education - Bauerberg Klein. Cursos Petróleo y Gas

Professor - Department of Petroleum Engineering and Holder the Rob L. Adams Professorship
Adjunct Professor – Department of Chemical Engineering
Professional Engineer 78012, TX
Citizenship: USA
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77843-3116
(979) 845-0314
(979) 845-1307
(979) 268-0293
(979) 739-5490
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering: Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. December, 1987.
M.S. Chemical Engineering: Universidad Nacional del Sur, Planta Piloto de lngeniería Química, Bahía Blanca,
Buenos Aires, Argentina. May, 1983.
B.S (Chemical Engineer): Universidad Nacional de Salta, Salta, Argentina. May, 1979.
Enhanced Oil Recovery: Thermodynamics and transport phenomena applied to chemical, miscible and thermal
recovery processes.
Equations of State (EOS) for multiphase equilibria. Liquid-Liquid-Vapor equilibrium in steam flooding processes.
Reservoir simulation of near-critical fluids. Hydrocarbon characterization methods. Simplified methods to model
gravitational gradients in compositional reservoir simulation.
Multiphase Flow: Pipe flow design, numerical methods, optimization, and statistics.
Rock and Fluid Properties: Correlation and measurement of capillary pressures and relative permeabilities,
polymer and gel rheology for profile modification and water control.
Reverse Osmosis and Desalination Technologies to Process Oilfield Brines.
 September 1997- present. Associate Professor in the Petroleum Engineering Department, Texas A&M University.
September 1991- August 1997. Assistant Professor in the Petroleum Engineering Department, Texas A&M
June 1991 - August 1991. Assistant Lecturer in the Petroleum Engineering Department and in the Chemical
Engineering Department, Texas A&M University. Responsibilities included teaching a course and research.
Lecturer of an undergraduate course in the Chemical Engineering Department. “Chemical Engineering
Fluid Operations” (CHEN 304).
Preparation of two proposals for Advanced Technology/Research Program (ATP/ARP) from the
Coordinating Board of Texas.
November 1987- June 1991. Postdoctoral Research Associate under advisors P.T. Eubank (11/87-02/90) and
R.W. Flumerfelt (03/90-08/91), Texas A&M University. Activities included:
Summer 1990 Lecturer of a graduate level course in Chemical Engineering. Developed a completely new
course: “Introduction to Networks and Percolation Theory.” (CHEN 689).
 Modeling and computer simulation of flow of non-Newtonian fluids through pipe networks.
 Co-Principal investigator, with P. T. Eubank, in project sponsored by Dow Chemical: “Phase Equilibria and
Density Measurements for Propylene Mixtures” (RF #6034). (5/23/88 - 5/23/89).
 Co-advisor in NSF Project RF#5931. VLE (vapor-liquid-equilibrium) simulation, algorithm development and
optimization studies.
 Mathematical modeling for the EDM (Electro-Discharge-Machining) process. Included modeling of erosion in
cathode and anode, plasma dynamics and dielectric selection.
 Preparation of proposal: “Model Development of Spark Erosion Processes.” AGIE, a leading manufacturer of
EDM equipment in Europe, awarded $70K to pursue this research (May 1990).
 Co-principal investigator with P. T. Eubank and A. M. Gadalla in Engineering Research Equipment Grant:
“Precision EDM Die-Sinker for Research.” (Awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF), Grant MSS9007472.
Summer 1987 Lecturer of a senior level course in Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
(CHEN 354). Texas A&M University.
1984-1987 Research Assistant Texas A&M University. Participating in research towards completion of PhD
research and dissertation.
1983-1984 Graduate Teaching Assistant. Texas A&M University. Assisting in the instruction of two graduate
courses: “Theory of Mixtures” (CHEN 633), and “Process Dynamics” (CHEN 631).
1982 Graduate Non-Teaching Assistant. Texas A& M University. Assisting in the instruction of a senior level
course in Chemical Engineering : “Chemical Engineering Fluid Operations” (CHEN 304).
1980-1982 Scholarship from CONICET (Consejo Nacional de lnvestigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) Argentina to
pursue M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering.
1979-1980 Research Assistant UNSa (Universidad Nacional de Salta). Research project. “Permeation and
Solubility of Organic Gases Through Polymer Membranes.”
1979 Training at NISALCO S.A, Buenos Aires (Argentina). A process and plant design company. Job included the
design of ion exchange columns for water softening and wastewater treatment plant.
DOW/Chemical -“Evaluation of phase equilibria for mixtures of close volatility” (1988)
AMOCO/Ecuador – Short course in Quito (Ecuador) “Metodos de Recobro Mejorado e Industria Petroquimica”.
(Feb. 1-3. 1996)
Torch Energy Advisors Incorporated. Advising on recovery techniques for heavy oils containing sulfur.
Determination of viscosity and densities for crude oil samples. (1996)
HTRI: Analysis of transport and thermodynamic properties of oils obtained from vacuum distillation and other
refining streams for heat transfer applications. (1995-96).
CHEVRON- Petroleum and Technology Center – Sept 1998 to May 1999. Faculty Development Leave.
“Evaluation of Thermal Models for Steam Flooding Recovery of Heavy Oils”. –Development of Workshop
“Compositional/Thermal Simulation”, June 1999.
OPICOIL (Taiwan) – “Waterflooding and Water Production Control”. Short Course August 21-25 2000.
NExT – (Network of Excellence in Training) “Introduction to Exploration and Evaluation” – OFS 1. Short training
course. Kellyville OK. November 6-11 2000.
UIS – Universidad Industrial de Santander . “Termodinamica de Hidrocarburos” – Curso corto para la maestria en
Ingenieria de Hidrocarburos. May 14-19, 2001.
NExT – (Network of Excellence in Training) “Applied Reservoir Simulation” – FDM - Moscow. Short training
course. Moscow – March , July, October 2002.
NExT – (Network of Excellence in Training) “Heavy Oil Simulation” – Bogota, Colombia. Short training course.
December, 2003.
NExT – (Network of Excellence in Training) “PVT Analysis and Equations of State – Leading to Compositional
Simulation ” – Bogota, Colombia, June, 2004
NExT – (Network of Excellence in Training) “Waterflood Management” – Izhevsk (Udmurtia, Russia) – August,
NExT – (Network of Excellence in Training) “Improved Oil Recovery Methods – Theory and Applications ” – IzPort
Harcourt (Nigeria) – August, 2005
NExT – (Network of Excellence in Training) “Miscible, Polymer and Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes” –
Dehradun, India, April, 2006
NExT – (Network of Excellence in Training) “Miscible, Polymer and Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes” –
Buenos Aires, Argentina - November, 2006
NExT – (Network of Excellence in Training) “Miscible, Polymer and Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes” –
Buenos Aires, Argentina - November, 2006
NExT – (Network of Excellence in Training) “PVT Workshop and Compositional Simulation” – Maracaibo
Venezuela - March, 2007
Awards and Society Memberships
(1979-1982) Fellowships from Consejo de lnvestigaciones de Salta and from CONICET (Argentina).
(1992) General Electric Faculty of the Future Award. ($14,000).
(1993) Burlington Resources Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching. ($1,500).
(1994) Elected Member of Sterling Who's Who.
(1994-1995) W. M. Keck Foundation’s Award for Teaching Excellence from the College of Engineering. ($10,000).
(1995) Tenneco Meritorious Teaching Award. ($1,000)
(1999) Employee Recognition Award – Chevron Technology Center CPTC ($500)
Member of AlChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers).
Member of SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers).
Member of Omega Chi Epsilon honor society of Chemical Engineers.
