsgaard et al. (2006) cite a groundwater modelling study, where five different consultants were asked to model the most sensitive regions in the County of Copenhagen to prioritize for protection. All consultants used the same datasets for model construction and calibration, but obtained five completely different prioritizations. Naturally future groundwater quality could not be measured, so the models could not be validated experimentally. Since none of the prioritizations included uncertainty analysis, the reliability of the results could not be assessed. As a result, no management decisions could be made based on the five (costly) modelling studies. Similar problems with model validation and transparency have resulted in the modelling credibility crisis experienced in the RIVM Laboratories’ in the Netherlands (Van der Sluijs, 2002). Not performing uncertainty analysis moves responsibility away from the decision maker and to the modeller. If the assumptions made during modelling are not expressed clearly, they become a “black box” to the decision maker. He has to accept or reject them at face value. Instead of making a fair judgement, the decision maker has to trust the modellers expertise about the subject, i.e. decisions are not based on scientific facts but on personal trust between modeller and manager (Van der Sluijs, 2007). In contrast, keeping uncertainty analysis in the modelling process informs the decision maker about the scientific acceptability of the assumptions made during the modelling process (Refsgaard et al. 2007). Accordingly the JRC recommends that uncertainty and sensitivity analyses should be included in every modelling study meant to serve decision making or public debate (Saltelli, 2006). Variability and uncertainty in parameters One of the pitfalls of using sophisticated models is that their input data contains variability and uncertainty (variability is a property of nature, it can't be reduced by further studies, in contrast uncertainty can). Unless the effect of this uncertainty in input parameters can be determined, it is difficult to trust the obtained results. The phenomenon of using inaccurate input data with an accurate model has been labelled as "garbage-ingarbage-out". The problem of determining the effects of input variability and prioritizing the most sensitive parameters is usually solved by applying methods of technical uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. The output of such an analysis is usually a confidence interval of possible outputs and an explanation on which factors cause the variability (Figure 27). 122/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 Figure 27 applicable for use in the cases Cumulative probability distributions of exposure and effects/toxicity with grey bands describing 90 % uncertainty. The dotted lines describe different ways of making risk estimates. (Merag Fact sheet 07, 2007). Because uncertain input parameters are so common in modelling, there are several standard methods for assessing their effects. Monte Carlo simulation is usually the method of choice for environmental fate models (Webster and Mackay, 2003) because of its simplicity and applicability to all kinds of models (linear/nonlinear, complex/simple). US EPA (1997) has a good guidance document on implementing the method and examples of application to environmental fate models can be found from e.g. GokcozKilic and Aral (2007) and Macleod et al. 2005. Although Monte Carlo analysis has become a standard method of uncertainty analysis, several other methods can be applied (e.g. the analytical method of Macleod et al. 2002 or Bayesian reasoning as applied by Malve, 2007). From a decision making point-of-view, the method is not important – what is important is that some kind of uncertainty analysis is performed. Much can be learned from previous uncertainty analyses of environmental fate models. Webster and Mackay (2003) concluded that the major sources of uncertainty in environmental fate modelling are chemical data, environmental data and emission inventories. Of these sources, models are the most sensitive to inaccuracies in the chemical data, but variability of environmental factors usually has the most effect on results. Meyer et al. (2005) discovered that the sensitivity of fate models to uncertain parameters is determined to a large extent by the properties of the chemical modelled. They illustrated their discovery with the aid of chemical space diagrams labelled as uncertainty maps. The concept has been applied to the fate of priority substances in the Baltic Sea (Figure 28). Using the map, substances can be divided in to distinct groups which have differing sources of uncertainty. Very hydrophobic and volatile compounds (Group 1) are sensitive to suspended solid dynamics in water and sediment; Hydrophobic and volatile compounds (Group 2) are sensitive to the amount of particulate organic matter and volatilization mass transfer (water-side); Chemicals in Group 3 are sensitive to the amount of particulate organic matter; Volatile compounds (Group 4) are sensitive to water surface area and mass transfer (water-side); Group 5 is sensitive to air-side mass transfer; and finally low volatility- low hydrophobicity (Group 6) substances are sensitive mainly to water flow. 123/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases 4 4 2 2 Naphtalene 1 DEHP Hexachlorobutadiene 0 Dichloromethane Benzene Pentachlorobenzene Trichlorobenzenes log Kaw Trichloromethane -2 HCB C10-13 Chloroalkanes Nonylphenol Dichloroethane Trifluralin Anthracene 5 -4 Pentachlorophenol Endosulfan Lindane Chlorpyrifos Octylphenol Fluoranthrene 3 PentaBDE OctaBDE DecaBDE Benzo(a)pyrene Chlorfenvinphos Alachlor -6 Atrazine Simazine 6 -8 TBT Diuron Isoproturon -10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 log Kow Figure 28 The chemical space segmented according to the most sensitive parameters in a level III fugacity model of the Baltic Sea (adapted from Meyer et al. 2005). The modelled variable is bulk concentration in water phase. The numbered grouping is explained in the text. Based on the sensitivity segments outlined above, most of the priority substances fall to segments (4), (5) and (6). This indicates that their simulated behaviour is sensitive mainly to parameter values dealing with volatilization mass-transfer and water flow. In most systems mass-transfer coefficients are uncertain (because of unknown diffusivities) and water flow is highly variable (because of weather conditions), so the modelling results may be highly uncertain. Some of the priority substances are near contour borders (e.g. DEHP, PBDEs, benzo(a)pyrene, nonylphenol, chloroalkanes, lindane and PCP), indicating that the chemical properties of these substances should be determined as accurately as possible. For these substances small deviations in chemical properties will result in large changes in the relative sensitivity of parameters. However since it is difficult to get an accurate estimate of the partitioning coefficients in environmental conditions, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis should be done simultaneously for chemical and environmental parameters. Limited knowledge – model structure uncertainty In many cases the structural uncertainty is greater than the one associated with parameter variability (Fenner et al. 2004 on long-range transport of pollutants, Refsgaard et al. 2006 more generally). The previous treatment assumes that there is only one correct description of the system, and that the uncertainties lie in the variation of individual parameters. However in most cases, several models can be formulated, which all fit the experimental data sufficiently well (Refsgaard et al. 2006; Saltelli 2006). It could also be argued that the previous approach depends on the assumption that uncertainty is something that can 124/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases be controlled technically by quantifying and reducing it through measurements (Van der Sluijs, 2007). Uncertainty can be reduced to a certain extent through analysis and refinement of information. Assessment of structural uncertainty however requires either plenty of experimental work to validate and improve the models, or expert judgement on the differences between models (MERAG, 2007b; Refsgaard et al., 2007 for examples of application). Webster and Mackay (2003) found that the process equations in different environmental fate models are similar, showing a common understanding of the key transport processes in the scientific community (i.e. there are no competing theories or schools of thought). However some process equations are still uncertain estimates of reality. In particular processes such as chemical uptake by plants, photodegradation, ice and snow dynamics, bioaccumulation and microbial transformation are still highly uncertain. For example, microbial biodegradation rates have uncertainty factors of 1/10 to 10 (e.g. one log-unit). In cases where any of these processes is detected as the key process governing chemical fate, caution should be taken in interpreting the results. Currently there are no standard methods for assessing structural uncertainty and it is questionable whether there are resources in a modelling case to estimate the structural uncertainties of environmental fate models. In many cases, it however is informative to do a qualitative uncertainty analysis at the beginning of the modelling study. This can take the form of a literature search on contrasting opinions or an uncertainty matrix (see Refsgaard et al. 2007; Refsgaard et al. 2006 for details). This stage is best applied at the problem formulation stage (step 1) both to increase understanding about what can be feasibly be answered and to pinpoint key issues for further investigations. 6.7.5 Selecting suitable models Modelling is not cheap: information costs, etc. It is rational only if not modelling will be even more expensive. Because of this, it is of utmost importance to make sure that the model will give answers to the right questions. Moreover, sediment and biota remain important matrices for the monitoring of substances with significant accumulation potential and against whose indirect effect EQS for surface water currently offer no protection. Such monitoring should be carried out in order to advance the future technical and scientific work on EQS in sediment and biota for the monitored substances, where this is proven necessary. (Amendment of the Parliament, A6-0125/2007 of 22 May 2007) at the proposal for a - the set of questions presented in the benchmark criteria for water management models (Saloranta et al. 2003). Main focus in determining the question that the model should answer. A good example for applying those questions to a model can be found from Saloranta 2006 Does the model describe all the key processes? can the model variables explain the behaviour of the "real world system" In the context of SOCOPSE, there are two separate questions that need to be answered by the model: 125/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases What will happen to priority substance concentrations in the water body if noaction is taken (autonomous development)? What effect will the available emission reduction methods have on the priority substance concentrations? Obviously the answers to those questions depend on both the source of the problem (chemical emission) and the nature of the local environment. Modelling approach must suit the chemical type: Table 28: Which models apply to which chemicals? Chemical type PSs in this group Volatile Water soluble Non-polar hydrophobics Key issues in modelling Available models Hydrodynamics Fugacity approach applies well. Modified fugacity approach (Breivik and Wania 2003) Local water and sediment chemistry, rate kinetics in rapidly flowing systems Polar compounds (Nonylphenol, atrazine, simazine, pentachlorophenol) Metals (Cd, Pb, Hg, Ni, Sn) 6.8 Example of an quantitative overview of the main sources of tributyltin (TBT) //PM: this type of table is required for all 11 PSs. To type Description Air Production and use Production and use Emission of organotin production plants in EU and EEA to air Emission of organotin production plants in EU and EEA to waste water Emission of organotin production plants in EU and EEA to surface water Water Metal industry and metal ore roasting or sintering installations, installations for the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, release of organotin compounds (TBT not specified) to WWTP Amount (tonnes/year) 0.0155 0.018 7.5 ng/L TBT 0.054 0.1-2000 ng/L TBT 0.274 126/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases To type Diffuse Waste Terrestrial environment Secondary sources (e.g. cooling water, waste water) Waste disposal diffuse Description Amount (tonnes/year) Production of cement clinker, lime, glass, 0.106 ceramic products release of organotin compounds (TBT not specified) to WWTP Basic organic chemicals, release of 2.56 organotin compounds (TBT not specified) to WWTP Industrial plants for pulp from timer or 0.333 other fibrous materials and paper or board production, release of organotin compounds Construction and demolition of preserved ? wood, additives in paints and stain Dockyards, emissions of TBT to runoff ? water and waste water ( more than 3 mg TBT/l have been measured) Historical pollution (contaminated ? harbour sediments, old dockyards) Shipyards and navigation- emissions to 2-4 surface water, release from antifouling coatings. Consumer products – ? Installation for surface treatment or 0.285 products using organic solvents, release of organotin compounds (TBT not specified) to WWTP Landfill leachate (may occur) ? Municipal sewage sludge application, amount based on Swedish levels in sludge, 2005, and EU data on sludge application 0.041 127/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases 6.9 Mass Flow Analysis schemes for PSs in Europe Priority substance Annual emissions for Europe (tonnes/year) To air To water To land To air To water To land To air To water To land Cement (21.3) Residential comb. (13.4) Waste disposal (8.1) Power plants (6) Waste disposal (6) Other sources (6) Waste disposal (100) Other sources (50) Power plants (10) Combustion installations (366) Cement production (64.5) Manufacturing processes (52) Manufacturing processes (125) Non-ferrous metal prod. (100) Waste treatment and disposal (100) Waste treatment and disposal (825) Agriculture (165) Manuf. Processes (75) Solvent and other products (9.0) Agriculture (6.3) Waste treatment and disposal (0.9) Agriculture (1.35) Solvent and other products (0.9) Waste treatment and disposal (0.45) Agriculture (10) Land filling, agricultural waste (2.5) 128/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Priority substance Annual emissions for Europe (tonnes/year) To water Ships and navigation (2-4) Pulp and paper industry (0.3) To land Sludge from WWTPs (0.04) To air To water Polymer processing (197) Non-polymer processing (129) Remaining waste in the environment (9) Remaining waste in the environment (2413) PVC outdoor use (642) WWTPs (194) To land Remaining waste (7240) Sludge application (1082) PVC outdoor use (642) To air Field application (6.1) To water Field application (1109) To land Field application (401) To air Field application (24) To water Field application (9352) To land Field application / sewage (2614) 129/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Priority substance Annual emissions for Europe (tonnes/year) To air To water To land To air To water To land To air To water To land To air To water To land Various sources (345.3) Production of various materials (982) Production of NPEs (60.3) Waste water from prod. Use (29.4) Sewage sludge (7658) Metals production (433) Transport (426) Other products use (280) Other production by-products (37) Waste management (32) Metals production (17) Anthracene oil (995) Waste management (69) Agriculture, forestry (2) Urban areas, residential units (3241) Agriculture, forestry (915) Transport (277) Metals production (17) Energy production (11) Urban areas, residential units (4) Anthracene oil (99) Creosote (49) Waste management (28) Fires of electronic waste (0.001-0.36) Indoor air and urban surfaces (0.002-0.024) Incineration (0.0016-0.0025) WWTPs (0.02-0.1) Sludge application (0.4-1.5) 130/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Priority substance Annual emissions for Europe (tonnes/year) To air To water To land Dismantling and crushing (0.00005-0.034) Fires of electric waste (0.001-0.03) Indoor air surfaces (0.015) STPs (0.05-0.32) Various waste treatment (0.9-1.5) 131/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases 6.10 Fact sheets 6.10.1 Mercury (Hg) Overview of measure/source combinations Source control SC-1 Recycling and reuse (ferrous and non-ferrous industries, LCP) SC-2 Pre-treatment of waste water from technological processes SC-3 Run-off management SC-4 Mercury-cell substitution in chlor-alkali industry SC-5 Dentistry materials substitution SC-6 Crematoria - Emission reduction techniques SC-7 Electrical products substitution SC-8 Separated collection, recycling and safe disposal SC-9 Good management practices End-of-pipe EoP-1 Basic waste water treatment EoP-2 Ion exchange EoP-3 Membrane filtration EoP-4 Electrochemical techniques EoP-5 Activated carbon adsorption EoP-6 Low-cost sorbents EoP-7 Biological Hg remediation EoP-8 Dental wastewater treatment 132/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 Overview of available and emerging measures per source for mercury SC-7 SC-8 SC-9 EoP-1 EoP-2 EoP-3 EoP-4 EoP-5 EoP-6 EoP-7 EoP-8 Available measure Emerging measure ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Dental sector 133/296 Crematoria Pharmaceuticals Electrical products Chlor-alkali industry SC-5 SC-6 Non-ferrous metals industry SC-3 SC-4 Recycling and reuse Pre-treatment of waste water from technological processes Run-off management Mercury-cell substitution in chlor-alkali industry Dentistry materials substitution Crematoria - Emission reduction techniques Electrical products substitution Separated collection, recycling and safe disposal Good management practices Basic waste water treatment Ion exchange Membrane filtration Electrochemical techniques Activated carbon adsorption Low-cost sorbents Biological Hg remediation Dental wastewater treatment Iron & Steel Production SC-1 SC-2 Source Large Combustion Plants Possible measures Measuring & control equipment Table 29: applicable for use in the cases DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury SC-1: Recycling and reuse (ferrous and nonferrous industries, LCP) Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Recycling and reuse (ferrous and SC-1 non-ferrous industries, LCP) Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Remarks Total score Total score: Application range point source process water, cooling water, FGD effluents wide Limits and restrictions some Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory high low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction high Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Yes low low low Costs Investment costs medium Operational costs medium State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on widely applied Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 + e.g. LCP, iron & steel production, nonferrous metals industry Implementation depends on process characteristics. Total score: Reduces the likelihood of Hgcontaminated wastewater discharges. Effectiveness depends on the process and particular situation at the plant. The estimated overall emission reduction potential of the measure is low. ++ Total score: Costs depend on the particular situation at the plant. ++ Total score: LCP, ferrous and non-ferrous industries? ++ 134/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury SC-2: Pre-treatment of waste water from technological processes Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Pre-treatment of waste water from Remarks SC-2 technological processes Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Total score: point source process wastewater, technological water ++ Process wastewater: Simple treatment units (sedimentation, precipitation, filtration, neutralisation) and advanced techniques such as reverse osmosis. Technological water: Elimination of Hg-based biocides, decarbonisation process. Application range wide e.g. LCP, iron & steel production, nonferrous metals industry, chlor-alkali industry Pre-treatment of technological water is commonly applied. Pre-treatment of process waste water is generally good practice. Improvements require new additional technological unit or process. Limits and restrictions low Complexity of implementation high Impact on the process / factory medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction high Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Yes medium medium medium Costs Investment costs high Operational costs medium State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on widely applied Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 Total score: Substitution of Hg-containing biocides in cooling systems. Effectiveness depends on the process and the current technological status of the plant. The estimated overall emission reduction potential is high on a regional or local level, and for older plants. ++ Total score: Costs depend on the particular situation at the plant. +? Total score: LCP, ferrous and non-ferrous industries? ++ 135/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury SC-3: Run-off management Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Run-off management SC-3 Total score Remarks Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix diffuse surface runoff Total score: Application range wide Limits and restrictions No Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction medium Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No No Costs Investment costs high Operational costs low State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on widely applied Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 + Paved areas around installations with drainage system. e.g. LCP, iron & steel production, nonferrous metals industry, chlor-alkali industry Run-off control is relatively easy technically. Requires appropriate design of the surface sealing and drainage system (generally regarded as good practice). Total score: Effectiveness depends on the particular situation at the plant. The estimated overall emission reduction potential is moderate on a regional or local level. ++ Total score: Costs depend on the particular situation at the plant. + Total score: LCP, ferrous and non-ferrous industries? ++ 136/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases tMercury SC-4: Mercury-cell substitution in chlor-alkali industry Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Mercury-cell substitution in chlorRemarks SC-4 alkali industry Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source technological process substitution Application range industry-specific Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory No high low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No low Costs Investment costs high Operational costs low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Total score: ++ Conversion to membrane technology. Applicable to the chlor-alkali industry only. Total score: The estimated overall emission reduction potential is high on a regional or local level. ++ reduction of energy Total score: Reported capital costs range from 200 to 700 € per tonne of chlorine capacity. A typical conversion cost according to Euro Chlor is around 530 € per tonne chlorine capacity. This cost includes engineering, equipment and construction as well as dismantling and cleaning of the old mercury cells and piping. It does not include new buildings, additional services or site remediation. + Total score: ++ Yes medium? Progressive voluntary phase-out in EU. At present around 30% of the plants operate by the membrane technology, with eight conversions between 1999 and 2004. Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 137/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury SC-5: Dentistry materials substitution Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Dentistry materials substitution SC-5 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse dental amalgam sector-specific Limits and restrictions low Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low No Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No No No Costs Investment costs low Operational costs low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: ++ Various possible substitutes. Available measure for the dental sector. Replacing amalgam fillings and removal after death can be restricted for cultural reasons. Total score: The estimated overall emission reduction potential is moderate on a global and regional scale, and high on a local scale? ++ Total score: Costs for the installation of amalgam separators are estimated at 33 000 – 1 300 000 US $/kg Hg removed. ++ Costs are connected with the price of the substitute and are generally transferred to the patient. Replacing the amalgam filling at dentists is estimated at 129 000 US$/kg of Hg. Replacement or removal of the filling at death at 400 US$/kg of Hg (Sweden). Total score: ++ Yes common Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 138/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury SC-6: Crematoria - Emission reduction techniques Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Crematoria - Emission reduction Remarks SC-6 techniques Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Total score Total score: + Total score: The estimated overall emission reduction potential is moderate on a regional level. + Total score: Costs of abatement techniques for crematoria are high and will most likely be passed on to the public. The total investment cost for installing flue gas treatment at ~110 Dutch crematoria was estimated at € 37 - € 55 million. The cost of mercury filtering equipment in Britain is thought to be in the order of £ 250 000. Flue gas cleaning with carbon in crematoria is estimated at 29 000 340 000 US$/kg Hg (Sweden, UK). In the Netherlands, the cost range from € 27270 to € 48180 per year for cold start furnaces and from € 45460 to € 74550 for hot start furnaces. These costs comprise technical installation, which includes the cost of additional emission monitors, transport, assembly and engineering costs (for renovations). Additional costs amount to € 18 180 per furnace per year. It is therefore estimated that the cost of cremations due to mercury removal would increase by 15-20%, depending on the type of furnace, and would be even higher for cold start furnaces. + Total score: Although there is currently no EU legislation regarding Hg emissions from crematoria, several Member States have national legislation. There is also an OSPAR recommendation. Several countries have BAT provisions for crematoria, such as the presence of afterburners, temperature, residence time and oxygen content of flue gases, cleaning of exhaust gases and furnace operation (which countries?) ++ point source / diffuse flue gas low medium low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction high Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Yes No low Yes Costs Investment costs medium (high?) Operational costs low (medium?) State of the art BAT (Yes) Existing technology Emerging technology Applications Yes References Table last updated on Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 few Abatement techniques for crematoria are in use at a number of installations in Europe (e.g. in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland). 139/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury SC-7: Electrical products substitution Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Electrical products substitution SC-7 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score: diffuse / point source wiring devices and switching equipment Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory wide low high medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs low low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks ++ Feasible with exemptions. There are no technical obstacles to replacing electrical components, conventional relays and other contacts. Electrical products. Restrictions for some applications. Total score: The estimated overall emission reduction potential is low/moderate on a regional/local scale. ++ energy reduction Total score: + Operation costs of mercury containing devices removal and substitutes. Moderate costs of waste segregation at the facilities. Total score: ++ regulation? Yes widely applied Substitution of Hg was applied successfully in many cases. Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 140/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury SC-8: Separated collection, recycling and safe disposal Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Separated collection, recycling Remarks SC-8 and safe disposal Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Total score: ++ diffuse wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low high (medium?) medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 50-95% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste low No Costs Investment costs Operational costs low low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Measuring and control equipment, electrical products, lighting, laboratory equipment, hospitals, paints/pigments, batteries. Total score: Depends on product. The estimated overall emission reduction potential is low/moderate on a regional/local scale. ++ positive other aspect? no additional Total score: ++ Moderate costs of waste segregation at the facilities. Total score: ++ regulation? widely applied Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 141/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury SC-9: Good management practices Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Good management practices SC-9 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Total score: ++ diffuse / point source wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory No No No Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction high Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs very low none State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Yes Chlor-alkali industry, production of measuring and control equipment, electrical products, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, dental sector. Total score: The estimated overall emission reduction potential is low, important for older plants. ++ Total score: + Total score: ++ standards, regulation widely applied Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 142/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury EoP-1: Basic waste water treatment Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Basic waste water treatment EoP-1 Remarks Total score Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source waste water Application range wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory No low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction >95% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Yes Yes Energy consumption Production of waste medium medium Costs Investment costs Operational costs Total score: depend on particular situation depend on chosen treatment technology + high low Total score: ++ Yes which industries? State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: ++ Commonly used treatment technologies comprise neutralisation, flocculation / flotation, precipitation, sedimentation and filtration. e.g. LCP, non-ferrous and ferrous industry, chemical industry Total score: Sulphide precipitation (+ filtration) typically achieves Hg effluent concentrations of 10-100 µg/L. 5-20 µg/L are achieved with starch xanthate, and 0.5-5.0 µg/L by coprecipitation. In the ferrous industry, Hg concentrations were below 0.1 mg/l following treatment by precipitation, neutralisation and sand filtration. Neutralisation, sulphide precipitation and carbon filtration achieves Hg concentrations below 50 µg/L. The overall reduction potential of basic wastewater treatment is estimated to be moderate. Improvements are mainly implemented at older plants. Higher Hg removal efficiencies can be achieved by multi-stage treatment processes (combination of basic and advanced techniques). e.g. cadmium Addition of large amounts of chemicals is required (e.g. hydroxides, sulphides, organic polymers). Sludge generation. + Sludge (or filter cake) may require treatment / safe disposal. widely used Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 143/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury EoP-2: Ion exchange Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Ion exchange EoP-2 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range point source waste water Limits and restrictions Yes Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction >99% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste possible low medium medium Costs Investment costs Operational costs medium low? State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: e.g. non-ferrous and ferrous industry, chemical industry Depends on effluent quality. Needs pre-treatment (e.g. removal of suspended solids). Total score: The overall reduction potential of this method is estimated to be high on a local scale and in specific situations. Typical Hg effluent concentrations achieved range from 0.5-5.0 µg/L. + e.g. cadmium Total score: ++ The costs of Ion Exchange Treatment at the DOE Savannah River site were estimated at around 260 $/m3. Replacement of resin can be expensive? Total score: Yes ++ ++ which industries? ? Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 144/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury EoP-3: Membrane filtration Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Membrane filtration EoP-3 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source waste water Application range wide (potentially) Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Yes low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction >99% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste possible low medium low Costs Investment costs Operational costs medium low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: Yes ++ Treatment technologies comprise e.g. ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF), reverse osmosis (RO). UF/NF is used by LCP, non-ferrous and ferrous industry, chemical industry. RO is currently used by LCP, but not by the non-ferrous, ferrous and chemical industry (although possible). depends on effluent quality Total score: The reduction potential of this method is estimated to be high on a local scale and in specific situations. Membrane technology typically achieves 80-90% rejection. + Total score: ++ Total score: ++ which industries? ? Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 145/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury EoP-4: Electrochemical techniques Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Electrochemical techniques EoP-4 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range point source waste water applicable but not in common use Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Yes No No Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction >99% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste low medium low Costs Investment costs Operational costs medium low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: Yes ++ Electrochemical techniques are not currently used by the non-ferrous, ferrous and chemical industry (although potentially applicable). depends on effluent quality Total score: The overall emission reduction potential of this method is estimated to be low. Achievable Hg effluent concentrations for electrochemical? reduction range from 10 to almost 100%. + Total score: ++ Total score: ++ which industries? ? Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 146/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury EoP-5: Activated carbon adsorption Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Activated carbon adsorption EoP-5 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range point source waste water wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Yes No No Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction >99% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Yes low medium low Costs Investment costs Operational costs medium low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: Yes ++ e.g. LCP, non-ferrous and ferrous industry, chemical industry depends on effluent quality Total score: Typical Hg effluent concentrations achieved range from 0.5-20 µg/L. In the chlor-alkali industry, 77-99% of Hg was removed from the waste water by activated carbon. e.g. cadmium, organics + Spent carbon needs to be treated or disposed of. Total score: ++ Total score: ++ which industries? ? Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 147/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury EoP-6: Low-cost sorbents Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Low-cost sorbents EoP-6 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range point source waste water wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction medium - high Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Yes No low low Costs Investment costs Operational costs low low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: e.g. biopolymers, natural zeolites, clays, natural oxides, carbonaceous wastes, nanoparticles low volume? Total score: Removal efficiency >98% for titanosilicates at 50 µg Hg /L (low volume only). Total score: Total score: No No Yes pilot scale? Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 148/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury EoP-7: Biological Hg remediation Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Biological Hg remediation EoP-7 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions point source waste water Hg in mg/L range Yes Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low none Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction high (>90%) Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No low low Costs Investment costs low Operational costs low State of the art BAT Existing technology No Yes Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: + e.g. from chlor-alkali industry Hg must be in dissolved (ionic) form. Not applicable for elemental Hg. Total score: Reduces effluent Hg concentrations to below 50 µg/L. ++ Produces small amounts of a Hgcontaminated sludge that requires disposal (alternatively, metallic Hg may be recovered by distillation). Total score: Initial investment costs are estimated at € 0.5 million. Low maintenance. The packed bed material needs replacement approx. every 2 years. Based on the treatment of 8 m3 d-1 (70,000 m3 a-1) of wastewater with an average mercury concentration of 4 mg/L, the total costs for consumption of materials and electricity for the pretreatment unit and bioreactor are in the order of € 72,500. Annual operating costs including labour are about € 90,000. Another source quotes treatment costs of about 25 US $/m3. ++ Total score: Not assessed yet. The technology has already been successfully demonstrated at two chlor-alkali plants in Germany and the Czech Republic. Yes Modifications of the technology for application to other types of waste water are under development. Yes Applied at pilot scale. Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 + 149/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Mercury EoP-8: Dental wastewater treatment Fact Sheet for Mercury (Hg) Measure/source combination Dental wastewater treatment EoP-8 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Total score: point source waste water from dental facilities simple Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction >99% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No low low Costs Investment costs Operational costs low? low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: Calculated removal efficiencies for chairside filtration systems ranged from 93 to >99%. Currently marketed commercial amalgam separation units can remove >99% of particulate Hg. Total score: requires minimal maintenance Total score: Yes amalgam separators Yes Yes Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 150/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 6.10.2 applicable for use in the cases Cadmium (Cd) Overview of measure/source combinations Source control SC-1 Recycling and reuse (ferrous and non-ferrous industries) SC-2 Pre-treatment of waste water from technological processes SC-3 Run-off management SC-4 Low-Cd phosphate rock SC-5 Cd removal from phosphate SC-6 Cd substitution in electroplating SC-7 Battery and cells substitution End-of-pipe EoP-1 Basic waste water treatment EoP-2 Ion exchange EoP-3 Membrane filtration EoP-4 Electrochemical techniques EoP-5 Activated carbon adsorption EoP-6 Low-cost sorbents EoP-7 Thioteq process (off-line biogenic sulphide production) Table 30: Overview of available and emerging measures per source for cadmium 151/296 Possible measures Cadmium (Cd) Source Iron & Steel Production Non-ferrous metals industry Phosphate fertiliser production Chemical industry Electroplating industry Battery & cells production Legend: Available measure Emerging measure SC-1 SC-2 SC-3 Recycling and reuse Pre-treatment of waste water from technological processes Run-off management Low-Cd phosphate rock SC-4 SC-5 SC-6 SC-7 EoP-1 EoP-2 EoP-3 EoP-4 EoP-5 EoP-6 EoP-7 Cd removal from phosphate Cd substitution in electroplating Battery and cells substitution Basic waste water treatment Ion exchange Membrane filtration Electrochemical techniques Activated carbon adsorption Low-cost sorbents Thioteq process (offline biogenic sulphide production) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Cadmium SC-1: Recycling and reuse (ferrous and nonferrous industries) Fact Sheet for Cadmium (Cd) Measure/source combination Recycling and reuse (ferrous and SC-1 non-ferrous industries) Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions some Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory high low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction high Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Yes low low low Costs Investment costs medium Operational costs medium References Table last updated on Total score Total score: point source process water, cooling water, run-off water, FGD effluents wide State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications Remarks Yes widely applied + e.g. iron & steel production, nonferrous metals industry, phosphate fertilisers, chemical industry, uses Implementation depends on process characteristics. Total score: The primary effect of these measures is the reduction in discharged water volume and retention of cadmium in the closed loop / reduced Cd content in the wastewater discharged. The effectiveness depends on the process and particular situation at the plant. The Cd concentration in effluents also depends on the initial Cd content in raw materials. Around 10% of the water should be replenished. The estimated overall emission reduction potential of the measure is low. ++ Total score: Costs depend on the particular situation at the plant. ++ Total score: ferrous and non-ferrous industries ++ Techniques and methods for the reuse of water are already successfully applied in the nonferrous metals industry to minimise the amount of liquid effluent that has to be discharged as wastewater. Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Cadmium SC-2: Pre-treatment of waste water from technological processes Fact Sheet for Cadmium (Cd) Measure/source combination Pre-treatment of waste water from Remarks SC-2 technological processes Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score: point source process wastewater, technological water Application range wide Limits and restrictions low Complexity of implementation high Impact on the process / factory medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction high Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Yes medium medium medium Costs Investment costs high Operational costs medium State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Yes ++ In many plants the effluents are treated by precipitation, neutralisation and sand filtration. e.g. iron & steel production, nonferrous metals industry, phosphate fertilisers, chemical industry Pre-treatment of technological water is commonly applied. Pre-treatment of process waste water is generally good practice. Improvements require new additional technological unit or process. Total score: Performance depends on the technology and production type, e.g. copper production 0.004 – 0.1 mg Cd/L depending on the technological process. The estimated overall emission reduction potential is moderate on a global scale, in some cases high at a local level. ++ Total score: Costs depend on the particular situation at the plant. +? Total score: ferrous and non-ferrous industries ++ widely applied Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 154/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Cadmium SC-3: Run-off management Fact Sheet for Cadmium (Cd) Measure/source combination Run-off management SC-3 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix diffuse surface runoff Application range wide Limits and restrictions No Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction medium Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No No Costs Investment costs high Operational costs low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: Yes + Paved areas around installations with drainage system. e.g. iron & steel production, nonferrous metals industry, phosphate fertilisers, chemical industry, uses Run-off control is relatively easy technically. Requires appropriate design of the surface sealing and drainage system (generally regarded as good practice). Total score: Effectiveness depends on the particular situation at the plant. The estimated overall emission reduction potential is moderate on a local level. ++ Total score: Additional investment costs. Costs depend on the particular situation at the plant. + Total score: ferrous and non-ferrous industries ++ widely applied Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 155/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Cadmium SC-4: Low-Cd phosphate rock Fact Sheet for Cadmium (Cd) Measure/source combination Low-Cd phosphate rock SC-4 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source / diffuse phosphate rock Application range Limits and restrictions possible high Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory No No Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction high Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: + Low-Cd phosphate rock is usually of magmatic origin. applied with limitations It is argued that using low-Cd phosphate rock is not applicable on a large scale and is restricted by the capacity and reserves of low-Cd phosphate rock. Total score: The Cd content varies from 0.25 up to 250 mg Cd per kg of P2O3 (is this the range for low and high-Cd phosphate rock?). The estimated overall emission reduction potential is low on a global scale and moderate on a local/regional scale. + No transport issue No No Total score: + none depends on market limitation Total score: – Yes few Using low-Cd rock has been the dominant strategy in countries where cadmium reduction policies are being pursued. In Sweden a cadmium charge was introduced. The charge rate is SEK 30 (€ 3.3) per gram of cadmium if the Cd content exceeds 5 mg/kg. As a result, the Cd content in fertiliser has gradually fallen from 3540 mg Cd/kg P to about 16 mg Cd/kg P. Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 156/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Cadmium SC-5: Cd removal from phosphate Fact Sheet for Cadmium (Cd) Measure/source combination Cd removal from phosphate SC-5 Total score Remarks point source / diffuse phosphate rock / phosphoric acid? Application range not applied yet Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Yes high high Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction high Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Yes high Production of waste medium air pollution High energy consumption for calcination. wastewater and solid? wastes Costs Investment costs Operational costs Total score: Too expensive. Not reasonable for high quantities of product. – high medium Total score: – State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: – Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Cd removal from phosphate rock by calcination or co-crystallisation, precipitation with sulphide. Several processes are currently under development, but none of them are commercially operational at the industrial level (except for food grade phosphoric acid). technical limitations Total score: 100% removal? The estimated overall emission reduction potential is low moderate on a local/regional scale. – Yes few Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 157/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Cadmium SC-6: Cd substitution in electroplating Fact Sheet for Cadmium (Cd) Measure/source combination Cd substitution in electroplating SC-6 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score: Application range point source conductive agents, electroplating agents various Limits and restrictions depends on product Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium high Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction high Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste ? No Costs Investment costs Operational costs high medium State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks + Coatings of zinc or vapour-deposited aluminium can substitute for cadmium in many plating applications. some exceptions (e.g. fasteners for aircraft) Total score: Potential additional effects of Cd substitution in electroplating on Cd emissions are regarded as low (locally high). + other pollutant Total score: + Cd-substitution in electroplating is thought to be cost-efficient. Total score: In the text (p. 25) you say that it is BAT and widely applied?? – Yes a few? Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 158/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Cadmium SC-7: Battery and cells substitution Fact Sheet for Cadmium (Cd) Measure/source combination Battery and cells substitution SC-7 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score: point source batteries and cells (consumer and industrial) Application range Limits and restrictions restrictions for industrial products Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory No No Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction medium Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No low Costs Investment costs medium Operational costs medium State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks ++ Consumer batteries/cells: Various possibilities (Li-ion, Liopolymers, NiMetal Hydride) and possible in wide range of applications, pilot phase for electric vehicles. Industrial batteries/cells: Possible with exceptions. For consumer batteries/cells, substitution is feasible and is used by producers. For industrial batteries/cells, substitution is very limited due to performance requirements. Total score: Potential additional effects of Cd substitution in batteries/cells on Cd emissions are regarded as low (high only for large municipal landfill sites). + other pollutant? Total score: Consumer batteries/cells: Substitution is cost-efficient for some battery applications. Additional annual costs for consumers of between € 825 and 1,995 million (Europe), equivalent to a rough annual additional cost per consumer between € 2 and € 5. Industrial batteries/cells: Substitution costs are high for selected applications. + Total score: required in common goods? ++ widely applied Has successfully been applied in many cases. Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 159/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Cadmium EoP-1: Basic waste water treatment Fact Sheet for Cadmium (Cd) Measure/source combination Basic waste water treatment EoP-1 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source waste water Application range wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory No low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction >95% Total score Remarks Total score: ++ Commonly used treatment technologies comprise neutralisation, flocculation / flotation, precipitation, sedimentation and filtration. e.g. non-ferrous and ferrous industry, phosphate fertiliser production, chemical industry Total score: + At pH 11, sulphide precipitation and calcium hydroxide precipitation (+ filtration) can achieve Cd removal efficiencies >99%, while ferric hydroxide precipitation achieves ~96% removal. At industrial non-ferrous metal producing sites and wastewater treatment plants, the Cd removal efficiency based on physico-chemical techniques is at least 90% with total Cd concentrations in the range 1 – 0.1 mg/L. In the copper industry, Cd concentrations in wastewater where BAT is applied are less than 0.05 mg Cd/L. Primary and secondary copper process water after lime and iron sulphate treatment and settlement is cleaned down to 0.1 mg Cd/L. In secondary copper process and surface water after NaHS treatment, settlement and sand filtration, Cd concentrations are down to 0.004 mg Cd/L. Treatment of an effluent with an average Cd concentration of 0.45 mg/L with TMT resulted in a Cd concentration <0.01 mg/L, indicating a removal efficiency of at least 98.8%. The overall reduction potential of basic wastewater treatment is estimated to be moderate on regional/local scales. Improvements are mainly implemented at older plants. Hig Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Yes Yes e.g. mercury Addition of large amounts of chemicals is required (e.g. hydroxides, sulphides, organic polymers). Sludge generation. Energy consumption Production of waste medium medium Costs Investment costs Operational costs high low State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on widely used Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 Sludge (or filter cake) may require treatment / safe disposal. Total score: depend on particular situation depend on chosen treatment technology + Total score: The baseline approach is currently considered sufficient for most industrial applications. ++ 160/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Cadmium EoP-2: Ion exchange Fact Sheet for Cadmium (Cd) Measure/source combination Ion exchange EoP-2 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Total score Remarks Total score: ++ point source waste water Can be applied e.g. in phosphate fertiliser production (Table 22 - problems in other sectors). Note Table 1 says it applies to the non-ferrous and ferrous industry, phosphate fertiliser production, chemical industry. Limits and restrictions Yes Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction >99% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste possible low medium medium Costs Investment costs Operational costs medium low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Yes Depends on effluent quality. Needs pre-treatment (e.g. removal of suspended solids). Specific problems/situtation in ferrous and non-ferrous industry. Total score: Removal efficiencies are 90% (using clinoptinolite) and 100% (using synthetic zeolite). The overall reduction potential of this method is estimated to be moderate/low (high in site/plant-specific circumstances). + e.g. mercury Total score: ++ Total score: ++ which industries? ? Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 161/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Cadmium EoP-3: Membrane filtration Fact Sheet for Cadmium (Cd) Measure/source combination Membrane filtration EoP-3 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source waste water Application range wide (potentially) Total score Remarks Total score: ++ Treatment technologies comprise e.g. ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF), reverse osmosis (RO). Applicable technique for non-ferrous metals industry, phosphate fertiliser production, chemicals industry. Note Table 22 says it also applies to the ferrous industry, and Hg report says: UF/NF is used by non-ferrous and ferrous industry, chemical industry. RO is not currently used by the nonferrous, ferrous and chemical industry (although possible). Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Yes low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction >99% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects possible low Energy consumption Production of waste medium low Costs Investment costs Operational costs medium low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Yes depends on effluent quality Total score: For example, UF can achieve a Cd removal efficiency of 93% (pH 5.1), NF 97%, and RO 99% (pH 4 - 11). The overall reduction potential of this method is estimated to be low/moderate (high in site/plantspecific circumstances). + With RO, pure Cd can be produced and sold. High for RO. Total score: + Total score: ++ which industries? ? Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 162/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Cadmium EoP-4: Electrochemical techniques Fact Sheet for Cadmium (Cd) Measure/source combination Electrochemical techniques EoP-4 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range point source waste water applicable but not in common use Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Yes No No Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction >99% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects low Energy consumption Production of waste medium low Costs Investment costs Operational costs medium low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: Yes ++ Electrochemical techniques are not currently used by the non-ferrous, ferrous and phosphate fertiliser industry (although potentially applicable). depends on effluent quality Total score: Electrodialysis removed 13% of Cd within 2 h (at 2 g/L). Membrane electrolysis and electrochemical precipitation are suitable for concentrations >2 g/L. The latter removed >99% of Cd at pH 4 - 10. The overall reduction potential of these techniques is estimated to be low (moderate in specific applications on local scale). + With electrochemical precipitation, the deposited Cd can be removed and recycled for reuse. Total score: + Total score: ++ which industries? ? Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 163/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Cadmium EoP-5: Activated carbon adsorption Fact Sheet for Cadmium (Cd) Measure/source combination Activated carbon adsorption EoP-5 Total score Remarks Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory point source waste water ? Yes No No Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects ? Yes low Energy consumption Production of waste medium low Costs Investment costs Operational costs medium low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on ? ? ? ? Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 Total score: ? ? depends on effluent quality Total score: ? e.g. mercury, organics Cd removal with modified activated carbon sometimes hindered by presence of copper. ? Spent carbon needs to be treated or disposed of. Total score: ? Total score: ? 164/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Cadmium EoP-6: Low-cost sorbents Fact Sheet for Cadmium (Cd) Measure/source combination Low-cost sorbents EoP-6 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range point source waste water wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Yes low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction medium - high Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Yes No low low Costs Investment costs Operational costs low low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: ? e.g. biopolymers, natural zeolites, clays, natural oxides, carbonaceous wastes, nanoparticles low volume? Total score: For example, the Cd removal efficiency of silicate rocks and mineral oxides was 66% (pH 2) and 84% (pH 4). Silica-alumina nanoparticles achieved >90% removal of Cd (reduction from 140 ppm to <5 ppb). ? Total score: ? Less expensive than carbon adsorption. Total score: ? No No Yes pilot scale? Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 165/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Cadmium EoP-7: Thioteq process (off-line biogenic sulphide production) Fact Sheet for Cadmium (Cd) Measure/source combination Thioteq process (off-line biogenic Remarks EoP-7 sulphide production) Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score: Application range point source waste water, process water, acid mine drainage wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction ? Removal of other substances Yes Cross-media effects Yes Energy consumption Production of waste low low Costs Investment costs Operational costs low low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications No No Yes several References Table last updated on Total score ? Current and potential applications for the technology include the treatment of and metal recovery from acid mine drainage, lime plant feed, metallurgical bleed and process streams, PLS from (bio)leaching. Total score: Metals can be removed to below 0.1 mg/L. Other metals such as copper, nickel, cobalt and zinc. Metals can be recovered selectively for sale. ? Total score: ? Significantly lower costs compared to chemical sulphide reagents such as NaHS, Na2S or H2S. Total score: ? Proven in several full-scale installations as an alternative to conventional treatment. Substance Report (revision no. 2, 1 February 2008) 11-feb-08 166/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 6.10.3 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Overview of measure/source combinations Source control SC-1 Choice of oil- and chlorine-free feeds SC-2 Pre-treatment of raw material SC-3 Combustion control SC-4 Limitation of demagging impacts SC-5 Closure of small-scale facilities SC-6 Implementing green chemistry SC-7 Careful operations and rigorous maintenance SC-8 Process modification SC-9 Purification of products by distillation SC-10 Recycling unintentional HCB generation SC-11 Application rate reduction SC-12 Shifting application date SC-13 Sprayer inspection SC-14 Conservation tillage SC-15 Ground cover End-of-pipe EoP-1 Grass strips EoP-2 Hedges EoP-3 Riparian zones EoP-4 Constructed wetlands EoP-5 Activated carbon adsorption EoP-6 Gas filtration EoP-7 Afterburners EoP-8 Vitrification 167/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 Overview of available and emerging measures per source for hexachlorobenzene SC-1 SC-2 SC-3 SC-4 SC-5 SC-6 SC-7 SC-8 SC-9 SC-10 SC-11 SC-12 SC-13 SC-14 SC-15 EoP-1 EoP-2 EoP-3 EoP-4 EoP-5 EoP-6 EoP-7 EoP-8 Choice of oil- and chlorine-free feeds Pre-treatment of raw material Combustion control Limitation of demagging impacts Closure of small-scale facilities Implementing green chemistry Careful operations and rigorous maintenance Process modification Purification of products by distillation Recycling unintentional HCB generation Application rate reduction Shifting application date Sprayer inspection Conservation tillage Ground cover Grass strips Hedges Riparian zones Constructed wetlands Activated carbon adsorption Gas filtration Afterburners Vitrification Available measure Emerging measure Waste treatment Pesticide application Combustion Source Secondary aluminium processing Possible measures Chemical manufacturing Table 31: applicable for use in the cases 168/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-1: Choice of oil- and chlorine-free feeds Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Choice of oil- and chlorine-free SC-1 feeds Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse / point source feed material wide? Limits and restrictions medium Total score Remarks Total score: Complexity of implementation ? Secondary aluminium processing and combustion sector. Secondary aluminium processing : A simple means of reducing the potential for HCB emissions. Secondary aluminium processing : Not everywhere possible. Fossil fuel-fired utility and industrial boilers (combustion) : Measures such as e.g. measurement of the fuel chlorine content should be undertaken to ensure that fuel is not contaminated with chlorinated aromatics (PCB, HCB) or chlorine, and other components which could act as catalysts in the formation of HCB. However, chlorine removal from fossil fuel feeds is not seen as a cost-effective measure for PCDD/PCDF reduction, and likely for HCB. Potential fuel contamination occurs in particular with lowenergy wastes where undesirable materials or pollutants are present. Secondary aluminium processing : No technical limitations to implementation, but more suitable for larger-scale recovery facilities. Fossil fuel-fired utility and industrial boilers (combustion) : No technical limitations. Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction ? Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Total score: No figures available. Secondary aluminium processing: In general, feed sorting will prevent or minimise the use of chloride salt fluxes during smelting, and thus chlorinated emissions. ? Total score: ? Total score: Regarded as BAT for secondary aluminium processing and the combustion sector. ? Costs Investment costs Operational costs State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 23-apr-08 169/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-2: Pre-treatment of raw material Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Pre-treatment of raw material SC-2 Total score Remarks Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score: diffuse / point source raw materials (secondary Secondary aluminium processing : Feed material for secondary aluminium processing and chlorine aluminium processing consists of process scrap, used beverage cans, chemistry) foils, extrusions, commercial scraps, turnings, old rolled, cast metal, and also skimmings and salt slags from the secondary smelting process. In particular, scrap may be contaminated with oil, plastics or coatings, which are to be removed (pre-treatment) for reducing emissions. Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry) : Oxychlorination processes can also be a potential source of HCB due to the presence of heat, elemental chlorine, copper chloride catalyst and organic material (aromatics may be already present or generated in high-temperature processes). Application range wide? Limits and restrictions ? Secondary aluminium processing : Pre-treatment operations prepare the material for smelting and include sorting, processing, and cleaning. The goal is to separate aluminium from contaminants (other metals, dirt, oil, plastics, and paint). Feed sorting allows suiting furnace type and emission abatement: unsuitable raw materials are transferred to other facilities better suited for their treatment. The removal of oil, organic material (plastics), and chlorine is achieved by thermal means (swarf centrifuge, swarf drying or other thermal de-coating techniques). Avoidance of these compounds in the feed reduces the generation of HCB during incomplete combustion. Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry) : Treatment of impurities in raw materials is of particular interest for the oxychlorination process where acetylene that is present as an impurity in HCl can be converted to chlorinated aromatics (including HCB). Selective hydrogenation of acetylene to ethylene and ethane prior to the oxychlorination reaction is a common measure to avoid this by-product synthesis. Some patents also state ways to remove aromatics in fe Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry) : Patented technology for aromatics removal limits its implementation. Secondary aluminium processing: No technical limitations to implementation, but more suitable for larger-scale recovery facilities. Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry): No technical limitations. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction ? Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Yes Total score: No figures available. Feed cleaning reduces the potential for the emissions of HCB. ? Secondary aluminium processing : The melting of cleaned material can save energy and reduce skimmings generation. Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs Operational costs Total score: ? Total score: Regarded as BAT for secondary aluminium processing and chlorine chemistry. ? State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 23-apr-08 170/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-3: Combustion control Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Combustion control SC-3 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix diffuse / point source Application range wide? Total score Remarks Total score: ? Poor combustion of fuels or the organic content of the feed material can result in the emission of organic materials, including HCB. Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Secondary aluminium processing : Smelting and combustion processes should be monitored by control systems to guarantee stable and optimal operations. Effective burners and furnaces (hightemperature advanced furnaces) are needed. Monitoring HCB emissions by continuous sampling should also be considered. At the same time, other parameters such as temperature, residence time, and gas components should be continuously controlled and maintained. Peak combustion rates from included organic materials need to be taken into account. Fossil fuel-fired utility and industrial boilers (combustion) : Efficient combustion can be achieved in controlling the key parameters (e.g. temperature: over 900°C; turbulence: high; oxygen: in excess) to maintain the combustion conditions within the boiler at the optimum and ensuring that sufficient time (over 1 second) is allowed for complete combustion. A good indicator for assessing the combustion efficiency is the real-time monitoring of CO gas (good combustion = low CO emissions). Secondary aluminium processing : No technical limitations to implementation, but more suitable for larger-scale recovery facilities. Fossil fuel-fired utility and industrial boilers (combustion) : No technical limitations. Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs ? Total score: No figures available. The control of combustion and smelting will decrease the emissions of chlorinated compounds, including HCB. Yes other chlorinated compounds ? Total score: They are few figures available. For secondary aluminium processing, the investment costs of a 30-ton furnace with gas injection were estimated at 2.73 M€1997 and the operational cost savings (energy, fluxes, treatments, and improved yield) at 1.26 M€1997/y. The process equipment costs of a rotary furnace ranged between 15 and 60 €/year ton. For a reverbatory furnace, the investment costs of an advanced system (pumping system and charge well) were estimated at 0.46 M€1997. ? 5 and 60 €/year ton. For a reverbatory State of the furnace, art the investment costs of an advanced system (pumping system and charge well) were estimated at 0.46 M€1997. BAT Yes Regarded as BAT for secondary aluminium processing and the combustion sector. ? Operational costs Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 23-apr-08 171/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-4: Limitation of demagging impacts Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Limitation of demagging SC-4 impacts Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix diffuse / point source Application range wide? Total score Remarks Total score: ? Secondary aluminium processing : Demagging consists in removing magnesium from the melt by the use of chemicals. In the past, liquid chlorine was used, which resulted in high chlorine (chloride compounds) emissions. More recent operations reducing chlorine emissions involve a different procedure with injection of chlorine gas mixtures (e.g. chlorine, anhydrous aluminium chloride, or chlorinated organics) or aluminium fluoride (e.g. sodium aluminium fluoride or potassium aluminium fluoride). Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Chemical addition for demagging and degassing (chlorine mixtures, chlorides) can lead to the formation of HCB. Injection of liquid chlorine or hexachloroethane has to be avoided (the use of hexachloroethane is banned in Europe). Practical, health, and safety considerations also have to be taken into account. For instance, the use of chlorine mixed with argon or nitrogen or the use of aluminium fluoride is a possibility. Off-gases have to be treated. No technical limitations to implementation for secondary aluminium processing, but more suitable for largerscale recovery facilities. Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste ? Yes Total score: No figures available. The limitation of demagging impacts by careful choice of the demagging approach will decrease the emissions of chlorinated compounds, including HCB. ? other chlorinated compounds Costs Investment costs Operational costs Total score: ? Total score: Regarded as BAT for secondary aluminium processing. ? State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 23-apr-08 172/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-5: Closure of small-scale facilities Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Closure of small-scale facilities Remarks SC-5 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Total score: ? diffuse / point source Secondary aluminium processing : Artisanal and other small-scale aluminium recovery should be discouraged in favour of larger-scale secondary aluminium smelting operations where proper air pollution controls can be implemented. When small-scale processes are practised, the following measures should be applied: feed sorting, selecting a better fuel supply (oil or gas fuels instead of coal), filtration of exhaust gases, proper management of wastes and proper choice of chemical additions (degassing/demagging). Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Total score: ? Total score: ? Total score: Regarded as BAT for secondary aluminium processing. ? No figures available. Costs Investment costs Operational costs State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 23-apr-08 173/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-6: Implementing green chemistry Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Implementing green chemistry SC-6 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Total score Remarks Total score: ? diffuse / point source Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry) Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry) : Implementing green chemistry and engineering is a general principle for the design of products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances (including HCB). It supports both better economic and environmental performance and is based on principles such as a more efficient use of raw materials and a minimisation of by-products and waste. More generally, some HCB sources may not be identified and related to a particular chemical process: in this view, release prevention can be achieved by installing high-performance technologies, closing the cycles and installing internal and external control of by-product, waste streams, and emissions. Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry) : No technical limitations. Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste ? Costs Investment costs Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Yes Total score: ? Total score: ? Total score: ? No figures available. Regarded as BAT for chlorine chemistry. numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 23-apr-08 174/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-7: Careful operations and rigorous maintenance Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Careful operations and rigorous Remarks SC-7 maintenance Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Total score: ? diffuse / point source Secondary aluminium processing, chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry), and fossil fuel-fired utility and industrial boilers (combustion). Secondary aluminium processing : (no details) Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry) : For chlorination reactions, careful control of reaction conditions (e.g. temperature, chlorine feed rate and purity of catalyst) may lead to significant reductions of HCB contamination. Appropriate packing and maintenance (regular change) of fixed bed oxychlorination catalysts can reduce hot spots, fouling of the catalyst bed, loss of productivity and the potential for generation of undesired products (including HCB). With fluidised bed reactors, better temperature control and more uniform performance can be achieved, but adherence of HCB to catalyst particles can allow for carryover within the facility when catalyst particles are entrained in the vapour stream. Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Secondary aluminium processing: No technical limitations to implementation, but more suitable for larger-scale recovery facilities. Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry): No technical limitations. Fossil fuel-fired utility and industrial boilers (combustion): No technical limitations. Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Total score: ? ? No figures available. Careful operations and rigorous maintenance improve process yields and reduce by-product generation. Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs Operational costs none low Total score: ? State of the art BAT Yes Total score: Regarded as BAT for secondary aluminium processing, chlorine chemistry and the combustion sector. ? Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 23-apr-08 175/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-8: Process modification Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Process modification SC-8 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Total score Remarks Total score: ? diffuse / point source Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry). Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry) : Process modifications to reduce HCB generation include changes in modus operandi and in raw materials. For instance, carbon electrodes for chlor-alkali production (manufacture of chlorine and caustic soda) should be replaced by coated titanium anodes. For the production of pentachlorophenol and sodium pentachlorophenate, routes using HCB as a raw material (pentachlorophenol: hydrolysis of HCB with sodium hydroxide or thermolysis of HCB; sodium pentachlorophenate: hydrolysis of HCB) should be avoided (normally in Europe, such routes are not used anymore). Other routes should be preferred (pentachlorophenol: chlorination of phenol by Cl2 over a catalyst; sodium pentachlorophenate: treatment of pentachlorophenol by sodium hydroxide). Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry) : No technical limitations. Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste ? Costs Investment costs Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Yes Total score: ? Total score: ? Total score: ? No figures available. Regarded as BAT for chlorine chemistry. numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 23-apr-08 176/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-9: Purification of products by distillation Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Purification of products by SC-9 distillation Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Remarks Total score: diffuse / point source reaction products in chemical Distillation is a means of separating the desired manufacturing (chlorine chemistry) product from inadvertent by-products. By-product formation can be minimised by appropriate design and operation of the distillation apparatus. The boiling point of HCB is sufficiently different from other (commercial) products to achieve complete separation. Application range ? Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry) : Oxychlorination processes can be a potential source of HCB. However, HCB can be completely removed by distillation and isolated in high-boiling materials (“heavy ends” fraction). This applies in particular to the manufacture of chlorinated solvents (trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene and carbon tetrachloride). Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry) : No technical limitations. Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction ? Total score: Modern techniques for the manufacture of chlorinated solvents allow separating HCB from the final product (HCB <20 ppb for trichloroethylene and <10 ppb for perchloroethylene). ? Total score: ? Total score: ? Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Yes Regarded as BAT for chlorine chemistry. numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 23-apr-08 177/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-10: Recycling unintentional HCB generation Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Recycling unintentional HCB SC-10 generation Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Remarks Total score: ? diffuse / point source Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry) : Recycling is also a solution to consider in some cases. Destruction of chlorinated by-products such as HCB, indeed, can allow for HCl recovery. Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Chemical manufacturing (chlorine chemistry) : No technical limitations. Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste ? Total score: ? Total score: ? Total score: Regarded as BAT for chlorine chemistry. ? No figures available. Costs Investment costs Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Yes numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 23-apr-08 178/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-11: Application rate reduction Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Application rate reduction SC-11 Total score Remarks Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Total score: Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium low medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction variable? Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Yes No Energy consumption Production of waste No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs none low State of the art BAT Yes? Total score: Best practice in European agriculture. Existing technology Emerging technology Applications numerous Has been successfully implemented. References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 14-mrt-08 + Pesticide application. A decrease in the amount per hectare of pesticide which may be contaminated by HCB (easier when pesticide use is optimised). This can be achieved, for example, with band spraying on row crops and mechanical inter-row weed control, or by applying only the necessary amount with a variable-rate sprayer connected to a geographic information system and vehicle guidance system. Easy to implement. Total score: Current application: Reduction of HCB emissions about equivalent to the pesticide application reduction. Past application: no reduction of HCB emissions. other pesticides Possible risk of insufficient weed control. Total score: ? ++ Operational costs include a possible loss of crop yield (due to the risk of insufficient weed control). Note that in case of reducing the application rate, avoided costs (pesticide saved) have to be taken into account. ++ 179/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-12: Shifting application date Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Shifting the application date SC-12 Total score Remarks Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Total score: Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium low medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction variable? Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Yes No Energy consumption Production of waste No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs none low State of the art BAT Yes? Total score: Best practice in European agriculture. Existing technology Emerging technology Applications numerous Has been successfully implemented. References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 14-mrt-08 + Pesticide application. A modification (anticipation or delay) in the date of application so as to avoid application in periods with a high probability of erosion events (due to high-intensity rainstorms or saturated soils). Easy to implement. Total score: Current application: Reduction of HCB emissions variable (low to high). Past application: no reduction of HCB emissions. ? other pesticides Possible risk of insufficient weed control (risk increases with requirement of only one application per crop). Total score: ++ Operational costs include a possible loss of crop yield (due to the risk of insufficient weed control). ++ 180/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-13: Sprayer inspection Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Sprayer inspection SC-13 Total score Remarks Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Total score: Limits and restrictions low Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction variable? Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Yes No No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs none low State of the art BAT Yes? Total score: Best practice in European agriculture. Existing technology Emerging technology Applications numerous Has been successfully implemented. References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 14-mrt-08 ++ Pesticide application. Regular independent inspection of sprayers is a means of reducing pesticide losses and avoiding overapplication. In 2004, the inspection of sprayers was mandatory in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, and Switzerland. Need for facility to organise sprayer inspection. Easy to implement. Total score: Current application: Reduction of HCB emissions due to loss, drift and over application of pesticides. Past application: no reduction of HCB emissions. other pesticides Total score: ? ++ The costs of sprayer inspection include the cost of the inspection itself as well as the costs for repairing faulty sprayers. To give an example of the order of magnitude for inspection costs, a voluntary sprayer diagnosis costs about 100 € in France. ++ 181/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-14: Conservation tillage Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Conservation tillage SC-14 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory high low medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction unknown Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Yes No Energy consumption Production of waste No No Costs Investment costs low Operational costs low State of the art BAT Total score Remarks Total score: 0 Pesticide application. Conservation tillage, including zerotillage, is an agronomic practice where tillage is reduced, or even suppressed, which leaves at least 30% of the soil covered by crop residues. The technique is designed to prevent soil erosion by wind and water. Not everywhere possible. Easy to implement. Total score: Past and current application: Reduction of HCB emissions unknown. other pesticides Possible risk of fungal disease (in humid climate). ? Total score: There are investment costs if the classical farm equipment cannot be used. Operational costs could be due to a loss of crop yield or a need for fungicide treatment, but avoided costs (fuel, work, and time saved) have to be removed. Depending on the assumptions (equipment, need for additional treatment, loss of crop yield, market prices…), the yearly additional costs should be in the range of 0-50 €/ha. ++ Total score: Best practice in European agriculture. ++ Yes? Existing technology Emerging technology Applications numerous Has been successfully implemented. References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 14-mrt-08 182/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene SC-15: Ground cover Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Ground cover SC-15 Total score Remarks Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Total score: Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low low medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction unknown Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Yes No Energy consumption Production of waste medium No Costs Investment costs Operational costs none medium State of the art BAT Yes? Total score: Best practice in European agriculture. Existing technology Emerging technology Applications numerous Has been successfully implemented. References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 14-mrt-08 ++ Pesticide application. Planting cover crops consists in growing (in fall/winter) any crop between regular grain crop production periods to provide soil cover. The technique is designed to prevent soil erosion by wind and water and could limit runoff to some extent. Easy to implement. Total score: Past and current application: Reduction of HCB emissions unknown. other pesticides Reduced efficiency or cross effects (emissions of other chemicals) if chemical destruction. Need for more energy (fuel). Total score: ? ++ The operational costs can be roughly estimated at 109 €/ha (seedbed: 53 €/ha; seeds: 23 €/ha; and mechanical destruction: 33 €/ha) but some benefits also have to be considered (e.g. nitrate trapping and improvement of soil structure). ++ 183/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene EoP-1: Grass strips Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Grass strips EoP-1 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Limits and restrictions low Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low Total score: Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction ? Removal of other substances many Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No low No Costs Investment costs low Operational costs medium State of the art BAT Yes? Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks ++ Environmental buffer zone between cropland and water body as a means of reducing the impact of runoff. Need for maintenance. Loss of arable land area for the strip. Easy to implement. Total score: The performance of environmental buffers for mitigating HCB water pollution is unknown (no study available). However, it can be assumed that, like for most pesticides, grass strips, hedges and constructed wetlands should be more efficient to reduce HCB emissions than riparian zones. Abatement of many other pollutants: other pesticides, fertilisers, heavy metals, etc. ? Total score: Investment costs for grass strips (soil cultivation, seedbed and seeds) have been estimated at 473 €/ha strip. + Operational costs for grass strips (mowing) have been estimated at 88 €/ha strip. In addition, operational costs may include the loss of crop yield due to the loss of arable land area. Total score: Regarded as best practice in European agriculture. ++ Yes numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 11-mrt-08 184/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene EoP-2: Hedges Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Hedges EoP-2 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Limits and restrictions low Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low Total score: Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction ? Removal of other substances many Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No low No Costs Investment costs medium Operational costs medium State of the art BAT Yes? Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks ++ Environmental buffer zone between cropland and water body as a means of reducing the impact of runoff. Need for maintenance. Loss of arable land area for the strip. Easy to implement. Total score: The performance of environmental buffers for mitigating HCB water pollution is unknown (no study available). However, it can be assumed that, like for most pesticides, grass strips, hedges and constructed wetlands should be more efficient to reduce HCB emissions than riparian zones. Abatement of many other pollutants: other pesticides, fertilisers, heavy metals, etc. ? Total score: Investment costs for planting hedges have been estimated at 12 €/m hedge. Costs can be decreased down to 2-3 €/m hedge with a simple restoration without planting. 0 Operational costs for hedges (maintenance) have been estimated at 1.6 €/m hedge. In addition, operational costs may include the loss of crop yield due to the loss of arable land area. Total score: Regarded as best practice in European agriculture? + Yes numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 11-mrt-08 185/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene EoP-3: Riparian zones Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Riparian zones EoP-3 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Limits and restrictions medium Complexity of implementation low Total score Remarks Total score: ++ Environmental buffer zone between cropland and water body as a means of reducing the impact of runoff. Slow growing (trees). Possible increase of pest/disease pressure. Easy to implement and no need for maintenance. Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction ? Removal of other substances many Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs medium low State of the art BAT Yes? Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: The performance of environmental buffers for mitigating HCB water pollution is unknown (no study available). However, it can be assumed that, like for most pesticides, grass strips, hedges and constructed wetlands should be more efficient to reduce HCB emissions than riparian zones. Abatement of many other pollutants: other pesticides, fertilisers, heavy metals, etc. ? Total score: + Total score: Regarded as best practice in European agriculture? + Yes numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 11-mrt-08 186/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene EoP-4: Constructed wetlands Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Constructed wetlands EoP-4 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Limits and restrictions high Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low Total score: Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction ? Removal of other substances many Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No No Costs Investment costs high Operational costs medium State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks + Environmental buffer zone between cropland and water body as a means of reducing the impact of runoff. Not everywhere possible. Need for maintenance. Loss of arable land area. Possible classification by authorities as a protected habitat. Easy to implement. Total score: The performance of environmental buffers for mitigating HCB water pollution is unknown (no study available). However, it can be assumed that, like for most pesticides, grass strips, hedges and constructed wetlands should be more efficient to reduce HCB emissions than riparian zones. Abatement of many other pollutants: other pesticides, fertilisers, heavy metals, etc. ? Total score: Constructed wetlands entail high capital costs. Operational costs include the maintenance costs and, if the wetland is constructed on arable land, the loss of crop yield (due to the loss of land). – Total score: 0 Yes some Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 11-mrt-08 187/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene EoP-5: Activated carbon adsorption Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Activated carbon adsorption EoP-5 Total score Remarks Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source waste water Total score: Application range wide Activated carbon can be used as a powder (PAC) dosed to a treatment tank or as a granulate (GAC) in columns, where both tank and columns are built of corrosion-resistant material. Normally GAC is regenerated by thermal reactivation whereas PAC, not regenerated, becomes part of the waste. PAC is generally preferred in case of intermittent or variable pollution or emergency, and GAC is used in the other cases for treating water. For isoproturon, GAC should be the better option. Activated carbon can be operated under various conditions (pH, temperature, organic carbon concentrations…) with automated systems but the removal efficiency would variable. Activated carbon adsorption can also be combined with ozone oxidation. Limits and restrictions medium To be considered only for industrial sites or large WWTP. The following limits and restrictions apply to activated carbon: total suspended solids <20 mg/l and pollutant concentration <100 g/l with GAC, and <10 mg/l and <500 g/l respectively with PAC; mixtures of organic compounds may cause a significantly reduced adsorption capacity; high content of macromolecular compounds decreases efficiency and may cause irreversible blockage of active sites; and PAC has to face major erosion problem due to scouring effect in the activated sludge. Upstream filtration (e.g. by sand filters) is generally needed to avoid clogging and blockage. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium Low extra space requirements. + Suitable e.g. for waste water from industrial sites or large wastewater treatment plants. 188/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction ? Removal of other substances many Cross-media effects Yes Energy consumption medium Production of waste Yes Costs Investment costs high Operational costs high State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 11-mrt-08 Total score: There are no figures available for the removal efficiency of HCB by activated carbon? Estimated efficiency is...? ? Most other priority substances (heavy metals, pesticides, PAHs, nonylphenols…) can be removed at the same time. Cross-effects are the regeneration for GAC (highenergy consumption) or the disposal for PAC (causing waste to be incinerated). Regeneration is normally carried out by specialist companies; recovery is about 90-95%, so 5-10% GAC has to be replaced during each regeneration cycle. Related environmental impacts include the transport of used GAC to and from the regenration site, and the potential release of contaminants to water and/or air during the regeneration process. High energy consumption for the regeneration process. PAC as well as GAC contaminated with PCBs, dioxins and heavy metals, has to be incinerated. The PAC consumption is estimated at 0.5-1.0 kg/m3 wastewater. Total score: Capital costs for activated carbon filters can be very high. With GAC, capital costs range from 1,00015,000 € per m3/h treatment capacity. Considering consumables, additional energy, maintenance, high-skilled manpower and monitoring, operational costs can also be very high. Operational costs as a whole could be estimated at about 0.1 €/m3 waste water, including GAC regeneration (about 1,500-3,000 €/ton GAC). Higher costs are typically encountered with PAC. –– Total score: Activated carbon filtration is regarded as BAT for wastewater treatment in many applications. ++ 189/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene EoP-6: Gas filtration Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Gas filtration EoP-6 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source off-gases Application range wide Limits and restrictions Total score Remarks Total score: ? secondary aluminium processing, combustion, incineration Filtering can be achieved e.g. with activated carbon (AC) filters. When the adsorption capacity of AC is exhausted, it has to be replaced by fresh material. Note that facilities for AC are necessary. Instead of carbon filters, catalytic bag filters with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane can be used. These filter bags contain or are impregnated with a catalyst and can operate at temperatures between 180° and 250°C without the addition of AC. In this process, HCB will be destroyed on the catalyst rather than adsorbed on the AC and discharged as solid residues. Other filtering options include the use of fabric or ceramic filters, which are particularly efficient for dust removal. No specific restrictions applying to catalytic bag filters are reported. With activated carbon, upstream filtration (e.g. bag filter) may be needed since the active surface is liable to clogging and blockage. PAC is usually preferred in case of intermittent or variable pollution or emergency, and GAC is used in other cases. For HCB, GAC should be the better option. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory 190/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction ? Removal of other substances many Cross-media effects Yes Energy consumption Production of waste Yes Costs Investment costs high Operational costs medium State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Emerging technology Applications numerous References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 11-mrt-08 Total score: There are no figures available for the removal efficiency of HCB by activated carbon or catalytic filters. However, according to applications at German and Japanese crematoria, HCB emissions with catalytic filters should be below 0.1 ng I-TEQ/Nm3. High abatement should also be achieved with activated carbon since HCB, like dioxins and furans, has a very high probability of being adsorbed. HCB concentration should be below 0.1 ng ITEQ/Nm3. Most other priority substances (heavy metals, pesticides, PAHs, nonylphenols…) can be removed at the same time. For activated carbon, a cross-effect is the need for disposal of spent material. PAC as well as GAC contaminated with HCB (no recovery possible) has to be incinerated. ? Total score: For activated carbon filters, capital costs are generally high, and operational costs medium. The same applies to catalytic filters. ? Total score: Activated carbon or catalytic filters are regarded as BAT for waste treatment with many applications related to secondary aluminium processing and the combustion sector. ? Catalytic bag filters are currently applied in waste incineration, crematoria, metal industries and cement plants. 191/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene EoP-7: Afterburners Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Afterburners EoP-7 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Total score Remarks Total score: point source off-gases wide ? secondary aluminium processing In secondary aluminium processing, afterburners with rapid quench are used to destroy organic material produced in the furnace or pretreatment stages. This technique can be combined with the addition of activated carbon or lime followed by efficient dust filtration to remove HCB associated with particulate matter. Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Total score: ? Costs Investment costs Operational costs Total score: ? State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: ? Yes Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 11-mrt-08 192/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Hexachlorobenzene EoP-8: Vitrification Fact Sheet for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Measure/source combination Vitrification EoP-8 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Total score Remarks Total score: point source combustion residues? ? Fossil fuel-fired utilities and industrial boilers. In the combustion sector, for residues containing high levels of contamination, vitrification and plasma technology can be considered as well as combustion to destroy organic matter. Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Total score: ? Costs Investment costs Operational costs Total score: ? State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: ? Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 11-mrt-08 193/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 6.10.4 applicable for use in the cases Tributyltin Overview of measure/source combinations Source control SC-1 Substitution of TBT in antifouling paint SC-2 Substitution of TBT in wood preservatives SC-3 Substitution of TBT as fungicide in cooling towers SC-4 Substitution of TBT-containing stabilisers in PVC End-of-pipe EoP-1 Coagulation/flocculation + sand filtration EoP-2 Oxidative techniques EoP-3 Activated carbon adsorption Community level measures CLM-1 Environmentally-friendly dredging methods CLM-2 Use of end-of-pipe techniques at municipal WWTP Regulatory measures Reg-1 Ban dumping at sea of TBT containing sediment Reg-2 Ban the use of TBT contaminated sludge as soil improver Reg-3 Ban dumping at sea of TBT containing sludge Reg-4 Ban the use of chemicals containing >0.1% of TBT by mass 194/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 Overview of available and emerging measures per source for tributyltin SC-1 SC-2 SC-3 SC-4 SC-5 SC-6 EoP-1 EoP-2 EoP-3 EoP-4 EoP-5 EoP-6 EoP-7 EoP-8 EoP-9 CLM-1 CLM-2 CLM-3 Reg-1 Reg-2 Reg-3 Reg-4 Substitution of TBT in antifouling paint Substitution of TBT in wood preservatives Substitution of TBT as fungicide in cooling towers Substitution of TBT-containing stabilisers in PVC Avoid disposal of TBT during wood pretreatment Avoid disposal of TBT coatings Coagulation / flocculation + sand filtration Oxidative techniques Activated carbon adsorption Coagulation / flocculation + clarification (DAF) Activated sludge system Membrane bioreactor (MBR) Sand filtration Membrane filtration Solvent extraction Environmentally-friendly dredging methods Use of end-of-pipe techniques at municipal WWTP Remediation of TBT-contaminated sediment Ban dumping at sea of TBT containing sediment Ban the use of TBT contaminated sludge as soil improver Ban dumping at sea of TBT containing sludge Ban the use of chemicals containing >0.1% of TBT by mass Available measure Emerging measure Sediment Surface water Other waste water WWTP effluent TBT in PVC stabilisers Use of fungicides in cooling towers Production of wood preservatives Source Production of antifouling paint Possible measures Shipyard wastewater Table 32: applicable for use in the cases 195/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases SC-1: Substitution of TBT in antifouling paint Fact Sheet for Tributyltin (TBT) Measure/source combination Substitution of TBT in SC-1 antifouling paint Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Remarks Total score Total score: ++ Total score: ++ diffuse shipyard wastewater and surface water Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low high Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects 100% No Yes Energy consumption Production of waste No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs No high Copper-based substitutes can also cause serious pollution. State of the art BAT Existing technology Yes Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (revision no. 3, 23 January 2008) 28-jan-08 Total score: – Total score: ++ Several substitutes are in use since 2003 (mostly copper-based coatings). 196/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Tributyltin SC-2: Substitution of TBT in wood preservatives Fact Sheet for Tributyltin (TBT) Measure/source combination Substitution of TBT in wood SC-2 preservatives Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Total score Total score: ++ Total score: ++ Total score: ++ Total score: ++ diffuse waste water and surface water low high Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste 100% No Yes No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs No No State of the art BAT Existing technology Remarks Yes Three main types: water-borne wood preservatives, solvent-borne products, and creosote products. TBT-based biocides are rarely used. (In 2001, only one company produced TBTcontaining biocides and planned to withdraw these products from the market.) Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (revision no. 3, 23 January 2008) 28-jan-08 197/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Tributyltin SC-3: Substitution of TBT as fungicide in cooling towers Fact Sheet for Tributyltin (TBT) Measure/source combination Substitution of TBT as fungicide Remarks SC-3 in cooling towers Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Total score Total score: ++ Total score: ++ Total score: ++ Total score: ++ diffuse waste water low high Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste 100% No Yes No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs No No State of the art BAT Existing technology Yes Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (revision no. 3, 23 January 2008) 28-jan-08 TBT-containing biocides for cooling towers do not appear to be widespread in the EU. Alternatives to using biocides in cooling systems are the replacement of concrete by more durable materials, and the use of ozone instead of chlorine and traditional biocides. 198/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Tributyltin SC-4: Substitution of TBT-containing stabilisers in PVC Fact Sheet for Tributyltin (TBT) Measure/source combination Substitution of TBT-containing SC-4 stabilisers in PVC Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Remarks Total score Total score: ++ Total score: ++ Total score: ? Total score: ++ diffuse surface water ? high Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste 100% No Yes No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs ? ? State of the art BAT Existing technology Yes Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on ? Substance Report (revision no. 3, 23 January 2008) 28-jan-08 There are a number of substitutes for stabilisation of PVC, including calcium/zinc, lead, antimony, etc. 199/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Tributyltin EoP-1: Coagulation/flocculation + sand filtration Fact Sheet for Tributyltin (TBT) Measure/source combination Coagulation/flocculation + sand Remarks EoP-1 filtration Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Total score Total score: point source shipyard wastewater, WWTP effluent and other waste water ++ Suitable for the removal of suspended solids and colloidal material, to which microcontaminants like TBT are attached (or will attach). Both ferric sulphate and aluminium sulphate (alum) can be used for TBT removal from shipyard wastewater. wide low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 90% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects many now Energy consumption Production of waste low Yes Costs Investment costs Operational costs low low/medium State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on no? Substance Report (revision no. 3, 23 January 2008) 28-jan-08 Total score: Full scale treatment plant study consisting of coagulation-clarification, filtration and activated carbon adsorption showed an overall removal rate of 99.8% for TBT, whereas 87% of TBT was removed in laboratory experiments in the coagulation step alone. + Consumption of chemicals and sludge production. The dosed coagulant and flocculant emerge in the residual waste stream as a chemical sludge. Total score: ++ Total score: Commonly used for the removal of suspended solids from waste water. + 200/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Tributyltin EoP-2: Oxidative techniques Fact Sheet for Tributyltin (TBT) Measure/source combination Oxidative techniques EoP-2 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Remarks Total score: point source WWTP effluent and other waste water Application range wide Limits and restrictions low ++ Oxidative techniques (specifically advanced oxidation, e.g. ozone/H2O2, ozone/UV or UV/H2O2) are potentially applicable for the removal of organic micro-contaminants such as TBT from WWTP effluent. Effective even at low concentrations (μg/l range). For UV techniques, pre-treatment may be required to remove turbidity. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 90%? (no data available) Removal of other substances Cross-media effects many (No) Energy consumption Production of waste significant No Costs Investment costs medium Operational costs high Total score: With advanced oxidation (e.g. UV/H2O2), high removal efficiencies are possible, in some cases even for the treatment of WWTP effluent. High UV intensities are however required. + Potential formation of new (often) toxic compounds. Total score: Capital and energy costs of UV oxidation are relatively high. Costs may be lower for techniques without UV light, e.g. ozone/H2O2. – Operating costs for UV are about 0.10.2 €/m3. Costs for H2O2 are more or less the same (30 g/m3 at 3 €/kg H2O2). Ozone generators and UV systems require regular maintenance by skilled technicians. State of the art BAT Yes Total score: Oxidation can be regarded as BAT for several applications (polishing). Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on ? Substance Report (revision no. 3, 23 January 2008) 28-jan-08 + 201/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Tributyltin EoP-3: Activated carbon adsorption Fact Sheet for Tributyltin (TBT) Measure/source combination Activated carbon adsorption EoP-3 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Total score Remarks Total score: point source WWTP effluent and other waste water wide low ++ Can use granular activated carbon (GAC) or powdered activated carbon (PAC). Pre-treatment for the removal of suspended solids is necessary to prevent clogging. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 99% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste many now medium Yes Costs Investment costs high Operational costs high State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Substance Report (revision no. 3, 23 January 2008) 28-jan-08 Total score: In a full-scale treatment plant for shipyard wastewater, 99.8% of dissolved TBT was removed by two GAC columns at an influent concentration of 190 μg/l (following the removal of particulate TBT in a coagulation/filtration unit). ++ Granular activated carbon can be regenerated (but not powdered activated carbon). Spent carbon must be disposed of by incineration or in an appropriate landfill. Total score: Investment costs are relatively low, except for the coal bed itself. Strongly dependent on the type and dosage of the coal which is used. –– Total score: In general, activated carbon (AC) adsorption can be regarded as BAT for many applications, e.g. for polishing WWTP effluent. AC has been tested on the lab- and pilot scale for shipyard wastewaters, but no practical experiences are known for full-scale installations treating TBTcontaining waste water. + 202/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Tributyltin CLM-1: Environmentally-friendly dredging methods Fact Sheet for Tributyltin (TBT) Measure/source combination Environmentally-friendly CLM-1 dredging methods Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Remarks Total score Total score: diffuse surface water and sediments ++ Possible methods include sediment remediation (in-situ / ex-situ), and modification of the dredging method to minimise releases of TBT during the dredging process. wide low low Total score: Effect of measure depends on chosen method. 0 Costs Investment costs Operational costs Total score: ? State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: ++ 50-100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Yes several Substance Report (revision no. 3, 23 January 2008) 28-jan-08 203/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Tributyltin CLM-2: Use of end-of-pipe techniques at municipal WWTP Fact Sheet for Tributyltin (TBT) Measure/source combination Use of end-of-pipe techniques CLM-2 at municipal WWTP Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Remarks Total score Total score: ++ diffuse surface water TBT concentrations in effluents from municipal WWTPs are typically in the range <0.5 – 10 ng/l. Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: ++ Total score: –– 90% high high Yes Total score: BAT for polishing WWTP effluent. + several Substance Report (revision no. 3, 23 January 2008) 28-jan-08 204/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Tributyltin Reg-1: Ban dumping at sea of TBT containing sediment Fact Sheet for Tributyltin (TBT) Measure/source combination Ban dumping at sea of TBT Reg-1 containing sediment Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Remarks Total score Total score: ++ Total score: 0 Total score: Costs of alternative measures could be high. ? diffuse surface water 100% Total score: ++ Substance Report (revision no. 3, 23 January 2008) 28-jan-08 205/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Tributyltin Reg-2: Ban the use of TBT contaminated sludge as soil improver Fact Sheet for Tributyltin (TBT) Measure/source combination Ban the use of TBT contaminated Reg-2 sludge as soil improver Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Remarks Total score Total score: ++ Total score: ++ Costs Investment costs Operational costs Total score: ? State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: ++ Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste diffuse surface water 100% Substance Report (revision no. 3, 23 January 2008) 28-jan-08 206/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Tributyltin Reg-3: Ban dumping at sea of TBT containing sludge Fact Sheet for Tributyltin (TBT) Measure/source combination Ban dumping at sea of TBT Reg-3 containing sludge Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Remarks Total score Total score: ++ Total score: ++ diffuse surface water 100% Total score: Costs of alternative measures could be high. Total score: ? ++ Substance Report (revision no. 3, 23 January 2008) 28-jan-08 207/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Tributyltin Reg-4: Ban the use of chemicals containing >0.1% of TBT by mass Fact Sheet for Tributyltin (TBT) Measure/source combination Ban the use of chemicals containing Remarks Reg-4 >0.1% of TBT by mass Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Total score Total score: ++ Total score: ++ Costs Investment costs Operational costs Total score: ? State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: ++ Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste diffuse surface water 100% Substance Report (revision no. 3, 23 January 2008) 28-jan-08 208/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 6.10.5 applicable for use in the cases DEHP Overview of measure/source combinations Source control SC-1 Substitution of DEHP SC-2 Substitution of PVC SC-3 Technological progress in polymer products End-of-pipe EoP-1 WWTP optimisation EoP-2 Secondary sludge treatment and reuse: Incineration EoP-3 Secondary sludge treatment and reuse: Anaerobic digestion EoP-4 Advanced water treatment techniques: Membrane filtration EoP-5 Advanced water treatment techniques: Oxidation Regulatory measures Reg-1 Legislative control: Production Reg-2 Legislative control: Use 209/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 Overview of available and emerging measures per source for DEHP EoP-5 Reg-1 Reg-2 Available measure Emerging measure Indirect point source: WWTP EoP-4 (Non)polymer indoor use EoP-3 (Non)polymer outdoor use EoP-1 EoP-2 Substitution of DEHP Substitution of PVC Technological progress in polymer products WWTP optimisation Secondary sludge treatment and reuse: Incineration Secondary sludge treatment and reuse: Anaerobic digestion Advanced water treatment techniques: Membrane filtration Advanced water treatment techniques: Oxidation Legislative control: Production Legislative control: Use Diffuse waste disposal into the environment SC-1 SC-2 SC-3 Source Production of polymer Possible measures Production of DEHP Table 33: applicable for use in the cases 210/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases DEHP SC-1: Substitution of DEHP Fact Sheet for Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Measure/source combination Substitution of DEHP SC-1 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix diffuse polymers Application range Limits and restrictions wide Yes Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory high extremely high Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects up to 100% (potentially) No (Yes) Energy consumption Production of waste No No Costs Investment costs high Operational costs moderate State of the art BAT No Existing technology Yes Emerging technology Applications few products References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: 0 Depending on the specific use, a variety of alternatives exist, including other phthalates / polymeric plasticisers, ethylhexyl phosphates, benzoates, trimellitates, citrates, etc….. other pollutants / restructuring chemical factories Total score: ++ Societal benefits. However, it should be borne in mind that replacing DEHP by other phthalates is not necessarily an improvement from an environmental point of view. Total score: Very high sunk costs as DEHP is extremely widely used by the polymer industry and large-scale production plants have been built. DEHP plants would need to be closed or rebuilt for production of other phthalates/plasticisers. – Total score: For many applications, DEHP is still the best available alternative, from a production and end-product requirement point of view. Depending on the type of application, there are a variety of used and proposed alternatives. + Not realistic for all applications, quantity in which DEHP is used is too diverse and extensive. Substance Report (revision no. 12, 18 December 2007) 30-jan-08 211/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases DEHP SC-2: Substitution of PVC Fact Sheet for Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Measure/source combination Substitution of PVC SC-2 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions diffuse polymers wide Yes Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory high extremely high Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste up to 100% (potentially) No (Yes) No No Costs Investment costs high Operational costs moderate State of the art BAT No Existing technology Yes Emerging technology Applications few products References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: 0 other pollutants / restructuring chemical factories Total score: ++ societal benefits Total score: Very high sunk costs as PVC is extremely widely used and largescale production plants have been built. PVC plants would need to be closed or rebuilt for production of other polymers. – Total score: For many applications, PVC is still the best available alternative, from a production and end-product requirement point of view. + Not realistic for all applications, quantity in which DEHP is used is too diverse and extensive. Substance Report (revision no. 12, 18 December 2007) 30-jan-08 212/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases DEHP SC-3: Technological progress in polymer products Fact Sheet for Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Measure/source combination Technological progress in SC-3 polymer products Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Remarks Total score Total score: ? Total score: ? Total score: ? Total score: – point source / diffuse polymer products very wide (potentially) extremely complex large Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste high No ? ? ? Costs Investment costs Operational costs ? ? State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on No No none as yet none Substance Report (revision no. 12, 18 December 2007) 30-jan-08 213/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases DEHP EoP-1: WWTP optimisation Fact Sheet for Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Measure/source combination WWTP optimisation EoP-1 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source waste water Application range Limits and restrictions wide yes Complexity of implementation easily achieved Total score Remarks Total score: + Most DEHP present in water can be removed by settling the suspended solids. Removal rates can be optimised e.g. by selection of the right type of biomass and sludge recirculation. High concentrations of DEHP in the sludge will restrict possible application as agricultural fertiliser or as feed for anaerobic digesters. Inoculating an existing WWTP with additional micro-organisms requires a good understanding of the balance with other microbial colonies already present. Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 90% (+10%) Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste ? No normal Yes Costs Investment costs low Operational costs low State of the art BAT ? Existing technology Emerging technology Yes Yes Applications References Table last updated on few Substance Report (revision no. 12, 18 December 2007) 30-jan-08 Total score: Based on the literature, removal capacities between 80-90% are feasible. However, considering that many WWTPs already achieve significant DEHP removal due to sludge production and adsorption, the additional margin of improvement is estimated to be in the order of a few percent only. Recent research has shown that the use of the actinomycete Rhodocuccus spp. can significantly increase DEHP degradation rates. 