AP World History Semester Exam Study Guide

UNIT FIVE STUDY GUIDE (Chapters 29-34)
Know the following people, places or terms
The Second Treatise of Civil Government
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
John Locke
Edmund Burke
The ancien regime
The First Estate
The Second Estate
The Third Estate
The National Assembly
The Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen
“Liberty, equality, fraternity”
The French invasion of Russia in 1812
Simon Bolivar
Otto von Bismarck.
John Stuart Mill
Edmund Burke
Napoleon Bonaparte
The Congress of Vienna
Klemens von Metternich
William Wilberfource
Edmund Cartwright
Henry Bessemer
The Luddites
Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
The bourgeoisie
The proletariat
“opiate of the masses”
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Manifest Destiny
The Louisiana Purchase
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The Northwest Rebellion
Louis Riel
The War of 1812
The Taiping Rebellion
Hong Xiuquan
the capitulations
Sultan Mahmud II
The Young Turks
The Emancipation of the Serfs
Alexander II
Sergei Witte
The Russo-Japanese War
The Opium War
The Boxer Rebellion
The Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists
The Meiji Restoration
Cecil Rhodes
The Suez Canal
The Sepoy Rebellion of 1857
Congo Free State
The Berlin Conference
The Monroe Doctrine
Queen Lili’uokalani
Social Darwinism
The Treaty of Versailles
The Paris Peace Conference
“Peace, Land, and Bread”
Vladimir Lenin
The Uncertainty Principle
John Maynard Keynes
Gavrilo Princip
Franz Ferdinand
The Triple Alliance
The Triple Entente
The Black Hand
The Twenty-One Demands
Be familiar with the following ideas, topics or concepts
The rise of what cash crop reinvigorated the institution of slavery in America?
What are the major reasons the north won the American Civil War?
What was the role of Creole elites in Latin American politics?
What happened to freed blacks after the conclusion of the American Civil War?
Why did Sultan Mahmud II slaughter the Janissaries?
What were some of the major principles of the Young Turks?
Whose defeat in the Crimean War stopped their expansion?
What were some principles of the Taiping Rebellion?
What were some French colonies in Southeast Asia in the 19th Century?
What war gave the U.S. control over Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines?
Approximately how many Europeans migrated overseas between 1800 and 1914?
Who espoused the idea of “the consent of the governed?”
What was the motto of the French Revolutionaries?
What was the turning point in Napoleon’s military endeavors?
Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?
What role did steam play in the Industrial Revolution?
Who invented interchangeable parts?
What was Marx’s view regarding private property?
Who were revolutionaries of the late 18th Century and early 19th century most influenced
How did these revolutions encourage the consolidation of nation states?
Why did the U.S. enter World War One?