UNIT III VOCABULARY FOR CHAPTER 9 A BAND ABSOLUTE REFRACTORY PERIOD ACETYLCHOLINE ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE ACTIN ACTION POTENTIALS ACTIVE TENSION AEROBIC RESPIRATION ALL OR NONE PRINCIPLE ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION ANISOTROPIC (A) BAND ATROPHY CAGEOLAE CALMODULIN COMPLETE TETANUS CONTRACTILITY CONTRACTION PHASE CRAMS CREATINE PHOSPHATE DENERVATION ATROPY DENSE BODIES DEPOLARIZATION DISUSE ATROPHY ELASTICITY ENDOMYSIUM EPIMYSIUM EXCITABLILITY EXCITATIONCONTRACTION COUPLING EXTENSIBILITY FASCIA FATIGUE FIBROMYALGIA FIBROSIS FIBROUS ACTIN (F ACTIN) FLACCID PARALYSIS GLOBULAR ACTIN (G ACTIN) GRADED POTENTIAL H ZONE HYPERTROPHY INCOMPLETE TETANUS INTERCALATED DISCS INTERMEDIATE FILAMENTS ISOMETRIC CONTRACTION ISOTONIC CONTRACTION ISOTROPIC (I ) BAND LAG OR LATENT PHASE LIGAND GATED ION CHANNELS M LINE MAXIMAL STIMULUS MEMBRANE POTENTIALS MILLIVOLTS MOTOR END PLATE MOTOR NEURON MOTOR UNITS MULTI UNIT SMOOTH MUSLE MULTIPLE MOTOR UNIT SUMMATION MULTIPLE WAVE SUMMATION MUSCLE TONE MUSCLE TWITCH MYOBLAST MYOFIBRIL MYOFILAMENTS MYOPATHIES MYOSIN MYOSIN KINASE MYOSIN MOLECULES MYOSIN PHOSPHATASE NEUROTRANSMITTERS OXYGEN DEBT PACE MAKER CELLS PASSIVE TENSION PERIMYSIUM PHYSIOLOGICAL FATIGUE POLARIZED POST SYNAPTIC MEMBRANE POWER STROKE PRESYNAPTIC MEMBRANE PROPROGATE PROPROGATED ACTION POTENTIAL RECOVERY STROKE RECPETOR RECRUITMENT RELATIVE REFRACTORY PERIOD RELAXATION PHASE REPOLARIZATION RESTING MEMBRANE POTENTIAL SARCOLEMMA SARCOMERES SARCOPLASM SARCOPLASMIC RETICULUM SATELLITE CELLS SINGLE UNIT SMOOTH MUSCLE SLIDING FILAMENT MODEL SMOOTH MUSCLE TONE SPASTIC PARALYSIS STRIATED SUBMAXIMAL STIMULI SUBTHRESHOLD STIMULUS SYNAPTIC CLEFT SYNAPTIC FATIGUE TERMINAL CISTERNAE THRESHOLD THRESHOLD STIMULUS TRANSVERSE TUBLES (T TUBULES) TREPPE TRIAD TROPOMYOSIN TROPONIN Z DISK (Z LINE) MUSCLES TO KNOW FOR EXAM BICEPS BRACHII BRACHIALIS BUCCINATOR CORACOBRACHILIS DELTOID DEPRESSOR LABII INFERIORIS EXTERNAL INTERCOSTALS EXTERNAL OBLIQUE FLEXORS AND EXTENSORS OF HAND FRONTALIS GASTROCNEMIUS GLUTEUS MAXIMUS GLUTEUS MEDIUS GLUTEUS MINIMUS GRACILIS HAMSTRINGS BICEPS FEMORIS SEMIMEMBRANOSUS SEMITENDINOSUS ILIOPSOAS PSOAS MAJOR PSOAS MINOR ILIACUS INFRASPINATUS INTERNAL INTERCOSTALS INTERNAL OBLIQUE LATISSIMUS DORSI LATERAL PTERYGOID LEVATOR LABII SUPERIORIS LEVATOR PALPEBRAE LEVATOR SCAPULAE MASSETER MEDIAL PTERYGOID MENATLIS OCCIPITALIS ORBICULARIS OCULI ORBICULARIS ORIS PECTINEUS PECTORALIS MAJOR PECTORALIS MINOR PLATYSMA POPLITEUS PROCERUS PRONATOR QUADRATUS PRONATOR TERES QUADRATUS LUMBORUM QUADRICEPS FEMORIS VASTUS INTERMEDIUS VASTUS LATERALIS VASTUS MEDIALIS RECTUS FEMORIS RECTUS ABDOMINUS RHOMBOIDEUS MAJOR RHOMBOIDEUS MINOR RISORIUS SARTORIUS SERRATUS ANTERIOR SOLEUS STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID SUBSCAPULARIS SUPINATOR SUPRASPINATUS TEMPORALIS TENSOR FASCIAE LATAE TERES MAJOR TERES MINOR TIBIALIS ANTERIOR TRANSVERSE ABDOMINIS TRAPEZIUS TRICEPS BRACHII ZYGOMATICUS OTHER STRUCTURES GALEA APONEUROTICA LINEA ALBA YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING LOCATION, FUNCTION, AND GENERALIZED ORIGIN AND INSERTION AFTER THIS UNIT YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: Discuss the major functions of muscle. Discuss the major characteristics of muscles. Describe the three types of muscles and briefly describe how each accomplishes its function. Name the muscle fiber/fibers that are voluntary fibers. Name the muscle fiber/fibers that are involuntary fibers. Compare and contrast skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle. Explain the importance of somites, myotomes, myoblasts, and satellite cells. Name the embryonic tissue that gives rise to muscle tissue. Describe the structure of a muscle, including its connective tissue elements, blood vessels, and nerves. Discuss the role and importance of the following connective tissue coverings: epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium. Discuss the importance of fasciculi. Discuss the role of the endomysium, perimysium and endomysium in attaching muscle to bone. Distinguish between tendons and aponeuroses. Distinguish between origins, insertions and bellies of muscles. Describe the following skeletal muscle shapes: parallel, circular, multipennate, convergent, and bipennate, unipennate. Make a series of drawing of muscle structure, labeling the following structures: myofilaments, myofibrils, sarcomeres, t-tubles, sarcoplasmic reticulum, epimysium, endomysium, perimysium, muscle fiber, artery, nerve, vein, fasciculus, capillary, nuclei, sarcolemma, terminal cisternae, thin filaments, thick filaments, z line Explain why the sarcomere is the functional unit of the muscle. Describe the structure and function a thin filament. Describe the structure and function of a thick filament. Compare and contrast thin and thick filaments. Explain how the arrangement of the sarcomere produces the I band, A band and H zone. Explain why the I bands and H zones shorten during muscle contraction, but the length of the A band is unchanged. Explain how the