Animal characteristics book work

Animal Characteristics
Use the animal type that you have been given for this assignment to answer
the following questions. Keep in mind how your organism TYPE pertains
to each question. For example: If your picture is of a giant earthworm and
the question asks “How does your organism reproduce?” you will research
in your book how earthworms in general reproduce to answer the question.
You do not need to know the specific mating behaviors of the giant
To prepare yourself for this assignment, I recommend opening your book to
chapter 24 and placing a bookmark and then finding the chapter in your
book your animal type falls into and placing a book mark here. You will be
paging between these two chapters to answer your questions.
1. Domain?
2. Kingdom?
3. Phylum?
4. Class?
Feeding and Digestion:
5. All animals are heterotrophic. How does your specific organism obtain energy?
6. Is your organism a vertebrate or an invertebrate?
7. What structure does your organism use to support its body?
Cell Structure:
8. What type of cells are animals made of? What characterizes this type of cells?
9. What body tissues are specific to animals?
10. How have these structures enabled animals to become so dominant on our planet?
11. There are many forms of reproduction that animals use. In what way does your
organism reproduce?
12. Define hermaphrodites:
13. Compare and contrast internal and external fertilization.
14. Think of an animal that represents each of the 4 types of asexual reproduction.
15. All animals undergo the same stages of early development. Explain the gastrula
and blastula stages of early development.
16. Diagram the gastrula in figure 24.6. Point out the endoderm, mesoderm,
ectoderm and point out which type of tissue each will originate into.
17. What type of symmetry does your organism display?
18. Draw a quick sketch of your organism and point out the dorsal, ventral, posterior
and anterior sides of the animal are.
19. Describe cephalization.
Body Cavities:
20. What are the two different ways to describe the gut of bilateral animals?
21. What type of gut cavity does your organism have?
22. What is a coelom?
23. Make a Venn diagram displaying the similarities and differences between
coelomates, pseudocoelomates.
24. How do nutrients and wastes pass through acoelomates?
25. Is your organism a coelomate, pseudocoelomate or acoelomate?
Coelomate Development:
26. Explain the difference between protostomes and deuterostomes.
27. What type is your organism?