Professional Service
External Committee Member – Doctoral Dissertations – Trondheim – Norway (2006) Collaboration with Curtis
Invited to co-edit special issue of Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology – Theme: Exploration,
Production, and Downstream Processing in Central and South America (2003).
Member of the Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data (JCED) Advisory Board. January 2001- December
Reviewer for the Journal of Fluid Phase Equilibria (Elsevier).
Reviewer for the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (Elsevier).
Reviewer for the Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research journal.
Reviewer for Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data (Elsevier).
Member, Education and Professionalism Committee, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), (1996-1999)
Reviewer for proposals submitted to the Energy Resources Programs/TAMU (1993).
Reviewer for proposals submitted to the Energy Resources and Interdisciplinary Programs/TAMU (1994, 1995)
Reviewer for proposals submitted to the National Science Foundation (1993), (1996)
Reviewer for proposals submitted to the ACS – Petroleum Research Fund (2000), (2003)
Reviewer for Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering.
Elected Section Chairman in Symposium on Particulate Processes in Porous Media. Session:
Rock/Fluid Interactions in Petroleum Reservoirs-Stimulation, Formation Damage
and EOR, Chicago August 27, 1993.
Elected Chairman of a Session in the Third SPE Latin American and Caribbean Conference. Session:
Enhanced Oil Recovery, April 28-29, 1994.
Participation on Workshop “Standardization in Oil Lubricants Conference.” Hosted participants from Latin
American Countries: Nicaragua, Ecuador, and Costa Rica. Workshop included listening to technical presentations
from these representatives, translating, and providing advice and technical solutions.
Elected Vice-Chairman in the SPE/DOE: Improved Oil Recovery Symposium. Session:
Conformance and Mobility Control. Tulsa, Oklahoma, April 21-24, 1996.
University and Community Service
Head of Faculty Search Committee, Petroleum Engineering Department (November 2005 – current)
Member of Search Committee for Department Head of Chemical Engineering (2006 –current)
Director Distance Learning Program, Petroleum Engineering Department (2006, current)
Assistant Department Head for Administration, Petroleum Engineering Department (2006, current)
Member of Faculty Search Committee, Chemical Engineering Department (2005 – 2006)
Lecturer for Texas A&M University - “Academy for Future International Leaders” – World Energy Resources and
the Environment (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007)
Member, Planning Committee for Petroleum Engineering Department (2003).
Member, Undergraduate Committee for Petroleum Engineering Department (2003, current).
Member, Search Committee for Head of the Petroleum Engineering Department (2003).
EFAC Representative, Petroleum Engineering Department – 2002 – 2003
Member, Search Committee for Head of the Petroleum Engineering Department (2000).
PhD. qualifying exam committee Petroleum Engineering (1993- present).
Faculty representative of the Petroleum Engineering Department for the Library Committee (1992-1998).
Member, Graduate Affairs Committee - Petroleum Engineering (1993).
Member, International Internships Committee (1992-1993, dissolved).
Head, Research and Undergraduate Laboratories Committee (1993).
Host to Delegation of Prospective Students (5) from University of Michoacana (Mexico): Gave seminar on
Petroleum Engineering and tour of Department Research Facilities and Labs. June 27-29 (1994).
Active participation in the Society of Women Engineers program Summer Camp for Girls (10-12 years). (June
1995). Gave presentation with visual demonstrations of different oil types, products from oil such as lubricants and
kerosene, and various rock types samples. Presented where oil is located, how it is extracted and processed.
Participation in course: “History of Women in Science and Engineering.” WMST 200. Sponsored by NSF Model
projects for Girls and Women. Project title: Women’s retention and leadership development in scientific and
technical fields. Objectives: To retain women in engineering and science and enhance their career success.
Moderator for Engineering Scholars Program Seminar (1996)
Discussed seminar given by Dr. Ronald J. Robinson, Head of Technology Division (Texaco), on changes
happening in our world and how these change affect engineers in a global setting (1996).
Member, Safety Committee - Petroleum Engineering (1993-present)
Elected graduate advisor for Southern Cone Club Students Organization (1995 - present).
Technical Publications, Papers, and Presentations
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Rowlinson, J. S., Esper, G., Holste, J. C., Hall K. R., Barrufet, M.A., and Eubank, P.T., “The Collinearity of
Isochores at Single- and Two-Phase Boundaries for Fluid Mixtures.” Ch. 2 in “Equations of State: Theories
and Applications.” ACS SYMPOSIUM SERIES, 300, Equations of State Theories and Applications. Edited by
K. C. Chao and Robert L. Robinson (1986), pp. 42-59.
Barrufet, M.A. and Eubank, P.T., “Second Virial Coefficients of 3Helium + 4Helium and Their Mixtures Below
5K.” Fluid Phase Equilibria 35 (1987), pp. 107-116.
Eubank, P.T. and Barrufet, M.A., “The General Conditions of Collinearity at Phase Boundaries for Fluid
Mixtures.” AIChE Journal. Vol. 33, No 11 (1987), pp. 1882-1887.
Barrufet, M.A. and Eubank, P.T., “New Physical Constraints for Fluid Mixture Equations of State and Mixture
Combining Rules.” Fluid Phase Equilibria 37 (1987), pp. 223-240.
Barrufet, M.A. and Eubank, P.T., “A Simple Algorithm for Calculation of Phase Separation in a
Thermodynamics Course.” Chemical Engineering Education Winter (1988), pp. 36-41.
Barrufet, M.A. and Eubank, P.T., “Generalized Saturation Properties of Pure Fluids via Equations of State.”
Chemical Engineering Education , Summer (1989), pp. 168-175.
Eubank, P.T., Barrufet, M.A., Duarte-Garza, H., and Yurttas, L., “PVT Experiments for Precise VLE Data for
Mixtures of Similar Volatility.” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 52 (1989), pp. 219-227.
Joffrion, L., Eubank, P.T., and Barrufet, M.A., “Isochoric Collinearity Studies with Density Dependent Mixing
Rules.” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 48 (1989), pp. 219-222.
Patel, M., Eubank, P.T., Dibitonto, D., and Barrufet, M.A., “Theoretical Models of the Electrical Discharge
Machining Process. Part I: A Simple Cathode Erosion Model.” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 66, No 9,
Nov. (1989), pp. 4095-4103.
10. Patel, M., Eubank, P.T., and Barrufet, M.A., “Theoretical Models of the Electrical Discharge Machining
Process. Part II: The Anode Erosion Model.” Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 66, No 9, Nov. (1989), pp.
11. Eubank, P.T. and Barrufet, M.A., “New Spark Model Proves EDM Stock Removal Caused by Superheating.”
EDM Digest, Vol. Xl1, No 4, July/August, (1990), pp. 6-11.
12. Eubank, P.T., Patel, M., and Barrufet, M.A., “Equilibrium Thermodynamic Properties of Steam from 6000 to
60000 K and 1 bar to 10 K bar.” Proc. 11th International Steam Conference. Hemisphere Publ. Corp. New
York. (1990), pp. 515-522.
13. Barrufet, M.A., Eubank, P.T., and Patel, M., “Novel Computations of a Moving Boundary Heat Conduction
Problem Applied to EDM Technology.” Computers Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 15, No. 8, (1991), pp.
14. Elhassan, A., Eubank, P.T., Barrufet, M.A., and Whiting, H., “The Area Method for Prediction of Fluid Phase
Equilibria.” I&EC Research, Vol. 31, (1992), pp. 942-949.