shorting of sarcomeres causes muscle contraction. Distinguish between isometric and isotonic contractions. Discuss the events involved in excitation-contraction coupling. Explain the mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction. Discuss the importance of motor neurons in muscle contraction. Describe the structure and function of a neuromuscular junction. Distinguish between the terms presynaptic and postsynaptic. Describe the motor endplate. Define the term resting membrane potential and discuss its importance in muscle contraction. Explain how action potentials are produced . Explain the event responsible for propagating an action potential. Describes the events that occur in muscle contraction and relaxation during and after an action potential pass along the sarcolemma. Distinguish between a action potential and a graded potential. Name the region of the sarcolemma where graded potentials occur. Define the term ligand. Define the term receptor. Explain the importance of ligand gated ion channels in generating an action potential. Name the neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction. Explain the importance of threshold in generating action potentials. Define the term resting membrane potential. Describe the changes that occur during the depolarization and repolarization phases of an action potential. Discuss the all or none principle and its importance in generating action potentials. Discuss how the frequency of action potentials influences muscle contractions. Discuss the importance of acetylcholinesterase. Discuss what happens in muscle relaxation. Name the muscle filament that acts as an ATPase Explain the importance of ATP in muscle contraction. Discuss how the contractile process is regulated. Describe three ways that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is supplied a muscle during activity. Discuss the importance of creatine phosphate Compare and contrast aerobic and anaerobic respiration Define the term muscle fatigue. Discuss the causes of muscle fatigue. Distinguish between psychological fatigue and muscle fatigue. Discuss what happens with oxygen debt and describe how it is paid. Define the term motor unit. Define the following terms: muscle twitch, latent period, a period of contraction, period of relaxation, multiple motor unit summation, wave summation, tetanus, asynchronous motor unit summation, contractile elements, series elastic element, active tension, and passive tension Discuss the muscle twitch and name its three distinct phases. Explain a graded contraction and its importance. Distinguish between complete and incomplete tetanus. Explain what is meant when muscles are called prime movers, antagonists, synergists, or fixators. Describe the three different types of skeletal muscle fibers and discuss their importance and functions. Discuss the importance of skeletal muscle tone Describe the events that lead to the contraction of a smooth muscle cell when the cell is stimulated. Discuss the role of calmodulin in smooth muscle contraction Explain how the energy is supplied for smooth muscle contraction Discuss the rate of ATP splitting in smooth muscle and its relationship to speed of contraction Discuss the importance of the stress-relaxation response Discuss the importance of smooth muscles ability to contract when stretched. Discuss the degree of shortening that occurs in smooth muscle as compared to skeletal muscle. Discuss the importance of smooth muscle tone. Discuss the various criteria used to name muscles and give examples of each. Distinguish between single unit smooth muscle and multiunit smooth muscle Describe a slow wave potential and explain why it is important for smooth muscle. Discuss the influence of external factors on smooth muscle contraction Describe three functional differences between smooth muscle and skeletal muscle. Compare and contrast the three types of levers. Give examples muscles and joints that are class I type levers Give examples of muscles and joints that are class II type levers Give examples of muscles and joints that are class III type levers Discuss the effects of exercise on the skeletal muscle Compare and contrast the structural and functional differences between slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fibers. Compare and contrast the structure and contraction processes of smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle. Name the types of smooth muscle. Describe the structure of a typical smooth muscle fiber. Describe the structural and functional characteristics of each type of smooth muscle. Discuss the relationship between the resting membrane potential, action potentials and contraction in smooth muscle. Discuss the importance of the dense bodies found in smooth muscle. Discuss the importance of intermediate filaments found in smooth muscle. Explain where the calcium needed for contraction comes from in smooth muscle. Discuss how the role of calcium differs in smooth muscle (from skeletal). Discuss the role of calmodulin, myosin kinase, and myosin phosphatase. Name