===============IEEE MATLAB Seminar - m-Files=============== 1) m-Scripts -How to create one -Output -To workspace (with semicolon) -To command window (without semicolon) -To plot (plot, stem, etc.) -To file (save *.mat) -Input -Using existing workspace variables (call by name) -Importing from a file (load *.mat) -How to prompt for user input -Outputing to the command window (display) -Inputing from the command window (input) -Basic Programming -if (if, elseif, else, end) -for (for n = 1:10, end) -while (while(condition), end) -switch (switch (test variable), {case}, {case}, ..., otherwise, end -How to run it -How to call from the command window (call example.m using example) -"Run & Save" (F5) -In-seminar exercise -Write an m-script to plot e^x and label the graph -Plot tan(x) and give the user an option to choose between the 2 2) m-Functions -Basic definition of m-function -How it differs from m-Script -Inherent input, output -Basic structure -Passing variables -Returning values -Help file contents (first comment) -How to call a function [call example.m using example(*, ..., *) where * is a parameter] -Function specific variables -Allocating (x = 5) -Deallocating (clear x) -Controlling I/O -clc (clear screen) -clear (clear all variables) -close all (close all plots) -etc -In-seminar exercise -Write a function to square the given input if the input is less than 5 and cube the input if the input is greater than 5 -Write a function that takes an array as its input and outputs the number of negative numbers in the array (hint: use a for loop!) Examples and Questions =========================================================== EST. TIME: 40 minutes