
Grace Lutheran Church
2013 Annual Report
Sunday February 16, 2014
Mission Statement
Grace Lutheran Church is a community of believers in Jesus Christ who:
CELEBRATE the unconditional love and grace of God;
PROVIDE Christian learning opportunities for all ages;
SUPPORT all who need love and care;
SERVE the community and the world.
Annual Report
Grace Lutheran Church
Table of Contents
Church Staff / Church Council
Proposed Annual Meeting Agenda
Bishop, Staff and Officers Reports
Bishop Peter Rogness
Rev. Lon Larson
President Bill Kinney
Church Council and Committee Reports
Adult Education-Talk Points
No report submitted.
Business Management
No report submitted.
Congregational Life
Decorating Committee
Extra Years of Zest
Grace Book Club
Grace Women of the ELCA
Library Committee
Mission Committee
Nominating Committee
Outreach Committee
Project Home
Property Management Committee
Special Gifts and Memorials Committee
Stewardship Committee
Sunday School
Worship & Music Committee
Youth & Family Committee
Pastoral Acts and Statistical Reports
Pastoral Acts
Financial Reports
Audit Committee Report
Endowment Fund Committee Report
Balance Sheets and Mortgage Balance
Operating Fund
Budgetary Statement of Income & Expense
Statement of Income and Expenses and Statement of Changes in Fund Balances
Grace Lutheran Securities Account
The Church Staff
Pastoral Staff
Interim Pastor- Rev. Lon Larson (August 2013-Present)
Senior Pastor- Rev. Chris Duckworth (August 2011-June 2013)
Administrative Staff
Administrative Assistant- Rhynda Landt
Financial Manager – Ned Shaffer
Custodial Staff
Custodian – Linda Denson, Larry Denson
Music Staff
Organist – Kathleen Hollar
Sanctuary Choir Director – Olaf Malmin
Triple Gs Choir Director – Jan Steingas
Joyous Juniors Choir Director – Connie Smeby
Bells of Grace Director – Peter Zitzewitz
The Church Council –2013
Bill Kinney, President
Peter Wickert, Vice President
Phyllis Hunter
Ned Shaffer, Treasurer
Sunday School
Business Management Committee, Special Gifts
At Large Members:
Carl Alleman
Kim Carlton
Jim Dike
Coley Gillis
Property Management
Youth & Family
Worship Committee
Richard Gunderson
Stewardship Committee
Saint Paul Area Synod
105 West University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103-2094
651.224.4313 Fax 651.224.5646 www.spas-elca.org
A synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in A
January 2014
This is the last letter I will write for your congregational reports, distributed for your annual meeting as you gather and review the
work you have done in your congregation and beyond in the last year. I have often told people that I wish everyone could see the
ministry of the whole church as I have had the opportunity to see it as your bishop.
Many of you get glimpses here and there, powerful glimpses that bring fi re and excitement to the possibilities before us. But a
bishop is one whom you put at the more far flung tables and places. I want to tell you that you are part of the array of work being
done as we live together in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Saint Paul Area Synod.
Many of you are familiar with the life-changing work we do in Tanzania and Guatemala. But I have seen the work we do in 50
countries through hundreds of missionaries. I have seen the important, life- and hope-giving role our church body plays as we
support churches in poorer countries around the world, churches full of people who walk faithfully with God and can teach us about
that walk.
Many of you are familiar with the local mission work we do as we launch new and sometimes experimental ministries here. As a
whole church, we are expressing that same trust in a new and different future in many places around the world.
Many of you catch glimpses of the myriad of ways, large and small, that we in the Office of the Bishop support the ministry you do
in your local congregation—assisting with calling new leadership; equipping and supporting congregational leaders; networking
people to support stewardship, youth, and governance; preparing tomorrow’s leaders through candidacy and theological education;
and responding as you seek guidance and help for your particular ministry issues and challenges.
You see our work with the poor through support of local food pantries—but I see the impact we have in shaping public policy and
working through powerful agencies like Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota. I could go on (and often do!). But you have much
before you as you gather to do your business. Amidst the matters you discuss and attend to, be sure about this: people around the
world—and down the street in this synod—give thanks that you are part of the life of our church together. And no one is feeling
more deeply that thanks than I, as I look back on the great privilege it has been to serve with you in ministry for these last 12 years!
Grace and peace,
Peter Rogness
Saint Paul Area Synod
105 West University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103-2094
651.224.4313 Fax 651.224.5646 www.spas-elca.org A synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Grace Lutheran Church Annual Congregational Meeting – Part two
February 16, 2014
Proposed Agenda
Welcome / Call to Order
Bill Kinney
Quorum Call
Sig Johnson
Opening Devotions
Pastor Lon Larson
Acceptance of Agenda
Bill Kinney
Adoption of Rules of Order*
Bill Kinney
Acceptance of Annual Meeting Minutes for 2013
Sig Johnson
Acceptance of Annual Reports
Endowment Fund Committee
Audit Committee
Special Gifts & Memorials
2013 Financial Report
Pastor Lon Larson
Bill Kinney
Larry Carlson
Greg Mohwinkel
Linda Sackreiter
Ned Shaffer
New Business
Bylaw changes
Call Committee election
Dick Gunderson
Bill Kinney
Other Business
Call for Adjournment
Bill Kinney
Closing Prayer
Pastor Lon Larson
*Proposed Rules of Order
All speeches are limited to three minutes. Speakers on either side of an issue shall alternate.
Limit of three speakers on either side of an issue unless members present either suspend or modify
his rule by majority vote.
