HKCEE (History past papers: Essay-type Questions) (1991-2003) 91 Ger. & -Bismarck -Concert of Ita. Unifica Europe tion Eastern Q. China -1911 Rev Japan Russia -Diff. 1861/ 92 -Ita. Unif -How it affect int. relations -int. & ext. problems 93 94 -Aims of the reforms -How to -Aims of achieve the the Meiji status of a reform world power -As a world power from for. Wars 95 -Ger.Uni. 96 97 -2 foreign Wars & impacts -Reforms as a response to the for. Aggression -Same as above 98 -Bis. & WII (role in Ger. History ) 99 2000 2001 Obstacles to the Ita. & Ger. unification mov’t -Effectiveness of reforms 1861-1919 Importance of 2 for. Wars 2002 -Obstacles to -Comparsion reform 1861-1912 between Qing -achievements and Czarist gov’t ( Circumasatnce to make reform and how were the gov’t affected by reform mov’t) Jap as a world power by 1922 -Reasons for entering 2 2003 -attempt to maintain Czarist Comparsion between Qing Reason Japan & (confli 1895-1 (15m) How it develo Meiji J Czarist (15 m) Compa betwee 1914 WWI -treatment of victorious powers to the defeated powers Inter- -Features of Total. rule war period wars & results of the wars -Reasons for China, Ru.,USA Entering the war -Reasons for the War -Democracy failed to take root in Ger. & Jap. -Favourable -Hitler/ Muss. / circumstanc Stalin e/ ability -1919-339 attempts to maintain peace -Ger. responsibilit y -Great leader -Failure of collective secuity (20%) -Great Depression(10%) rule 18681-1917 -reason for failure(15m) and Czarist gov’t and Cz -how WWI affected a victorious and defeated country -threat of nationalism to peace (1870-1914) -Foreig of a co the per 1870-1 -How W affecte foreign in the p 1919-1 - threat of nationalism to peace (1919-1939) -the pro faced b democ of Italy Germa -How d dictato to solv problem Post WWII period Open-en ded Q. 91 92 93 -treatment of -Role of US -1945-70 vict. Powers in Eur. & int. to defeated Asian cooperation powers Affairs 94 Downfall of Success of a gov’t caused person : his by ext. factors ability / circumstance 95 96 -Causes, development & effect. Of the crisis Great leader 97 98 -Cold war as an ideo. Conflict Turning pt. in history 99 2000 2001 -League of -Influence Nations/UN of USA and USSR in world politics 2002 -Rise of influence of the USA and USSR in world politics in the 1940s. (15m) - In what ways did these two powers influence international relations in the 1950s and the 1960s.(15m) 2003 -Diffe betwe & com system -how intern confli coope 1960s