the areas of the body where visceral or single unit smooth muscle may be found. Name the areas of the body where multiunit smooth muscle is found. Explain why visceral smooth muscle contracts as a single unit. Compare and contrast single unit smooth muscle and multiunit smooth muscle. Discuss the importance of pacemaker cells. List the four functional properties seen in smooth muscle but not in skeletal muscle. Discuss how smooth muscle contraction is regulated. Compare the structural and functional characteristics of cardiac muscle to skeletal muscle. Name the area of the body where cardiac muscle is found. Discuss the importance of the intercalated discs. Discuss the importance of autorhythmicity in cardiac cells. Briefly discuss how depolarization occurs in cardiac muscle. Discuss the sources of calcium used in cardiac muscle contraction. Discuss the effects of aging on skeletal muscle. Explain how muscles act on bones to produce movement. Name the major muscle shapes and discuss how their shapes relate to function and range of motion.. Muscle is made up of contractile cells that develop tension and _____________ Muscle is important in what ways The body has three types of muscle______________________, _____________________ and __________________.. ________________ muscle attaches to the bones exerting forces on them, causing them to move. It is under voluntary control of the somatic nervous system. __________________ muscle has alternating transverse light and dark bands that give them a striped or striated appearance. They also have many nuclei located on the periphery of the cell. Individual muscle cells are called _______________. Skeletal muscle arises from the ________________r (germ layer). Immature muscle cells are called _____________. Mature muscle cells are generally incapable of mitosis but scattered among the muscle fibers are __________________ cells that are inactive myoblasts. This means they are potentially able to divide. Skeletal tissue is composed of individual muscle fibers held together by thin sheets of fibrous connective tissue called _____________ The fascia can be broken up into different layers. The fascia surrounding the whole muscle is called the ________________. The ____________ separates the muscle fibers into bundles called fasciculi (fasciculus). The ________________envelopes the cell membrane of each muscle fiber. ________________ are extensions of the endomysium, perimysium and epimysium that attach skeletal muscles to the skeleton. What is a aponeurosis? A muscle generally has two points of attachment to two different bones and the muscle itself crosses the ____________ formed by the two bones. The origin is the less movable end of the muscle and is generally more _______________l (proximal or distal). The insertion is more movable and is generally more _______________l (proximal or distal) The widest portion of the muscle that lies between the two is called the ____________________ When the muscle contracts it pulls on the __________________ and moves that bone at the joint. Muscles that have fasciculi that insert on one side of the tendon are called ________________ Muscles that have fasciculi that insert on both sides of the tendon are called _____________. Muscles that complex arrangements of fasciculi that involves several tendons are called _____________________. A few muscles have fasciculi converging from a broad origin into a single narrow tendon; this is called a ___________ muscle. Antagonistic muscles have ______________ functions. Synergistic muscles have the _________ functions. Antagonistic muscle arrangements are necessary because a contracting muscle can only ____________ (push or pull) a bone in one direction. For the following muscle actions define the term and state the opposite action. Flexion ______________________________ Opposite ______________ Abduction _________________________ Opposite _____________ Pronation __________________ Opposite ________________ Plantar flexion ____________________ Opposite _____________ The parts of the brain that generate the nerve impulses that initiate voluntary movement are the _______ lobes of the _____________ The parts of the brain that generate the nerve impulses that coordinates voluntary movement is the __________. What is kinesthetic (muscle) sense? The stretching of muscles is detected by the sensory receptors called _____________ and _______________. When the sensory impulses from the proprioreceptors are interpreted by the _______ a mental picture of where the muscle is. Conscious muscle sense is integrated by the __________ lobes of the cerebrum. Unconscious muscle sense is integrated by the ______________ of the brain and is used to promote good ___________. Why would good kinesthetic (muscle) sense be important? Each muscle fiber contains several hundred to several thousand threadlike ______________ that extend lengthwise throughout the cell. These exhibit alternating light and dark bands that give the muscle its striated appearance. The light bands are called __________ or I