Pastors Annual Report
Dear People of Grace,
As the 100th anniversary of this congregations approaches, it seems a good time to reminisce and review the
legacy of caring that is Grace Lutheran Church. By any standard, it has been a remarkable journey, one that
rightfully honors the saints, whose faith and hard work formed the foundation for our present and future
ministry together. Grab hold of this anniversary, as it is deserving of your attention and your celebration!
As we look back over these first 100 years, it is important to recognize that the fundamental orientation of
this congregation is, and always has been, forward-looking. History is your friend at this juncture. At every
point along the way, Grace Lutheran has set its gaze on Jesus, the one who leads us forward. The
accomplishments of the past are just that, in the past. Yesterday’s work does provide momentum. But the
real force is the Holy Spirit, the ever-present power of our Lord, providing us with direction for ministry, and
commitment to the overall mission of Jesus Christ.
Grace Lutheran Church now stands at yet another crossroads, poised to be the birthplace of renovation and
renewal in a time of unending change and challenge. This congregation has the opportunity to forge a home
for people isolated and abandoned by current cultural realities. At a time in history when religion is seen as
optional at best, Grace Lutheran can give testimony to the contrary. But we likely will be far more effective
in this witness as we partner together with other Lutheran congregations in our area. We have always been
sisters and brothers together as Lutheran disciples, but the present stresses ironically open the way for new
and novel partnerships to grow ‘Looking in the rear-view mirror’ has never been a good way to move
forward. Listening to the Word of God, and to each other…following the lead of the Holy Spirit…being
shepherded by Jesus…this is the Way, Truth and Life here at Grace Lutheran Church!
A wise person, Dolly Parton, was asked how she came to be such a long-standing success. She said, “Know
who you are, and be that person.” In the short run, as we make a daily commitment to Christ, this is such
good advice. There are some things that are wonderfully unique about Grace Lutheran Church. Your sense
of ‘family’, your love of music, your concern for the community, your commitment to outreach, your work
on issues of fairness and justice, your openness to those who are not rich, not straight, not young, not easy or
predictable or independent or able---this, it seems to me, is who you are--a loving and caring congregation
that is sensitive and aware that hardships happen, that life has its ups and downs, that we people can and do
fail one another, but our Lord does not. You are a people who understand the blessings and the
responsibilities that come with being members of a community that gathers itself around Word and
The new realities that confront the church…be they cultural, economic, political, religious, or whatever, are
no match for the power that comes to us through Christ, our Lord. Broken and confused as we sometimes
are, the Holy Spirit continues to make all things new, including us. Love is the hallmark of your ministry
together, your love of God and of one another. That love is who you are, that’s all you need to be. God in
Christ will take care of the rest.
Likely this will be my one and only annual report at Grace Lutheran Church. I am envious of the new pastor
who will soon arrive, as I know she or he will receive the same lovely welcome that you have offered to
Margaret and me. We are blessed to be among you! Thank you.
Pr. Lon Larson
2013 President’s Report
As I reflect over the past year, I can’t help but remember the phrase “the Lord works in mysterious ways.”
When I was elected as your council president, things hear at Grace were pretty calm. Jan had served well for
two years of transition with a new pastor, and we were seeing a new energy in the congregation. I thought
this would be an easy two years and I could just “float along” just keeping things going on a steady course.
Boy was I wrong!
When Pastor Chris and his family were called in a new direction, I almost went into a panic melt down.
Then with the Lord’s help we pulled it together and started our new path, with new transitions taking place.
Bringing in Pastor Lon as our new Interim Pastor was a great help to all of us. He is doing an outstanding
job keeping our congregation moving along.
I feel I have to apologize to all for not being diligent and providing monthly In Touch updates, but as I think
about writing something profound for each month, I experience writer’s block. Please remember, Engineers
don’t do “profound”, and you probably wouldn’t enjoy my ramblings anyway.
We have accomplished several things this past year in addition to bringing in an Interim Pastor and forming
a call committee to find and call a new permanent pastor. We formed two task forces to address some issues.
One task force is addressing personnel needs here at Grace. They are setting up job descriptions and
requirements for the staff, and getting standards set so we can better evaluate the staff performance. Another
task force is looking at the overall appearance of the church, and I’m sure you have already noticed some of
their handiwork with the new look for the main entrance downstairs, and the Good Shepard Lounge. We
have also done some needed repairs to our “infrastructure” by repairing some roof leaks, painting, door
replacement, and looking into replacing and repairing some windows (you will hear more about this soon).
Going forward, as we approach our 100th anniversary, we will need to start a task force to plan the activities
surrounding this momentous occasion. Pastor Chris had many ideas that he was starting to propose, but with
him gone it is something we need to think about. We look forward to the call committee’s recommendations
for a new pastor that we can vote upon, and hire a new permanent pastor. I look forward to serving you for
another year as council president and ask for your prayers and for the Lord’s help in the coming year to keep
us going in a positive future. With the Lord’s help, I know we can pull it off!
Business Management Committee Annual Committee Report
No report submitted
Since 2010 when the library committee was operationalized at Grace Lutheran progressive steps have been
taken to modernize the site in the narthex of the church. Lighting in the area is not bright so shelves and
books have been spread out to increase visibility of the book titles.
There are three members on the library committee, Kim Carlton, Phyllis Acker and Carol Golder.
Nevertheless people young and old do volunteer, offering assistance for the book sale.
Keep us informed about your reading preferences. One day the book you most want to read will be found in
the library at Grace.
