A&P Chapter 6 The Muscular System 1. List the functions of muscles. ---essential function of muscle is contraction (or shortening) ---separates it from any other body tissue ---responsible for essentially all body movement ---can be viewed as “machines” of the body ---in all its forms, makes up nearly half the body’s mass 2. Name the types of muscle in the human body. ---skeletal, cardiac, and smooth ---share certain similarities; all muscle cells are elongated and are called muscle fibers ---ability to shorten depends on two types of myofilaments --muscle cell equivalents of microfilaments of cytoskeleton ---“myo,” “mys,” and “sarco” refer to muscle --“sarcoplasm” = cytoplasm in muscle cells 3. Describe skeletal muscle cells. ---skeletal muscle fibers packaged into organs called skeletal muscles that attach to body’s skeleton ---known as striated muscle because fibers appear striped ---is only muscle subject to conscious control ---keys words are skeletal, striated, and voluntary ---each muscle fiber enclosed in connective tissue sheath called endomysium ---several sheathed muscle fibers wrapped by coarser fibrous membrane called perimysium to form bundle of fibers called a fascicle ---many fascicles bound together by overcoat of connective tissue called epimysium which covers the entire muscle ---epimysia blend into strong, cordlike tendons (sheetlike aponeuroses) which attach muscles indirectly to bones, cartilages, or connective tissue coverings of each other ---observe and study overhead 6.1 4. Relate sarcomere to the myofibril. ---muscle cell plasma membrane called sarcolemma ---long ribbonlike organelles called myofibrils nearly fill cytoplasm ---alternating light (I) and dark (A) bands along length of myofibrils give striped appearance ---light I band has midline interruption, a darker area called the Z line ---dark A band has lighter central area called the H zone ---myofibrils are chains of tiny contractile units called sarcomeres which are aligned end to end like boxcars in train ---is arrangement of smaller myofilaments within sarcomeres that actually produces banding pattern 5. Describe myofilament arrangement. ---two types of threadlike protein myofilaments within each sarcomere ---larger, thick filaments (myosin filaments) extend entire length of dark A band --midparts of thick filaments are smooth but ends are studded with small projections (myosin heads or cross bridges) ---thin filaments (actin filaments) are anchored to Z line which is actually disclike membrane ---light I band is area that includes parts of two adjacent sarcomeres and contains ONLY thin filaments ---thin filaments overlap ends of thick filaments, they do NOT extend into middle of relaxed sarcomere, thus central region (H zone) looks bit lighter ---when contraction occurs, actin containing filaments slide toward each other into center of sarcomere and light zones disappear because actin and myosin filaments completely overlap 6. List the events of sarcomere contraction. ---when muscle fibers activated by nervous system, cross bridges on myosin attach to myosin binding sites on the thin filaments (actin) ---each cross bridge attaches and detaches several times during contraction and pulls thin filaments toward the center of sarcomere ---as this event occurs simultaneously in sarcomeres throughout cell, muscle cell shortens ---Z lines move closer together ---H zone disappears ---A bands move closer together but do NOT change in length ---contraction of millions of sarcomeres in millions of fibers results in contraction of entire skeletal muscle 7. Describe the connective tissue wrappings of skeletal muscle. ---endomysium wraps each individual muscle fiber (cell) ---perimysium wraps bundles of fibers into a fascicle ---epimysium covers the entire muscle ---the epimysium is continuous with tendons or aponeuroses 8. Briefly describe the smooth muscles. ---smooth muscle has NO striations and is involuntary ---found in walls of hollow visceral organs like stomach, urinary bladder, digestive tract, bronchi, uterus, blood vessels ---key terms are visceral, nonstriated, and involuntary ---are spindle-shaped, have single nucleus, and arranged in sheets or layers ---contractions are slow and sustained --does not tire easily ---movement of food through digestive tract, emptying bowels and bladder, maintenance of blood pressure 9. Briefly describe cardiac muscle. ---keys terms are cardiac, striated, and involuntary ---branching cells joined by special junctions called intercalated disks ---arranged in spiral shape ---allows contractions to closely coordinated 10. Summarize the nerve aspects of skeletal muscle contraction. ---each muscle fiber must be stimulated separately by nerve impulses to contract ---one motor neuron (nerve cell) and all skeletal muscle cells it stimulates are a motor unit ---threadlike extensions of neuron (nerve fiber/axon) branch into number of axonal terminals at muscle --each axonal terminal forms junctions with sarcolemma of different muscle cell ---these junctions are called neuromuscular junctions --nerve endings and muscle cells’ membranes NEVER touch --gap between them called synaptic cleft and is filled with interstital fluid ---when nerve impulse reaches axonal terminals, neurotransmitter is released --specific neurotransmitter that stimulates muscle cells is acetylcholine (Ach) ---acetylcholine diffuses across synaptic cleft ---attaches to receptors on sarcolemma --if enough acetylcholine released, sarcolemma becomes temporarily permeable to sodium ions (Na+) which rush into muscle cell ---generates electrical current called action potential ---action potential travels over entire surface of sarcolemma conducting impulse from one end of cell to the other ---result is contraction of the cell 11. List the steps in the sliding-filament theory of muscle contraction. ---nerve impulse reaches neuromuscular junction ---acetylcholine released ---acetylcholine causes action potential in sarcolemma ---action potential in sarcolemma causes sarcoplasmic reticulum to release stored calcium ions into sarcoplasm ---calcium ions cause cross-bridges to form ---thin myofilaments (actin) pulled over thick (myosin) myofilaments --energy provided by ATP ---sarcomere contracts ---action potential ends, calcium ions reabsorbed ---cross-bridges turn loose ---sarcomere relaxes ---neurotransmitter acetylcholine broken down by enzymes in synaptic cleft ---prevents continuous stimulation of muscle fiber ---acetylcholinesterase (care for some Raid, anyone?) 12. Distinguish between twitch, incomplete tetanus, and complete tetanus. ---a muscle fiber contracts in all-or-none fashion ---whole muscles DO NOT CONTRACT THAT WAY ---skeletal muscles are organs composed of 1000s of muscle cells and they react to stimuli with graded responses (or different degrees of shortening ---graded muscle contractions are produced in two ways --changing the speed of muscle stimulation --changing the number of muscle cells being stimulated ---muscle twitch is a single, brief, jerky contraction that occurs as result of certain nervous system problems --NOT the way muscle normally operates --single stimulus-contraction-relaxation sequence in muscle fiber --twitches in skeletal muscle do not accomplish anything useful ---incomplete tetanus results when nerve impulses are delivered to muscle at very high rate --so rapidly that cells do not get chance to relax completely between stimuli --stimulation continues and muscle never allowed to relax completely will cause tension to peak --muscle producing peak tension during rapid cycles of contraction and relaxation is said to be in incomplete tetanus ---complete tetanus results when muscle is stimulated so rapidly that no evidence of relaxation is seen and contractions are completely smooth and sustained 13. Relate the number of fibers stimulated to load moved. ---complete tetanus major role is to produce smooth and prolonged muscle contractions ---how forceful a muscle contracts depends in large part on how many of its cells are stimulated ---few cells stimulated = contraction of muscle as whole slight ---all muscle cells stimulated = muscle contraction as strong as it can be ---muscle contractions can be slight or vigorous, depending on what work has to be done 14. Discuss muscle fatigue and oxygen debt. ---if a muscle is subject to continual contraction for a long time, muscle fatigue occurs ---muscle is fatigued when it is unable to contract even though it is still be stimulated ---without rest, active/working muscle begins to tire and contracts more weakly until it finally ceases reacting and stops contracting ---muscle fatigue is believed to result from oxygen debt that occurs during prolonged muscle activity ---person not able to take in oxygen fast enough to supply muscles with oxygen they need --work muscle can do and how long it can work without becoming fatigued depend on how good its blood supply is ---if muscle runs out of oxygen, it must depend on glycolysis for ATP and converts pyruvic acid to lactic acid ---lack of adequate ATP and increasing acidity cause muscle to contract less and less effectively and finally to stop contracting all together 15. Distinguish between isotonic and isometric contractions. ---isotonic (same tone/tension) contractions more familiar ---myofilaments are successful in their sliding movements, muscle shortens, and movement occurs ---bending knee, rotating arms, and smiling are examples of isotonic contractions ---isometric (same measurement/length) contractions are contractions in which muscles do NOT shorten ---myosin myofilaments are skidding their wheels and tension in muscle keeps increasing --trying to slide but muscle pitted against some more or less immovable objects --trying to lift 400 lb. dresser alone or pushing on immovable wall 16. Explain muscle tone. ---when muscle is voluntarily relaxed, some of its fibers are contracting; first one group then another ---as result, muscle remains firm, healthy, and ready for action ---this state of continuous partial contractions is called muscle tone --is result of different motor units which are scattered through muscle being stimulated by nervous system in systematic way ---nerve supply to muscle is destroyed, muscle no longer stimulated in this manner, it loses tones and becomes paralyzed ---soon after, becomes flaccid (soft/flabby) and begins to atrophy (waste away)