0 No additional consumption required. Produces a sludge that requires treatment or disposal. Total score: The additional investment costs are expected to be minimal, although good inoculants could be expensive. For Rhodococcus spp. costs are low, however, as this organism can be grown on vegetable oil. Some additional labour costs may be incurred, since all optimisation should be carefully planned and monitored. ++ Total score: Aerobic activated sludge treatment can be considered BAT for the removal of DEHP. 0 With regard to optimisation, application of actinomycetes, yeast and fungi are emerging techniques. 214/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases DEHP EoP-2: Secondary sludge treatment and reuse: Incineration Fact Sheet for Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Measure/source combination Secondary sludge treatment and Remarks EoP-2 reuse: Incineration Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Total score: point source WWTP sludge wide yes Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects all (No) Energy consumption Production of waste No Costs Investment costs Operational costs low low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score ++ Sludge is a valuable energy resource. Incineration is a good option for DEHP removal, but less energy is produced compared to anaerobic digestion. Sludge dewatering is required. Total score: Prior to incineration, the sludge should be dewatered and if the water is returned to the WWTP, 100% removal of DEHP could be obtained. 0 Sludge incineration produces CO2. production? Total score: ++ Total score: ++ yes many Substance Report (revision no. 12, 18 December 2007) 30-jan-08 215/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases DEHP EoP-3: Secondary sludge treatment and reuse: Anaerobic digestion Fact Sheet for Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Measure/source combination Secondary sludge treatment and EoP-3 reuse: Anaerobic digestion Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Remarks Total score Total score: point source WWTP sludge limited Yes 80% Yes moderate moderate + Good option, but difficult to control efficiency. requires specific conditions Total score: Common anaerobic digestion results in the removal of 21-62% of DEHP. 0 digestate requires treatment biogas Total score: 0 Total score: + benefits as biogas Yes multiple Substance Report (revision no. 12, 18 December 2007) 30-jan-08 216/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases DEHP EoP-4: Advanced water treatment techniques: Membrane filtration Fact Sheet for Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Measure/source combination Advanced water treatment EoP-4 techniques: Membrane filtration Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Remarks Total score Total score: point source waste water all Yes + requires specific conditions Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances up to 100% many Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No high Yes Costs Investment costs Operational costs high high State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Yes Yes many - none Substance Report (revision no. 12, 18 December 2007) 30-jan-08 Total score: + Microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) generally remove only those pesticides that adsorb onto colloids or particulates in the water. Pesticides can be removed by high-pressure membranes such as reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF), commonly used for rejection of inorganic and organic contaminants due to their smaller pore sizes and corresponding lower molecular weight cut-offs. RO is capable of rejecting bacteria, salts, sugars, proteins, particles, dyes, and other constituents that have a molecular weight of greater than 150 – 250 Dalton. Produces a concentrated brine that requires treatment. Total score: –– For capacities between 200 – 1000 m3/h, the treatment costs for NF and RO vary between 0.18 – 0.68 €/m3 depending on the flux and recovery (excl. discharge or treatment of the concentrate). Most membranes have a lifetime of 5 years. Replacement costs are 15 – 25 €/m 2 membrane. Total score: Because of the high retention of (some) NF and RO membranes for DEHP and the widespread use of it, NF and RO are considered BAT. ? 217/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases DEHP EoP-5: Advanced water treatment techniques: Oxidation 218/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Fact Sheet for Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Measure/source combination Advanced water treatment EoP-5 techniques: Oxidation Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Remarks Total score Total score: point source waste water all Yes + For UV techniques, pre-treatment may be required to remove turbidity. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction up to 100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects many (No) Energy consumption Production of waste high No Costs Investment costs Operational costs high high State of the art BAT No Existing technology Emerging technology Yes Yes Applications References Table last updated on many - none Substance Report (revision no. 12, 18 December 2007) 30-jan-08 Total score: Data for specific DEHP removal is not available. When diethyl phthalate (DEP) was studied as an indicator for DEHP removal, the removal rate by ozone alone was ~80%. A combination of ozone and UV treatment resulted in a 97% removal of DEP, while results for UV/H2O2 ranged from 3 – 99%. It should be borne in mind that DEHP is more persistent than DEP, however. + Ozone oxidation generally does not result in complete oxidation, therefore (undesirable) oxidation products should be expected. However, the organic oxidation products from ozone treatment are generally biodegradable and may thus be removed during subsequent biological filtration. Total score: –– The cost of ozone treatment depends on the water quality (organic load) and contact time. For capacities between 200 – 1000 m3/h, treatment costs for 80% DEHP removal with a 30 min contact time are 0.05 – 0.10 €/m3, and for the combination of ozone/UV treatment costs are 0.06 – 0.11 €/m3. The costs of UV treatment depend on the water quality (TNU and transmission), the UV absorbance of the specific contaminant, and the contact time. Cost data for DEHP is not yet available. Ozone generators and UV systems require regular maintenance by skilled technicians. Total score: For the removal of DEHP, ozone or ozone/UV treatment are not considered BAT. Because of the relatively high energy cost, low removal efficiency and complexity, UV and UV/H2O2 techniques are also not considered BAT. 0 The Photo Fenton Process is an advanced oxidation process which combines UV or H2O2 and ferrous water. No data is available for DEHP, but 76% removal was achieved for DEP. 219/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases DEHP Reg-1: Legislative control: Production Fact Sheet for Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Remarks Measure/source combination Legislative control: Production Reg-1 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Total score: ++ emissions from point sources none low low marginal Total score: Already strict production demands. – No low No Total score: ++ Total score: ++ low low Yes all Substance Report (revision no. 12, 18 December 2007) 30-jan-08 220/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases DEHP Reg-2: Legislative control: Use Fact Sheet for Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Measure/source combination Legislative control: Use Reg-2 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse emissions from outdoor use building materials wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory high high significant Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste high No Yes No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs none high State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: – Replacing all current building materials containing DEHP is not feasible. However, banning/restricting DEHP use for outdoor applications would at least reduce the problem for future generations. How to control? How to control? Total score: ++ Only long-term effects. PVC and DEHP production Total score: – Unknown, as it would require labelling of all polymer outdoor products. Total score: 0 Yes few Substance Report (revision no. 12, 18 December 2007) 30-jan-08 221/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 6.10.6 applicable for use in the cases Atrazine Overview of measure/source combinations End-of-pipe EoP-1 Activated carbon adsorption EoP-2 Oxidative techniques EoP-3 Membrane filtration Table 34: Overview of available and emerging measures per source for atrazine Possible measures Source Groundwater* Surface water** Waste water*** EoP-1 Activated carbon adsorption EoP-2 Oxidative techniques EoP-3 Membrane filtration Available measure Emerging measure * (for the production of drinking water and groundwater treatment at remediation sites) ** (for the production of drinking water) *** (sewage water treatment plant) 222/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Atrazine EoP-1: Activated carbon adsorption Fact Sheet for Atrazine Measure/source combination Activated carbon adsorption EoP-1 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score: + diffuse / point source groundwater / surface water / waste water Application range low concentration Limits and restrictions No Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Total score Remarks 50-80% (PAC), 20,000 - 50,000 bed volumes (GAC) Removal of other substances medium (PAC), low (GAC) Cross-media effects Energy consumption Yes (PAC: adsorption of DBP) (GAC: adsorption of DBP and biological breakdown of organic carbon) low (PAC), high (GAC) Production of waste medium (GAC) - high (PAC) There are three types of activated carbon commercially available: Granular Activated Carbon (GAC), Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC), and Chemically-Activated Carbon Fibres (CAF). Normally GAC is regenerated by thermal reactivation whereas PAC, not regenerated, becomes part of the waste. Activated carbon adsorption can be operated under various conditions (pH, temperature, organic carbon concentrations…) and can be combined with ozone oxidation. Suspended solids should be removed from the influent of the GAC filter to avoid clogging of the filter bed. Total score: PAC: 50-80% (5 mg PAC/L, 4-5 h contact time). GAC: 20,000-50,000 bed volumes (to 10% breakthrough). The ability of PAC to remove organic contaminants depends upon the PAC dosage and contact time, as well as the molecular structure and behaviour of the contaminants of interest. GAC is also highly effective; however, water soluble contaminants such as atrazine can break through the GAC much more rapidly than strongly bound hydrophobic contaminants. Stream-treated GAC has a significantly greater adsorption capacity. Fresh GAC is highly effective for the removal of trace organic contaminants, while GAC that is not regularly replaced/regenerated is relatively ineffective. ++ Most other priority substances (heavy metals, pesticides, PAHs, nonylphenols…) can be removed at the same time. PAC must be removed by filtration or sedimentation, and disposed of. GAC must be regenerated after a certain time by steam or heat. Regeneration of the activated carbon is an energy intensive process, consuming between 1 – 3 kWh/m3 for the reactivation process alone. PAC has to be treated and disposed of, e.g. by incineration. GAC can be regenerated. 223/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases + (PAC), Total score: – (GAC) The most important component of the cost using PAC is the cost of the PAC itself (€ 2.0 - 2.5 per kg). For a removal of 50-80%, costs for PAC range from 0.010-0.015 €/m 3. Total costs are estimated to be 0.015 – 0.020 €/m3 including dosation equipment and excluding a filtration/sedimentation step that is needed to remove the PAC. The costs for filtration/sedimentation have to be added if PAC-treatment cannot be integrated in an existing treatment system. The treatment costs of GAC depend on the quality of the water (organic load) and the contact time for removing the contaminant(s). For a contact time between 10 and 20 minutes, treatment costs are 0.100.15 €/m3 for capacities between 2001000 m3/h. The contact time for the removal of atrazine in a waste water treatment plant will be higher, because of the higher organic load of the waste water. Costs Investment costs low (PAC), medium (GAC) Operational costs medium State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Emerging technology Yes Yes Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 5-mrt-08 Total score: PAC and GAC are considered BAT for the removal of atrazine from water streams. ++ Laboratory studies have shown that novel chemically-activated carbon fibres (CAF) have a higher adsorption capacity than GAC and are 50 times more effective for the selective adsorption of atrazine compared to a GAC filter. 224/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Atrazine EoP-2: Oxidative techniques Fact Sheet for Atrazine Measure/source combination Oxidative techniques EoP-2 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Remarks Total score: diffuse / point source groundwater / surface water / Ozone (O3) is a strong oxidant and reacts with organic contaminants either directly or through the formation of free waste water radicals. In advanced oxidation processes (AOP), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is added to promote the initiation step in ozone decomposition that will lead to higher radical production. UV-light can directly oxidise organic compounds in water by cleaving molecular bonds photolytically, or through stimulating the formation of highly reactive intermediates (radicals). Radical formation is enhanced by the presence of H2O2. UV advanced oxidation processes such as UV/H2O2 are applied in full-scale UV systems to remove recalcitrant contaminants and other organic compounds. Application range wide Ozone oxidation can be operated at various pH levels, temperatures and organic carbon concentrations (large fluctuations can be managed). The process can be operated with or without UV irradiation. Ozone can also be combined with hydrogen peroxide (perozone oxidation). UV irradiation and hydrogen peroxide accelerate the oxidation (surplus ozone and/or hydrogen peroxide has to be eliminated). Ozone oxidation can also be combined with activated carbon adsorption. Limits and restrictions medium Complexity of implementation medium The efficiency of UV photolysis is strongly dependent on both contaminant and water quality. For effective UV treatment, the water must have a low turbidity. Ozone and H2O2 delivery systems are complex using highly technical instruments, however the processes are highly automated and reliable, requiring only a modest degree of operator skill and time to operate them. Ozone generators require regular maintenance by skilled technicians. Impact on the process / factory 225/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Ozone: 20-50% (1.0-1.2 mg O3/L, 24 min contact time); Ozone/H2O2: 50-60% (1.22.6 mg O3/L, 0.0625 mg H2O2/L, 24 min contact time); UV: <20% (40 mJ/cm2) and 50-80% (439 mJ/cm 2); UV/H2O2: 50-80% (372 mJ/cm2, 5 mg H2O2/L) Removal of other substances many Cross-media effects (No) Energy consumption medium Production of waste No Costs Investment costs moderate / high Operational costs high Total score: Oxidation of atrazine by ozone was found to be slow, with a removal rate of 50% after 85 min and 100% after 150 min for a solution containing 15 mg/L atrazine and an ozone concentration of ±10 mg/L. The removal of atrazine by AOP was similar to ozone alone. Addition of H2O2 prior to ozonation generally improved removal by only 515% but accelerated the reaction rate. UV technology is mostly used for the disinfection of water (40 mJ/cm2). At this dosage UV will only remove a small number of target contaminants. The addition of H2O2 for advanced oxidation with UV increased the removal of atrazine dependent on H2O2 dosage and UV flux. A number of other priority substances (heavy metals, pesticides, PAHs, nonylphenols…) can be removed by oxidative techniques. Ozone oxidation generally does not result in complete mineralisation, therefore (undesired) oxidation products should be expected. However, organic oxidation products from ozone treatment are generally biodegradable and may thus be removed during subsequent biological filtration. Energy demand for ozone production from oxygen could be estimated at 7-12 kWh/kg O3 and twice as much for ozone from dry air. Energy demand will be higher if UV generation is needed. Harmless by-products. Need to destroy surplus ozone. Total score: Investment costs for ozone oxidation are moderate, but advanced ozone oxidation (with UV irradiation) entails high capital costs. The costs of ozone treatment depend on the quality of the water (organic load) and the contact time for oxidation. For 20-50% atrazine removal within a 24 minutes contact time, treatment costs are 0.05-0.10 €/m3 for capacities between 2001000 m3/h. For the combination of ozone/H2O2, treatment costs are 0.06-0.11 €/m 3 for capacities between 200-1000 m3/h. The costs of UV treatment depend on the quality of the water (TNU and transmission), the UV-absorbance of the specific contaminant (atrazine) and the contact time. For 50-80% removal with a UV dose of 440 mJ/cm2, treatment costs are 0.030.05 €/m3 for capacities between 200-1000 m 3/h. For the combination of UV/H2O2 the treatment costs are 0.04-0.06 €/m3 for capacities between 200-1000 m3/h. 226/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases State of the art BAT No Total score: For the removal of atrazine, the treatment techniques ozone or ozone/H2O2 are not considered BAT. Because of the relatively high energy cost, low removal efficiency and complex technique, UV and UV/H2O2 are also not considered BAT. Existing technology Emerging technology Yes Yes Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 5-mrt-08 The Fenton Process (FP) is an advanced oxidation process combining H2O2 and ferrous water. The conventional FP was found to remove 25% of atrazine and the stepwise-FP 35% after 5 minutes contact time. Catalytic ozonation using a PT-catalyst (TiO2) in combination with ozone was able to remove up to 93% of atrazine after 30 minutes, compared to only 33% removal by ozonation alone. Another emerging technique is the photocatalytic degradation of atrazine by immobilised TiO2 films in a stirred tank reactor. 50% of atrazine was removed after 40 minutes and atrazine was completely degraded after 150 minutes. 227/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Atrazine EoP-3: Membrane filtration Fact Sheet for Atrazine Measure/source combination Membrane filtration (NF/RO) EoP-3 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Remarks Total score: Application range diffuse / point source groundwater / surface water / waste water low concentration Limits and restrictions low ++ Membrane filtration separates contaminants from water based upon molecular size and/or electrostatic interactions with the membrane surface. Microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF), both considered low pressure membranes, generally remove only those pesticides that adsorb onto colloids or particulates in the water. Pesticides can be removed by high-pressure membranes, such as revere osmosis (RO) and tight nanofiltration (NF), commonly used for rejection of inorganic and organic contaminants due to their smaller pore sizes and corresponding lower molecular weight cut-offs. No chlorine. Limitations depend on pore size (NF). Pesticides rejection increases as the pH increases and can be affected by the presence of natural organic matter in the water. Variation of membrane, flux, pesticide solubility, charge, diffusion coefficient, or molecular weight and feed stream sulphate, sodium and chloride concentration do not significantly affect the pesticide rejection. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances + (NF), Total score: ++ (RO) 50-80% (NF), 80-100% (RO) many Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste high high <20% (UF) Reverse osmosis is capable of rejecting bacteria, salts, sugars, proteins, particles, dyes, and other constituents that have a molecular weight of greater than 150-250 Dalton. The waste streams from NF or RO can be more complicated to dispose of or treat because of the higher levels of atrazine in the concentrate. Produces a concentrated brine that has to be treated or disposed of. 228/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Costs Investment costs Operational costs high (NF), medium (RO) high Total score: State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Yes Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 5-mrt-08 –– For a capacity between 200-1000 m3/h, treatment costs for NF and RO vary between 0.18 - 0.68 €/m3 depending on flux and recovery (excluding discharge or treatment of the concentrate). Most membranes have a lifetime of 5 years. Depending on the scale/size of the installation, replacement costs are 15-25 €/m2 membrane for capacities between 200-1000 m 3/h. Total score: Because of the high retention of (some) NF and RO membranes for atrazine and their wide use, NF and RO are considered BAT. Frequently already a treatment step in a drinking water plant. + 229/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 6.10.7 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon Overview of measure/source combinations Source control SC-1 Application rate reduction SC-2 Shifting application date SC-3 Conservation tillage SC-4 Ground cover SC-5 Sprayer inspection SC-6 Information campaign SC-7 On-farm filling and cleaning SC-8 In-field filling and cleaning SC-9 Sharing equipment or spraying by contractors SC-10 No farmyard pesticide application SC-11 Good farming practices SC-12 Partial substitution SC-13 Total substitution SC-14 Semi-mechanical weed control SC-15 Mechanical weed control SC-16 False seedbed SC-17 Organic farming End-of-pipe EoP-1 Grass strips EoP-2 Hedges EoP-3 Riparian zones EoP-4 Constructed wetlands EoP-5 Ozone oxidation EoP-6 Activated carbon adsorption 230/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 Table 35: applicable for use in the cases Overview of available and emerging measures per source for isoproturon Available measure Emerging measure Waste water SC-10 SC-11 SC-12 SC-13 SC-14 SC-15 SC-16 SC-17 EoP-1 EoP-2 EoP-3 EoP-4 EoP-5 EoP-6 Application rate reduction Shifting application date Conservation tillage Ground cover Sprayer inspection Information campaign On-farm filling and cleaning In-field filling and cleaning Sharing equipment or spraying by contractors No farmyard pesticide application Good farming practices Partial substitution Total substitution Semi-mechanical weed control Mechanical weed control False seedbed Organic farming Grass strips Hedges Riparian zones Constructed wetlands Ozone oxidation Activated carbon adsorption Farm point sources SC-1 SC-2 SC-3 SC-4 SC-5 SC-6 SC-7 SC-8 SC-9 Source Runoff water Possible measures 231/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-1: Application rate reduction Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Application rate reduction SC-1 Total score Remarks Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Total score: Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium low medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction variable Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Yes No Energy consumption Production of waste No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs none low State of the art BAT Yes? Total score: Best practice in European agriculture. Existing technology Emerging technology Applications numerous Has been successfully implemented. References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 + A decrease in the amount per hectare of isoproturon application (easier when the use of isoproturon is optimised). This can be achieved, for example, with band spraying on row crops and mechanical inter-row weed control, or by applying only the necessary amount with a variablerate sprayer connected to a geographic information system and vehicle guidance system. Easy to implement. Total score: Both at farm and catchment scale, the efficiency (emission reduction) is about equivalent to the percentage of rate reduction. other pesticides Possible risk of insufficient weed control. + Total score: ++ Operational costs include a possible loss of crop yield (due to the risk of insufficient weed control). Note that in case of reducing the application rate, avoided costs (isoproturon saved) have to be taken into account. ++ 232/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-2: Shifting application date Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Shifting the application date SC-2 Total score Remarks Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Total score: Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium low medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 80-100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Yes No Energy consumption Production of waste No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs none low State of the art BAT Yes? Total score: Best practice in European agriculture. Existing technology Emerging technology Applications numerous Has been successfully implemented. References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 + A modification (anticipation or delay) in the date of application so as to avoid application in periods with a high probability of runoff events (due to high-intensity rainstorms or saturated soils). Note that isoproturon is generally required (e.g. France or UK) to be used in only one application per crop. Easy to implement. Total score: Both at farm and catchment scale, up to 80-100% reduction is achieved (but variable). other pesticides Possible risk of insufficient weed control (risk increases with requirement of only one application per crop). ++ Total score: ++ Operational costs include a possible loss of crop yield (due to the risk of insufficient weed control). ++ 233/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-3: Conservation tillage Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Conservation tillage SC-3 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory high low medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects unknown Yes No Energy consumption Production of waste No No Costs Investment costs low Operational costs low State of the art BAT Total score Remarks Total score: 0 Conservation tillage, including zerotillage, is an agronomic practice where tillage is reduced, or even suppressed, which leaves at least 30% of the soil covered by crop residues. The technique is designed to prevent soil erosion by wind and water and could limit runoff to some extent. Not everywhere possible. Easy to implement. Total score: Reduction efficiency unknown. other pesticides Possible risk of fungal disease (in humid climate). + Total score: There are investment costs if the classical farm equipment cannot be used. Operational costs could be due to a loss of crop yield or a need for fungicide treatment, but avoided costs (fuel, work, and time saved) have to be removed. Depending on the assumptions (equipment, need for additional treatment, loss of crop yield, market prices…), the yearly additional costs should be in the range of 0-50 €/ha. ++ Total score: Best practice in European agriculture. ++ Yes? Existing technology Emerging technology Applications numerous Has been successfully implemented. References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 234/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-4: Ground cover Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Ground cover SC-4 Total score Remarks Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Total score: Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low low medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects unknown Yes No Energy consumption Production of waste medium No Costs Investment costs Operational costs none medium State of the art BAT Yes? Total score: Best practice in European agriculture. Existing technology Emerging technology Applications numerous Has been successfully implemented. References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 ++ Planting cover crops consists in growing (in fall/winter) any crop between regular grain crop production periods to provide soil cover. The technique is designed to prevent soil erosion by wind and water and could limit runoff to some extent. Easy to implement. Total score: Reduction efficiency unknown. other pesticides Reduced efficiency or cross effects (emissions of other chemicals) if chemical destruction. Need for more energy (fuel). Total score: 0 ++ The operational costs can be roughly estimated at 109 €/ha (seedbed: 53 €/ha; seeds: 23 €/ha; and mechanical destruction: 33 €/ha) but some benefits also have to be considered (e.g. nitrate trapping and improvement of soil structure). ++ 235/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-5: Sprayer inspection Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Sprayer inspection SC-5 Total score Remarks Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Total score: Limits and restrictions low Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction variable Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Yes No No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs none low State of the art BAT Yes? Total score: Best practice in European agriculture. Existing technology Emerging technology Applications numerous Has been successfully implemented. References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 ++ Regular independent inspection of sprayers is a means of reducing isoproturon losses and avoiding overapplication. In 2004, the inspection of sprayers was mandatory in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, and Switzerland. Need for facility to organise sprayer inspection. Easy to implement. Total score: Reduction of isoproturon loss depends on the number of faulty sprayers. Reduction of isoproturon drift and over-application. other pesticides + Total score: ++ The costs of sprayer inspection include the cost of the inspection itself as well as the costs for repairing faulty sprayers. To give an example of the order of magnitude for inspection costs, a voluntary sprayer diagnosis costs about 100 € in France. ++ 236/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases 6.10.8 Isoproturon SC-6: Information campaign Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Information campaign SC-6 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Total score Remarks Total score: + point source wide Information campaigns consist in increasing farmers’ awareness with regard to pesticide handling and application (including equipment maintenance) when training lets farmers to implement correctly best management practices, including measures for reducing pesticide loss. Limits and restrictions medium Complexity of implementation medium Difficult to reach the whole farming community. Requires careful design and conducting, and continuous effort. Need for facility to organise information campaign. Impact on the process / factory low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 60-80% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs low high Total score: Dichotomic effect at farm scale: 020% or 80-100% reduction of isoproturon loss; at catchment scale: 60-80% reduction. Implementing other best practices (sustainable agriculture). + implementing other best practices Total score: State of the art BAT Existing technology Yes Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 0 A standard information campaign can be achieved at a reasonable cost, but an efficient one to reach all farmers could be costly (i.e., operational costs can be lower but with a reduced efficiency). Total score: + Information campaigns (e.g. “Isoproturon Stewardship” in the UK) have shown some success in reducing isoproturon emissions. 