Congregational Life Committee
The following projects were completed in 2013.
The Mardi Gras pot luck was held on 2-10-13. We served 75 people.
Our Lenten Soup Supper was held on 2 -27. We served 85 people and took in $200, which was
added to our 017 clearing account.
We handled the coffee hour for Grace’s 96th Anniversary on 4-21.
Grace and Good Samaritan’s congregation had a joint service with a pot luck to follow on May 19th,
which was Pentecost.
We served the coffee hour on 6-23. It was Pastor Duckworth’s last Sunday at Grace.
The church picnic was held on 9-8.
We served treats for the Thanksgiving Eve service at Grace. We served 100 people.
The Advent potluck luncheon was held on 12-1. We served 85 people.
Many thanks to all who have helped with our many events. A special thanks to Dorothy
Mohwinkel for her ever lovely annual coffee chart.
Adult Education-Talk Points 2013
No report submitted.
Mission Committee for 2013 consisted of: Sue Atneosen, chair, Bob Hegland, secretary, Carolyn Hesterberg
and Shirley Walby and adding in November Pat Motter and Lydia Rose. The unexpected loss of our friend
and co-worker, Bob Hegland in September had a profound impact on us and he will be greatly missed.
Thank you to Shirley Walby who accepted the position of secretary.
The Mission Committee has been active in 2013 and thanks to the generous Congregation of Grace Lutheran
Church has accomplished a good many things. The 12 missions of the month continue to bring in additional
revenue for different charities both local and global. Although giving is down, we average between 150 and
250 dollars per month. In addition, we continue to collect food and cash gifts for Merrick Community Food
shelf each month. There is such a need for these services and we are pleased to support this local effort to
feed the hungry.
Grace continues to partner with St. Pascal’s Catholic Church to hold bloodmobiles. This is such an important
life-saving opportunity. Thank you to Carolyn Hesterberg and Shirley Walby who coordinate this effort and
to all the members of Grace who donate blood, help set-up and clean-up, make phone calls, provide
receptionist duties and hospitality to make these drives successful. Thank you also to Mark Pearson who
provides soup for donors, volunteers and Red Cross staff in February.
The Mission Committee hosted one of the Lenten dinners in 2013. With only 4 committee members this has
become increasingly difficult. We hope to team up with another committee for 2014 to increase
participation and make it more enjoyable. This is such a wonderful tradition at Grace as we gather to share
food, fellowship and worship.
Grace continues to support 60 students in Sierra Leone. The Mission Committee contacts previous donors,
issues invitations to new donors and follows up on record keeping and getting the check to Sierra Leone in a
timely fashion so that children there can face a future full of hope. Thanks to Sue for writing the letters and
articles and to Carolyn who monitors the receipts. This gift of nearly $4,000 is amazing considering the size
of Grace. We should all feel very lucky to be part of this program. To those who continue to support
students at $65 per student (we also gladly accept partial sponsorships in any dollar amount and we have
several members who support 2, 3, 4 and even 5 students) please accept our overwhelming gratitude.
In October, the Mission committee hosted a Friendship Dinner for Chinese Hospitality. We fed nearly 200
people. This is an amazing outreach to Chinese students and their families to establish relationships and
increase understanding between cultures as well as provide entertainment and food. Thank you to those who
worked setting up, serving, cleaning up – Carolyn and Pastor Paul Hesterberg, Shirley and Norm Walby, and
Sue and Larry Atneosen. We budget $100 to help cover costs of purchasing decorations, croissants, fruit etc.
We could never provide enough food for this group without the generous donations of the many members of
Grace who help in this project. This Congregation is GREAT!!
We had a wonderful response to the Giving Tree in December and collected a multitude of gifts for the
children serviced by Merrick Community Center and also for the Seniors served through the Living at
Home/Block Nurse Program. I wish that the members of Grace could share the feeling of satisfaction that I
felt when I delivered the jackets, hats, scarves, mittens and gloves, sweaters and sweatshirts to Merrick.
They were so excited and thankful - it truly enhanced the Christmas season. The gift cards, gloves, sweaters,
picture frames, books etc. for the Seniors were also gratefully received. The members of Grace truly shared
and helped to spread the joy at the celebration of our Saviors birth. The Mission Committee continues to
reach out in the name of Grace and to the Glory of God and we continue to be amazed and humbled by what
can be accomplished when we work together for others.
Yours in Christ, Sue Atneosen, Mission Chair
Outreach Committee
Tasks of the Outreach Committee at Grace Lutheran Church are reflected in the mission statement which
states we shall seek, welcome and receive new members into our congregational life. Committee
responsibilities include recruiting and acquiring new members in 1-1 contacts in the community, in
newspaper and brochure publications and with the use of greeters to greet and welcome people as they come
to worship.
Every member of Grace Lutheran Church is on the Outreach Committee as cited above in the Mission
Statement. Your activity levels vary from day to day. Active committee members include Carol Golder,
Jonathan Rose, Kim Carlton, Renee Storbakken, Pastor Lon Larson, Jason Carlton.
Everyone who greets worshippers prior to a church service is representing Outreach when they welcome
people to Grace Lutheran. Involvement of worship greeters raises the size of the committee by about 70
2013 Outreach activities vary. We developed and operationalized a mystery worshipper format, conducted a
historical data review of all Outreach activity since creation of the committee, placed worship service
information in news media for major holidays of Easter and Christmas, committee members mystery
shopped at 4 community churches observing the manner of greeting and service mannerisms, represented
Grace at the east side National Night Out offering brochures to visitors a Conway Rec Center. Carol Golder
Approximately70 to 80 members of Grace Lutheran Church volunteered to be a greeter prior to worship
services on Sundays and at Holiday worship services. This is an important outreach function as people are
greeted and welcomed upon entering church. The procedure of being a greeter asks that a greeter arrive2025 minutes before the service begins, put on a name tag, smile and greet people as they arrive at church.