15. Elhassan, A., Eubank, P. T., and Barrufet, M. A., “Correlation of the Critical Properties of Normal Alkanes and
Alkanols.” Fluid Phase Equilibria , 78 (1992), pp. 139-155.
16. Eubank, P. T., Bozkurt, B., Patel, M. R., and Barrufet, M. A., “Theoretical Models of the Electrical Discharge
Machining Process. Part III: The Variable Mass, Cylindrical Plasma Model.” Journal of Applied Physics. Vol
73, No 11, June (1993), pp. 7900-7909.
17. Habiballah W., Startzman R., and Barrufet, M. A., “Use of Neural Networks for Prediction of Vapor-Liquid
Equilibrium K-values.” IN SITU, 17(2), (1993), pp. 227-242.
18. Barrufet, M.A. and Iglesias-Silva, G. A.: “A Generalized Correlation to Predict Liquid Viscosities of Crude Oils
and Petroleum Fractions.” Latin American Applied Research, 23, (1993), pp. 125-134.
19. Barrufet, M.A., Chen, H.S. and Flumerfelt, R., “Chemical-Foam Cleaning Processes for the Control of Power
Plant Particle Erosion.” International Journal of Energy Research. Vol 18, (1994), pp. 665-687.
20. Habiballah, W. A., Startzman, R., and Barrufet, M. A., “Use of Neural Networks for Prediction of Vapor-Liquid
Equilibrium K-values for Light Hydrocarbon Mixtures.” SPE Reservoir Engineering, May (1996), pp. 121-126.
21. Barrufet, M.A., Habiballah, W. A., Liu K., and Startzman, R., “A Warning on the Use of Composition
Independent K-Value Correlations to Solve Reservoir Engineering Problems.” J. of Petroleum Science and
Engineering 14, (1995), pp. 25-34.
22. Rahman, S. and Barrufet, M.A., “A New Technique for Simultaneous Measurement of PVT and Phase
Equilibria Properties of Fluids at High Temperatures and Pressures.” J. of Petroleum Science and
Engineering 14, (1995), pp. 15-23.
23. Barrufet, M. A. and Liu, K., “Unusual Three-Phase Flash Equilibrium Problems.” Chemical Engineering
Education, Summer (1995), pp. 192-196.
24. Barrufet, M.A., Wirawan, J. F. S., and Iglesias-Silva, G. A., “An Efficient Procedure to Measure Bubble-Point
Pressures for Hydrocarbon + CO2 Mixtures.” Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 40, (1995), pp.
25. Ali, L., and Barrufet, M.A., “Study of Pore Structure Modification Using an Environmental Scanning Electron
Microscope.” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 12, (1995), pp. 323-338.
26. Ali, L. and Barrufet, M.A., “Profile Modification due to Polymer Adsorption in Reservoir Rocks.” Energy &
Fuels Vol. 8, No. 6, (1994), pp.1217-1222.
27. Barrufet, M. A., El-Sayed Salem, S. K., Tantawy, M., and Iglesias-Silva, G., “Liquid Viscosities of Carbon
Dioxide + Hydrocarbons from 310 K to 403K.” Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. Vol. 41, No. 3.
(1996), pp. 436-439.
28. Moreira, R.G. and Barrufet, M.A., “Spatial Distribution of Oil After Deep-Fat Frying from a Stochastic Model.”
J. of Food Engineering. Vol 27. No. 3, (1996). pp. 279-290.
29. Barrufet, M. A., Liu, K., Rahman, S., and Wu, C., “Simultaneous Vapor-Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of a
Quaternary System of Propane + Pentane + Water.” Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. (1996) Vol
41, No 4, 918-922.
30. Beladi, M. K., Barrufet, M. A., Eubank, P.T., and Wu, C. H., “V-L-L Equilibria Data and K-Values for PseudoComponents of a Crude Oil.” SPE Journal. September (1996) Vol 1., No 3, 251-259
31. Barrufet, M. A., Liu, K., Rahman, S., and Wu, C., “A Method to Determine Experimental Uncertainties from
Phase Equilibria Data of Quaternary Systems of Hydrocarbons + Water.” Fluid Phase Equilibria 132 (1997),
32. Barrufet, M. A., Liu, K., Rahman, S., and Wu, C., “Phase Densities and Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of a
Quaternary System of Propane + Pentane + Octane + CO2.” Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 42,
Number 1, (1997), 120-123.
33. Barrufet, M.A. “A Brief Introduction to Equations of State for Petroleum Engineering Applications” – Harts
Petroleum Engineering International, March 1998.
34. Barrufet, M.A. “Evaluation of Standard PVT Properties from Equations of State” – Harts Petroleum
Engineering International, May 1998.
35. Barrufet, M.A. “Equations of State Properties for Simulated Depletion of Gas Condensates and Volatile Oils”
– Harts Petroleum Engineering International, August 1998.
36. Barrufet, M.A. “Importance of the C7+ fraction in Phase Behavior Calculations” – Harts Petroleum Engineering
International, October 1998.
37. Barrufet, M.A. and Morales G. “Evaluation of Hydrate Formation and Inhibition Using Equations of State” –
Harts Petroleum Engineering International, January 1999.
38. Barrufet, M.A., Rasool A., and Aggour M., “Effect of Fluid Property Models in the Prediction of Bottom-Hole
Flowing Pressures for Multiphase Systems”. Latin American Applied Research, 29:129-136 (1999).
39. Emeshi, G. C., Moreira R. G., and Barrufet M.A. “Evaluation of Modified Starches for Improved Oil
Recovery”, Applied Engineering in Agriculture Vol 15(3):237-242 (1999).
40. Estrada-Baltazar, A., Alvarado, J.F.J, Iglesias-Silva, G.A, y Barrufet M.A. “Experimental Liquid Viscosities of
Decane and Octane + Decane from 298.15 K to 373.15 K and up to 25 MPa,” J. Chem. Eng. Data, 43, 441446 (1998).
41. Estrada-Baltazar, A., Iglesias-Silva, G.A, and Barrufet M.A. “Experimental Liquid Viscosities of Pentane and
Pentane + Decane from 298.15 K to 373.15 K and up to 25 MPa,” J. Chem. Eng. Data, 43, 601-604 (1998).
42. Iglesias-Silva, G. A., Estrada-Baltazar, A., Hall, K. R., and Barrufet, M. A. “Experimental Liquid Viscosity of
Pentane+Octane+Decane Mixtures from 298.15 to 373.15 K up to 25 MPa,” J. Chem. Eng. Data, J. Chem.
Eng. Data, 44, 1304 -1309, (1999).
43. Barrufet, M. A.; Hall, K. R.; Estrada-Baltazar, A.; Iglesias-Silva, G. A. “Liquid Viscosities of Octane and
Pentane + Octane from 298.15 to 373.15 and up to 25 MPa”. J. Chem. Eng. Data 44, 1310 (1999).
44. Ali, L. and Barrufet, M.A., “Using centrifuge data to investigate the effects of polymer treatment on relative
permeability”. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 29, Issue 1, January 2001, Pages 116.
45. Dexheimer, D. Jackson, C. and Barrufet M.A. “A Modification of Pedersen’s model for saturated crude oil
viscosities using standard black oil PVT data”. Fluid Phase Equilibria, Volumes 183-184, 1 July 2001, Pages
46. Gonzalez A., Barrufet M. A. and Startzman R. “Improved Neural-Network Model Predicts Dewpoint Pressure
of Retrograde Gases” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering – 37 (2003), 183-194.
47. Rajkumar V., Moreira R., and Barrufet M. A. “Modeling the Structural Changes of a Food Product During
Frying” - In press Journal of Food Technology (2003).
