Ch. 1 section 1 notes and timeline

Social Studies
Chapter 1: Ancient World
Section 1: Geography and History
1. History: written and other recorded events of people
2. Prehistory: time before writing was invented
3. Archaeologist: a scientist who examines objects to learn
about human past
4. Oral traditions: stories passed down by word of mouth
5. A primary source is a first-hand account of an event or an
artifact created during the period of history being studied
6. A secondary source is a record of the past, based on
information from a primary source.
7. Geography: the study of Earth’s surface and the processes
that shape it
Understanding History
 The Ice Man
o a frozen body found in the Alps that was discovered in
o He was very well preserved, so scientists were able to
find clues about the Iceman’s life, death, clothing, and
tools(including his copper ax)
o Iceman helps to tell us about our past
 About 5000 years ago writing was invented by people in
Southwest Asia and Africa
 They used writing to keep records of experiences
 Scientists called Archaeologists sift through dirt of prehistoric
camps to find bones, tools, and other objects that can give
us information about the past
 Historians also look at the written records to study wars
 Written records began as oral traditions that were passed
down from generation to generation
 Not all oral stories are accurate! Stories often change as
they are told over and over(like myths and legends)
 Understanding when historic events took place is very
important ( this is why we study geography)
 Understanding how geography and history are connected
helps us to understand what has happened in the past
 Weather patterns, the water supply and landscape all affect
the lives of the people who live in a certain area
Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) ranged from about 4,000 BC to
7,000 BC with the development of agriculture