Greeters are asked to be sensitive to the needs of worshippers, do they know about the elevator, rest rooms,
coat racks.
Thank you to everyone who greets; some do so formally at the door, others smile and greet those in
surrounding pews inside church. Wherever you act, thanks for displays of Christian love.
Project Home in 2013
Lutheran Church of Peace on Century Ave near Upper Afton Rd reached out to Grace for help with
volunteers for Project Home for the week of November 17 to 23. The program is managed by the St. Paul
Council of Churches when the Ramsey County shelter for homeless families has no more room. Churches
are called on for a safe and warm overnight shelter, following the charge by our Savior to care for those in
When Grace was the main host church, our neighbors St. Pascal’s and Progressive Baptist helped us by each
providing the hosts for a week. Now, Grace was called by our sister congregation, Lutheran Church of Peace
for help for a week.
Volunteers who answered the call for help in November were: Margaret Swenson, Arline Satrom, Paul and
Caroline Hesterberg, Chris Mohwinkel, Sue Atneosen, Kari Fredrickson and family, Ruth Vierling, Gary
Peterson, Mark Pearson, Jonathan Rose, Char House, Maureen Duffy, Carol and Bob Golder, Ken and Sandy
Jackson, Donna Walseth, Peter Hultgren and family.
Sigrid Johnson
Property Management Committee
The following projects were completed by our committee in 2013 or are being worked on in 2014.
The downstairs doors were repaired. The cost was $685.00.
The roof was repaired. The cost was $4,600.00.
The doors were painted. The cost was $1,050.20.
The windows in the Sacristy cost $5,975.00.
We have been discussing replacing windows in the court yard area and having the windows on the south
side, the Sunday School area was scraped, primed, reglazed, and repainted. That cost would be $2,400.
We have also repaired some brick work and replaced some louvers in the tower. The cost was $2,675.00.
We have also been discussing security cameras.
Our annual Lenten Soup Supper was held on February 20th. We served about 100 people and took in
$185.00, which was added to our 017 clearing account.
Two regular clean up days were held on 5-12 and 10-130. We held a special one on 11-2 to work on the
Our thanks to all the volunteers from Grace and Good Samaritan that assisted with their time and knowledge
of many of our projects.
Maxine Keller, chair, Larry Atenosen, Larry Carlson, Ed Holtan, Brian Jackson, and Norm Walby.
Stewardship Committee
During the past year, the Committee emphasized biblical stewardship in all of our
communications and the fall pledge campaign. The fall appeal for 2014 was conducted
under the theme “We Give Thee But Thine Own” and commitment Sunday was
November 11th. As of yearend the results are as follows:
Financial Pledges
Time & Talent Pledges
#109 $142,731
#98 $143,744
The Committee prepared various “In Touch” and Sunday Bulletin articles and several
letters were included with the quarterly financial contribution statements to members.
The Committee is currently reviewing the following:
Electronic or credit card giving processes
Revised time and talent procedures
Tithing possibilities
Improved methods for providing year-around stewardship education
Improved methods for conducting annual financial support appeals and stewardship budget
Our giving should be done joyfully and without hesitation. It is a response for everything our Lord has given
to us. All that we have are gifts from God and the greatest of all is Salvation thanks to God not sparing his
Son to die on the cross for our sins. Please pray about this when you are deciding what you plan to do to
support the mission and ministries of His church.
At Grace Lutheran, we are encouraged to see signs of financial and time and talent growth during this time
of transition.
The Committee offers you its sincere appreciation for your gifts as we pray for your continued support in
2014 and the years to follow. New or revised financial and time & talent pledges are welcome at any time.
Committee members: Irma Raschke, Rich Raschke, Connie Smeby (Chair), Margaret Swenson Florence
Tjornholm, Dick Gunderson (Liaison), Pastor Chris Duckworth (Advisor) Pastor Lon Larson (Advisor)
“Everyone must make up his own mind as to how much he should give. Don’t force anyone to give
more than he really wants to, for cheerful givers are the ones God prizes. God is able to make up to
you by giving you everything you need and more, so that there will not only be enough for your own
needs, but plenty left over to give joyfully to others”. 2 Corinthians C9V-7-8 (The Living Bible
A New Chapter – the Grace Book Club
"The Next Chapter" is a book club that meets at Grace Lutheran Church. We meet at 7:00pm the first
Thursday of each month unless alternate plans are made Membership is open, The only cost is time; secure
the book, read the book, return book to lender. We have only one requirement: read the entire book to be
discussed even if it does not interest you. We have fun and would like to have you join us For more
information about ‘The Next Chapter’ contact Char House, Carolyn Hesterberg, Pete & Nancy Zitzewitz,
Mark Peterson, Carol Golder, Karen Nikula, Barb Greaves, Barb Holtan..
Here’s our 2013 reading list
No January meeting
13-Feb The Forgotten Garden
Kate Morton
Adam Bede
Daphne duMaurier
13-May The Orchardist
Amanda Coplin
13-June In the Garden of Beasts
Erik Larson
Kathleen Ent
The Heretics Daughter
13-Aug No meeting
13-Sep Root Beer Lady
Bob Cary
Kate Atkinson
One Good Turn
13-Nov The Mountains Echoed
Christopher Tilghman
Right Hand Shore
Members of the group are: Carol Golder, Barb Greaves, Bella Hanson, Gerry Lindquist, Char House, Karen
Nikula, Mark Pearson, Carolyn Hesterberg, Nancy Zitzewitz, Pete Zitzewitz
Come join us!
