AP Chapter 16 Classwork/notes due date

476 CE fall of Rome  feudalism (early Middle Ages);
Crusades 1100-1300  trade & urbanization
1350-1600 rebirth (Renaissance)
AP Chapter 16 Classwork/notes
due date ____________
File under: chapter homework
Central questions: What were the key features of Western Europe’s culture during
the Late Middle Ages? What does the term proto-industrialization refer to?
THE LATIN WEST 1200-1500
1) Describe the Latin West (Western Europe) from 1200-1500. What were the main
 More land was cultivated
 New farming techniques (Three field system)
 greater use of machinery & mechanical energy
1a) What did most rural men and women suffer from? [395]
 famine, warfare, epidemics (1350 Bubonic Plague, Black
 life expectancy: 30-35 years
2) Describe peasant life in 1200. What services did the peasant provide to their
lords (nobles)?
 harvesting & labor services on the manor; > 50 hours/week;1/2 crops 
lords (exploitation)
3) The Black Death ravaged Europe from 1346-1350. About what fraction (or
percentage) of Europeans died due to the Black Death?
 About 1/3 of Western Europe!
3a) When did Europe regain its pre-plague population levels? 1400
Look at the map on page 398.
4) Mills were used to grind grain and flour. How many watermills were located on
the Seine River in Paris? 68
— What turned a mill’s waterwheel? The flow of a river
— Where were windmills used? Why? [398-399]
 Dry lands such as Spain because river flows were irregular
5) How did waterpower increase the production of iron? Give examples. [398-399]
 Water powered the stamps that broke the iron
6) Describe deforestation in this time period. Why were trees cut down?
 To provide timber for buildings and ships
What was the main consequence of deforestation?
 Depletion of many dense forests in Western Europe
7) Trade and Manufacturing in Later Medieval Europe. Refer to the map on
page 400. What caused the economic revival of European cities?
 The great expansion of commerce (circa 1200 during the Crusades)
 Europe’s economic revival
Where were the main textile manufacturing centers located?
 Northern Italy, the Netherlands, England
Name three cities or regions that Genoa traded with. Find this on the map on p. 401
Name three cities or regions that Venice traded with. Find this on the map on p. 401
8) What was the Hanseatic League? Why was it important? With whom did it
trade? [401] Hanseatic League: association of trading cities on the
Baltic Sea; carried on extensive trade in the Baltic Sea region;
traded with London (England); traded with Novgorod (Russia)
9) Note: The region of Flanders is located in northern France and Belgium. It
included Flemish cities such as Bruges, Ghent, and Ypres. What did Flemish
textile (wool) artisans in these cities produce? Whom did these fine products
appeal to? [401]
 Fine wool cloth that appealed to wealthy Europeans
10) Explain the effects that guilds had on Europe. [403]
 Guilds regulated business practices and prices (+)
 Membership was restricted: (-) outsiders, women, and
Jewish people were not allowed in guilds (anti-Semitism)
11) Society and Culture. Read the top of page 404! State what happened to
the Jews at Strasbourg in 1349. Explain why this happened.
 The people of Strasbourg blamed the Black Plague on the Jewish
people about 2000 people burned to death. (term: scapegoats)
12) Give examples of how the city of Florence pioneered banking services.
Where did the Medici family of Florence operate banks? Which banking
family of Western Europe had ten times the lending capital of the Medici
banks? [404]
 They invented checking accounts, shareholding companies, improved
 Medici banks Italy, Flanders, London
Europe timeline: before, during and after the post-classical era
476 CE fall of Rome  feudalism (early Middle Ages);
Crusades 1100-1300  trade & urbanization1350-1600 rebirth (Renaissance)
AP Chapter 16 Classwork/notes
due date ____________
File under: chapter homework
Central questions: What were the key features of Western Europe’s culture during
the Late Middle Ages? What does the term proto-industrialization refer to?
THE LATIN WEST 1200-1500
1) Describe the Latin West (Western Europe) from 1200-1500. What were the main
1a) What did most rural men and women suffer from? [395]
2) Describe peasant life in 1200. What services did the peasant provide to their
lords (nobles)?
3) The Black Death ravaged Europe from 1346-1350. About what fraction (or
percentage) of Europeans died due to the Black Death?
3a) When did Europe regain its pre-plague population levels? ________
Look at the map on page 398.
4) Mills were used to grind grain and flour. How many watermills were located on
the Seine River in Paris?
— What turned a mill’s waterwheel? ______________________________
— Where were windmills used? Why? [398-399]
5) How did waterpower increase the production of iron? Give examples. [398-399]
6) Describe deforestation in this time period. Why were trees cut down?
