MS Word - Christ E & R Church of Leck Kill

Christ Evangelical & Reformed Church
5189 Schwaben Creek Road
Leck Kill, PA 17836
Church/Children’s Church: 10:30 A.M.
Salem Church of Rough and Ready
11 Church Road
Klingerstown, PA 17941
Sunday School: 10:15 A.M.
Church/Children’s Church: 9:00 A.M.
Rev. Mark I. Rothermel, Pastor
1128 Ridge Road
Klingerstown, PA 17941
Phone: (570) 648-1005
Rose Novinger, Secretary
126 Tulpehocken Path Road
Herndon, PA 17830
Phone: (570) 758-6592
August 15, 2010
NO. 9
SEPTEMBER is the month that we shift into high gear again. Let us see what is going on in the churches:
Thursday, Sept. 1, Salem Church Consistory meets at 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 4, is Casual Sunday at both churches as we celebrate Labor Day weekend. Please feel
free to dress as you would at work. At Salem Church, we are receiving Jeremy and Sara Strohecker as new
members via the rite of Confirmation. We will also celebrate the baptism of both their daughters, Haley and
Monday, Sept. 5, is Labor Day! Have a good one!
Sunday, September 11, is Communion Sunday and RALLY DAY at Salem. At 9:00 a.m., the regular
worship service with Holy Communion will take place. Please prepare yourselves to receive the Holy
Sacrament. We will have the Rally Day proper at 10:15 a.m. The special speaker is K J Reimensnyder-Wagner. She is a singer, songwriter, and motivational speaker from Lewisburg. There will be a PIG ROAST
immediately after the worship service is over. As usual, we ask our members to bring a salad and/or dessert.
The church will supply the meat, filling, corn, and the like. Please plan to stay and bring a friend. Christ
Church restarts it Sunday School on that day. They will have an Adult Class and a Children’s Class at 9:30
a.m. Moreover, Child Evangelism Fellowship is having an OPEN HOUSE from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the old
Weisample Church of God building. You are invited to come.
Thursday, September 15, is the deadline for information for the October LIFELINE. Please have all
information to Rose Novinger by this date. Thank you.
Beginning Thursday, September 15 for six consecutive Thursdays, there will be an elementary PA
Dutch language class held at Salem Church from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. We will instruct students in both
grammar and reading. Mr. N. Daniel Schwalm, a retired teacher from Line Mountain High School, will be
our instructor. Please plan to attend.
Saturday, September 17, Pastor Mark will be gone to attend a family wedding. If you have an
emergency on this day, please call Pastor Howard Brooks, 648-7070.
Sunday, September 18, is HARVEST HOME at both churches. Please bring items of food, as well as
money, to the church. It is Salem Church’s turn to take these items to Haven Ministries in Sunbury, PA. This
is the fourth year for this location. Haven Ministries is a local ministry, with a real need, and will accept
fresh food. They even teach their residents to do home canning. Please be generous! That afternoon, at 2:00
p.m. at Salem Church, there will be an organizational and orientation meeting for the new
CONFIRMATION CLASS. Potential students should come with their parents or guardians. The class is
geared toward students in Grades 7 or 8. Everything is up for discussion, including scheduling. Please come
with your questions and your calendars. At 5:00 p.m., at Salem Church, we are having our annual ice cream
social featuring home made ice cream and toppings. Please plan to come and help out if you can.
Saturday, September 24, there will be a wedding rehearsal at Salem Church at 11:00 a.m.
Sunday, September 25, is our annual PREPARATORY SERVICE. We are preparing ourselves for
World-Wide Communion on October 2. The service reminds us of the importance and holiness of
communion. At Christ Church, we are resuming our monthly Church Social immediately after the worship
Until next time, macht’s gut un behaft dich!
Pastor Mark
VBS went very well again this year at Christ Church. The theme for this year was Cokesbury‘s SHAKE IT
UP CAFÉ. A BIG THANK YOU to all who helped. A SPECIAL thank you to Masser Produce for providing
the fruit snacks, as they do every year! The retail value of the fruit was figured at $166.80. This year the
VBS offering went to the local food pantries and local families in need of food. We raised $758.63, not
including all the food items! Good job, everyone!
Both the Klingerstown Fire Co. and the Mahantongo Fire Co. had wonderful and profitable events in July.
Thanks to all our members who have helped out in any way! The Pitman Community Service was an
inspiration to all--as usual! The church school offering was $579 and the worship service offering was $1172
for a total of $1751. We also wish to thank the planning committee members and all others who helped! The
Mahantongo Fire Company thanks the churches for their support!
Patrick and Alicia Morgan joined Salem Church on July 24 via letters of transfer. Patrick comes from Grace
United Methodist Church in Millersburg, and Alicia comes from St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in
Klingerstown. Welcome, both of you, to your new church home! (Please note that the announcement of their
wedding was in the last newsletter.)
