Invasion and Rebellion in China out

XII. Invasion and Rebellion in China
A. Rise of the Canton Trade
B. Macartney Mission
C. Introduction of Opium
D. Commissioner Lin Zexu
E. The Opium War 1840
F. The Arrow War 1856
H. Zeng Guofan and the Hunan Army
I. Self-Strengthing Movement
J. Failure of Self-Strengthening
K. Taiping Rebellion
Canton trade
Adam Smith
Cohong merchants
Lady Hughs
George McCartney
King George III
Qianlong (Ch'ien lung )
Heshen (Ho shen)
Jardine, Matheson & Co
Lin Zexu (Lin Tse-hsu)
George Elliot
Qishan (Ch'i shen)
Chuanbi Convention
P.M. Palmerston
Treaty of Nanjing, 1842
Treaty of the Bogue, 1843
extra territoriality
The "Arrow"
Harry Parks
Napoleon III
Treaty of Tianjin, 1858
Lord Elgin
Convention of Beijing
Kowloon peninsula
Nien Rebellion
Tungan Rebellion
Henan province
Shandong peninsula
Hong Xiuquan
Dr. Robert Morrison
Society of God Worshipers
Yang Xiuqing
Tien Wang
Taiping Tianguo (The Heavenly
Kingdom of Great Peace)
Mao Zedong
Zeng Guofan
Hunan Army
Ever Victorious Army
Charles Gordon
Li Hongzhang
Prince Kung
Zongli Yamen
Yung Wing
Robert Hart
Ci Zi
Ci An
Tongzhi Restoration
Self-Strengthening Movement
Taiping Rebellion