Justin R. Tabor
Brent Watson
Alana Jones
Major and Minor
Bachelor of Science:
Communication and
Bachelor of Arts in
Communication Major-
Mass Communication and Minor- Social and
Behavioral Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in
Communication Major-
Mass Communication
Kimberly M. Gay
Reference and Instruction Librarian
John B. Coleman Library
Prairie View A&M University
Student Mentoring Program
Documented: June 2006- Present
Basis of the
Graduation May
Student- May
Graduate from
Mentoring student with research efforts for mass communication information
Mentoring student with research efforts for his master’s degree in education to be a teacher
Graduated from
2007 now at
University of
Texas Austin-
Master’s Degree in Mass
Communication- on a full academic scholarship and she has a graduate teaching job as well in the
Friendship and
Mentoring student with research efforts for mass communication information
How long you have been working with student
June 15, 2006 to the present
Whether or not you meet or plan projects on any type of regular schedule
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
June 15, 2006 to the present
Graduation May
Graduate school-
College of
PVAMU 2009-
June 15, 2006 to the present
Graduation May
Graduate school
University of
Texas- Austin
Graduate with
Master’s Degree in Journalism
Got married and moved to
Now we are
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
Tamika Axel
Victoria A.L.
Whitney Harris
Dana A. Polk
Corbin Mickens
Kimberly M. Gay
Reference and Instruction Librarian
John B. Coleman Library
Prairie View A&M University
Student Mentoring Program
Documented: June 2006- Present
Bachelor of Science
Agriculture-May 2006.
Master’s Degree in
Agriculture Marketing.
Now- Master’s in Library
Bachelor of Arts: Major
Marketing and Minor-
International Business
Major: Mass
Communications Minor:
Major: Mass
Minor- Spanish
Major- Journalism
Minor- English journalism department will graduate from UT
May 2010.
Graduated May
2006. Now pursing a
Master’s in
Library Science at Texas
University May
Graduate 2010
Graduates 2010
Graduates 2010
Graduates 2010
Mentoring student with research efforts for Library Science degree information
Mentoring student with research efforts for Business information
Facebook correspondents
June 15, 2006 to the present
Moved to North
Texas and is working in a library while pursuing her
M.L.S. degree at
Texas Woman’s
June 15, 2006 to the present
Graduated and
Studied aboard in Mexico.
Pursuit of her
August 2007 to the present
Graduated 2010
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
She worked in the library in the administration office
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
PVAMU Advisor "Our
Texas" magazine
Print Journalism internship.
PVAMU Advisor "Our
Texas" magazine
Print Journalism internship.
PVAMU Advisor "Our
Texas" magazine
Print Journalism
August 2007 to the present
August 2007 to the present
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
Stephanie Daniels
Amanda Payne
Desiree Hicks
Tyrown Russell
Master’s in Business
Student May
Kimberly M. Gay
Reference and Instruction Librarian
John B. Coleman Library
Prairie View A&M University
Student Mentoring Program
Documented: June 2006- Present
3 internship.
Mentoring student with research efforts for Business information
August 2007 to the present
Gradated 2008.
