Annual Report of the Geographical Perspectives on Women Specialty Group Association of American Geographers October 2009 Submitted by Melissa R. Gilbert Department of Geography and Urban Studies Temple University I. MISSION STATEMENT GPOW is dedicated to advancing feminist geography, including: the ways in which gender and other forms of social power are actualized in and through space; feminist research methods in Geography; and issues related to gender and other kinds of power imbalances within the discipline of Geography. II. DUES Regular Dues $10.00 Student Dues $0.00 III. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2009-2010 Chair: Jennifer Mandel (09-10) Microfinance Opportunities Email: Phone: 571 232-2203 Vice Chair: Deborah Thien (09-10) Email: Department of Geography, California State University, Long Beach Phone: 562 985-7072 Past Chair: Melissa Gilbert (09-10) Department of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University Email: Phone: 215 204-5482 Secretary: Tiffany Muller Myrdahl (08-10) University of Lethbridge, Canada Email: Phone: 403-317-5028 Treasurer: Risa Whitson (00-11) Department of Geography, Ohio University Email: Phone: (740) 593-1140 Awards Co-Coordinator: Pratyusha Basu (09-10) Department of Geography, University of South Florida Email: Phone: (813) 974-5511 Awards Co-Coordinator: Tiffany Muller Myrdahl (09-11) University of Lethbridge, Canada Email: Phone: 403-317-5028 AAG Liaison/International Liaison: Maria Fannin (08-10) School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, UK Email: Phone: +44 117 928 8928 Student Representative: Destiny Aman (09-11) Department of Geography, Pennsylvania State University Email: Student Representative: Kate Coddington Senner (09-11) Department of Geography, Syracuse University Email: Newsletter Editor: Jennifer McCormack Department of Geography and Regional Development, University of Arizona E-mail: Phone: (512) 970.7805 Webmaster: Amy Trauger Department of Geography, University of Georgia Email: Phone: (706)542-2330 IV. ACCOMPLISHMENTS GPOW Activities for the year July 2008 – June 2009 1. One newsletter was published in Fall 2008 (available on our website). 2. Our website was updated and maintained by Amy Trauger. Please visit at: 3. We held a reception at the Fallout Art Gallery in Las Vegas in conjunction with the annual AAG meeting. The reception celebrated thirteen new books published during the year by feminist geographers, and was co-sponsored by Antipode. The reception was a great success, with over 200 GPOW members and their friends attending. 4. We sponsored 22 sessions at the annual meeting in Las Vegas. 5. Two paper awards, one dissertation proposal award and one service award were presented to people for their work in feminist geography (see below). 6. We held a GPOW specialty group business meeting, as well as board meeting, at the annual conference in Las Vegas. 7. We held elections at our specialty group business meeting (see below). We voted to reorganize our board structure in order to facilitate continuity. 8. GPOW will have a board member ex-officio on the Committee on the Status of Women in Geography. (This change has been approved by the committee on committees.) Awards 2009: Janice Monk Service Award: The Pennsylvania State University chapter of Supporting Women in Geography (SWIG) . Glenda Laws Student Paper Awards: Caroline Faria (Ph.D. student, University of Washington) "’Women Wa-yee!:’ Sudanese Feminisms and the Politics of Unity" Kate Coddington Senner (Ph.D. student, Syracuse University) "Alaskan Colonial Legacies, Both Strange and Familiar: A Ghost Story" Susan Hanson Dissertation Proposal Award Holly Worthen (Ph.D. student, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill) "Mexico's ‘New’ Rural Women: Gendered Labor and Formulations of Rural Citizenship" V. MEMBERSHIP AND PARTICIPATION GPOW currently has 558 members as tabulated by our list-serv membership, our mode of communicating amongst members. Approximately 30 members attended the business meeting in Las Vegas. See above accomplishments for participation in sessions and at reception in Las Vegas. VI. FINANCIAL REPORT Submitted by Risa Whitson March 26, 2009 Balance January 1, 2008 2008 Expenses Awards: Kate Driscoll Derickson (Glenda Laws graduate student) Emma Crossley (Glenda Laws undergraduate student) Maria Dolores Garcia-Ramon (Jan Monk Service Award) Awards Luncheon (2 @ $45) Reception: Amir Caterers (caterer for reception) Ecuentro5 (room rental for reception) 2008 Receipts Contributions: Emotion, Space and Society contribution to reception SWG contribution to reception Dues: January 1 to December 31, 2008 Balance January 1, 2009 2009 Expenses Awards: Caroline Faria (Glenda Laws Award - grad student) Kate Coddington Senner (Glenda Laws Award - grad student) PSU-SWIG (Jan Monk Service Award) Holly Worthen (Susan Hanson Proposal Award) Awards Luncheon (3 @ $55) Reception: Catering (Fallout gallery) Fallout (room rental for reception) 2009 Estimated receipts Contributions: Antipode contribution to reception (150 £) Karen Morin contribution to reception Projected Dues: Received January 1 to February 28, 2009 Projected Dues March to December 2009 Projected Balance January 1, 2010 VII. Special Requests or Questions for Council N/A $2708.63 2190.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 90.00 1700.00 200.00 1969.00 200.00 100.00 1669.00 $2487.63 1865.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 165.00 900.00 350.00 1984.00 218.00 50.00 213.00 1503.00 $2606.63