48. Luo S., Eubank P. T. and Barrufet M. A. “New and Robust Algorithm Improves Water/Oil/Gas Multiphase
Flash Calculations” – Accepted to Fluid Phase Equilibria (April, 2003)
49. Archer R., Sandoval A., Barrufet M. A. “Condensing-Vaporizing Banking Behavior of Gas Condensates
Under CO2, C1, and Produced Gas Injection” Submitted to Journal of Reservoir Engineering (2002)
50. Zapata J., Barrufet M., Jensen J., Maggard B., Archer R., “Evaluation of relative permeability models for gas
condensate reservoirs" - Submitted to Journal of Reservoir Engineering (May, 2003)
51. Gonzalez A., Barrufet M. A. and Startzman R. “Improved Neural-Network Model Predicts Dewpoint Pressure
of Retrograde Gases” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering – 37, pp. 183-194, 2003.
52. Barrufet, M. A. and Setiadarma A., “Experimental Viscosities of Heavy Oil Mixtures up to 450 K and High
Pressures Using a Mercury Capillary Viscometer” - Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume
40, Issues 1-2, October 2003, Pages 17-26
53. Rajkumar V., Moreira R, and Barrufet M. A., “Modeling the Structural Changes of a Food Product During
Frying” - Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 60, Issue 2, November 2003, Pages 167-175
54. Barrufet, M. A. and Setiadarma A., “Reliable Heavy Oil –Solvent Viscosity Mixing Rules for Viscosities up to
450 K, Oil-Solvent Viscosity Ratios up to 400,000, and any Solvent Proportion” Fluid Phase Equilibria,
Volume 213, Issues 1-2, 15 October 2003, Pages 65-79
55. Barrufet, M.A. and Jaramillo J.M. “Effects in the Determination of Oil Reserves Due to Gravitational
Compositional Gradients in Near-Critical Reservoirs,” JCPT, July 2004, Vol 43m No 7 pp 31-37.
56. Barrufet, M. A. and Dexheimer D., “Use of an Automatic Data Quality Control Algorithm for Crude Oil
Viscosity Data” – Fluid Phase Equilibria, Volume 219, Issue 2, 28 May 2004, Pages 113-121
57. Luo, S. and Barrufet, M.A., “The Role of Compositional Gradients in Near-Critical Reservoir Development,” In
press- Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering – Available online, 1 September 2004
58. Vega, L. Barrufet M.A. “Analysis of a Non-Volumetric Gas-Condensate Reservoir Using a Generalized
Material Balance Equation with Fluid Properties from an Equation of State – Accepted for publication –
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Feb 2005.
Conference Presentations and Other Publications
Barrufet, M.A. and Eubank, P.T., “New Physical Constraints for Fluid Mixture Equations of State and Mixture
Combining Rules.” AIChE, Spring National Meeting, Houston, April 1987.
Barrufet, M.A. and Eubank, P.T., “Generalized Saturation Properties of Pure Fluids via Equations of State.”
AIChE, Spring National Meeting, New Orleans, March 1988.
Barrufet, M.A. and Eubank, P.T., “Prediction of Critical Constants and Critical Loci from a Combined
Corresponding States/Congruence Method. XIII Inter American Congress of Chemical Engineering, invited
lecture, Acapulco, October 1988.
Joffrion, L., Eubank, P.T., and Barrufet, M.A., “Isochoric Collinearity Studies with Density Dependent Mixing
Rules.” AIChE, Spring National Meeting, Houston, April 1989.
Eubank, P.T., Barrufet, M.A., Duarte-Garza, H., and Yurttas, L., “PVT Experiments for Precise VLE Data for
Near Azeotropic Mixtures.” International Conference Phase Equilibria and Fluid Properties for Chemical
Industries, Banff, Canada, May 1989.
Eubank, P.T., Patel, M., and Barrufet, M.A., “Equilibrium Thermodynamic Properties of Steam from 6000 to
60000 K and 1 bar to 10 Kbar.” Proc. 11th International Steam Conference. Prague, Czechoslovakia,
September 1989.
Hassan, A., Eubank, P.T., Barrufet, M.A., and Whiting, H., “The Area Method for Prediction of Fluid Phase
Equilibria.” AIChE, Spring National Meeting, Houston, April 1991.
Perez, J.M, Poston, S. W., and Barrufet, M.A., “Studies of Carbonated Water Imbibition Using MRI.” Paper
SCA 9221 presented at the Society of Core Analysts, SCA/SPWLA Joint Annual Conference, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, June 14-17, 1992.
Perez, J.M, Barrufet, M.A., and Poston, S. W., “MRI Studies of Permeability Control Using Biopolymers.”
Poster paper presented at the Society of Core Analysts, SCA/SPWLA Joint Annual Conference, Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma, June 14-17, 1992.
10. Barrufet, M.A. and Iglesias-Silva, G. A., “A Generalized Correlation to Predict Liquid Viscosities of Crude Oils
and Petroleum Fractions.” Presented in Tercer Simposio Latinoamericano de Propiedades de Fluidos y
Equilibrio de Fases para el Diseno de Procesos Químicos” (Third Latin American Symposium of Fluid
Properties and Phase Equilibria for the Design of Chemical Processes). Oaxaca, Mexico, September 7-11,
11. Barrufet, M.A., Perez, J. M., Ali, L., Mandava, S., and Poston, S. W., “MRI Studies of Permeability Control
Using Biopolymers.” SPE 24809, paper presented at the 67 th Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition,
October 4-7, 1992, Washington, D.C.
12. Ali, L., Barrufet, M.A., and Poston, S.W., “An Experimental Study of Profile Modification due to Polymer
Adsorption in Reservoir Rocks.” Paper presented in the ACS Symposium on Enhanced Oil Recovery, Denver
CO, March 28 to April 2, 1993.
13. Ali, L., Barrufet, M.A., and Tantawy, M., “The Effect of an Adsorbed Polymer Layer on Relative Permeability
Curves.” Paper presented at the Ninth Wyoming Enhanced Oil Recovery. Casper, Wyoming, May 12-13,
14. Jiang, C., Chen, H.Y., Poston, S.W., and Barrufet, M. A., “Simulation of the Linear Imbibition, Carbonated
Waterflood Process.” Symposium on Particulate Processes in Porous Media. Session: Rock/Fluid
Interactions in Petroleum Reservoirs-Stimulation, Formation Damage and EOR, Chicago, August 27, 1993.
15. Shamshuddib, H. S., Wu, C.H., and Barrufet, M. A., “Compositional Modeling of CO2 -Enriched Waterfloods
in Naturally-Fractured Reservoirs.” Symposium on Particulate Processes in Porous Media. Session:
Rock/Fluid Interactions in Petroleum Reservoirs-Stimulation, Formation Damage and EOR, Chicago, August
27, 1993.
16. Beladi, M. K., Barrufet, M. A., Eubank, P.T., and Wu, C. H., “V-L-L Equilibria Data and K-Values for PseudoComponents of a Crude Oil.” SPE 27873 presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers 1994 Western
Regional Conference - March 23-25, 1994.
17. Barrufet, M.A. and Ali, L., “Modification of Relative Permeability Curves by Polymer Adsorption.” SPE 27015.
SPE Third Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April
26-29, 1994.
18. Barrufet, M. A. and White, R. Jr. “A Waterflood Model Based on Percolation Theory Concepts.” SPE 27018
presented at the SPE Third Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Buenos
Aires, Argentina, April 26-29, 1994.
19. Barrufet, M. A. and Rahman, S., “Experimental Determination of K-values of Hydrocarbon/ CO2/Water
Systems,” HARC - Houston, June 23, 1994.
