Diversity Definitions

Defining Diversity
lossary of terms commonly used in the HR Discipline of
Acculturation- the process of acquiring the culture of a group or
organization. Merging of cultures as a result of prolonged contact.
Affirmative Action- set goals for the hiring and upward mobility of
people that have historically been discriminated against or
disenfranchised in society.
Ageism- discrimination or prejudice against a particular age group.
Assimilation- the process of absorption into a dominant or influential cultural group;
Conforming to a culture.
Baby Boomer- generally refers to people born post World War II between 1947 and 1961 during
a period in which there were increased birth rates. This generation generally tended to redefine
or reject the traditional values for new ways of viewing the world.
Bias- an inclination or preference, especially one that interferes with impartial judgment or
decision making.
Bisexual- a person sexually attracted to both sexes.
Classism- making decisions based on someone’s perceived notion of societal status.
Corporate Culture- a system of informal rules that guide how people behave in an organization
particularly based on assumptions or perceived policies that promote specific practices, views
and values.
Culture- the totality of socially transmitted behaviors, patterns, dress, arts, beliefs, institutions,
language etc; of human work and thought of a given population or community at any given time
for the purpose of defining themselves collectively or individually.
Cultural Competence- a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes and policies that systematically
merge to develop multicultural reasoning in individual or group situations. Also refers to an
ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures. Cultural competence comprises
four components: (a) Awareness of one's own cultural worldview, (b) Attitude towards cultural
differences, (c) Knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews, and (d) cross-cultural
skills. Developing cultural competence results in an ability to understand, communicate with,
and effectively interact with people across cultures.
Cultural Diversity- is the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region, or in the
world as a whole. (The term is also sometimes used to refer to multiculturalism within an
Cultural Observances- the timely observance of cultures or sub-cultures that are not typically
recognized in a dominant culture.
Discrimination- intentional or unintentional system of denying recognition, power, privilege and
opportunity to certain people based on the group in which they belong.
Diversity- refers to the similarities and differences between individuals accounting for all
aspects of one’s personality and individual identity. Workplace Diversity includes the variation
of social and cultural identities among people existing together in a defined employment or
market setting. The dimensions of diversity typically include, but are not limited to, the
following: Age, Disability, Ethnicity/National Origin, Family Status, Gender, Gender Identity,
Generation, Language, Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Regional and Political Affiliation.
Diversity Management- the creation of an environment in which differences are valued,
encouraged and leveraged to meet the needs of the business viewing diversity as an asset.
Echo Boomers- (see Generation Y)
Ethnic- widely used in relating to a religious, racial, national or cultural group but also means
those people that are neither Christian nor Jewish; heathens.
Ethnicity- the state of belonging to an ethnic group.
Ethnocentricity- refers to the belief in the superiority of one’s own race and culture.
Equality- dealing fairly with all concerned without bias or favoritism but not necessarily the
Equal Opportunity- granting of equal rights, privileges, and status regardless of gender, age,
race, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.
Equal Employment Opportunity- the workplace right to have an accessible opportunity to be
hired, promoted and treated fairly in the employment process and with regards to prohibition of
factors such as race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age and disability.
Equity- the state or idea of being just and fair.
Fairness- concept of treatment that bring about the notion of being regular and even.
Fair Play- conformity to established rules and ethics.
Gay- A term used to identify those whose sexual orientation or sexual preference is of the same
sex; often used exclusively to describe males.
Gender Identity- A set of constructed behaviors defined by society as appropriate for men and
women, solely based on their sex.
Generation- A group of individuals considered as sharing a common contemporaneous cultural
or social attributes.
Generation Gap- The differences in values and attributes between one generation and the next.
Generation X- A group of people born between 1961 and 1972 typified by a college education,
dissatisfaction with career opportunities and pessimism.