Worship and Music Committee
This has been another eventful year for us. With the departure of Pastor Chris Duckworth and family in June,
we are again in transition. We had guest preachers in July and Pastor Lon Larson joined us in August. We
are thankful for and appreciative of his leadership during this time.
We are in our second year of using the Narrative Lectionary and its journey through the Bible. We are
continuing the pattern of liturgy, liturgists and lay readers that we established last year. And while the
sound system works well, we still have glitches now and then and we continue to learn from them. We
welcome anyone who is interested in being a liturgist, lay reader, communion assistant, or sound tech.
Our thanks go to Jan S. and Nancy Z. for scheduling.
Last year Pastor Chris started the practice of giving baptismal blankets at Baptism and we have continued
doing that. The blankets are made by members of the Christian Craft group that was started last year.
We had several visiting choir groups last year. In April the University of St. Thomas Chamber Singers (our
Amy Steingas is a member) blessed our worship with their singing. They were outstanding!
In June the Croix Chordsmen (Wayne Erickson, Ron House, and Jim Mohn members) graced our
service with their music. They have sung for us before and it is always a treat to have them back.
Finally, in October the Minnehaha Mandskor of Sioux Falls (former students of Olaf Malmin are members
of this group; plus his father was a director) provided music for our service. Again we were treated to some
fine music.
And, of course, our own choirs: Sanctuary Choir, Joyous Juniors, Bells of Grace, 3Gs (Grace's Glory
Group), along with a plethora of instrumentalists provide wonderful and meaningful music for us every
Sunday. We are thankful for their talent and dedication and willingness to share their talent with us.
We are grateful for the continued dedication of our committee members, directors, musicians, organist,
Chancel Care, ushers, lay readers, liturgists, acolytes, communion assistants, geek squad, pastor,
administrative assistant and support staff. Together they create and enhance the worship and music life
of this congregation of Grace Lutheran Church.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Holtan
Worship and Music co-chair
Committee Members: Kathleen Hollar, Barb Holtan, Barb Kinney-co-chair, Pastor Lon Larson, Olaf
Malmin, Connie Smeby, Jan Steingas, Norm Walby, Nancy and Pete Zitzewitz.
Youth and Family Committee
The focus of the Youth and Family Committee is the young people at Grace. Activities are
centered on the excitement of creating a fun and meaningful fellowship experience for our
Youth and Families.
Our Youth and Families have participated in several events this past year. They hosted the Palm
Sunday Breakfast in March and the Spaghetti dinner in November, both under the professional
guidance of Chef John and Chris Schiltz of the Lake Elmo Inn, and their staff. Other youth events
included Camp Onomia a February weekend camp event for youth in grades 6-9. All of these
youth activities provide a lot of fun, fellowship and learning too! And we hope to plan even more
fun times for next year!
We look forward to an exciting and prosperous year for the Youth at Grace. Our prayer is that our
new Pastor will bring us new ideas and wonderful opportunities for our Youth.
The Youth and Family committee would like to thank all of the Grace families for their volunteer
help and support this past year. The committee carries on our mission without the benefit of a
formal youth director, and our activities could not have been accomplished without the support of
these very kind and giving people. We welcome and encourage parents of the newer youth
members to join us in planning or chaperoning events. Most of these events only require a couple
of hours of your time and are a lot of fun too! The Youth need your input and support to foster a
strong Youth presence at Grace. Thank you!
Thanks to all, for your thoughts, prayers and your role with our children, youth and family here at
Grace Lutheran.
Respectfully submitted, The Youth and Family Committee,
Jim Dike (liaison).
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example
for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.1 Timothy 4:12
Annual Report for Sunday School 2013!
This year there are 18 children enrolled in Sunday School. Here are some highlights
for the year 2013 and upcoming events for 2014.
* In preparation for Ash Wednesday 2013, burned the 2012 palms with Pastor Chris to create the ashes.
* Sang for a Lenten service and Palm Sunday 2013
* In April, donated fleece tied blankets to Project Linus, made cards for shut-ins and decorated placemats for
meals for a nursing home.
* In August, had a fabulous Wizard of Oz themed week of Vacation Bible School. About 20 children attend
with about 15 volunteers throughout the week.
• Had a fall fun event with pizza at Church and a trip to an apple orchard/ pumpkin patch.
• Seven children attended Camp Onomia in 2013.
• Prepared and presented a Christmas program to the Congregation focusing on“The Twelve Days of
Christmas” and the symbolism of each day.
• Created and delivered Valentine’s Day projects to residents at a local nursing home.
• Planning a Pajama Day party for Daylight’s savings time where we will collect donations of PJs and work
together to tie fleece blankets to be delivered to the Linus Project.
• Preparing to sing at a Lenten Service and on Palm Sunday for Church.
• Saving our coins to be donated to the ELCA Hunger Fund during Lent (or other Grace project).
• Planning an upcoming Theater event for the Church Community.
• Planning a Spring Social event for the children, youth and families of Grace.
• Hosting a “Sunday School Guest Teacher for a day” on Sunday, April 6th.