237/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-7: On-farm filling and cleaning Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination On-farm filling and cleaning SC-7 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Total score Remarks Total score: ++ point source wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation low medium Impact on the process / factory low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 80-100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects No Energy consumption Production of waste low Yes Costs Investment costs high Operational costs low State of the art BAT Yes? Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 Filling and washdown operations can be achieved on specific filling and washdown areas at a farm. The area can be a concrete plane surface from which the wastewater is collected and has to be treated (e.g. by draining to a lined biobed or disposal through a waste treatment company). It can also be a drive-over lined biobed (with metal grid and support frame). A lined biobed (e.g. Phytobac®, Biobac, biofilter…) is a watertight hole in the ground filled with a filtering mixture of chopped straw, topsoil and peat, where the composting action of the mixture enhances the microbial activity thus biodegrading the compounds. The water flow from the base of the biobed has to be reused (through the sprayer or as irrigation water). Need for good management and maintenance. Total score: Both at farm and catchment scale: 80100% reduction of isoproturon losses. + Risk of leaching when biobed is not completely watertight (bottom and walls). Energy needed (electricity). Production of toxic waste that has to be disposed of safely (if no biobed). Total score: The cheapest solution for on-farm filling and washdown operations should be a concrete area connected to a biobed. Investment costs for a 70 m² concrete area are about 6,000 € and can be up to 3,000 € for a biobed. In case of a drive-over biobed (without concrete area), the costs should be higher. In all cases, the operating costs are low (the biobed material should be used for six to eight years). 0 Total score: Regarded as best practice for agriculture. ++ 238/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-8: In-field filling and cleaning Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination In-field filling and cleaning SC-8 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Total score Remarks Total score: 0 point source wide Limits and restrictions high Complexity of implementation medium Impact on the process / factory low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 80-100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects No Energy consumption Production of waste No No Costs Investment costs medium Operational costs low State of the art BAT Yes? Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 In-field filling and cleaning sprayer equipment should take place in the field where the pesticide is applied and the rinsate (dilute tank mix leftovers) should be sprayed over the field. These operations require adapted sprayers, and chemical storage, water supply, and personal protective equipment, in the field, can be limiting factors. High requirements for spraying equipment and often not feasible with older sprayers. Limitations for in-field cleaning (medium) are lower than for filling (high). Need for good management and maintenance. Requires chemical storage, water supply, and personal protective equipment. Total score: Both at farm and catchment scale: 80100% reduction of isoproturon losses. ++ Possible risk of surface runoff or overdosing. Total score: Cleaning operations in the field do not entail operational costs, but there are high requirements for sprayer equipment (potential investment costs). + Total score: Regarded as best practice for agriculture. ++ 239/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-9: Sharing equipment or spraying by contractors Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Sharing equipment or spraying by SC-9 contractors Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Total score Total score: + point source wide Limits and restrictions medium Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 60-80% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No No Costs Investment costs none Operational costs low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Remarks Sharing equipment by farmers or spraying by contractors allows to reduce the number of sprayer fillings and cleaning actions, thereby indirectly reducing pesticide losses. Possible risk of conflicts (all want to spray at the same time) and/or less careful handling by contract sprayer operators. Easy to implement. Total score: At catchment scale: up to 60-80% reduction of isoproturon losses. + Total score: Sharing equipment can save capital costs (benefits for the farmer). With contracting, costs should be higher than without contracting. ++ Total score: 0 Yes some Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 240/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-10: No farmyard pesticide application Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination No farmyard pesticide application SC-10 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Total score: ++ point source wide low low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No No Costs Investment costs none Operational costs none State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Yes? Need for alternative treatments. Easy to implement. Total score: Both at farm and catchment scale: 100% reduction of isoproturon losses. ++ Total score: Non-application of pesticides on farmyards entails no costs, and even saves the costs of pesticides. ++ Total score: Best practice for agriculture. ++ numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 241/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-11: Good farming practices Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Good farming practices SC-11 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: diffuse / point source runoff / farm point sources wide low medium low ++ Need for information campaign. Total score: + Total score: + Total score: Best practice for agriculture. ++ variable No No No low medium Yes? numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 242/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-12: Partial substitution Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Partial substitution SC-12 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse / point source runoff / farm point sources Limits and restrictions medium Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 60% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Yes Energy consumption Production of waste No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs none variable (medium to high) Total score Remarks Total score: ++ A way to reduce isoproturon emissions is to substitute, partially or totally, another herbicide which could be only one or a mixture of chemicals. Examples of substitutes for isoproturon are diflufenican, ioxynil, or bifenox, corn herbicide containing bentazone, prosulfocarbe, pendimethalin, carfentrazone-ethyl, aryloxyphenoxypropionates or “fops” (e.g. clodinafop-propargyl), sulfonylureas (e.g. flupyrsulfuronmethyl), etc. All substitutions are technically feasible, but they are not all relevant everywhere. Feasibility depends on local conditions and in particular the most predominant weed species. Note that substitution for isoproturon on barley, especially spring barley, can be a problem, and, more generally, weed resistance management is an important issue for the substitution. Impact on the farm work management depends on the application period. Total score: 60% reduction of isoproturon emissions (about equivalent to the percentage of rate reduction). Performance depends on the impacts of the substitute, which can be a new problem. – Emissions of other chemicals have to be considered. For example, for flupyrsulfuron-methyl, carfentrazoneethyl, and diflufenican, less impact is expected on surface water, but equivalent impact is expected on groundwater and other media. For prosulfocarbe, less impact is expected on surface water and groundwater, equivalent impact for the other media. Total score: + Operational costs include the costs of the replacement pesticides. Additional operational costs may be incurred if the new mixture of pesticides requires application in more than one treatment per crop, and through impacts on the work management caused by changes in the application date. Based on substitution costs alone, the cost variation for two partial substitution scenarios was estimated at 69% and 152%. 243/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-13: Total substitution Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Total substitution SC-13 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse / point source runoff / farm point sources Limits and restrictions medium Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Yes Energy consumption Production of waste No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs none very high State of the art BAT Existing technology Total score Remarks Total score: ++ A way to reduce isoproturon emissions is to substitute, partially or totally, another herbicide which could be only one or a mixture of chemicals. Examples of substitutes for isoproturon are diflufenican, ioxynil, or bifenox, corn herbicide containing bentazone, prosulfocarbe, pendimethalin, carfentrazone-ethyl, aryloxyphenoxypropionates or “fops” (e.g. clodinafop-propargyl), sulfonylureas (e.g. flupyrsulfuronmethyl), etc. All substitutions are technically feasible, but they are not all relevant everywhere. Feasibility depends on local conditions and in particular the most predominant weed species. Note that substitution for isoproturon on barley, especially spring barley, can be a problem, and, more generally, weed resistance management is an important issue for the substitution. Impact on the farm work management depends on the application period. Total score: 100% reduction of isoproturon emissions. Performance depends on the impacts of the substitute, which can be a new problem. 0 Emissions of other chemicals have to be considered. For example, for pendimethalin and flupyrsulfuronmethyl, less impact is expected on surface water, but equivalent impact is expected on groundwater and other media. For prosulfocarbe, less impact is expected on surface water and groundwater, equivalent impact for the other media. Total score: 0 Operational costs include the costs of the replacement pesticides. Additional operational costs may be incurred if the new mixture of pesticides requires application in more than one treatment per crop, and through impacts on the work management caused by changes in the application date. Based on substitution costs alone, the cost variation for three total substitution scenarios was estimated at 205%, 225% and 266%. Total score: + Yes 244/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-14: Semi-mechanical weed control Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Semi-mechanical weed control SC-14 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse / point source runoff / farm point sources Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium low medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 60-80% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No low No Costs Investment costs high Operational costs low Total score Remarks Total score: State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications Yes References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 numerous + With semi-mechanical weed control, mechanical work and chemical treatment are associated with the use of a combined unit including hoe and sprayer, which results in lower application of isoproturon. The reduction in use of isoproturon can be about two-thirds. More suitable for corn crops. Easy to implement. Total score: Both at farm and catchment scale: 6080% reduction of isoproturon emissions. 0 Total score: With semi-mechanical weed control, there are high investment costs: the cost of the specific machinery can be estimated at 9,000 €. However, the operational costs are low or even zero (more work but less herbicide; no decrease in crop yield). 0 Total score: + Successfully implemented in a number of places? 245/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-15: Mechanical weed control Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Mechanical weed control SC-15 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse / point source runoff / farm point sources Limits and restrictions medium Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No medium No Costs Investment costs medium Operational costs high Total score Remarks Total score: State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications Yes References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 numerous 0 In cereal growing, mechanical weed control with harrow and hoe units can totally substitute for herbicides. In this case, there is no more application of isoproturon. Need for experience and good weather conditions. Total score: Both at farm and catchment scale: 100% reduction of isoproturon emissions. + Need for more energy (fuel). Total score: Investment costs should be low if conventional machinery (harrows and hoes) can be used. Operational costs can be significant (no herbicide but much work and risk of decrease in crop yield). – Total score: + Successfully implemented in a number of places. 246/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-16: False seedbed Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination False seedbed SC-16 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse / point source runoff / farm point sources Limits and restrictions medium Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects No Energy consumption Production of waste medium No Costs Investment costs low Operational costs medium Total score Remarks Total score: State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications Yes References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 numerous + Agronomic practices such as false seedbed can substitute for chemical weed control by decreasing weed pressure. The false seedbed technique consists in preparing a seedbed without sowing, which results in weed germination; weeds are then destroyed by thermal or mechanical weed control (chemicals should be avoided) before sowing. Need for good weather conditions. Not suitable for all weeds. Total score: Both at farm and catchment scale: 100% reduction of isoproturon emissions (if no chemical use for weed destruction). + Reduced efficiency or cross effects (emissions of other chemicals) if chemical destruction. Need for more energy (fuel). Total score: Investment costs are low as conventional harrows and hoes can be used for removing weeds before sowing. However, operational costs can be significant (no herbicide but more work and fuel). In an example calculation, the yearly extra costs compared to chemical weed control were estimated at about 25 €/ha. + Total score: + Successfully implemented in a number of places. 247/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon SC-17: Organic farming Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Organic farming SC-17 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Total score Remarks Total score: – diffuse / point source runoff / farm point sources low Farmers may be reluctant to change. Consumers may be unwilling to pay. Complexity of implementation high Organic farming avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides, plant growth regulators, and livestock feed additives; it relies on crop rotation, mechanical cultivation, and use of crop residues and animal manure. Impact on the process / factory high Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Yes Energy consumption Production of waste medium No Costs Investment costs medium Operational costs high State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications Yes References Table last updated on Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 numerous Total score: Both at farm and catchment scale: 100% reduction of isoproturon emissions. ++ Emission reduction of other pesticides and mineral fertilisers. Total score: It can be assumed that the higher level of farm gate prices for organic produce compensates the costs of switching to organic farming (more labour-intensive, lower crop yields). The additional costs are borne by the consumers through increased retail prices for organic foods. For example, in the case of cereals, the consumer price premium for wheat flour in Europe is estimated to range from 29 to 203% with an average of 100%. Switching to organic farming therefore does not entail costs for farmers but high costs for consumers who want to buy these organic foods. – Total score: + Successfully implemented in a number of places. 248/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon EoP-1:Grass strips Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Grass strips EoP-1 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Limits and restrictions low Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low Total score Remarks Total score: ++ Environmental buffer zone between cropland and water body as a means of reducing the impact of runoff. Need for maintenance. Loss of arable land area for the strip. Easy to implement. Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 70-100% Removal of other substances many Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No low No Costs Investment costs low Operational costs medium State of the art BAT Yes? Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 Total score: Both at farm and catchment scale: 70100% reduction of isoproturon emissions. Abatement of many other pollutants: other pesticides, fertilisers, heavy metals, etc. + Total score: Investment costs for grass strips (soil cultivation, seedbed and seeds) have been estimated at 473 €/ha strip. + Operational costs for grass strips (mowing) have been estimated at 88 €/ha strip. In addition, operational costs may include the loss of crop yield due to the loss of arable land area. Total score: Regarded as best practice in European agriculture. ++ 249/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon EoP-2: Hedges Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Hedges EoP-2 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Limits and restrictions low Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low Total score: Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction variable Removal of other substances many Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No low No Costs Investment costs medium Operational costs medium State of the art BAT Yes? Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks ++ Environmental buffer zone between cropland and water body as a means of reducing the impact of runoff. Need for maintenance. Loss of arable land area for the strip. Easy to implement. Total score: Both at farm and catchment scale: 70100% reduction of isoproturon emissions. Abatement of many other pollutants: other pesticides, fertilisers, heavy metals, etc. + Total score: Investment costs for planting hedges have been estimated at 12 €/m hedge. Costs can be decreased down to 2-3 €/m hedge with a simple restoration without planting. 0 Operational costs for hedges (maintenance) have been estimated at 1.6 €/m hedge. In addition, operational costs may include the loss of crop yield due to the loss of arable land area. Total score: Regarded as best practice in European agriculture? + Yes numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 250/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon EoP-3: Riparian zones Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Riparian zones EoP-3 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Limits and restrictions medium Complexity of implementation low Total score Remarks Total score: ++ Environmental buffer zone between cropland and water body as a means of reducing the impact of runoff. Slow growing (trees). Possible increase of pest/disease pressure. Easy to implement and no need for maintenance. Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 0-40% Removal of other substances many Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs medium low State of the art BAT Yes? Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: At farm scale: 20-40% reduction of isoproturon emissions; at catchment scale: 0-20% reduction. Abatement of many other pollutants: other pesticides, fertilisers, heavy metals, etc. 0 Total score: + Total score: Regarded as best practice in European agriculture? + Yes numerous Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 251/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon EoP-4: Constructed wetlands Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Constructed wetlands EoP-4 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range diffuse runoff wide Limits and restrictions high Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low Total score: Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 40-100% Removal of other substances many Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No No Costs Investment costs high Operational costs medium State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks + Environmental buffer zone between cropland and water body as a means of reducing the impact of runoff. Not everywhere possible. Need for maintenance. Loss of arable land area. Possible classification by authorities as a protected habitat. Easy to implement. Total score: At farm scale: 80-100% reduction of isoproturon emissions; at catchment scale: 40-60% reduction. Abatement of many other pollutants: other pesticides, fertilisers, heavy metals, etc. + Total score: Constructed wetlands entail high capital costs. Operational costs include the maintenance costs and, if the wetland is constructed on arable land, the loss of crop yield (due to the loss of land). – Total score: 0 Yes some Substance Report (Draft 1, October 2007) 4-mrt-08 252/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon EoP-5: Ozone oxidation Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Ozone oxidation EoP-5 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source waste water Application range wide Limits and restrictions medium Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium Total score Remarks Total score: + Suitable e.g. for waste water from industrial sites (isoproturon production or formulation plants) or large wastewater treatment plants. Ozone oxidation can be operated at various pH, temperatures and organic carbon concentrations (large fluctuations can be managed). The process can be operated with or without UV irradiation. Ozone can also be combined with hydrogen peroxide (perozone oxidation). UV irradiation and hydrogen peroxide accelerate the oxidation (surplus ozone and/or hydrogen peroxide has to be eliminated). Ozone oxidation can also be combined with activated carbon adsorption. To be considered only for industrial sites or large WWTP. When UV irradiation is used, the following limits and restrictions apply: high turbidity results in poor transmission of UV; ammonia content needs to be low; fouling decreases the efficiency; and formation of intermediate contaminants can hamper the process effectiveness. Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 90-100% Removal of other substances many Cross-media effects No By-products can be easily degraded, for instance in a biofilter. Pre- and post-treatment is important. Energy consumption medium Production of waste No Energy demand for ozone production from oxygen could be estimated at 712 kWh/kg O3 and twice as much for ozone from dry air. Energy demand will be higher if UV generation is needed. Harmless by-products. Need to destroy surplus ozone. Costs Investment costs high Total score: On the basis of experimental results showing total removal of isoproturon in 30 min, an abatement efficiency of 90-100% should be achievable. Optimum results could be achieved e.g. by combining ozone oxidation with GAC adsorption. A number of other priority substances (heavy metals, pesticides, PAHs, nonylphenols…) can be removed by ozone oxidation. Total score: Investment costs for ozone oxidation are moderate, but advanced ozone oxidation (with UV irradiation) entails high capital costs. ++ –– 253/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Isoproturon EoP-6: Activated carbon adsorption Fact Sheet for Isoproturon Measure/source combination Activated carbon adsorption EoP-6 Total score Remarks Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source waste water Application range wide Limits and restrictions medium To be considered only for industrial sites or large WWTP. The following limits and restrictions apply to activated carbon: total suspended solids <20 mg/l and pollutant concentration <100 g/l with GAC, and <10 mg/l and <500 g/l respectively with PAC; mixtures of organic compounds may cause a significantly reduced adsorption capacity; high content of macromolecular compounds decreases efficiency and may cause irreversible blockage of active sites; and PAC has to face major erosion problem due to scouring effect in the activated sludge. Upstream filtration (e.g. by sand filters) is generally needed to avoid clogging and blockage. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium Low extra space requirements. Total score: Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 90-100% Removal of other substances many + Suitable e.g. for waste water from industrial sites (isoproturon production or formulation plants) or large wastewater treatment plants. Activated carbon can be used as a powder (PAC) dosed to a treatment tank or as a granulate (GAC) in columns, where both tank and columns are built of corrosionresistant material. Normally GAC is regenerated by thermal reactivation whereas PAC, not regenerated, becomes part of the waste. PAC is generally preferred in case of intermittent or variable pollution or emergency, and GAC is used in the other cases for treating water. For isoproturon, GAC should be the better option. Activated carbon can be operated under various conditions (pH, temperature, organic carbon concentrations…) with automated systems but the removal efficiency would variable. Activated carbon adsorption can also be combined with ozone oxidation. Total score: There are no figures available for the removal efficiency of isoproturon by activated carbon, but isoproturon, like many pesticides, has a very high probability of being adsorbed. Thus a high abatement (>90%) should be achieved. Most other priority substances (heavy metals, pesticides, PAHs, nonylphenols…) can be removed at the same time. + 254/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 6.10.9 applicable for use in the cases Nonylphenol Overview of measure/source combinations Source control SC-1 Separation zone NPE pesticides SC-2 Substitutes for NPE End-of-pipe EoP-1 Activated carbon adsorption EoP-2 Oxidative techniques EoP-3 Membrane filtration (NF / RO) EoP-4 Electrochemical oxidation EoP-5 Electro-coagulation EoP-6 Moving bed adsorption 255/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 Table 36: applicable for use in the cases Overview of available and emerging measures per source for nonylphenol Available measure Emerging measure Waste water (Uses of products containing NPEs) EoP-4 EoP-5 EoP-6 Release to surface water (Production/use of different materials containing NPEs) SC-2 EoP-1 EoP-2 EoP-3 Separation zone NPE pesticides Substitutes for NPE Activated carbon adsorption Oxidative techniques Membrane filtration (NF / RO) Electrochemical oxidation Electro-coagulation Moving bed adsorption Waste water (Production of NPEs) SC-1 Source Release to surface water (Production of NP and NPEs) Possible measures ? 256/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Nonylphenol SC-1: Separation zone NPE pesticides Fact Sheet for Nonylphenol Remarks Measure/source combination Separation zone NPE pesticides SC-1 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Total score Total score: diffuse surface water ++ Use-oriented option. Provision of a separation zone ('buffer zone') between spray application and watercourse to reduce risks from NPE-containing pesticides/adjuvants. Additional regulatory measures to encourage formulators to move away from NPE are also recommended. simple Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste 50-100% No No No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs No low State of the art BAT Existing technology Yes Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (revision no. 2, 23 January 2008) 29-jan-08 Total score: + Total score: ++ Total score: + Available measure for curbing releases to surface water from NPE containing pesticides/adjuvants. 257/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Nonylphenol SC-2: Substitutes for NPE Fact Sheet for Nonylphenol Measure/source combination Substitutes for NPE SC-2 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Remarks Total score: point source surface water and waste water Application range Limits and restrictions + NPEs: Alternatives to NPE are available for several industries: industrial, institutional and domestic cleaning, textiles, leathers, agriculture (veterinary medicines), metals, pulp and paper, and cosmetics. An important substance group are the more readily biodegradable alcohol ethoxylates. NPs: At present, known substitutes for NPs in the manufacture of derivatives other than NPEs are octylphenols, the use of which is not expected to lead to a measurable reduction in risk over the use of NPs, because of their comparable environmental effects. NPEs: Although the performance of products based on the substitutes is generally comparable, some manufacturers may need to accept somewhat inferior performance coupled with additional costs. More than one replacement may be needed by companies seeking to replace NPEs over an entire cleaning range. For some specific uses, no suitable alternative has yet been identified. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium? medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste 100% No No Yes No Costs Investment costs Operational costs No medium State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Yes Emerging technology Applications numerous References Table last updated on Substance Report (revision no. 2, 23 January 2008) 29-jan-08 Total score: ++ Total score: + Costs of substitutes are somewhat higher than the cost of NPE. For example, alcohol ethoxylates are reported to cost 10-30% more than NPEs. In general, NPEs are likely to account for <5% of the total cost of the end products. Total score: Alcohol ethoxylates are BAT substitutes for the Tanning of Hides and Skins. Available measure for surface water releases (production of different materials using NPEs) and waste water (uses of products containing NPE). ++ A number of sectors are already moving towards the use of alternatives as a result of individual company initiatives, various voluntary agreements, environmental concerns expressed by customers and the general public, and/or legislation specific to certain Member States. 258/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Nonylphenol EoP-1: Activated carbon adsorption Fact Sheet for Nonylphenol Measure/source combination Activated carbon adsorption EoP-1 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source surface water and waste water Application range Limits and restrictions wide low Total score Remarks Total score: ++ Can use granular activated carbon (GAC) or powdered activated carbon (PAC). Pre-treatment for the removal of suspended solids is necessary to prevent clogging. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 90% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste many No medium Yes Costs Investment costs Operational costs high high State of the art BAT Yes Existing technology Yes Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on ? Substance Report (revision no. 2, 23 January 2008) 29-jan-08 Total score: GAC is best used for the removal of organic contaminants like nonylphenol from (drinking) water. Laboratory-scale tests for the removal of nonylphenol with GAC have yielded K values of 19.406 at a water pH of 7.0. Site-specific conditions (e.g. the presence of competing contaminants) may affect removal rates. Source water-specific testing will be required to ensure adequate removal. + Granular activated carbon can be regenerated (but not powdered activated carbon). Spent carbon must be disposed of by incineration or in an appropriate landfill. Total score: Investment costs are relatively low. Strongly dependent on the type and dosage of the coal which is used (range 0.1-1.0 €/m3). Typical coal costs are 1-5 €/kg. –– Total score: In general, activated carbon (AC) adsorption can be regarded as BAT for many applications, e.g. for polishing WWTP effluent. GAC is BAT for the removal of nonylphenol from waste water. Available measure for surface water releases (production of NP/NPE, production of different materials using NPEs) and waste water (production of NPEs and uses of products containing NPE). + 259/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Nonylphenol EoP-2: Oxidative techniques Fact Sheet for Nonylphenol Measure/source combination Oxidative techniques EoP-2 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source surface water and waste water Application range wide Limits and restrictions low Total score Remarks Total score: ++ Oxidative techniques (specifically advanced oxidation, e.g. ozone/H2O2, ozone/UV or UV/H2O2) are potentially applicable for the removal of organic micro-contaminants such as nonylphenol (NP) from surface waters. Effective even at low concentrations (μg/l range). Pre-treatment may be required to remove turbidity. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 90% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects many (No) Energy consumption Production of waste significant No Costs Investment costs medium Operational costs high Total score: With advanced oxidation (e.g. UV/H2O2), high removal efficiencies are possible, in some cases even for the treatment of WWTP effluent. High UV intensities are however required. Results indicate that advanced oxidation processes can result in effective (>95%) removal of NP from water. + Potential formation of new (often) toxic compounds. Total score: Capital and energy costs of UV oxidation are relatively high. Costs may be lower for techniques without UV light, e.g. ozone/H2O2. – Operating costs for UV are about 0.10.2 Euro/m3. Costs for H2O2 are more or less the same (30 g/m 3 at 3 euro/kg H2O2). State of the art BAT Yes Total score: Oxidation can be regarded as BAT for several applications (polishing). Available measure for surface water releases (production of NP/NPE, production of different materials using NPEs) and waste water (production of NPEs and uses of products containing NPE). Existing technology Yes Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on ? Substance Report (revision no. 2, 23 January 2008) 29-jan-08 + 260/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Nonylphenol EoP-3: Membrane filtration (NF / RO) Fact Sheet for Nonylphenol Measure/source combination Membrane filtration (NF / RO) EoP-3 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range point source surface water and waste water wide Limits and restrictions low Total score Remarks Total score: Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory ++ Choice of membrane type depends on the nature of the waste water. Polyamide-based membranes are normally superior to cellulose acetatebased membranes for the removal of trace organic molecules. Cut-off size >1200-1000 g/mol for NF, <1000 g/mol for RO. Permeate flow <100 L m-2 h-1 for NF, 10-35 L m2 -1 h for RO. Pre-treatment of the feed and posttreatment of the permeate is normally required. Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 20-50% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste many No low Yes Costs Investment costs Operational costs high high State of the art BAT Existing technology Yes Yes Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on no? Substance Report (revision no. 2, 23 January 2008) 29-jan-08 Total score: In NF/RO, salts and dissolved organic molecules are retained by 20 to >99%. Several nanofiltration membranes were tested in the laboratory; it was found that some removal of NP? was realised by molecular size exclusion. – Potential membrane fouling? Production of a concentrated brine solution which is collected for further work-up or disposal. In NF the brine stream produced constitutes 10-20% of the main stream. The removed substances in the brine are concentrated to a factor of 5 or 10 higher than in the feed effluent. Total score: –– Costs of NF are comparable to the costs of RO systems (0.5 – 1.5 €/m 3). Total score: for NP/NPE? Available measure for surface water releases (production of NP/NPE, production of different materials using NPEs) and waste water (production of NPEs and uses of products containing NPE). Nanofiltration is commonly used as a membrane technique for softening, specific removal of heavy metals from process streams, for reuse of water and reduction of salt content of slightly brackish water, and drinking water production. + 261/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Nonylphenol EoP-4: Electrochemical oxidation Fact Sheet for Nonylphenol Measure/source combination Electrochemical oxidation EoP-4 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Total score Remarks Total score: ++ Total score: 0 point source surface water and waste water wide low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste 50-90% many No medium No Costs Investment costs Operational costs medium medium Only tested on lab scale. Formation of new toxic compounds. Total score: No data available. Costs may be expected to be similar to chemical oxidation techniques. 0 Total score: – State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Yes Applications References Table last updated on No Substance Report (revision no. 2, 23 January 2008) 29-jan-08 Emerging measure for surface water releases (production of NP/NPE, production of different materials using NPEs) and waste water (production of NPEs and uses of products containing NPE). 262/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Nonylphenol EoP-5: Electro-coagulation Fact Sheet for Nonylphenol Measure/source combination Electro-coagulation EoP-5 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Total score Remarks Total score: ++ Total score: Only tested on lab scale. Degradation of nonylphenol polyethoxylate in aqueous solutions and textile wastewater was about 90% (using Al-electrodes). The efficiency of the process depends on several operating parameters such as type of electrode material, initial pH, substrate concentration and current density. + Total score: 0 Total score: – point source surface water and waste water wide low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 90% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste many No medium Yes Costs Investment costs Operational costs medium medium Unconfirmed. Unconfirmed. State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Yes Applications References Table last updated on No Substance Report (revision no. 2, 23 January 2008) 29-jan-08 Emerging measure for surface water releases (production of NP/NPE, production of different materials using NPEs) and waste water (production of NPEs and uses of products containing NPE). 263/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Nonylphenol EoP-6: Moving bed adsorption Fact Sheet for Nonylphenol Measure/source combination Moving bed adsorption EoP-6 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source surface water and waste water Application range wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low Total score Remarks Total score: Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 90% Removal of other substances many Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No medium Costs Investment costs medium-high? Operational costs medium-high? ++ Process combines two techniques, namely moving sand filtration and carbon adsorption. Feasible for treating a variety of effluents with low contaminant concentrations. Total score: Tested on lab scale. To be tested in 2007/8 on pilot scale. Phosphate, nitrate and heavy metals such as mercury and cadmium can also be removed by precipitation (phosphate and HMs) or biologically (nitrate). Organic microcontaminants such as pesticides, herbicides, PAH, endocrine substances, BTEX, PCB, and humic substances can be adsorbed by the carbon particles. + Total score: The costs of the MBA process are competitive with the costs of sand filtration plus adsorption and are most likely significantly lower. – Total score: + State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Yes Applications References Table last updated on No Substance Report (revision no. 2, 23 January 2008) 29-jan-08 Emerging measure for surface water releases (production of NP/NPE, production of different materials using NPEs) and waste water (production of NPEs and uses of products containing NPE). 264/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 6.10.10 applicable for use in the cases Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) //preliminary fact sheets Overview of measures/source combinations for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (including Antracene) Source control SC-1 Low PAH coal tar pitch blend SC-2 Use of inert anodes End-of-pipe EoP-1 Wastewater pre-treatment: Tar removal EoP-2 Biological wastewater treatment EoP-3 Gas-tight operation of the gas treatment plant EoP-4 Sour water stripping (SS) EoP-5 Flue gas incineration EoP-6 Wet flue gas scrubbing EoP-7 Dry flue gas scrubbing EoP-8 Use of condensation and electrostatic precipitators EoP-9 Biofilters EoP-10 Ozonation and anaerobic digestion 265/296 Overview of available and emerging measures per source for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (preliminary) SC-1 SC-2 EoP-1 EoP-2 EoP-3 EoP-4 EoP-5 EoP-6 EoP-7 EoP-8 EoP-9 EoP-10 Low PAH coal tar pitch blend Use of inert anodes Wastewater pre-treatment: Tar removal Biological wastewater treatment Gas-tight operation of the gas treatment plant Sour water stripping (SWS) Flue gas incineration Wet flue gas scrubbing Dry flue gas scrubbing Use of condensation and electrostatic precipitators Biofilters Ozonation and anaerobic digestion Sewage sludge Urban runoff Other waste water Coke oven plants Production of carbon and graphite Source Primary aluminium production Possible measures Waste incinerators Table 37: applicable for use in the cases Bitumen production / refineries DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 266/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons SC-1: Low PAH coal tar pitch blend //preliminary table Fact Sheet for Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Measure/source combination Low PAH coal tar pitch blend SC-1 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Remarks Total score: point source coal tar pitch Application range A novel coal tar pitch/petroleum pitch blend with low PAH content. Particularly suitable for use in Søderberg-type anodes for aluminium smelting as well as electric arc furnace electrodes. Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Total score: PAH emissions, and more specifically B(a)P equivalent emissions, are all reduced by approximately 40%. Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs Total score: Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: Yes U.S. patent Substance Report (revision no. 2, April 2008) 3-mei-08 267/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons SC-2: Use of inert anodes //preliminary table 268/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Fact Sheet for Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Measure/source combination Use of inert anodes SC-1 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Total score Remarks Total score: point source anodes (e.g. for aluminium production) medium Environmental benefits from the use of non-consumable inert anodes include the elimination/reduction of PAH. Two types of anode material have received particular attention so far: cermets (specialist ceramic oxide materials containing metallic particles) and noble-metal coatings. One reason for the lack of commercial application of ceramic anodes has been the inability to produce aluminium of the necessary commercial grade purity. However, improved methods for producing commercial purity aluminium containing acceptable levels of Fe, Cu and Ni impurities have recently been disclosed. Improvements have also been made in anode production processes and in retrofit methods for replacing the conventional consumable carbon anodes of the aluminium smelting cell. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances up to 100% Yes Cross-media effects Yes Reduction in CO2 / greenhouse gas emissions. Elimination of dry coke scrubbers and anode paste plant (as well as scrubbers from bake ovens). Reduction of spent pot liner (possible if combined with new cathode technology). Energy consumption reduction The power consumption of inert anodes with noble-metal coatings such as platinum is said to be half that of conventional carbon anodes. Production of waste No Total score: Costs Investment costs Elimination of emissions of carbonyl sulphide, reduction of hydrogen fluoride emissions. Total score: An important requirement is to lower the overall cost of a new anode below that of conventional carbon anodes, which is usually $110 to $120 per tonne. Retrofit capability is another key issue determining the marketability / economic success of inert anode technology. The impact of inert-anode technologies on smelter costs is uncertain as no such technologies have yet been commercially applied. Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Total score: Yes Applications References Table last updated on Substance Report (revision no. 2, April 2008) 3-mei-08 Laboratory, pilot-scale and commercial-scale testing of inert anodes is currently under way. In the U.S., the DoE is leading the effort in producing inert anode technologies, and commercialisation is expected by 2010-2015. 269/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons EoP-1: Wastewater pretreatment: Tar removal //preliminary table Fact Sheet for Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Measure/source combination Wastewater pre-treatment: Tar EoP-1 removal Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Remarks Total score Total score: point source wastewater (coal water from coking plants) Application range wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low The ammonia-still effluent at coking plants may contain tar. If this is the case, the presence of PAH can adversely impact on the operation of the biological wastewater treatment plant, due to a possible toxic effect of PAH on the micro-organisms in the activated sludge. It is therefore advisable to remove any tar from the coal water prior to biological wastewater treatment. The tar can be removed by adding coagulating chemicals and subsequent separation (e.g. gravitational sedimentation, centrifuging or flotation, followed by filtration). Alternative methods are the use a rotary vacuum drum filter pre-coated with wood flour, or sand filtration. Removal of tar prior to wastewater treatment is applicable both at new and existing plants. Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 99% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Yes Produces a highly concentrated filter cake or sludge which has to be treated further, e.g. by incineration. Typically it is recycled to the coke ovens. (If a wood flour filter is used, the PAH-laden wood flour can also be recycled.) Costs Investment costs Operational costs low? low? No data available. No data available. State of the art BAT Yes Considered as BAT for coke oven plants. Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: Effluent concentrations from the wood flour filter are 700-800 μg EPA-PAH per litre (removal efficiency 99%). Remaining concentrations are effectively reduced in the following biological treatment stage (corresponding to 150 μg/l in the effluent). Total score: Total score: Yes Yes Reference plants operate in the Netherlands. Substance Report (revision no. 2, April 2008) 3-mei-08 270/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons EoP-2: Biological wastewater treatment //preliminary table Fact Sheet for Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Remarks Measure/source combination Biological wastewater treatment EoP-2 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score: point source wastewater from coke oven plants, The most commonly applied biological technique mixed wastewater, domestic for the treatment of coke oven wastewater is the wastewater aerobic system with activated sludge. Wastewater pre-treatment by a chemical/physical method (see EoP-1 Tar removal) and wastewater dilution is often applied to avoid toxic effects on the micro-organisms. In some cases special attention has been paid to nitrification and (anoxic) denitrification. Wastewater from coke oven plants can be mixed with other types of wastewater before treatment. Biological treatment is also often applied for the treatment of domestic wastewater. Application range wide Limits and restrictions low Total score Applicable to new as well to existing installations. Organic contaminants are for the main part biologically degraded to CO2, H2O and minerals. Non-degradable, non-polar components such as most PAH are removed by partial adsorption to the activated sludge. An additional treatment step such as activated carbon adsorption could be added if discharge limits become more stringent in the future. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction high (>90%) Removal of other substances Yes Cross-media effects Energy consumption No Yes Production of waste Yes Total score: Performance figures for aerobic activated sludge systems at European coke oven plants indicate PAH effluent concentrations are in the range of 0.003 – 0.2 mg/l. Plants employing a nitrification-denitrification (pre-DN/N) system achieve very good results in cleaning coke oven wastewater. At reference plants in Belgium and Germany, for example, PAH (Borneff 6) concentrations in the influent were reduced from 200 and 106 μg/l to <50 and 11.7 μg/l, respectively, while a Dutch plant achieved an effluent concentration of 2.7 μg/l. Recent data from a plant at IJmuiden in the Netherlands gives an average effluent concentration of 1.2 μg/l for the 16 EPA-PAH, corresponding to a removal rate of 97.8%. Contaminants such as phenols, cyanides, and aromatic hydrocarbons are biologically degraded. Heavy metals are partially removed by adsorption to the activated sludge. Nitrogen compounds are removed in the (subsequent) nitrification or nitrification-denitrification stage. No addition of chemicals required. The energy consumption of the ACZC Sluiskil plant in the Netherlands is 0.008 GJ/t coke. The production of sludge (calculated as dry solids related to the total input of contaminants) is much lower for a biological treatment system than for chemical/physical treatment. 271/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Costs Investment costs medium Operational costs medium State of the art BAT Yes Total score: Investment costs for an extension of a nitrification system to a pre-DN/N system were estimated at 0.6 million ECU1996 in 1994. Total investments were 4.6 million ECU1996. According to a more recent estimate, the investment costs for a plant treating 300 m3/h (average) of wastewater are around 7 - 7.5 million EUR (2000), including civil works and all equipment. Operational costs were estimated at 345 000 ECU1996 per year (0.57 ECU1996/t coke), including wastewater levies. According to a more recent estimate, the operational costs of an industrial biological treatment plant for the wastewaters from an ironand steel plant will vary between 0.5 and 1.1 EUR per m3, including cost of energy, labour, chemicals, chemical analysis and discharge fee. Total score: Biological wastewater treatment with integrated nitrification/denitrification achieving <0.05 mg/l PAH (Borneff 6), based on a specific wastewater flow of 0.4 m3/t coke, is considered as BAT for coke oven plants. Existing technology Emerging technology Applications Yes References Table last updated on Substance Report (revision no. 2, April 2008) 3-mei-08 Yes Coke oven wastewater treatment plants with the pre-DN/N system have been installed in the United Kingdom (British Steel Corp. Scunthorpe and Orgreave), Belgium (Sidmar, B-Gent), France (Lorfonte Seremange), Germany (Ruhrkohle AG Kaiserstuhl, D-Dortmund) and the Netherlands (ACZC Sluiskil). IJmuiden? 272/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons EoP-3: Gas-tight operation of the gas treatment plant //preliminary table Fact Sheet for Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Measure/source combination Gas-tight operation of the gas EoP-3 treatment plant Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source coke oven gas Application range wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation low low Remarks Total score Total score: Crude coke oven gas (COG) is cleaned in a gas treatment plant for subsequent use as a fuel. Due to the relatively volatile character of the crude COG, emissions can occur at flanges, pressure valves, pumps, etc. Occupational safety considerations are also relevant since some COG components such as PAH and benzene are known carcinogens. Applicable both at new and existing plants. In new plants, a gas-tight design will probably be easier to achieve than at existing plants. Measures to enable virtually gas-tight operation of the gas treatment plant include: - Minimising the number of flanges by welding piping wherever possible; - Use of gas-tight pumps (e.g. magnetic pumps or integral pumps); - Avoiding emissions from pressure valves in storage tanks. This is most commonly achieved by connecting the valve outlet to the COG collecting main (collection of the gases and subsequent combustion or gas blanketing or vent scrubbers could also be possible). Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances high Yes Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No No No Costs Investment costs Operational costs low? low? No data available. No data available. State of the art BAT Yes Considered as BAT for coke oven plants. Total score: Virtually gas-tight operation is achievable. Benzene and other volatile components in crude COG. Total score: Total score: Existing technology Emerging technology Applications Yes References Table last updated on Substance Report (revision no. 2, April 2008) 3-mei-08 Yes Virtually gas-tight gas treatment plants operate in Austria, the Netherlands and Belgium. 273/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons EoP-4: Sour water stripping (SS) //preliminary table Fact Sheet for Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Measure/source combination Sour water stripping (SWS) EoP-4 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source waste water / process water Application range wide Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low low Total score Remarks Total score: Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Sour water stripping (SWS) is typically applied to waste water from bitumen blowing. Sour water is produced in the oxidiser overhead waste water and contains H2S, oil, aromatics, PAHs, sulphuric acid, odorous oxidation products and particulates. In bitumen blowing it is considered as BAT to treat the overheads from the oxidiser for removal of air contaminants, e.g. by wet scrubbing. It is also considered as BAT to send the accumulated water condensate from the scrubber to a Sour Water Stripper prior to re-use and/or purification in a wastewater treatment facility. Total score: Typical PAH (Borneff) concentrations in effluents from European refineries after pre-treatment by SWS are 0.1 mg/l (average) and 0.5 mg/l (maximum), with a maximum of 0.01 – 0.1 mg/l for B(a)P. Annual average PAH (Borneff) concentrations in effluents from waste water treatment plants are 0.005 – 0.05 mg/l, and <0.05 mg/l for B(a)P. Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs Total score: The cost for new steam strippers depends on the flow rate and ranges from about EUR 0.525 – 0.700 million. Costs are site-specific and other estimates for capital costs range from 0.03 – 0.22 per m 3/h design flow rate, with operating costs of 21000 – 175000 EUR per year. Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Yes Total score: Sour water stripping is considered as BAT for bitumen blowing. Yes Yes Sour water stripping is in use at many plants. Substance Report (revision no. 2, April 2008) 3-mei-08 274/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons EoP-5: Flue gas incineration //preliminary table Fact Sheet for Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Measure/source combination Flue gas incineration EoP-5 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Total score Remarks Total score: point source overhead vapours from bitumen production, pot exhaust gas in aluminium production wide Bitumen production: Flue gas from the overhead vapours incinerator in bitumen production is incinerated at high temperature (~800°C) to ensure complete destruction of components such as H2S, CO, complex aldehydes, organic acids, PAHs, and phenolics. Alternatively, wet scrubbing can be used to remove air contaminants. Primary aluminium production: Well-designed and maintained burners can be applied for incineration of CO and low molecular weight PAHs and other hydrocarbons in pot exhaust gas where necessary. Typically applied to overheads from the bitumen blowing systems. Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Total score: Costs Investment costs Total score: Operational costs State of the art BAT Yes Total score: In bitumen blowing, it is considered as BAT to treat the overheads from the oxidiser for removal of air contaminants (e.g. by incineration or wet scrubbing). Existing technology Emerging technology Yes Yes Applications References Table last updated on Substance Report (revision no. 2, April 2008) 3-mei-08 A novel regenerative afterburner has been used in a number of applications. The technique is considered to be emerging for high molecular weight, condensable hydrocarbons. The energy content of the contaminants (hydrocarbon and PAH) is used to heat the support materials, allowing for auto-thermal operation. Performance and economics data is not available, but several installations are operating viably (example plants in Germany, U.K.). 275/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons EoP-6: Wet flue gas scrubbing //preliminary table Fact Sheet for Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Measure/source combination Wet flue gas scrubbing EoP-6 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source flue gases Application range wide Total score Remarks Total score: flue gases from bitumen blowing, electrolysis cells (Søderberg plants), pot-room ventilation gases, waste incineration […….] In primary aluminium production, wet scrubbing is generally applied in addition to dry scrubbing. Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Total score: Primary aluminium production: Wet scrubbers for the ventilation gases will remove some PAHs, especially the particulate fraction. Removal of other substances Primary aluminium production: Removal of SO2 and other acid gases, reduced emission of fluorides and dust. Cross-media effects Primary aluminium production: Depending on the type of scrubber (e.g. sea water or NaOH), waste water, liquid waste (NaOH / Na2SO3) or gypsum is produced. Energy consumption Primary aluminium production: Seawater scrubbing requires an additional energy consumption of about 150 kWh per tonne aluminium. Production of waste Yes Production of waste water or liquid waste. Wastewater treatment normally includes flocculation and sedimentation and results in a sludge that has to be disposed. 276/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Costs Investment costs Total score: Primary aluminium production: In the case of seawater scrubbing, investment costs for supplementary wet scrubbing of the process air range from 9 to 36 million € (75 to 250 € per tonne, based on the annual production capacity). The identified total annual costs range from 2.6 to 7.5 million € (40 to 70 € per tonne aluminium). In the case of a NaOH scrubber, investment costs range from 12 to 40 million € (100 to 250 € per tonne, based on the annual production capacity). The identified total annual costs range from 4 to 7 million € (100 to 200 € per tonne aluminium). Similar scrubbing techniques may be applied to clean the pot room ventilation air, but investment and operating costs are different in this case. Operational costs State of the art BAT Yes Total score: Bitumen blowing: It is considered as BAT to treat the overheads from the oxidiser for removal of air contaminants (e.g. by incineration or wet scrubbing). Existing technology Emerging technology Yes Yes Applications Yes References Table last updated on Substance Report (revision no. 2, April 2008) 3-mei-08 Waste incineration: A novel oil scrubber could be used for the removal of PCDD/F and PAH at incinerators. Primary aluminium smelting: Wet scrubbing of the process air from the electrolysis is applied in Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden). Some of the Søderberg plants have also installed pot ventilation air scrubbing. These wet scrubbers are mainly in operation at seaside aluminium plants, using sea water as scrubbing medium. In addition, one plant in Norway uses NaOH, while in the U.S. one plant has been identified that operates with Na2CO3. 