BUDLEIGH SALTERTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber on Monday 26 January 2015 at 7.00pm. PRESENT Cllr A J Dent (Chairman) Cllr Mrs C A Sismore-Hunt (Town Mayor) Cllr C Richards (Deputy Town Mayor) Cllr Mrs L D Evans Cllr A N Gooding Cllr D J Harrison Cllr M C Hilliar Cllr A L Jones (Non-Voting Member) Cllr C A Kitson Cllr R S Mitchell Cllr T D Wright Clerk: Mrs J E Vanstone Others Present: County Cllr Mrs C Channon, five members of the public and one representative of the press 14.360 Public Speaking Time Mr M Thomas spoke about application 15/0009/FUL. He explained that he and his wife live at 3 Sherbrook Close and the new extension at 18 Northview Road had created a considerably larger house which was now closer to theirs. The application was to remove the condition from the previous (approved) application for nonopening windows with obscure glazing. He said this would result in a loss of privacy, both inside and outside their home. They were concerned that the applicants would be able to see inside his house. He passed the Clerk some photographs showing how the windows looked into their dining room, kitchen and all bedrooms and asked that the Town Council did not support the application. The Chairman, Cllr A J Dent, thanked Mr Thomas for his presentation. Mr S Hagger said that the Town’s cyclists were disappointed that no progress appeared to have been made to create a cycle path on The Green and the cycle racks had yet to appear. He urged the Town Council to push the District Council for some progress on these projects. Cllr T D Wright said he would report on this in his District Councillor’s report. One member of the public left the meeting. 14.361 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from District Cllr S V Hall. 14.362 Declarations of Interests in Items on the Agenda The Chairman, Cllr A J Dent, declared a personal interest in Min 14.365 (15/0012/FUL) – he lives in Greenway Gardens. 14.363 Minutes The Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 12 January 2015 had been circulated prior to the Meeting. It was unanimously agreed they be signed as a true record. 107 14.364 Declaration by District Councillors It was formally noted that the participation of Cllr A J Dent and Cllr T D Wright, who are also Members of the East Devon District Council, in both the debate and subsequent vote, was on the basis that the views expressed were their preliminary views taking account of the information presently made available to the Town Council. They reserved their final views on the applications until they were in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against. 14.365 Planning Applications Application No: 14/3013/FUL Applicant: Mr and Mrs Walmsley Location: 1 Meadow Close Proposal: Construction of single storey rear extension Letters Received: None at the time the observations were made Observations: This Council supports the application Application No: Applicant: Location: Proposal: Letters Received: Observations: 15/0009/FUL Mr and Mrs Atkins 18 Northview Road Two storey extension on east elevation, pitched roofs over existing dormer and bay window and rendering of all elevations (resubmission of 14/2290/FUL seeking permission for clear glazing in the first floor bedroom window on the east elevation) Two letters of objection at the time the observations were made This Council is unable to support the application as the proposed changes will result in loss of privacy for neighbouring properties, particularly 3 Sherbrook Close. Two members of the public left the meeting. Application No: Applicant: Location: Proposal: Letters Received: Observations: Application No: Applicant: Location: Proposal: Letters Received: Observations: Application No: Applicant: Location: Proposal: Letters Received: Observations: 15/0022/FUL Mr M Giltsoff 18 Westbourne Terrace Three storey rear extension to create two additional flats and associated storage areas; alterations to windows and provision of replacement external staircase; and creation of parking area in front garden with widened access One letter of objection at the time the observations were made This Council supports the application although there were concerns about the potential for additional traffic exiting on to West Hill 15/0060/FUL Mr and Mrs T Joy 2 Raleigh Road Formation of new pedestrian entrance and modification of existing vehicular entrance None at the time the observations were made This Council supports the application 15/0083/FUL Mr J West Flat 2, 23 Station Road Construction of dormer window to rear elevation and installation of 3no roof lights to side and front None at the time the observations were made This Council supports the application 108 Application No: Applicant: Location: Proposal: Letters Received: Observations: Application No: Applicant: Location: Proposal: Letters Received: Observations: 15/0012/FUL Mr Gellatley 30 Greenway Gardens Construction of single storey extension linking garage to dwelling None at the time the observations were made This Council supports the application 15/0104/FUL Mr A Stannard 3 Boyne Road Construction of single storey rear extension None at the time the observations were made This Council is unable to support the application as the proposed materials will not be in keeping with surrounding properties. 14.366 East Devon District Council: Planning Decision – Withdrawal Application No: 14/1520/MOUT Applicant: Badger Homes Ltd Location: Land to the West of Barn Lane Proposal: Erection of 60 bed care home, 30 dwellings (including 40% as affordable), 7 bungalows, 12 retirement apartments and 2 live work units with associated works. (Outline proposal with all matters reserved) 14.367 Correspondence Received East Devon District Council: Changes to planning guidance Harlequin Group: Information relating to broadband installation 14/2932/FUL: Mayfield, 3 West Hill Lane – one letter of objection 14.368 Any other Business at the Chairman’s Discretion No other business was raised. There being no further business, the Meeting closed at 7.26pm. ……………………………………………… Chairman ……………………………………………… Date 109