• Inviting a speaker from Camp Onomia in the spring to talk about their camp to youth and families here at
• Looking forward to offering a week of Vacation Bible School during the summer and planning a summer
Decorating Committee
The Decorating Committee was formed in anticipation of Grace’s 100th Anniversary and the need of
updating and maintaining various areas of the Church. We thank the members of the congregation for their
enthusiastic support of the fundraiser and our projects. We thank the people who donated items for the Odds
& Ends Sale and items for the baskets for the Silent Auction, the quilters who created a lovely quilt, people
who served several coffee hours and donated the proceeds so we could buy the flat screen TV for the
The net proceeds from the dinner/silent auction was $3003. The bake sale raised $326 and the Odds and End
Sale raised $555 for a total of $3,884.
The four chairs purchased for the Good Shepherd Room cost $2339.96 and the furniture for the entrance cost
$1,533.33 for a total of $3,873.24.
For the entrance tile and installation the cost was $6,417.07. The money for this project was a memorial gift
held in Special Gifts. Volunteers removed the old carpet and cleaned the floor and by negotiating a sale price
on the ceramic tile we achieved our goal.
Respectfully Submitted by the Committee Members-Sue Atneosen, Cathy Erickson, Sandy Jackson, Barb
Kinney, Connie Smeby, Margaret Swenson, Florence Tjornholm and Shirley Walby.
The February, 2013 to December, 2013 Nominating Committee recommends the following Congregation
Members for the open 2014 Congregation and Council Officers’ and Congregation Council At Large and
Congregational Committees’ positions as listed in the Constitution and Bylaws. They have all agreed to
serve subject to approval by the Congregation at the Annual Meeting on November 17, 2013.
Officers are allowed to serve two consecutive two-year terms as an officer or in the same office and one
three-year term as an at large member. Congregation Council At Large Members and Congregational
Committees’ Members are allowed to serve two consecutive three-year terms. Officers are elected for twoyear terms and Congregational Council At Large and Congregational Committees’ Members are elected for
three-year terms unless noted below.
Congregation and Council Officers:
Vice President – Richard Gunderson Served for past 3 years as At Large Council Member
Treasurer –
John Klein
Council At Large Member:
Coley Gillis
Kari Fredrickson
Served for past 3 years
Greg Mohwinkel
Served for past 2 years
Norm Baer
Ken Jackson
Special Gifts and Memorials:
Ron House
Peter Hultgren
Nominating, elected by Congregation: (two additional members to be elected by Congregation Council
from its members)
Lydia Rose
Brian Jackson (1 year term)
Respectfully Submitted,
Jim Dike, Barbara Holtan, Richard Gunderson, & Sue Wickert
Special Gifts and Memorials Committee
The Special Gifts and Memorials Committee meets throughout the year to manage the disbursement of funds
that have been received from individuals or families as a memorial of a loved one or a gift to the church over
and above regular stewardship. These contributions may be designated for a specific use or undesignated.
Designated gifts are forwarded to the appropriate committee to use or set aside until enough money for that
purpose is received. Undesignated funds are used to grant special requests from committees or individuals
for a special project or need.
Total fund balance is up $6838.99 from 2012 largely due to the Weyer estate gift of $6173.
This year we granted requests to replenish the Community Care Fund, a file cabinet for the Pastor, Special
Gift thank you cards, and Sound System.
We would like to thank all the friends and members of Grace Lutheran Church who have supported the
committee with their generous gifts.
Committee members were Judy Adam, Paul Gorgos, Sonja Kemen, Bill Kinney, and Linda Sackreiter.
2013 Special Gifts and Memorials Expense and Receipts
Balance January 1, 2013
Designated Gifts and Memorials Received
Undesignated Gifts and Memorials Received
Total Funds December 31, 2013
Tower room sound system
To Community Care Fund
Fund transfer to Undesignated
File cabinet for Pastor
Special Gifts Thank you Cards
Grace Women of the ELCA Annual Report 2013
Purpose statement of Women of the ELCA; "As a community of women, created in the image of God, called
to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to GROW in faith,
AFFIRM our gifts, SUPPORT one another in our callings, ENGAGE in ministry and action, and PROMOTE
healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world."
May 2013 Grace Women's circles concluded a 9- month study titled, "Gathered By God", written by Audrey
West, which taught what it means to be gathered, empowered and sent by God as His witnesses. Summer
2013 study (appeared in June and July/August issues of Gather magazine), titled: "All Who Hunger, Gather
Gladly" based on the four gospel accounts of Jesus feeding the hungry crowds. Discussion leader, Bella
Hanson. Ice cream social and fellowship followed. September 2013 our 9-session study, "In Good
Company: Stories of Biblical Women", written by Rev. Dr. Kay Ward, first woman to be elected Bishop in
the Moravian Church, is inviting us to worship with the psalms, and giving opportunities for us to tell our
own stories. She is introducing in detail nine Old Testament women drawing us into their remarkable
stories, many of which may, unfortunately, be unfamiliar to us- until now! These biblical women will be our
companions each month through May 2014 in the Gather magazine study. All women are welcome to attend
circle meetings for the learning and fellowship. We gather in two Bible Study/Service groups once a month
except June, July, August, when we combine for one event in August. See In Touch and Sunday bulletins
for details.