bands. The dark bands are called _________ or A bands. Crossing the center of each I band is a dense fibrous ______ line. It divides the myofibrils into segments called sarcomeres_. In the center of the A band is an area that is less dense. It is called the _____ zone. Across the center of this zone is a thin dark line called the _________ line. In the sarcomere are two types of myofilaments. The A band and H zone contain only ________________. The M line is formed by linkages between these myofilaments. The ________________ are found in the I band and part of the A band. These filaments attach to the Z lines. The thick filaments are made up mainly of the contractile protein ___________. It is made up of _________ identical subunits that look like golf clubs. These are wrapped around one another. A thick filament contains approximately _________ myosin molecules. The heads of the myosin molecules are called _____________________. The thin filaments are made up primarily of the proteins ___________, _____________and _____________. The actin portion is made up of spherical subunits called __________actin and a double chain that resembles two strings of pearls called f-actin. The tropomyosin molecules are associated with the _______actin subunits. The ____________ molecules lie end to end along the surfaces of the actin chains. Each tropomyosin covers approximately seven ______actin subunits. ____________ is attached to each tropomyosin molecule and also to the actin. The transverse tubules or t tubules are a part of the _______________ or _______________ Inside the muscle cell is a membranous network called the _______________. It surrounds each myofibril. Both the _______________ _ and ___________ lie close to one another near the junction of the A and I bands. It is here that structure consisting of three tubules is formed which is called ___________. There are two basic types of muscle contraction are _______________. An _________ contraction is a contraction in which the length of the muscle remains constant. The muscle actively develops tension and exerts force but does not shorten. An ____________ contraction is a contraction where a muscle shortens while under a constant load. The neuromuscular junction is the junction of a _______ and a ________ (types of cells). A neuromuscular junction can also be called a _______________. The space between the motor neuron and the muscle fiber is called the ____________ Most muscles have __________ neuromuscular junction. Motor neurons transmit, brief, intermittent electric signals called ______________. The nerve impulse _____________ stimulate the muscle cell because it cannot cross the synaptic gap. Acetylcholine diffuses across the gap to the muscle sarcolemma where it changes the cells permeability to ______________ and _____________ and produces an ______________that travels along the sarcolemma. The cell membrane of the muscle fiber is called the__________________. The end of the motor neuron is called the ________________________. The neurotransmitter found at neuromuscular junctions is called _______________. It is often referred to by its initials ____________. It is inactivated by Acetylcholinesterase The ----------------------is a reservoir for calcium ions. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS IN MUSCLE CONTRACTION: FROM NERVE STIMULATION TO RELAXATION 1. An action potential travels along the _____________________ of a motor neuron and initiates the release of __________________ from _____________________ in its axon terminals. 2. ______________________ diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to receptor sites of the ______________________________ bringing about depolarization, after which it is destroyed by ______________________. 3. An action potential passes from the motor end plate over the muscle _____________________ and into the ___________________, where it stimulates release of _______________________ ions from the ______________________ into the sarcoplasm. 4. Calcium ions bind to _______________________ and remove them from actin, preventing these proteins from inhibiting contraction. 5. Energy is released from the splitting of ____________________ due to the enzyme action of ______________________, causing energized myosin cross-bridges to bind to actin. 6. Energized cross-bridges move, causing _______________________ filaments to slide along the myosin filaments, thus the sarcomere becomes ________________________. 7. ATP then binds to ________________________, releasing the cross-bridges from actin. 8. Steps 5, 6 and 7 are repeated many times as long as _________________ remains to inhibit troponin-tropomyosin. 9. Unless nervous stimuli continue to affect the sarcoplasmic reticulum, _____________________ is pumped back into it by _____________________ which uses __________for energy. 10. When sufficient calcium has been removed from the sarcoplasm, ____________________ inhibit the binding of __________________ to actin; when outside force is exerted on the muscle, it returns to its original length.