20. Habiballah, W. A., Startzman, R., and Barrufet, M. A., “Use of Neural Networks for Prediction of VaporLiquid Equilibrium K-values for Light Hydrocarbon Mixtures.” SPE 28597. 1994 SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition. 25-28 September 1994, New Orleans, Louisiana.
21. Barrufet, M. A., Aggour, M., and Rasool, A., “Prediction of Bottom-Hole Flowing Pressures in Multiphase
Systems Using a Thermodynamic Equation of State.” SPE 29479. Presented at the SPE Production
Operations Symposium, Oklahoma City, Ok. April 2-4 1995.
22. Chawla, I. S., Barrufet, M. A., Rahman, S., Beladi, M. K., and Wu, C. H., “Influence of Temperature,
Pressure and Molecular Weight of Hydrocarbon Components on the Multiphase Equilibria of
Hydrocarbon/Water Systems.” SPE 30788. Presented at the 1995 Annual Meeting of Society of Petroleum
Engineers, Dallas.
23. Barrufet M. A., Tantawy, M., and Hassan M. “A Reliable Computational Technique for Natural Gas zFactors.” Accepted for presentation at the Fifth International Conference on Mining, Petroleum and
Metallurgical Engineering, Suez Canal University (Egypt). Feb 24-26, 1997.
24. Barrufet, M. A., Tantawy, M., “Iso-Propyl Alcohol can Improve Miscibility of Surfactant-Oil-Brine Systems”.
Accepted for presentation at the Fifth International Conference on Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical
Engineering Suez Canal University (Egypt). Feb 24-26, 1997.
25. El-Sayed, S. K., Barrufet, M. A., Khatab, H., and Tantawy, M., “CO2 Minimum Miscibility Pressure:
Theoretical and Experimental Study.” Accepted for presentation at the Fifth International Conference on
Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering Suez Canal University. (Egypt). Feb 24-26, 1997.
24. Barrufet, M. A., Burnett, D. and Macauley, J. “Screening and Evaluation of Modified Starches as Water
Shutoff Agents in Fractures” SPE Paper 39692. Inc. SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium held in
Tulsa, Oklahoma, 19-22.
25. Håland K, Barrufet M. A., Rønningsen H. P. and Meisingset K. K., “An Empirical Correlation Between
Reservoir Temperature and the Concentration of Hydrogen Sulfide” SPE 50763. SPE International
Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry held in Houston, Texas, 16–19 February 1999.
26. Barrufet M. A., Gross S., and Burkett G. Compositional/Thermal Simulation Workshop - Chevron Phase
Calculation Program CPTC – Reservoir Simulation Consulting team – (Restricted to Company Use, Chevron
. (June 1999)
27. Vega L. and Barrufet M. A. “Evaluating Non-Volumetric Gas-Condensate Reservoirs” – Presented at the
AIChE Spring 2001 Meeting, Houston, TX April 22-26, 2001 (Paper 85a)
28. Vega L. and Barrufet M. A. “Analysis of a Non-Volumetric Gas-Condensate Reservoir” presented at the SPE
Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Jakarta, Indonesia, 17-19 April 2001
29. Barrufet M. A., Jaramillo J.M. and Luo S. “Evaluating Oil Reserves Under Gravitational Compositional
Gradients in Near-Critical Reservoirs” Presented at the AIChE Spring 2001 Meeting, Houston, TX April 2226, 2001 (Paper 85b).
30. Barrufet M. A., and Jaramillo J.M.. “Understanding Gravitational Compositional Gradients in Near-Critical
Reservoirs” Canadian International Petroleum Conference 2001, June 12-14, 2001, Calgary, Alberta.
31. Barrufet M. A., and Dexheimer D. “An Automated Data Quality Control Procedure to Screen Crude Oil
Viscosity Data” Presented at the AIChE Spring 2001 Meeting, Houston, TX April 22-26, 2001 (Paper 87h)
32. Jaramillo J.M. and Barrufet M. A., “Effects in the Determination of Oil Reserves Due to Gravitational
Compositional Gradients in Near-Critical Reservoirs” SPE 71726 presented at 2001 SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition held in New Orleans, Louisiana, 30 September-3 October 2001.
33. Luo S. and Barrufet M.A. “The Role of Compositional Gradients in Near-Critical Reservoir Development,”
proceedings of the ASEE 2002 Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference, Lafayette, Louisiana March 2022 (2002)
34. Morales G. and Barrufet M.A. “Desalination of Produced Water Using Reverse Osmosis” = Gas TIPS –
Technology Development in Natural Gas Exploration. Production and Processing. Summer 2002, Vol. 8 N 3
pp 13-17.
35. Barrufet M. A. and Burnett D. “A modular design and implementation of a brine conversion process: oil
removal and desalting units” 11th IPEC Conference, Albuquerque New Mexico, October 11-13 (2004).
36. Singh A. Benavidez M., Saint-Marcoux J. F. and Barrufet M. A. “Optimal Dilution Strategies for Wax
Management and Control From a Flow-Assurance Perspective” SPE 90688 – Annual Technical Conference
and Exhibition, September 26-29, 2004, Houston.
37. Imam, A. S., Startzman, R. A. and Barrufet M. A. “Multicyclic Hubbert model shows global conventional gas
output peaking in 2019” – Oil and Gas Journal, August 16, 2004.
38. Patel, C.V., Barrufet, M.A., and Petriciolet, A.B., “Effective Resource Management of Produced Water in Oil &
Gas Operations”; paper CIPC 219 presented at the Petroleum Society's 5th Canadian International
Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 8-10,2004
39. Luo S. and Barrufet M.A. “Water-in-Oil Solubility: Its Effect on Oil Recovery in Steam Injection Processes” –
SPE 89407, SPE/DOE Fourteenth Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, April 17-21, 2004.
40. Izgec, B., Barrufet, M.A.: “Performance Analysis of Compositional and Modified Black-Oil Models for a Rich
Gas Condensate Reservoir,” paper SPE 93374 presented at the 2005 SPE Western Regional Meeting,
Irvine, California, 30 March-1 April.
41. Izgec, B., Barrufet, M.A.: “Phase Redistribution and Horizontal Well Effects on Black-Oil Model of a Rich Gas
Condensate Reservoir,” paper SPE 93377 presented at the 2005 SPE Production Operations Symposium,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 17 -19 April.
42. Izgec, B., Barrufet, M.A.: “Performance Analysis of a Modified Black-Oil Model for a Rich Gas Condensate
Reservoir,” paper CIPC 2005-018 will be presented at the 2005 Canadian International Petroleum
Conference, Calgary, Alberta, 7 -9 June.
43. Barrufet, M.A. and Burnett, D. “Modeling and Operation of Oil Removal and Desalting Oilfield Brines With
Modular Units” accepted abstract SPE-95647 for annual 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition- 09-OCT-05 to 12-OCT-05.
44. Mago A. and Barrufet M.A. “Assessing the Impact of Oil Viscosity Mixing Rules in Cyclic Steam Stimulation of
Extra-Heavy Oils” accepted abstract SPE-95643 for annual 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition - 09-OCT-05 to 12-OCT-05.
45. Izgec, B. and Barrufet M.A. “Performance Analysis of Compositional and a Modified Black-Oil Models for A
Rich Gas Condensate Reservoir” – SPE-93378-PP - Offshore Europe 2005
Moreira R. G., Castell-Perez M.E. and Barrufet M.A. “Deep Fat Frying Fundamentals and Applications” Food
Engineering Series. Aspen Publishers, Inc. 1999.