What was the main consequence of deforestation?
7) Trade and Manufacturing in Later Medieval Europe. Refer to the map on
page 400. What caused the economic revival of European cities?
Where were the main textile manufacturing centers located?
Name three cities or regions that Genoa traded with. Find this on the map on p. 401
Name three cities or regions that Venice traded with. Find this on the map on p. 401
8) What was the Hanseatic League? Why was it important? With whom did it
trade? [401]
9) Note: The region of Flanders is located in northern France and Belgium. It
included Flemish cities such as Bruges, Ghent, and Ypres. What did Flemish
textile (wool) artisans in these cities produce? Whom did these fine products
appeal to? [401]
10) Explain the effects that guilds had on Europe. [403]
11) Society and Culture. Read the top of page 400. State what happened to
the Jews at Strasbourg in 1349. Explain why this happened.
12) Give examples of how the city of Florence pioneered banking services.
Where did the Medici family of Florence operate banks? Which banking
family of Western Europe had ten times the lending capital of the Medici
banks? [404]
AP Chapter 16 Homework 2014
Due date:
name _____________________
PLEASE WRITE THE VOCABULARY BY HAND. Define or describe each vocabulary
term listed on page 416. Please give dates when appropriate. Most responses should be
one sentence in length.
Part 2: Short response Questions. THESE MUST BE TYPED AND THEY MUST
BE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES. (You can use this sheet to take notes).
13) What were the distinctive features of Gothic Cathedrals? [405]
14) How did clocks begin to regulate and affect the lives of people in Europe 406]
15) Many Greek and Arabic manuscripts were translated into Latin. What type of
information was contained in these manuscripts and who were some of the
original authors? [407, bottom left column,1-2 sentences]
16a) What significance did Dante’s Divine Comedy have on Europe? 408, two sentences]
16b) What themes or ideas were presented in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales? [409]
17) Renaissance artists. List several examples of Leonardo da Vinci’s works. List several
examples of Michelangelo’s works. [410]
18) How did the invention of the crossbow lead to the decline in the power of the
knights? Did this strengthen or weaken feudalism? [411]
19) When was the Great Western Schism? Which two cities had rival popes (papal
claimants) at this time? [411]
20) Refer to the map on page 412. Which two important events occurred in 1453?
21) When was the Hundred Years War? Which peasant woman led the French to victory over
England? But what eventually happened to her? Also include this:
The main effect of the Hundred Years War was that England was driven from France.
Therefore, the French monarchy was firmly in control. [413]
22) The reconquest of Iberia (Reconquista) is explained on page 415. This process
started around 1085. Which religion was removed from Spain? Which religion
replaced it? When did the Reconquista end? (Hint: conquest of Granada)
23) Write four short questions and answers based on the conclusion. You must write one question
and answer for each of the four paragraphs. They must be higher level questions. They can not
be just what, where, and when questions. Label them: a,b,c,d.
AP Chapter 16 Vocabulary Glossary
Latin West: This was the territories of Europe that adhered Latin Christianity and language.
Three-field system: A farming system that allowed farmers to plant in two fields and plant oats
in the third instead of the previous practice of leaving the third field unplanted for a different
Black Death: The Black Death was a bubonic plague from 1347-1400 and spread across Asia,
North Africa and wiped out most of Europe’s population.
Water wheel: A mechanism that took the river’s flow and used it as energy for machinery or to
grind grain and it was around from 1200-1900.
Hanseatic League: This was an economic defense alliance of free towns in northern Germany
which was founded in 1241.
Guild: Association of men such as merchants, artisans and professors who have banded
together in a particular trade to show their political and economic interests.
Gothic cathedrals: Large churches that originated in France that featured pointed arches and
large stained windows.
Renaissance: A period of artistic and intellectual growth, it is commonly known as a rebirth of
Greco-Roman cultures in the mid 14th century.
Scholasticism: A philosophical and theological system devised to reconcile Aristotelian and
Roman Catholic theology in the 13th century.
Humanist: European scholars of renaissance time who wrote or taught things associated with
the study of humans like poetry, art.
Printing press: The mechanical device that transferred text from woodblock moveable type to
paper, it was created in 1450 by Johann Gutenberg.
Great Western Schism: A division in the Latin West Christian church from 1378-1417.
Hundred Years War: During this time there was a series of battles/campaigns for the throne of
France between France and England lasting from 1337-1453.
Reconquest of Iberia: In the beginning of the 11th century it was military campaigns of the Iberian
Christians to recapture territory taken by the Muslims. In 1492 the last Muslim ruler was