BUDLEIGH SALTERTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber on Monday 8 June 2015 at 7.00pm. PRESENT Cllr A J Dent (Chairman, Non-Voting Member) Cllr C Richards (Town Mayor) Cllr C A Kitson (Deputy Town Mayor) Cllr Mrs L D Evans Cllr A N Gooding Cllr S V Hall Cllr D J Harrison Cllr A L Jones Cllr Mrs M L Kenneally-Stone Cllr Mrs C A Sismore-Hunt Cllr T D Wright Clerk: Mrs J E Vanstone Others Present: Four members of the public and one representative of the press 15.027 Public Speaking Time Mr L Allsup spoke about applications 15/0981/FUL and 15/0984/LBC. He said he lived at 2 Knowle Mews and was concerned about the proposal. He reminded Members that an application for a new dwelling in Dalditch Lane had been refused by East Devon District Council and then had been dismissed at Appeal partly because it was outside the Built-Up Area Boundary. He said this application was similarly outside the Built-Up Area Boundary and would affect the surrounding neighbourhood. He then said that an application to convert a barn at 7 Knowle Mews had been approved with a condition that it should not become a separate dwelling. He asked that both these facts were taken into consideration by Members when discussing the proposals. He also mentioned right of access across the courtyard and vehicle parking. The Chairman thanked him for his comments and one member of the public left the meeting. 15.028 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Cllr M C Hilliar (unwell). 15.029 Declarations of Interests in Items on the Agenda The Town Mayor, Cllr C Richards declared a personal interest in Min 15.033 (15/1267/FUL) – the applicant is a friend and Cllr Richards lives on the opposite side of the road. The Chairman also declared a personal interest in Min 15.033 (15/1267/FUL) – the applicant is a friend. 15.030 Minutes The Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 18 May 2015 had been circulated prior to the Meeting. It was unanimously agreed they be signed as a true record. 11 15.031 Declaration by District Councillors It was formally noted that the participation of Cllr A J Dent, Cllr S V Hall and Cllr T D Wright, who are also Members of the East Devon District Council, in both the debate and subsequent vote, was on the basis that the views expressed were their preliminary views taking account of the information presently made available to the Town Council. They reserved their final views on the applications until they were in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against. 15.032 Planning Applications – Amended Plans Application No: 14/2972/ADV Applicant: Everys Solicitors Location: 42 High Street Proposal: Installation of 1no projecting hanging sign Amendment: Revised siting of hanging sign adjacent to existing fascia sign Letters Received: None at the time the observations were made Observations: This Council supports the application although Members were mindful of the comments from the Conservation Officer Application No: Applicant: Location: Proposal: Amendment: Letters Received: Observations: 15/0074/FUL Mr J Baker Council Chambers, Station Road Change of use of ground floor offices to 3 apartments and alterations to windows Proposal amended to include replacement of existing timber sash windows with UPVC sash windows None at the time the observations were made This Council supports the application 15.033 Planning Applications Application No: 15/1114/FUL Applicant: Mr G Bolwell Location: 17 Granary Lane Proposal: Construction of two storey side and rear extensions and single rear extension. Formation of vehicular accesses and parking area Letter Received: One letter of objection at the time the observations were made Observations: This Council supports the application Application No: Applicant: Location: Proposal: Letters Received: Observations: 15/1003/FUL Mr A Demetre 20 Knowle Village Creation of vehicle access and parking to front of property None at the time the observations were made This Council supports the application 12 Application No: Applicant: Location: Proposal: Letters Received: Observations: Application No: Applicant: Location: Proposal: Letters Received: Observations: 15/0981/FUL Mr R Tilbury Land Adjacent 1 Knowle Mews, Dalditch Lane Conversion of existing stable block into separate dwelling with underground extension and associated works Two letters of objection at the time the observations were made This Council is unable to support the application for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is outside the Built-Up Area Boundary 2. The proposal is out of character with the existing dwellings in Knowle Mews 3. The proposal does not enhance or preserve the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty 15/0984/LBC Mr R Tilbury Land Adjacent 1 Knowle Mews, Dalditch Lane Conversion of existing stable block into separate dwelling with underground extension and associated works Two letters of objection at the time the observations were made This Council would like to defer to the Conservation Officers who are in a better position to comment Application No: Applicant: Location: Proposal: Letters Received: Observations: 15/1080/ADV Everys Solicitors 42 High Street Retention of existing fascia sign and window vinyls None at the time the observations were made This Council supports the application Application No: Applicant: Location: Proposal: 15/1267/FUL Mr and Mrs A J Drew 3 Elmside Single storey side and rear extensions, first floor rear extension and replacement cladding None at the time the observations were made This Council supports the application Letters Received: Observations: 15.034 East Devon District Council: Planning Decisions – Approvals Application No: 15/0022/FUL Applicant: Mr Giltsoff Location: 18 Westbourne Terrace Proposal: Three storey rear extension to create two additional flats and associated storage areas; alterations to windows and provision of replacement external staircase; and creation of parking area in front garden with widened access Application No: Applicant: Location: Proposal: 15/0847/FUL Mr M Elliott 10 Links Road Construction of single storey rear extension Application No: Applicant: Location: Proposal: 15/0896/FUL Mr J Hollingdale 1 Links Road Retention of carport/garage/store (retrospective application) 13 15.035 East Devon District Council: Planning Decision – Refusal Application No: 14/2932/FUL Applicant: Mr C Roberts Location: Mayfield, 3 West Hill Lane Proposal: Construction of 1no dwelling 15.036 East Devon District Council: Confirmation of Tree Preservation Order TPO No: 15/0013/TPO Location: Land at Park Lodge, Park Lane 15.037 Correspondence Received East Devon District Council: Tree works considered an exception to the Conservation Area Legislation – Land North of 3 West Hill Lane 15.038 Any other Business at the Chairman’s Discretion No other business was raised. There being no further business, the Meeting closed at 7.26pm. ……………………………………………… Chairman ……………………………………………… Date 14