CENTRAL CONNECTICUT STATE UNIVERSITY ACCOUNTING 211 Introduction to Financial Accounting Spring 2009 1. AC 211 INTRODUCTION TO FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 2. Course description Prerequisites (Pre-requisite: MATH 101 with grade of C- or higher). Basic concepts and practice of accounting’s role in providing information to external users to aid their decision-making activities. Topics include the preparation of financial statements and accounting for cash, receivables and payables, inventories, prepaid expenses and long-term assets. Business majors cannot receive General Education credit for this course. 3. Instructor Information a. Neal Hannon, Professor b. Office: VAC 468 i. Office Hours: TR 11:00-12:00, 12:30-2:00 ii. M 6:00-6:30 p.m. iii. and by appointment c. Contact info: email through Blackboard VISTA d. Telephone: 860-832-3238 (leave message) 4. Course Descriptions/Content/Goals/Objectives This course in financial accounting covers the analysis and recording of business transactions, the preparation of financial statements, and the analysis and interpretation of the information contained in the financial statements Upon completion of this course, you should have Gained knowledge of the accounting standards and processes underlying the preparation of financial statements. Acquired the ability to analyze and interpret the information presented in financial statements. Developed proficiency in analyzing the financial statements of a publicly-held company in order to evaluate the company’s profitability, liquidity, and solvency. ASSURANCE OF LEARNING Knowledge and Skills Developed in this Class 1. Accounting standards and processes: You will demonstrate your knowledge of accounting standards and processes on examinations and on homework assignments. 2. Critical thinking: You will demonstrate your ability to solve problems and deal with ambiguity on tests and on homework assignments. 3. Business research skills: You will demonstrate your ability to research the financial statements of a publicly-held company in a financial reporting and analysis project. 4. Financial reporting: You will demonstrate your ability to identify information in the financial reports of a publicly-held company in a financial reporting and analysis project. Course Competency You will be graded on your understanding of the subject matter. Learning is accomplished in stages. The lowest stage is the ability to cite facts by rote. The next stage is the ability to build upon the facts and demonstrate their application. The highest stage of learning is the ability to adapt and synthesize understanding to new and different situations. To demonstrate citation of facts, a multiple choice pre-test and exams will be administered. To demonstrate that you can apply the facts, you will be asked longer questions that require you to analyze situations and use the information learned to solve problems. To demonstrate the ability to adapt and synthesize understanding, you will complete a financial reporting and analysis project. 4. Required Texts and Readings Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, by Phillips, Libby, and Libby, 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill Irwin ISBN 978-0-07-721455-5. 5. Course Policies a. Attendance and tardiness i. Regular class attendance is essential to this course. Roll may be taken at any point during the period. You are allowed three (3) absences (both excused and unexcused) in total. Each additional day of absence will result in a point deduction to your participation and attendance points. ii. Each time you come to class late, it will count for ½ absence. Each time you leave class early, it will count for ½ absence. iii. An absence in the date of the exam is equivalent to two absences. iv. You must come to class prepared to discuss the chapter, exercises and problems assigned for that day. An outline of the chapters and cases to be covered in class is attached. v. Spending class time on unauthorized use of the computer (web surfing, shopping, email, playing games etc) will be equivalent to an absence. b. Makeup Policies i. Homework will be collected at the start of each class period at 6:45 p.m., or 2:00 p.m. Place your homework on the desk in front of the room. Late homework will not be accepted. Homework submitted via email will not be accepted. Two homework assignments will be dropped. If you need to print your homework in the classroom printer, bring paper and come ten minutes before class starts and print and submit homework at the beginning of class which is 6:45 for the evening class and 2:00 for the afternoon class. ii. Quizzes. No makeup for quizzes will be given. Quizzes will not be given earlier or later than scheduled. Two quizzes will be dropped. You must take the quiz with the class you are registered in. If you are registered in the morning class, you must take the quiz with the morning class. Same goes for the afternoon class. iii. Projects. Projects are due at the beginning of class on the date listed in the schedule. Late submission of projects will not be accepted. iv. Examinations. Students who cannot be present for an exam should notify the instructor in advance of the scheduled exam time. If an acceptable, legitimate documented excuse (doctor’s certificate that only indicate that the student saw the doctor that day is not acceptable) is provided, the student will be given a makeup exam. c. The University’s Plagiarism Policy – The submission of work other than your own is subject to the University’s plagiarism policy. All work submitted for grading (quizzes, assignments, projects, and examinations) should be your own work. Sharing of files is not acceptable and will be considered cheating. See a copy of the attached policy and the Student Handbook. d. Class participation. Class participation is strongly encouraged and will be evaluated at the end of the semester. Class participation is part of attendance and participation grade. e. Student Grading- The following are the total available points in this course: ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION: Attendance and participation 20 Homework assignments 40 Quizzes 40 Financial statement analysis project Individual 35 Team 15 Examination 1 50 Examination 2 50 Examination 3 50 Final examination 75 Total points available 375 Letter grades will be assigned based on the percentage of points earned divided by the total possible points. Here is the possible letter grades assigned to percentage of points earned in the course: Percentage earned 93% and above 90 – 92% 87 - 89% 83 – 86% 80 - 82% 77 – 79% 73 – 76% 70 – 72% 60 – 70% 59% and lower Letter Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD F 6. Course Calendar/Schedule (see next page) 7. Time of the final exam. See official schedule. 