Invited Lectures/Presentations
Universidad del Comahue, Río Negro (Argentina). Chemical Engineering Department - “Potential of CO2 for
Enhanced Oil Recovery in Río Negro,” May 1, 1994.
Universidad de Michoacana, Morelia (México). Chemical Engineering Department. Symposium Chemicals
and the Environment. “Environmental Issues in Enhanced Oil Recovery,” September 8, 1994.
Universidad Nacional de Salta, Salta (Argentina) - “Evaluación de Prácticas de Producción de Petróleo para
Minimizar la Producción de Agua,” May 15, 1995.
University of Texas, Petroleum Engineering Department. Invited Seminar Speaker. “Evaluation of
Biopolymers for Oil Field Processes,” May 1, 1995.
Universidad Nacional de Celaya, Guanajuato (México). “Introducción a Métodos de Recuperación Mejorada
del Petróleo”. January 8 - 12, 1996.
Escuela Superior de Técnicos del Ejército, Quito (Ecuador). “Importancia de la Industria Petroquímica y
Técnicas de Recuperación Térmica,” February, 1, 1996.
Universidad Surcolombiana de Neiva (Colombia). “Termodinamica de Hidrocarburos” August 26-September
2. 2000.
Universidad Nacional de Santander, Bucaramanga (Colombia), “Termodinámica y Comportamiento de Fases
de Hidrocarburos” – May 2001 – A graduate course towards a Master of Science Degree in “Ingenieria de
SPE Annual Meeting, New Orleans – Debate Team: What is the Future of Petroleum Engineering? October
Petroleum Engineering Department - University of Austin – “Understanding Near-Critical Reservoirs” –
Graduate Seminar, April 22, 2002.
PVTSim Users Group Meeting, Houston – “The Use of PVTSim in Research and Education in Petroleum
Engineering”. June, 3, 2003.
Research Proposals
Funded Research / Projects
Principal investigators are indicated in italics. GS/RA indicates graduate students and/or research associates involved.
The column “Dollar” shows three different figures. First the total award, second ( in italics) the amount that I was
responsible for, and third (in bold face) the cumulative dollar amount budgeted for M. A. Barrufet.
CEMR/TAMU and IRI/TAMU are internal funds from the University for the Center of Energy and Mineral Resources and
Interdisciplinary Research Initiatives respectively. Internal funds are indicated with (I) in the sponsor column.
Principal Investigators
Development of Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Spectroscopy for Improved
Petroleum Recovery
Department of
J. Jennings, R.W. Flumerfelt, A.T.
Watson, M.P. Walsh, and M.A.
*[took over last year and a half of
the project for J. Jennings]
2 PhD’s
1 RA
Phase Behavior and Solubility
Studies of Carbon Dioxide in
Crude Oil and Water
State Lands
Institute for
Management (I)
M.A. Barrufet
1 MS
M.A. Barrufet and
C. Edwards
1 MS
M.A. Barrufet
National Science
C. Edwards, S. Poston, R. W.
Flumerfelt, A. Watson and
M.A. Barrufet
M.A. Barrufet and L. ALi
1 MS,
Multiphase Equilibrium
Department of
Energy (DOE)
C. H. Wu, M.A. Barrufet, and P.T.
1 PhD
Novel NMR determination of
viscosities of CO2 and
hydrocarbon mixtures
M.A. Barrufet
1 PhD
Laboratory Equipment
Requirements for the
Determination of Physical
Properties of Hydrocarbons
and Fluids Used in Oil
Recovery Processes
Solubility of Water in
M.A. Barrufet
M.A. Barrufet, C. Wu
1 PhD
Conventional and MRI
Studies to Determine
Permeability in Consolidated
Porous Media
Capital Equipment for
Studying Improved Oil
Recovery Processes by
a) Solution Gas Drive
Mechanisms and
b) Biopolymer Flooding for
Permeability/Mobility Control
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Facilities Upgrade
Use of Biopolymers for
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Funded Research Projects
Principal Investigators
Chemical (Polymer) and CO2
Miscible Flooding Studies
Egyptian Cultural
M.A. Barrufet
Polymer -Reservoir Rock
Interaction Studies
ZZ Corporation
M.A. Barrufet
Evaluation of Biopolymers to
Reduce Water Production from
Oil and Gas Wells
M.A. Barrufet and
R. Moreira
1 MS
Evaluation of Modified
Starches for EOR and Water
Shutoff Applications
Chemstar CO.
M.A. Barrufet
1 PhD
British Petroleum
Exploration and
Production (BP)
M.A. Barrufet and R. Bonilla
1 M.S
Department of
J. Gabitto and M.A. Barrufet
2 PhD
1 RA
Development of New Types of
Non-Damaging Drill-in and
Completion Fluids
D.Burnett, M.A. Barrufet, T.
Blasingame and M. Holtzapple
3 M.S.
Determination of Densities
and Gas Solubilities of
Synthetic Based Muds for
Optimal Well Control in
Offshore Environments
M.A. Barrufet
Experimental and Theoretical
Determination of Heavy Oil
Viscosity Under Reservoir
Environmental and Regulatory
Issues Relating to the Utilization
of Recycled Produced Water
from Oil and Gas Operations
Department of
Stripper Well
Use of Analytical and Numerical
Pressure Transient Analyses for
Understanding Production and
Injection Well Behavior in Gas
Condensate Reservoirs- BPX
Colombian Fields
Improved Oil Production Using
Economical BiopolymerSurfactant Blends for Profile
Modification and Mobility
J. Gabitto and M.A. Barrufet
1 PhD
David Burnett and M.A. Barrufet
1 M.S.
Funded Research Projects
Principal Investigators
Assesment and Experimental
Verification of Industry Leak
Detection Capabilities for
Subsea Multiphase Pipelines
MMS Technology
Assesment &
Research (TA&R)
Stuart Scott and M.A. Barrufet
1 M.S.
Maria A. Barrufet
1 M.S
D.Burnett, M.A. Barrufet, and
Blasingame T.
2 M.S.
J. Gabitto, Barrufet M. A. and
Bryant R.
1 M.S.
Barrufet M.A. and Iglesias Silva
1 M.S.
Stripper Well
David Burnett, Trenton
Resources and M.A. Barrufet
1 M.S.
David Burnett and M. A. Barrufet
1 M.S.
Barrufet M.A.
1 PhD
Characterization of HES
Developed Fluid Properties
Sensors and Development
of Models and Interpretation
Techniques using these
Development of New Types of
Non-Damaging Drill-in and
Completion Fluids
Phase III
Combined Microbial SurfactantPolymer System for Improved
Oil Mobility and Conformance
Conversion of Oil Field Brines
to Water of Irrigation Quality
Establishing a Program to
Reimburse Operators for
Produced Water
Advanced Membrane Filtration
Technology for Cost Effective
Recovery of Fresh Water from
Oil & Gas Produced Brine
Development of Teaching
Materials for PVT Virtual Lab of
Reservoir Fluids
Other Funding
On January 2003, I received 10 Floating licenses for all modules of the PVSim Software made by CALSEP. These are
used for teaching and for research. This is not another reservoir simulation software available to the department from
other vendors. This is the only software in the department that performs: Hydrate calculations, Scale deposition, Wax
and Asphalthene precipitation, and Rigorous Multiphase or Aqueous Flash Computations. In addition it interfaces with
most of our available software for reservoir simulation. The industry value of these licenses is over $300,000.