Clair E. Erdman, Sr., age 87, passed away on July 25 at Nottingham Village, Northumberland, PA. The
funeral was held at Salem Church on July 28, with interment in Salem Cemetery on the same date. Clair was
a member of Salem Church. We wish to extend our deepest sympathies to his family and friends!
William H. Rebuck, age 84, passed away on July 27 at the Mansion Home in Sunbury, PA. The funeral was
held on July 30, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 900 Susquehanna Ave., Sunbury, PA, where he was a member.
Pastor Mark did the eulogy; Pastor Constantine Havir was the officiating pastor. Interment was at
Northumberland Memorial Park in Stonington on the same date. We wish to extend our deepest sympathies
to his family and friends!
CHRIST CHURCH voted on July 17 to replace the shingles on its roof. Steve Scott Construction got the bid.
I wish to thank each and everyone for their prayers and cards and visits while I was in the hospital and
therapy. A special thanks to the choir members for the vegetable and fruit basket and Pastor Mark for all his
visits. May God Bless each and everyone.
Violet Hoffman
SEPTEMBER is traditionally back to school month. Earl C. Haag has a selection entitled “Der aerscht Daag
Schul,” “The First Day of School” in his book DIE PENNSYLVAANISCH DEITSCHE, page 213.
Nau geht mei Bubbli nooch die Schul,
Now my little boy is going to school,
Mer meent es kennt net sei;
One thinks it couldn’t be;
Es scheint die Yaahre sin so katz
It seems the years are so short
Un gehn so schnell verbei.
And go past so quickly.
Noh hawwich nau ken Bubbli meh,
Now I don’t have a little boy anymore.
Ich duh sei Frecki weck.
I’ll put away his little frocks
Fer er muss Hosse hawwe nau
Because he needs pants now
Mit Galles draa, un Seck.
With suspenders on them, and pockets.
Aer’s sex Yaahr heit! Kann’s meeglich sei,
He’s six years old today! Could it be possible
Ken Bubbli meh im Haus!
No longer a little boy in the house!
Yaa, wie die Yaahre kumme rei,
Yeah, as the years come in,
So geht die Yuchend naus.
So youth goes out.
Guck, was en grooser Bu, wie schtols.
Look, what a big boy, how proud,
Sei aerschde Hosse aa!
He has his first long pants!
Die Zeit geht schnell, un eb mer’s denkt
Time goes quickly, and before one thinks about it
Sucht er sich schunn en Fraa.
He’s already looking for a wife.
Awwer harch emol, do kummt er nau,
But, listen once, here he comes now.
Heerscht wie er luschdich singt
Do you hear how happily he’s singing?
Unschuldich vun de Sarrige wu
Innocent of the cares that
Die Elt mol mit sich bringt!
Old age brings with it!
Ken grooser Naame un ken Geld
No important name and no money
Ass fallt zum weldlich Mann
That comes to worldly-wise man
Iss neegscht so siess ass sel rein Hatz;
Is nearly so sweet as that pure heart;
Wann aer’s yuscht halde kann!
If only he can retain it!
I hope you enjoyed this poem!
Parre Mark
Acolyte for September is Chase Schaeffer.
Janitor for September is Bruce Brandt.
Altar Flowers
4 – In memory of our parents by Violet Hoffman and Daisy Drumheller
11 – In memory of Henry by Arlene Brown and family
18 – In loving memory of Mark L. Hoffman by Kathy, Scott, and Nick Hoffman and their families
25 – In memory of Marge Brandt by the family
Organ Flowers
4 – In memory of Carol and the parents of Roger, Frank and Lottie Hess by Matthew and Roger Hess
If your altar flowers do not appear in the lifeline, please contact Rose Novinger so that they appear in the
bulletin. Thank you!
Janitor for September is Ralph Wiest.
Lawn Mowing Committee is Steve Paul, Ralph Wiest, and Neil Masser.
Christ Church Cleaning Committees
12 – Judy Paul and Natalie Smeltz
26 – Sandy Wiest and Marge Snyder
September 1 – James Oxenrider, Jr.
Madeline Masser
3 – Leroy Shissler
5 – Mifah Wehry
7 – Bradley Rebuck
8 – Eleanor Lenker
9 – Steve Rose
Neil Masser
Kira Andracchio
10 – Keith Long
12 – Hannah Masser
September 14 – Abigail Lenker
17 – Cindy Geist
18 – Douglas Masser
20 – Casey Masser
23 – Curtis Gessner
Valerie Specht
26 – Violet Hoffman
Heather Rothermel
28 – William Masser
30 – Jeff Masser
Zachary Schreffler
Joyce Geist
6 – James and Melissa Strohecker
Bill and Diane Wehry
9 – Justin and Holly Kaufman
16 – Kirk and April Reed
David and Darlene Roadcap
22 – Brett and Tiffany Kahler
23 – Troy and Susan Klinger
24 – James and Christine Gessner
25 – Mike and Jaime Deeter
29 – Steven and Angela Rothermel
30 – Christopher and Tricia Morrison
If your birthday or anniversary is not on the list, please contact Rose Novinger so it can be added for next
year. Thank You.