We collect stamps, Campbell/Prego/Swanson (bar code on labels only), used eye glasses and any size soap in
original wrap; also pennies/coins for LSS "Safe Homes" are on-going projects with all collection containers
located in church library area. Grace SEW Group creates an average of five quilts per month except during
the summer. At this writing we have so far delivered the first of two 2013 deliveries to LWR (second
delivery to be early 2014): 25 quilts, one 10-pack bar soap, seven Baby Care Kits; plus $50.00 shipping
cost. Two quilts were given to our confirmation students in October. Each was personalized with
embroidery by Gerry Lindquist. 31 pairs of eye glasses to Lenscrafters, Woodbury; cancelled stamps
delivered to North St. Paul VFW by Sandy Abernathy; Campbell labels donated to Carol Matheys Center,
Oakdale. Grace Women are forever grateful for our dedicated SEW Group which meets faithfully every
third Wednesday, 10am during the school year. Also thanks to those who sew quilt tops at home and those
who donate to all of the projects and missions of Grace Women.
We continue keeping the church kitchen supplied with coffee, juice, sugar/creamer packets, dishwasher soap,
napkins; serving Sunday coffee, providing bars, cookies or breads and Birthday Sunday cakes. Financially
we support the national and local synod women's organizations with quarterly offerings, and annual Thank
offering, and Tubman Family Alliance. Another important mission of Women of Grace is the Cradle Roll
program. newly managed by Gina Gilgenbach. Augsburg/Fortress is now supplying the materials given to
families of newly baptized children of Grace members. So far in 2013, six new baptized children have been
welcomed into God's family at Grace. Mailings are sent to each family once a month for one year at the
"month-a-versary" of the baptism.
Other special projects are Sunshine Cards to shut-ins and others in the congregation. We sponsor the Prayer
Chain (thanks, Muriel Demko - new captain) and confirmation prayer partners. We serve on church council,
task forces, committees, Chancel Care, music department, Sunday School and office support staff. We serve
meals for funeral receptions. A special thanks to all who have donated cakes, time, shopping and planning in
January: Annual Women's Renewal Retreat, Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Stillwater, "The Praying Life",
Pastor Patricia Lull. April 12,13: Convention of SPASWO at Immanuel Lutheran Church, St. Paul. Material
offering: Fabric Kits for LWR. Barb Greaves, our delegate from Grace, delivered one Kit. Grace also
donated one quilt and $50.00 convention offering. May: Rachel's Day, May 5. June 10: first of two 2013
deliveries to LWR warehouse in South St. Paul. August: all circles and visitors met for summer Bible
Study and ice cream social with Bella Hanson presenting, "All Who Hunger: Gather Gladly". September:
Bible Study overview for 2013-2014 held at St. Mark's Lutheran Church, North St. Paul. October: Thank
offering ingathering. Fall Soup Supper at Luther Memorial Lutheran Church, South St. Paul. December:
delivery to Merrick Community Services holiday gifts for ages 12-16.
Again, as every year, many thanks to all of you for your faithful and generous support of the worthy
missions and ministries of Women of Grace. WELCA board: Barb Greaves, Lois Graff, Judy Heimkes,
Margaret Swenson.
Note: Grace Women of ELCA continues needing an official President. Let us know if you are the person
willing to serve this actively functioning group which also actively seeks new ideas and energy!! We would
love to hear what you have for inspiration. Maybe someone could research an online circle - Cafe Circle - an
idea that would resonate with our younger women. Remember, all women members of Grace are part of
Grace Women of the ELCA.
Women of Grace
Financial Report January-December 2013
Balance from 2012
Thank Offering
Miles of pennies for LSS
Circle/Bible Study Offerings
Sunday Coffee Hour Donations 28)
Summer Coffee Hour for quilt batting
Summer Coffee Hour for kitchen paper products
Funeral Serving Donations (5)
Donation for World Hunger WELCA-Chicago
Donation from 2012
Donation towards Bible covers for confirmation students
67.00 (+30.)
100.00 Sent direct
Outreach Missions:
Thank Offering to WELCA-Chicago
Miles of Pennies to LSS
Synod Spring Convention donation
Summer Bible Study leader donation
LWR-S/H Jan & June of quilts, layettes& soap donations
Donation to World Hunger-W.ELCA Chicago
67.00 (+30.)
Missions Within Grace:
Sunshine cards & postage
Altar flowers 7 gifts
Quilt Batting 90 yards
Gather magazine-2 copies for library
B/S guides 2 copies
Cradle roll reading material for parents of newly baptized (24)
3rd grade bibles
6 bags for confirmation student Bibles
73.00 (174 sent)
Operating Expenses:
Coffee & cups
Paper products
Copier Use
Dishwasher rinse cond.
Balance carried forward
Extra Years of Zest
Regular meetings of the XYZ's happen each month except June, July, and August. These
meetings are not limited to persons 50 and over as frequent meeting can be very interesting to all
parishioners. The older persons do prepare treats for after the meetings which everyone can enjoy.
One of the highlights of last year’s meetings was honoring the many musicians that
perform in our services. The names of Killeen, Cherwin, Denzer and others were honored as was
our current organist Kathy Hollar. I cannot begin to name all the talented persons that contribute
musical as well as other services for the wonderful things that occur at our Church. Audrey Killeen's sister
Katherine Melby had a favorite Hymn that says it all, GOD Will Take Care of YOU.