Last year (2002), Kock Micromembrane Filtration Services Inc. donated seven portable filtration units for the oil field
brine desalination proposals that I am working with David Burnet. The units include prefiltration DE filter (plate and
frame), microfiltration membranes, and two-stage RO filtration bank. The units are computer controlled. These units are
valued over $500,000 and they will be used if our submitted proposals in this area are funded.
Student Research Advancing
Completed: 32: 22 MS, 7 PhD, 3 ME.
(1) Januar, Wirawan “A Study of PVT Relations for Carbon Dioxide, n-Pentane, and n-Octane Mixtures Using a
Recombination Apparatus” M.S. PETE Fall 1993
(2) Liaqat, Ali
“Evaluation of Starch Based Biopolymers for Improved Oil Recovery” Ph.D. PETE Fall 1993
(3) Ahmed, Rasool “Development and Verification of a Numerical Simulator to Calculate the Bottom-Hole Flowing
Pressures in Multiphase Systems”, M.S. PETE, Summer 1994
(4) Ejaz Ashraff
“Integrated Reservoir Characterization for the Mazari Oil Field (Pakistan)” M.S. PETE, Fall 1994
(5) Mohammed, Al-Sadique “Phase Behavior and Miscible Process Analysis of Cusiana Field Hydrocarbon Systems
Using a Reduced Component Equation of State” Ph.D. PETE, Fall 1994
(6) Antonio, Brunal “Reservoir Behavior During Boundary-Dominated Two-Phase Flow” M.S. PETE Spring 1995
(7) Inderjit, Chawla “Studies on Multi-Phase Equilibrium Separation of Hydrocarbon/Water Systems” M.S. PETE, Fall
(8) Michael, Beladi “Three-Phase Hydrocarbon/Water Separation and K-Values” Ph.D.PETE Fall 1995
(9) Bagus, Krisna Tandia
“The Effect of Water on Vapor-Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium of n-Alkane-Water Systems at
High Temperature” M.S. PETE, Fall 1995
(10) Saifur, Rahman “Simultaneous Phase Behavior and Compositional Analysis of Hydrocarbon/Water and
Hydrocarbon/Carbon Dioxide Mixtures, A New Technique” Ph.D. PETE, Summer 1996
(11) Said A., Salem
“Theoretical and Experimental Determination of Physical Properties of CO2/Hydrocarbon
Systems for Enhanced Oil Recovery” Ph.D. PETE, Fall 1997
(12) Gawish, Ahmed
“Engineering Applications of Biopolymers for Oil Field Processes” Ph.D. PETE, Fall 1997
(13) Julian Pinzon “Environmental Remediation of Oil Spills” M.E. PETE Fall 1997
(14) Kai, Liu “Numerical Computational Techniques in Phase Equilibria Using Equations of State” Ph.D. PETE,
Summer 1997
(15) Ricardo, Bonilla “Use of Analytical and Numerical Pressure Transient Analyses for Understanding Production and
Injection Well Behavior in Gas Condensate Reservoirs- BPX Colombian Fields” M.S. PETE, Summer 1997
(16) James, Skurner “Performance Evaluation of Starch-Based Biopolymer for Enhanced Oil Recovery” M.S. PETE,
Fall 1997
(17) Karen Heidi “Aerobic Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery: Analysis of the Mechanisms and a Pilot Study”, M.S.
PETE, Fall 1998
(18) Kjersti Haland “Evaluation of Hydrogen Sulfide Concentrations in Norwegian Reservoir Fluids” M.S. PETE, Fall
(19) Gloria Garcia “Laboratory Evaluation of Filtercake Clenaou Techniques and Metallic-Screens Plugging
Mechanisms in Horizontal Wells” M.S. PETE, Fall 1999
(20) Adeyunom Yemi “An Extension of Pedersen’s Viscosity Model for Saturated Black Oil Systems” M.S. PETE,
Summer 2000
(21) Angelica Sandoval “Analysis of Condensate Banking Dynamics in a Gas Condensate Reservoir Under Different
Injection Schemes” M.S. PETE, Summer 2002
(22) Juan Manuel Jaramillo “Vertical Composition Gradient Effects on Original Hydrocarbon in Place Volumes and
Liquid Recovery for Volatile Oil and Gas Condensate Reservoirs” M.S. PETE, Fall 2000
(22) Andrea Guerra “Analysis Of Condensate Banking Dynamics In A Gas Condensate Reservoir Under Different
Injection Schemes” M.S. PETE, Spring 2001
(23) Francisco Zapata “Impact of Relative Permeability Models on Fluid Flow for Gas Condensate Reservoirs” M.S.
PETE, Summer 2002
(24) Agustinus Setiadarma “Experimental Viscosities of Heavy Oil Mixtures at High Temperatures Using a Mercury
Capillary Viscometer” M.S. PETE,
Spring 2002
(25) Alfredo Gonzalez “Development Of Neural Network Models For The Prediction Of Dewpoint Pressure Of
Retrograde Gases And Saturated Oil Viscosity Of Black Oil Systems” M.S. PETE, Spring 2002.
(26) Putu Suarsana
“Technical and Economic Analysis of CO2 Re- Injection for EOR?” PhD. PETE ,Fall 2001
(27) Juan Luis Otero “CO2 miscible injection: theoretical update and coarse screening study in the Slaughter Estate
field” M.E. PETE, Spring 2002
(28) Jairo Medina “A Complete Desktop Phase-Equilibria Software Package Using Object-Oriented Programming and
the Component Object Model” M.S. PETE,
Spring 2002.
(29) Shanquiang Luo, “Development and Application of a 3D, Fully Compositional, Thermal Reservoir Simulator”, PhD.
PETE, Summer 2003
(30) Bulent Izgec. M.S. Fall 2004. Thesis: ‘Performance Analysis Of Compositional And Modified Black-Oil Models For
Rich Gas-Condensate Reservoirs With Vertical And Horizontal Wells’
(31) Iman Farzad. M.S. Fall 2004. Thesis: ‘Evaluating Reservoir Production Strategies in Miscible or Immiscible Gas
Injection Projects’
(32) Chirac Patel. M.S. Fall 2004. Thesis. ‘Management Of Produced Water In Oil And Gas Operations ’
Completed last year:
Izgec Bulent
Fall 2004
Chirac Patel
Fall 2004
Iman Farzad
Fall 2004
In Progress
Javier Rondon
Expected Graduation
Fall 2005
Brett Mareth
Fall 2008
Sherareh Ameripour
Fall 2005
Brendan Furrow
Fall 2005
Emily Johnston
Fall 2006
Patricia Carreras
Spring 2007
Alonso Mago
Spring 2006
Daniyar Zhussupov
Fall 2006
Co-chair: Dr. Tom Blasingame
Co-chair: Dr. Ching Wu
These students were visiting scientists from Suez University, Egypt. They worked on my research projects
and obtained a degree from Egypt. I was the external advisor and my responsibility was to direct them in their
research and to visit the Petroleum Engineering Department of Suez Canal twice a year to offer seminars,
courses and research cooperation. I have received since 1994 a grant from the Egyptian Embassy of
$25,000 for supervision of this research.
Co-chair: Dr. John Lee
Postdoctoral and Technical Collaboration
Prof. Gustavo Iglesias-Silva /Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya (Guanajuato, Mexico)
Prof. Rosana G. Moreira, Agricultural Engineering Department, Texas A&M University.
Prof. Ken Hall, Chemical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University.
Prof. James Holste, Chemical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University.
Prof. Mark Holtzapple, Chemical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University.
Prof. Philip T. Eubank, Chemical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University.
Prof. Mohammed Aggour/King Fahd University, Egypt.
Dr. Mahmoud Aboud M. Tantawy/Suez Canal University, Egypt.