Generation Y- also known as the Millennial Generation or Echo Boomers. A group of people
born after 1972, that is heavily influenced by pop culture, technology and instant communication
via internet, email, texting, social networking and instant messaging. In the workplace, this group
tends to have a reputation for being somewhat peer-oriented due to easier facilitation of
communication through technology. Echo Boomers generally refer to those born during the
years 1985 and 1994, as; “Baby Boomers” had children thus marking an increase in births since
the 50’s.
Heterosexual- refers to people who prefer intimate sexual relations with those of the opposite
Homosexual- refers to people who prefer intimate sexual relations with those of the same sex.
Homophobia- Fear of homosexuality or homosexuals generally misused to mean hatred rather
than fear.
Hostile Environment- refers to a workplace that is “severe or pervasive” enough to
create or warrant being considered “hostile or abusive work environment” It may be based on race,
religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or, in some jurisdictions, sexual
orientation, political affiliation, citizenship status, marital status, or personal appearance.
Inclusion- The process or a practice of ensuring that people feel they belong. Workplace
inclusion generally refer to the organizational process.
Inequality- refers to the condition of being unequal or with social or economic disparities.
Inequities- refer to being unfair or unjust.
Institutionalized Racism- conscious or unconscious notions of racial superiority by institutions
through their policies, practices and procedures as well as through the organizational culture and
Lesbian- term most preferred by women who form their primary emotional and sexual
relationships with other women.
Managing Diversity- see Diversity Management
Millennial Generation- term refers to the generation that grew up during the dawn of the 21st
century. see Generation Y for complete description
Minority or Minority Group- a minority is often referred to a group that does not constitute
social, political or economic dominance in a society. This often refers to groups that have
experienced disenfranchisement through lack to access as a result of past discrimination from
society such as African Americans, Hispanics, women, elderly and the disabled.
Multiculturalism- is the acceptance or promotion of multiple cultures, for practical reasons
and/or for the sake of diversity and applied to the demographic make-up of a specific place,
usually at the organizational level, e.g. schools, businesses, neighborhoods, cities or nations.
Oppression- the act of persecution or subjugation by unjust use of force or authority.
Pluralism- An organization or state in which members of a diverse racial, ethnic or social group
maintain their own culture and traditions while differences are valued.
Quid Pro Quo- A type of sexual harassment claim; unwelcome activity of a sexual nature in
exchange for tangible job benefits owing to the rejection of such activity.
Race- a local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct
group by genetically transmitted physical features.
Racism- the subjugation or subordination of a person or group of persons based on their race;
beliefs of superiority based on a person or group’s race and acting upon it in a systematic or
societal setting.
Retaliation-the adverse action against an employee in the workplace due to them exercising a
permitted work right, policy or law.
Sex- a system of categorizing persons according to their reproductive organs and chromosomal
composition but often confused with “gender”, which refers to the characteristics defined as
“masculine” or “feminine”.
Sexism- the subjugation or subordination of a person or group of persons based on their sex that
may include stereotyping and assessing value and worth of individuals.
Sexual Harassment- unwelcome and repeated conducts of a sexual nature towards an employee
in the workplace, which can involve a hostile environment or quid pro quo.
Social Similarities- widespread tendency for people to hire and promote persons similar to
themselves along sex, racial, ethnic or religious dimensions.
Social Justice- based on the belief that each individual and group in a given society has a right to
equal opportunity, fairness, civil liberties and participation in the social education, economic,
institutional and moral freedoms and responsibilities valued by society.
Traditionalist –refers to a group of people typically born between 1922 and 1943. Their
experiences are from the eras of the Great Depression, FDR’s New Deal, World War II and the
Korean War.
Transgender- general term applied to a variety of individuals, behaviors, and groups involving
tendencies to deviate from the normative gender roles.
Transsexual- also called Gender Dysphoria is the condition of being in a state of conflict
between gender and physical sex. A transsexual is believed to be a person in whom the sexrelated structures of the brain that define gender identity are exactly opposite the physical sex
organs of the body.