8. Emergency closing information ( a. check CCSU website, snow phone number (860-832-3333); television and radio stations 9. Instructional method a. VISTA. Access to Vista will be through http://pipeline.ccsu.edu. The course will be using Vista. Vista will have our syllabus, lecture material, calendar and all other information pertaining to the course. All email to me will be through Vista. Email will be checked on weekdays. All powerpoint slides, solutions to problems solved in class and solutions to homework assignment will be posted in Vista. b. Homework Assignments. Solving homework problems is essential to passing the this course. Solve and submit your own work, not the work of your classmates or the work of the tutor. Homework will be collected at the start of each class period. Place your homework on the desk in front of the room. Late homework will not be accepted. Homework assignment will consist of problems from the textbook. Each assignment is worth 5 points each. Homework assignments must be done with the use of Excel . Each homework must include at the top of the page. Please do not print an extra page just for your name. Your name Problem number Two homework assignments will be dropped. For this reason, no late assignments will be accepted. Assignments are due at the start of the class period. Homework assignments are individual work. Electronic submission of homework will not be accepted. c. Quizzes. Quizzes will be given on each chapter during the week the chapter is being discussed. Two quizzes will be dropped. Quizzes cannot be taken at any other time then when given to the whole class. You may not take the quiz with another class and/or at another time. d. Project. Financial statement analysis is attached. The due dates are included in the course schedule as well as on the assignment sheet. e. Examinations. The exams will include objective questions and/or problems and cases based on text material, class discussions and/or other assignments. You will not be permitted bathroom breaks during testing periods. If you leave the room, you must turn in your exam. One 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper with hand written notes on one side may be brought into the exam. The note sheet is required to be turned in with your exam. f. Calculator: You must bring a calculator to every class. You cannot use your cellphone or the computer during the exams and quizzes. Calculators may not be exchanged by students during quizzes or exams. g. Re-grading. Requests for re-grading must be handed in at the end of the class in which the examination, quiz or homework assignment is returned. You must indicate clearly on another sheet of paper exactly what you feel should be graded and why. h. Drop and withdrawal policy. The university drop and withdrawal policies are outline in the undergraduate catalog. The deadline to drop this course (course does not appear on the student’s transcript) is October 26, 2009. After this deadline, withdrawal from this course will be granted only under severe extenuating circumstances such as long-term illness or hospitalization, which can be documented. Note that poor academic performance is not a legitimate basis for granting a withdrawal beyond the October 26 deadline date. Please consult the undergraduate catalog for the withdrawal procedure and requirements. If a withdrawal is granted in this course, the student will receive a “W” if passing and an “F” if failing at that time. 10. Students with Special Needs Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss your specific needs. I will need a copy of the accommodation letter from Student Disability Services in order to arrange your class accommodations. Contact Student Disability Services, Room 241, Copernicus Hall, if you are not already registered with them. Student Disability Services maintains the confidential documentation of your disability and assists you in coordinating reasonable accommodations with your faculty. 11. Classroom Etiquette: a. Do not use computers unless instructed to do so. Monitors must be off until instructed. Unauthorized use of computers (websurfing, email, playing games. etc) will be equivalent to an absence. b. Turn off all cell phones; no receiving of messages including text will be allowed. c. No eating or drinking in classroom. d. Be respectful of each other. DO NOT LEAVE EARLY UNLESS YOU GET PROFESSOR’S PERMISSION BEFORE CLASS STARTS. 12. NO EXTRA WORK FOR EXTRA CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN AC 211 Tentative Schedule Spring 2009 Exercise Date Ch Aug 31 Sep 14 21 1 1 2 2 3 3 28 4 28 Oct 5 12 4 4&5 5 5 6 6 Topic Financial results of business activities Financing results on the balance sheet Operating results on the income statement M E Coached Problems HW due 3,6,14 1 2,,7,9, 10,11 1-5 3 1,2 1,2 PA1-1,2 22 3 PA2-2 Quiz Ch 1 Ch 2 EXAM 1 (ch 1,2,3) Adjustments, financial statements, and quality of financial reporting 7, 11 Understanding financial statements Ch4 3,14 Ch 3 5 PA3-3 2,1 PA4-2 Ch 4 4,5,10-12 Project Day Internal control and merchandising operations 1,2 4,10,11 2 12,13 3 Ch 6 7 Exam 2 (4,5,6) Inventories and cost of goods sold 1,3,6,11 5,9,11 1 PA6-2 Ch 7 8 Receivables, bad debts, and Interest 1,7 1 1,2,3,5,6 PA7-1 Ch 8 Ch 9 9 Long-lived tangible and intangible assets 3 13,1,2,7 1,2 PA8-3 1,2,4,6,7 10,15 2,5,6,14 19 Individual project due 26 Nov 2 9 Exam 3 (7, 8, 9) 16 10 10 Liabilities PA9-2 1,2 23 30 7 11 11 12 12 13 Stockholders’ equity 2,5 Thanksgiving Break Statement of cash flows 2,5 Team project due Measuring & evaluating financial performance Review 17,18,21 1,2,3 PA10-2 2 4,5 PA11-3 Ch11 Ch12 PA12-4