Dr. Jorge Mario Perez-Cardoza/ GeoQuest Schlumberger, Denver.
Dr. William Richardson /Texaco
Dr. Jeffs Creek/Chevron
Dr. Mohamed Hassan / Zagazig University, Egypt.
Dr. Moshein Hussein /Paris EFP, France.
Mr. William Benton / Westport Technology Center, Houston.
Mr. David Burnett / Westport Technology Center - Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M
University, College
Frank Platt / Laboratory technician - Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University.
College Station.
Dr. John Livois / Ruska Instruments, Houston.
Educational Development
Undergraduate Courses
ENG 201: Conservation Principles in Engineering (Credit 4) – Develop new set of class notes and problems.
ENG 211: Conservation Principles in Engineering II (Credit 3) – Developed class notes and new problem sets.
PETE 310: Reservoir Fluids. (Credit 4) Modernized and improved undergraduate laboratory manual. Implemented
field-trips to commercial laboratories and to Oil-Production leases as part of laboratory procedures.
Introduced use of Educational Software packages: (1) SOPE, which presents a Graphical Visualization and Simulation
of Volumetric and Phase Equilibria of single and two-component systems, and (2) PVTSim for constant volume
depletion studies, gas hydrates and waxes, swelling, and hydrocarbon characterization. Currently developing a fully
Virtual Laboratory (all educational materials can be found at ).
PETE 417: Numerical Methods. (Credit 3) Revised course contents stressing use of FORTRAN over Spreadsheets.
Developed a series of new problems and Fortran Codes and instructed the Computer Lab session of the course as
PETE 206: Rock Properties. (Credit 4) Included a field trip with an interview as part of the course requirements.
Developed a set of new exercises establishing ties with other Petroleum Engineering courses.
PETE 420: Reservoir Engineering. (Credit 3). Revised course content and developed new set of class notes which
were provided electronically through the local network.
PETE 323: Reservoir Models. (Credit 3). Revised course content and developed new set of class notes which were
provided electronically through the local network. Included three designed projects as part of the course. Performance
projections of Gas Reservoirs, Oil Reservoirs, and a Comparison of Waterflooding vs. Polymer Flooding.
Graduate Courses
PETE 605: Phase Behavior of Hydrocarbon Fluids. (Credit 3) Significantly revised course by including new topics such
as gas hydrates, paraffin deposition, water/hydrocarbon phase equilibria. Heavy emphasis on use of Equations of State
for phase equilibria computations and rigorous thermodynamic approaches. Elimination of repetitive material from
undergraduate courses. Last summer I gave this course for distance learning and made it available on line ( ) (Trial ID and password provided upon request).
My students suggested to split this course into two parts because of the large body of new information contained, as a
result I modernized and I re-created an old course from the catalog PETE 616 (next course).
PETE 616: Engineering Near Critical Reservoirs. (Credit 3). Redesigned this course from scratch. Incorporated
workshops using commercial simulators. Stressed the use of UNIX and Eclipse 300 simulators. Course is available
online. ( ) (Trial ID and password provided upon request).
PETE 607: Chemical and Miscible EOR. (Credit 3) Completely redeveloped this course by incorporating more
fundamentals. Topics included include rheological behavior of polymers used in EOR, phase equilibria interactions in
CO2 flooding, environmental and economic issues.
PETE 609: Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes. (Credit 3) Completely developed this course by incorporating more
fundamentals. Topics included include rheological behavior of polymers used in EOR, phase equilibria interactions in
CO2 flooding, environmental and economic issues. Course is available online ( ). (Trial ID and
password provided upon request)
PETE 685:
Problems in Phase Behavior. (Credit 3-4) Design of a series of problems that require heavy computer usage. These
include evaluation of current fluid property correlations for viscosity, density, MMP (minimum miscibility pressure) with
data bases. Characterization procedures for the C7+ fraction. Development of codes to evaluate constant volume
depletion of gas condensates. Sensitivity analysis using Equations of State with various mixing rules. Stability analysis
Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery: Evaluation of pore size distributions and relative permeability curves before after
polymer treatment from capillary pressure data. Sensitivity analysis on oil recovery vs. oil/
polymer/rock properties.
Courses Taught
CHEN 354
CHEN 689
CHEN 304
PETE 605
PETE 685
PETE 310
PETE 417
Course Description
Chemical Engineering
Thermodynamics II
Introduction to Networks and
Percolation Theory
Chemical Engineering Fluid
Phase Behavior of Petroleum
Reservoir Fluids
DL = Distance Learning
Problems in Phase Behavior
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Reservoir Fluids
Fall 1987
Number of
Summer 1990
Summer 1991
Fall 1991,1992
Spring 1996,1998
Summer 2000
Spring 2001,2002,2003
Spring 2004 (DL)
Fall 1993,1994,1995
Spring 1996
Fall 1999,2000
Spring 1992
Fall 1993,
Fall 2004 (2 sections)
Spring 1993
Spring 1994
Fall 1995
Spring 1996
Fall 1997
Spring 1998
PETE 323
Reservoir Models
Fall 1999
Fall 2002 (DL)
Spring 2005 (DL)
Spring 2000
Fall 2001
Spring 2001,2002,2003
PETE 609
Numerical Methods Petroleum
Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods
Chemical and Miscible
Reservoir Rock Properties
Conservation Principles in
Engineering I
Reservoir Engineering
Conservation Principles in
Engineering II
Engineering Near Critical
DL = Distance Learning
Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes
PETE 607
PETE 206
ENG 201
PETE 420
ENG 211
PETE 616
Continuing Education:
 Advanced Phase Behavior. Short course for YPF students (three weeks).
Waterflooding and Water Production Control. OPICOIL. Taiwan (one week).
Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Phase Behavior – Universidad Nacional de Salta (Argentina) (One week , June
Phase Behavior of Near Critical Reservoirs – Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva (Colombia) (one week, August
Professional Development
Activities to Improve Teaching
Completed a teaching portfolio for the Center of Teacher Excellence. June 1993.
Participated in Workshop on Enhancing the Student/Teacher Interaction: “A Workshop on Teaching and Learning
Styles”, by William Banks, January 15, 1994.
Attended course The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - A video based leadership development course.
(12 weeks - Fall 1995).
Engaged as a member in SPE, Education and Professionalism Committee (1996).
Developed educational software to teach PETE 310.
Introduced mini incentive awards for best performances in homework and exams thanks to grant from the Keck
foundation for teaching.
Development of Virtual Fluids Laboratory (2002 – present) – PETE 310.
I have attended most of the annual SPE meetings and many regional conferences, with the objectives of becoming
aware and updated on the latest academic and industrial developments. The following, are some of the most important
activities that helped my research and teaching.
Attended the 1993 SPE Forum Series: Phase Behavior, Snowmass, CO., June 1993.
Selected to participate in Pilot Faculty Abroad Seminar in Mexico City (May 15 to May 26 1994). Research
Component: Presentation: “Facts of Texas A&M University and the Petroleum Engineering Department at Texas
A&M University.”
Attended short course “Miscible Flooding” by Lynn Orr. Tulsa, April 9, 1994.
Attended short course “Thermodynamics of Reservoir Fluids,” by Abaas Firoozabadi. Reservoir Engineering
Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA. (August 7-11, 1995).
Took a year faculty development leave at Chevron CPTC and worked in the Reservoir Engineering Simulation
Consulting group (1998-1999)
Developed a Compositional/Thermal Simulation Workshop for Chevron (June 1999).
Additional Information
I speak Spanish, Catalan, and English fluently, and I have a good knowledge of Portuguese.