CHAPTER REVIEW WORKSHEET #6 NAME: __________________________________


1. Define the term paraphilia:

Use the following terms to complete the definitions below.

Distinguish which are coercive (C) and which are noncoercive (N)

Autoerotic asphyxia







Sexual Sadism

Obscene Phone Calls

Sexual masochism

Transvestic Fetishism




Sexual excitement from……..

2. Sexual contact with animals _______________________________ C (coercive) or N (noncoercive)

3. applying pressure to the neck with a belt or rope ___________________________________ C or N

4. Exposing the genitals to an involuntary observer _______________________________ ____ C or N

5. Pressing or rubbing against someone in a crowded public place _________________________ C or N

6. Wearing clothing of the opposite sex______________________________________________ C or N

7. Inflicting physical or psychological pain____________________________________________ C or N

8. Receiving physical or psychological pain __________________________________________ C or N

9. Receiving enemas ___________________________________________________ C or N

10. Contact with feces __________________________________________________________ C or N

11. Contact with urine __________________________________________________________ C or N

12. Looking at naked bodies or sexual activities of others, without their consent

_________________________________________________________ C or N

13. The shocked response to sexually explicit phone exchanges with unwilling participants

_____________________________________________________ C or N

14. Inanimate objects or particular body parts _____________________________________ C or N

15. Do you think non-coercive paraphilias are harmless between consenting adults? Why or why not?

16. Which paraphilia is most likely to be expressed by women? ______________________________

17. Which paraphilia has recently led to accidental deaths among teens? __________________________

18. What are common characteristics of voyeurs?

19. What are some theories about why people engage in sexual sadism or masochism?

20. Why do some sexologists have difficulty with the concept of sexual addiction?


1. What is Statutory Rape?

2. Name Four False Beliefs about Rape:

3. Which Western Nation has the highest incidence of rape? __________________

4. Name characteristics of “rape-prone” societies:

5. What are some of the primary motivations underlying sexual assault and rape?

6. 50% of US female rape victims report that their first rape occurred before they were _____ years old.

7. What is the name of the most commonly used “date rape drug” ______________________________

8. What is the difference between pedophilia and incest?

9. What prevents a child from disclosing sexual abuse?

10. Approximately 1 in _______ girls and 1 in _______ boys are sexually abused before their 18 th birthday. (From Darkness to Light Training Materials)

11. What are 3 concrete steps adults can take to help prevent child sexual abuse:

True or False

12. ___A desire for sexual gratification appears to predominate in stranger rape.

13. ___Men with low self-esteem are more likely to rape.

14. ___One suggestion for reducing the risk of acquaintance rape is to avoid alcohol.

15. ___The most common type of incest is father-daughter.

16. ____If the victim has an orgasm during sexual activity, it cannot be classified as rape.

17. ____ there is no evidence of a link between sexual abuse in childhood and sexual difficulties as an adult.

18. ____Most pedophiles are homosexual.


1. How is pornography defined?

2. What is the difference between soft-core and hard-core porn?

3. How is erotica defined?

4. How are obscenity and indecency determined?

5. What sort of regulation, if any, exists on production and distribution of pornography on the internet?

6. What were the findings and recommendations of the 1970 Commission on Obscenity and

Pornography? Were these recommendations implemented?

7. What were the findings and recommendations of the 1986 Meese Commission on Pornography? Were these recommendations implemented?

T or F –

8. _____A recent study suggests that access to internet pornography may decrease the incidence of rape

9. Which statement is most true regarding teenage prostitutes?

a. Many are runaways from stable middle class families

b. Most have shown remarkable resiliency against the troubles of sex work

c. Most work in phone sex or lingerie modeling

d. The overwhelming majority have been sexual abuse victims

10. Which of the following best characterizes the type of man who would patronize a female prostitute?

a. young, lower-class, unmarried

b. middle-aged, upper-class, married

c. young, middle-class, married

d. middle-aged, middle-class, married

11. Name one state in the US where prostitution is legal _______________________

12. Name two countries where prostitution is legal __________________________________

13. What are some of the arguments for decriminalizing prostitution and sex work?

14. Do you think prostitution should be legal? – Why or why not?