NBHS Transition projects 2010-11 These are in addition to and run alongside the usual transition programme Malawi appeal - ongoing Last year over £10,000 raised for Mary’s meals and building a kitchen Nearly 900 backpacks sent to Malawi Music for Malawi NBHS group visiting primaries to show slides about the visit in the summer – September/October 2010 Further fundraising events in all schools planned throughout the year Cooking local produce – September 2010 P4 classes from Law cook local produce in Home Economics to freeze for school sale North Berwick Nursery Christmas parties –December 2010 NBHS seniors prepare party food and help with the nursery parties Anne Frank exhibition – January/February 2011 All primaries will be involved and will have preliminary lessons and then bring P7 classes to this exhibition, which will take place in the two weeks including Holocaust Memorial Day P7 Enterprise Day – February 2011 All P7 classes come to NBHS for an Enterprise day. S3 pupils act as facilitators. Forest schools – March 2011 S6 pupils assist P7 classes at Law Primary in this six-week outdoor learning course Primary Sports days – May 2011 Senior pupils assist with the primary sports days Club taster sessions – May/June 2011 P7 pupils choose to attend taster sessions for a variety of clubs on Friday afternoons P7 Activity Day – June 2011 A day of both inside and outside activities takes place to introduce P7 pupils to their new classmates. P7 Induction Days – June 2011 Two days where pupils follow a similar timetable to S1 and meet some of their teachers An evaluation is carried out at the end, which informs planning for next year Youth Café transition – working with P7, especially the more vulnerable. Previous years have included A film made by P4 and S1 pupils together for the seabird centre (Tern around) A film made by S1 pupils (in the English department) about transition, which is used in English lessons as an introduction to NBHS A play about transition by NBHS pupils with the Brunton Theatre. A Euroquiz run by NBHS seniors for P6 pupils P7 work and visits during Christian focus week Partnership working Joint CPD STRADA training for alcohol intervention – school staff, Youth Café, CLD, Integration, Churches Transition/Moving on training – school staff, Youth Café Positive behaviour strategies – Learning assistants from NBHS and Cluster Primaries Healthy Respect drop-in Run weekly, in school, by Youth Café and School Nursing staff Events Malawi project – Primaries involved in fundraising and music for Malawi concert Fidra Christmas Fair – local artists and businesses at NBHS Christian focus week – with Youth worker, Band and Cluster Primaries Local Food Fair – with local producers and planned with a group of interested parents Clubs and sport activities – Active Schools Sports’ Co-ordinator SAFE week (Substance awareness for everyone) – delivered with staff from Integration, School Nursing Service, Youth Café, Community Wardens. Representatives of organisations were at the SAFE week market place eg Volunteer groups such as VDEL and Duke of Edinburgh, Health and Nutrition, CREW 2000, CLD, Sports’ clubs etc. The week ended in a Community Festival in the Lodge grounds, for young people and families Outdoor Challenge – one for each year group throughout the session, delivered by Outdoor Education staff and school staff. Curriculum and extra-curricular – this year. Youth Café staff work with a group of disaffected girls and a similar group of boys. They take trips away to outward bound centres and led a trip to Germany in the summer. They also offer a Duke of Edinburgh course at a different level from the school. Transition/Moving on – run for a group of selected S3/4 and another for S5. Delivered jointly by Youth Café staff and PT Support, weekly at the Youth Café. Hairdressing project – to be delivered by a former college tutor/hairdresser and Youth Café staff, at school. Intermediate 1 or 2 course to selected pupils. Uprising East Lothian – work placements, work experience and volunteering. Involvement in planning, building and running an indoor adventure centre in North Berwick.