Medieval Society Changes

Section 2 Changes in Medieval Society
1. Farmers began using a
Horses replaced oxen for plowing and
new type of harness that
pulling wagons.
fitted across a horse’s chest.
2. Farmers used 3-field
Food production increased=Population
system, grow crops on
2/3rds of land each year,
rather than ½.
3. Merchant & craft guilds Guilds gain power/influence:
organize and change ways
Socially, politically and economically.
to do business.
4. The Commercial
More goods available, new trade routes,
Revolution changes trade
banking gains importance.
and banking practices.
5. As trade blossomed and
Towns grew and flourished
farming methods improved,
the population of western
Europe rose from around
30 million to about 42
million between 100-1150.
6. As people left life on the People moved to town to pursue
manor for life in towns,
economic and social opportunities.
they challenged the
traditional ways of feudal
society in which everyone
knew their place.
7. Authors began writing in Literacy increased-most could not read
the vernacular (native
8. Growing trade and
Universities, scholarship and students
growing cities brought new
arose in Western Europe.
interest in learning.
9. Christian scholars from
Europeans acquired huge new body of
Europe visited Muslim
libraries in Spain & Jewish
scholars translated Arabic
copies of Greek writings
into Latin.