Now pursing her
August 2007 to the present
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
Volunteered in the library
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
Bachelor of Science
Human Health and
Performance- Nutrition
Bachelor of Science degree Animal Science
Bachelor of Science in
Human Performance
Graduated May
2008. Now pursing a
Master’s of
Nutrition Science at California
State University,
LA College of
Health and
Human Services-
School of
Kinesiology and
Graduates May
Friendship and
Mentoring student with research efforts for her bachelor’s degree in Nutrition
Graduated May
2008. Now pursing Master’s degree in
Therapy program
Mentoring student with research efforts for her degree in
Animal Science information
Mentoring student with research efforts for his degree in
Kinesiology information
August 2007 to the present
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
June 15, 2006 to the present
Graduated May
2009 Now pursuing a
Master’s Degree
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
Alonzo Thomas
Fran Baines
Veniece L. Kirksey
Bachelor of Science in
Bachelor of Science in
Bachelor of Science in
Chemical Engineering
Bachelor of Science
Armenia O. Sumner Bachelor of Science
Kimberly M. Gay
Reference and Instruction Librarian
John B. Coleman Library
Prairie View A&M University
Student Mentoring Program
Documented: June 2006- Present
4 at the University of Texas Medical
Graduated May
2008. Now pursing Master’s degree in
Education at
Prairie View A&M
Graduate May
2009 Will pursue a Master’s in
Library Science from Texas
Graduate 2011
Mentoring student with research efforts for his degree in
Kinesiology information
Mentoring student with research efforts for her degree in the
Master’s of Library
Mentoring student with research efforts for her degree
Mentoring student with research efforts for her degree
Mentoring student with research efforts for her degree in Physical
June 15, 2006 to the present
Graduated May
2009 now pursing Graduate
June 15, 2006 to present
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
Worked in the library as a student assistance in the Reference Department
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
June 15, 2006 to present
August 2007 to the present
August 2007 to the present Meet her at a high school library function that I attended and told her that she should come to
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
Epiphany Lopez Bachelor of Science in
Cassandra Jackson Bachelor of Arts in
English. Changed major- Mass
Tiffany Worsham Bachelor of Science in
Kimberly M. Gay
Reference and Instruction Librarian
John B. Coleman Library
Prairie View A&M University
Student Mentoring Program
Documented: June 2006- Present
December 2009
Mentoring student with research efforts for her degree
Mentoring student with research efforts for her degree
PVAMU and she did when she graduated from high school
August 2008 to the present
August 2008 to the present
Mentoring student with research efforts for her degree and
Help with her
Master’s degree in
Library Science when she graduates
June 15, 2006 to the present
Graduated May
2009 now pursing M.L.S.
Degree and working in a library setting
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
Worked in the library as a student assistant in the administration department
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
Worked in the library as a student assistant in the Periodicals department and the
Reference Department
Harun A. Jones
Andria Laniece Dunn
Major and Minor Classification
Bachelor of Business
Administration in Business
Administration with a concentration in
Major in Health
Administration and Minor
Basis of the Relationship How long you have been working with student
Freshman to Senior June 15, 2006 to present
Graduation December 18,
Freshman to Senior June 15, 2006 to present
Graduated May 2010
Whether or not you meet or plan projects on any type of regular schedule
I am his library Liaison College of
Had mentoring meetings with him about pursing his degree and graduate degree
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do
Jonathan Amos
Courtney Garfield Fontenot
Joseph Roberts
Miguell Ceasar in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science
Business Administration
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Degree in Education
School Teacher
Bachelor of Science
Degree in Business
Kimberly M. Gay
Reference and Instruction Librarian
John B. Coleman Library
Prairie View A&M University
Student Mentoring Program
Documented: June 2006- Present
August 2010 to present
Masters in Community
Development and Bachelor
Degree of Art
August 2010
August 2008 to present
Graduate school June 16,
Now pursuing her Master’s
Degree in Health at Prairie
View A&M University
August 2010
August 2008 to present
August 2010 to present
August 2008 to present.
Graduated with Master’s
Degree in Community
Development. Now attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
Worked in the library as a student assistant in the Circulation
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
I plan regular meeting with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
Works in the library in the Reference
Department as a student assistant
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes
Camillka Y. Redwood
Shuntia Wheeler
Natalye Thomas
Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts in Mass
Communication with a minor in Social Science s
June 15, 2006
Kimberly M. Gay
Reference and Instruction Librarian
John B. Coleman Library
Prairie View A&M University
Student Mentoring Program
Documented: June 2006- Present
My entire life- Relative.
First Cousins- Her father and my mother are brother and sister
Mentor/ Coach
June 15, 2006 to present
Freshman to Senior
Graduated December 18,
Freshman to Senior
Graduated December 18,
August 2008 to December
18, 2010 pursuing a Master’s
Degree in Library Science at Texas Woman’s
University with a graduation date of 2012.
Graduated an now-
January 2011 pursing a
Master’s Degree in
Business with a concentration on
Accounting at Texas
Woman’s University
Now in graduate school at
Prairie View University studying Computer
Science and Technology
Graduated with Master’s
Degree in Sociology/
Social Work from Prairie
View A&M University and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
Works in the library in the technical
Services Department as a Library
Assistant II
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
I plan regular meetings with the student at least once a month The students do attend the RAP Session where I just find out how they are doing in their classes and do they need any assistance in library research endeavors.
Held Library research meetings once a semester
All information compiled by Kimberly M. Gay, Academic Reference and Instruction Librarian. Last update: December 8, 2010