277/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons EoP-7: Dry flue gas scrubbing //preliminary table Fact Sheet for Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Measure/source combination Dry flue gas scrubbing EoP-7 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix point source flue gases Application range wide Total score Remarks Total score: Limits and restrictions flue gases from electrolysis cells (Søderberg plants), potroom ventilation gases, off-gases from the production of green anodes and anode baking, graphitisation Primary aluminium production & anode production: Dry adsorption with alumina combined with dust removal is applied at most aluminium plants to reduce emissions from the electrolysis process. Alumina scrubbers are also typically applied at anode or paste plants associated with primary aluminium smelters. Coke dust or lime scrubbers can also be used (e.g. if the coke adsorbent is reusable within the anode production process). The adsorption medium is generally removed from the flue gas by fabric filters. Dry adsorption combined with dust removal is often applied within a combination of techniques (condensation, dry adsorption, and in some situations wet scrubbing) to reduce emissions from anode production. The application of fabric filters is limited by the humidity and temperature of the gaseous streams, hence the flue gases are often pre-treated by a conditioning tower. Electrostatic precipitators can also be used as a pretreatment to remove particulate matter from the flue gas prior to dry adsorption. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction high Removal of other substances Yes Cross-media effects Energy consumption Yes Production of waste Yes (can usually be recycled) Costs Investment costs Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Removal of fluorides, volatile hydrocarbons, and dust. Depends on the re-use of the adsorbent within the process. Dry adsorption combined with dust removal accounts for additional energy consumption. The adsorbent has to be removed periodically from the system and is often re-used within the production processes. Alumina can be re-used for the electrolysis and coke dust for anode production. The PAHs and condensable hydrocarbons are burned at the high temperatures of these processes. Total score: Operational costs State of the art BAT Total score: The alumina scrubber is efficient at removing PAHs and tars from the electrolysis cells, pot-room gases and anode plants. Based on data from two anonymous plants, the operational costs for dry scrubbing range from ECU 2 to 5 per tonne aluminium. Yes Total score: Primary aluminium production: The use of alumina as a scrubbing medium for fluoride and HF removal (with the use of the reacted alumina in the electrolysis process) is considered to be BAT. Yes Yes Example plants exist in France and Germany. Substance Report (revision no. 2, April 2008) 3-mei-08 278/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons EoP-8: Use of condensation and electrostatic precipitators //preliminary table Fact Sheet for Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Measure/source combination Use of condensation and EoP-8 electrostatic precipitators Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Remarks Total score: point source flue gases from anode baking Application range Volatile hydrocarbons emitted during anode baking can be condensed and the condensed hydrocarbon particulates are removed from the flue gas. As PAHs tend to adhere to the condensed hydrocarbon particulates, PAH emissions are also reduced. Condensation can be achieved by external and/or internal cooling with air and/or water systems. Conditioning towers are frequently used. The condensed particulates can be removed from the flue gas by ordinary dust abatement techniques such as fabric filters or electrostatic precipitators. Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction ? No data available. Removal of other substances Yes Cross-media effects Yes Energy consumption Production of waste Yes Removal and recovery of condensable hydrocarbons. Beneficial effect (recovery of hydrocarbons for use in the process). Some energy costs for cooling. Total score: Costs Investment costs Total score: No data available but several installations are operating viably. Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: Yes Yes An example plant operates in Germany. Substance Report (revision no. 2, April 2008) 3-mei-08 279/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons EoP-9: Biofilters //preliminary table Fact Sheet for Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Measure/source combination Biofilters EoP-9 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Remarks Total score: diffuse urban runoff Application range Limits and restrictions Biofilters have been investigated as a potential low cost abatement method for dissolved contaminants in urban runoff. For example, municipal leaf compost and peat moss appear to be only 3 to 4 times less effective than conventional filters such as activated carbon and cationexchange resins, at a substantially lower cost. Wood as an inexpensive and renewable resource appears to be a particularly promising biofilter matrix. In field trials, intense storms led to a temporary drop in filter performance, but simple design changes are likely to double the filter effectiveness and should alleviate the problem. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction medium / high Total score: Under laboratory conditions, over 90% of dissolved pyrene could be removed with biofilters. Other PAH (naphthalene, anthracene, fluorene) showed similarly high removal efficiencies. During recent pilot-scale field trials, prototype wood filters consisting of aspen wood shavings removed on average between 18.5% and 35.6% (up to 66.5%) of dissolved PAH from urban stormwater runoff. Heavier molecular weight PAH compounds such as chrysene were more effectively removed. Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs low Operational costs low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: Total score: Yes Substance Report (revision no. 2, April 2008) 3-mei-08 280/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons EoP-10: Ozonation and anaerobic digestion //preliminary table Fact Sheet for Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Measure/source combination Ozonation and anaerobic EoP-10 digestion Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Remarks Total score Total score: sewage sludge Application range Limits and restrictions Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants is considered a sink for organic contaminants such as PAHs. Prior to the application of sludge to agricultural land, a treatment to reduce the concentrations of hazardous pollutants may therefore be necessary. During sludge stabilisation by anaerobic digestion, the biodegradation of PAH compounds was found to be limited by their bioavailability, due to strong sorption to organic sludge material. Ozonation can be applied as a pre- or post-treatment technique in combination with anaerobic digestion, in order to partially oxidise and solubilise the organic matter, thereby reducing the sludge volume and improving the accessibility to anaerobic microorganisms. The combination of anaerobic digestion and ozonation can also be used to improve PAH removal rates. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Total score: A reduction of about 50% was achieved for 13 PAHs during sludge stabilisation by anaerobic digestion. In batch tests, ozonation of anaerobically digested sludge was found to increase the PAH removal rate to 61%. An additional enhancement up to 81% was achieved by adding hydrogen peroxide during ozonation. The use of surfactants also enhanced PAH bioavailability. Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Costs Investment costs Total score: Operational costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: Yes Substance Report (revision no. 2, April 2008) 3-mei-08 281/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 6.10.11 applicable for use in the cases Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) Overview of measures/source combinations for Pentabrominated diphenyl ether and Decabrominated diphenyl ether Source control SC-1 Improving raw material handling SC-2 Improving compounding process SC-3 Improving conversion / backcoating SC-4 Avoiding washing SC-5 Chemical substitution SC-6 Changing the product material SC-7 Redesigning the products End-of-pipe EoP-1 Recycling EoP-2 Controlled incineration EoP-3 Safe landfilling 282/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 Overview of available and emerging measures per source for polybrominated diphenyl ethers SC-4 SC-5 SC-6 SC-7 EoP-1 EoP-2 EoP-3 Improving raw material handling Improving compounding process Improving conversion / backcoating Avoiding washing Chemical substitution Changing the product material Redesigning the products Recycling Controlled incineration Safe landfilling Available measure Emerging measure Waste treatment SC-1 SC-2 SC-3 Source Users Possible measures Industrial manufacturing Table 38: applicable for use in the cases 283/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polybrominated diphenyl ethers SC-1: Improving raw material handling Fact Sheet for Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) Remarks Measure/source combination Improving raw material handling SC-1 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Total score: point source raw materials for plastic processing Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 95% Removal of other substances Yes Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No low Yes ++ When handling raw materials for plastic processing, significant amounts of DecaBDE could be lost in dust (which mainly ends up in solid waste). Losses can be minimised by a combination of options: Careful handling of DecaBDE packaging should avoid dust emissions from wear and tear, while scraping instead of rinsing will avoid further emissions to wastewater. Also, DecaBDE powder should be handled under local exhaust ventilation with filter, and any loose dust should be vacuumed up before washing the working area. Total score: Air and water emission reduction efficiencies of more than 95% should be achievable by applying a combination of all recommended measures. Handling of DecaBDE powder under local exhaust ventilation with filter also limits exposure to antimony compounds. + The collected dust should be recycled (if not possible, dust will be disposed of by incineration or landfill). 284/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Costs Investment costs low Operational costs low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score: The costs of good handling and housekeeping measures should be low. Most of the above measures are generally applied and could be implemented at reasonable costs. Moreover, cost savings in terms of greater process efficiency and lower wastage are expected. ++ Total score: ++ Voluntary agreement (Codes of Good Practice). numerous Substance Report (Draft 1.2, 14 March 2008) 25-apr-08 285/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polybrominated diphenyl ethers SC-2: Improving compounding process Fact Sheet for Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) Measure/source combination Improving compounding process SC-2 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix + Plastic processing: Options such as localised containment may be implemented to collect and recycle the DecaBDE-containing dust material. Dust emissions can also be reduced with an air aspiration system which sucks the air stream into the mixer when dosing. Textile applications: To minimise dust emissions, DecaBDE powder should be handled under local exhaust ventilation with filter, and any loose dust should be vacuumed up before washing the working area. Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low medium low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 95% Removal of other substances Yes Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No low Yes (dust, sludge) Costs Investment costs medium Operational costs low Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Total score: point source dust (plastic processing and textile Plastic processing: applications) The compounding process (blending of the base polymer with additives including flame retardants) may lead to dust formation (mainly in the first stages of the mixing cycle) and volatilisation (due to elevated processing temperatures). Textile applications: Main potential sources of DecaBDE emissions during compounding are the dust formation when emptying DecaBDE powder into the pre-mixer and the wastewater from washing mixing vessels. Application range State of the art BAT Existing technology Remarks Total score: Washing of equipment/vessels may lead to additional losses with wastewater. To avoid discharge to local sewer, an industrial wastewater treatment plant with a solid extraction system is needed. The efficiency of DecaBDE removal with a solid extraction system is unknown, but it is expected that discharge of DecaBDE to sewer be negligible. + Handling of DecaBDE powder under local exhaust ventilation with filter also limits exposure to antimony compounds. Safe disposal (incineration or landfill) of the solid residue from wastewater treatment is required, as PBDEs cannot be degraded in the treatment plant. Total score: There are no cost figures available. However, these measures are generally applied at major compounding sites and could be implemented at reasonable costs. Moreover, cost savings in terms of greater process efficiency and lower wastage are expected. + Total score: ++ Voluntary agreement (Codes of Good Practice). numerous Substance Report (Draft 1.2, 14 March 2008) 25-apr-08 286/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polybrominated diphenyl ethers SC-3: Improving conversion / backcoating Fact Sheet for Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) Measure/source combination Improving conversion / SC-3 backcoating Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score: point source emissions from conversion process (plastic processing) and backcoating process (textile applications) Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Plastic processing (conversion): The conversion process (production of final products) may lead to volatilisation (due to elevated processing temperatures). Textile applications (backcoating): Main potential sources of DecaBDE emissions during backcoating are the washing of equipment between batches. low medium low Total score: + 95% No low Yes (dust, sludge) medium Operational costs low Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on + Plastic processing (conversion): Possible measures to avoid atmospheric emissions include operating in a closed system with collecting and treating waste gas containing DecaBDE. Textile applications (backcoating): Possible measures include cleaning of the coating rolls with rubber knives and paper and safe disposal of waste instead of washing; the reduction at the minimum of the frequency of washing; and the wastewater collection after washing by an industrial wastewater treatment plant followed by suitable waste disposal. Costs Investment costs State of the art BAT Existing technology Total score Remarks Safe disposal (incineration or landfill) of the solid residue from wastewater treatment is required, as PBDEs cannot be degraded in the treatment plant. Total score: Plastic processing: The costs of the above measures are unknown. Textile applications: The costs of the above measures are unknown. However, these measures are generally applied at major backcoating sites and could be implemented at reasonable costs. Moreover, cost savings in terms of greater process efficiency and lower wastage are expected. + Total score: ++ Voluntary agreement (Codes of Good Practice). numerous Substance Report (Draft 1.2, 14 March 2008) 25-apr-08 287/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polybrominated diphenyl ethers SC-4: Avoiding washing Fact Sheet for Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) Measure/source combination Avoiding washing SC-4 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score: point source / diffuse textiles treated with PBDEs Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste ++ PBDEs in textiles: Potential emissions of PBDEs used in textiles (PentaBDE and DecaBDE) can occur during the washing of the fabric. PBDEs in textiles: - One option to reduce emissions could be to advise users not to wash products containing PBDEs. - In order to prevent further emissions from washing, textile products should be designed to be more washresistant (withstand at least ten wash cycles without losing its flameretardant properties). - If washing is needed (e.g. work wear and protective clothing), substitution of the flame retardant by molecules regarded as being washresistant should be required. low low low Total score: + Total score: For DecaBDE containing textiles, advising users not to wash products could be achieved without significant extra costs by adding a warning label on the product. Redesigning and substitution would entail additional costs. ++ variable No No No Costs Investment costs none Operational costs none State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: – Yes some Substance Report (Draft 1.2, 14 March 2008) 25-apr-08 288/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polybrominated diphenyl ethers SC-5: Chemical substitution Fact Sheet for Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) Measure/source combination Chemical substitution SC-5 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Remarks Total score: + point source / diffuse plastics and textiles containing PBDE Application range Limits and restrictions medium Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory low low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction 100% Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Yes Energy consumption Production of waste low No Depending on the application, a wide range of different substitutes are available for the now banned PentaBDE and OctaBDE, as well as for DecaBDE which is widely used in plastics for electric and electronic equipment and in textiles. To achieve the fire safety requirements, several substitutes often have to be used together, which offers synergistic effects. Halogenated flame retardants should be avoided where alternatives exist. Total score: All substitutes or mixtures of substitutes can achieve the desired fire safety standards for their specific applications and avoid further PBDE emissions. 0 Emission of other chemicals. Due to very limited data, the performance of the substitutes in terms of environmental and human health impacts cannot be directly compared with the substances they are replacing. However, some of the substitutes could be considered less hazardous to the environment and have slightly lower acute toxicity. For example, ammonium polyphosphates, red phosphorus, and some metal oxides (hydrated alumina) are likely to have fewer impacts than DecaBDE. More information is needed on the toxicological and ecotoxicological effects of the substitutes before environmental and human health hazards can be properly assessed. 289/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Costs Investment costs low Operational costs medium Total score: PentaBDE and OctaBDE In general, the unit prices of the alternatives are in the same order as for PBDEs, but higher loadings are often required to achieve the fire safety standards, so that the costs of most alternatives are higher. DecaBDE While the costs of halogenated substitutes are generally similar to DecaBDE, nonhalogenated substitutes have higher costs (except for hydrated alumina, but this compound needs to be used in great loading, limiting its applicability). Additional substitution costs in terms of processing and equipment can also be incurred. Substituting DecaBDE by non-halogenated substitutes such as phosphorus and/or metallic compounds can therefore lead to a cost increase of flame retardant up to 50% or more. Nevertheless, it has been shown that the cost increase in the final product should be no more than 1.5-2.5%. + Total score: + State of the art BAT Existing technology Yes Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on numerous Substance Report (Draft 1.2, 14 March 2008) 25-apr-08 Many substitutes are commercially available and have been successfully applied. Organic phosphorus compounds are particularly widely used. 290/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polybrominated diphenyl ethers SC-6: Changing the product material 291/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Fact Sheet for Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) Measure/source combination Changing the product material SC-6 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score: point source / diffuse base polymer Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects + This option involves replacing the base polymer containing PBDEs by a less flammable material, for example by - Changing the base polymer for another type of plastics; - Changing the base polymer for a non-plastic material. Changing the base polymer for another type of plastic: The use of plastics that are inherently more resistant to ignition and do not need flame retardants (e.g. high performance thermoplastics). Other possible materials for maintaining fire safety without flame retardants include polymers with low rates of combustion. For textiles, the development of surface-active fibre systems having low flammability is also a solution. Flame-resistant materials also include modified polymers such as modified polyester which can be used in a wide range of textile applications (clothing, technical applications and interiors). Changing the base polymer for a non-plastic material: In some cases, it is possible to change plastics for other types of materials which are less flammable, e.g. wood and metals. An example are laptop computers where the entire case would be made out of metal (magnesium alloys). For textiles, an example is the use of wool instead of a more flammable fabric, which can be sufficient for some applications. medium low medium Total score: + 100% Yes Energy consumption Production of waste low No Costs Investment costs medium Operational costs medium State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Changing the base polymer for another type of plastic: - Use of other polymers. - High performance thermoplastics can raise other problems (reduced insulation performance). Changing the base polymer for a non-plastic material: - Metal casings for laptops are more expensive and may be less acceptable to consumers due to the increased size and weight. - For aircraft, wool carpets are associated with flameretardants like salts of zirconium hexafluoride. Total score: High performance polymers are expensive. However, in some cases cost reduction may be achieved due to the avoidance of using flame retardants (which tend to be more expensive than the plastics in which they are used). Surface-active flame resistant fibre systems are quite expensive and are intended for fire-fighter suits rather than common applications with more modest fire requirements. 0 Total score: + Yes numerous Substance Report (Draft 1.2, 14 March 2008) 25-apr-08 292/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polybrominated diphenyl ethers SC-7: Redesigning the products Fact Sheet for Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) Measure/source combination Redesigning the products SC-7 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score: point source / diffuse foam materials, electrical and Redesigning products or fulfilling the product function electronic equipment, construction in a different way may be an option. materials Application range – Foam materials In the case of foams, a simple alternative omitting flame retardants (in particular PentaBDE) is to increase the foam density, which can be sufficient to satisfy fire safety requirements. High-density foams could be also a solution in car applications. Electrical and electronic equipment A possible option is to move away high-voltage and heat-generating parts from the outer casings or to introduce barriers (e.g. metal shields) between them, in particular for TV appliances and PC monitors. Another option is the separation of electronic parts from the flame retardant-free casing of PC monitors by an aluminium sheet. Other design solutions for electrical and electronic equipment are an increase in material thickness, the use of fuses to prevent short circuits, decreasing operating temperatures and voltages, and the use of materials that conduct heat away from hot-spots. Construction materials Instead of using flame retardants, engineering solutions are possible for some applications within the building sector. Limits and restrictions high Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium medium Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste Total score Remarks Some solutions that are effective against internal sources of fire will be ineffective for exterior fire sources such as candles. Total score: ++ 100% No low No Costs Investment costs high Operational costs low Total score: Costs will generally be higher than for flame retardant solutions. All options also involve costs associated with research and development of improved fire safety design. In general, redesigning options are significantly more expensive compared to the use of substitutes for PBDEs (e.g. halogen-free flame retardants). 0 Total score: – State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Yes Applications References Table last updated on some Substance Report (Draft 1.2, 14 March 2008) 25-apr-08 High-density foams have been successfully tested in Denmark for luxury furniture. 293/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polybrominated diphenyl ethers EoP-1: Recycling Fact Sheet for Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) Measure/source combination Recycling EoP-1 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Total score Remarks Total score: Application range medium PBDEs cannot be recycled, but some parts of PBDE-containing products may be recycled in some cases. If the PBDE-containing products cannot be recycled, wastes are to be disposed of (by incineration or landfill). Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory medium medium mixtures of plastics can hardly be recycled recycling requires specific plants Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction variable Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste No Yes medium No Costs Investment costs Operational costs low medium State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on 0 point source waste electrical and electronic equipment, vehicle scrap, large domestic appliances, scrap metal Total score: Waste electrical and electronic equipment: PBDE free plastics can be recycled. Recycling PBDE containing plastics is presently limited by the fact that plastics are made of a variety of base polymers and contain different additives. Metal (copper) can be recovered from wires and printed circuit boards in specific plants, but the insulation material which is a mixture of many types of plastics and rubbers has to be disposed of to landfill. The PBDE containing plastics are generally incinerated in a pre-treatment. The residue fraction, including small plastic parts left on the appliances, is shredded and disposed of to landfill. Scrap of vehicles and large domestic appliances: The waste of vehicles and large domestic appliances can be partially recycled. The plastic fraction is generally disposed of to landfill but could be incinerated as well. Scrap metal: In the case of car scraps, a very small proportion (<1%) of PBDE containing plastic parts may follow scrap steel to secondary steel production and will be combusted during the steel meltdown. + recycling of plastics and metals Total score: + Total score: ++ Yes numerous Substance Report (Draft 1.2, 14 March 2008) 25-apr-08 294/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polybrominated diphenyl ethers EoP-2: Controlled incineration Fact Sheet for Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) Measure/source combination Controlled incineration EoP-2 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Total score Remarks Total score: wide Up until now, the vast majority of PBDE-containing waste has been eventually disposed of, mainly by incineration and the remainder to landfill. Controlled incineration (without dioxin and furan emissions) is generally preferred to landfilling as - PBDEs will be destroyed without causing other hazardous emissions, - recycling of bromine should be possible, and - incineration allows energy recovery. Limits and restrictions low Conditions of incineration need to be carefully controlled to avoid dioxin and furan emissions. Recycling of bromine requires a chlorine supply on site to be cost efficient. Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory high Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects Energy consumption Production of waste 100% Yes Yes none? No? or sludge from WWTP? Costs Investment costs Operational costs high medium State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on + point source Total score: ++ other pollutants (which ones?) recycling of bromine recovery of energy Total score: – Total score: – Yes some Substance Report (Draft 1.2, 14 March 2008) 25-apr-08 295/296 DRAFT 0.8 – 16 May 2008 applicable for use in the cases Polybrominated diphenyl ethers EoP-3: Safe landfilling Fact Sheet for Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) Measure/source combination Safe landfilling EoP-3 Technical Feasibility Type of pollution Matrix Application range Limits and restrictions Complexity of implementation Impact on the process / factory Total score: + point source wide medium Requires leachate treatment to avoid further emissions. PBDE’s are stored in landfill but still remain. low Performance / Env. impact Concentration reduction Removal of other substances Cross-media effects variable No Yes Energy consumption Production of waste No Yes Costs Investment costs Operational costs low low State of the art BAT Existing technology Emerging technology Applications References Table last updated on Total score Remarks Total score: – PBDE containing leachate must be collected and treated to avoid groundwater and surface water pollution. High removal efficiencies for PBDEs are achievable by coagulation/sedimentation, nitrification/denitrification, sand filtration, and activated carbon adsorption. However, the PBDEcontaining sludge requires appropriate disposal. Spreading PBDE-contaminated sludge from wastewater treatment plants on farmland should be avoided to prevent further PBDE emissions to water by runoff. Total score: ++ Total score: + Yes numerous Substance Report (Draft 1.2, 14 March 2008) 25-apr-08 296/296