You may listen to it played and sung at www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijytLs96yig
Check book balance January 1, 2013 $406.93
Check book balance January 1, 2014 $567.33
Pastoral Acts
3/10/13 Stella Westerman
3/17/13 Henry Aaron Baustad
6/9/13 Sten Brecken
6/16/13 Matolle Stewart Meyer
9/20/13 Addison Page Roux
9/22/13 Gavin Joseph Iverson
12/25/13Brandon Stuart Casey
10/6/13 Drake Robert Jackson
10/6/13 Grady Steven Westling
3/21/13 Michael Peterson
4/24/13 Jack Virock
5/17/13 Wilfred Stageberg
8/29/13 Arthur Mills
9/12/13 Robert Hegland
12/21/13Wallace Pearson
7/28/13 Christiana Ray-Taylor Wedding
10/14/13 Juliane Welle and John Wojcik
10/21/13 Gina Link and Kyle Bloch
Worship Attendance
2011=8,779 2012=10,075 2013= 6,856
2013 Sunday Morning Average Attendance: 132
2013 Sunday Morning Average Attendance (September through May, excluding Sunday after Christmas,
New Years Day): 110
2013 Sunday Morning Average Attendance (Summer, "Low Sundays"): 90
2013 Non-Sunday Service Average Attendance: 96
2013 Average Attendance All Services: 107
Confirmed members who communed at least once in 2013 ............................................. 309
Unconfirmed members who communed at least once in 2013………………………… 40
Confirmed members who communed and contributed in 2013………………………… 26
Membership Statistics
Total Membership
The number of 599 was given by a member of the congregation who counted them. When calculating using
626 from last year and adding in new members, baptisms, confirmations and weddings and subtracting
transfers out and deceased member the total for 2013 come to 620.
Transfers in, New Members, Affirmation of Faith ............................................................... 1
Transfers Out/Removed ........................................................................................................ 7
Deceased Members……………………………………………………………………… 6
....................................................................................................................... 7
Youth Confirmations ............................................................................................................ 2
....................................................................................................................... 3
Funerals/Memorial Services……………………………………………………………… 6
2013 was a good year for Endowment fund investment performance. Investments with the E.L.C.A.
Foundation and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans earned net investment income of $30,151 during
the year for a return on average invested balance of 22.1 percent. Combined with additional
contributions from Grace members of $95, total income for the year was $30,246.
During 2013, $6,000 was disbursed from the fund. Disbursements included a $3,000 payment for
Grace mortgage debt reduction, a transfer of $1,500 to restricted funds for Good Samaritan
Lutheran Church Music Program, and payments of $500 each to the Harriet Tubman Center,
Mounds Park United Methodist Church for Urban Cross Mission, and Meals on Wheels. These
disbursements were approved by the committee at a duly-formed meeting in 2012, and were
intended as a partial distribution of 2012 investment income of the Fund. The committee did not
approve any distribution of 2013 investment income, choosing instead to defer to the 2014
committee to make a disbursement decision after the final 2013 financial performance is known.
As a result, as of January 1, 2014 the full amount of $30,151 in investment income is available to
the 2014 committee to disburse or retain as they may choose.
The Endowment Fund balance increased from $124,704 at the end of 2012 to $148,950 at the end
of 2013. Beginning and ending cash and investment balances and fund activity for the 2013 year
are as follows:
The Endowment Committee met quarterly in 2013 to review financial performance, and met with
an investment advisor from Thrivent Financial in the fourth quarter to discuss market performance
and influences, and to discuss potential rebalancing of investments.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the 2013 Endowment Committee by Greg Mohwinkel.
2013 Endowment Committee:
Jeff Gorton, Chair
Larry Carlson
Carolyn Hesterberg
Greg Mohwinkel
Kristen Wintheiser
The Church Council and Members of the Congregation of Grace Lutheran Church;
The audit committee has performed internal audit procedures on the financial books and records of
the congregation with the primary purpose of reporting on the accuracy and appropriateness of the
accompanying balance sheets of Grace Lutheran Church as of December 31, 2013 and 2012 and the
related statements of income and expense and statements of changes in fund balances for the years
then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the management of Grace Lutheran
The audit procedures performed, while extensive, represent an internal audit, and therefore should
not be considered to be an independent audit performed in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards applicable for such audits. In addition, the financial statements contained in this
annual report are prepared on a basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting
principles, and omit disclosures that would be required by such audits. The report of this committee
is therefore limited to the accuracy and appropriateness of the information presented and the
committee does not express any opinion as to the adequacy or completeness of disclosures that
would otherwise be required. The reports of staff, the Church Council, and the Committees of the
Church contained within this Annual Report of the Congregation are outside the scope of the audit
committee’s procedures, and the committee does not express any opinion regarding the content of
these reports, including any information of a financial nature.
Based on the audit work performed by the committee, the books and records of Grace Lutheran
Church appear to be accurate, the committee is not aware of any material modifications that should
be made to the books and records, and the accompanying financial statements are accurately and
appropriately prepared based on such books and records.
In addition to reporting on the financial statements, the committee also reviewed and tested controls
governing critical financial processes of the church, with the purpose of reporting to the Council the
adequacy of controls and any recommendations for improvement. A formal detailed report will be
delivered to the Council at a future date, and will include recommendations to improve processes in
the following areas:
Improved procedures over the opening and distribution of mail, and procedures to
record receipt and safeguarding of contributions received outside of normal processes (i.e. other
than from regular, scheduled church services and member envelope offerings) such as through the
mail or drop-off in the church office.
Improved, written procedures governing authorization for the disbursement or transfer
of funds, and procedures to insure that documentation of physical evidence of written approval is
retained within the records of the church.
Procedures for improved document retention related to disbursements, including
documents such as invoices, receipts, and check or fund transfer requests.
Improved procedures to insure adequate segregation of fiscal-agency transactions in
the accounting records related to Good Samaritan Lutheran Church.
Respectfully Submitted, Greg Mohwinkel, 2013 Audit Committee